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Raster bars

From Rosetta Code
Raster bars is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

Display bars of color,   moving up and down across the screen for horizontal raster bars,   or left and right across the screen for vertical raster bars,   making the raster bars move as stated by swaying side-to-side the respective way if possible.

Use multiple colors in succession and carefully make a gradient between the colors   (if possible)   to achieve an effect of metallic-looking horizontal bars.

Horizontal and/or vertical raster bars are acceptable.


Library: SDLAda
with Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions;

with SDL.Video.Windows.Makers;
with SDL.Video.Renderers.Makers;
with SDL.Video.Palettes;
with SDL.Events.Events;

procedure Raster_Bars is

   Width   : constant := 1200;
   Height  : constant := 600;

   Window   : SDL.Video.Windows.Window;
   Renderer : SDL.Video.Renderers.Renderer;

   function Check_Quit return Boolean is
      use type SDL.Events.Event_Types;
      Event : SDL.Events.Events.Events;
      while SDL.Events.Events.Poll (Event) loop
         if Event.Common.Event_Type = SDL.Events.Quit then
            return True;
         end if;
      end loop;
      return False;
   end Check_Quit;

   procedure Draw_Raster_Bar (Y : Integer) is
      use SDL.Video.Palettes;
      use SDL.C;
      Cc : Colour_Component;
      for I in 0 .. 10 loop
         Cc := Colour_Component (50 + 20 * I);
         Renderer.Set_Draw_Colour ((Cc, Cc, Cc, 255));
         Renderer.Draw (Line => ((0,     C.int (Y + I)),
                                 (Width, C.int (Y + I))));
      end loop;
   end Draw_Raster_Bar;

   procedure Draw_Raster_Bar_V (X : Integer) is
      use SDL.Video.Palettes;
      use SDL.C;
      Cc : Colour_Component;
      for I in 0 .. 10 loop
         Cc := Colour_Component (250 - 20 * I);
         Renderer.Set_Draw_Colour ((Cc, Cc, Cc, 255));
         Renderer.Draw (Line => ((C.int (X + I), 0),
                                 (C.int (X + I), Height)));
      end loop;
   end Draw_Raster_Bar_V;

   procedure Raster_Bars is
      use Ada.Numerics.Elementary_Functions;
      Xc  : constant Integer := 800;
      Yc  : constant Integer := 200;
      XA  : constant Float   := 40.0;
      YA  : constant Float   := 30.0;
      N : Float := 0.0;
         Renderer.Set_Draw_Colour ((0, 0, 0, 255));
         Renderer.Fill (Rectangle => (0, 0, Width, Height));
         Draw_Raster_Bar (Yc + Integer (YA * Sin (N + 00.0, 360.0)));
         Draw_Raster_Bar (Yc + Integer (YA * Sin (N + 25.0, 360.0)));
         Draw_Raster_Bar (Yc + Integer (YA * Sin (N + 50.0, 360.0)));
         Draw_Raster_Bar (Yc + Integer (YA * Sin (N + 75.0, 360.0)));
         Draw_Raster_Bar_V (Xc + Integer (XA * Sin (0.6 * N + 00.0, 360.0)));
         Draw_Raster_Bar_V (Xc + Integer (XA * Sin (0.6 * N + 90.0, 360.0)));
         Draw_Raster_Bar_V (Xc + Integer (XA * Sin (0.6 * N + 180.0, 360.0)));
         if Check_Quit then
         end if;
         delay 0.010;
         N := N + 4.0;
      end loop;
   end Raster_Bars;

   if not SDL.Initialise (Flags => SDL.Enable_Screen) then
   end if;

   SDL.Video.Windows.Makers.Create (Win      => Window,
                                    Title    => "Raster bar",
                                    Position => SDL.Natural_Coordinates'(X => 10, Y => 10),
                                    Size     => SDL.Positive_Sizes'(Width, Height),
                                    Flags    => 0);
   SDL.Video.Renderers.Makers.Create (Renderer, Window.Get_Surface);


end Raster_Bars;


#define PI 4 * Atn(1)

Const SCREEN_WIDTH = 320

Sub ShowBar(y0 As Integer, r As Integer, c0 As Integer)
    Dim As Integer y, c
    For y = -r To r
        c = c0 - 31 * Abs(y) \ r
        Line (0, y + y0)-(SCREEN_WIDTH - 1, y + y0), c
    Next y
End Sub

Windowtitle "Raster Bars in FreeBASIC"

Dim As Double angulo = 0
Dim As Integer n, y
Dim As Double fase

For n = 0 To 255
    Palette n, Rgb(n * 4, (7 * n \ 8) * 4, 0)
Next n

    For n = 1 To 8
        fase = n * 0.4
        y = 80 * Sin(angulo + fase)
        ShowBar(y + 100, 2 * n, 255 - (n * 32))
    Next n
    angulo += 0.04
    If angulo >= 2 * PI Then angulo -= 2 * PI
    Sleep 10, 1
Loop Until Inkey <> ""


This uses Go's 'image' packages in its standard library to create an animated GIF.

After each 20 frames, it switches between horizontal and vertical bars and repeats the whole process 10 times.

WARNING: If you have problems with flashing images, either switch to a longer delay than 150ms between 'sways' or don't run it at all.

Although the .gif works fine in Firefox it might not do so in EOG due to optimizations made during its creation. If so, then the following ImageMagick command should fix it:

  $ convert raster_bars.gif -coalesce raster_bars2.gif
  $ eog raster_bars2.gif
package main

import (

var (
    c0 = color.RGBA{166, 124, 0, 255}
    c1 = color.RGBA{191, 155, 48, 255}
    c2 = color.RGBA{255, 191, 0, 255}
    c3 = color.RGBA{255, 207, 64, 255}
    c4 = color.RGBA{255, 220, 115, 255}

var palette = []color.Color{c0, c1, c2, c3, c4}

func hline(img *image.Paletted, x1, y, x2 int, ci uint8) {
    for ; x1 <= x2; x1++ {
        img.SetColorIndex(x1, y, ci)

func vline(img *image.Paletted, x, y1, y2 int, ci uint8) {
    for ; y1 <= y2; y1++ {
        img.SetColorIndex(x, y1, ci)

func drawHbar(img *image.Paletted, x1, y1, x2, y2 int, ci uint8) {
    for ; y1 <= y2; y1++ {
        hline(img, x1, y1, x2, ci)

func drawVbar(img *image.Paletted, x1, y1, x2, y2 int, ci uint8) {
    for ; x1 <= x2; x1++ {
        vline(img, x1, y1, y2, ci)

func main() {
    const nframes = 40
    const delay = 15 // 150ms
    width, height := 500, 500
    anim := gif.GIF{LoopCount: 9} // repeats 9 + 1 times
    rect := image.Rect(0, 0, width, height)

    for f := 0; f < nframes; f++ {
        img := image.NewPaletted(rect, palette)
        c := uint8(f % 2)
        if f < nframes/2 {
            for y := 0; y < height; y += 20 {
                drawHbar(img, 0, y, width, y+19, c)
                if c == 5 {
                    c = 0
        } else {
            for x := 0; x < width; x += 20 {
                drawVbar(img, x, 0, x+19, height, c)
                if c == 5 {
                    c = 0
        anim.Delay = append(anim.Delay, delay)
        anim.Image = append(anim.Image, img)

    file, err := os.Create("raster_bars.gif")
    if err != nil {
    defer file.Close()
    if err2 := gif.EncodeAll(file, &anim); err != nil {


using Colors, Cairo, Gtk

const can = GtkCanvas()
const win = GtkWindow(can, "Raster Bar Demo", 500, 500)
const pallete_index = [1]
const horizontal = [true]
const palette = [  # colors from the Go example
    colorant"rgba(166, 124, 0, 1.0)",
    colorant"rgba(191, 155, 48, 1.0)",
    colorant"rgba(255, 191, 0, 1.0)",
    colorant"rgba(255, 207, 64, 1.0)",
    colorant"rgba(255, 220, 115, 1.0)",

function line(ctx, x1, y1, x2, y2, colr, width=1)
    set_source(ctx, colr)
    set_line_width(ctx, width)
    move_to(ctx, x1, y1)
    line_to(ctx, x2, y2)
hline(ctx, x1, y, x2, c) = line(ctx, x1, y, x2, y, c)
hbar(ctx, x1, y1, x2, y2, c) = foreach(y -> hline(ctx, x1, y, x2, c), y1:y2)
vline(ctx, x, y1, y2, c) = line(ctx, x, y1, x, y2, c)
vbar(ctx, x1, y1, x2, y2, c) = foreach(x -> vline(ctx, x, y1, y2, c), x1:x2)

draw(can) do widget
    ctx = Gtk.getgc(can)
    height, width = Gtk.height(can), Gtk.width(can)
    if horizontal[1]
        for i in 1:3:height
            hbar(ctx, 0, i, width, i + 3, palette[pallete_index[1]])
            pallete_index[1] = mod1(pallete_index[1] + 1, 5)
        for i in 1:3:width
            vbar(ctx, i, 0, i + 3, height, palette[pallete_index[1]])
            pallete_index[1] = mod1(pallete_index[1] + 1, 5)

set_gtk_property!(can, :expand, true)
for i in 1:typemax(Int)
    pallete_index[1] = mod1(pallete_index[1] + 2, 5)
    if i % 30 == 29
        horizontal[1] = !horizontal[1]


Translation of: Julia
Library: gintro
import gintro/[gobject, glib, gdk, gtk, gio, cairo]

const Palette = [[166.0, 124.0,   0.0],
                 [191.0, 155.0,  48.0],
                 [255.0, 191.0,   0.0],
                 [255.0, 207.0,  64.0],
                 [255.0, 220.0, 115.0]]


  # Description of the simulation.
  Simulation = ref object
    area: DrawingArea
    horizontal: bool
    paletteIndex: Natural
    count: int

  Color = array[3, float]


proc newSimulation(area: DrawingArea): Simulation {.noInit.} =
  ## Allocate and initialize the simulation object.
  Simulation(area: area, horizontal: true, paletteIndex: 0, count: 0)


proc bar(ctx: cairo.Context; x1, y1, x2, y2: int; c: Color) =
  ## Draw a bar.
  ctx.rectangle(x1.toFloat, y1.toFloat, (x2 - x1 + 1).toFloat, (y2 - y1 + 1).toFloat)


proc draw(sim: Simulation; ctx: cairo.Context) =
  ## Draw the bars.

  let width = sim.area.window.width()
  let height = sim.area.window.height()

  if sim.horizontal:
    for i in countup(0, height - 4, 3):
      ctx.bar(0, i, width - 1, i + 3, Palette[sim.paletteIndex])
      sim.paletteIndex = (sim.paletteIndex + 1) mod 5

    for i in countup(0, width - 4, 3):
      ctx.bar(i, 0, i + 3, height - 1, Palette[sim.paletteIndex])
      sim.paletteIndex = (sim.paletteIndex + 1) mod 5


proc update(sim: Simulation): gboolean =
  ## Update the simulation state.

  sim.paletteIndex = (sim.paletteIndex + 2) mod 5
  inc sim.count
  if sim.count mod 30 == 29:
    sim.horizontal = not sim.horizontal
  result = gboolean(1)


proc activate(app: Application) =
  ## Activate the application.

  let window = app.newApplicationWindow()
  window.setSizeRequest(500, 500)
  window.setTitle("Raster Bar Demo")

  let area = newDrawingArea()

  let sim = newSimulation(area)
  timeoutAdd(50, update, sim)



let app = newApplication(Application, "Rosetta.rasterbars")
discard app.connect("activate", activate)
discard app.run()


Some grey bars that vaguely shimmer as they march up the screen... (did not turn out quite as well as hoped)

-- demo\rosetta\Raster_bars.exw
with javascript_semantics
constant title = "Raster bars",
         N = 10,
         nColours = floor(255/N)
integer offset = 0, clast = nColours

include pGUI.e
Ihandle dlg, canvas
cdCanvas cddbuffer, cdcanvas
function colour(integer i)
    integer g = i*N
    return  cdEncodeColorAlpha(g, g, g, 255)
end function

function redraw_cb(Ihandle /*ih*/, integer /*posx*/, /*posy*/)
    cdCanvasSetBackground(cddbuffer, colour(clast))
    integer {width, height} = IupGetIntInt(canvas, "DRAWSIZE"),
            h = floor(height/(nColours-1)),
            y = height+offset
    cdCanvasSetInteriorStyle(cddbuffer, CD_SOLID)
    for i=2 to nColours do
        integer c = clast+i-1
        if c>nColours then c -= nColours end if
        cdCanvasSetForeground(cddbuffer, colour(c))
        cdCanvasBox(cddbuffer, 0, width, y-h, y)
        y -= h
    end for
    offset += 1
    if offset>=h then
        offset = 0
        clast += 1
        if clast>nColours then clast = 1 end if
    end if
    return IUP_DEFAULT
end function
function map_cb(Ihandle ih)
    cdcanvas = cdCreateCanvas(CD_IUP, ih)
    cddbuffer = cdCreateCanvas(CD_DBUFFER, cdcanvas)
    return IUP_DEFAULT
end function
function unmap_cb(Ihandle /*ih*/)
    return IUP_DEFAULT
end function
function timer_cb(Ihandle /*ih*/)
    return IUP_DEFAULT
end function

procedure main()
    canvas = IupCanvas("RASTERSIZE=600x400")
    IupSetCallbacks(canvas, {"MAP_CB", Icallback("map_cb"),
                             "UNMAP_CB", Icallback("unmap_cb"),
                             "ACTION", Icallback("redraw_cb")})
    dlg = IupDialog(canvas,`TITLE="%s"`, {title})
    Ihandle hTimer = IupTimer(Icallback("timer_cb"), 10)
    IupSetAttribute(canvas, "RASTERSIZE", NULL)
    if platform()!=JS then
    end if
end procedure


(formerly Perl 6)

Works with: Rakudo version 2019.03

As there is no reference implementation, and rather sketchy task instructions, this may or may not fulfill the original task authors intent.

Not really sure what is meant by "swaying", perhaps this will suffice.

Generate random colored bars and display them. (They ended up looking more plastic than metallic; ah well.)

  • Use Up / Down arrows to change the scroll speed.
  • Use Left / Right arrows to adjust the gap between the raster bars.
  • Use Pg Up / Pg Dn to adjust raster bar height.
  • Use Z / X to change the angle of the raster bars.
  • Use Space bar to pause / resume scrolling.
  • Use Left Ctrl to toggle the scroll direction.
  • Press R to toggle Randomize on / off.
  • If Randomize is active, adjust the randomize delay with < / >
  • Press S to toggle Swaying on / off.
  • If Swaying is active, adjust the period with D / F
  • Press Q to exit.
unit sub MAIN (
    Int :b(:$bar-height) is copy = 60; #= Height of the individual "Raster bars", minimum 32 (pixels)
    Int :d(:$dir) is copy        = -1; #= Scroll direction: -1 is "up" 1 is "down"
    Int :s(:$step) is copy       = 4;  #= Scroll speed (pixels per step
    Int :g(:$gap) is copy        = $bar-height + 50; #= Gap between bars (pixels)
    Int :a(:$angle) is copy      = 0; #= Angle to orient bars off horizontal (-60 to 60 degrees)
    Int :sw(:$sway) is copy      = 0; #= Swaying on / off
    Real :r(:$rnd) is copy       = 0; #= Delay between randomize events

say q:to/END/;

    Use Up / Down arrows to change the scroll speed.
    Use Left / Right arrows to adjust the gap between the raster bars.
    Use Pg Up / Pg Dn to adjust raster bar height.
    Use Z / X to change the angle of the raster bars.
    Use Space bar to pause / resume scrolling.
    Use Left Ctrl to toggle the scroll direction.
    Press R to toggle Randomize on / off.
    If Randomize is active, adjust the randomize delay with < / >
    Press S to toggle Swaying on / off.
    If Swaying is active, adjust the period with D / F
    Press Q to exit.

use SDL2::Raw;
use Cairo;

my $width  = 800;
my $height = 800;


my $window = SDL_CreateWindow(
    'Raster Bars - Raku',
    $width, $height, RESIZABLE

my $render = SDL_CreateRenderer($window, -1, ACCELERATED +| PRESENTVSYNC);

my @bars = (^128).map: { gen-bar( rand xx 3 ) };

my $event = SDL_Event.new;

enum KEY_CODES (
    K_UP     => 82,
    K_DOWN   => 81,
    K_LEFT   => 80,
    K_RIGHT  => 79,
    K_SPACE  => 44,
    K_PGUP   => 75,
    K_PGDN   => 78,
    K_LCTRL  => 224,
    K_Z      => 29,
    K_X      => 27,
    K_Q      => 20,
    K_R      => 21,
    K_S      => 22,
    K_D      => 7,
    K_F      => 9,
    K_LT     => 54,
    K_GT     => 55,

my $port  = +@bars * $gap;
my $y     = $dir > 0 ?? $height - $port !! $height ;
my $now   = now;
my $period = 2;

main: loop {
    handle-event($event) while SDL_PollEvent($event);

    randomize if $rnd and now - $now > $rnd;

    if $dir > 0 {
        $y = $height - $port if $y > 0 - ceiling $height / cos(π * $angle / 180).abs
    } else {
        $y = 0 - ceiling $height / cos(π * $angle / 180).abs if $y < $height - $port

    $y = $step * $dir + $y;

    $angle = (((now * $period) % τ).sin * 35).Int if $sway;

    for ^@bars {
        my $offset = $sway ?? $gap !! ceiling $gap / cos(π * $angle / 180).abs;
        SDL_RenderCopyEx( $render, @bars[$_], Nil,
          SDL_Rect.new( -($width*4), $y + $offset * $_, $width * 10, $bar-height),
          $angle.Num, SDL_Point.new(:x((4.5*$width).Int),:y($y + $offset * $_)), 0




    print fps;

put '';


sub gen-bar (@color) {
    my $bar = Cairo::Image.create( Cairo::FORMAT_ARGB32, 1, 128 );
    given Cairo::Context.new($bar) {
        my Cairo::Pattern::Gradient::Linear $lpat .= create(0.0, 0.0,  0.0, 128.0);
        $lpat.add_color_stop_rgba(  1, |(@color »*» .3), 1);
        $lpat.add_color_stop_rgba( .2, |(@color),        1);
        $lpat.add_color_stop_rgba(.75, |(@color),        1);
        $lpat.add_color_stop_rgba(  0, |(@color »+» .5), 1);
        .rectangle(0, 0, 1, 128);

    my $bar_texture = SDL_CreateTexture(
        $render, %PIXELFORMAT<ARGB8888>,
        STATIC, 1, 128

        SDL_Rect.new(:x(0), :y(0), :w(1), :h(128)),
        $bar.data, $bar.stride // 1


sub handle-event ($event) {
    my $casted_event = SDL_CastEvent($event);
    given $casted_event {
        when *.type == QUIT    { last main }
        when *.type == KEYDOWN {
            if KEY_CODES(.scancode) -> $comm {
                given $comm {
                    when 'K_UP'     { $step += 1 }
                    when 'K_DOWN'   { $step -= 1 if $step > 1 }
                    when 'K_LEFT'   { $gap = $gap < 32 ?? $gap !! $gap - 1; $port = +@bars * $gap; }
                    when 'K_RIGHT'  { $gap++; $port += +@bars; }
                    when 'K_PGUP'   { $bar-height += 2 }
                    when 'K_PGDN'   { $bar-height = $bar-height >= 34 ?? $bar-height - 2 !! $bar-height }
                    when 'K_SPACE'  { $step = $step ?? 0 !! 1 }
                    when 'K_LCTRL'  { $dir  *= -1 }
                    when 'K_Z'      { $angle = $angle > -45 ?? $angle - 5 !! $angle }
                    when 'K_X'      { $angle = $angle <  45 ?? $angle + 5 !! $angle }
                    when 'K_R'      { $rnd = $rnd ?? 0 !! 1 }
                    when 'K_S'      { $sway xor= 1 }
                    when 'K_F'      { $period += .1 }
                    when 'K_D'      { $period = $period - .1 max .1;  }
                    when 'K_GT'     { $rnd += .2 }
                    when 'K_LT'     { $rnd = $rnd > .2 ?? $rnd -.2 !! .2 }
                    when 'K_Q'      { last main }
            } #else { say .scancode, "\n" }
        when *.type == WINDOWEVENT {
            if .event == RESIZED {
                $width  = .data1;
                $height = .data2 + $bar-height;

sub randomize {
    $dir   = (-1,1).pick;
    $step  = (4..8).pick;
    $bar-height   = (32..200).pick;
    $gap   = $bar-height + (1..100).pick;
    $angle = (-45, *+5 ... 45).pick;

    $port = +@bars * $gap;

    if $dir > 0 {
        $y = $height - $port;
    } else {
        $y = 0 - ceiling ($height max $width) / cos(π * $angle / 180).abs;
    $now = now;

sub fps {
    state $fps-frames = 0;
    state $fps-now    = now;
    state $fps        = '';
    if now - $fps-now >= 1 {
        $fps = [~] "\b" x 40, ' ' x 20, "\b" x 20 ,
            sprintf "FPS: %5.2f  ", ($fps-frames / (now - $fps-now)).round(.01);
        $fps-frames = 0;
        $fps-now = now;

Screenshot still of typical run: (offsite .png image)

(Small) Moving gif of swaying bars: (offsite .gif image)


extern crate minifb;

use std::iter::repeat;

use minifb::{Key, Window, WindowOptions};

const WIDTH: usize = 640;
const HEIGHT: usize = 360;

struct Bar {
    color: [f32; 3],
    height: u32,
    position: f32,
    speed: f32,

impl Bar {

    fn draw_column(&self, column_buffer: &mut [u32]) {
        let start_row = (self.position.round() as i32).clamp(0, HEIGHT as i32) as usize;
        let end_row = (start_row + self.height as usize).clamp(0, HEIGHT);

            .for_each(|(row_index, color)| {
                *color = self.row_color(row_index as i32);

    fn row_color(&self, y: i32) -> u32 {
        let yy = y as f32 / (self.height - 1) as f32;
        let yy = 1.0 - 2.0 * (yy - 0.5).abs();

        let r = (25.0 + yy.powf((2.0 - 2.0 * self.color[0]).exp()) * 230.0).round() as u8;
        let g = (25.0 + yy.powf((2.0 - 2.0 * self.color[1]).exp()) * 230.0).round() as u8;
        let b = (25.0 + yy.powf((2.0 - 2.0 * self.color[2]).exp()) * 230.0).round() as u8;

        u32::from_be_bytes([255, r, g, b])

    fn update_position(&mut self) {
        self.position += self.speed;

        if let Some(position) = self.bounce_position() {
            self.position = position;
            self.speed = -self.speed;

    fn bounce_position(&self) -> Option<f32> {
        if self.speed > 0.0 {
            let limit = (HEIGHT as i32 - self.height as i32) as f32;
            (self.position >= limit).then(|| limit - (self.position - limit))
        } else {
            (self.position <= 0.0).then(|| -self.position)


fn main() {

    let mut window = Window::new(
        "Raster Bars",
    .unwrap_or_else(|e| {
        panic!("{}", e);

    // Limit to max ~60 fps update rate

    let mut bars = Vec::new();

    bars.push(Bar { color: [1.0, 1.0, 0.0], height: 20, position: 0.0, speed: 3.1 });
    bars.push(Bar { color: [1.0, 0.0, 0.0], height: 25, position: 0.0, speed: 0.2 });
    bars.push(Bar { color: [0.0, 1.0, 0.0], height: 7, position: 0.0, speed: 0.4 });
    bars.push(Bar { color: [0.0, 0.0, 1.0], height: 30, position: 0.0, speed: 1.0 });

    while window.is_open() && !window.is_key_down(Key::Escape) {

        let mut column_buffer = vec![0x_00_00_00_u32; HEIGHT];
        for bar in &mut bars {
            bar.draw_column(&mut column_buffer);

        let buffer: Vec<u32> = column_buffer.iter()
            .flat_map(|&row_color| repeat(row_color).take(WIDTH))

            .update_with_buffer(&buffer, WIDTH, HEIGHT)


Translation of: Go
Library: DOME

Unlike the Go example, repeats indefinitely until the window is closed.

As DOME has no facility to create an animated .gif file, the moving image is displayed but not saved.

import "dome" for Window
import "graphics" for Canvas, Color

var c0 = Color.rgb(166, 124,   0, 255)
var c1 = Color.rgb(191, 155,  48, 255)
var c2 = Color.rgb(255, 191,   0, 255)
var c3 = Color.rgb(255, 207,  64, 255)
var c4 = Color.rgb(255, 220, 115, 255)

var Palette = [c0, c1, c2, c3, c4]

class RasterBars {
    construct new(width, height) {
        Window.resize(width, height)
        Canvas.resize(width, height)
        Window.title = "Raster bars"
        _width = width
        _height = height

    init() {
        _f = 0
        _nframes = 320
        _draw = false
        _c = false

    hline(x1, y, x2, ci) {
        while (x1 <= x2) {
            Canvas.pset(x1, y, Palette[ci])
            x1 = x1 + 1

    vline(x, y1, y2, ci) {
        while (y1 <= y2) {
            Canvas.pset(x, y1, Palette[ci])
            y1 = y1 + 1

    drawHBar(x1, y1, x2, y2, ci) {
        while (y1 <= y2) {
            hline(x1, y1, x2, ci)
            y1 = y1 + 1

    drawVBar(x1, y1, x2, y2, ci) {
        while (x1 <= x2) {
            vline(x1, y1, y2, ci)
            x1 = x1 + 1

    update() {
        _f = _f + 1
        if (_f % 8 == 0) {
            _draw = true
            _c = !_c   
        } else {
            _draw = false
        if (_f == _nframes) _f = 0

    draw(alpha) {
        if (!_draw) return
        var c = _c ? 0 : 1
        if (_f < _nframes / 2) {
            var y = 0
            while (y < _height) {
                drawHBar(0, y, _width, y+19, c)
                c = (c < 4) ? c + 1 : 0
                y = y + 20
        } else {
            var x = 0
            while (x < _width) {
                drawVBar(x, 0, x+19, _height, c)
                c = (c < 4) ? c + 1 : 0
                x = x + 20

var Game = RasterBars.new(500, 500)

X86 Assembly

256 byte executable. Translation of XPL0. Output is the same.

        page    240, 132                ;minimize annoying page headers
;Assemble with:
; tasm
; tlink /t
        .model  tiny
        org     100h

;MS-DOS loads .com files with registers set this way:
; ax=0, bx=0, cx=00FFh, dx=cs, si=0100h, di=-2, bp=09xx, sp=-2, es=ds=cs=ss
;The direction flag (d) is clear (incrementing).
if 0                                    ;if debug then must initialize registers
        mov     cx, 00FFh
        mov     dx, cs
        mov     si, 0100h
        mov     di, -2
        mov     bp, 0955h
        mov     al,13h                  ;call BIOS to set graphic mode 13h
        int     10h                     ; 320x200 with 256 colors (ah = 0)

;Set up color registers with sequential shades of red and green (gives yellow,
; gold, copper, brown, etc.). Since the hardware only allows 64 levels of
; intensity, the shades are not continuous. Code from SHR's YEW2 demo program.
yew10:  mov     al,cl                   ;cx is assumed set to 00ffh by loader
        mov     dx,03c8h                ;select color register ffh down thru 01h
        out     dx,al

        inc     dx                      ;point to corresponding RGB registers
        out     dx,al                   ;set red intensity

        aam                             ;set green intensity to 7/8 of red value
        org     $-1                     ;ah <- al/8; al <- rem
        db      8                       ;(values other than 0a work just fine)
        mov     al,cl
        sub     al,ah
        out     dx,al

        xor     ax,ax                   ;set blue intensity to 0
        out     dx,al
        loop    yew10                   ;loop for 255 color registers (ff-01)

        fninit                          ;initialize math coprocessor (FPU)
        fldz                            ;push (load) 0.0 onto FPU stack
        fstp    angle                   ; Angle:= 0.;

; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Main Loop - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
        mov     dx, 03dah
wait10: in      al, dx                  ;wait for vertical retrace to go away
        and     al, 08h
        jne     short wait10
wait20: in      al, dx                  ;wait for vertical retrace
        and     al, 08h
        je      short wait20

;Erase buffer
        mov     di, offset buffer
        mov     cx, 200*320/2
        xor     ax, ax
        rep stosw                       ;es:[di++]:= ax; cx--

;       for N:= 2 to 9 do
        mov     dx, 2                   ;dx = N
        mov     N, dx
;Phase:= float(N)*0.4;
        fild    N                       ;can't use dx here; must be memory loc
        fld     n4
        fstp    phase

;Y:= fix(80.*Sin(Angle+Phase));
        fld     n80
        fld     angle
        fld     phase
        fsin                            ;return the sine in one instruction!
        push    ax
        mov     bp, sp
        fistp   word ptr [bp]
        pop     ax

;ShowBar(Y+100, 2*N, 64*((3&N)+1)-1);
        add     ax, 100
        mov     sbY0, ax
        imul    ax, dx, 2
        mov     sbR, ax
        mov     ax, dx
        and     ax, 3
        inc     ax
        shl     ax, 6
        dec     ax
        mov     sbC0, ax
        call    ShowBar

        inc     N
        mov     dx, N
        cmp     dx, 9
        jle     short ras70

;Copy buffer to video RAM
        mov     cx, 320*200/2
        mov     si, offset buffer
        xor     di, di
        push    0A000h
        pop     es
        rep movsw                       ;es:[di++] <- ds:[si++]; cx--
        push    cs
        pop     es

;       Angle:= Angle + 0.04;
        fld     angle
        fld     n04
        fstp    angle

        mov     ah, 1                   ;a keystroke terminates the program
        int     16h
        je      ras60                   ;loop back if no keystroke

        mov     ah, 0                   ;eat the keystroke
        int     16h                     ; so it isn't echoed on the display

        mov     ax, 0003h               ;restore the normal text display mode
        int     10h

; proc ShowBar(Y0, R, C0);              \Display cylindrical rod with its center
; int  Y0, R, C0;                       \ at Y0, radius R, and center color C0

; for Y:= -R to +R do
        mov     ax, sbR
        mov     bp, ax                  ;bp = 'for' loop limit
        neg     ax
        mov     si, ax                  ;si = 'for' loop control variable
;C:= C0 - 31*abs(Y)/R;                  \(looks better than a circular surface)
        mov     ax, si
sb45:   neg     ax
        jl      short sb45
        imul    ax, 31
        idiv    sbR
        neg     ax
        add     ax, sbC0

;Line(319, Y+Y0, C);                    \draw horizontal line from left to right
        mov     cx, 320
        mov     di, si
        add     di, sbY0
        imul    di, 320
        add     di, offset buffer
        rep stosb                       ;es:[di++]:= al; cx--

        inc     si
        cmp     si, bp
        jle     short sb40

n4      dd      0.4                     ;single precision 'float' constants
n04     dd      0.04
n80     dd      80.0
N       dw      ?
angle   dd      ?
phase   dd      ?
sbY0    dw      ?
sbR     dw      ?
sbC0    dw      ?
buffer  db      320*200 dup(?)          ;stack starts above this at top of 64K
        end     start


proc ShowBar(Y0, R, C0);        \Display a cylindrical rod with its center
int  Y0, R, C0;                 \ at Y0, radius R, and center color C0
int  Y, C;
for Y:= -R to +R do
    [C:= C0 - 31*abs(Y)/R;      \(looks better than circular surface)
    Move(0, Y+Y0);              \start line at left side of screen
    Line(319, Y+Y0, C);         \draw horizontal line to right side

int  N, Y;
real Angle, Phase;
[SetVid($13);                           \set 320x200x8 graphics
for N:= 0 to 255 do                     \set palette colors to
    SetPalette(N, N<<2, (7*N/8)<<2, 0); \ copper, brass, and gold
Angle:= 0.;
repeat  WaitForVSync;                   \regulate speed
        Clear;                          \erase screen
        for N:= 2 to 9 do
            [Phase:= float(N)*0.4;
            Y:= fix(80.*Sin(Angle+Phase));
            ShowBar(Y+100, 2*N, 64*((3&N)+1)-1);
        Angle:= Angle + 0.04;
until   KeyHit;
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