User:Gerard Schildberger

From Rosetta Code
Revision as of 09:35, 20 November 2019 by rosettacode>Gerard Schildberger (updated comment for HPL)

Gerard Schildberger can be reached at e-mail:

Languages I know
Language Proficiency
ACP and PARS now decrepit
ALGOL 68 rusted shut
APL wrote two programs, but I can't read them
BASIC good
BASIC (other flavors) so so
BPL one of the authors
C middling
C# less then C
COBOL OK   (I never let anybody know, lest I'd get roped into coding)
EXEC proficient
EXEC2 proficient
FORTRAN productive, those were the days
Fortran was good, now rusty
GML pretty good, wrote several CMS tomes in it
GPSS ok, mostly forgotten
HPL one of the early authors
IBM assembler and macros proficient
IRAP author
Java poor, but dangerous (gun, foot)
JCL good
JOVIAL used it thrice
KEXX proficient
Kingston FORTRAN II proficient
Modula-2 very rusty
MUMPS used in '69, forgot everything
Pascal beginner
PL/I good to gooder
QBE defunct
REXX proficient
SAS ok
Script/370 good
Script/VS good
Snobol was ok, but non-functional
SQL not so good anymore
Viatron FORTRAN IV was one of the authors

ACP and PARS   ─── I was part of the team that first implemented the Passenger Airline Reservation System for a hotel/motel business   ─── a motel room is just a huge seat (chair) with a bed, alarm clock, TV, ice bucket, and a personal bathroom with soap and towels,   ···   but doesn't fly anywhere.

APL   ─── still bemuses me.

BPL   ─── (Basic Programming Language)   was a Honeywell subset of the PL/I language   (I was one of a dozen or so programmers/authors).

HPL   ─── (Honeywell Programming Language)   was a subset of PL/I   (similar to above)   and was to be used for Honeywell's new computer   (code name unknown)   ───   it was never built, but from what I could glean from the specs, it would have used HPL as it's native [machine] language and seemed to have some of the characteristics of IBM's FS system   (and apparently, suffered the same fate).

Kingston FORTRAN II   ─── (locally called FORTRAN 2.5)   was for the IBM 1620 with a lot of FORTRAN IV capability.

Viatron FORTRAN IV   ─── was the FORTRAN compiler for the Viatron home computer (I was one of the CUC authors of the compiler and libraries; CUC was the Computer Usage Company, at that time, the oldest software company in the USA)   and had it's fingers in writing some of the routines for IBM's TSS, which enabled CUC to write the first non─IBM book on writhing/coding assembler for the IBM/360.

I also update the   English Wikipedia page for   REXX   from time to time.