Simulated optics experiment/Data analysis: Difference between revisions

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===See also===
* ''[[Simulated optics experiment/Simulator]]''
* E. T. Jaynes, [ "Clearing up mysteries -- the original goal"] Opening lecture of the eighth International MAXENT Workshop. 1988. This is a classic from the same physicist as the [[wp:Jaynes–Cummings_model|Jaynes-Cumming model]] is named for.

Revision as of 13:27, 30 May 2023

Simulated optics experiment/Data analysis is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.


In this task, you will write a program to analyze the "raw data" outputted by one of the Simulated optics experiment/Simulator implementations. The analysis will estimate the following numbers:

  • Four correlation coefficients: one for each of the four possible combinations of the two polarizing beam splitter angles. These measure the interrelatedness of light detection events on the two sides of the experiment.
  • A CHSH contrast, which is derived from the correlation coefficients.

The estimated CHSH contrast is what we are really interested in, because what we intend to show is that it contradicts what many physicists believe.

Quantum mechanics predicts a CHSH contrast of approximately . The Simulated optics experiment/Simulator simulation will be shown (by our analysis) to have a CHSH contrast very close to that. Note that our simulation does not employ any quantum mechanics, but instead simulates light "classically". Also our simulation clearly involves only causation that in each instance takes a finite amount of forward-moving time. That is, there is no "instantaneous action at a distance".

The prevailing view in physics, however, is that a CHSH contrast greater than 2 (which we certainly achieve) is possible only with quantum mechanics, and also that taking measurements on one side of the apparatus "instantaneously" determines what the measurements will be on the other side. Although quantum mechanics actually has no concept of "causation", this "determination" is often described as being "instantaneous action at a distance".

Thus, we are left with a conundrum: we clearly get a CHSH contrast not only greater than 2, but in fact very close to the theoretical value that quantum mechanics predicts. This is, in fact, a validation of the quantum mechanical mathematics: the mathematics is producing the correct result for this kind of experiment. On the other hand, the strong prevailing view in physics is that this cannot be happening if the physics involved is "classical"--which our simulated physics very much is. The prevailing view is that experiments similar to ours prove that "instantaneous action at a distance" is a real thing that exists. One sometimes sees such "proof" touted in the popular media.

I leave it to each individual to think about that conundrum and come to their own opinions. I am not a physicist and probably neither are you, so we can think whatever we want, and no one cares. But we likely are both computer programmers. What we mainly want to do here is demonstrate the use of computers to simulate physical events and analyze the data generated.

Task description

You will write a program to perform the mathematical data analysis described in the open access paper

   A. F. Kracklauer, ‘EPR-B correlations: non-locality or geometry?’,
   J. Nonlinear Math. Phys. 11 (Supp.) 104–109 (2004).

The program will read the raw data that was outputted by any of the Simulated optics experiment/Simulator implementations. The Python program below can serve as a reference implementation.

The analysis proceeds as follows.

  1. Read in the raw data. You do not have to retain the order of the data lines. In other words, you can, if you wish, store the data in a set structure.
  2. For each of the data lines, if its first entry is a "1", then swap the last two entries with each other, and do the same with the two entries before them. This is to account for the difference in geometry: the original light pulses are rotated 90° with respect to the apparatus, relative to if the first entry were a "0".
  3. Split the data into four groups, based on the values of the second and third line entries. In other words, one group for lines that look like , one for lines that look like , one for lines that look like , and one for lines that look like . Thus each group corresponds to a particular setting of the two polarizing beam splitters.
  4. Separately compute a correlation coefficient for each group. This is done as follows.
    1. Let equal the total number of lines in a group.
    2. Let equal the number of lines that have a "1" in the fourth entry. This is the number of detections by one of the light detectors on the left side.
    3. Let equal the number of lines that have a "1" in the fifth entry. This is the number of detections by the other light detector on the left side.
    4. Add up similar numbers for the right side: for the sixth entry in a line, and for the seventh entry.
    5. Compute the following numbers: , , , and . These numbers represent an estimate of the orientations of the two beam splitters, by inference from detection events in the light detectors.
    6. Compute and . These are angle difference formulas from trigonometry. We are "eliminating the coordinate system".
    7. Compute . This is the correlation coefficient for the group, estimated by inference from detection events.
  5. Designate each of the four correlation coefficients according to which group it is for. The Python example, for instance, refers to them as kappaL1R1, kappaL1R2, kappaL2R1, and kappaL2R2.
  6. Compute the estimated CHSH contrast: -kappaL1R1 + kappaL1R2 + kappaL2R2 + kappaL2R2.
  7. Display the number of "pulse pair events" that were simulated, the four correlation coefficients, and the estimated CHSH contrast. Also display the theoretical value of the CHSH contrast () and the difference between the estimated CHSH contrast and the theoretical value. Also display what we will call the CHSH violation: the difference between the estimated CHSH contrast and the number 2. Any value significantly greater than zero seems to be supposed to mean that the simulation is inherently "quantum mechanical" and involves "instantaneous action at a distance". But you can decide for yourself whether it really means that. Just do the calculations and print them. One should get an estimated CHSH contrast that is close to the theoretical value, and thus a relatively "huge" CHSH violation of about +0.8.

Extra "credit"

Here is a snapshot of that contains a thought experiment I have been working on: The thought experiment concerns the same subject as this task, but more directly addresses the conundrum. It aims to illustrate the fallaciousness (despite their widespread acceptance by people regarded as "experts") of certain arguments underlying the conundrum, and thus to resolve the technical aspects of the conundrum. Whether it succeeds is up to you to decide. I am just a computer programmer, after all. And, even if I succeed in resolving the technical aspects of the conundrum, I have barely touched on the social aspects of it. Nevertheless, the thought experiment begs to be computer-animated, and I am not that kind of a programmer.

For extra "credit" (in the form of contribution to the community), write an animation or animations of the thought experiment.

--Chemoelectric (talk) 22:50, 29 May 2023 (UTC)

See also


Note that, statistically, the "quantum magic" of extra correlation in the analysis is inserted via the call to swap_LR_channels(), which is statistically fully dependent on whether the initial photon pair is [0, 90] or [90, 0].

 We are not using quantum mechanics (which is supposed to be agnostic about mechanisms, anyway), and the light pulses are not presumed to be "photons". I purposely kept that word out, even though transmitting light bursts is what experiments do. The light bursts could be modeled as very short bursts of electromagnetic waves. The correlation coefficient can be regarded as that of the electromagnetic fields of the light pulses, computed according to classical optics. Nevertheless, given the experimental arrangement, we get the results predicted by quantum mechanics, which is widely supposed to be impossible to do with a classical model of experiments. It is something to think about. --Chemoelectric (talk) 12:34, 30 May 2023 (UTC)
Translation of: Python
using Printf

""" The data for one light pulse. """
mutable struct PulseData

""" Swap detectedL1 and detectedL2. """
swap_L_channels(p) = begin p.detectedL1, p.detectedL2 = p.detectedL2, p.detectedL1; p end

""" Swap detectedR1 and detectedR2. """
swap_R_channels(p) = begin p.detectedR1, p.detectedR2 = p.detectedR2, p.detectedR1; p end

Swap channels on both right and left. This is done if the light source was (1,90°)
instead of (1,0°). For in that case the orientations of the polarizing beam splitters,
relative to the light source, is different by 90°.
swap_LR_channels(p::PulseData) = (swap_L_channels(p); swap_R_channels(p))

Split the data into two subsets, according to whether a set item satisfies a predicate.
The return value is a tuple, with those items satisfying the predicate in the first
tuple entry, the other items in the second entry.
split_data(predicate, data) = (filter(predicate, data), filter(!predicate, data))

Some data items are for a (1,0°) light pulse. The others are for a (1,90°) light pulse.
Thus the light pulses are oriented differently with respect to the polarizing beam splitters.
We adjust for that distinction here.
function adjust_data_for_light_pulse_orientation(data)
    data0, data90 = split_data(x -> x.logS == 0, data)
    return vcat(data0, swap_LR_channels.(data90))

Split the data into subsets per each arrangement of polarizing beam splitters.
function split_data_according_to_PBS_setting(data)
    dataL1, dataL2 = split_data(x -> x.logL == 0, data)
    dataL1R1, dataL1R2 = split_data(x -> x.logR == 0, dataL1)
    dataL2R1, dataL2R2 = split_data(x -> x.logR == 0, dataL2)
    return (dataL1R1, dataL1R2, dataL2R1, dataL2R2)

Compute the correlation coefficient for the subset of the data that corresponding
to a particular setting of the polarizing beam splitters.
function compute_correlation_coefficient(angleL, angleR, data)

    # We make certain the orientations of beam splitters are
    # represented by perpendicular angles in the first and fourth
    # quadrant. This restriction causes no loss of generality, because
    # the orientation of the beam splitter is actually a rotated "X".
    @assert all(0 <= x < 90 for x in (angleL, angleR)) "All orientations are acute angles"

    # Note that the sine is non-negative in Quadrant 1, and the cosine
    # is non-negative in Quadrant 4. Thus we can use the following
    # estimates for cosine and sine. This is Equation (2.4) in the
    # reference. (Note, one can also use Quadrants 1 and 2 and reverse
    # the roles of cosine and sine. And so on like that.)
    N = length(data)
    NL1 = 0
    NL2 = 0
    NR1 = 0
    NR2 = 0
    for item in data
        NL1 += item.detectedL1
        NL2 += item.detectedL2
        NR1 += item.detectedR1
        NR2 += item.detectedR2
    sinL = sqrt(NL1 / N)
    cosL = sqrt(NL2 / N)
    sinR = sqrt(NR1 / N)
    cosR = sqrt(NR2 / N)

    # Now we can apply the reference's Equation (2.3).
    cosLR = (cosR * cosL) + (sinR * sinL)
    sinLR = (sinR * cosL) - (cosR * sinL)

    # And then Equation (2.5).
    kappa = (cosLR * cosLR) - (sinLR * sinLR)

    return kappa

""" Read the raw data. Its order does not actually matter. """
function read_raw_data(stream)
    return [PulseData(row...) for row in filter(a -> length(a) == 7,
              [[parse(Int, s) for s in split(line)] for line in readlines(stream)])]

function run_analysis(inputstream)
    # Polarizing beam splitter orientations commonly used in actual
    # experiments. These must match the values used in the simulation
    # itself. They are by design all either zero degrees or in the
    # first quadrant.
    anglesL = [0.0, 45.0]
    anglesR = [22.5, 67.5]
    @assert all(0 <= x < 90 for x in [anglesL; anglesR])

    data = read_raw_data(inputstream) |> adjust_data_for_light_pulse_orientation
    dataL1R1, dataL1R2, dataL2R1, dataL2R2 = split_data_according_to_PBS_setting(data)

    kappaL1R1 = compute_correlation_coefficient(anglesL[1], anglesR[1], dataL1R1)
    kappaL1R2 = compute_correlation_coefficient(anglesL[1], anglesR[2], dataL1R2)
    kappaL2R1 = compute_correlation_coefficient(anglesL[2], anglesR[1], dataL2R1)
    kappaL2R2 = compute_correlation_coefficient(anglesL[2], anglesR[2], dataL2R2)

    chsh_contrast = -kappaL1R1 + kappaL1R2 + kappaL2R2 + kappaL2R2

    # The nominal value of the CHSH contrast for the chosen polarizer
    # orientations is 2*sqrt(2).
    chsh_contrast_nominal = 2 * sqrt(2.0)

    @printf("\n   light pulse events   %9d\n\n", length(data))
    println("    correlation coefs")
    @printf("              %2d° %2d°   %+9.6f\n", anglesL[1], anglesR[1], kappaL1R1)
    @printf("              %2d° %2d°   %+9.6f\n", anglesL[1], anglesR[2], kappaL1R2)
    @printf("              %2d° %2d°   %+9.6f\n", anglesL[2], anglesR[1], kappaL2R1)
    @printf("              %2d° %2d°   %+9.6f\n\n", anglesL[2], anglesR[2], kappaL2R2)
    @printf("        CHSH contrast   %+9.6f\n", chsh_contrast)
    @printf("  2*sqrt(2) = nominal   %+9.6f\n", chsh_contrast_nominal)
    @printf("           difference   %+9.6f\n", chsh_contrast - chsh_contrast_nominal)

    # A "CHSH violation" occurs if the CHSH contrast is >2.
    @printf("\n       CHSH violation   %+9.6f\n\n", chsh_contrast - 2)


An example using data from the Julia implementation of Simulated optics experiment/Simulator.

   light pulse events     1000000

    correlation coefs
               0° 22°   -0.459472
               0° 68°   +0.955042
              45° 22°   +0.752309
              45° 68°   +0.749286

        CHSH contrast   +2.913088
  2*sqrt(2) = nominal   +2.828427
           difference   +0.084660

       CHSH violation   +0.913088


The program takes one optional command line argument: the filename of the raw data saved by one of the Simulated optics experiment/Simulator implementations. If the argument is omitted or is "-", the raw data is read from standard input.

#!/bin/env -S python3

# Reference:
#   A. F. Kracklauer, ‘EPR-B correlations: non-locality or geometry?’,
#   J. Nonlinear Math. Phys. 11 (Supp.) 104–109 (2004).
# (Open access, CC BY-NC)

import sys
from math import atan2, cos, floor, pi, radians, sin, sqrt

class PulseData():
    '''The data for one light pulse.'''

    def __init__(self, logS, logL, logR, detectedL1, detectedL2,
                 detectedR1, detectedR2):
        self.logS = logS
        self.logL = logL
        self.logR = logR
        self.detectedL1 = detectedL1
        self.detectedL2 = detectedL2
        self.detectedR1 = detectedR1
        self.detectedR2 = detectedR2

    def __repr__(self):
        return ("PulseData(" + str(self.logS) + ", "
                + str(self.logL) + ", "
                + str(self.logR) + ", "
                + str(self.detectedL1) + ", "
                + str(self.detectedL2) + ", "
                + str(self.detectedR1) + ", "
                + str(self.detectedR2) + ")")

    def swap_L_channels(self):
        '''Swap detectedL1 and detectedL2.'''
        (self.detectedL1, self.detectedL2) = \
            (self.detectedL2, self.detectedL1)

    def swap_R_channels(self):
        '''Swap detectedR1 and detectedR2.'''
        (self.detectedR1, self.detectedR2) = \
            (self.detectedR2, self.detectedR1)

    def swap_LR_channels(self):
        '''Swap channels on both right and left. This is done if the
        light source was (1,90°) instead of (1,0°). For in that case
        the orientations of the polarizing beam splitters, relative to
        the light source, is different by 90°.'''

def split_data(predicate, data):
    '''Split the data into two subsets, according to whether a set
    item satisfies a predicate. The return value is a tuple, with
    those items satisfying the predicate in the first tuple entry, the
    other items in the second entry.

    subset1 = {x for x in data if predicate(x)}
    subset2 = data - subset1
    return (subset1, subset2)

def adjust_data_for_light_pulse_orientation(data):
    '''Some data items are for a (1,0°) light pulse. The others are
    for a (1,90°) light pulse. Thus the light pulses are oriented
    differently with respect to the polarizing beam splitters. We
    adjust for that distinction here.'''
    data0, data90 = split_data(lambda item: item.logS == 0, data)
    for item in data90:
    return (data0 | data90)     # Set union.

def split_data_according_to_PBS_setting(data):
    '''Split the data into four subsets: one subset for each
    arrangement of the two polarizing beam splitters.'''
    dataL1, dataL2 = split_data(lambda item: item.logL == 0, data)
    dataL1R1, dataL1R2 = \
        split_data(lambda item: item.logR == 0, dataL1)
    dataL2R1, dataL2R2 = \
        split_data(lambda item: item.logR == 0, dataL2)
    return (dataL1R1, dataL1R2, dataL2R1, dataL2R2)

def compute_correlation_coefficient(angleL, angleR, data):
    '''Compute the correlation coefficient for the subset of the data
    that corresponding to a particular setting of the polarizing beam

    # We make certain the orientations of beam splitters are
    # represented by perpendicular angles in the first and fourth
    # quadrant. This restriction causes no loss of generality, because
    # the orientation of the beam splitter is actually a rotated "X".
    assert (all(0 <= x and x < 90 for x in (angleL, angleR)))
    perpendicularL = angleL - 90 # In Quadrant 4.
    perpendicularR = angleR - 90 # In Quadrant 4.

    # Note that the sine is non-negative in Quadrant 1, and the cosine
    # is non-negative in Quadrant 4. Thus we can use the following
    # estimates for cosine and sine. This is Equation (2.4) in the
    # reference. (Note, one can also use Quadrants 1 and 2 and reverse
    # the roles of cosine and sine. And so on like that.)
    N = len(data)
    NL1 = 0
    NL2 = 0
    NR1 = 0
    NR2 = 0
    for item in data:
        NL1 += item.detectedL1
        NL2 += item.detectedL2
        NR1 += item.detectedR1
        NR2 += item.detectedR2
    sinL = sqrt(NL1 / N)
    cosL = sqrt(NL2 / N)
    sinR = sqrt(NR1 / N)
    cosR = sqrt(NR2 / N)

    # Now we can apply the reference's Equation (2.3).
    cosLR = (cosR * cosL) + (sinR * sinL)
    sinLR = (sinR * cosL) - (cosR * sinL)

    # And then Equation (2.5).
    kappa = (cosLR * cosLR) - (sinLR * sinLR)

    return kappa

def read_raw_data(filename):
    '''Read the raw data. Its order does not actually matter, so we
    return the data as a set.'''

    def make_record(line):
        x = line.split()
        record = PulseData(logS = int(x[0]),
                           logL = int(x[1]),
                           logR = int(x[2]),
                           detectedL1 = int(x[3]),
                           detectedL2 = int(x[4]),
                           detectedR1 = int(x[5]),
                           detectedR2 = int(x[6]))
        return record

    def read_data(f):
        num_pulses = int(f.readline())
        data = set()
        for i in range(num_pulses):
        return data

    if filename != "-":
        with open(filename, "r") as f:
            data = read_data(f)
        data = read_data(sys.stdin)
    return data

if __name__ == '__main__':

    if len(sys.argv) != 1 and len(sys.argv) != 2:
        print("Usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " [RAW_DATA_FILE]")
    raw_data_filename = (sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) == 2 else "-")

    # Polarizing beam splitter orientations commonly used in actual
    # experiments. These must match the values used in the simulation
    # itself. They are by design all either zero degrees or in the
    # first quadrant.
    anglesL = (0.0, 45.0)
    anglesR = (22.5, 67.5)
    assert (all(0 <= x and x < 90 for x in anglesL + anglesR))

    data = read_raw_data(raw_data_filename)
    data = adjust_data_for_light_pulse_orientation(data)
    dataL1R1, dataL1R2, dataL2R1, dataL2R2 = \

    kappaL1R1 = \
        compute_correlation_coefficient (anglesL[0], anglesR[0],
    kappaL1R2 = \
        compute_correlation_coefficient (anglesL[0], anglesR[1],
    kappaL2R1 = \
        compute_correlation_coefficient (anglesL[1], anglesR[0],
    kappaL2R2 = \
        compute_correlation_coefficient (anglesL[1], anglesR[1],

    chsh_contrast = -kappaL1R1 + kappaL1R2 + kappaL2R2 + kappaL2R2

    # The nominal value of the CHSH contrast for the chosen polarizer
    # orientations is 2*sqrt(2).
    chsh_contrast_nominal = 2 * sqrt(2.0)

    print("   light pulse events   %9d" % len(data))
    print("    correlation coefs")
    print("              %2d° %2d°   %+9.6f" % (anglesL[0], anglesR[0],
    print("              %2d° %2d°   %+9.6f" % (anglesL[0], anglesR[1],
    print("              %2d° %2d°   %+9.6f" % (anglesL[1], anglesR[0],
    print("              %2d° %2d°   %+9.6f" % (anglesL[1], anglesR[1],
    print("        CHSH contrast   %+9.6f" % chsh_contrast)
    print("  2*sqrt(2) = nominal   %+9.6f" % chsh_contrast_nominal)
    print("           difference   %+9.6f" % (chsh_contrast -

    # A "CHSH violation" occurs if the CHSH contrast is >2.
    print("       CHSH violation   %+9.6f" % (chsh_contrast - 2))

An example using data from the Python implementation of Simulated optics experiment/Simulator.

   light pulse events      100000

    correlation coefs
               0° 22°   -0.707806
               0° 67°   +0.705415
              45° 22°   +0.712377
              45° 67°   +0.718882

        CHSH contrast   +2.850985
  2*sqrt(2) = nominal   +2.828427
           difference   +0.022558

       CHSH violation   +0.850985