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Towers of Hanoi: Difference between revisions

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if Ndisks > 0 then
Hanoi(Ndisks - 1, Start_Peg, Via_Peg, End_Peg);
Put_Line("Move disk" & Natural'Image(Ndisks) & " from " & Pegs'Image(Start_Peg) & " to " &
Hanoi(Ndisks - 1, Via_Peg, End_Peg, Start_Peg);
end if;
end Hanoi;
end Towers;
global moves --this is so the handler 'hanoi' can see the 'moves' variable
set moves to ""
hanoi(4, "peg A", "peg C", "peg B")
on hanoi(ndisks, fromPeg, toPeg, withPeg)
if ndisks is greater than 0 then
hanoi(ndisks - 1, fromPeg, withPeg, toPeg)
set moves to moves & "Move disk " & ndisks & " from " & fromPeg & " to " & toPeg & return
hanoi(ndisks - 1, withPeg, toPeg, fromPeg)
end if
return moves
end hanoi
==[[C plus plus|C++]]==
[[Category:C plus plus]]
'''Compiler:''' [[GCC]]
void move(int n, int from, int to, int via) {
if (n == 1) {
std::cout << "Move disk from pole " << from << " to pole " << to << std::endl;
} else {
move(n - 1, from, via, to);
move(1, from, to, via);
move(n - 1, via, to, from);
def move(out, n, fromPeg, toPeg, viaPeg) {
if (n.aboveZero()) {
move(out, n.previous(), fromPeg, viaPeg, toPeg)
out.println(`Move disk $n from $fromPeg to $toPeg.`)
move(out, n.previous(), viaPeg, toPeg, fromPeg)
move(stdout, 4, def left {}, def right {}, def middle {})
public void move(int n, int from, int to, int via) {
if (n == 1) {
System.out.println("Move disk from pole " + from + " to pole " + to);
} else {
move(n - 1, from, via, to);
move(1, from, to, via);
move(n - 1, via, to, from);
def hanoi(ndisks, startPeg=1, endPeg=3):
if ndisks:
hanoi(ndisks-1, startPeg, 6-startPeg-endPeg)
print "Move disk %d from peg %d to peg %d" % (ndisks, startPeg, endPeg)
hanoi(ndisks-1, 6-startPeg-endPeg, endPeg)
const proc: hanoi (in integer: disk, in string: source, in string: dest, in string: via) is func
if disk > 0 then
hanoi(pred(disk), source, via, dest);
writeln("Move disk " <& disk <& " from " <& source <& " to " <& dest);
hanoi(pred(disk), via, dest, source);
end if;
end func;
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