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cyphered text = ihyw2jCwvw0utGkdwyJpwPn89!Fo4s&p1uNwlhM6u2s1ixxsGF}"}MXxye8h/H?/QafgjbZcpecp
re-cyphered text = Making things easy is just knowing the shortcuts. --- Gerard J. Schildberger
<lang ring>
# Project : Vigenère cipher
# Date : 2018/01/02
# Author : Gal Zsolt (~ CalmoSoft ~)
# Email : <calmosoft@gmail.com>
key = "LEMON"
plaintext = "ATTACK AT DAWN"
ciphertext = encrypt(plaintext, key)
see "key = "+ key + nl
see "plaintext = " + plaintext + nl
see "ciphertext = " + ciphertext + nl
see "decrypted = " + decrypt(ciphertext, key) + nl
func encrypt(plain, key)
o = ""
k = 0
plain = fnupper(plain)
key = fnupper(key)
for i = 1 to len(plain)
n = ascii(plain[i])
if n >= 65 and n <= 90
o = o + char(65 + (n + ascii(key[k+1])) % 26)
k = (k + 1) % len(key)
return o
func decrypt(cipher, key)
o = ""
k = 0
cipher = fnupper(cipher)
key = fnupper(key)
for i = 1 to len(cipher)
n = ascii(cipher[i])
o = o + char(65 + (n + 26 - ascii(key[k+1])) % 26)
k = (k + 1) % len(key)
return o
func fnupper(a)
for aa = 1 to len(a)
c = ascii(a[aa])
if c >= 97 and c <= 122
a[aa] = char(c-32)
return a
key = LEMON
plaintext = ATTACK AT DAWN
ciphertext = LXFOPVEFRNHR
decrypted = ATTACKATDAWN


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