Solve a Hidato puzzle

From Rosetta Code
Solve a Hidato puzzle
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

The task is to write a program which solves Hidato puzzles.

The rules are:

  • You are given a grid with some numbers placed in it. The other squares in the grid will be blank.
    • The grid is not necessarily rectangular.
    • The grid may have holes in it.
    • The grid is always connected.
    • The number “1” is always present, as is another number that is equal to the number of squares in the grid. Other numbers are present so as to force the solution to be unique.
  • The aim is to place a natural number in each blank square so that in the sequence of numbered squares from “1” upwards, each square is in the wp:Moore neighborhood of the squares immediately before and after it in the sequence (except for the first and last squares, of course, which only have one-sided constraints).
    • Thus, if the grid was overlaid on a chessboard, a king would be able to make legal moves along the path from first to last square in numerical order.
    • A square may only contain one number.
  • In a proper Hidato puzzle, the solution is unique.

For example the following problem

Sample Hidato problem, from Wikipedia
Sample Hidato problem, from Wikipedia

has the following solution, with path marked on it:

Solution to sample Hidato problem
Solution to sample Hidato problem


Depth-first graph, with simple connectivity check to reject some impossible situations early. The checks slow down simpler puzzles significantly, but can make some deep recursions backtrack much earilier. <lang c>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <stdlib.h>
  2. include <string.h>
  3. include <ctype.h>

int *board, *flood, *known, top = 0, w, h;

inline int idx(int y, int x) { return y * w + x; }

int neighbors(int c, int *p) { int i, j, n = 0; int y = c / w, x = c % w;

for (i = y - 1; i <= y + 1; i++) { if (i < 0 || i >= h) continue; for (j = x - 1; j <= x + 1; j++) if (!(j < 0 || j >= w || (j == x && i == y) || board[ p[n] = idx(i,j) ] == -1)) n++; }

return n; }

void flood_fill(int c) { int i, n[8], nei;

nei = neighbors(c, n); for (i = 0; i < nei; i++) { if (board[n[i]] || flood[n[i]]) continue;

flood[n[i]] = 1; flood_fill(n[i]); } }

/* Check all empty cells are reachable from higher known cells.

  Should really do more checks to make sure cell_x and cell_x+1
  share enough reachable empty cells; I'm lazy. Will implement
  if a good counter example is presented. */

int check_connectity(int lowerbound) { int c; memset(flood, 0, sizeof(flood[0]) * w * h); for (c = lowerbound + 1; c <= top; c++) if (known[c]) flood_fill(known[c]);

for (c = 0; c < w * h; c++) if (!board[c] && !flood[c]) return 0;

return 1; }

void make_board(int x, int y, char *s) { int i;

w = x, h = y; x = w * h;

known = calloc(sizeof(int*), x + 1); board = calloc(sizeof(int), x); flood = calloc(sizeof(int), x);

while (x--) board[x] = -1;

for (y = 0; y < h; y++) for (x = 0; x < w; x++) { i = idx(y, x);

while (isspace(*s)) s++;

switch (*s) { case '_': board[i] = 0; case '.': break; default: known[ board[i] = strtol(s, 0, 10) ] = i; if (board[i] > top) top = board[i]; }

while (*s && !isspace(*s)) s++; } }

void show_board(char *s) { int i, j, c;

printf("\n%s:\n", s);

for (i = 0; i < h; i++, putchar('\n')) for (j = 0; j < w; j++) { c = board[ idx(i, j) ]; printf(!c ? " __" : c == -1 ? " " : " %2d", c); } }

int fill(int c, int n) { int i, nei, p[8], ko, bo;

if ((board[c] && board[c] != n) || (known[n] && known[n] != c)) return 0;

if (n == top) return 1;

ko = known[n]; bo = board[c]; board[c] = n;

if (check_connectity(n)) { nei = neighbors(c, p); for (i = 0; i < nei; i++) if (fill(p[i], n + 1)) return 1; }

board[c] = bo; known[n] = ko; return 0; }

int main() { make_board(

  1. define USE_E 0
  2. if (USE_E == 0)

8,8, " __ 33 35 __ __ .. .. .." " __ __ 24 22 __ .. .. .." " __ __ __ 21 __ __ .. .." " __ 26 __ 13 40 11 .. .." " 27 __ __ __ 9 __ 1 .." " . . __ __ 18 __ __ .." " . .. . . __ 7 __ __" " . .. .. .. . . 5 __"

  1. elif (USE_E == 1)

3, 3, " . 4 ." " _ 7 _" " 1 _ _"

  1. else

50, 3, " 1 _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . 74" " . . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ ." " . . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ ."

  1. endif


show_board("Before"); fill(known[1], 1); show_board("After"); /* "40 lbs in two weeks!" */

return 0; }</lang>

 __ 33 35 __ __         
 __ __ 24 22 __         
 __ __ __ 21 __ __      
 __ 26 __ 13 40 11      
 27 __ __ __  9 __  1   
       __ __ 18 __ __   
             __  7 __ __
                    5 __
 32 33 35 36 37         
 31 34 24 22 38         
 30 25 23 21 12 39      
 29 26 20 13 40 11      
 27 28 14 19  9 10  1   
       15 16 18  8  2   
             17  7  6  3
                    5  4


More C-Style Version

This version retains some of the characteristics of the original C version. It uses global variables, it doesn't enforce immutability and purity. This style is faster to write for prototypes, short programs or less important code, but in larger programs you usually want more strictness to avoid some bugs and increase long-term maintainability.

Translation of: C

<lang d>import std.stdio, std.array, std.conv, std.algorithm;

int[][] board; int[] given, start;

void setup(string s) {

   auto lines = s.split("\n");
   auto cols = lines[0].split().length;
   auto rows = lines.length;
   given.length = 0;
   board = new int[][](rows + 2, cols + 2);
   foreach (i; 0 .. rows + 2)
       board[i][] = -1;
   foreach (r, row; lines) {
       foreach (c, cell; row.split()) {
           switch (cell) {
               case "__" : board[r + 1][c + 1] = 0; break;
               case "."  : break;
               default :
                   int val = to!int(cell);
                   board[r + 1][c + 1] = val;
                   given ~= val;
                   if (val == 1) start = [r + 1, c + 1];


bool solve(int r, int c, int n, int next = 0) {

   if (n > given[$-1]) return true;
   if (board[r][c] && board[r][c] != n)
       return false;
   if (board[r][c] == 0 && given[next] == n)
       return false;
   int back = board[r][c];
   board[r][c] = n;
   foreach (i; -1 .. 2)
       foreach (j; -1 .. 2)
           if (solve(r + i, c + j, n + 1, next + (back == n)))
               return true;
   board[r][c] = back;
   return false;


void printBoard() {

   foreach (r; 0 .. board.length) {
       foreach (c; board[r])
           writef(c == -1 ? "   " : !c ? "__ " : "%2d ", c);


void main() {

   auto hi = "__ 33 35 __ __  .  .  .
               __ __ 24 22 __  .  .  .
               __ __ __ 21 __ __  .  .
               __ 26 __ 13 40 11  .  .
               27 __ __ __  9 __  1  .
                .  . __ __ 18 __ __  .
                .  .  .  . __  7 __ __
                .  .  .  .  .  .  5 __";
   solve(start[0], start[1], 1);


 __ 33 35 __ __         
 __ __ 24 22 __         
 __ __ __ 21 __ __      
 __ 26 __ 13 40 11      
 27 __ __ __  9 __  1   
       __ __ 18 __ __   
             __  7 __ __
                    5 __

 32 33 35 36 37         
 31 34 24 22 38         
 30 25 23 21 12 39      
 29 26 20 13 40 11      
 27 28 14 19  9 10  1   
       15 16 18  8  2   
             17  7  6  3
                    5  4

Stronger Version

This version uses a little stronger typing, performs tests a run-time with contracts, it doesn't use global variables, it enforces immutability and purity where possible, and produces a correct text output for both larger ad small boards. This style is more fit for larger programs, or when you want the code to be less bug-prone or a little more efficient. <lang d>import std.stdio, std.string, std.conv, std.array, std.algorithm,


struct Hidato {

   alias int Cell;
   enum : Cell { emptyCell = -2, unknownCell = -1 }
   alias int[2][Cell] KnownT;
   immutable KnownT known;
   immutable Cell boardMax;
   Cell[][] board;
   this(in string input) /*pure*/ nothrow in {
   } out {
       immutable nRows = board.length;
       immutable nCols = board[0].length;
       assert(boardMax > 0 && boardMax <= nRows * nCols);
       assert(known.length >= 2 && known.length <= nRows * nCols);
       assert(1 in known && boardMax in known);
       foreach (row; board)
           foreach (cell; row)
               assert(cell == Hidato.emptyCell ||
                      cell == Hidato.unknownCell ||
                      (cell >= 1 && cell <= nRows * nCols));
       foreach (n, rc; known) {
           assert(n > 0 && n <= boardMax);
           assert(rc[0] >= 0 && rc[0] < nRows);
           assert(rc[1] >= 0 && rc[1] < nCols);
   } body {
       bool[Cell] pathSeen; // a set
       KnownT knownMutable;
       const lines = input.splitLines();
       immutable nCols = lines[0].split().length;
       foreach (int r, row; lines) {
           assert(row.split().length == nCols,
                  text("Wrong cols n.: ", row.split().length));
           auto boardRow = new typeof(board[0])(nCols);
           foreach (int c, cell; row.split()) {
               switch (cell) {
                   case ".":
                       boardRow[c] = Hidato.emptyCell;
                   case "_":
                       boardRow[c] = Hidato.unknownCell;
                   default: // known
                       immutable val = to!Cell(cell);
                       enforce(val > 0, "Path numbers must be > 0.");
                       enforce(val !in pathSeen,
                               text("Duplicated path number: ", val));
                       pathSeen[val] = true;
                       boardRow[c] = val;
                       knownMutable[val] = [r, c];
                       boardMax = max(boardMax, val);
           board ~= boardRow;
       known = assumeUnique(knownMutable); // Not verified
   bool solve() pure nothrow in {
       assert(1 in known);
   } body {
       /*static*/ bool fill(in int r, in int c, in Cell n)
       pure nothrow {
           if (n > boardMax)
               return true;
           if (c < 0 || c >= board[0].length ||
               r < 0 || r >= board.length)
               return false;
           if ((board[r][c] != Hidato.unknownCell &&
                board[r][c] != n) ||
               (n in known && known[n] != [r, c]))
               return false;
           board[r][c] = n;
           foreach (i; -1 .. 2)
               foreach (j; -1 .. 2)
                   if (fill(r + i, c + j, n + 1))
                       return true;
           board[r][c] = Hidato.unknownCell;
           return false;
       return fill(known[1][0], known[1][1], 1);
   string toString() const {
       immutable d = [Hidato.emptyCell: ".",
                      Hidato.unknownCell: "_"];
       immutable form = "%" ~ text(text(boardMax).length + 1) ~ "s";
       string result;
       foreach (row; board) {
           foreach (c; row)
               result ~= xformat(form, d.get(c, text(c)));
           result ~= "\n";
       return result;


void solveHidato(in string problem) {

   auto hi = Hidato(problem);
   writeln("Problem:\n", hi);
   writeln("Solution:\n", hi);


void main() {

   solveHidato(" _ 33 35  _  _  .  .  .
                 _  _ 24 22  _  .  .  .
                 _  _  _ 21  _  _  .  .
                 _ 26  _ 13 40 11  .  .
                27  _  _  _  9  _  1  .
                 .  .  _  _ 18  _  _  .
                 .  .  .  .  _  7  _  _
                 .  .  .  .  .  .  5  _");
   solveHidato(". 4 .
                _ 7 _
                1 _ _");

"1 _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . 74

. . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ .
. . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ ."

); }</lang>

  _ 33 35  _  _  .  .  .
  _  _ 24 22  _  .  .  .
  _  _  _ 21  _  _  .  .
  _ 26  _ 13 40 11  .  .
 27  _  _  _  9  _  1  .
  .  .  _  _ 18  _  _  .
  .  .  .  .  _  7  _  _
  .  .  .  .  .  .  5  _

 32 33 35 36 37  .  .  .
 31 34 24 22 38  .  .  .
 30 25 23 21 12 39  .  .
 29 26 20 13 40 11  .  .
 27 28 14 19  9 10  1  .
  .  . 15 16 18  8  2  .
  .  .  .  . 17  7  6  3
  .  .  .  .  .  .  5  4

 . 4 .
 _ 7 _
 1 _ _

 . 4 .
 3 7 5
 1 2 6

  1  _  _  .  .  _  _  .  .  _  _  .  .  _  _  .  .  _  _  .  .  _  _  .  .  _  _  .  .  _  _  .  .  _  _  .  .  _  _  .  .  _  _  .  .  _  _  .  . 74
  .  .  _  .  _  .  _  .  _  .  _  .  _  .  _  .  _  .  _  .  _  .  _  .  _  .  _  .  _  .  _  .  _  .  _  .  _  .  _  .  _  .  _  .  _  .  _  .  _  .
  .  .  .  _  _  .  .  _  _  .  .  _  _  .  .  _  _  .  .  _  _  .  .  _  _  .  .  _  _  .  .  _  _  .  .  _  _  .  .  _  _  .  .  _  _  .  .  _  _  .

  1  2  3  .  .  8  9  .  . 14 15  .  . 20 21  .  . 26 27  .  . 32 33  .  . 38 39  .  . 44 45  .  . 50 51  .  . 56 57  .  . 62 63  .  . 68 69  .  . 74
  .  .  4  .  7  . 10  . 13  . 16  . 19  . 22  . 25  . 28  . 31  . 34  . 37  . 40  . 43  . 46  . 49  . 52  . 55  . 58  . 61  . 64  . 67  . 70  . 73  .
  .  .  .  5  6  .  . 11 12  .  . 17 18  .  . 23 24  .  . 29 30  .  . 35 36  .  . 41 42  .  . 47 48  .  . 53 54  .  . 59 60  .  . 65 66  .  . 71 72  .


<lang mathprog>/*Hidato.mathprog, part of KuKu by Nigel Galloway

 Find a solution to a Hidato problem
 April 1st., 2011
  • /

param ZBLS; param ROWS; param COLS; param D := 1; set ROWSR := 1..ROWS; set COLSR := 1..COLS; set ROWSV := (1-D)..(ROWS+D); set COLSV := (1-D)..(COLS+D); param Iz{ROWSR,COLSR}, integer, default 0; set ZBLSV := 1..(ZBLS+1); set ZBLSR := 1..ZBLS;

var BR{ROWSV,COLSV,ZBLSV}, binary;

void0{r in ROWSV, z in ZBLSR,c in (1-D)..0}: BR[r,c,z] = 0; void1{r in ROWSV, z in ZBLSR,c in (COLS+1)..(COLS+D)}: BR[r,c,z] = 0; void2{c in COLSV, z in ZBLSR,r in (1-D)..0}: BR[r,c,z] = 0; void3{c in COLSV, z in ZBLSR,r in (ROWS+1)..(ROWS+D)}: BR[r,c,z] = 0; void4{r in ROWSV,c in (1-D)..0}: BR[r,c,ZBLS+1] = 1; void5{r in ROWSV,c in (COLS+1)..(COLS+D)}: BR[r,c,ZBLS+1] = 1; void6{c in COLSV,r in (1-D)..0}: BR[r,c,ZBLS+1] = 1; void7{c in COLSV,r in (ROWS+1)..(ROWS+D)}: BR[r,c,ZBLS+1] = 1;

Izfree{r in ROWSR, c in COLSR, z in ZBLSR : Iz[r,c] = -1}: BR[r,c,z] = 0; Iz1{Izr in ROWSR, Izc in COLSR, r in ROWSR, c in COLSR, z in ZBLSR : Izr=r and Izc=c and Iz[Izr,Izc]=z}: BR[r,c,z] = 1;

rule1{z in ZBLSR}: sum{r in ROWSR, c in COLSR} BR[r,c,z] = 1; rule2{r in ROWSR, c in COLSR}: sum{z in ZBLSV} BR[r,c,z] = 1; rule3{r in ROWSR, c in COLSR, z in ZBLSR}: BR[0,0,z+1] + BR[r-1,c-1,z+1] + BR[r-1,c,z+1] + BR[r-1,c+1,z+1] + BR[r,c-1,z+1] + BR[r,c+1,z+1] + BR[r+1,c-1,z+1] + BR[r+1,c,z+1] + BR[r+1,c+1,z+1] - BR[r,c,z] >= 0;


for {r in ROWSR} {

   for {c in COLSR} {
       printf " %2d", sum{z in ZBLSR} BR[r,c,z]*z;
   printf "\n";

} data;

param ROWS := 8; param COLS := 8; param ZBLS := 40; param Iz: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 :=

1  .  33  35   .   .  -1  -1  -1
2  .   .  24  22   .  -1  -1  -1
3  .   .   .  21   .   .  -1  -1
4  .  26   .  13  40  11  -1  -1
5 27   .   .   .   9   .   1  -1 
6 -1  -1   .   .  18   .   .  -1 
7 -1  -1  -1  -1   .   7   .   .
8 -1  -1  -1  -1  -1  -1   5   . 


Using the data in the model produces the following:

>glpsol --minisat --math Hidato.mathprog
GLPSOL: GLPK LP/MIP Solver, v4.47
Parameter(s) specified in the command line:
 --minisat --math Hidato.mathprog
Reading model section from Hidato.mathprog...
Reading data section from Hidato.mathprog...
64 lines were read
Generating void0...
Generating void1...
Generating void2...
Generating void3...
Generating void4...
Generating void5...
Generating void6...
Generating void7...
Generating Izfree...
Generating Iz1...
Generating rule1...
Generating rule2...
Generating rule3...
Model has been successfully generated
Will search for ANY feasible solution
Translating to CNF-SAT...
Original problem has 5279 rows, 4100 columns, and 33359 non-zeros
2520 covering inequalities
2719 partitioning equalities
Solving CNF-SAT problem...
Instance has 7076 variables, 24047 clauses, and 77735 literals
| Conflicts |     ORIGINAL     |              LEARNT              | Progress |
|           | Clauses Literals |   Limit Clauses Literals  Lit/Cl |          |
|         0 |   21432    75120 |    7144       0        0     0.0 |  0.000 % |
Objective value =  0.000000000e+000
Time used:   0.0 secs
Memory used: 14.5 Mb (15192264 bytes)
 32 33 35 36 37  0  0  0
 31 34 24 22 38  0  0  0
 30 25 23 21 12 39  0  0
 29 26 20 13 40 11  0  0
 27 28 14 19  9 10  1  0
  0  0 15 16 18  8  2  0
  0  0  0  0 17  7  6  3
  0  0  0  0  0  0  5  4
Model has been successfully processed

Modelling Evil Case 1:

param ROWS := 3;
param COLS := 3;
param ZBLS := 7;
Iz: 1   2   3 :=
 1 -1   4  -1
 2  .   7   .
 3  1   .   .


>glpsol --minisat --math Hidato.mathprog --data
GLPSOL: GLPK LP/MIP Solver, v4.47
Parameter(s) specified in the command line:
 --minisat --math Hidato.mathprog --data
Reading model section from Hidato.mathprog...
Hidato.mathprog:47: warning: data section ignored
47 lines were read
Reading data section from
11 lines were read
Generating void0...
Generating void1...
Generating void2...
Generating void3...
Generating void4...
Generating void5...
Generating void6...
Generating void7...
Generating Izfree...
Generating Iz1...
Generating rule1...
Generating rule2...
Generating rule3...
Model has been successfully generated
Will search for ANY feasible solution
Translating to CNF-SAT...
Original problem has 256 rows, 200 columns, and 935 non-zeros
56 covering inequalities
193 partitioning equalities
Solving CNF-SAT problem...
Instance has 337 variables, 1237 clauses, and 4094 literals
| Conflicts |     ORIGINAL     |              LEARNT              | Progress |
|           | Clauses Literals |   Limit Clauses Literals  Lit/Cl |          |
|         0 |    1060     3917 |     353       0        0     0.0 |  0.000 % |
Objective value =  0.000000000e+000
Time used:   0.0 secs
Memory used: 0.8 Mb (861188 bytes)
  0  4  0
  3  7  5
  1  2  6
Model has been successfully processed

Modelling Evil Case 2 - The Snake in the Grass:

param ROWS := 3;
param COLS := 50;
param ZBLS := 74;
Iz:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 :=
 1   1  .  . -1 -1  .  . -1 -1  .  . -1 -1  .  . -1 -1  .  . -1 -1  .  . -1 -1  .  . -1 -1  .  . -1 -1  .  . -1 -1  .  . -1 -1  .  . -1 -1  .  . -1 -1 74
 2  -1 -1  . -1  . -1  . -1  . -1  . -1  . -1  . -1  . -1  . -1  . -1  . -1  . -1  . -1  . -1  . -1  . -1  . -1  . -1  . -1  . -1  . -1  . -1  . -1  . -1
 3  -1 -1 -1  .  . -1 -1  .  . -1 -1  .  . -1 -1  .  . -1 -1  .  . -1 -1  .  . -1 -1  .  . -1 -1  .  . -1 -1  .  . -1 -1  .  . -1 -1  .  . -1 -1  .  . -1


G:\IAJAAR4.47>glpsol --minisat --math Hidato.mathprog --data
GLPSOL: GLPK LP/MIP Solver, v4.47
Parameter(s) specified in the command line:
 --minisat --math Hidato.mathprog --data
Reading model section from Hidato.mathprog...
Hidato.mathprog:47: warning: data section ignored
47 lines were read
Reading data section from warning: final NL missing before end of file
11 lines were read
Generating void0...
Generating void1...
Generating void2...
Generating void3...
Generating void4...
Generating void5...
Generating void6...
Generating void7...
Generating Izfree...
Generating Iz1...
Generating rule1...
Generating rule2...
Generating rule3...
Model has been successfully generated
Will search for ANY feasible solution
Translating to CNF-SAT...
Original problem has 25500 rows, 19500 columns, and 147452 non-zeros
11026 covering inequalities
14400 partitioning equalities
Solving CNF-SAT problem...
Instance has 31338 variables, 98310 clauses, and 305726 literals
| Conflicts |     ORIGINAL     |              LEARNT              | Progress |
|           | Clauses Literals |   Limit Clauses Literals  Lit/Cl |          |
|         0 |   84134   291550 |   28044       0        0     0.0 |  0.000 % |
|       101 |   31135   126809 |   30848      98     5496    56.1 | 65.521 % |
|       251 |   31135   126809 |   33933     244    12470    51.1 | 66.552 % |
|       476 |   27353   115512 |   37327     446    23819    53.4 | 68.160 % |
|       814 |   26574   113330 |   41059     770    42161    54.8 | 69.586 % |
|      1321 |   25432   110534 |   45165    1262    83658    66.3 | 70.056 % |
Objective value =  0.000000000e+000
Time used:   1.0 secs
Memory used: 60.9 Mb (63862624 bytes)
  1  2  3  0  0  8  9  0  0 14 15  0  0 20 21  0  0 26 27  0  0 32 33  0  0 38 39  0  0 44 45  0  0 50 51  0  0 56 57  0  0 62 63  0  0 68 69  0  0 74
  0  0  4  0  7  0 10  0 13  0 16  0 19  0 22  0 25  0 28  0 31  0 34  0 37  0 40  0 43  0 46  0 49  0 52  0 55  0 58  0 61  0 64  0 67  0 70  0 73  0
  0  0  0  5  6  0  0 11 12  0  0 17 18  0  0 23 24  0  0 29 30  0  0 35 36  0  0 41 42  0  0 47 48  0  0 53 54  0  0 59 60  0  0 65 66  0  0 71 72  0
Model has been successfully processed

Modelling Evil Case 3 - The Snake in the Grass:

param ROWS := 4;
param COLS := 46;
param ZBLS := 82;
Iz:  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 :=
 1   1  0 -1 -1 -1  0  0 -1 -1 -1  0  0 -1 -1 -1  0  0 -1 -1 -1  0  0 -1 -1 -1  0  0 -1 -1 -1  0  0 -1 -1 -1  0  0 -1 -1 -1  0  0 -1 -1 -1 82
 2  -1 -1  0 -1  0 -1 -1  0 -1  0 -1 -1  0 -1  0 -1 -1  0 -1  0 -1 -1  0 -1  0 -1 -1  0 -1  0 -1 -1  0 -1  0 -1 -1  0 -1  0 -1 -1  0 -1  0 -1 
 3  -1  0 -1  0 -1 -1  0 -1  0 -1 -1  0 -1  0 -1 -1  0 -1  0 -1 -1  0 -1  0 -1 -1  0 -1  0 -1 -1  0 -1  0 -1 -1  0 -1  0 -1 -1  0 -1  0 -1 -1 
 4   0  0  0 -1 -1  0  0  0 -1 -1  0  0  0 -1 -1  0  0  0 -1 -1  0  0  0 -1 -1  0  0  0 -1 -1  0  0  0 -1 -1  0  0  0 -1 -1  0  0  0 -1 -1 -1


>glpsol --minisat --math Hidato.mathprog --data
GLPSOL: GLPK LP/MIP Solver, v4.47
Parameter(s) specified in the command line:
 --minisat --math Hidato.mathprog --data
Reading model section from Hidato.mathprog...
Hidato.mathprog:47: warning: data section ignored
47 lines were read
Reading data section from
12 lines were read
Generating void0...
Generating void1...
Generating void2...
Generating void3...
Generating void4...
Generating void5...
Generating void6...
Generating void7...
Generating Izfree...
Generating Iz1...
Generating rule1...
Generating rule2...
Generating rule3...
Model has been successfully generated
Will search for ANY feasible solution
Translating to CNF-SAT...
Original problem has 32684 rows, 23904 columns, and 198488 non-zeros
15006 covering inequalities
17596 partitioning equalities
Solving CNF-SAT problem...
Instance has 39792 variables, 130040 clauses, and 407222 literals
| Conflicts |     ORIGINAL     |              LEARNT              | Progress |
|           | Clauses Literals |   Limit Clauses Literals  Lit/Cl |          |
|         0 |  112710   389892 |   37570       0        0     0.0 |  0.000 % |
Objective value =  0.000000000e+000
Time used:   0.0 secs
Memory used: 80.2 Mb (84067912 bytes)
  1  2  0  0  0 10 11  0  0  0 19 20  0  0  0 28 29  0  0  0 37 38  0  0  0 46 47  0  0  0 55 56  0  0  0 64 65  0  0  0 73 74  0  0  0 82
  0  0  3  0  9  0  0 12  0 18  0  0 21  0 27  0  0 30  0 36  0  0 39  0 45  0  0 48  0 54  0  0 57  0 63  0  0 66  0 72  0  0 75  0 81  0
  0  4  0  8  0  0 13  0 17  0  0 22  0 26  0  0 31  0 35  0  0 40  0 44  0  0 49  0 53  0  0 58  0 62  0  0 67  0 71  0  0 76  0 80  0  0
  5  6  7  0  0 14 15 16  0  0 23 24 25  0  0 32 33 34  0  0 41 42 43  0  0 50 51 52  0  0 59 60 61  0  0 68 69 70  0  0 77 78 79  0  0  0
Model has been successfully processed


<lang perl>use strict; use List::Util 'max';

our (@grid, @known, $n);

sub show_board { for my $r (@grid) { print map(!defined($_) ? ' ' : $_ ? sprintf("%3d", $_) : ' __' , @$r), "\n" } }

sub parse_board { @grid = map{[map(/^_/ ? 0 : /^\./ ? undef: $_, split ' ')]} split "\n", shift(); for my $y (0 .. $#grid) { for my $x (0 .. $#{$grid[$y]}) { $grid[$y][$x] > 0 and $known[$grid[$y][$x]] = "$y,$x"; } } $n = max(map { max @$_ } @grid); }

sub neighbors { my ($y, $x) = @_; my @out; for ( [-1, -1], [-1, 0], [-1, 1], [ 0, -1], [ 0, 1], [ 1, -1], [ 1, 0], [ 1, 1]) { my $y1 = $y + $_->[0]; my $x1 = $x + $_->[1]; next if $x1 < 0 || $y1 < 0; next unless defined $grid[$y1][$x1]; push @out, "$y1,$x1"; } @out }

sub try_fill { my ($v, $coord) = @_; return 1 if $v > $n;

my ($y, $x) = split ',', $coord; my $old = $grid[$y][$x];

return if $old && $old != $v; return if exists $known[$v] and $known[$v] ne $coord;

$grid[$y][$x] = $v; print "\033[0H"; show_board();

try_fill($v + 1, $_) && return 1 for neighbors($y, $x);

$grid[$y][$x] = $old; return }


  1. ". 4 .
  2. _ 7 _
  3. 1 _ _";
  1. " 1 _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . 74
  2. . . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _
  3. . . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _ . . _ _
  4. ";

"__ 33 35 __ __ .. .. .. . __ __ 24 22 __ .. .. .. . __ __ __ 21 __ __ .. .. . __ 26 __ 13 40 11 .. .. . 27 __ __ __ 9 __ 1 .. . . . __ __ 18 __ __ .. . . .. . . __ 7 __ __ . . .. .. .. . . 5 __ .";

print "\033[2J";

try_fill(1, $known[1]);</lang>

32 33 35 36 37            
31 34 24 22 38            
30 25 23 21 12 39         
29 26 20 13 40 11         
27 28 14 19  9 10  1      
      15 16 18  8  2      
            17  7  6  3   
                   5  4


Works with SWI-Prolog and library(clpfd) written by Markus Triska.
Puzzle solved is from the Wilkipedia page : <lang Prolog>:- use_module(library(clpfd)).

hidato :- init1(Li), % skip first blank line init2(1, 1, 10, Li), my_write(Li).

init1(Li) :- Li = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, A, 33, 35, B, C, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, D, E, 24, 22, F, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, G, H, I, 21, J, K, 0, 0, 0, 0, L, 26, M, 13, 40, 11, 0, 0, 0, 0, 27, N, O, P, 9, Q, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, R, S, 18, T, U, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, V, 7, W, X, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5, Y, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],

LV = [ A, 33, 35, B, C, D, E, 24, 22, F, G, H, I, 21, J, K, L, 26, M, 13, 40, 11, 27, N, O, P, 9, Q, 1, R, S, 18, T, U, V, 7, W, X, 5, Y],

LV ins 1..40, all_distinct(LV).

% give the constraints % Stop before the last line init2(_N, Col, Max_Col, _L) :- Col is Max_Col - 1.

% skip zeros init2(N, Lig, Col, L) :- I is N + Lig * Col, element(I, L, 0), !, V is N+1, ( V > Col -> N1 = 1, Lig1 is Lig + 1; N1 = V, Lig1 = Lig), init2(N1, Lig1, Col, L).

% skip first column init2(1, Lig, Col, L) :- !, init2(2, Lig, Col, L) .

% skip last column init2(Col, Lig, Col, L) :- !, Lig1 is Lig+1, init2(1, Lig1, Col, L).

% V5 V3 V6 % V1 V V2 % V7 V4 V8 % general case init2(N, Lig, Col, L) :- I is N + Lig * Col, element(I, L, V),

I1 is I - 1, I2 is I + 1, I3 is I - Col, I4 is I + Col, I5 is I3 - 1, I6 is I3 + 1, I7 is I4 - 1, I8 is I4 + 1,

maplist(compute_BI(L, V), [I1,I2,I3,I4,I5,I6,I7,I8], VI, BI),

sum(BI, #=, SBI),

( ((V #= 1 #\/ V #= 40) #/\ SBI #= 1) #\/ (V #\= 1 #/\ V #\= 40 #/\ SBI #= 2)) #<==> 1,

labeling([ffc, enum], [V | VI]),

N1 is N+1, init2(N1, Lig, Col, L).

compute_BI(L, V, I, VI, BI) :- element(I, L, VI), VI #= 0 #==> BI #= 0, ( VI #\= 0 #/\ (V - VI #= 1 #\/ VI - V #= 1)) #<==> BI.

% display the result my_write([0, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, 0 | T]) :- maplist(my_write_1, [A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H]), nl, my_write(T).


my_write_1(0) :- write(' ').

my_write_1(X) :- writef('%3r', [X]).</lang>

?- hidato.
 32 33 35 36 37         
 31 34 24 22 38         
 30 25 23 21 12 39      
 29 26 20 13 40 11      
 27 28 14 19  9 10  1   
       15 16 18  8  2   
             17  7  6  3
                    5  4


<lang python>board = [] given = [] start = None

def setup(s):

   global board, given, start
   lines = s.splitlines()
   ncols = len(lines[0].split())
   nrows = len(lines)
   board = [[-1] * (ncols + 2) for _ in xrange(nrows + 2)]
   for r, row in enumerate(lines):
       for c, cell in enumerate(row.split()):
           if cell == "__" :
               board[r + 1][c + 1] = 0
           elif cell == ".":
               continue # -1
               val = int(cell)
               board[r + 1][c + 1] = val
               if val == 1:
                   start = (r + 1, c + 1)

def solve(r, c, n, next=0):

   if n > given[-1]:
       return True
   if board[r][c] and board[r][c] != n:
       return False
   if board[r][c] == 0 and given[next] == n:
       return False
   back = 0
   if board[r][c] == n:
       next += 1
       back = n
   board[r][c] = n
   for i in xrange(-1, 2):
       for j in xrange(-1, 2):
           if solve(r + i, c + j, n + 1, next):
               return True
   board[r][c] = back
   return False

def print_board():

   d = {-1: "  ", 0: "__"}
   bmax = max(max(r) for r in board)
   form = "%" + str(len(str(bmax)) + 1) + "s"
   for r in board[1:-1]:
       print "".join(form % d.get(c, str(c)) for c in r[1:-1])

hi = """\ __ 33 35 __ __ . . . __ __ 24 22 __ . . . __ __ __ 21 __ __ . . __ 26 __ 13 40 11 . . 27 __ __ __ 9 __ 1 .

.  . __ __ 18 __ __  .
.  .  .  . __  7 __ __
.  .  .  .  .  .  5 __"""

setup(hi) print_board() solve(start[0], start[1], 1) print print_board()</lang>

 __ 33 35 __ __         
 __ __ 24 22 __         
 __ __ __ 21 __ __      
 __ 26 __ 13 40 11      
 27 __ __ __  9 __  1   
       __ __ 18 __ __   
             __  7 __ __
                    5 __

 32 33 35 36 37         
 31 34 24 22 38         
 30 25 23 21 12 39      
 29 26 20 13 40 11      
 27 28 14 19  9 10  1   
       15 16 18  8  2   
             17  7  6  3
                    5  4


Without Warnsdorff

The followin class provides functionallity for solving a hidato problem: <lang ruby>

  1. Solve a Hidato Puzzle
  2. Nigel_Galloway
  3. May 5th., 2012.

class Cell

 def initialize(row=0, col=0, value=nil)
   @adj = [[row-1,col-1],[row,col-1],[row+1,col-1],[row-1,col],[row+1,col],[row-1,col+1],[row,col+1],[row+1,col+1]]
   @t = false
   $zbl[value] = false unless value == nil
   @value = value
 def try(value)
   return false if @value == nil
   return true if value > E
   return false if @t
   return false if @value > 0 and @value != value
   return false if @value == 0 and not $zbl[value]
   @t = true
     if (Board[x[0]][x[1]].try(value+1)) then 
       @value = value
       return true                                  
   @t = false
   return false
 def value
   return @value

end </lang> Which may be used as follows to solve Evil Case 1: <lang ruby> Rows = 3 Cols = 3 E = 7 $zbl =,true) Board = [[, , , ,],

        [,       ,,2,4)  ,       ,],
        [,,1,0)  ,,2,7)  ,,3,0)  ,],
        [,,1,1)  ,,2,0)  ,,3,0)  ,],
        [,       ,       ,       ,]]

require 'benchmark' puts Benchmark.measure {Board[3][1].try(1)} (1..Rows).each{|r|

 (1..Cols).each{|c| printf("%2s",Board[r][c].value)}
 puts ""}

</lang> Which produces:

>ruby Program.rb
  0.000000   0.000000   0.000000 (  0.000000)
 3 7 5
 1 2 6

Which may be used as follows to solve this tasks example: <lang ruby> Rows = 8 Cols = 8 E = 40 $zbl =,true) Board = [[, , , , , , , , ,],

        [,,1,0)   ,,2,33)  ,,3,35)  ,,4,0)   ,,5,0)   ,        ,       ,       ,],
        [,,1,0)   ,,2,0)   ,,3,24)  ,,4,22)  ,,5,0)   ,        ,       ,       ,],
        [,,1,0)   ,,2,0)   ,,3,0)   ,,4,21)  ,,5,0)   ,,6,0)   ,       ,       ,],
        [,,1,0)   ,,2,26)  ,,3,0)   ,,4,13)  ,,5,40)  ,,6,11)  ,       ,       ,],
        [,,1,27)  ,,2,0)   ,,3,0)   ,,4,0)   ,,5,9)   ,,6,0)   ,,7,1)  ,       ,],
        [,        ,        ,,3,0)   ,,4,0)   ,,5,18)  ,,6,0)   ,,7,0)  ,       ,],
        [,        ,        ,        ,        ,,5,0)   ,,6,7)   ,,7,0)  ,,8,0)  ,],
        [,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,,7,5)  ,,8,0)  ,],
        [,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,       ,       ,]]

require 'benchmark' puts Benchmark.measure {Board[5][7].try(1)} (1..Rows).each{|r|

 (1..Cols).each{|c| printf("%3s",Board[r][c].value)}
 puts ""}


>ruby Program.rb
  0.000000   0.000000   0.000000 (  0.000000)
 32 33 35 36 37
 31 34 24 22 38
 30 25 23 21 12 39
 29 26 20 13 40 11
 27 28 14 19  9 10  1
       15 16 18  8  2
             17  7  6  3
                    5  4

Which may be used as follows to solve The Snake in the Grass: <lang ruby> Rows = 3 Cols = 50 E = 74 $zbl =,true) Board = [[, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,],

        [,,1,1)  ,,2,0)  ,,3,0)  ,       ,       ,,6,0)  ,,7,0)  ,       ,       ,,10,0)  ,,11,0)  ,        ,        ,,14,0)  ,,15,0)  ,        ,        ,,18,0)  ,,19,0)  ,        ,        ,,22,0)  ,,23,0)  ,        ,        ,,26,0)  ,,27,0)  ,        ,        ,,30,0)  ,,31,0)  ,        ,        ,,34,0)  ,,35,0)  ,        ,        ,,38,0)  ,,39,0)  ,        ,        ,,42,0)  ,,43,0)  ,        ,        ,,46,0)  ,,47,0)  ,        ,        ,,50,74),],
        [,       ,       ,,3,0)  ,       ,,5,0)  ,       ,,7,0)  ,       ,,9,0)  ,        ,,11,0)  ,        ,,13,0)  ,        ,,15,0)  ,        ,,17,0)  ,        ,,19,0)  ,        ,,21,0)  ,        ,,23,0)  ,        ,,25,0)  ,        ,,27,0)  ,        ,,29,0)  ,        ,,31,0)  ,        ,,33,0)  ,        ,,35,0)  ,        ,,37,0)  ,        ,,39,0)  ,        ,,41,0)  ,        ,,43,0)  ,        ,,45,0)  ,        ,,47,0)  ,        ,,49,0)  ,         ,],
        [,       ,       ,       ,,4,0)  ,,5,0)  ,       ,       ,,8,0)  ,,9,0)  ,        ,        ,,12,0)  ,,13,0)  ,        ,        ,,16,0)  ,,17,0)  ,        ,        ,,20,0)  ,,21,0)  ,        ,        ,,24,0)  ,,25,0)  ,        ,        ,,28,0)  ,,29,0)  ,        ,        ,,32,0)  ,,33,0)  ,        ,        ,,36,0)  ,,37,0)  ,        ,        ,,40,0)  ,,41,0)  ,        ,        ,,44,0)  ,,45,0)  ,        ,        ,,48,0)  ,,49,0)  ,         ,],
        [,       ,       ,       ,       ,       ,       ,       ,       ,       ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,         ,]]

require 'benchmark' puts Benchmark.measure {Board[1][1].try(1)} (1..Rows).each{|r|

 (1..Cols).each{|c| printf("%3s",Board[r][c].value)}
 puts ""}

</lang> Which produces:

>ruby Program.rb
 87.626000   0.000000  87.626000 ( 87.640800)
  1  2  3        8  9       14 15       20 21       26 27       32 33       38 39       44 45       50 51       56 57       62 63       68 69       74
        4     7    10    13    16    19    22    25    28    31    34    37    40    43    46    49    52    55    58    61    64    67    70    73
           5  6       11 12       17 18       23 24       29 30       35 36       41 42       47 48       53 54       59 60       65 66       71 72

Note that if The Snake in the Grass is modified to look more like a genuine Hidato by shortening the path between hints: <lang ruby> Rows = 3 Cols = 50 E = 74 $zbl =,true) Board = [[, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,],

        [,,1,1)  ,,2,0)  ,,3,0)  ,       ,       ,,6,0)  ,,7,0)  ,       ,       ,,10,0)  ,,11,0)  ,        ,        ,,14,0)  ,,15,0)  ,        ,        ,,18,0)  ,,19,0)  ,        ,        ,,22,0)  ,,23,0)  ,        ,        ,,26,0)  ,,27,0)  ,        ,        ,,30,0)  ,,31,0)  ,        ,        ,,34,0)  ,,35,0)  ,        ,        ,,38,0)  ,,39,0)  ,        ,        ,,42,0)  ,,43,0)  ,        ,        ,,46,0)  ,,47,0)  ,        ,        ,,50,74),],
        [,       ,       ,,3,0)  ,       ,,5,0)  ,       ,,7,0)  ,       ,,9,0)  ,        ,,11,0)  ,        ,,13,0)  ,        ,,15,0)  ,        ,,17,0)  ,        ,,19,0)  ,        ,,21,0)  ,        ,,23,0)  ,        ,,25,0)  ,        ,,27,0)  ,        ,,29,0)  ,        ,,31,0)  ,        ,,33,0)  ,        ,,35,0)  ,        ,,37,0)  ,        ,,39,0)  ,        ,,41,0)  ,        ,,43,0)  ,        ,,45,0)  ,        ,,47,0)  ,        ,,49,0)  ,         ,],
        [,       ,       ,       ,,4,0)  ,,5,0)  ,       ,       ,,8,11)  ,,9,0)  ,        ,        ,,12,0)  ,,13,0)  ,        ,        ,,16,23)  ,,17,0)  ,        ,        ,,20,0)  ,,21,0)  ,        ,        ,,24,35)  ,,25,0)  ,        ,        ,,28,0)  ,,29,0)  ,        ,        ,,32,47)  ,,33,0)  ,        ,        ,,36,0)  ,,37,0)  ,        ,        ,,40,0)  ,,41,0)  ,        ,        ,,44,65)  ,,45,0)  ,        ,        ,,48,0)  ,,49,0)  ,         ,],
        [,       ,       ,       ,       ,       ,       ,       ,       ,       ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,        ,         ,]]

</lang> Produces the following in 0 secs instead of 87.62

>ruby Program.rb
  0.000000   0.000000   0.000000 (  0.000000)
  1  2  3        8  9       14 15       20 21       26 27       32 33       38 39       44 45       50 51       56 57       62 63       68 69       74
        4     7    10    13    16    19    22    25    28    31    34    37    40    43    46    49    52    55    58    61    64    67    70    73
           5  6       11 12       17 18       23 24       29 30       35 36       41 42       47 48       53 54       59 60       65 66       71 72

header|With Warnsdorff

I modify Cell as follows to implement Warnsdorff <lang ruby>

  1. Solve a Hidato Puzzle with Warnsdorff like logic applied
  2. Nigel_Galloway
  3. May 6th., 2012.

class Cell

 def initialize(row=0, col=0, value=nil)
   @adj = [[row-1,col-1],[row,col-1],[row+1,col-1],[row-1,col],[row+1,col],[row-1,col+1],[row,col+1],[row+1,col+1]]
   @t = false
   $zbl[value] = false unless value == nil
   @value = value
 def try(value)
   return false if @value == nil
   return true if value > E
   return false if @t
   return false if @value > 0 and @value != value
   return false if @value == 0 and not $zbl[value]
   @t = true
   h =
   n = 0
     h[Board[x[0]][x[1]].wdof*10+n] = Board[x[0]][x[1]]
     n += 1
     if (cell.try(value+1)) then 
       @value = value
       return true                                  
   @t = false                                      
   return false
 def wdon
   return 0 if @value == nil
   return 0 if @value > 0
   return 0 if @t
   return 1
 def wdof
   res = 0
   @adj.each{|x| res += Board[x[0]][x[1]].wdon}
   return res
 def value                                         
   return @value

end </lang> The usage remains unchanged from above and produces:

>ruby Program.rb
  0.000000   0.000000   0.000000 (  0.000000)
  3  7  5
  1  2  6

>ruby Program.rb
  0.046000   0.000000   0.046000 (  0.046800)
 32 33 35 36 37
 31 34 24 22 38
 30 25 23 21 12 39
 29 26 20 13 40 11
 27 28 14 19  9 10  1
       15 16 18  8  2
             17  7  6  3
                    5  4

>ruby Program.rb
  0.016000   0.000000   0.016000 (  0.015600)
  1  2  3        8  9       14 15       20 21       26 27       32 33       38 39       44 45       50 51       56 57       62 63       68 69       74
        4     7    10    13    16    19    22    25    28    31    34    37    40    43    46    49    52    55    58    61    64    67    70    73
           5  6       11 12       17 18       23 24       29 30       35 36       41 42       47 48       53 54       59 60       65 66       71 72

This cell may be used to solve Knight's Tour: <lang ruby> class Cell

 def initialize(row=0, col=0, value=nil)
   @adj = [[row-1,col-2],[row-2,col-1],[row-2,col+1],[row-1,col+2],[row+1,col+2],[row+2,col+1],[row+2,col-1],[row+1,col-2]]
   @t = false
   $zbl[value] = false unless value == nil
   @value = value
 def try(value)
   return false if @value == nil
   return true if value > E
   return false if @t
   return false if @value > 0 and @value != value
   return false if @value == 0 and not $zbl[value]
   @t = true
   h =
   n = 0
     h[Board[x[0]][x[1]].wdof*10+n] = Board[x[0]][x[1]]
     n += 1
     if (cell.try(value+1)) then 
       @value = value
       return true                                  
   @t = false                                      
   return false
 def wdon
   return 0 if @value == nil
   return 0 if @value > 0
   return 0 if @t
   return 1
 def wdof
   res = 0
   @adj.each{|x| res += Board[x[0]][x[1]].wdon}
   return res
 def value                                         
   return @value

end </lang> Where only line 3 @adj= <the list> is changed. A possible test for this is: <lang ruby> Rows = 9 Cols = 9 E = 64 $zbl =,true) Board = [[,, , , , , , , , ,,],

        [,,     ,     ,     ,     ,     ,     ,     ,      ,,],
        [,,,2,0),,3,0),,4,0),,5,0),,6,0),,7,0),,8,0),,9,0) ,,],
        [,,,2,0),,3,0),,4,0),,5,0),,6,0),,7,0),,8,0),,9,0) ,,],
        [,,,2,0),,3,0),,4,0),,5,0),,6,0),,7,0),,8,0),,9,0) ,,],
        [,,,2,0),,3,1),,4,0),,5,0),,6,0),,7,0),,8,0),,9,0) ,,],
        [,,,2,0),,3,0),,4,0),,5,0),,6,0),,7,0),,8,0),,9,0) ,,],
        [,,,2,0),,3,0),,4,0),,5,0),,6,0),,7,0),,8,0),,9,0) ,,],
        [,,,2,0),,3,0),,4,0),,5,0),,6,0),,7,0),,8,0),,9,0) ,,],
        [,,     ,     ,     ,     ,     ,     ,     ,      ,,],
        [,,     ,     ,     ,     ,     ,     ,     ,      ,,]]

require 'benchmark' puts Benchmark.measure {Board[5][3].try(1)} (1..Rows).each{|r|

 (1..Cols).each{|c| printf("%3s",Board[r][c].value)}
 puts ""}

</lang> Which produces:

>ruby Program.rb
  0.000000   0.000000   0.000000 (  0.000000)

    23 20  3 32 25 10  5  8
     2 35 24 21  4  7 26 11
    19 22 33 36 31 28  9  6
    34  1 50 29 48 37 12 27
    51 18 53 44 61 30 47 38
    54 43 56 49 58 45 62 13
    17 52 41 60 15 64 39 46
    42 55 16 57 40 59 14 63


<lang tcl>proc init {initialConfiguration} {

   global grid max filled
   set max 1
   set y 0
   foreach row [split [string trim $initialConfiguration "\n"] "\n"] {

set x 0 set rowcontents {} foreach cell $row { if {![string is integer -strict $cell]} {set cell -1} lappend rowcontents $cell set max [expr {max($max, $cell)}] if {$cell > 0} { dict set filled $cell [list $y $x] } incr x } lappend grid $rowcontents incr y



proc findseps {} {

   global max filled
   set result {}
   for {set i 1} {$i < $max-1} {incr i} {

if {[dict exists $filled $i]} { for {set j [expr {$i+1}]} {$j <= $max} {incr j} { if {[dict exists $filled $j]} { if {$j-$i > 1} { lappend result [list $i $j [expr {$j-$i}]] } break } } }

   return [lsort -integer -index 2 $result]


proc makepaths {sep} {

   global grid filled
   lassign $sep from to len
   lassign [dict get $filled $from] y x
   set result {}
   foreach {dx dy} {-1 -1  -1 0  -1 1  0 -1  0 1  1 -1  1 0  1 1} {

discover [expr {$x+$dx}] [expr {$y+$dy}] [expr {$from+1}] $to \ [list [list $from $x $y]] $grid

   return $result

} proc discover {x y n limit path model} {

   global filled
   # Check for illegal
   if {[lindex $model $y $x] != 0} return
   upvar 1 result result
   lassign [dict get $filled $limit] ly lx
   # Special case
   if {$n == $limit-1} {

if {abs($x-$lx)<=1 && abs($y-$ly)<=1 && !($lx==$x && $ly==$y)} { lappend result [lappend path [list $n $x $y] [list $limit $lx $ly]] } return

   # Check for impossible
   if {abs($x-$lx) > $limit-$n || abs($y-$ly) > $limit-$n} return
   # Recursive search
   lappend path [list $n $x $y]
   lset model $y $x $n
   incr n
   foreach {dx dy} {-1 -1  -1 0  -1 1  0 -1  0 1  1 -1  1 0  1 1} {

discover [expr {$x+$dx}] [expr {$y+$dy}] $n $limit $path $model



proc applypath {path} {

   global grid filled
   puts "Found unique path for [lindex $path 0 0] -> [lindex $path end 0]"
   foreach cell [lrange $path 1 end-1] {

lassign $cell n x y lset grid $y $x $n dict set filled $n [list $y $x]



proc printgrid {} {

   global grid max
   foreach row $grid {

foreach cell $row { puts -nonewline [format " %*s" [string length $max] [expr { $cell==-1 ? "." : $cell }]] } puts ""



proc solveHidato {initialConfiguration} {

   init $initialConfiguration
   set limit [llength [findseps]]
   while {[llength [set seps [findseps]]] && [incr limit -1]>=0} {

foreach sep $seps { if {[llength [set paths [makepaths $sep]]] == 1} { applypath [lindex $paths 0] break } }

   puts ""

}</lang> Demonstrating (dots are “outside” the grid, and zeroes are the cells to be filled in): <lang tcl>solveHidato "

    0  33  35   0   0   .   .   .
    0   0  24  22   0   .   .   .
    0   0   0  21   0   0   .   .
    0  26   0  13  40  11   .   .
   27   0   0   0   9   0   1   .
    .   .   0   0  18   0   0   .
    .   .   .   .   0   7   0   0 
    .   .   .   .   .   .   5   0 


Found unique path for 5 -> 7
Found unique path for 7 -> 9
Found unique path for 9 -> 11
Found unique path for 11 -> 13
Found unique path for 33 -> 35
Found unique path for 18 -> 21
Found unique path for 1 -> 5
Found unique path for 35 -> 40
Found unique path for 22 -> 24
Found unique path for 24 -> 26
Found unique path for 27 -> 33
Found unique path for 13 -> 18

 32 33 35 36 37  .  .  .
 31 34 24 22 38  .  .  .
 30 25 23 21 12 39  .  .
 29 26 20 13 40 11  .  .
 27 28 14 19  9 10  1  .
  .  . 15 16 18  8  2  .
  .  .  .  . 17  7  6  3
  .  .  .  .  .  .  5  4

More complex cases are solvable with an extended version of this code, though that has more onerous version requirements.