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Generates maze, picks start and finish cells randomly, solves, prints.
<lang go>package main

import (

type maze struct {
c []byte // cell contents
h []byte // horizontal walls above cells
v []byte // vertical walls to the left of cells
c2 [][]byte // cells by row
h2 [][]byte // horizontal walls by row (ignore first row)
v2 [][]byte // vertical walls by row (ignore first of each column)

func newMaze(rows, cols int) *maze {
c := make([]byte, rows*cols) // all cells
h := bytes.Repeat([]byte{'-'}, rows*cols) // all horizontal walls
v := bytes.Repeat([]byte{'|'}, rows*cols) // all vertical walls
c2 := make([][]byte, rows) // cells by row
h2 := make([][]byte, rows) // horizontal walls by row
v2 := make([][]byte, rows) // vertical walls by row
for i := range h2 {
c2[i] = c[i*cols : (i+1)*cols]
h2[i] = h[i*cols : (i+1)*cols]
v2[i] = v[i*cols : (i+1)*cols]
return &maze{c, h, v, c2, h2, v2}
func (m *maze) String() string {
hWall := []byte("+---")
hOpen := []byte("+ ")
vWall := []byte("| ")
vOpen := []byte(" ")
rightCorner := []byte("+\n")
rightWall := []byte("|\n")
var b []byte
for r, hw := range m.h2 {
for _, h := range hw {
if h == '-' || r == 0 {
b = append(b, hWall...)
} else {
b = append(b, hOpen...)
if h != '-' && h != 0 {
b[len(b)-2] = h
b = append(b, rightCorner...)
for c, vw := range m.v2[r] {
if vw == '|' || c == 0 {
b = append(b, vWall...)
} else {
b = append(b, vOpen...)
if vw != '|' && vw != 0 {
b[len(b)-4] = vw
if m.c2[r][c] != 0 {
b[len(b)-2] = m.c2[r][c]
b = append(b, rightWall...)
for _ = range m.h2[0] {
b = append(b, hWall...)
b = append(b, rightCorner...)
return string(b)

func (m *maze) gen() {
m.g2(rand.Intn(len(m.c2)), rand.Intn(len(m.c2[0])))

const (
up = iota

func (m *maze) g2(r, c int) {
m.c2[r][c] = ' '
for _, dir := range rand.Perm(4) {
switch dir {
case up:
if r > 0 && m.c2[r-1][c] == 0 {
m.h2[r][c] = 0
m.g2(r-1, c)
case lf:
if c > 0 && m.c2[r][c-1] == 0 {
m.v2[r][c] = 0
m.g2(r, c-1)
case dn:
if r < len(m.c2)-1 && m.c2[r+1][c] == 0 {
m.h2[r+1][c] = 0
m.g2(r+1, c)
case rt:
if c < len(m.c2[0])-1 && m.c2[r][c+1] == 0 {
m.v2[r][c+1] = 0
m.g2(r, c+1)

func main() {
const height = 4
const width = 7
m := newMaze(height, width)
rand.Intn(height), rand.Intn(width),
rand.Intn(height), rand.Intn(width))
func (m *maze) solve(ra, ca, rz, cz int) {
var rSolve func(ra, ca, dir int) bool
rSolve = func(r, c, dir int) bool {
if r == rz && c == cz {
m.c2[r][c] = 'F'
return true
if dir != dn && m.h2[r][c] == 0 {
if rSolve(r-1, c, up) {
m.c2[r][c] = '^'
m.h2[r][c] = '^'
return true
if dir != up && r+1 < len(m.h2) && m.h2[r+1][c] == 0 {
if rSolve(r+1, c, dn) {
m.c2[r][c] = 'v'
m.h2[r+1][c] = 'v'
return true
if dir != lf && c+1 < len(m.v2[0]) && m.v2[r][c+1] == 0 {
if rSolve(r, c+1, rt) {
m.c2[r][c] = '>'
m.v2[r][c+1] = '>'
return true
if dir != rt && m.v2[r][c] == 0 {
if rSolve(r, c-1, lf) {
m.c2[r][c] = '<'
m.v2[r][c] = '<'
return true
return false
rSolve(ra, ca, -1)
m.c2[ra][ca] = 'S'
Example output:
| | v < < < < < < |
+ +---+ + v + +---+ ^ +
| | F < < | | ^ |
+---+---+---+---+ +---+ ^ +
| | | ^ |
+ +---+---+ +---+ + ^ +
| | | S |

=={{header|Icon}} and {{header|Unicon}}==
=={{header|Icon}} and {{header|Unicon}}==

Revision as of 00:20, 29 December 2011

Maze solving
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

For a maze generated by this task, write a function that finds (and displays) the shortest path between two cells. Note that because these mazes are generated by the Depth-first search algorithm, they contain no circular paths, and a simple depth-first tree search can be used.


The maze is read from the standard input. The size of the maze is hardwired into the program (see the constants X_Size and Y_Size).

<lang Ada>with Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Maze_Solver is

  X_Size: constant Natural := 45;
  Y_Size: constant Natural := 17;
  subtype X_Range is Natural range 1 .. X_Size;
  subtype Y_Range is Natural range 1 .. Y_Size;
  East:  constant X_Range := 2;
  South: constant Y_Range := 1;
  X_Start: constant X_Range  := 3; -- start at the upper left
  Y_Start: constant Y_Range  := 1;
  X_Finish: constant X_Range := X_Size-East; -- go to the lower right
  Y_Finish: constant Y_Range := Y_Size; 
  type Maze_Type is array (Y_Range) of String(X_Range);
  function Solved(X: X_Range; Y: Y_Range) return Boolean is
     return (X = X_Finish) and (Y = Y_Finish);
  end Solved;
  procedure Output_Maze(M: Maze_Type; Message: String := "") is
     if Message /= "" then
     end if;
     for I in M'Range loop
     end loop;
  end Output_Maze;
  procedure Search(M: in out Maze_Type; X: X_Range; Y:Y_Range) is
     M(Y)(X) := '*';
     if Solved(X, Y) then
        Output_Maze(M, "Solution found!");
        if Integer(Y)-South >= 1 and then M(Y-South)(X) = ' ' then
           Search(M, X, Y-South);
        end if;
        if Integer(Y)+South <= Y_Size and then M(Y+South)(X) = ' ' then
           Search(M, X, Y+South);
        end if;
        if Integer(X)-East >= 1 and then M(Y)(X-East) = ' ' then
           Search(M, X-East, Y);
        end if;
        if Integer(Y)+East <= Y_Size and then M(Y)(X+East) = ' ' then
           Search(M, X+East, Y);
        end if;
     end if;
     M(Y)(X) := ' ';
  end Search;
  Maze: Maze_Type;
  X: X_Range := X_Start;
  Y: Y_Range := Y_Start;


  for I in 1 .. Y_Size loop
     Maze(I) := Ada.Text_IO.Get_Line;
  end loop;
  Maze(Y_Start)(X_Start)   := ' '; -- Start from
  Maze(Y_Finish)(X_Finish) := ' '; -- Go_To
  Output_Maze(Maze, "The Maze:");
  Search(Maze, X, Y) ; -- Will output *all* Solutions.
                       -- If there is no output, there is no solution.

end Maze_Solver;</lang>

Example output (using a maze generated by the Ada implementation of the maze generation task as the input):

> ./maze_solver < maze.txt 
The Maze:
+- -+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
|                                       |   |
+   +   +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+   +   +
|   |           |       |               |   |
+   +---+---+   +---+   +   +---+---+---+   +
|   |           |       |   |   |           |
+---+   +---+---+   +---+   +   +   +---+   +
|       |           |       |   |   |       |
+   +---+   +---+---+   +---+   +   +   +---+
|       |   |           |           |       |
+---+---+   +   +---+---+---+---+   +---+   +
|           |       |           |       |   |
+   +   +---+---+   +---+   +   +---+---+   +
|   |           |           |               |
+   +---+   +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+   +
|       |                                   |
+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+- -+

Solution found!
| * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * |   |
+   +   +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ * +   +
|   |           |       | * * * * * * * |   |
+   +---+---+   +---+   + * +---+---+---+   +
|   |           |       | * |   |           |
+---+   +---+---+   +---+ * +   +   +---+   +
|       |           | * * * |   |   |       |
+   +---+   +---+---+ * +---+   +   +   +---+
|       |   | * * * * * |           |       |
+---+---+   + * +---+---+---+---+   +---+   +
|           | * * * |     * * * |       |   |
+   +   +---+---+ * +---+ * + * +---+---+   +
|   |           | * * * * * | * * * * * * * |
+   +---+   +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+ * +
|       |                                 * |


See Maze generation for combined gen/solve code.


Basic define <lang d>import std.stdio, std.random ;

immutable string[] Tiles =

   [" ","╞","╥","╔","╡","═", "╗","╦","╨","╚","║","╠","╝","╩","╣","╬"] ;

immutable string[] Paths =

   [" "," "," ","┌"," ","─", "┐"," "," ","└","│"," ","┘"," "," "," "] ;

alias uint Room ; enum Open { EMPTY = 0U , EAST = 1, SOUTH = 2, WEST = 4, NORTH = 8,

           EPATH = 16, SPATH = 32, WPATH = 64, NPATH = 128,
           ENTRY = 256, EXIT = 512, Visited = 1024 }

struct Where {

   immutable int x, y ;
   Where opBinary(string op)(Where rhs) if (op=="+") {
       return Where(x + rhs.x, y + rhs.y) ;
   bool bounded(int w, int h) {
       return (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && x < w && y < h) ;
   bool bounded(Room[][] r) {
       return (x >= 0 && y >= 0 && r.length > 0 && y < r.length && x < r[0].length ) ;

} struct Door { Open opening = Open.EMPTY ; Where where ; alias where this ; }

immutable Open[Open] Opposite ; immutable Where[Open] NeibrPos ;

static this() { // workarround for Associative Array init.

   Opposite = [Open.EAST:Open.WEST, Open.SOUTH:Open.NORTH,
               Open.WEST:Open.EAST, Open.NORTH:Open.SOUTH] ;
   NeibrPos = [Open.EAST:Where( 1,0), Open.SOUTH:Where(0, 1),
               Open.WEST:Where(-1,0), Open.NORTH:Where(0,-1)] ;


const AsPath = true ;

void connectTo(ref Room[][] r, Door d, bool asPath = false) {

       auto s/*hift*/ = asPath ? 4 : 0 ;
       r[d.y][d.x] |= (d.opening << s) ;
       auto there = d.where + NeibrPos[d.opening] ;
           r[there.y][there.x] |= (Opposite[d.opening] << s) ;

} bool connected(ref Room[][] r, Door d) {

       auto there = d.where + NeibrPos[d.opening] ;
       return (r[    d.y][    d.x] & d.opening) && there.bounded(r) &&
              (r[there.y][there.x] & Opposite[d.opening]) ;


void printMaze(Room[][] maze, bool showPath = false) {

   foreach(row ; maze) {
               write(Paths[0xf & (cell >> 4)]) ;
               write(Tiles[0xf & (cell)]) ;
       writeln() ;

} </lang> Generate Maze: <lang d>Room[][] genMaze(uint w, uint h, ref Door entry = Door.init, ref Door exit = Door.init) {

   Room[][] r = new Room[][](h, w) ; // default value = 0 means un-visited empty room
   bool validDoor(Door d) {
           switch(d.opening) {
               case Open.EAST : return (d.x == w - 1) ;
               case Open.WEST : return (d.x == 0) ;
               case Open.NORTH: return (d.y == 0) ;
               case Open.SOUTH: return (d.y == h - 1) ;
       return false ;
   Door makeDoor() { // create door at random edge
       switch([Open.EAST, Open.WEST, Open.NORTH, Open.SOUTH][uniform(0,4)]) {
           case Open.EAST : return Door(Open.EAST , Where(w-1, uniform(0,h))) ;
           case Open.WEST : return Door(Open.WEST , Where(  0, uniform(0,h))) ;
           case Open.NORTH: return Door(Open.NORTH, Where(uniform(0,w),   0)) ;
           case Open.SOUTH: return Door(Open.SOUTH, Where(uniform(0,w), h-1)) ;
   Open[] neibrDir = NeibrPos.keys ;
   // depth-first search algorithm to generate maze
   void visit(Where here) {
       r[here.y][here.x] |= Open.Visited ;
       randomShuffle(neibrDir) ;
       foreach(dir; neibrDir) {
           auto there = here + NeibrPos[dir] ;
           if(there.bounded(w,h))                              // bounded?
               if((r[there.y][there.x] & Open.Visited) == 0) { // un-visited?
                   connectTo(r, Door(dir, here)) ;
                   visit(there) ;
   // make entry & exit doors if not provided or invalid
   while(entry.opening == Open.EMPTY || entry.where == exit.where || !validDoor(entry))
       entry = makeDoor() ;
   while( exit.opening == Open.EMPTY || entry.where == exit.where || !validDoor(exit))
       exit  = makeDoor() ;
   r[entry.y][entry.x] |= (entry.opening | Open.ENTRY) ;
   r[ exit.y][ exit.x] |= ( exit.opening | Open.EXIT) ;
   // generate maze starting from entry
   visit(entry.where)  ;
   return r ;

}</lang> Solver: <lang d>bool solveMaze(ref Room[][] r, Door entry, Door exit ) {

   Open[] neibrDir = NeibrPos.keys ;
   foreach(row ; r) // clear old path, if any
           cell &= ~(Open.EPATH|Open.WPATH|Open.SPATH|Open.NPATH) ;
   bool trace(Door here) {
       if(here.where == exit.where) { // reach exit
           r.connectTo(exit, AsPath) ;
           return true ;
       foreach(dir ; neibrDir) {
           //  here.opening is direction to enter the room@here
           //  _dir_ is direction to exit the room@here, which is opposite to there.opening
           if( (dir != here.opening) && ((dir & r[here.y][here.x]) != 0)) { // path exist?
               auto there = Door(Opposite[dir], here.where + NeibrPos[dir]) ;
               if( there.bounded(r))
                   if(trace(there)) { // reach exit, use stack to trace back the path
                       r.connectTo(Door(dir, here.where), AsPath) ;
                       return true ;
       return false ; // dead end
   auto success = trace(entry) ;
       r.connectTo(entry, AsPath) ;
   return success ;

}</lang> Sample run: <lang d>void main() {

   Door entry, exit;
   auto maze = genMaze(40, 12, entry, exit) ;
   printMaze(maze) ;
   if(solveMaze(maze, entry, exit))
       printMaze(maze, AsPath) ;
       writeln("No solution!?") ;

}</lang> Output:)

       ┌──┐┌┐      ┌───┐     ┌─┐   └┐   
     ┌┐│  └┘│      └┐┌─┘     │ │    └─┐ 
  ┌──┘└┘   ┌┘       │└─┐   ┌┐│┌┘      └┐
┌┐│      ┌┐│        │  │   │└┘│     ┌┐ │
│└┘      │└┘        └┐ └┐┌─┘  │     │└┐│
└───┐    │           └┐ │└─┐  │     │ ││
┌───┘    └──┐        ┌┘ └─┐│  │  ┌──┘ └┘
└─┐        ┌┘   ┌─┐┌┐│    │└┐ │  └──┐   
┌─┘        └┐   │ └┘└┘    └┐│ │ ┌──┐└┐  
┘           │  ┌┘          ││ └─┘  │┌┘  
            │  │           └┘     ┌┘└──┐
            └──┘                  └────┘


Generates maze, picks start and finish cells randomly, solves, prints. <lang go>package main

import (



type maze struct {

   c  []byte   // cell contents
   h  []byte   // horizontal walls above cells
   v  []byte   // vertical walls to the left of cells
   c2 [][]byte // cells by row
   h2 [][]byte // horizontal walls by row (ignore first row)
   v2 [][]byte // vertical walls by row (ignore first of each column)


func newMaze(rows, cols int) *maze {

   c := make([]byte, rows*cols)              // all cells
   h := bytes.Repeat([]byte{'-'}, rows*cols) // all horizontal walls
   v := bytes.Repeat([]byte{'|'}, rows*cols) // all vertical walls
   c2 := make([][]byte, rows)                // cells by row
   h2 := make([][]byte, rows)                // horizontal walls by row
   v2 := make([][]byte, rows)                // vertical walls by row
   for i := range h2 {
       c2[i] = c[i*cols : (i+1)*cols]
       h2[i] = h[i*cols : (i+1)*cols]
       v2[i] = v[i*cols : (i+1)*cols]
   return &maze{c, h, v, c2, h2, v2}


func (m *maze) String() string {

   hWall := []byte("+---")
   hOpen := []byte("+   ")
   vWall := []byte("|   ")
   vOpen := []byte("    ")
   rightCorner := []byte("+\n")
   rightWall := []byte("|\n")
   var b []byte
   for r, hw := range m.h2 {
       for _, h := range hw {
           if h == '-' || r == 0 {
               b = append(b, hWall...)
           } else {
               b = append(b, hOpen...)
               if h != '-' && h != 0 {
                   b[len(b)-2] = h
       b = append(b, rightCorner...)
       for c, vw := range m.v2[r] {
           if vw == '|' || c == 0 {
               b = append(b, vWall...)
           } else {
               b = append(b, vOpen...)
               if vw != '|' && vw != 0 {
                   b[len(b)-4] = vw
           if m.c2[r][c] != 0 {
               b[len(b)-2] = m.c2[r][c]
       b = append(b, rightWall...)
   for _ = range m.h2[0] {
       b = append(b, hWall...)
   b = append(b, rightCorner...)
   return string(b)


func (m *maze) gen() {

   m.g2(rand.Intn(len(m.c2)), rand.Intn(len(m.c2[0])))


const (

   up = iota


func (m *maze) g2(r, c int) {

   m.c2[r][c] = ' '
   for _, dir := range rand.Perm(4) {
       switch dir {
       case up:
           if r > 0 && m.c2[r-1][c] == 0 {
               m.h2[r][c] = 0
               m.g2(r-1, c)
       case lf:
           if c > 0 && m.c2[r][c-1] == 0 {
               m.v2[r][c] = 0
               m.g2(r, c-1)
       case dn:
           if r < len(m.c2)-1 && m.c2[r+1][c] == 0 {
               m.h2[r+1][c] = 0
               m.g2(r+1, c)
       case rt:
           if c < len(m.c2[0])-1 && m.c2[r][c+1] == 0 {
               m.v2[r][c+1] = 0
               m.g2(r, c+1)


func main() {

   const height = 4
   const width = 7
   m := newMaze(height, width)
       rand.Intn(height), rand.Intn(width),
       rand.Intn(height), rand.Intn(width))


func (m *maze) solve(ra, ca, rz, cz int) {

   var rSolve func(ra, ca, dir int) bool
   rSolve = func(r, c, dir int) bool {
       if r == rz && c == cz {
           m.c2[r][c] = 'F'
           return true
       if dir != dn && m.h2[r][c] == 0 {
           if rSolve(r-1, c, up) {
               m.c2[r][c] = '^'
               m.h2[r][c] = '^'
               return true
       if dir != up && r+1 < len(m.h2) && m.h2[r+1][c] == 0 {
           if rSolve(r+1, c, dn) {
               m.c2[r][c] = 'v'
               m.h2[r+1][c] = 'v'
               return true
       if dir != lf && c+1 < len(m.v2[0]) && m.v2[r][c+1] == 0 {
           if rSolve(r, c+1, rt) {
               m.c2[r][c] = '>'
               m.v2[r][c+1] = '>'
               return true
       if dir != rt && m.v2[r][c] == 0 {
           if rSolve(r, c-1, lf) {
               m.c2[r][c] = '<'
               m.v2[r][c] = '<'
               return true
       return false
   rSolve(ra, ca, -1)
   m.c2[ra][ca] = 'S'

}</lang> Example output:

|           | v < < < < < < |
+   +---+   + v +   +---+ ^ +
|       | F < < |   |     ^ |
+---+---+---+---+   +---+ ^ +
|               |       | ^ |
+   +---+---+   +---+   + ^ +
|   |                   | S |

Icon and Unicon

The following code works with the solution from Maze Generation.

20x20 solved start @ red

Replace the main with this: <lang Icon>procedure main(A)

  /mh := \A[1] | 12
  /mw := \A[2] | 16
  mz := DisplayMaze(GenerateMaze(mh,mw))
  WriteImage(mz.filename)              # save file
  WAttrib(mz.window,"canvas=normal")   # show it
  until Event() == &lpress # wait for left mouse press
  WriteImage(mz.filename ?:= (="maze-", "maze-solved-" || tab(0)))
  until Event() == &lpress # wait


And include this after the Generator and Display procedures. <lang Icon>procedure Solver(r,c) static maze,h,w,rd

  if type(r) == "list" then { # ------------------- Top Level (r == maze)
     h := *(maze := r)                              # height
     w := *maze[1]                                  # width
     every r := 1 to h & c := 1 to w do             # remove breadcrumbs
        maze[r,c] := iand(maze[r,c],NORTH+EAST+SOUTH+WEST+START+FINISH)                               
     every ((r := 1 | h) & (c := 1 to w)) |         # search perimiter
           ((r := 1 to h) & (c := 1 | w)) do 
           if iand(maze[r,c],START) > 0 then break  # until start found
     Solver(r,c)                                    # recurse through maze      
     return 1(.maze,maze := &null)                  # return maze and reset 
  else                        # ------------------- Recurse way through maze
     if iand(x := maze[r,c],SEEN) = 0  then {       # in bounds and not seen?
        (iand(x,FINISH) > 0, maze[r,c] +:= PATH, return ) # at finish? - done!
        maze[r,c] +:= SEEN                          # drop bread crumb
        (iand(x,NORTH) > 0, Solver(r-1,c), maze[r,c] +:= PATH, return) 
        (iand(x,EAST)  > 0, Solver(r,c+1), maze[r,c] +:= PATH, return) 
        (iand(x,SOUTH) > 0, Solver(r+1,c), maze[r,c] +:= PATH, return)  
        (iand(x,WEST)  > 0, Solver(r,c-1), maze[r,c] +:= PATH, return)   


procedure DisplayMazeSolution(mz) #: draw marked PATH &window := mz.window maze := mz.maze WAttrib("dx="||(dxy:=BORDER+CELL/2),"dy="||dxy) every (r := 1 to *maze) & (c := 1 to *maze[1]) do {

  if fg ~=== "blue" then Fg(fg := "blue")
  if iand(maze[r,c],START) > 0 then Fg(fg := "red")
  if iand(maze[r,c],PATH) > 0 then
     FillCircle(x := CELL*(c-1),y := CELL*(r-1),rad := CELL/5)

return mz end</lang>


<lang J> NB. source Dijkstra_equal_weights graph NB. NB. + +---+---+ NB. | 0 1 2 | (sample cell numbers) NB. +---+ + + NB. | 3 4 | 5 NB. +---+---+---+ NB. NB. graph =: 1;0 2 4;1 5;4;1 3;2 NB. The graph is a vector of boxed vectors of neighbors.

Dijkstra_equal_weights =: 4 : 0

dist =. previous =. #&_ n =. # graph =. y [ source =. x
dist =. 0 source } dist
Q =. 0
while. #Q do.
  u =. {.Q
  Q =. }.Q
  if. _ = u{dist do. break. end.
  for_v. >u{graph do.
    if. -. v e. previous do.
      alt =. >: u { dist
      if. alt < v { dist do.
        dist =. alt v } dist
        previous =. u v } previous
        if. v e. Q do.
          echo 'belch'
          Q =. Q,v


path =. 3 : 0

 p =. <:#y
 while. _ > {:p do.
   p =. p,y{~{:p


solve=:3 :0

 NB. convert walls to graph
 shape =. }.@$@:>
 ew =. (,.&0 ,: 0&,.)@>@{.  NB. east west doors
 ns =. (, &0 ,: 0&, )@>@{:
 cell_offsets =. 1 _1 1 _1 * 2 # 1 , {:@shape
 cell_numbers =. i.@shape
 neighbors =. (cell_numbers +"_ _1 cell_offsets *"_1 (ew , ns))y
 graph =. (|:@(,/"_1) <@-."1 0 ,@i.@shape)neighbors NB. list of boxed neighbors
 NB. solve it
 path , > {: 0 Dijkstra_equal_weights graph


display=:3 :0 NB. Monadic display copied from maze generation task

 size=. >.&$&>/y
 text=. (}:1 3$~2*1+{:size)#"1":size$<' '
 'hdoor vdoor'=. 2 4&*&.>&.> (#&,{@;&i./@$)&.> y
 ' ' (a:-.~0 1;0 2; 0 3;(2 1-~$text);(1 4&+&.> hdoor),,vdoor+&.>"0/2 1;2 2;2 3)} text
 a=. display y
 size=. >.&$&>/y
 columns=. {: size
 cells =. <"1(1 2&p.@<.@(%&columns) ,.  2 4&p.@(columns&|))x
 '+' cells } a  NB. exercise, replace cells with a gerund to draw arrows on the path.


  4 (display~ solve)@maze 9

┌ ┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┬───┐ │ + │ │ │ ├ ┼───┼ ┼ ┼ ┼───┼ ┼ ┼ ┤ │ + + │ │ │ │ │ ├───┼ ┼───┼───┼───┼───┼───┼ ┼───┤ │ │ + + + │ + + + │ │ ├ ┼───┼───┼ ┼ ┼───┼ ┼───┼───┤ │ + + │ + + + └───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┴───┘



<lang PicoLisp>(de shortestPath (Goal This Maze)

  (let (Path NIL  Best NIL  Dir " > ")
     (recur (This Path Dir)
        (when (and This (not (: mark)))
           (push 'Path (cons This Dir))
           (if (== Goal This)
              (unless (and Best (>= (length Path) (length Best)))
                 (setq Best Path) )
              (=: mark T)
              (recurse (: west) Path " > ")
              (recurse (: east) Path " < ")
              (recurse (: south) Path " \^ ")
              (recurse (: north) Path " v ")
              (=: mark NIL) ) ) )
     (disp Maze 0
        '((Fld) (if (asoq Fld Best) (cdr @) "   ")) ) ) )</lang>

Using the maze produced in Maze generation#PicoLisp, this finds the shortest path from the top-left cell 'a8' to the bottom-right exit 'k1':

: (shortestPath 'a8 'k1 (maze 11 8))
   +   +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
 8 | >   >   v | >   v |                       |
   +   +   +   +   +   +   +---+   +---+---+   +
 7 |   |   | >   ^ | v |   |       |       |   |
   +---+   +---+---+   +   +   +---+   +   +   +
 6 |   |       |     v |   |           |   |   |
   +   +---+   +---+   +---+---+---+   +   +---+
 5 |       |       | >   >   >   v |   |       |
   +---+   +---+   +---+---+---+   +---+---+   +
 4 |   |       |       |       | v | >   >   v |
   +   +---+   +---+   +---+   +   +   +---+   +
 3 |       |       |   |       | v | ^   < | v |
   +   +---+---+   +   +   +   +   +---+   +   +
 2 |       |       |   |   |   | v | >   ^ | v |
   +   +   +   +---+   +   +---+   +   +---+   +
 1 |   |               |         >   ^ |     >
     a   b   c   d   e   f   g   h   i   j   k


Works with SWI-Prolog and XPCE.

<lang Prolog>:- dynamic cell/2.

- dynamic maze/3.
- dynamic path/1.

maze_solve(Lig,Col) :- retractall(cell(_,_)), retractall(maze(_,_,_)), retractall(path(_)),

% initialisation of the neighbours of the cells forall(between(0, Lig, I), ( forall(between(0, Col, J), assert(maze(I, J, []))))),

% creation of the window of the maze new(D, window('Maze')), forall(between(0,Lig, I), (XL is 50, YL is I * 30 + 50, XR is Col * 30 + 50, new(L, line(XL, YL, XR, YL)), send(D, display, L))),

forall(between(0,Col, I), (XT is 50 + I * 30, YT is 50, YB is Lig * 30 + 50, new(L, line(XT, YT, XT, YB)), send(D, display, L))),

SX is Col * 30 + 100, SY is Lig * 30 + 100, send(D, size, new(_, size(SX, SY))), L0 is random(Lig), C0 is random(Col), assert(cell(L0, C0)), \+search(D, Lig, Col, L0, C0), send(D, open),

% we look for a path from cell(0, 0) to cell(Lig-1, Col-1) % creation of the entrance erase_line(D, -1, 0, 0, 0),

% creation of the exit Lig1 is Lig-1, Col1 is Col-1, erase_line(D, Lig1, Col1, Lig, Col1),

% seraching the path assert(path([[0, 0], [-1, 0]])), walk(Lig, Col), path(P), display_path(D, P).

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% walk(Lig, Col) :- path([[L, C] | _R]), L is Lig - 1, C is Col - 1, retract(path(P)), assert(path([[Lig, C]|P])).

walk(Lig, Col) :- retract(path([[L, C] | R])), maze(L, C, Edge), member([L1, C1], Edge), \+member([L1, C1], R), assert(path([[L1,C1], [L, C] | R])), walk(Lig, Col).

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% display_path(_, []).

display_path(D, [[L, C] | R]):- new(B, box(10,10)), send(B, fill_pattern, new(_, colour(@default, 0,0,0))), X is C * 30 + 60, Y is L * 30 + 60, send(D, display, B, point(X,Y)), display_path(D, R).

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% search(D, Lig, Col, L, C) :- Dir is random(4), nextcell(Dir, Lig, Col, L, C, L1, C1), assert(cell(L1,C1)), assert(cur(L1,C1)),

retract(maze(L, C, Edge)), assert(maze(L, C, [[L1, C1] | Edge])), retract(maze(L1, C1, Edge1)), assert(maze(L1, C1, [[L, C] | Edge1])),

erase_line(D, L, C, L1, C1), search(D, Lig, Col, L1, C1).

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% erase_line(D, L, C, L, C1) :- ( C < C1 -> C2 = C1; C2 = C), XT is C2 * 30 + 50, YT is L * 30 + 51, YR is (L+1) * 30 + 50, new(Line, line(XT, YT, XT, YR)), send(Line, colour, white), send(D, display, Line).

erase_line(D, L, C, L1, C) :- XT is 51 + C * 30, XR is 50 + (C + 1) * 30, ( L < L1 -> L2 is L1; L2 is L), YT is L2 * 30 + 50, new(Line, line(XT, YT, XR, YT)), send(Line, colour, white), send(D, display, Line).

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% nextcell(Dir, Lig, Col, L, C, L1, C1) :- next(Dir, Lig, Col, L, C, L1, C1); ( Dir1 is (Dir+3) mod 4, next(Dir1, Lig, Col, L, C, L1, C1)); ( Dir2 is (Dir+1) mod 4, next(Dir2, Lig, Col, L, C, L1, C1)); ( Dir3 is (Dir+2) mod 4, next(Dir3, Lig, Col, L, C, L1, C1)).

% 0 => northward next(0, _Lig, _Col, L, C, L1, C) :- L > 0, L1 is L - 1, \+cell(L1, C).

% 1 => rightward next(1, _Lig, Col, L, C, L, C1) :- C < Col - 1, C1 is C + 1, \+cell(L, C1).

% 2 => southward next(2, Lig, _Col, L, C, L1, C) :- L < Lig - 1, L1 is L + 1, \+cell(L1, C).

% 3 => leftward next(2, _Lig, _Col, L, C, L, C1) :- C > 0, C1 is C - 1, \+cell(L, C1).

</lang> output :


<lang PureBasic>;code from the maze generation task is place here in its entirety before the rest of the code

Procedure displayMazePath(Array maze(2), List Path.POINT())

 Protected x, y, vWall.s, hWall.s
 Protected mazeWidth = ArraySize(maze(), 1), mazeHeight = ArraySize(maze(), 2)
 Protected Dim mazeOutput.mazeOutput(mazeHeight)
 Protected Dim mazeRow.mazeOutput(0)
 Static pathChars.s = "@^>v<"
 For y = 0 To mazeHeight
   makeDisplayMazeRow(mazeRow(), maze(), y): mazeOutput(y) = mazeRow(0)
 If ListSize(path())
   Protected prevPath.POINT = path()
   While NextElement(path())
     x = path()\x - prevPath\x
     y = path()\y - prevPath\y
     Select x
       Case -1: dirTaken = #dir_W
       Case 1: dirTaken = #dir_E
         If y < 0
           dirTaken = #dir_N
           dirTaken = #dir_S
     hWall = mazeOutput(prevPath\y)\hWall
     mazeOutput(prevPath\y)\hWall = Left(hWall, prevPath\x * #cellDWidth + 2) + Mid(pathChars, dirTaken + 1, 1) + Right(hWall, Len(hWall) - (prevPath\x * #cellDWidth + 3))
     prevPath = path()
   hWall = mazeOutput(prevPath\y)\hWall
   mazeOutput(prevPath\y)\hWall = Left(hWall, prevPath\x * #cellDWidth + 2) + Mid(pathChars, #dir_ID + 1, 1) + Right(hWall, Len(hWall) - (prevPath\x * #cellDWidth + 3))
   For y = 0 To mazeHeight
     PrintN(mazeOutput(y)\vWall): PrintN(mazeOutput(y)\hWall)


Procedure solveMaze(Array maze(2), *start.POINT, *finish.POINT, List Path.POINT())

 Protected mazeWidth = ArraySize(maze(), 1), mazeHeight = ArraySize(maze(), 2)
 Dim visited(mazeWidth + 1, mazeHeight + 1) ;includes padding for easy border detection
 Protected i
 ;mark outside border as already visited (off limits)
 For i = 1 To mazeWidth
   visited(i, 0) = #True: visited(i, mazeHeight + 1) = #True
 For i = 1 To mazeHeight
   visited(0, i) = #True: visited(mazeWidth + 1, i) = #True
 Protected x = *start\x, y = *start\y, nextCellDir
 visited(x + offset(#visited, #dir_ID)\x, y + offset(#visited, #dir_ID)\y) = #True
   If x = *finish\x And y = *finish\y
     path()\x = x: path()\y = y
     Break ;success
   nextCellDir = #firstDir - 1
   For i = #firstDir To #numDirs
     If Not visited(x + offset(#visited, i)\x, y + offset(#visited, i)\y)
       If maze(x + offset(#wall, i)\x, y + offset(#wall, i)\y) & wallvalue(i) <> #Null
         nextCellDir = i: Break ;exit for/next search
   If nextCellDir >= #firstDir
     visited(x + offset(#visited, nextCellDir)\x, y + offset(#visited, nextCellDir)\y) = #True
     path()\x = x: path()\y = y
     x + offset(#maze, nextCellDir)\x: y + offset(#maze, nextCellDir)\y
   ElseIf ListSize(path()) > 0
     x = path()\x: y = path()\y



If OpenConsole()

 Define.POINT start, finish
 start\x = Random(mazeWidth - 1): start\y = Random(mazeHeight - 1)
 finish\x = Random(mazeWidth - 1): finish\y = Random(mazeHeight - 1)
 NewList Path.POINT()
 solveMaze(maze(), start, finish, path())
 If ListSize(path()) > 0
   PrintN("Solution found for path between (" + Str(start\x) + ", " + Str(start\y) + ") and (" + Str(finish\x) + ", " + Str(finish\y) + ")")
   displayMazePath(maze(), path())
   PrintN("No solution found for path between (" + Str(start\x) + ", " + Str(start\y) + ") and (" + Str(finish\x) + ", " + Str(finish\y) + ")")
 Print(#CRLF$ + #CRLF$ + "Press ENTER to exit"): Input()

EndIf</lang> Using the maze produced in Maze generation#PureBasic, this additional code will find and display the path between two random maze cells. A working example requires combining the two code listings by placing the 'maze generation' code at the beginning of the 'maze solving' code.

Sample output:

Solution found for path between (3, 2) and (7, 1)
| v   <   <   <   < |   | v   <   <     |
+   +---+---+---+   +   +   +---+   +---+
| >   v         | ^ |   | v | @ | ^   < |
+---+   +---+---+   +   +   +   +---+   +
|   | v |     >   ^ |     v | ^     | ^ |
+   +   +   +---+---+---+   +   +---+   +
| v   < |               | >   ^ | >   ^ |
+   +---+---+---+---+   +---+   +   +   +
| v |       |           |       | ^ |   |
+   +---+   +   +---+---+---+---+   +---+
| >   >   v |       |     >   v | ^   < |
+---+---+   +---+---+---+   +   +---+   +
|         >   >   >   >   ^ | >   >   ^ |


<lang Python>

  1. python 3

def Dijkstra(Graph, source):

       +   +---+---+
       | 0   1   2 |
       +---+   +   +
       | 3   4 | 5  
       >>> graph = (        # or ones on the diagonal
       ...     (0,1,0,0,0,0,),
       ...     (1,0,1,0,1,0,),
       ...     (0,1,0,0,0,1,),
       ...     (0,0,0,0,1,0,),
       ...     (0,1,0,1,0,0,),
       ...     (0,0,1,0,0,0,),
       ... )
       >>> Dijkstra(graph, 0)
       ([0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3], [1e+140, 0, 1, 4, 1, 2])
       >>> display_solution([1e+140, 0, 1, 4, 1, 2])
   # Graph[u][v] is the weight from u to v (however 0 means infinity)
   infinity = float('infinity')
   n = len(graph)
   dist = [infinity]*n   # Unknown distance function from source to v
   previous = [infinity]*n # Previous node in optimal path from source
   dist[source] = 0        # Distance from source to source
   Q = list(range(n)) # All nodes in the graph are unoptimized - thus are in Q
   while Q:           # The main loop
       u = min(Q, key=lambda n:dist[n])                 # vertex in Q with smallest dist[]
       if dist[u] == infinity:
           break # all remaining vertices are inaccessible from source
       for v in range(n):               # each neighbor v of u
           if Graph[u][v] and (v in Q): # where v has not yet been visited
               alt = dist[u] + Graph[u][v]
               if alt < dist[v]:       # Relax (u,v,a)
                   dist[v] = alt
                   previous[v] = u
   return dist,previous

def display_solution(predecessor):

   cell = len(predecessor)-1
   while cell:
       cell = predecessor[cell]



Works with: Tcl version 8.6

This script assumes that the contents of the generation task have already been sourced. Note that the algorithm implemented here does not assume that the maze is free of circuits, and in the case that there are multiple routes, it finds the shortest one because it is a breadth-first search (by virtue of the queue variable being used as a queue). <lang tcl>oo::define maze {

   method solve {} {

### Initialization of visited matrix and location/path queue set visited [lrepeat $x [lrepeat $y 0]] set queue {0 0 {}}

### Loop to do the searching ### while 1 { # Check for running out of path; an error in maze construction if {[llength $queue] == 0} { error "cannot reach finish" } # Visit the next square from the queue set queue [lassign $queue cx cy path] if {[lindex $visited $cx $cy]} continue lset visited $cx $cy 1 lappend path $cx $cy # Check for reaching the goal if {$cx == $x-1 && $cy == $y-1} break # Add the square in each direction to the queue if a move there is legal foreach {dx dy} {0 1 1 0 0 -1 -1 0} { set nx [expr {$cx + $dx}]; set ny [expr {$cy + $dy}] if { $nx >= 0 && $nx < $x && $ny >= 0 && $ny < $y && ($dx && idx($verti, min($cx,$nx), $cy) || $dy && idx($horiz, $cx, min($cy,$ny))) } then { lappend queue $nx $ny $path } } }

### Loop to set up the path rendering ### # (-2,-2) is just a marker that isn't next to the maze at all, so # guaranteeing the use of the last 'else' clause foreach {cx cy} $path {nx ny} [concat [lrange $path 2 end] -2 -2] { if {$nx-$cx == 1} { lset content $cx $cy "v" } elseif {$nx-$cx == -1} { lset content $cx $cy "^" } elseif {$ny-$cy == -1} { lset content $cx $cy "<" } else { lset content $cx $cy ">" } }

### Return the path ### return $path



  1. Do the solution (we ignore the returned path here...)

m solve

  1. Print it out

puts [m view]</lang> Example output:

+   +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+
| v     |                                   |
+   +---+   +---+---+---+---+---+---+---+   +
| v |       | >   v | >   v |   |           |
+   +   +---+   +   +   +   +   +   +---+   +
| v     | >   ^ | v | ^ | v |   |       |   |
+   +---+   +---+   +   +   +   +---+   +---+
| v | >   ^ | v   < | ^ | v |       |   |   |
+   +   +---+   +---+   +   +   +---+   +   +
| >   ^ | v   < | >   ^ | v |       |       |
+---+---+   +---+   +---+   +---+   +---+---+
| v   <   < | >   ^ | v   < | >   >   >   v |
+   +---+---+   +---+   +---+   +---+---+   +
| >   v |     ^   < | >   >   ^ |       | v |
+---+   +---+---+   +---+---+---+   +   +   +
|     >   >   >   ^ |               |     >  