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Closest-pair problem: Difference between revisions

Previous Divide and Conquer algorithm didn't work correctly. If all points had the same X, it degenerated into a N^2 algorithm
(Previous Divide and Conquer algorithm didn't work correctly. If all points had the same X, it degenerated into a N^2 algorithm)
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And divide-and-conquer.
And divide-and-conquer. Notice that the code has been written for brevity and to demonstrate the algorithm, not true optimization. There are further language-specific optimizations that could be applied.
<lang csharp>
public static Segment MyClosestDivide(List<PointF> points)
return MyClosestRec(points.OrderBy(p => p.X).ToList());
publicprivate static Segment MyClosestRec(List<PointF> pointsByX)
int count = pointsByX.Count;
if (count <= 4)
return Closest_BruteForce(pointsByX);
// left and right lists sorted by X, as order retained from full list
var leftByX = pointsByX.Take(count/2).ToList();
var leftResult = MyClosestRec(leftByX);
var rightByX = pointsByX.Skip(count/2).ToList();
var rightResult = MyClosestRec(rightByX);
var result = rightResult.Length() < leftResult.Length() ? rightResult : leftResult;
// There may be a shorter distance that crosses the divider
// Thus, extract all the points within result.Length either side
var midX = leftByX.Last().X;
var bandWidth = result.Length();
var inBandByX = pointsByX.Where(p => Math.Abs(midX - p.X) <= bandWidth);
// Sort by Y, so we can efficiently check for closer pairs
var inBandByY = inBandByX.OrderBy(p => p.Y).ToArray();
int iLast = inBandByY.Length - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < iLast; i++ )
var pLower = inBandByY[i];
for (int j = i + 1; j <= iLast; j++)
var pUpper = inBandByY[j];
// Comparing each point to successivly increasing Y values
// Thus, can terminate as soon as deltaY is greater than best result
if ((pUpper.Y - pLower.Y) >= result.Length())
if (Segment.Length(pLower, pUpper) < result.Length())
result = new Segment(pLower, pUpper);
return result;
Line 358:
Targeted Search: SimilarMuch conceptsimpler to recursivethan divide- and-conquer aboveconquer, butand Iactually think much simpler. Also, muchruns faster infor the myrandom testspoints. Key optimization is that if the distance along the X axis is greater than the best total length you already have, you can terminate the inner loop early. However, as only sorts in the X direction, it degenerates into an N^2 algorithm if all the points have the same X.
<lang csharp>
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