Roman numerals/Encode

From Rosetta Code
Revision as of 21:48, 3 November 2009 by (talk) (more concise Fortran program)
Roman numerals/Encode
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Create a function taking a positive integer as its parameter and returning a string containing the Roman Numeral representation of that integer.

Modern Roman numerals are written by expressing each digit separately starting with the left most digit and skipping any digit with a value of zero. In Roman numerals 1990 is rendered: 1000=M, 900=CM, 90=XC; resulting in MCMXC. 2008 is written as 2000=MM, 8=VIII; or MMVIII. 1666 uses each Roman symbol in descending order: MDCLXVI.


<lang ada> with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Roman_Numeral_Test is

  function To_Roman (Number : Positive) return String is
     subtype Digit is Integer range 0..9;
     function Roman (Figure : Digit; I, V, X : Character) return String is
        case Figure is
           when 0 => return "";
           when 1 => return "" & I;
           when 2 => return I & I;
           when 3 => return I & I & I;
           when 4 => return I & V;
           when 5 => return "" & V;
           when 6 => return V & I;
           when 7 => return V & I & I;
           when 8 => return V & I & I & I;
           when 9 => return I & X;
        end case;
     end Roman;
     pragma Assert (Number >= 1 and Number < 4000);
        Roman (Number / 1000,       'M', ' ', ' ') &
        Roman (Number / 100 mod 10, 'C', 'D', 'M') &
        Roman (Number / 10 mod 10,  'X', 'L', 'C') &
        Roman (Number mod 10,       'I', 'V', 'X');
  end To_Roman;


  Put_Line (To_Roman (1999));
  Put_Line (To_Roman (25));
  Put_Line (To_Roman (944));

end Roman_Numeral_Test; </lang> Output:



Works with: ALGOL 68 version Standard - no extensions to language used
Works with: ALGOL 68G version Any - tested with release mk15-0.8b.fc9.i386
Works with: ELLA ALGOL 68 version Any (with appropriate job cards AND formatted transput statements removed) - tested with release 1.8.8d.fc9.i386

<lang algol> []CHAR roman = "MDCLXVmdclxvi"; # UPPERCASE for thousands # []CHAR adjust roman = "CCXXmmccxxii"; []INT arabic = (1000000, 500000, 100000, 50000, 10000, 5000, 1000, 500, 100, 50, 10, 5, 1); []INT adjust arabic = (100000, 100000, 10000, 10000, 1000, 1000, 100, 100, 10, 10, 1, 1, 0);

PROC arabic to roman = (INT dclxvi)STRING: (

 INT in := dclxvi; # 666 #
 STRING out := "";
 FOR scale TO UPB roman WHILE in /= 0 DO
   INT multiples = in OVER arabic[scale];
   in -:= arabic[scale] * multiples;
   out +:= roman[scale] * multiples;
   IF in >= -adjust arabic[scale] + arabic[scale] THEN
     in -:= -adjust arabic[scale] + arabic[scale];
     out +:=  adjust roman[scale] +  roman[scale]



 []INT test = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,25,30,40,50,60,69,70,
    2000,2008,2500,3000,4000,4999,5000,6666,10000,50000,100000,500000,1000000,max int);
 FOR key TO UPB test DO
   INT val = test[key];
   print((val, " - ", arabic to roman(val), new line))

)</lang> Output:

         +1 - i
         +2 - ii
         +3 - iii
         +4 - iv
         +5 - v
         +6 - vi
         +7 - vii
         +8 - viii
         +9 - ix
        +10 - x
        +11 - xi
        +12 - xii
        +13 - xiii
        +14 - xiv
        +15 - xv
        +16 - xvi
        +17 - xvii
        +18 - xviii
        +19 - xix
        +20 - xx
        +25 - xxv
        +30 - xxx
        +40 - xl
        +50 - l
        +60 - lx
        +69 - lxix
        +70 - lxx
        +80 - lxxx
        +90 - xc
        +99 - xcix
       +100 - c
       +200 - cc
       +300 - ccc
       +400 - cd
       +500 - d
       +600 - dc
       +666 - dclxvi
       +700 - dcc
       +800 - dccc
       +900 - cm
      +1000 - m
      +1009 - mix
      +1444 - mcdxliv
      +1666 - mdclxvi
      +1945 - mcmxlv
      +1997 - mcmxcvii
      +1999 - mcmxcix
      +2000 - mm
      +2008 - mmviii
      +2500 - mmd
      +3000 - mmm
      +4000 - mV
      +4999 - mVcmxcix
      +5000 - V
      +6666 - Vmdclxvi
     +10000 - X
     +50000 - L
    +100000 - C
    +500000 - D
   +1000000 - M


Translated from C++ example <lang AutoHotkey> MsgBox % stor(444)

stor(value) {

 romans = M,CM,D,CD,C,XC,L,XL,X,IX,V,IV,I
 M := 1000
 CM := 900
 D := 500
 CD := 400
 C := 100
 XC := 90
 L := 50
 XL := 40
 X := 10
 IX := 9
 V := 5
 IV := 4
 I := 1
 Loop, Parse, romans, `,
   While, value >= %A_LoopField%
     result .= A_LoopField
     value := value - (%A_LoopField%)
 Return result . "O" 

} </lang>


Translation of: Tcl

To cram this into an AWK one-liner is a bit of a stretch, but here goes: <lang awk> $ awk 'func u(v,n){while(i>=v){r=r n;i-=v}}{i=$1;r="";u(1000,"M");u(900,"CM");u(500,"D");u(400,"CD");u(100,"C");u(90,"XC");u(50,"L");u(40,"XL");u(10,"X");u(9,"IX");u(5,"V");u(4,"IV");u(1,"I");print r}' 2009 MMIX 1999 MCMXCIX </lang>


Works with: FreeBASIC

<lang freebasic> DIM SHARED arabic(0 TO 12) AS Integer => {1000, 900, 500, 400, 100, 90, 50, 40, 10, 9, 5, 4, 1 } DIM SHARED roman(0 TO 12) AS String*2 => {"M", "CM", "D","CD", "C","XC","L","XL","X","IX","V","IV","I"}

FUNCTION toRoman(value AS Integer) AS String

   DIM i 	AS Integer
   DIM result  AS String
   FOR i = 0 TO 12
       DO WHILE value >= arabic(i)

result = result + roman(i) value = value - arabic(i) LOOP

   NEXT i
   toRoman = result


'Testing PRINT "2009 = "; toRoman(2009) PRINT "1666 = "; toRoman(1666) PRINT "3888 = "; toRoman(3888) </lang>


2009 = MMIX
1666 = MDCLXVI


<lang c>#include <stdlib.h>

  1. include <stdio.h>

void roman(char *s, unsigned n) /* Writes the Roman numeral representing n into the buffer s. Handles up to n = 3999. Since C doesn't have exceptions, n = 0 causes the whole program to exit unsuccessfully. s should be have room for at least 16 characters, including the trailing null. */

{if (n == 0)
    {puts("Roman numeral for zero requested.");
 #define digit(loop, num, c) \
     loop (n >= num)         \
        {*(s++) = c;         \
         n -= num;}  
 #define digits(loop, num, c1, c2) \
     loop (n >= num)               \
        {*(s++) = c1;              \
         *(s++) = c2;              \
         n -= num;}
 digit  ( while, 1000, 'M'      )
 digits ( if,     900, 'C', 'M' )
 digit  ( if,     500, 'D'      )
 digits ( if,     400, 'C', 'D' )
 digit  ( while,  100, 'C'      )
 digits ( if,      90, 'X', 'C' )
 digit  ( if,      50, 'L'      )
 digits ( if,      40, 'X', 'L' )
 digit  ( while,   10, 'X'      )
 digits ( if,       9, 'I', 'X' )
 digit  ( if,       5, 'V'      )
 digits ( if,       4, 'I', 'V' )
 digit  ( while,    1, 'I'      )
 #undef digit
 #undef digits
 *s = 0;}

int main(void)

 {char buffer[16];
  for (int i = 1 ; i < 4000 ; ++i)
     {roman(buffer, i);
      printf("%4d: %s\n", i, buffer);}
  return 1;}</lang>

An alternative version which builds the string backwards. <lang c>char *ToRoman(int num, char *buf, int buflen) {

  static const char *romanDgts = "ivxlcdmVXLCDM_";
  char *roman = buf + buflen;
  int  rdix, r, v;
  *--roman = '\0';        /* null terminate return string */
  if (num >= 4000000) {
     printf("Number Too Big.\n");
     return NULL;
  for (rdix = 0; rdix < strlen(romanDgts); rdix += 2) {
     if (num == 0) break;
     v = (num % 10) / 5;
     r = num % 5;
     num = num / 10;
     if (r == 4) {
        if (roman < buf+2) {
           printf("Buffer too small.");
           return NULL;
        *--roman = romanDgts[rdix+1+v];
        *--roman = romanDgts[rdix];
     else {
        if (roman < buf+r+v) {
           printf("Buffer too small.");
           return NULL;
        while(r-- > 0) {
           *--roman = romanDgts[rdix];
        if (v==1) {
           *--roman = romanDgts[rdix+1];
  return roman;



<lang cpp>

  1. include <iostream>
  2. include <string>

std::string to_roman(int value) {

 struct romandata_t { int value; char const* numeral; };
 static romandata_t const romandata[] =
    { 1000, "M",
       900, "CM",
       500, "D",
       400, "CD",
       100, "C",
        90, "XC",
        50, "L",
        40, "XL",
        10, "X",
         9, "IX",
         5, "V",
         4, "IV",
         1, "I",
         0, 0 }; // end marker
 std::string result;
 for (romandata_t const* current = romandata; current->value > 0; ++current)
   while (value >= current->value)
     result += current->numeral;
     value  -= current->value;
 return result;


int main() {

 for (int i = 1; i <= 4000; ++i)
   std::cout << to_roman(i) << std::endl;

} </lang>

Common Lisp

 (defun roman-numeral (n)
   (format nil "~@R" n))


This implementation in generally follows the rules implied by Modern Roman numerals, with some irregularity depend on whether numerals larger than M(1000) is used, eg. 4000 is converted to MV' if V' is used, MMMM if not. <lang d>module roman ; import std.stdio ;

const string[] Roman = ["V","X","L","C","D","M","I"] ; const int RLen = Roman.length - 1 ; const int[][] RDigit =

 [[0],[0,0],[0,0,0],[0,1],[1],[1,0],[1,0,0],[1,0,0,0],[0,2],[0,0,0,0]] ;

const string[] Power = ["", "'","\"","`","~","^","#"] ; // arbitary _power_ symbols, or

           // Power = ["1","2","3","4","5","6","7"] ;  // for easier further processing

const int[][] Shift = [[0,0,0],[-1,0,0]] ;

string romanPart(int n, int part, bool extented) {

 if (n == 0) return "" ;
 int[3] b ;  
 b[1] = (2 * part) % RLen ;
 b[0] = part == 0 ? RLen : (RLen + b[1] - 1) % RLen ;
 b[2] = b[1] + 1 ;
 int power = part / 3 ;
 int[] shift = Shift[ b[1] == 0 && part != 0 ? 1 : 0] ;
 int[] Digit = !extented && n == 4 && part == 3 ? RDigit[$-1]  : RDigit[n-1]  ;
 string res ;
 foreach(inx ; Digit)
   res ~= Roman[b[inx]] ~ Power[power + shift[inx]] ;
 return res ;

} string toRoman(long n, bool extented = true) {

 if(n < 0) throw new Exception("No negative Roman Numeral") ;
 if(n == 0) return "" ;
 if(!extented && n >= 5000) throw new Exception("Only smaller than 5000 allowed") ;
 string romans ;
 int part = 0 ;
 while (n > 0) {
   long m = n / 10 ;
   romans = romanPart(n - m*10, part, extented) ~ romans ;
   n = m ;
   part++ ;
 return romans ;

} void main() {

 auto test = [1L,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,25,30,40,50,60,69,70,
   80,90,99,100,200,300,400,500,600,666,700,800,900,1000,1009,1444,1666,1945,1997, 1999,
   2000,2008,2500,3000,4000,4999,5000,6666,10000,50000,100000,500000,1000000,long.max] ;
 foreach(x ; test)   
   writefln("%20s - %s", x, toRoman(x)) ;



A roman numeral library ships with Factor.

USE: roman
( scratchpad ) 3333 >roman .
: roman-digits ( -- seq )
    { "m" "cm" "d" "cd" "c" "xc" "l" "xl" "x" "ix" "v" "iv" "i" } ;

: roman-values ( -- seq )
    { 1000 900 500 400 100 90 50 40 10 9 5 4 1 } ;

ERROR: roman-range-error n ;

: roman-range-check ( n -- )
    dup 1 3999 between? [ drop ] [ roman-range-error ] if ;

: (>roman) ( n -- )
    roman-values roman-digits [
        [ /mod swap ] dip <repetition> concat %
    ] 2each drop ;

: >roman ( n -- str )
    dup roman-range-check [ (>roman) ] "" make ;


<lang false> ^$." " [$999>][1000- "M"]#

$899> [ 900-"CM"]?
$499> [ 500- "D"]?
$399> [ 400-"CD"]?

[$ 99>][ 100- "C"]#

$ 89> [  90-"XC"]?
$ 49> [  50- "L"]?
$ 39> [  40-"XL"]?

[$ 9>][ 10- "X"]#

$  8> [   9-"IX"]?
$  4> [   5- "V"]?
$  3> [   4-"IV"]?

[$ ][ 1- "I"]#% </lang>


<lang Fan>

    • converts a number to its roman numeral representation

class RomanNumerals {

 private Str digit(Str x, Str y, Str z, Int i)
   switch (i)
     case 1: return x
     case 2: return x+x
     case 3: return x+x+x
     case 4: return x+y
     case 5: return y
     case 6: return y+x
     case 7: return y+x+x
     case 8: return y+x+x+x
     case 9: return x+z
   return ""
 Str toRoman(Int i)
   if (i>=1000) { return "M" + toRoman(i-1000) }
   if (i>=100) { return digit("C", "D", "M", i/100) + toRoman(i%100) }
   if (i>=10) { return digit("X", "L", "C", i/10) + toRoman(i%10) }
   if (i>=1) { return digit("I", "V", "X", i) }
   return ""
 Void main()
   2000.times |i| { echo("$i = ${toRoman(i)}") }

} </lang>


: vector create ( n -- ) 0 do , loop
         does>  ( n -- ) swap cells + @ execute ;

\ these are ( numerals -- numerals )
: .I  dup     c@ emit ;
: .V  dup 1 + c@ emit ;
: .X  dup 2 + c@ emit ;

\ these are ( numerals -- )
:noname  .I .X       drop ;
:noname  .V .I .I .I drop ;
:noname  .V .I .I    drop ;
:noname  .V .I       drop ;
:noname  .V          drop ;
:noname  .I .V       drop ;
:noname  .I .I .I    drop ;
:noname  .I .I       drop ;
:noname  .I          drop ;
                   ' drop \ 0: no output
10 vector .digit

: roman-rec ( numerals n -- )
  10 /mod dup if >r over 2 + r> recurse else drop then .digit ;

: .roman ( n -- )
  dup 0 4000 within 0= if ." EX LIMITO!" exit then
  s" IVXLCDM" drop swap roman-rec ;


Works with: Fortran version 90+

<lang fortran>program roman_numerals

 implicit none
 write (*, '(a)') roman (2009)
 write (*, '(a)') roman (1666)
 write (*, '(a)') roman (3888)


function roman (n) result (r)

 implicit none
 integer, intent (in) :: n
 integer, parameter   :: d_max = 13
 integer              :: d
 integer              :: m
 integer              :: m_div
 character (32)       :: r
 integer,        dimension (d_max), parameter :: d_dec = &
   & (/1000, 900, 500, 400, 100, 90, 50, 40, 10, 9, 5, 4, 1/)
 character (32), dimension (d_max), parameter :: d_rom = &
   & (/'M ', 'CM', 'D ', 'CD', 'C ', 'XC', 'L ', 'XL', 'X ', 'IX', 'V ', 'IV', 'I '/)
 r = 
 m = n
 do d = 1, d_max
   m_div = m / d_dec (d)
   r = trim (r) // repeat (trim (d_rom (d)), m_div)
   m = m - d_dec (d) * m_div
 end do

end function roman

end program roman_numerals </lang>




With an explicit decimal digit representation list:

digit x y z k = 
  [[x],[x,x],[x,x,x],[x,y],[y],[y,x],[y,x,x],[y,x,x,x],[x,z]] !! 
  (fromInteger k - 1)

toRoman :: Integer -> String
toRoman 0 = ""
toRoman x | x < 0     = error "Negative roman numeral"
toRoman x | x >= 1000 = 'M' : toRoman (x - 1000)
toRoman x | x >= 100  = digit 'C' 'D' 'M' q ++ toRoman r where 
  (q,r) = x `divMod` 100
toRoman x | x >= 10   = digit 'X' 'L' 'C' q ++ toRoman r where 
  (q,r) = x `divMod` 10
toRoman x             = digit 'I' 'V' 'X' x


*Main> map toRoman [1999,25,944]


rfd obtains Roman numerals from decimals, and dfr decimals from Roman numerals.

dfr=: 3 : 0
 i=. 'IVXLCDM' i. y
 d=. i{1 5 10 50 100 500 1000

r100 =. <;._1 '  C CC CCC CD D DC DCC DCCC CM'
r10  =. <;._1 '  X XX XXX XL L LX LXX LXXX XC'
r1   =. <;._1 '  I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX'
R1000=: , r100 ,&.>/ r10 ,&.>/ r1

rfd=: 3 : 0

Copied, with permission, from the J Wiki. Examples of use will be found there.


Translation of: Ada

The helper function copies is added since Java does not support String multiplication. The conversion function returns null for non-positive numbers, since Java does not have unsigned primitives. <lang java>public class RN{ public static void main(String args[]){ System.out.println(roman(1999)); System.out.println(roman(25)); System.out.println(roman(954)); } public static String roman(long n){ if(n < 1) return null; String result = ""; if(n >= 1000){ result+= (copies("M",(n / 1000))); n%= 1000; } if(n >= 900){ result+= "CM"; n%= 900; } if(n >= 500){ result+= "D"; n%= 500; } if(n >= 400){ result+= "CD"; n%= 400; } if(n >= 100){ result+= (copies("C",(n / 100))); n%= 100; } if(n >= 90){ result+= "XC"; n%= 90; } if(n >= 50){ result+= "L"; n%= 50; } if(n >= 40){ result+= "XL"; n%= 40; } if(n >= 10){ result+= (copies("X",(n / 10))); n%= 10; } if(n == 9){ result+= "IX"; n= 0; } if(n >= 5){ result+= "V"; n%= 5; } if(n == 4){ result+= "IV"; n= 0; } result+= (copies("I",n)); return result; }

public static String copies(String a, int n){ String result = ""; for(int i= 0;i < n;i++,result+= a); return result; } }</lang> Output:



The macro \Roman is defined for uppercase roman numeral, accepting as argument a name of an existing counter.

<lang latex>\documentclass{article} \begin{document} \newcounter{currentyear}\setcounter{currentyear}{\year} Anno Domini \Roman{currentyear} \end{document}</lang>

Works with: UCB Logo
make "patterns [[?] [? ?] [? ? ?] [? ?2] [?2] [?2 ?] [?2 ? ?] [?2 ? ? ?] [? ?3]]

to digit :d :numerals
  if :d = 0 [output "||]
  output apply (sentence "\( "word (item :d :patterns) "\)) :numerals
to digits :n :numerals
  output word ifelse :n < 10 ["||] [digits int :n/10 bf bf :numerals] ~
              digit modulo :n 10 :numerals
to roman :n
  if or :n < 0 :n >= 4000 [output [EX MODVS!]]
  output digits :n [I V X L C D M]
print roman 1999  ; MCMXCIX 
print roman 25    ; XXV
print roman 944   ; CMXLIV


<lang M4> define(`roman',`ifelse(eval($1>=1000),1,`M`'roman(eval($1-1000))', `ifelse(eval($1>=900),1,`CM`'roman(eval($1-900))', `ifelse(eval($1>=500),1,`D`'roman(eval($1-500))', `ifelse(eval($1>=100),1,`C`'roman(eval($1-100))', `ifelse(eval($1>=90),1,`XC`'roman(eval($1-90))', `ifelse(eval($1>=50),1,`L`'roman(eval($1-50))', `ifelse(eval($1>=40),1,`XL`'roman(eval($1-40))', `ifelse(eval($1>=10),1,`X`'roman(eval($1-10))', `ifelse(eval($1>=9),1,`IX`'roman(eval($1-9))', `ifelse(eval($1>=5),1,`V`'roman(eval($1-5))', `ifelse(eval($1>=4),1,`IV`'roman(eval($1-4))', `ifelse(eval($1>=1),1,`I`'roman(eval($1-1))' )')')')')')')')')')')')')dnl dnl roman(3675) </lang>




Define a custom function that works on positive numbers (RomanForm[0] will not be evaluated): <lang Mathematica>

RomanForm[i_Integer?Positive]:=Module[{num=i,string="",value, letters,digits},

</lang> Examples: <lang Mathematica>


</lang> gives back: <lang Mathematica>




With an explicit decimal digit representation list:

<lang ocaml> let digit x y z = function

   1 -> [x]
 | 2 -> [x;x]
 | 3 -> [x;x;x]
 | 4 -> [x;y]
 | 5 -> [y]
 | 6 -> [y;x]
 | 7 -> [y;x;x]
 | 8 -> [y;x;x;x]
 | 9 -> [x;z]

let rec to_roman x =

 if x = 0 then []
 else if x < 0 then
   invalid_arg "Negative roman numeral"
 else if x >= 1000 then
   'M' :: to_roman (x - 1000)
 else if x >= 100 then
   digit 'C' 'D' 'M' (x / 100) @ to_roman (x mod 100)
 else if x >= 10 then
   digit 'X' 'L' 'C' (x / 10) @ to_roman (x mod 10)
   digit 'I' 'V' 'X' x



# to_roman 1999;;
- : char list = ['M'; 'C'; 'M'; 'X'; 'C'; 'I'; 'X']
# to_roman 25;;
- : char list = ['X'; 'X'; 'V']
# to_roman 944;;
- : char list = ['C'; 'M'; 'X'; 'L'; 'I'; 'V']


Works with: Romana::Perligata

Perligata outputs numbers in Arabic, but the verb come ("beautify") may be used to convert numbers to proper Roman numerals:

       per quisque in I tum C conscribementum sic
               hoc tum duos multiplicamentum comementum egresso scribe.

Perl 6

Translation of: Ruby
Works with: Rakudo version #22 "Thousand Oaks"

<lang perl6>my %symbols = map {$^v => $^k}, {

   I => 1, V => 5, X => 10, L => 50, C => 100, D => 500, M => 1000


my @subtractors =

   1000, 100,  500, 100,  100, 10,  50, 10,  10, 1,  5, 1,  1, 0;

sub roman (Int $n where { $n > 0 }) {

   if %symbols{$n} -> $sym { return $sym };
   for @subtractors -> $cut, $minus {
       $cut < $n
           and return %symbols{$cut} ~ roman($n - $cut);
       $cut - $minus <= $n
           and return %symbols{$minus} ~ roman($n + $minus);


Plain TeX

TeX has its own way to convert a number into roman numeral, but it produces lowercase letters; the following macro (and usage example), produce uppercase roman numeral.

<lang tex>\def\upperroman#1{\uppercase\expandafter{\romannumeral#1}} Anno Domini \upperroman{\year} \bye</lang>


<lang python>roman = "MDCLXVmdclxvi"; # UPPERCASE for thousands # adjust_roman = "CCXXmmccxxii"; arabic = (1000000, 500000, 100000, 50000, 10000, 5000, 1000, 500, 100, 50, 10, 5, 1); adjust_arabic = (100000, 100000, 10000, 10000, 1000, 1000, 100, 100, 10, 10, 1, 1, 0);

def arabic_to_roman(dclxvi):

 org = dclxvi; # 666 #
 out = "";
 for scale,arabic_scale  in enumerate(arabic): 
   if org == 0: break
   multiples = org / arabic_scale;
   org -= arabic_scale * multiples;
   out += roman[scale] * multiples;
   if org >= -adjust_arabic[scale] + arabic_scale: 
     org -= -adjust_arabic[scale] + arabic_scale;
     out +=  adjust_roman[scale] +  roman[scale]
 return out

if __name__ == "__main__":

 test = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,25,30,40,50,60,69,70,
 for val in test: 
   print '%d - %s'%(val, arabic_to_roman(val))

</lang> An alternative which uses the divmod() function <lang python>romanDgts= 'ivxlcdmVXLCDM_'

def ToRoman(num):

  namoR = 
  if num >=4000000:
     print 'Too Big -'
     return '-----'
  for rdix in range(0, len(romanDgts), 2):
     if num==0: break
     num,r = divmod(num,10)
     v,r = divmod(r, 5)
     if r==4:
        namoR += romanDgts[rdix+1+v] + romanDgts[rdix]
        namoR += r*romanDgts[rdix] + (romanDgts[rdix+1] if(v==1) else )
  return namoR[-1::-1]</lang>


R has a built-in function, as.roman, for conversion to roman numerals. The implementation details are found in utils:::.numeric2roman (see previous link), and utils:::.roman2numeric, for conversion back to arabic decimals. <lang R> as.roman(1666) # MDCLXVI </lang>


Roman numeral generation was used as an example for demonstrating Test Driven Development in Ruby. The solution came to be: <lang ruby>Symbols = { 1=>'I', 5=>'V', 10=>'X', 50=>'L', 100=>'C', 500=>'D', 1000=>'M' } Subtractors = [ [1000, 100], [500, 100], [100, 10], [50, 10], [10, 1], [5, 1], [1, 0] ]

def roman(num)

 return Symbols[num]  if Symbols.has_key?(num)
 Subtractors.each do |cutPoint, subtractor| 
   return roman(cutPoint) + roman(num - cutPoint)      if num >  cutPoint
   return roman(subtractor) + roman(num + subtractor)  if num >= cutPoint - subtractor and num < cutPoint



This uses format directives supported in Chez Scheme since v6.9b; YMMV.

<lang scheme> (define (to-roman n)

 (format "~@r" n))



<lang tcl>proc to_roman {i} {

   set map {1000 M 900 CM 500 D 400 CD 100 C 90 XC 50 L 40 XL 10 X 9 IX 5 V 4 IV 1 I}
   foreach {value roman} $map {
       while {$i >= $value} {
           append res $roman
           incr i -$value
   return $res



The algorithm is to implement the subtractive principle by string substitution only after constucting the numeral from successive remainders. The order among the substitutions matters. For example, occurrences of DCCCC must be replaced by CM before any occurrences of CCCC are replaced by CD. The substitution operator (%=) is helpful here. <lang Ursala>#import nat

roman =


  'IIII'%='IV'+ 'VIIII'%='IX'+ 'XXXX'%='XL'+ 'LXXXX'%='XC'+ 'CCCC'%='CD'+ 'DCCCC'%='CM',
  ~&plrDlSPSL/'MDCLXVI'+ iota*+ +^|(^|C/~&,\/division)@rlX=>~&iNC <1000,500,100,50,10,5>+-</lang>

This test program applies the function to each member of a list of numbers. <lang Ursala>#show+

test = roman* <1990,2008,1,2,64,124,1666,10001></lang> output:


Vedit macro language

<lang vedit> do {

   #1 = Get_Num("Number to convert: ")
   Reg_Type(1) Message("\n")

} while (Reg_Size(1)) Return

// Convert numeric value into Roman number // #1 = number to convert; on return: T-reg(1) = Roman number //

   Reg_Empty(1)                        // @1 = Results (Roman number)
   if (#1 < 1) { Return }              // non-positive numbers return empty string
   Repeat(ALL) {
       Search("|A|[|A]", ADVANCE+ERRBREAK)         // get next item from conversion list
       Reg_Copy_Block(20, CP-Chars_Matched, CP)    // @20 = Letter(s) to be inserted
       #11 = Num_Eval()                            // #11 = magnitude (1000...1)
       while (#1 >= #11) {
           Reg_Set(1, @20, APPEND)
           #1 -= #11

Return </lang>