Pythagoras tree: Difference between revisions

→‎{{header|JavaScript}}: added translation of Rust
(Added image)
(→‎{{header|JavaScript}}: added translation of Rust)
Line 864:
<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript"><!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
Line 970:
<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript">let base = [[[-200, 0], [200, 0]]];
const doc = [...Array(12)].reduce((doc_a, _, lvl) => {
const rg = step => ('0' + ((80 + (lvl - 2) * step) % 256).toString(16)).slice(-2);
const base0 = base;
base = [];
return doc_a + base0.reduce((ga, [a, b]) => {
const v = [b[0] - a[0], b[1] - a[1]];
const [c, d, w] = [a, b, v].map(p => [p[0] + v[1], p[1] - v[0]]);
const e = [c[0] + w[0] / 2, c[1] + w[1] / 2];
base.push([c, e], [e, d]);
return ga + '\n' + `<polygon points="${[a, c, e, d, c, d, b]}"/>`;
}, `<g fill="#${rg(20)}${rg(30)}18">`) + '\n</g>\n';
}, '<svg xmlns="" width="1200" stroke="white">\n') + '</svg>';
const [x, y] = base.reduce(([xa, ya], [[x, y],]) => [Math.min(xa, x), Math.min(ya, y)], [0, 0]);
const svg = doc.replace('<svg ', `<svg viewBox="${[x, y, -x - x, -y]}" `);
if ( { // if script is run from node.js - save svg to file
require('node:fs').writeFileSync('Pythagor_tree.svg', svg);
} else { // if is run from the browser console or from the <script> tag of the html document
// - display the svg in the browser window
document.body.innerHTML = svg, '';
