Polynomial long division: Difference between revisions

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(Add Python)
(→‎{{header|Python}}: can't index when deg < 0, and unnecessary)
Line 344: Line 344:
del poly[deg] # normalize
del poly[deg] # normalize
deg -= 1
deg -= 1
if poly[deg] == 0:
deg = -1
return deg
return deg

Line 351: Line 349:
dD = degree(D)
dD = degree(D)
dN = degree(N)
dN = degree(N)
if dD < 0: raise ValueError
if dD < 0: raise ZeroDivisionError
if dN >= dD:
if dN >= dD:
q = [0] * dN
q = [0] * dN

Revision as of 19:03, 17 June 2009

Polynomial long division
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.
This page uses content from Wikipedia. The original article was at Polynomial long division. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with Rosetta Code, the text of Wikipedia is available under the GNU FDL. (See links for details on variance)

In algebra, polynomial long division is an algorithm for dividing a polynomial by another polynomial of the same or lower degree.

Let us suppose a polynomial is represented by a vector (e.g. see here), then the i-th element keeps the coefficient of xi, and the multiplication by a monomial is a shift of the vector's elements "towards right" (injecting zeros from left) followed by a multiplication of each element by the coefficient of the monomial.

Then a pseudocode for the polynomial long division could be:

  return the index of the last non-zero element of p;
         if all elements are 0, return -∞
polynomial_long_division(N, D) returns (q, r):
  N, D, q, r are vectors
  if degree(D) < 0 then error
  if degree(N) ≥ degree(D) then
    while degree(N) ≥ degree(D)
      dD shifted right by (degree(N) - degree(D))
      q(degree(N) - degree(D)) ← N(degree(N)) / d(degree(d))
      // by construction, degree(d) = degree(N) of course
      dd * q(degree(N) - degree(D))
      NN - d
  return (q, r)

Note: vector * scalar multiplies each element of the vector by the scalar; vectorA - vectorB subtracts each element of the vectorB from the element of the vectorA with "the same index". The vectors in the pseudocode are zero-based.

  • Error handling (for allocations or for wrong inputs) is not mandatory.

Example for clarification

This example is from Wikipedia, but changed to show how the given pseudocode works.

      0    1    2    3
N:  -42    0  -12    1        degree = 3
D:   -3    1    0    0        degree = 1

   d(N) - d(D) = 2, so let's shift D towards right by 2:

N:  -42    0  -12    1
d:    0    0   -3    1

   N(3)/d(3) = 1, so d is unchanged. Now remember that "shifting by 2"
   is like multiplying by x2, and the final multiplication
   (here by 1) is the coefficient of this monomial. Let's store this
   into q:
                               0     1     2
                          q:   0     0     1

   now compute N - d, and let it be the "new" N, and let's loop

N:  -42    0   -9    0        degree = 2
D:   -3    1    0    0        degree = 1

   d(N) - d(D) = 1, right shift D by 1 and let it be d

N:  -42    0   -9    0
d:    0   -3    1    0        * -9/1 = -9

                          q:   0    -9     1

d:    0   27   -9    0        

   N ← N - d

N:  -42  -27    0    0        degree = 1
D:   -3    1    0    0        degree = 1

   looping again... d(N)-d(D)=0, so no shift is needed; we
   multiply D by -27 (= -27/1) storing the result in d, then

                          q:  -27   -9     1


N:  -42  -27    0    0        -
d:   81  -27    0    0        =
N: -123    0    0    0        (last N)

    d(N) < d(D), so now r ← N, and the result is:

       0   1  2
q:   -27  -9  1   →  x2 - 9x - 27
r:  -123   0  0   →          -123


Translation of: Fortran
Library: libgsl

<lang c>#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <stdlib.h>
  2. include <stdarg.h>
  3. include <assert.h>
  4. include <gsl/gsl_vector.h>
  1. define MAX(A,B) (((A)>(B))?(A):(B))

void reoshift(gsl_vector *v, int h) {

 if ( h > 0 ) {
   gsl_vector *temp = gsl_vector_alloc(v->size);
   gsl_vector_view p = gsl_vector_subvector(v, 0, v->size - h);
   gsl_vector_view p1 = gsl_vector_subvector(temp, h, v->size - h);
   gsl_vector_memcpy(&p1.vector, &p.vector);
   p = gsl_vector_subvector(temp, 0, h);
   gsl_vector_memcpy(v, temp);


gsl_vector *poly_long_div(gsl_vector *n, gsl_vector *d, gsl_vector **r) {

 gsl_vector *nt = NULL, *dt = NULL, *rt = NULL, *d2 = NULL, *q = NULL;
 int gn, gt, gd;
 if ( (n->size >= d->size) && (d->size > 0) && (n->size > 0) ) {
   nt = gsl_vector_alloc(n->size); assert(nt != NULL);
   dt = gsl_vector_alloc(n->size); assert(dt != NULL);
   rt = gsl_vector_alloc(n->size); assert(rt != NULL);
   d2 = gsl_vector_alloc(n->size); assert(d2 != NULL);
   gsl_vector_memcpy(nt, n);
   gsl_vector_set_zero(dt); gsl_vector_set_zero(rt);
   gsl_vector_view p = gsl_vector_subvector(dt, 0, d->size);
   gsl_vector_memcpy(&p.vector, d);
   gsl_vector_memcpy(d2, dt);
   gn = n->size - 1;
   gd = d->size - 1;
   gt = 0;
   while( gsl_vector_get(d, gd) == 0 ) gd--;
   while ( gn >= gd ) {
     reoshift(dt, gn-gd);
     double v = gsl_vector_get(nt, gn)/gsl_vector_get(dt, gn);
     gsl_vector_set(rt, gn-gd, v);
     gsl_vector_scale(dt, v);
     gsl_vector_sub(nt, dt);
     gt = MAX(gt, gn-gd);
     while( (gn>=0) && (gsl_vector_get(nt, gn) == 0.0) ) gn--;
     gsl_vector_memcpy(dt, d2);
   q = gsl_vector_alloc(gt+1); assert(q != NULL);
   p = gsl_vector_subvector(rt, 0, gt+1);
   gsl_vector_memcpy(q, &p.vector);
   if ( r != NULL ) {
     if ( (gn+1) > 0 ) {

*r = gsl_vector_alloc(gn+1); assert( *r != NULL ); p = gsl_vector_subvector(nt, 0, gn+1); gsl_vector_memcpy(*r, &p.vector);

     } else {

*r = gsl_vector_alloc(1); assert( *r != NULL ); gsl_vector_set_zero(*r);

   gsl_vector_free(nt); gsl_vector_free(dt);
   gsl_vector_free(rt); gsl_vector_free(d2);
   return q;
 } else {
   q = gsl_vector_alloc(1); assert( q != NULL );
   if ( r != NULL ) {
     *r = gsl_vector_alloc(n->size); assert( *r != NULL );
     gsl_vector_memcpy(*r, n);
   return q;


void poly_print(gsl_vector *p) {

 int i;
 for(i=p->size-1; i >= 0; i--) {
   if ( i > 0 ) 
     printf("%lfx^%d + ", 

gsl_vector_get(p, i), i);

     printf("%lf\n", gsl_vector_get(p, i));


gsl_vector *create_poly(int d, ...) {

 va_list al;
 int i;
 gsl_vector *r = NULL;
 va_start(al, d);
 r = gsl_vector_alloc(d); assert( r != NULL );
 for(i=0; i < d; i++)
   gsl_vector_set(r, i, va_arg(al, double));
 return r;


<lang c>int main() {

 int i;
 gsl_vector *q, *r;
 gsl_vector *nv, *dv;
 //nv = create_poly(4,  -42., 0., -12., 1.);
 //dv = create_poly(2,  -3., 1.);
 //nv = create_poly(3,  2., 3., 1.);
 //dv = create_poly(2,  1., 1.);
 nv = create_poly(4, -42., 0., -12., 1.);
 dv = create_poly(3, -3., 1., 1.);
 q = poly_long_div(nv, dv, &r);
 return 0;



Works with: Fortran version 95 and later

<lang fortran>module Polynom

 implicit none


 subroutine poly_long_div(n, d, q, r)
   real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: n, d
   real, dimension(:), intent(out), allocatable :: q
   real, dimension(:), intent(out), allocatable, optional :: r
   real, dimension(:), allocatable :: nt, dt, rt
   integer :: gn, gt, gd
   if ( (size(n) >= size(d)) .and. (size(d) > 0) .and. (size(n) > 0) ) then  
      allocate(nt(size(n)), dt(size(n)), rt(size(n)))
      nt = n
      dt = 0
      dt(1:size(d)) = d
      rt = 0
      gn = size(n)-1
      gd = size(d)-1
      gt = 0
      do while ( d(gd+1) == 0 )
         gd = gd - 1
      end do
      do while( gn >= gd )
         dt = eoshift(dt, -(gn-gd))
         rt(gn-gd+1) = nt(gn+1) / dt(gn+1)
         nt = nt - dt * rt(gn-gd+1)
         gt = max(gt, gn-gd)
            gn = gn - 1
            if ( nt(gn+1) /= 0 ) exit
         end do
         dt = 0
         dt(1:size(d)) = d
      end do
      q = rt(1:gt+1)
      if ( present(r) ) then
         if ( (gn+1) > 0 ) then
            r = nt(1:gn+1)
            r = 0.0
         end if
      end if
      deallocate(nt, dt, rt)
      q = 0
      if ( present(r) ) then
         r = n
      end if
   end if
 end subroutine poly_long_div
 subroutine poly_print(p)
   real, dimension(:), intent(in) :: p
   integer :: i
   do i = size(p), 1, -1
      if ( i > 1 ) then
         write(*, '(F0.2,"x^",I0," + ")', advance="no") p(i), i-1
         write(*, '(F0.2)') p(i)
      end if
   end do
 end subroutine poly_print

end module Polynom</lang>

<lang fortran>program PolyDivTest

 use Polynom
 implicit none
 real, dimension(:), allocatable :: q
 real, dimension(:), allocatable :: r
 !! three tests from Wikipedia, plus an extra
 !call poly_long_div( (/ -3., 1. /), (/ -42., 0.0, -12., 1. /), q, r)
 call poly_long_div( (/ -42., 0.0, -12., 1. /), (/ -3., 1. /), q, r)
 !call poly_long_div( (/ -42., 0.0, -12., 1. /), (/ -3., 1., 1. /), q, r)
 !call poly_long_div( (/ 2., 3., 1. /), (/ 1., 1. /), q, r)
 call poly_print(q)
 call poly_print(r)
 deallocate(q, r)

end program PolyDivTest</lang>


Works with: Python 2.x

<lang python># -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from itertools import izip

def degree(poly):

   deg = len(poly) - 1
   while deg >= 0 and poly[deg] == 0:
       del poly[deg]   # normalize
       deg -= 1
   return deg

def poly_div(N, D):

   dD = degree(D)
   dN = degree(N)
   if dD < 0: raise ZeroDivisionError
   if dN >= dD:
       q = [0] * dN
       while dN >= dD:
           d = [0]*(dN - dD) + D
           mult = q[dN - dD] = N[-1] / float(d[-1])
           d = [coeff*mult for coeff in d]
           N = [coeffN - coeffd for coeffN, coeffd in izip(N, d)]
           dN = degree(N)
       r = N
       q = [0]
       r = N
   return q, r

if __name__ == '__main__':

   N = [-42, 0, -12, 1]
   D = [-3, 1, 0, 0]
   print "  %s / %s =" % (N,D),
   print " %s remainder %s" % poly_div(N, D)</lang>

Sample output:

  [-42, 0, -12, 1] / [-3, 1, 0, 0] =  [-27.0, -9.0, 1.0] remainder [-123.0]


Works with: Tcl version 8.5 and later

<lang tcl># poldiv - Divide two polynomials n and d.

  1. Result is a list of two polynomials, q and r, where n = qd + r
  2. and the degree of r is less than the degree of b.
  3. Polynomials are represented as lists, where element 0 is the
  4. x**0 coefficient, element 1 is the x**1 coefficient, and so on.

proc poldiv {a b} {

   # Toss out leading zero coefficients
   while {[lindex $a end] == 0} {set a [lrange $a[set a {}] 0 end-1]}
   while {[lindex $b end] == 0} {set b [lrange $b[set b {}] 0 end-1]}
   if {[llength $a] < [llength $b]} {
       return [list 0 $a]
   # Rearrange the terms to put highest powers first
   set n [lreverse $a]
   set d [lreverse $b]
   # Carry out classical long division, accumulating quotient coefficients
   # in q, and replacing n with the remainder.
   set q {}
   while {[llength $n] >= [llength $d]} {
       set qd [expr {[lindex $n 0] / [lindex $d 0]}]
       set i 0
       foreach nd [lrange $n 0 [expr {[llength $d] - 1}]] dd $d {
           lset n $i [expr {$nd - $qd * $dd}]
           incr i
       lappend q $qd
       set n [lrange $n 1 end]
   # Return quotient and remainder, constant term first
   return [list [lreverse $q] [lreverse $n]]


  1. Demonstration

lassign [poldiv {-42. 0. -12. 1.} {-3. 1. 0. 0.}] Q R puts [list Q = $Q] puts [list R = $R]</lang>