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Rosetta Code/Find bare lang tags: Difference between revisions

m (→‎{{header|Ruby}}: Hash.new takes 2 params, not three)
Line 425:
1 in PHP (["Greatest_subsequential_sum"])
To analyse RosettaCode pages, invoke Java with <code>-Dhttp.agent=Anything</code> to work around CloudFlare blocking Java from accessing the RosettaCode site.
<lang Scala>// Map lines to a list of Option(heading -> task) for each bare lang tag found.
val headerFormat = "==[{]+header[|]([^}]*)[}]+==".r
val langFormat = "<lang([^>]*)>".r
def mapped(lines: Seq[String], taskName: String = "") = {
var heading = ""
for (line <- lines;
head = headerFormat.findFirstMatchIn(line).map(_ group 1);
lang = langFormat.findFirstMatchIn(line).map(_ group 1)) yield {
if (head.isDefined) heading = head.get
lang.map(_.trim).filter(_ == "").map(_ => heading -> taskName)
// Group results as a Map(heading -> task1, task2, ...)
def reduced(results: Seq[Option[(String,String)]]) =
// Format each heading as "tasklist.size in heading (tasklist)"
def format(results: Map[String,Seq[String]]) = results.map{case (heading, tasks) =>
val h = if (heading.length > 0) heading else "no langauge"
val hmsg = s"${tasks.size} in $h"
val t = tasks.filterNot(_ == "")
val tmsg = if (t.isEmpty) "" else t.distinct.mkString(" (", ",", ")")
hmsg + tmsg
def count(results: Map[String,Seq[String]]) = results.values.map(_.size).sum
// Single and multi-source support
case class BareLangFinder(source: scala.io.Source, taskName: String = "") {
def map = mapped(source.getLines.toSeq, taskName)
def mapReduce = reduced(map)
def summary = format(mapReduce) mkString "\n"
def mapReduce(inputs: Seq[BareLangFinder]) = reduced(inputs.flatMap(_.map))</lang>
<pre>val test = """
<lang C>printf("Hello world!\n");</lang>
<lang>print "Hello world!\n"</lang>
// System.setProperty("http.agent", "RosettaCode/1.0")
val tasks = List("Greatest_common_divisor", "Greatest_element_of_a_list", "Greatest_subsequential_sum")
val inputs = for (task <- tasks; url = "http://rosettacode.org/wiki?action=raw&title=" + task)
yield BareLangFinder(scala.io.Source.fromURL(url), task)
val bare = mapReduce(inputs)
println(s"${count(bare)} bare language tags in ${tasks.size} tasks:")
println(format(bare) mkString "\n")</pre>
<pre>1 in Perl
1 in no langauge
10 bare language tags in 3 tasks:
2 in Mathprog (Greatest_subsequential_sum)
1 in gnuplot (Greatest_common_divisor)
2 in МК-61/52 (Greatest_element_of_a_list)
1 in Bracmat (Greatest_element_of_a_list)
1 in PHP (Greatest_subsequential_sum)
2 in Euler Math Toolbox (Greatest_common_divisor,Greatest_element_of_a_list)
1 in ooRexx (Greatest_element_of_a_list)</pre>
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