Snake: Difference between revisions

From Rosetta Code
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m (→‎{{header|Sidef}}: ignore opposite directions)
m (→‎{{header|Perl}}: ignore opposite directions (+more compact code))
Line 179: Line 179:

if ($key eq "\e[A" and $dir ne DOWN ) { $dir = UP }
# up
if ($key eq "\e[A") {
elsif ($key eq "\e[B" and $dir ne UP ) { $dir = DOWN }
$dir = UP;
elsif ($key eq "\e[C" and $dir ne LEFT ) { $dir = RIGHT }
elsif ($key eq "\e[D" and $dir ne RIGHT) { $dir = LEFT }

# down
elsif ($key eq "\e[B") {
$dir = DOWN;

# right
elsif ($key eq "\e[C") {
$dir = RIGHT;

# left
elsif ($key eq "\e[D") {
$dir = LEFT;

Revision as of 23:36, 30 March 2016

Snake is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.
This page uses content from Wikipedia. The original article was at Snake_(video_game). The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with Rosetta Code, the text of Wikipedia is available under the GNU FDL. (See links for details on variance)

Snake is a game where the player maneuvers a line which grows in length every time the snake reaches a food source.


Implement a variant of the Snake game, in any interactive environment, in which a sole player attempts to eat items by running into them with the head of the snake. Each item eaten makes the snake longer and a new item is randomly generated somewhere else on the plane. The game ends when the snake attempts to eat himself.


See Snake/Java.


<lang perl>use utf8; use Time::HiRes qw(sleep); use Term::ANSIColor qw(colored); use Term::ReadKey qw(ReadMode ReadLine);

binmode(STDOUT, ':utf8');

use constant {

             VOID => 0,
             HEAD => 1,
             BODY => 2,
             TAIL => 3,
             FOOD => 4,

use constant {

             LEFT  => [+0, -1],
             RIGHT => [+0, +1],
             UP    => [-1, +0],
             DOWN  => [+1, +0],

use constant {

             BG_COLOR  => "on_black",
             SLEEP_SEC => 0.05,

use constant {

             SNAKE_COLOR => ('bold green' . ' ' . BG_COLOR),
             FOOD_COLOR  => ('red'        . ' ' . BG_COLOR),

use constant {

   U_HEAD => colored('▲', SNAKE_COLOR),
   D_HEAD => colored('▼', SNAKE_COLOR),
   L_HEAD => colored('◀', SNAKE_COLOR),
   R_HEAD => colored('▶', SNAKE_COLOR),
   U_BODY => colored('╹', SNAKE_COLOR),
   D_BODY => colored('╻', SNAKE_COLOR),
   L_BODY => colored('╴', SNAKE_COLOR),
   R_BODY => colored('╶', SNAKE_COLOR),
   U_TAIL => colored('╽', SNAKE_COLOR),
   D_TAIL => colored('╿', SNAKE_COLOR),
   L_TAIL => colored('╼', SNAKE_COLOR),
   R_TAIL => colored('╾', SNAKE_COLOR),
   A_VOID => colored(' ',   BG_COLOR),
   A_FOOD => colored('❇', FOOD_COLOR),

local $| = 1;

my $w = eval { `tput cols` } || 80; my $h = eval { `tput lines` } || 24; my $r = "\033[H";

my @grid = map {

   [map { [VOID] } 1 .. $w]

} 1 .. $h;

my $dir = LEFT; my @head_pos = ($h / 2, $w / 2); my @tail_pos = ($head_pos[0], $head_pos[1] + 1);

$grid[$head_pos[0]][$head_pos[1]] = [HEAD, $dir]; # head $grid[$tail_pos[0]][$tail_pos[1]] = [TAIL, $dir]; # tail

sub create_food {

   my ($food_x, $food_y);
   do {
       $food_x = rand($w);
       $food_y = rand($h);
   } while ($grid[$food_y][$food_x][0] != VOID);
   $grid[$food_y][$food_x][0] = FOOD;



sub display {

   my $i = 0;
   print $r, join("\n",
       map {
               map {
                   my $t = $_->[0];
                   if ($t != FOOD and $t != VOID) {
                       my $p = $_->[1];
                       $i =
                           $p eq UP   ? 0
                         : $p eq DOWN ? 1
                         : $p eq LEFT ? 2
                         :              3;
                       $t == HEAD ? (U_HEAD, D_HEAD, L_HEAD, R_HEAD)[$i]
                     : $t == BODY ? (U_BODY, D_BODY, L_BODY, R_BODY)[$i]
                     : $t == TAIL ? (U_TAIL, D_TAIL, L_TAIL, R_TAIL)[$i]
                     : $t == FOOD ? (A_FOOD)
                     :              (A_VOID);
                 } @{$_}
         } @grid


sub move {

   my $grew = 0;
   # Move the head
       my ($y, $x) = @head_pos;
       my $new_y = ($y + $dir->[0]) % $h;
       my $new_x = ($x + $dir->[1]) % $w;
       my $cell = $grid[$new_y][$new_x];
       my $t    = $cell->[0];
       if ($t == BODY or $t == TAIL) {
           die "Game over!\n";
       elsif ($t == FOOD) {
           $grew = 1;
       # Create a new head
       $grid[$new_y][$new_x] = [HEAD, $dir];
       # Replace the current head with body
       $grid[$y][$x] = [BODY, $dir];
       # Save the position of the head
       @head_pos = ($new_y, $new_x);
   # Move the tail
   if (not $grew) {
       my ($y, $x) = @tail_pos;
       my $pos   = $grid[$y][$x][1];
       my $new_y = ($y + $pos->[0]) % $h;
       my $new_x = ($x + $pos->[1]) % $w;
       $grid[$y][$x][0]         = VOID;    # erase the current tail
       $grid[$new_y][$new_x][0] = TAIL;    # create a new tail
       # Save the position of the tail
       @tail_pos = ($new_y, $new_x);


ReadMode(3); while (1) {

   my $key;
   until (defined($key = ReadLine(-1))) {
   if    ($key eq "\e[A" and $dir ne DOWN ) { $dir = UP    }
   elsif ($key eq "\e[B" and $dir ne UP   ) { $dir = DOWN  }
   elsif ($key eq "\e[C" and $dir ne LEFT ) { $dir = RIGHT }
   elsif ($key eq "\e[D" and $dir ne RIGHT) { $dir = LEFT  }



<lang ruby>class SnakeGame(w, h) {

   const readkey = frequire('Term::ReadKey')
   const ansi    = frequire('Term::ANSIColor')
   define (
       LEFT  = [+0, -1],
       RIGHT = [+0, +1],
       UP    = [-1, +0],
       DOWN  = [+1, +0],
   define BG_COLOR    = "on_black"
   define FOOD_COLOR  = ("red"        + " " + BG_COLOR)
   define SNAKE_COLOR = ("bold green" + " " + BG_COLOR)
   define SLEEP_SEC   = 0.02
   const (
       A_VOID  = ansi.colored(' ', BG_COLOR),
       A_FOOD  = ansi.colored('❇', FOOD_COLOR),
       A_BLOCK = ansi.colored('■', SNAKE_COLOR),
   has dir = LEFT
   has grid = [[]]
   has head_pos = [0, 0]
   has tail_pos = [0, 0]
   method init {
       grid = h.of { w.of { [VOID] } }
       head_pos = [h//2, w//2]
       tail_pos = [head_pos[0], head_pos[1]+1]
       grid[head_pos[0]][head_pos[1]] = [HEAD, dir]    # head
       grid[tail_pos[0]][tail_pos[1]] = [TAIL, dir]    # tail
   method make_food {
       var (food_x, food_y)
       do {
           food_x =
           food_y =
       } while (grid[food_y][food_x][0] != VOID)
       grid[food_y][food_x][0] = FOOD
   method display {
       print("\033[H", { |row|
  { |cell|
               given (cell[0]) {
                   when (VOID) { A_VOID }
                   when (FOOD) { A_FOOD }
                   default     { A_BLOCK }
   method move {
       var grew = false
       # Move the head
       var (y, x) = head_pos...
       var new_y = (y+dir[0] % h)
       var new_x = (x+dir[1] % w)
       var cell = grid[new_y][new_x]
       given (cell[0]) {
           when (BODY) { die "\nYou just bit your own body!\n" }
           when (TAIL) { die "\nYou just bit your own tail!\n" }
           when (FOOD) { grew = true; self.make_food()         }
       # Create a new head
       grid[new_y][new_x] = [HEAD, dir]
       # Replace the current head with body
       grid[y][x] = [BODY, dir]
       # Update the head position
       head_pos = [new_y, new_x]
       # Move the tail
       if (!grew) {
           var (y, x) = tail_pos...
           var pos   = grid[y][x][1]
           var new_y = (y+pos[0] % h)
           var new_x = (x+pos[1] % w)
           grid[y][x][0]         = VOID    # erase the current tail
           grid[new_y][new_x][0] = TAIL    # create a new tail
           tail_pos = [new_y, new_x]
   method play {
       try {
           loop {
               var key
               while (!defined(key = readkey.ReadLine(-1))) {
               given (key) {
                   when ("\e[A") { if (dir != DOWN ) { dir = UP    } }
                   when ("\e[B") { if (dir != UP   ) { dir = DOWN  } }
                   when ("\e[C") { if (dir != LEFT ) { dir = RIGHT } }
                   when ("\e[D") { if (dir != RIGHT) { dir = LEFT  } }
       catch {


var w = `tput cols`.to_i var h = `tput lines`.to_i

SnakeGame(w || 80, h || 24).play</lang>