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Rosetta Code:Village Pump/Works with against libheader

From Rosetta Code
Works with against libheader
This is a particular discussion thread among many which consider Rosetta Code.


Difference between uses of {{works with}} vs {{libheader}}[[Summary::Difference between uses of {{works with}} vs {{libheader}}| ]]


Going through some Obj-C codes given by someone else I've added the works with template, since all the examples always use a OpenStep (likely Cocoa, but works almost always on GNUstep too) framework. When I've found already a "works with Objective version 2.0+" notice, a dilemma came into my mind: which is the exact difference (in this case) between Works With and Libheader?! From a point of view, GNUstep (and Cocoa) is (are) a (set of) library(ies), built "upon" Obj-C OO mechanisms / runtime. So it seems Libheader can apply (in fact we must specify #import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h> or #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> and so on... and when compiling, we need linking properly with that framework. But Works With too... being this maybe more generic? Or should Works with be kept for language versions, operating systems, or implementations, and Libheader for libraries? (And in this case, I should go back changing WorksWith with Libheader in all GNUstep/Cocoa cases?)...

I am a little bit confused on the exact use of the two templates in object. --ShinTakezou 15:24, 12 February 2009 (UTC)

The libheader template actually puts the task in the library's category. The works with template just marks which compiler, interpreter, language version, or implementation the code works under. So the libheader should be used for libraries so that the library categories are updated and the works with template should be used for everything else. --Mwn3d 15:47, 12 February 2009 (UTC)

Right. {Works with} is used to describe your test environment, such as which compiler, compiler version, operating system, or language variant is required to run the example. {Libheader} is used to describe optional libraries that are required to run the example. Objective-C class libraries are kind of on the fuzzy line between the two templates. To some extent, the whole point of Objective-C was to define an object system in which a standard class library could be written, and OpenStep/Cocoa is that class library. I don't think anyone uses Objective-C without the class library and most of its core classes are the same between the different implementations, so it is probably fine to use {works with|OpenStep} and consider it a standard library. Also I don't think there are any other compilers other than gcc. --IanOsgood 17:09, 12 February 2009 (UTC)
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