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Maze generation: Difference between revisions

Added elm version
m (→‎{{header|Sidef}}: minor code simplifications)
(Added elm version)
Line 1,865:
<lang elm>import Maybe as M
import Result as R
import Matrix
import Mouse
import Random exposing (Seed)
import Matrix.Random
import Time exposing (every, second)
import Set exposing (Set, fromList)
import List exposing (..)
import String exposing (join)
import Html exposing (Html, br, input, h1, h2, text, div, button, fromElement)
import Html.Events as HE
import Html.Attributes as HA
import Svg
import Svg.Attributes exposing (version, viewBox, cx, cy, r, x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2, fill,points, style, width, height, preserveAspectRatio)
minSide = 10
maxSide = 40
w = 700
h = 700
dt = 0.001
type alias Direction = Int
down = 0
right = 1
type alias Door = (Matrix.Location, Direction)
type State = Initial | Generating | Generated | Solved
type alias Model =
{ rows : Int
, cols : Int
, animate : Bool
, boxes : Matrix.Matrix Bool
, doors : Set Door
, current : List Matrix.Location
, state : State
, seedStarter : Int
, seed : Seed
initdoors : Int -> Int -> Set Door
initdoors rows cols =
pairs la lb = List.concatMap (\at -> List.map ((,) at) lb) la
downs = pairs (pairs [0..rows-2] [0..cols-1]) [down]
rights = pairs (pairs [0..rows-1] [0..cols-2]) [right]
in downs ++ rights |> fromList
init : Int -> Int -> Bool -> State -> Int -> Model
init rows cols animate state starter =
let rowGenerator = Random.int 0 (rows-1)
colGenerator = Random.int 0 (cols-1)
locationGenerator = Random.pair rowGenerator colGenerator
(c, s)= Random.generate locationGenerator (Random.initialSeed starter)
in { rows = rows
, cols = cols
, animate = animate
, boxes = Matrix.matrix rows cols (\location -> state == Generating && location == c)
, doors = initdoors rows cols
, current = if state == Generating then [c] else []
, state = state
, seedStarter = starter -- updated every Tick until maze generated.
, seed = s
view address model =
greenLineStyle = style "stroke:green;stroke-width:0.3"
redLineStyle = style "stroke:red;stroke-width:0.1"
x1Min = x1 <| toString 0
y1Min = y1 <| toString 0
x1Max = x1 <| toString model.cols
y1Max = y1 <| toString model.rows
x2Min = x2 <| toString 0
y2Min = y2 <| toString 0
x2Max = x2 <| toString model.cols
y2Max = y2 <| toString model.rows
borders = [ Svg.line [ x1Min, y1Min, x2Max, y2Min, greenLineStyle ] []
, Svg.line [ x1Max, y1Min, x2Max, y2Max, greenLineStyle ] []
, Svg.line [ x1Max, y1Max, x2Min, y2Max, greenLineStyle ] []
, Svg.line [ x1Min, y1Max, x2Min, y2Min, greenLineStyle ] []
doorToLine door =
let (deltaX1, deltaY1) = if (snd door == right) then (1,0) else (0,1)
(row, column) = fst door
in Svg.line [ x1 <| toString (column + deltaX1)
, y1 <| toString (row + deltaY1)
, x2 <| toString (column + 1)
, y2 <| toString (row + 1)
, redLineStyle ] []
doors = (List.map doorToLine <| Set.toList model.doors )
circleInBox (row,col) color =
Svg.circle [ r "0.25"
, fill (color)
, cx (toString (toFloat col + 0.5))
, cy (toString (toFloat row + 0.5))
] []
showUnvisited location box =
if box then [] else [ circleInBox location "yellow" ]
unvisited = model.boxes
|> Matrix.mapWithLocation showUnvisited
|> Matrix.flatten
|> concat
current =
case head model.current of
Nothing -> []
Just c -> [circleInBox c "black"]
maze =
if model.animate || model.state /= Generating
then [ Svg.g [] <| doors ++ borders ++ unvisited ++ current ]
else [ Svg.g [] <| borders ]
[ h2 [centerTitle] [text "Maze Generator"]
, div
( slider "rows" minSide maxSide model.rows address SetRows
++ [ br [] [] ]
++ slider "cols" minSide maxSide model.cols address SetCols
++ [ br [] [] ]
++ checkbox "Animate" model.animate address SetAnimate
++ [ br [] [] ]
++ [ button
[ HE.onClick address Generate ]
[ text "Generate"]
] )
, div
[ Svg.svg
[ version "1.1"
, width (toString w)
, height (toString h)
, viewBox (join " "
[ 0 |> toString
, 0 |> toString
, model.cols |> toString
, model.rows |> toString ])
checkbox label checked address action =
[ input
[ HA.type' "checkbox"
, HA.checked checked
, HE.on "change" HE.targetChecked (Signal.message address << action)
, text label
slider name min max current address action =
[ input
[ HA.value (if current >= min then current |> toString else "")
, HE.on "input" HE.targetValue (Signal.message address << action)
, HA.type' "range"
, HA.min <| toString min
, HA.max <| toString max
, text <| name ++ "=" ++ (current |> toString)
floatLeft = HA.style [ ("float", "left") ]
centerTitle = HA.style [ ( "text-align", "center") ]
unvisitedNeighbors : Model -> Matrix.Location -> List Matrix.Location
unvisitedNeighbors model (row,col) =
[(row, col-1), (row-1, col), (row, col+1), (row+1, col)]
|> List.filter (\l -> fst l >= 0 && snd l >= 0 && fst l < model.rows && snd l < model.cols)
|> List.filter (\l -> (Matrix.get l model.boxes) |> M.withDefault False |> not)
update' : Model -> Int -> Model
update' model t =
case head model.current of
Nothing -> {model | state = Generated, seedStarter = t }
Just prev ->
let neighbors = unvisitedNeighbors model prev
in if (length neighbors) > 0 then
let (neighborIndex, seed) = Random.generate (Random.int 0 (length neighbors-1)) model.seed
next = head (drop neighborIndex neighbors) |> M.withDefault (0,0)
boxes = Matrix.set next True model.boxes
dir = if fst prev == fst next then right else down
doorCell = if ( (dir == down) && (fst prev < fst next))
|| (dir == right ) && (snd prev < snd next) then prev else next
doors = Set.remove (doorCell, dir) model.doors
in {model | boxes=boxes, doors=doors, current=next :: model.current, seed=seed, seedStarter = t}
let tailCurrent = tail model.current |> M.withDefault []
in update' {model | current = tailCurrent} t
update : Action -> Model -> Model
update action model =
let stringToCellCount s =
let v' = String.toInt s |> R.withDefault minSide
in if v' < minSide then minSide else v'
in case action of
Tick t ->
if (model.state == Generating) then update' model t
else { model | seedStarter = t }
Generate ->
init model.rows model.cols model.animate Generating model.seedStarter
SetRows countString ->
init (stringToCellCount countString) model.cols model.animate Initial model.seedStarter
SetCols countString ->
init model.rows (stringToCellCount countString) model.animate Initial model.seedStarter
SetAnimate b ->
{ model | animate = b }
NoOp -> model
control = Signal.mailbox NoOp
type Action = NoOp | Tick Int | Generate | SetRows String | SetCols String | SetAnimate Bool
tickSignal = (every (dt * second)) |> Signal.map (\t -> Tick (round t))
actionSignal = Signal.mergeMany [tickSignal, control.signal]
modelSignal = Signal.foldp update (init 21 36 False Initial 0) actionSignal
main = Signal.map (view control.address) modelSignal</lang>
Link to live demo: http://dc25.github.io/mazeGenerationElm/
Erlang is single assignment. To get mutability I use processes. The code is over-enginered for this task, but the extra is used for [[Maze_solving]]. Also, Erlang starts counting at 1, not 0, so the co-ordinate of the lower left corner is 1,1.
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