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Maze solving: Difference between revisions

Go solution
(Go solution)
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Generates maze, picks start and finish cells randomly, solves, prints.
<lang go>package main
import (
type maze struct {
c []byte // cell contents
h []byte // horizontal walls above cells
v []byte // vertical walls to the left of cells
c2 [][]byte // cells by row
h2 [][]byte // horizontal walls by row (ignore first row)
v2 [][]byte // vertical walls by row (ignore first of each column)
func newMaze(rows, cols int) *maze {
c := make([]byte, rows*cols) // all cells
h := bytes.Repeat([]byte{'-'}, rows*cols) // all horizontal walls
v := bytes.Repeat([]byte{'|'}, rows*cols) // all vertical walls
c2 := make([][]byte, rows) // cells by row
h2 := make([][]byte, rows) // horizontal walls by row
v2 := make([][]byte, rows) // vertical walls by row
for i := range h2 {
c2[i] = c[i*cols : (i+1)*cols]
h2[i] = h[i*cols : (i+1)*cols]
v2[i] = v[i*cols : (i+1)*cols]
return &maze{c, h, v, c2, h2, v2}
func (m *maze) String() string {
hWall := []byte("+---")
hOpen := []byte("+ ")
vWall := []byte("| ")
vOpen := []byte(" ")
rightCorner := []byte("+\n")
rightWall := []byte("|\n")
var b []byte
for r, hw := range m.h2 {
for _, h := range hw {
if h == '-' || r == 0 {
b = append(b, hWall...)
} else {
b = append(b, hOpen...)
if h != '-' && h != 0 {
b[len(b)-2] = h
b = append(b, rightCorner...)
for c, vw := range m.v2[r] {
if vw == '|' || c == 0 {
b = append(b, vWall...)
} else {
b = append(b, vOpen...)
if vw != '|' && vw != 0 {
b[len(b)-4] = vw
if m.c2[r][c] != 0 {
b[len(b)-2] = m.c2[r][c]
b = append(b, rightWall...)
for _ = range m.h2[0] {
b = append(b, hWall...)
b = append(b, rightCorner...)
return string(b)
func (m *maze) gen() {
m.g2(rand.Intn(len(m.c2)), rand.Intn(len(m.c2[0])))
const (
up = iota
func (m *maze) g2(r, c int) {
m.c2[r][c] = ' '
for _, dir := range rand.Perm(4) {
switch dir {
case up:
if r > 0 && m.c2[r-1][c] == 0 {
m.h2[r][c] = 0
m.g2(r-1, c)
case lf:
if c > 0 && m.c2[r][c-1] == 0 {
m.v2[r][c] = 0
m.g2(r, c-1)
case dn:
if r < len(m.c2)-1 && m.c2[r+1][c] == 0 {
m.h2[r+1][c] = 0
m.g2(r+1, c)
case rt:
if c < len(m.c2[0])-1 && m.c2[r][c+1] == 0 {
m.v2[r][c+1] = 0
m.g2(r, c+1)
func main() {
const height = 4
const width = 7
m := newMaze(height, width)
rand.Intn(height), rand.Intn(width),
rand.Intn(height), rand.Intn(width))
func (m *maze) solve(ra, ca, rz, cz int) {
var rSolve func(ra, ca, dir int) bool
rSolve = func(r, c, dir int) bool {
if r == rz && c == cz {
m.c2[r][c] = 'F'
return true
if dir != dn && m.h2[r][c] == 0 {
if rSolve(r-1, c, up) {
m.c2[r][c] = '^'
m.h2[r][c] = '^'
return true
if dir != up && r+1 < len(m.h2) && m.h2[r+1][c] == 0 {
if rSolve(r+1, c, dn) {
m.c2[r][c] = 'v'
m.h2[r+1][c] = 'v'
return true
if dir != lf && c+1 < len(m.v2[0]) && m.v2[r][c+1] == 0 {
if rSolve(r, c+1, rt) {
m.c2[r][c] = '>'
m.v2[r][c+1] = '>'
return true
if dir != rt && m.v2[r][c] == 0 {
if rSolve(r, c-1, lf) {
m.c2[r][c] = '<'
m.v2[r][c] = '<'
return true
return false
rSolve(ra, ca, -1)
m.c2[ra][ca] = 'S'
Example output:
| | v < < < < < < |
+ +---+ + v + +---+ ^ +
| | F < < | | ^ |
+---+---+---+---+ +---+ ^ +
| | | ^ |
+ +---+---+ +---+ + ^ +
| | | S |
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