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Associative array/Iteration: Difference between revisions

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(hash-table-values table)
=== For [[Associative_array/Creation#A_persistent_associative_array_from_scratch|''persistent'' associative arrays]] ===
{{works with|CHICKEN|5.3.0}}
Here is a variant of [[Associative_array/Creation#A_persistent_associative_array_from_scratch|''persistent'' associative arrays]] that includes ''generators''. Such generators are functionally equivalent to iterators; the only important difference is they are executable procedures rather than passive objects. Note also that, because these associative arrays are persistent, iterating through their structure is much safer than it would be in a conventional hash table, which might change or even disappear while you were doing the iteration.
What I present here is a trimmed-down version of what you might find in a prefabricated library, such as an implementation of SRFI-125. I suppose part of my point in presenting this is that ‘associative arrays’ are not actually part of the Scheme language (even in R6RS), but rather are library add-ons. Someone else has done the sort of thing I am demonstrating here. This is in contrast to, say, Awk, or Icon, where associative ‘arrays’ ''really are'' built into the language.
(To save space, I have removed comments you can read at the section for [[Associative_array/Creation#A_persistent_associative_array_from_scratch|''persistent'' associative arrays]].)
<lang scheme>(cond-expand
(chicken (import r7rs)))
(define-library (suspendable-procedures)
(export &fail failure? success? suspend fail-forever
(import (scheme base))
(define-record-type <&fail>
(define &fail
(define (failure? f) (eq? f &fail))
(define (success? f) (not (failure? f)))
(define *suspend* (make-parameter (lambda (x) x)))
(define (suspend v) ((*suspend*) v))
(define (fail-forever)
(let loop ()
(suspend &fail)
(define (make-generator-procedure thunk)
;; This is for making a suspendable procedure that takes no
;; arguments when resumed. The result is a simple generator of
;; values.
(define (next-run return)
(define (my-suspend v)
(set! return (call/cc (lambda (resumption-point)
(set! next-run resumption-point)
(return v)))))
(parameterize ((*suspend* my-suspend))
(suspend (thunk))
(lambda () (call/cc next-run)))
)) ;; end library (suspendable-procedures)
(define-library (avl-trees)
;; Persistent (that is, ‘immutable’) AVL trees for R7RS Scheme.
;; References:
;; * Niklaus Wirth, 1976. Algorithms + Data Structures =
;; Programs. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.
;; * Niklaus Wirth, 2004. Algorithms and Data Structures. Updated
;; by Fyodor Tkachov, 2014.
(export avl-make-generator)
(export avl avl? avl-empty? avl-insert avl-search-values)
(export avl-check-usage)
(import (scheme base))
(import (scheme case-lambda))
(import (scheme process-context))
(import (scheme write))
(import (suspendable-procedures))
(define-syntax avl-check-usage
(syntax-rules ()
((_ pred msg)
(or pred (usage-error msg)))))
(define-record-type <avl>
(%avl key data bal left right)
(key %key)
(data %data)
(bal %bal)
(left %left)
(right %right))
(define avl-make-generator
((tree) (avl-make-generator tree 1))
((tree direction)
(if (negative? direction)
(lambda ()
(define (traverse p)
(unless (or (not p) (avl-empty? p))
(traverse (%right p))
(suspend (cons (%key p) (%data p)))
(traverse (%left p)))
(traverse tree)))
(lambda ()
(define (traverse p)
(unless (or (not p) (avl-empty? p))
(traverse (%left p))
(suspend (cons (%key p) (%data p)))
(traverse (%right p)))
(traverse tree)))))))
(define (avl) (%avl #f #f #f #f #f))
(define (avl-empty? tree)
(avl? tree)
"avl-empty? expects an AVL tree as argument")
(not (%bal tree)))
(define (avl-search-values pred<? tree key)
(define (search p)
(if (not p)
(values #f #f)
(let ((k (%key p)))
(cond ((pred<? key k) (search (%left p)))
((pred<? k key) (search (%right p)))
(else (values (%data p) #t))))))
(procedure? pred<?)
"avl-search-values expects a procedure as first argument")
(if (avl-empty? tree)
(values #f #f)
(search tree)))
(define (avl-insert pred<? tree key data)
(define (search p fix-balance?)
((not p)
(values (%avl key data 0 #f #f) #t))
((pred<? key (%key p))
(let-values (((p1 fix-balance?)
(search (%left p) fix-balance?)))
((not fix-balance?)
(let ((p^ (%avl (%key p) (%data p) (%bal p)
p1 (%right p))))
(values p^ #f)))
(case (%bal p)
(let ((p^ (%avl (%key p) (%data p) 0
p1 (%right p))))
(values p^ #f)))
(let ((p^ (%avl (%key p) (%data p) -1
p1 (%right p))))
(values p^ fix-balance?)))
(case (%bal p1)
(let* ((p^ (%avl (%key p) (%data p) 0
(%right p1) (%right p)))
(p1^ (%avl (%key p1) (%data p1) 0
(%left p1) p^)))
(values p1^ #f)))
((0 1)
(let* ((p2 (%right p1))
(bal2 (%bal p2))
(p^ (%avl (%key p) (%data p)
(- (min bal2 0))
(%right p2) (%right p)))
(p1^ (%avl (%key p1) (%data p1)
(- (max bal2 0))
(%left p1) (%left p2)))
(p2^ (%avl (%key p2) (%data p2) 0
p1^ p^)))
(values p2^ #f)))
(else (internal-error))))
(else (internal-error)))))))
((pred<? (%key p) key)
(let-values (((p1 fix-balance?)
(search (%right p) fix-balance?)))
((not fix-balance?)
(let ((p^ (%avl (%key p) (%data p) (%bal p)
(%left p) p1)))
(values p^ #f)))
(case (%bal p)
(let ((p^ (%avl (%key p) (%data p) 0
(%left p) p1)))
(values p^ #f)))
(let ((p^ (%avl (%key p) (%data p) 1
(%left p) p1)))
(values p^ fix-balance?)))
(case (%bal p1)
(let* ((p^ (%avl (%key p) (%data p) 0
(%left p) (%left p1)))
(p1^ (%avl (%key p1) (%data p1) 0
p^ (%right p1))))
(values p1^ #f)))
((-1 0)
(let* ((p2 (%left p1))
(bal2 (%bal p2))
(p^ (%avl (%key p) (%data p)
(- (max bal2 0))
(%left p) (%left p2)))
(p1^ (%avl (%key p1) (%data p1)
(- (min bal2 0))
(%right p2) (%right p1)))
(p2^ (%avl (%key p2) (%data p2) 0
p^ p1^)))
(values p2^ #f)))
(else (internal-error))))
(else (internal-error)))))))
(values (%avl key data (%bal p) (%left p) (%right p))
(procedure? pred<?)
"avl-insert expects a procedure as first argument")
(if (avl-empty? tree)
(%avl key data 0 #f #f)
(let-values (((p fix-balance?) (search tree #f)))
(define (internal-error)
(display "internal error\n" (current-error-port))
(emergency-exit 123))
(define (usage-error msg)
(display "Procedure usage error:\n" (current-error-port))
(display " " (current-error-port))
(display msg (current-error-port))
(newline (current-error-port))
(exit 1))
)) ;; end library (avl-trees)
(define-library (associative-arrays)
;; Persistent associative ‘arrays’ for R7RS Scheme.
;; The structure is not actually an array, but is made of AVL trees
;; and association lists. Given a good hash function, it should
;; average logarithmic performance.
(export assoc-array-make-pair-generator
(export assoc-array assoc-array? assoc-array-set assoc-array-ref)
(import (scheme base))
(import (scheme case-lambda))
(import (scheme write))
(import (suspendable-procedures))
(import (avl-trees))
(chicken (import (only (srfi 1) alist-delete)))
;; Insert whatever you need here for your Scheme.
(define-record-type <assoc-array>
(%assoc-array hashfunc pred=? default table)
(hashfunc %hashfunc)
(pred=? %pred=?)
(default %default)
(table %table))
(define (assoc-array-make-generator array kind)
(define tree-traverser (avl-make-generator (%table array)))
(define get-desired-part
(cond ((eq? kind 'key) (lambda (pair) (car pair)))
((eq? kind 'data) (lambda (pair) (cdr pair)))
(else (lambda (pair) pair))))
(lambda ()
(let traverse ()
(let ((tree-entry (tree-traverser)))
(when (success? tree-entry)
(let scan-lst ((lst (cdr tree-entry)))
(when (pair? lst)
(suspend (get-desired-part (car lst)))
(scan-lst (cdr lst))))
(define (assoc-array-make-pair-generator array)
(assoc-array-make-generator array 'pair))
(define (assoc-array-make-key-generator array)
(assoc-array-make-generator array 'key))
(define (assoc-array-make-data-generator array)
(assoc-array-make-generator array 'data))
(define assoc-array
(let ((pred=? equal?)
(default #f))
(assoc-array hashfunc pred=? default)))
((hashfunc pred=?)
(let ((default #f))
(assoc-array hashfunc pred=? default)))
((hashfunc pred=? default)
(%assoc-array hashfunc pred=? default (avl)))))
(define (assoc-array-set array key data)
(let ((hashfunc (%hashfunc array))
(pred=? (%pred=? array))
(default (%default array))
(table (%table array)))
(let ((hash-value (hashfunc key)))
(((alst found?) (avl-search-values < table hash-value)))
(let* ((alst (alist-delete key alst pred=?))
(alst `((,key . ,data) . ,alst))
(table (avl-insert < table hash-value alst)))
(%assoc-array hashfunc pred=? default table)))
(let* ((alst `((,key . ,data)))
(table (avl-insert < table hash-value alst)))
(%assoc-array hashfunc pred=? default table))))))))
(define (assoc-array-ref array key)
(let* ((hashfunc (%hashfunc array))
(hash-value (hashfunc key)))
(((alst found?)
(avl-search-values < (%table array) hash-value)))
(if found?
(let ((pair (assoc key alst (%pred=? array))))
(if pair
(cdr pair)
(%default array)))
(%default array)))))
)) ;; end library (associative-arrays)
(import (scheme base))
(import (scheme write))
(import (suspendable-procedures))
(import (associative-arrays))
(define (hashfunc s)
;; Using Knuth’s random number generator to concoct a quick and
;; dirty and probably very bad hash function. It should be much
;; better to use something like SpookyHash, but this is a demo.
(define a 6364136223846793005)
(define c 1442695040888963407)
(define M (expt 2 64))
(let ((n (string-length s))
(h 123))
(do ((i 0 (+ i 1)))
((= i n))
(let* ((x (char->integer (string-ref s i)))
(x (+ (* a (+ h x)) c)))
(set! h (truncate-remainder x M))))
(define a (assoc-array hashfunc))
;; Fill the associative array ‘a’ with (string . number)
;; associations.
(do ((i 1 (+ i 1)))
((= i 11))
(set! a (assoc-array-set a (number->string i) i)))
;; Go through the association pairs (in arbitrary order) with a
;; generator.
(let ((gen (assoc-array-make-pair-generator a)))
(do ((pair (gen) (gen)))
((failure? pair))
(write pair) (display " "))
;; Go through the keys (in arbitrary order) with a generator.
(let ((gen (assoc-array-make-key-generator a)))
(do ((key (gen) (gen)))
((failure? key))
(write key) (display " "))
;; Go through the values (in arbitrary order) with a generator.
(let ((gen (assoc-array-make-data-generator a)))
(do ((value (gen) (gen)))
((failure? value))
(write value) (display " "))
<pre>$ csc -DDEMONSTRATION -R r7rs -X r7rs associative_array_with_generators.scm && ./associative_array_with_generators
("3" . 3) ("6" . 6) ("9" . 9) ("1" . 1) ("4" . 4) ("7" . 7) ("2" . 2) ("10" . 10) ("5" . 5) ("8" . 8)
"3" "6" "9" "1" "4" "7" "2" "10" "5" "8"
3 6 9 1 4 7 2 10 5 8</pre>


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