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GUI component interaction: Difference between revisions

add Perl 6
(add Perl 6)
Line 1,854:
=={{header|Perl 6}}==
<lang perl6>use GTK::Simple;
my GTK::Simple::App $app .= new(title => 'GUI component interaction');
my $box = GTK::Simple::VBox.new(
my $value = GTK::Simple::Entry.new(text => '0'),
my $increment = GTK::Simple::Button.new(label => 'Increment'),
my $random = GTK::Simple::Button.new(label => 'Random'),
$app.size_request(400, 100);
$app.border_width = 20;
$box.spacing = 10;
$value.changed.tap: {
($value.text ||= '0') ~~ s:g/<-[0..9]>//;
$increment.clicked.tap: {
$value.text += 1;
$random.clicked.tap: {
# Dirty hack to work around the fact that GTK::Simple doesn't provide
# access to GTK message dialogs yet :P
if run «zenity --question --text "Reset to random value?"» {
$value.text = (^100).pick;
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