Rosetta Code/Rank languages by number of users: Difference between revisions

From Rosetta Code
Content added Content deleted
m (→‎{{header|Perl 6}}: Update output)
Line 171:
drop s
gsort -users lang
list ifin users>=100f/50
save rc_users, replace</lang>
<pre> +----------------------------+
| lang users |
1. | C 373 |
21. | C++ 261379 |
32. | Java 257268 |
43. | Python 243 C++ 266 |
54. | JavaScript 228 Python 251 |
65. | PHPJavaScript 163233 |
6. | PHP 163 |
76. | Perl 162166 |
87. | SQL 131 PHP 165 |
98. | UNIX Shell 120 SQL 133 |
10 9. | BASIC UNIX Shell 118124 |
1 10. | C BASIC 373118 |
11. | C sharp 113 |
1211. | Pascal 109C sharp 116 |
12. | Pascal 112 |
13. | Haskell 99 |
14. | Ruby 93 |
15. | Fortran 74 |
16. | Visual Basic 67 |
17. | Prolog 62 |
18. | Scheme 61 |
19. | Common Lisp 58 |
20. | Lua 55 |
21. | AWK 53 |
22. | HTML 52 |
23. | Assembly 46 |
24. | Batch File 44 |
25. | Bash 42 |
26. | X86 Assembly 42 |
27. | Erlang 40 |
28. | Forth 38 |
29. | MATLAB 37 |
30. | Lisp 36 |
31. | J 35 |
32. | Visual Basic .NET 35 |
33. | Delphi 34 |
34. | APL 33 |
35. | Ada 33 |
36. | Brainf*** 33 |
1137. | Objective-C sharp 11333 |
38. | Smalltalk 33 |
39. | Tcl 33 |
40. | R 32 |
41. | COBOL 31 |
42. | Go 30 |
43. | Perl 6 29 |
44. | Clojure 27 |
45. | Mathematica 27 |
46. | AutoHotkey 25 |
47. | REXX 24 |
48. | LaTeX 23 |
49. | CSS 22 |
50. | Emacs Lisp 22 |

Revision as of 22:05, 22 May 2018

Rosetta Code/Rank languages by number of users is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

Sort most popular programming languages based on the number of users on Rosetta Code. Show the languages with at least 100 users.

A way to solve the task:

Users of a language X are those referenced in the page, or preferably to avoid redirections. In order to find the list of such categories, it's possible to first parse the entries of Then download and parse each language users category to count the users.

Sample output on 17 december 2017:

Language      Users   Rank
C               373      1
C++             261      2
Java            257      3
Python          243      4
JavaScript      228      5
PHP             163      6
Perl            162      7
SQL             131      8
UNIX Shell      120      9
BASIC           118     10
C sharp         113     11
Pascal          109     12

A Rosetta Code user usually declares using a language with the mylang template. This template is expected to appear on the User page. However, in some cases it appears in a user Talk page. It's not necessary to take this into account. For instance, among the 373 C users in the table above, 3 are actually declared in a Talk page.

Perl 6

Works with: Rakudo version 2017.11

Use the mediawiki API rather than web scraping since it is much faster and less resource intensive. Show languages with more than 25 users since that is still a pretty short list and to demonstrate how tied rankings are handled. Change the $minimum parameter to adjust what the cut-off point will be.

This is all done in a single pass; ties are not detected until a language has the same count as a previous one, so ties are marked by a T next to the count indicating that this language has the same count as the previous.

<lang perl6>use HTTP::UserAgent; use URI::Escape; use JSON::Fast;

my $client =;

my $url = '';

my $start-time = now;

say "========= Generated: { } =========";

my $lang = 1; my $rank = 0; my $last = 0; my $tie = ' '; my $minimum = 25;

.say for

       $url, 'pages',
       :gcmtitle<Category:Language users>,
   .map({ %( count => .<categoryinfo><pages> || 0,
             lang  => .<title>.subst(/^'Category:' (.+) ' User'/, ->$/ {$0}) ) })
   .sort( { -.<count>, .<lang> } )
   .map( { last if .<count> < $minimum; display(.<count>, .<lang>) } );

say "========= elapsed: {(now - $start-time).round(.01)} seconds =========";

sub display ($count, $which) {

   if $last != $count { $last = $count; $rank = $lang; $tie = ' ' } else { $tie = 'T' };
   sprintf "#%3d  Rank: %2d %s  with %-4s users:  %s", $lang++, $rank, $tie, $count, $which;


sub mediawiki-query ($site, $type, *%query) {

   my $url = "$site/api.php?" ~ uri-query-string(
       :action<query>, :format<json>, :formatversion<2>, |%query);
   my $continue = ;
   gather loop {
       my $response = $client.get("$url&$continue");
       my $data = from-json($response.content);
       take $_ for $data.<query>.{$type}.values;
       $continue = uri-query-string |($data.<query-continue>{*}».hash.hash or last);


sub uri-query-string (*%fields) {

   join '&', { "{.key}={uri-escape .value}" }


========= Generated: 2018-05-19T12:08:51Z =========
#  1  Rank:  1    with 378  users:  C
#  2  Rank:  2    with 267  users:  Java
#  3  Rank:  3    with 265  users:  C++
#  4  Rank:  4    with 251  users:  Python
#  5  Rank:  5    with 233  users:  JavaScript
#  6  Rank:  6    with 165  users:  PHP
#  7  Rank:  6 T  with 165  users:  Perl
#  8  Rank:  8    with 133  users:  SQL
#  9  Rank:  9    with 124  users:  UNIX Shell
# 10  Rank: 10    with 118  users:  BASIC
# 11  Rank: 11    with 116  users:  C sharp
# 12  Rank: 12    with 112  users:  Pascal
# 13  Rank: 13    with 99   users:  Haskell
# 14  Rank: 14    with 92   users:  Ruby
# 15  Rank: 15    with 73   users:  Fortran
# 16  Rank: 16    with 67   users:  Visual Basic
# 17  Rank: 17    with 62   users:  Prolog
# 18  Rank: 18    with 61   users:  Scheme
# 19  Rank: 19    with 58   users:  Common Lisp
# 20  Rank: 20    with 55   users:  Lua
# 21  Rank: 21    with 53   users:  AWK
# 22  Rank: 22    with 52   users:  HTML
# 23  Rank: 23    with 46   users:  Assembly
# 24  Rank: 24    with 44   users:  Batch File
# 25  Rank: 25    with 42   users:  Bash
# 26  Rank: 25 T  with 42   users:  X86 Assembly
# 27  Rank: 27    with 40   users:  Erlang
# 28  Rank: 28    with 38   users:  Forth
# 29  Rank: 29    with 37   users:  MATLAB
# 30  Rank: 30    with 36   users:  Lisp
# 31  Rank: 31    with 35   users:  J
# 32  Rank: 31 T  with 35   users:  Visual Basic .NET
# 33  Rank: 33    with 34   users:  Delphi
# 34  Rank: 34    with 33   users:  Ada
# 35  Rank: 34 T  with 33   users:  Brainf***
# 36  Rank: 34 T  with 33   users:  Objective-C
# 37  Rank: 34 T  with 33   users:  Tcl
# 38  Rank: 38    with 32   users:  APL
# 39  Rank: 38 T  with 32   users:  R
# 40  Rank: 40    with 31   users:  COBOL
# 41  Rank: 41    with 30   users:  Go
# 42  Rank: 42    with 28   users:  Perl 6
# 43  Rank: 43    with 27   users:  Clojure
# 44  Rank: 43 T  with 27   users:  Mathematica
# 45  Rank: 45    with 25   users:  AutoHotkey
========= elapsed: 1.41 seconds =========


<lang stata>copy "" categ.html, replace import delimited categ.html, delim("@") enc("utf-8") clear keep if ustrpos(v1,"/wiki/Category:") & ustrpos(v1,"_User") gen i = ustrpos(v1,"href=") gen j = ustrpos(v1,char(34),i+1) gen k = ustrpos(v1,char(34),j+1) gen s = usubstr(v1,j+7,k-j-7) replace i = ustrpos(v1,"title=") replace j = ustrpos(v1,">",i+1) replace k = ustrpos(v1," User",j+1) gen lang = usubstr(v1,j+1,k-j) keep s lang gen users=.

forval i=1/`c(N)' { local s preserve copy `"`=s[`i']'&redirect=no"' `i'.html, replace import delimited `i'.html, delim("@") enc("utf-8") clear count if ustrpos(v1,"/wiki/User") local m `r(N)' restore replace users=`m' in `i' erase `i'.html }

drop s gsort -users lang list in f/50 compress save rc_users, replace</lang>


     |               lang   users |
  1. |                 C      379 |
  2. |              Java      268 |
  3. |               C++      266 |
  4. |            Python      251 |
  5. |        JavaScript      233 |
  6. |              Perl      166 |
  7. |               PHP      165 |
  8. |               SQL      133 |
  9. |        UNIX Shell      124 |
 10. |             BASIC      118 |
 11. |           C sharp      116 |
 12. |            Pascal      112 |
 13. |           Haskell       99 |
 14. |              Ruby       93 |
 15. |           Fortran       74 |
 16. |      Visual Basic       67 |
 17. |            Prolog       62 |
 18. |            Scheme       61 |
 19. |       Common Lisp       58 |
 20. |               Lua       55 |
 21. |               AWK       53 |
 22. |              HTML       52 |
 23. |          Assembly       46 |
 24. |        Batch File       44 |
 25. |              Bash       42 |
 26. |      X86 Assembly       42 |
 27. |            Erlang       40 |
 28. |             Forth       38 |
 29. |            MATLAB       37 |
 30. |              Lisp       36 |
 31. |                 J       35 |
 32. | Visual Basic .NET       35 |
 33. |            Delphi       34 |
 34. |               APL       33 |
 35. |               Ada       33 |
 36. |         Brainf***       33 |
 37. |       Objective-C       33 |
 38. |         Smalltalk       33 |
 39. |               Tcl       33 |
 40. |                 R       32 |
 41. |             COBOL       31 |
 42. |                Go       30 |
 43. |            Perl 6       29 |
 44. |           Clojure       27 |
 45. |       Mathematica       27 |
 46. |        AutoHotkey       25 |
 47. |              REXX       24 |
 48. |             LaTeX       23 |
 49. |               CSS       22 |
 50. |        Emacs Lisp       22 |


Uses libraries cURL and YAJL (yet another json library) <lang zkl>const MIN_USERS=60; var [const] CURL=Import("zklCurl"), YAJL=Import("zklYAJL")[0];

fcn rsGet{

  continueValue,r,curl := "",List, CURL();
  do{	// eg 5 times

"&gcmtitle=Category%%3ALanguage%%20users" "&rawcontinue=&format=json&gcmlimit=350" "%s").fmt(continueValue);

     page=page[0].del(0,page[1]);  // get rid of HTML header
     json["query"]["pages"].pump(r.append,'wrap(x){ x=x[1];
        //("2708",Dictionary(title:Category:C User,...,categoryinfo:D(pages:373,size:373,...)))

// or title:SmartBASIC if((pgs:=x.find("categoryinfo")) and (pgs=pgs.find("pages")) and pgs>=MIN_USERS) return(pgs,x["title"].replace("Category:","").replace(" User","")); return(Void.Skip);





allLangs:=rsGet(); allLangs=allLangs.sort(fcn(a,b){ a[0]>b[0] }); println("========== ",Time.Date.prettyDay()," =========="); foreach n,pgnm in ([1..].zip(allLangs))

  { println("#%3d with %4s users: %s".fmt(n,pgnm.xplode())) }</lang>
========== Wednesday, the 20th of December 2017 ==========
#  1 with  373 users: C
#  2 with  261 users: C++
#  3 with  257 users: Java
#  4 with  243 users: Python
#  5 with  228 users: JavaScript
#  6 with  163 users: PHP
#  7 with  162 users: Perl
#  8 with  131 users: SQL
#  9 with  120 users: UNIX Shell
# 10 with  118 users: BASIC
# 11 with  113 users: C sharp
# 12 with  109 users: Pascal
# 13 with   98 users: Haskell
# 14 with   91 users: Ruby
# 15 with   71 users: Fortran
# 16 with   65 users: Visual Basic
# 17 with   60 users: Scheme