Rosetta Code/Count examples: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎{{header|D}}: Using works with template)
No edit summary
Line 61: Line 61:
Stderr (client.getResponse);
Stderr (client.getResponse);

<lang Perl>
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict ;
use LWP::UserAgent ;
use HTML::Parser ;
use constant DOCROOT => "" ;
use constant SOLUTIONROOT => "" ;
my %tasklist = ( ) ; #key: last part of solution list URL, value: title of solution
my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent ;
my $url = DOCROOT . "/Category:Programming_Tasks" ;
my $request = HTTP::Request->new( 'GET' => "$url" ) ;
my $response = $ua->request( $request ) ;
my $counted = 0 ;
my $total_examples = 0 ;
my $solresponse ;
my $p = HTML::Parser->new( api_version => 3 ) ; #parser for list of tasks
my $q = HTML::Parser->new( api_version => 3 ) ; #parser for solutions by task
$p->handler( start => \&process , "tagname , attr" ) ;
$q->handler( text => \&langfinder, "text" ) ;

if ( $response->is_success( ) ) {
$p->parse( $response->content( ) ) ;
foreach my $task( keys %tasklist ) {
$request->uri( SOLUTIONROOT . "$task" . "&action=edit" ) ;
$solresponse = $ua->request( $request ) ;
if ( $solresponse->is_success( )) {
$q->parse( $solresponse->content( ) ) ;
if ( $tasklist{$task} ) {
print "$tasklist{$task} : $counted examples!\n" ;
$counted = 0 ;
$q->eof( ) ;
else {
print "Error: " . $solresponse->code( ) . " " . $solresponse->message( ) . "\n" ;
$p->eof( ) ;
print "\nTotal: $total_examples examples.\n" ;
else {
print "Error " . $response->code( ) . " " . $response->message( ) . "\n" ;
sub process( ) {
return if shift ne "a" ;
my $props = shift ;
if ( $props->{href} && $props->{href} =~ m,/wiki/([^:]+), ) {
if ( $1 !~ /Category/ ) {
$tasklist{ $1 } = $props->{title} ;
sub langfinder( ) {
my $text = shift ;
while ( $text =~ /header\|.+\}/g ) {
$counted++ ;
$total_examples++ ;
Line 152: Line 214:

This is the ScreenScrape class imported in the above class.
This is the ScreenScrape class imported in the above class.

<lang java>

public class ScreenScrape {

public String read(String sUrl) throws Exception {
String lastHtml = "";
BufferedReader reader;
if (sUrl.startsWith("https://")) { // The URL class doesn't like HTTPS so we have to check for it.
reader = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(
} else if (sUrl.startsWith("http://")) { // for nonsecure http
reader = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(
new URL(sUrl).openStream()));
} else {
return "Protocol not supported. Please verify that your URL starts with "
+ "\"http://\" or \"https://\" and try again.";
String line = reader.readLine();
while (line != null) {
lastHtml += line;
line = reader.readLine();
return lastHtml;
private HttpsURLConnection httpsUrlCon;
private HttpsURLConnection getSSLOutputCon(String sUrl) throws Exception {
try {
URL url = new URL(sUrl);
httpsUrlCon = (HttpsURLConnection) url.openConnection();
httpsUrlCon.setHostnameVerifier(new {
public boolean verify(String hostname, certHostName) {
return true;
} catch(Exception e) {
throw e;
return httpsUrlCon;

Revision as of 19:57, 10 April 2009

Rosetta Code/Count examples
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Find the total number of programming examples for each task and the total for all tasks.

Essentially, count the number of occurrences of =={{header| on each task page.


<lang>100 doors: 20 examples. 99 Bottles of Beer: 29 examples. Abstract type: 10 examples.

Total: X examples.</lang>


Works with: Tango

<lang D> import; import; import; import tango.text.xml.Document; import tango.text.Util;

alias HttpHeader.ContentLength CL;

auto url = ""; void main() {

   auto client = new HttpClient (HttpClient.Get, url);;
   char[] mainData, tmp;
   int total, i;
   void cat(void[] content) { tmp ~= cast(char[]) content; }
   if (client.isResponseOK) {, client.getResponseHeaders.getInt(CL));
       mainData = tmp;
       tmp = null;
       auto doc = new Document!(char);
       foreach (n; doc.query.descendant("cm").attribute("title")) {
           auto subClient = new HttpClient(HttpClient.Get, 
                   "" ~
                   replace(n.value.dup, ' ', '_') ~ "&action=raw");
           if (! subClient.isResponseOK) {
               Stderr (client.getResponse);
 , subClient.getResponseHeaders.getInt(CL));
           foreach (segment; patterns(cast(char[])tmp, "=={{header|")) i++;
           if (i) --i;
           Stdout.formatln ("{0,-40} - {}", n.value, i);
           total += i;
           tmp = null;
           i = 0;
       Stdout("total examples: ", total).newline;
   } else {
       Stderr (client.getResponse);

} </lang>


<lang Perl>

  1. !/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict ; use LWP::UserAgent ; use HTML::Parser ; use constant DOCROOT => "" ; use constant SOLUTIONROOT => "" ; my %tasklist = ( ) ; #key: last part of solution list URL, value: title of solution my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent ; my $url = DOCROOT . "/Category:Programming_Tasks" ; my $request = HTTP::Request->new( 'GET' => "$url" ) ; my $response = $ua->request( $request ) ; my $counted = 0 ; my $total_examples = 0 ; my $solresponse ; my $p = HTML::Parser->new( api_version => 3 ) ; #parser for list of tasks my $q = HTML::Parser->new( api_version => 3 ) ; #parser for solutions by task $p->handler( start => \&process , "tagname , attr" ) ; $q->handler( text => \&langfinder, "text" ) ;

if ( $response->is_success( ) ) {

  $p->parse( $response->content( ) ) ; 
  foreach my $task( keys %tasklist ) { 
     $request->uri( SOLUTIONROOT . "$task" . "&action=edit" ) ; 
     $solresponse = $ua->request( $request ) ;
     if ( $solresponse->is_success( )) {
        $q->parse( $solresponse->content( ) ) ;
        if ( $tasklist{$task} ) {
            print "$tasklist{$task} : $counted examples!\n" ;
        $counted = 0 ;
        $q->eof( ) ;
     else {
        print "Error: " . $solresponse->code( ) . " " . $solresponse->message( ) . "\n" ;
  $p->eof( ) ;
  print "\nTotal: $total_examples examples.\n" ;

} else {

  print "Error " . $response->code( )  . " " . $response->message( ) . "\n" ;

} sub process( ) {

  return if shift ne "a" ;
  my $props = shift ;
  if ( $props->{href} && $props->{href} =~ m,/wiki/([^:]+), ) {
     if ( $1 !~ /Category/ ) {
        $tasklist{ $1 } = $props->{title} ;

} sub langfinder( ) {

  my $text = shift ;
  while ( $text =~ /header\|.+\}/g ) {
     $counted++ ;
     $total_examples++ ;

} </lang>


<lang python>import urllib, xml.dom.minidom

x = urllib.urlopen("")

tasks = [] for i in xml.dom.minidom.parseString("cm"):

   t = i.getAttribute('title').replace(" ", "_")
   y = urllib.urlopen("" % t)
   tasks.append("{{header|") )
   print t.replace("_", " ") + ": %d examples." % tasks[-1]

print "\nTotal: %d examples." % sum(tasks)</lang>


<lang java> import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import ScreenScrape;

public class CountProgramExamples { private static final String baseURL = ""; private static final String rootURL = ""; private static final String taskBegin = "title=\""; private static final String taskEnd = "\""; private static final String exmplBegin = ""; private static final String exmplEnd = ""; private static final String editBegin = "";

/** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { // Setup variables int exTotal = 0; int exSubTot = 0; String title = ""; String taskPage = ""; int startPos = 0; String countStr = ""; try { // Get root query results ArrayList<String> tasks = new ArrayList<String>(); ScreenScrape ss = new ScreenScrape(); String rootPage =; while(rootPage.contains(taskBegin)){ rootPage = rootPage.substring(rootPage.indexOf(taskBegin)+taskBegin.length()); title = rootPage.substring(0, rootPage.indexOf(taskEnd)); if (!title.contains("Category:")) { tasks.add(title); } rootPage = rootPage.substring(rootPage.indexOf(taskEnd)); } // Loop through each task and print count Iterator<String> itr = tasks.iterator(); while(itr.hasNext()) { title ="'","'"); taskPage =" ", "_")); if (taskPage.contains(exmplBegin)) { startPos = taskPage.lastIndexOf(exmplBegin)+exmplBegin.length(); countStr = taskPage.substring(startPos, taskPage.indexOf(exmplEnd, startPos)); exSubTot = Integer.parseInt(countStr.contains(".") ? countStr.substring(0,countStr.indexOf(".")) : countStr); }else{ exSubTot = 0; while(taskPage.contains(editBegin)) { taskPage = taskPage.substring(taskPage.indexOf(editBegin)+editBegin.length()); exSubTot++; } } exTotal += exSubTot; System.out.println(title+": "+exSubTot+" examples."); } // Print total System.out.println("\nTotal: "+exTotal+" examples."); }catch(Exception e){ System.out.println(title); System.out.println(startPos+":"+taskPage.indexOf(exmplEnd, startPos)); System.out.println(taskPage); e.printStackTrace(System.out); } } } </lang>

This is the ScreenScrape class imported in the above class.