Sequence: smallest number greater than previous term with exactly n divisors: Difference between revisions

From Rosetta Code
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Realize in F#
Added Swift solution
Line 997: Line 997:
[1, 2, 4, 6, 16, 18, 64, 66, 100, 112, 1024, 1035, 4096, 4288, 4624]
[1, 2, 4, 6, 16, 18, 64, 66, 100, 112, 1024, 1035, 4096, 4288, 4624]

Includes an optimization borrowed from the Pascal example above.
<lang swift>// See
func divisorCount(number: Int) -> Int {
var n = number
var total = 1
// Deal with powers of 2 first
while n % 2 == 0 {
total += 1
n /= 2
// Odd prime factors up to the square root
var p = 3
while p * p <= n {
var count = 1
while n % p == 0 {
count += 1
n /= p
total *= count
p += 2
// If n > 1 then it's prime
if n > 1 {
total *= 2
return total

let limit = 32
var n = 1
var next = 1
while next <= limit {
if next == divisorCount(number: n) {
print(n, terminator: " ")
next += 1
if next > 4 && divisorCount(number: next) == 2 {
n = 1 << (next - 1) - 1;
n += 1

1 2 4 6 16 18 64 66 100 112 1024 1035 4096 4288 4624 4632 65536 65572 262144 262192 263169 269312 4194304 4194306 4477456 4493312 4498641 4498752 268435456 268437200 1073741824 1073741830

Revision as of 22:14, 19 July 2020

Sequence: smallest number greater than previous term with exactly n divisors
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Calculate the sequence where each term an is the smallest natural number greater than the previous term, that has exactly n divisors.


Show here, on this page, at least the first 15 terms of the sequence.

See also

Related tasks


Translation of: Go

<lang Ada>with Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Show_Sequence is

  function Count_Divisors (N : in Natural) return Natural is
     Count : Natural := 0;
     I     : Natural;
     I := 1;
     while I**2 <= N loop
        if N mod I = 0 then
           if I = N / I then
              Count := Count + 1;
              Count := Count + 2;
           end if;
        end if;
        I := I + 1;
     end loop;
     return Count;
  end Count_Divisors;
  procedure Show (Max : in Natural) is
     use Ada.Text_IO;
     N : Natural := 1;
     Put_Line ("The first" & Max'Image & "terms of the sequence are:");
     for Divisors in 1 .. Max loop
        while Count_Divisors (N) /= Divisors loop
           N := N + 1;
        end loop;
        Put (N'Image);
     end loop;
  end Show;


  Show (15);

end Show_Sequence;</lang>

The first 15terms of the sequence are:
 1 2 4 6 16 18 64 66 100 112 1024 1035 4096 4288 4624


Translation of: Go

<lang algol68>BEGIN

   PROC count divisors = ( INT n )INT:
           INT count := 0;
           FOR i WHILE i*i <= n DO
               IF n MOD i = 0 THEN
                   count +:= IF i = n OVER i THEN 1 ELSE 2 FI
        END # count divisors # ;

   INT max = 15;
   print( ( "The first ", whole( max, 0 ), " terms of the sequence are:", newline ) );
   INT next := 1;
   FOR i WHILE next <= max DO
       IF next = count divisors( i ) THEN
           print( ( whole( i, 0 ), " " ) );
           next +:= 1
   print( ( newline, newline ) )


The first 15 terms of the sequence are:
1 2 4 6 16 18 64 66 100 112 1024 1035 4096 4288 4624


<lang AWK>

  2. converted from Kotlin


   limit = 15
   printf("first %d terms:",limit)
   n = 1
   while (n <= limit) {
     if (n == count_divisors(++i)) {
       printf(" %d",i)

} function count_divisors(n, count,i) {

   for (i=1; i*i<=n; i++) {
     if (n % i == 0) {
       count += (i == n / i) ? 1 : 2

} </lang>

first 15 terms: 1 2 4 6 16 18 64 66 100 112 1024 1035 4096 4288 4624


Translation of: Go

<lang c>#include <stdio.h>

  1. define MAX 15

int count_divisors(int n) {

   int i, count = 0;
   for (i = 1; i * i <= n; ++i) {
       if (!(n % i)) {
           if (i == n / i)
               count += 2;
   return count;


int main() {

   int i, next = 1;
   printf("The first %d terms of the sequence are:\n", MAX);
   for (i = 1; next <= MAX; ++i) {
       if (next == count_divisors(i)) {           
           printf("%d ", i);
   return 0;


The first 15 terms of the sequence are:
1 2 4 6 16 18 64 66 100 112 1024 1035 4096 4288 4624 


Translation of: C

<lang cpp>#include <iostream>

  1. define MAX 15

using namespace std;

int count_divisors(int n) {

   int count = 0;
   for (int i = 1; i * i <= n; ++i) {
       if (!(n % i)) {
           if (i == n / i)
               count += 2;
   return count;


int main() {

   cout << "The first " << MAX << " terms of the sequence are:" << endl;
   for (int i = 1, next = 1; next <= MAX; ++i) {
       if (next == count_divisors(i)) {           
           cout << i << " ";
   cout << endl;
   return 0;


The first 15 terms of the sequence are:
1 2 4 6 16 18 64 66 100 112 1024 1035 4096 4288 4624 


Translation of: Pascal

More terms and quicker than the straightforward C version above. Try It Online!<lang cpp>#include <cstdio>

  1. include <chrono>

using namespace std::chrono;

const int MAX = 32;

unsigned int getDividersCnt(unsigned int n) {

 unsigned int d = 3, q, dRes, res = 1;
 while (!(n & 1)) { n >>= 1; res++; }
 while ((d * d) <= n) { q = n / d; if (n % d == 0) { dRes = 0;
   do { dRes += res; n = q; q /= d; } while (n % d == 0);
     res += dRes; } d += 2; } return n != 1 ? res << 1 : res; }

int main() { unsigned int i, nxt, DivCnt;

 printf("The first %d anti-primes plus are: ", MAX);
 auto st = steady_clock::now(); i = nxt = 1; do {
   if ((DivCnt = getDividersCnt(i)) == nxt ) { printf("%d ", i);
     if ((++nxt > 4) && (getDividersCnt(nxt) == 2))
       i = (1 << (nxt - 1)) - 1; } i++; } while (nxt <= MAX);
 printf("%d ms", (int)(duration<double>(steady_clock::now() - st).count() * 1000));


The first 32 anti-primes plus are: 1 2 4 6 16 18 64 66 100 112 1024 1035 4096 4288 4624 4632 65536 65572 262144 262192 263169 269312 4194304 4194306 4477456 4493312 4498641 4498752 268435456 268437200 1073741824 1073741830 223 ms


Translation of: Go

<lang dyalect>func countDivisors(n) {

   var count = 0
   var i = 1
   while i * i <= n {
       if n % i == 0 {
           if i == n / i {
               count += 1
           } else {
               count += 2
       i += 1
   return count


const max = 15 print("The first \(max) terms of the sequence are:") var (i, next) = (1, 1) while next <= max {

   if next == countDivisors(i) {
       print("\(i) ", terminator = "")
       next += 1
   i += 1



The first 15 terms of the sequence are:
1 2 4 6 16 18 64 66 100 112 1024 1035 4096 4288 4624


First 28 are easy with a Naive implementation

<lang fsharp> // Nigel Galloway: November 19th., 2017 let fN g=[1..(float>>sqrt>>int)g]|>List.fold(fun Σ n->if g%n>0 then Σ else if g/n=n then Σ+1 else Σ+2) 0 let A069654=let rec fG n g=seq{match g-fN n with 0->yield n; yield! fG(n+1)(g+1) |_->yield! fG(n+1)g} in fG 1 1

A069654 |> Seq.take 28|>Seq.iter(printf "%d "); printfn "" </lang>

1 2 4 6 16 18 64 66 100 112 1024 1035 4096 4288 4624 4632 65536 65572 262144 262192 263169 269312 4194304 4194306 4477456 4493312 4498641 4498752


<lang factor>USING: io kernel math math.primes.factors prettyprint sequences ;

next ( n num -- n' num' )
   [ 2dup divisors length = ] [ 1 + ] do until [ 1 + ] dip ;
A069654 ( n -- seq )
   [ 2 1 ] dip [ [ next ] keep ] replicate 2nip ;

"The first 15 terms of the sequence are:" print 15 A069654 .</lang>

The first 15 terms of the sequence are:
{ 1 2 4 6 16 18 64 66 100 112 1024 1035 4096 4288 4624 }


<lang go>package main

import "fmt"

func countDivisors(n int) int {

   count := 0
   for i := 1; i*i <= n; i++ {
       if n%i == 0 {
           if i == n/i {
           } else {
               count += 2
   return count


func main() {

   const max = 15
   fmt.Println("The first", max, "terms of the sequence are:")
   for i, next := 1, 1; next <= max; i++ {
       if next == countDivisors(i) {
           fmt.Printf("%d ", i)


The first 15 terms of the sequence are:
1 2 4 6 16 18 64 66 100 112 1024 1035 4096 4288 4624 


<lang haskell>import Text.Printf (printf)

sequence_A069654 :: [(Int,Int)] sequence_A069654 = go 1 $ (,) <*> countDivisors <$> [1..]

where go t ((n,c):xs) | c == t    = (t,n):go (succ t) xs
                      | otherwise = go t xs
      countDivisors n = foldr f 0 [1..floor $ sqrt $ realToFrac n]
       where f x r | n `mod` x == 0 = if n `div` x == x then r+1 else r+2
                   | otherwise      = r

main :: IO () main = mapM_ (uncurry $ printf "a(%2d)=%5d\n") $ take 15 sequence_A069654</lang>

a( 1)=    1
a( 2)=    2
a( 3)=    4
a( 4)=    6
a( 5)=   16
a( 6)=   18
a( 7)=   64
a( 8)=   66
a( 9)=  100
a(10)=  112
a(11)= 1024
a(12)= 1035
a(13)= 4096
a(14)= 4288
a(15)= 4624


<lang j> sieve=: 3 :0

NB. sieve y  returns a vector of y boxes.
NB. In each box is an array of 2 columns.
NB. The first column is the factor tally
NB. and the second column is a number with
NB. that many factors.
NB. Rather than factoring, the algorithm
NB. counts prime seive cell hits.
NB. The boxes are not ordered by factor tally.
range=. <. + i.@:|@:-
tally=. y#0
for_i.#\tally do.
 j=. }:^:(y<:{:)i * 1 range >: <. y % i
 tally=. j >:@:{`[`]} tally
(</.~ {."1) (,. i.@:#)tally

) </lang>

   A=: sieve 100000
   B=: /:~ A
   missing=: [: (-.~i.@:#) (<0 0)&{&>
   C=: ({.~ {.@:missing) B
   D=:{:"1 L:_1 C
   (] , [ {~ (I. {:))&.>/@:|. D
|0 1 2 4 6 16 18 64 66 100 112 1024 1035 4096 4288 4624 4632 65536 65572|

Intermediate steps and explanation for a smaller sieve:

   ] A=: sieve 60
|0 0|1 1|2  2|3  4|4  6|6 12|5 16|8 24|9 36|10 48|
|   |   |2  3|3  9|4  8|6 18|    |8 30|    |     |
|   |   |2  5|3 25|4 10|6 20|    |8 40|    |     |
|   |   |2  7|3 49|4 14|6 28|    |8 42|    |     |
|   |   |2 11|    |4 15|6 32|    |8 54|    |     |
|   |   |2 13|    |4 21|6 44|    |8 56|    |     |
|   |   |2 17|    |4 22|6 45|    |    |    |     |
|   |   |2 19|    |4 26|6 50|    |    |    |     |
|   |   |2 23|    |4 27|6 52|    |    |    |     |
|   |   |2 29|    |4 33|    |    |    |    |     |
|   |   |2 31|    |4 34|    |    |    |    |     |
|   |   |2 37|    |4 35|    |    |    |    |     |
|   |   |2 41|    |4 38|    |    |    |    |     |
|   |   |2 43|    |4 39|    |    |    |    |     |
|   |   |2 47|    |4 46|    |    |    |    |     |
|   |   |2 53|    |4 51|    |    |    |    |     |
|   |   |2 59|    |4 55|    |    |    |    |     |
|   |   |    |    |4 57|    |    |    |    |     |
|   |   |    |    |4 58|    |    |    |    |     |

   ] B=: /:~ A            NB. ascending sort by tally
|0 0|1 1|2  2|3  4|4  6|5 16|6 12|8 24|9 36|10 48|
|   |   |2  3|3  9|4  8|    |6 18|8 30|    |     |
|   |   |2  5|3 25|4 10|    |6 20|8 40|    |     |
|   |   |2  7|3 49|4 14|    |6 28|8 42|    |     |
|   |   |2 11|    |4 15|    |6 32|8 54|    |     |
|   |   |2 13|    |4 21|    |6 44|8 56|    |     |
|   |   |2 17|    |4 22|    |6 45|    |    |     |
|   |   |2 19|    |4 26|    |6 50|    |    |     |
|   |   |2 23|    |4 27|    |6 52|    |    |     |
|   |   |2 29|    |4 33|    |    |    |    |     |
|   |   |2 31|    |4 34|    |    |    |    |     |
|   |   |2 37|    |4 35|    |    |    |    |     |
|   |   |2 41|    |4 38|    |    |    |    |     |
|   |   |2 43|    |4 39|    |    |    |    |     |
|   |   |2 47|    |4 46|    |    |    |    |     |
|   |   |2 53|    |4 51|    |    |    |    |     |
|   |   |2 59|    |4 55|    |    |    |    |     |
|   |   |    |    |4 57|    |    |    |    |     |
|   |   |    |    |4 58|    |    |    |    |     |

   NB. truncate to the fully populated length

   NB. missing lists the unavailable factor tallies
   missing=: [: (-.~i.@:#) (<0 0)&{&>
   ] C=: ({.~ {.@:missing) B   NB. retain tally counts with no holes
|0 0|1 1|2  2|3  4|4  6|5 16|6 12|
|   |   |2  3|3  9|4  8|    |6 18|
|   |   |2  5|3 25|4 10|    |6 20|
|   |   |2  7|3 49|4 14|    |6 28|
|   |   |2 11|    |4 15|    |6 32|
|   |   |2 13|    |4 21|    |6 44|
|   |   |2 17|    |4 22|    |6 45|
|   |   |2 19|    |4 26|    |6 50|
|   |   |2 23|    |4 27|    |6 52|
|   |   |2 29|    |4 33|    |    |
|   |   |2 31|    |4 34|    |    |
|   |   |2 37|    |4 35|    |    |
|   |   |2 41|    |4 38|    |    |
|   |   |2 43|    |4 39|    |    |
|   |   |2 47|    |4 46|    |    |
|   |   |2 53|    |4 51|    |    |
|   |   |2 59|    |4 55|    |    |
|   |   |    |    |4 57|    |    |
|   |   |    |    |4 58|    |    |

   NB. Remove the tally column from each box (by retaining the values)
   ,.L:_1 D=:{:"1 L:_1 C
|0|1| 2| 4| 6|16|12|
| | | 3| 9| 8|  |18|
| | | 5|25|10|  |20|
| | | 7|49|14|  |28|
| | |11|  |15|  |32|
| | |13|  |21|  |44|
| | |17|  |22|  |45|
| | |19|  |26|  |50|
| | |23|  |27|  |52|
| | |29|  |33|  |  |
| | |31|  |34|  |  |
| | |37|  |35|  |  |
| | |41|  |38|  |  |
| | |43|  |39|  |  |
| | |47|  |46|  |  |
| | |53|  |51|  |  |
| | |59|  |55|  |  |
| | |  |  |57|  |  |
| | |  |  |58|  |  |

   NB. finally enlist successively larger values
   (] , [ {~ (I. {:))&.>/@:|. D
|0 1 2 4 6 16 18|


Translation of: C

<lang java>public class AntiPrimesPlus {

   static int count_divisors(int n) {
       int count = 0;
       for (int i = 1; i * i <= n; ++i) {
           if (n % i == 0) {
               if (i == n / i)
                   count += 2;
       return count;
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       final int max = 15;
       System.out.printf("The first %d terms of the sequence are:\n", max);
       for (int i = 1, next = 1; next <= max; ++i) {
           if (next == count_divisors(i)) {           
               System.out.printf("%d ", i);


The first 15 terms of the sequence are:
1 2 4 6 16 18 64 66 100 112 1024 1035 4096 4288 4624 


Translation of: Perl

<lang julia>using Primes

function numfactors(n)

   f = [one(n)]
   for (p,e) in factor(n)
       f = reduce(vcat, [f*p^j for j in 1:e], init=f)


function A06954(N)

   println("First $N terms of OEIS sequence A069654: ")
   k = 0
   for i in 1:N
       j = k
       while (j += 1) > 0
           if i == numfactors(j)
               print("$j ")
               k = j




First 15 terms of OEIS sequence A069654:
1 2 4 6 16 18 64 66 100 112 1024 1035 4096 4288 4624


Translation of: Go

<lang scala>// Version 1.3.21

const val MAX = 15

fun countDivisors(n: Int): Int {

   var count = 0
   var i = 1
   while (i * i <= n) {
       if (n % i == 0) {
           count += if (i == n / i) 1 else 2
   return count


fun main() {

   println("The first $MAX terms of the sequence are:")
   var i = 1
   var next = 1
   while (next <= MAX) {
       if (next == countDivisors(i)) {
           print("$i ")


The first 15 terms of the sequence are:
1 2 4 6 16 18 64 66 100 112 1024 1035 4096 4288 4624 


<lang nim>import strformat

const MAX = 15

func countDivisors(n: int): int =

 var i = 1 
 var count = 0
 while i * i <= n:
   if n mod i == 0:
     if i == n div i:
       inc count
       inc count, 2
   inc i

var i, next = 1 echo fmt"The first {MAX} terms of the sequence are:" while next <= MAX:

 if next == countDivisors(i):
   write(stdout, fmt"{i} ")
   inc next
 inc i

write(stdout, "\n")</lang>

The first 15 terms of the sequence are:
1 2 4 6 16 18 64 66 100 112 1024 1035 4096 4288 4624


Counting divisors by prime factorisation.
If divCnt= Count of divisors is prime then the only candidate ist n = prime^(divCnt-1). There will be more rules. If divCnt is odd then the divisors of divCnt are a^(even_factor*i)*..*k^(even_factor*j). I think of next = 33 aka 11*3 with the solution 1031^2 * 2^10=1,088,472,064 with a big distance to next= 32 => 1073741830.
Try it online! <lang pascal>program AntiPrimesPlus; {$IFDEF FPC}

 {$MODE Delphi}


 {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} // delphi

{$ENDIF} uses



 MAX =32;

function getDividersCnt(n:Uint32):Uint32; // getDividersCnt by dividing n into its prime factors // aka n = 2250 = 2^1*3^2*5^3 has (1+1)*(2+1)*(3+1)= 24 dividers var

 divi,quot,deltaRes,rest : Uint32;


 result := 1;

 //divi  := 2; //separat without division
 while Not(Odd(n)) do
   n := n SHR 1;

 //from now on only odd numbers
 divi  := 3;
 while (sqr(divi)<=n) do
   if rest = 0 then
     deltaRes := 0;
       n := quot;      
     until rest <> 0;
 //if last factor of n is prime
 IF n <> 1 then
   result := result*2;



 T0 : Int64;
 i,next,DivCnt: Uint32;


 writeln('The first ',MAX,' anti-primes plus are:');
 T0:= GetTickCount64;
 i := 1;
 next := 1;
   DivCnt := getDividersCnt(i);
   IF DivCnt= next then
     write(i,' ');
     //if next is prime then only prime( => mostly 2 )^(next-1) is solution
     IF (next > 4) AND (getDividersCnt(next) = 2) then
       i := 1 shl (next-1) -1;// i is incremented afterwards
 until Next > MAX;
 writeln(GetTickCount64-T0,' ms');


The first 32 anti-primes plus are:
1 2 4 6 16 18 64 66 100 112 1024 1035 4096 4288 4624 4632 65536 65572 262144 262192 263169 269312 4194304 4194306 4477456 4493312 4498641 4498752 268435456 268437200 1073741824 1073741830 
525 ms


Library: ntheory

<lang perl>use strict; use warnings; use ntheory 'divisors';

print "First 15 terms of OEIS: A069654\n"; my $m = 0; for my $n (1..15) {

   my $l = $m;
   while (++$l) {
       print("$l "), $m = $l, last if $n == divisors($l);


First 15 terms of OEIS: A069654
1 2 4 6 16 18 64 66 100 112 1024 1035 4096 4288 4624


Uses the optimisation trick from pascal, of n:=power(2,next-1) when next is a prime>4. <lang Phix>constant limit = 15 sequence res = repeat(0,limit) integer next = 1 atom n = 1 while next<=limit do

   integer k = length(factors(n,1))
   if k=next then
       res[k] = n
       next += 1
       if next>4 and is_prime(next) then
           n := power(2,next-1)-1 -- (-1 for +=1 next)
       end if
   end if
   n += 1

end while printf(1,"The first %d terms are: %v\n",{limit,res})</lang>

The first 15 terms are: {1,2,4,6,16,18,64,66,100,112,1024,1035,4096,4288,4624}


<lang Python> def divisors(n):

   divs = [1]
   for ii in range(2, int(n ** 0.5) + 3):
       if n % ii == 0:
           divs.append(int(n / ii))
   return list(set(divs))

def sequence(max_n=None):

   previous = 0
   n = 0
   while True:
       n += 1
       ii = previous
       if max_n is not None:
           if n > max_n:
       while True:
           ii += 1
           if len(divisors(ii)) == n:
               yield ii
               previous = ii

if __name__ == '__main__':

   for item in sequence(15):

</lang> Output: <lang Python> 1 2 4 6 16 18 64 66 100 112 1024 1035 4096 4288 4624 </lang>


(formerly Perl 6)

Works with: Rakudo version 2019.03

<lang perl6>sub div-count (\x) {

   return 2 if;
   +flat (1 .. x.sqrt.floor).map: -> \d {
       unless x % d { my \y = x div d; y == d ?? y !! (y, d) }


my $limit = 15;

my $m = 1; put "First $limit terms of OEIS:A069654"; put (1..$limit).map: -> $n { my $ = $m = first { $n == .&div-count }, $m..Inf }; </lang>

First 15 terms of OEIS:A069654
1 2 4 6 16 18 64 66 100 112 1024 1035 4096 4288 4624


Programming note:   this Rosetta Code task (for 15 sequence numbers) doesn't require any optimization,   but the code was optimized for listing higher numbers.

The method used is to find the number of proper divisors   (up to the integer square root of X),   and add one.

Optimization was included when examining   even   or   odd   index numbers   (determine how much to increment the   do   loop). <lang rexx>/*REXX program finds and displays N numbers of the "anti─primes plus" sequence. */ parse arg N . /*obtain optional argument from the CL.*/ if N== | N=="," then N= 15 /*Not specified? Then use the default.*/ idx= 1 /*the maximum number of divisors so far*/ say '──index── ──anti─prime plus──' /*display a title for the numbers shown*/

  1. = 0 /*the count of anti─primes found " " */
       do i=1  until #==N                       /*step through possible numbers by twos*/
       d= #divs(i);  if d\==idx  then iterate   /*get # divisors;  Is too small?  Skip.*/
       #= # + 1;     idx= idx + 1               /*found an anti─prime #;  set new minD.*/
       say center(#, 8)  right(i, 15)           /*display the index and the anti─prime.*/
       end   /*i*/

exit 0 /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/

  1. divs: procedure; parse arg x 1 y /*X and Y: both set from 1st argument.*/
      if x<7  then do                           /*handle special cases for numbers < 7.*/
                   if x<3   then return x       /*   "      "      "    "  one and two.*/
                   if x<5   then return x - 1   /*   "      "      "    "  three & four*/
                   if x==5  then return 2       /*   "      "      "    "  five.       */
                   if x==6  then return 4       /*   "      "      "    "  six.        */
      odd= x // 2                               /*check if   X   is  odd  or not.      */
      if odd  then      #= 1;                   /*Odd?   Assume  Pdivisors  count of 1.*/
              else do;  #= 3;    y= x % 2       /*Even?     "        "        "    " 3.*/
                   end                          /* [↑]  Even,  so add 2 known divisors.*/
                                                /* [↓] start with known number of Pdivs*/
         do k=3  for x%2-3  by 1+odd  while k<y /*for odd numbers, skip over the evens.*/
         if x//k==0  then do                    /*if no remainder, then found a divisor*/
                          #= # + 2;   y= x % k  /*bump the # Pdivs;  calculate limit Y.*/
                          if k>=y  then do;   #= # - 1;   leave
                                        end     /* [↑]  has the limit been reached?    */
                          end                   /*                         ___         */
                     else if k*k>x  then leave  /*only divide up to the   √ x          */
         end   /*k*/                            /* [↑]  this form of DO loop is faster.*/
      return # + 1                              /*bump "proper divisors" to "divisors".*/</lang>
output   when using the default input:
──index──  ──anti─prime plus──
   1                   1
   2                   2
   3                   4
   4                   6
   5                  16
   6                  18
   7                  64
   8                  66
   9                 100
   10                112
   11               1024
   12               1035
   13               4096
   14               4288
   15               4624


<lang ring>

  1. Project : ANti-primes

see "working..." + nl see "wait for done..." + nl + nl see "the first 15 Anti-primes Plus are:" + nl + nl num = 1 n = 0 result = list(15) while num < 16

     n = n + 1
     div = factors(n)
     if div = num
        result[num] = n
        num = num + 1

end see "[" for n = 1 to len(result)

   if n < len(result)
      see string(result[n]) + ","
      see string(result[n]) + "]" + nl + nl

next see "done..." + nl

func factors(an)

    ansum = 2
    if an < 2
    for nr = 2 to an/2
        if an%nr = 0
           ansum = ansum+1
    return ansum


wait for done...

the first 15 Anti-primes Plus are:




<lang ruby>require 'prime'

def num_divisors(n)

 n.prime_division.inject(1){|prod, (_p,n)| prod *= (n + 1) } 


seq = do |y|

 cur = 0
 (1..).each do |i|
   if num_divisors(i) == cur + 1 then
     y << i
     cur += 1


p seq.take(15) </lang>

[1, 2, 4, 6, 16, 18, 64, 66, 100, 112, 1024, 1035, 4096, 4288, 4624]


<lang ruby>func n_divisors(n, from=1) {

   from..Inf -> first_by { .sigma0 == n }


with (1) { |from|

   say 15.of { from = n_divisors(_+1, from) }


[1, 2, 4, 6, 16, 18, 64, 66, 100, 112, 1024, 1035, 4096, 4288, 4624]


Includes an optimization borrowed from the Pascal example above. <lang swift>// See func divisorCount(number: Int) -> Int {

   var n = number
   var total = 1
   // Deal with powers of 2 first
   while n % 2 == 0 {
       total += 1
       n /= 2
   // Odd prime factors up to the square root
   var p = 3
   while p * p <= n {
       var count = 1
       while n % p == 0 {
           count += 1
           n /= p
       total *= count
       p += 2
   // If n > 1 then it's prime
   if n > 1 {
       total *= 2
   return total


let limit = 32 var n = 1 var next = 1 while next <= limit {

   if next == divisorCount(number: n) {
       print(n, terminator: " ")
       next += 1
       if next > 4 && divisorCount(number: next) == 2 {
           n = 1 << (next - 1) - 1;
   n += 1

} print()</lang>

1 2 4 6 16 18 64 66 100 112 1024 1035 4096 4288 4624 4632 65536 65572 262144 262192 263169 269312 4194304 4194306 4477456 4493312 4498641 4498752 268435456 268437200 1073741824 1073741830 


Translation of: Phix
Library: Wren-math

<lang ecmascript>import "/math" for Int

var limit = 24 var res = List.filled(limit, 0) var next = 1 var n = 1 while (next <= limit) {

   var k = Int.divisors(n).count
   if (k == next) {
       res[k-1] = n        
       next = next + 1
       if (next > 4 && Int.isPrime(next)) n = 2.pow(next-1) - 1
   n = n + 1 

} System.print("The first %(limit) terms are:") System.print(res)</lang>

The first 24 terms are:
[1, 2, 4, 6, 16, 18, 64, 66, 100, 112, 1024, 1035, 4096, 4288, 4624, 4632, 65536, 65572, 262144, 262192, 263169, 269312, 4194304, 4194306]


<lang zkl>fcn countDivisors(n)

  { [1..(n).toFloat().sqrt()] .reduce('wrap(s,i){ s + (if(0==n%i) 1 + (i!=n/i)) },0) }</lang>

<lang zkl>n:=15; println("The first %d anti-primes plus are:".fmt(n)); (1).walker(*).tweak(

  fcn(n,rn){ if(rn.value==countDivisors(n)){; n } else Void.Skip }.fp1(Ref(1)))

.walk(n).concat(" ").println();</lang>

The first 15 anti-primes plus are:
1 2 4 6 16 18 64 66 100 112 1024 1035 4096 4288 4624