Parsing/RPN to infix conversion

Revision as of 20:39, 19 December 2011 by (talk) (→‎{{header|TXR}}: Use quasiliterals instead of formatting to a string stream.)
This task has been clarified. Its programming examples are in need of review to ensure that they still fit the requirements of the task.

Create a program that takes an RPN representation of an expression formatted as a space separated sequence of tokens and generates the equivalent expression in infix notation.

  • Assume an input of a correct, space separated, string of tokens
  • Generate a space separated output string representing the same expression in infix notation
  • Show how the major datastructure of your algorithm changes with each new token parsed.
  • Test with the following input RPN strings then print and display the output here.
Parsing/RPN to infix conversion
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.
RPN input sample output
3 4 2 * 1 5 - 2 3 ^ ^ / + 3 + 4 * 2 / ( 1 - 5 ) ^ 2 ^ 3
1 2 + 3 4 + ^ 5 6 + ^ ( ( 1 + 2 ) ^ ( 3 + 4 ) ) ^ ( 5 + 6 )
  • Operator precedence is given in this table:
operator precedence associativity
^ 4 Right
* 3 Left
/ 3 Left
+ 2 Left
- 2 Left
  • '^' means exponentiation.
See also


Works with: AutoHotkey_L

<lang AHK>expr := "3 4 2 * 1 5 - 2 3 ^ ^ / +"

stack := {push: func("ObjInsert"), pop: func("ObjRemove")} out := "TOKEN`tACTION STACK (comma separated)`r`n" Loop Parse, expr, %A_Space% { token := A_LoopField if token is number stack.push([0, token]) if isOp(token) { b := stack.pop(), a := stack.pop(), p := b.1 > a.1 ? b.1 : a.1 p := Precedence(token) > p ? precedence(token) : p if (a.1 < b.1) and isRight(token) stack.push([p, "( " . a.2 " ) " token " " b.2]) else if (a.1 > b.1) and isLeft(token) stack.push([p, a.2 token " ( " b.2 " ) "]) else stack.push([p, a.2 . " " . token . " " . b.2]) } out .= token "`t" (isOp(token) ? "Push Partial expression "  : "Push num" space(16)) disp(stack) "`r`n" } out .= "`r`n The final output infix expression is: '" disp(stack) "'" clipboard := out isOp(t){

      return (!!InStr("+-*/^", t) && t)

} IsLeft(o){

      return !!InStr("*/+-", o)

} IsRight(o){

      return o = "^"

} Precedence(o){

      return (InStr("+-/*^", o)+3)//2

} Disp(obj){

      for each, val in obj

if val[2] o .= ", " val[2]

      return  SubStr(o,3)

} Space(n){

      return n>0 ? A_Space Space(n-1) : ""


TOKEN	ACTION                  STACK (comma separated)
3	Push num                3
4	Push num                3, 4
2	Push num                3, 4, 2
*	Push Partial expression 3, 4 * 2
1	Push num                3, 4 * 2, 1
5	Push num                3, 4 * 2, 1, 5
-	Push Partial expression 3, 4 * 2, 1 - 5
2	Push num                3, 4 * 2, 1 - 5, 2
3	Push num                3, 4 * 2, 1 - 5, 2, 3
^	Push Partial expression 3, 4 * 2, 1 - 5, 2 ^ 3
^	Push Partial expression 3, 4 * 2, ( 1 - 5 ) ^ 2 ^ 3
/	Push Partial expression 3, 4 * 2 / ( 1 - 5 ) ^ 2 ^ 3
+	Push Partial expression 3 + 4 * 2 / ( 1 - 5 ) ^ 2 ^ 3

 The final output infix expression is: '3 + 4 * 2 / ( 1 - 5 ) ^ 2 ^ 3'

Icon and Unicon

<lang Icon>procedure main() every rpn := ![

  "3 4 2 * 1 5 - 2 3 ^ ^ / +",  # reqd
  "1 2 + 3 4 + 5 6 + ^ ^",  
  "1 2 + 3 4 + 5 6 + ^ ^",
  "1 2 + 3 4 + ^ 5 6 + ^"       # reqd
  ] do {
     printf("\nRPN   = %i\n",rpn)
     printf("infix = %i\n",RPN2Infix(rpn,show))
     show := 1 # turn off inner working display


link printf

procedure RPN2Infix(expr,show) #: RPN to Infix conversion static oi initial {

  oi := table([9,"'"])                   # precedence & associativity  
  every oi[!"+-"]   := [2,"l"]             # 2L
  every oi[!"*/"]   := [3,"l"]             # 3L
  oi["^"]           := [4,"r"]             # 4R
  show := if /show then printf else 1    # to show inner workings or not
  stack := []
  expr ? until pos(0) do {               # Reformat as a tree
     tab(many(' '))                         # consume previous seperator
     token := tab(upto(' ')|0)              # get token
     if token := numeric(token) then {      # ... numeric
        show("pushed numeric   %i : %s\n",token,list2string(stack))
     else {                                 # ... operator
        every b|a := pop(stack)             # pop & reverse operands
        pr := oi[token,1]
        as := oi[token,2]
        if a[1] < pr | (a[1] = pr & oi[token,2] == "r") then        
           a[3] := sprintf("( %s )",a[3]) 
        if b[1] < pr | (b[1] == pr & oi[token,2] == "l") then  
           b[3] := sprintf("( %s )",b[3]) 
        s := sprintf("%s %s %s",a[3],token,b[3])         
        push(stack,[pr,as,s])               # stack [prec, assoc, expr]
        show("applied operator %s : %s\n",token,list2string(stack))
  if *stack ~= 1 then stop("Parser failure") 
  return stack[1,3]


procedure list2string(L) #: format list as a string

  s := "[ " 
  every x := !L do 
     s ||:= ( if type(x) == "list" then list2string(x) 
              else x) || " "    
  return s || "]"


printf.icn provides formatting


RPN   = "3 4 2 * 1 5 - 2 3 ^ ^ / +"
pushed numeric   3 : [ [ 9 ' 3 ] ]
pushed numeric   4 : [ [ 9 ' 4 ] [ 9 ' 3 ] ]
pushed numeric   2 : [ [ 9 ' 2 ] [ 9 ' 4 ] [ 9 ' 3 ] ]
applied operator * : [ [ 3 l 4 * 2 ] [ 9 ' 3 ] ]
pushed numeric   1 : [ [ 9 ' 1 ] [ 3 l 4 * 2 ] [ 9 ' 3 ] ]
pushed numeric   5 : [ [ 9 ' 5 ] [ 9 ' 1 ] [ 3 l 4 * 2 ] [ 9 ' 3 ] ]
applied operator - : [ [ 2 l 1 - 5 ] [ 3 l 4 * 2 ] [ 9 ' 3 ] ]
pushed numeric   2 : [ [ 9 ' 2 ] [ 2 l 1 - 5 ] [ 3 l 4 * 2 ] [ 9 ' 3 ] ]
pushed numeric   3 : [ [ 9 ' 3 ] [ 9 ' 2 ] [ 2 l 1 - 5 ] [ 3 l 4 * 2 ] [ 9 ' 3 ] ]
applied operator ^ : [ [ 4 r 2 ^ 3 ] [ 2 l 1 - 5 ] [ 3 l 4 * 2 ] [ 9 ' 3 ] ]
applied operator ^ : [ [ 4 r ( 1 - 5 ) ^ 2 ^ 3 ] [ 3 l 4 * 2 ] [ 9 ' 3 ] ]
applied operator / : [ [ 3 l 4 * 2 / ( 1 - 5 ) ^ 2 ^ 3 ] [ 9 ' 3 ] ]
applied operator + : [ [ 2 l 3 + 4 * 2 / ( 1 - 5 ) ^ 2 ^ 3 ] ]
infix = "3 + 4 * 2 / ( 1 - 5 ) ^ 2 ^ 3"

RPN   = "1 2 + 3 4 + 5 6 + ^ ^"
infix = "( 1 + 2 ) ^ ( 3 + 4 ) ^ ( 5 + 6 )"

RPN   = "1 2 + 3 4 + 5 6 + ^ ^"
infix = "( 1 + 2 ) ^ ( 3 + 4 ) ^ ( 5 + 6 )"

RPN   = "1 2 + 3 4 + ^ 5 6 + ^"
infix = "( ( 1 + 2 ) ^ ( 3 + 4 ) ) ^ ( 5 + 6 )"



<lang j>tokenize=: ' ' <;._1@, deb

ops=: ;:'+ - * / ^' doOp=: plus`minus`times`divide`exponent`push@.(ops&i.) parse=:3 :0

 stack=: i.0 2
 for_token.tokenize y do.doOp token end.
 1{:: ,stack


parens=:4 :0

 if. y do. '( ',x,' )' else. x end.


NB. m: precedence, n: is right associative, y: token op=:2 :0

 L=. m -   n
 R=. m - -.n
 smoutput;'operation: ';y
 'Lprec left Rprec right'=. ,_2{.stack
 expr=. ;(left parens L > Lprec);' ';y,' ';right parens R > Rprec
 stack=: (_2}.stack),m;expr
 smoutput stack


plus=: 2 op 0 minus=: 2 op 0 times=: 3 op 0 divide=: 3 op 0 exponent=: 4 op 1

push=:3 :0

 smoutput;'pushing: ';y
 stack=: stack,_;y
 smoutput stack


The stack structure has two elements for each stack entry: expression precedence and expression characters.

Required example:

<lang j> parse '3 4 2 * 1 5 - 2 3 ^ ^ / +' pushing: 3 +-+-+ |_|3| +-+-+ pushing: 4 +-+-+ |_|3| +-+-+ |_|4| +-+-+ pushing: 2 +-+-+ |_|3| +-+-+ |_|4| +-+-+ |_|2| +-+-+ operation: * +-+-----+ |_|3 | +-+-----+ |3|4 * 2| +-+-----+ pushing: 1 +-+-----+ |_|3 | +-+-----+ |3|4 * 2| +-+-----+ |_|1 | +-+-----+ pushing: 5 +-+-----+ |_|3 | +-+-----+ |3|4 * 2| +-+-----+ |_|1 | +-+-----+ |_|5 | +-+-----+ operation: - +-+-----+ |_|3 | +-+-----+ |3|4 * 2| +-+-----+ |2|1 - 5| +-+-----+ pushing: 2 +-+-----+ |_|3 | +-+-----+ |3|4 * 2| +-+-----+ |2|1 - 5| +-+-----+ |_|2 | +-+-----+ pushing: 3 +-+-----+ |_|3 | +-+-----+ |3|4 * 2| +-+-----+ |2|1 - 5| +-+-----+ |_|2 | +-+-----+ |_|3 | +-+-----+ operation: ^ +-+-----+ |_|3 | +-+-----+ |3|4 * 2| +-+-----+ |2|1 - 5| +-+-----+ |4|2 ^ 3| +-+-----+ operation: ^ +-+-----------------+ |_|3 | +-+-----------------+ |3|4 * 2 | +-+-----------------+ |4|( 1 - 5 ) ^ 2 ^ 3| +-+-----------------+ operation: / +-+-------------------------+ |_|3 | +-+-------------------------+ |3|4 * 2 / ( 1 - 5 ) ^ 2 ^ 3| +-+-------------------------+ operation: + +-+-----------------------------+ |2|3 + 4 * 2 / ( 1 - 5 ) ^ 2 ^ 3| +-+-----------------------------+ 3 + 4 * 2 / ( 1 - 5 ) ^ 2 ^ 3</lang>


This example is incorrect. Please fix the code and remove this message.

Details: Doesn't deal with associativity

<lang python>from collections import namedtuple

OpInfo = namedtuple('OpInfo', 'prec assoc') L, R = 'Left Right'.split()

ops = {

'^': OpInfo(prec=4, assoc=R),
'*': OpInfo(prec=3, assoc=L),
'/': OpInfo(prec=3, assoc=L),
'+': OpInfo(prec=2, assoc=L),
'-': OpInfo(prec=2, assoc=L),
')': OpInfo(prec=9, assoc=L),
#NUM: OpInfo(prec=0, assoc=L)

numinfo = OpInfo(prec=9, assoc=L)

NUM, LPAREN, RPAREN = 'NUMBER ( )'.split()

def get_input(inp = None):

   'Inputs a space separated expression and returns list of tokens'
   if inp is None:
       inp = input('expression: ')
   return inp.strip().split()

def rpn2infix(tokens):

   stack = [] # [ (partial_expr, (prec, assoc)), ... ]
   table = ['TOKEN,ACTION,STACK (comma separated)'.split(',')]
   for token in tokens:
       if token in ops:
           action = 'Push partial expression'
           opinfo = ops[token]
           b = stack.pop(); a = stack.pop()
           if b[1].prec < opinfo.prec: b = '( %s )' % b[0], ops[')']
           if a[1].prec < opinfo.prec: a = '( %s )' % a[0], ops[')']
           stack.append( ('%s %s %s' % (a[0], token, b[0]), opinfo) )
           action = 'Push num'
           stack.append((token, numinfo))
       row = (token, action, ', '.join(str(s[0]) for s in stack))
       #pp(row, width=120)
       table.append( row )
   return table

if __name__ == '__main__':

   rpn = '3 4 2 * 1 5 - 2 3 ^ ^ / +'
   print( 'For RPN expression: %r\n' % rpn )
   infix = rpn2infix(get_input(rpn))
   maxcolwidths = [len(max(x, key=lambda y: len(y))) for x in zip(*infix)]
   row = infix[0]
   print( ' '.join('{cell:^{width}}'.format(width=width, cell=cell) for (width, cell) in zip(maxcolwidths, row)))
   for row in infix[1:]:
       print( ' '.join('{cell:<{width}}'.format(width=width, cell=cell) for (width, cell) in zip(maxcolwidths, row)))
   print('\n The final output infix expression is: %r' % infix[-1][2])</lang>
Sample output
For RPN expression: '3 4 2 * 1 5 - 2 3 ^ ^ / +'

TOKEN         ACTION             STACK (comma separated)   
3     Push num                3                            
4     Push num                3, 4                         
2     Push num                3, 4, 2                      
*     Push partial expression 3, 4 * 2                     
1     Push num                3, 4 * 2, 1                  
5     Push num                3, 4 * 2, 1, 5               
-     Push partial expression 3, 4 * 2, 1 - 5              
2     Push num                3, 4 * 2, 1 - 5, 2           
3     Push num                3, 4 * 2, 1 - 5, 2, 3        
^     Push partial expression 3, 4 * 2, 1 - 5, 2 ^ 3       
^     Push partial expression 3, 4 * 2, ( 1 - 5 ) ^ 2 ^ 3  
/     Push partial expression 3, 4 * 2 / ( 1 - 5 ) ^ 2 ^ 3 
+     Push partial expression 3 + 4 * 2 / ( 1 - 5 ) ^ 2 ^ 3

 The final output infix expression is: '3 + 4 * 2 / ( 1 - 5 ) ^ 2 ^ 3'


This example is incorrect. Please fix the code and remove this message.

Details: Fails with right-associativity of exponentiation."5 6 ^ 7 ^").to_infix wrongly returns "5 ^ 6 ^ 7". Correct answer is "(5 ^ 6) ^ 7".

See Parsing/RPN/Ruby

<lang ruby>rpn ="3 4 2 * 1 5 - 2 3 ^ ^ / +") infix = rpn.to_infix ruby = rpn.to_ruby</lang> outputs

for RPN expression: 3 4 2 * 1 5 - 2 3 ^ ^ / +
Term	Action	Stack
3	PUSH	[node[3]]
4	PUSH	[node[3], node[4]]
2	PUSH	[node[3], node[4], node[2]]
*	MUL	[node[3], node[*]<left=node[4], right=node[2]>]
1	PUSH	[node[3], node[*]<left=node[4], right=node[2]>, node[1]]
5	PUSH	[node[3], node[*]<left=node[4], right=node[2]>, node[1], node[5]]
-	SUB	[node[3], node[*]<left=node[4], right=node[2]>, node[-]<left=node[1], right=node[5]>]
2	PUSH	[node[3], node[*]<left=node[4], right=node[2]>, node[-]<left=node[1], right=node[5]>, node[2]]
3	PUSH	[node[3], node[*]<left=node[4], right=node[2]>, node[-]<left=node[1], right=node[5]>, node[2], node[3]]
^	EXP	[node[3], node[*]<left=node[4], right=node[2]>, node[-]<left=node[1], right=node[5]>, node[^]<left=node[2], right=node[3]>]
^	EXP	[node[3], node[*]<left=node[4], right=node[2]>, node[^]<left=node[-]<left=node[1], right=node[5]>, right=node[^]<left=node[2], right=node[3]>>]
/	DIV	[node[3], node[/]<left=node[*]<left=node[4], right=node[2]>, right=node[^]<left=node[-]<left=node[1], right=node[5]>, right=node[^]<left=node[2], right=node[3]>>>]
+	ADD	[node[+]<left=node[3], right=node[/]<left=node[*]<left=node[4], right=node[2]>, right=node[^]<left=node[-]<left=node[1], right=node[5]>, right=node[^]<left=node[2], right=node[3]>>>>]
Infix = 3 + 4 * 2 / ( 1 - 5 ) ^ 2 ^ 3
Ruby = 3 + 4 * 2.to_f / ( 1 - 5 ) ** 2 ** 3


<lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.5

  1. Helpers

proc precassoc op {

   dict get {^ {4 right} * {3 left} / {3 left} + {2 left} - {2 left}} $op

} proc pop stk {

   upvar 1 $stk s
   set val [lindex $s end]
   set s [lreplace $s end end]
   return $val


proc rpn2infix rpn {

   foreach token $rpn {

switch $token { "^" - "/" - "*" - "+" - "-" { lassign [pop stack] bprec b lassign [pop stack] aprec a lassign [precassoc $token] p assoc if {$aprec < $p || ($aprec == $p && $assoc eq "right")} { set a "($a)" } if {$bprec < $p || ($bprec == $p && $assoc eq "left")} { set b "($b)" } lappend stack [list $p "$a $token $b"] } default { lappend stack [list 9 $token] } } puts "$token -> $stack"

   return [lindex $stack end 1]


puts [rpn2infix {3 4 2 * 1 5 - 2 3 ^ ^ / +}] puts [rpn2infix {1 2 + 3 4 + ^ 5 6 + ^}]</lang> Output:

3 -> {9 3}
4 -> {9 3} {9 4}
2 -> {9 3} {9 4} {9 2}
* -> {9 3} {3 {4 * 2}}
1 -> {9 3} {3 {4 * 2}} {9 1}
5 -> {9 3} {3 {4 * 2}} {9 1} {9 5}
- -> {9 3} {3 {4 * 2}} {2 {1 - 5}}
2 -> {9 3} {3 {4 * 2}} {2 {1 - 5}} {9 2}
3 -> {9 3} {3 {4 * 2}} {2 {1 - 5}} {9 2} {9 3}
^ -> {9 3} {3 {4 * 2}} {2 {1 - 5}} {4 {2 ^ 3}}
^ -> {9 3} {3 {4 * 2}} {4 {(1 - 5) ^ 2 ^ 3}}
/ -> {9 3} {3 {4 * 2 / (1 - 5) ^ 2 ^ 3}}
+ -> {2 {3 + 4 * 2 / (1 - 5) ^ 2 ^ 3}}
3 + 4 * 2 / (1 - 5) ^ 2 ^ 3
1 -> {9 1}
2 -> {9 1} {9 2}
+ -> {2 {1 + 2}}
3 -> {2 {1 + 2}} {9 3}
4 -> {2 {1 + 2}} {9 3} {9 4}
+ -> {2 {1 + 2}} {2 {3 + 4}}
^ -> {4 {(1 + 2) ^ (3 + 4)}}
5 -> {4 {(1 + 2) ^ (3 + 4)}} {9 5}
6 -> {4 {(1 + 2) ^ (3 + 4)}} {9 5} {9 6}
+ -> {4 {(1 + 2) ^ (3 + 4)}} {2 {5 + 6}}
^ -> {4 {((1 + 2) ^ (3 + 4)) ^ (5 + 6)}}
((1 + 2) ^ (3 + 4)) ^ (5 + 6)


<lang txr>@(next :args) @(define space)@/ */@(end) @(define number (nod))@\

 @(local n)@(space)@{n /[0-9]+/}@(space)@\
 @(bind nod @(int-str n 10))@\

@(end) @(define op (nod))@\

  @(local op)@\
    @{op /[+\-*^]/}@\
    @(bind nod @(intern op *user-package*))@\
    @(bind nod @(intern "\\" *user-package*))@\

@(end) @(define term (nod))@(cases)@(number nod)@(or)@(op nod)@(end)@(end) @(define rpn (list))@(coll :gap 0 :vars (list))@(term list)@(end)@(end) @(freeform) @(rpn rpn)@junk@\n @(output) rpn tokens: [@(rep)@rpn @(last)@rpn@(end)] trailing junk: [@junk] @(end) @(do (defvar *prec* '((^ . 4)

                     (* . 3)
                     (\ . 3)
                     (+ . 2)
                     (- . 2)))
    (defvar *asso* '((^ . :right)
                     (* . :left)
                     (\ . :left)
                     (+ . :left)
                     (- . :left)))
    (defun rpn-to-lisp (rpn)
      (let (stack)
        (for ((iter rpn))
             (iter (if (rest stack)
                     (return-from error "*excess stack elements*")
                     (first stack)))
             ((set iter (cdr iter))
              (format t "stack: ~s\n" stack))
           (let ((term (car iter)))
             (format t "rpn term: ~s\n" term)
             (if (symbolp term)
               (let ((right (pop stack))
                     (left (pop stack)))
                 (push '(,term ,left ,right) stack))
                 (push term stack))))))
    (defun prec (term)
        ((null term) 99)
        ((symbolp term) (cdr (assoc term *prec*)))
        ((atom term) 99)
        (t (prec (car term)))))
    (defun asso (term)
        ((null term) :none)
        ((symbolp term) (cdr (assoc term *asso*)))
        ((atom term) :none)
        (t (asso (car term)))))
    (defun inf-op (op)
      (if (eq op '\) "/" op))
    (defun inf-term (op term left-or-right)
      (let ((pt (prec term))
            (po (prec op))
            (at (asso term))
            (ao (asso op)))
        ((< pt po) `(@(lisp-to-infix term))`)
        ((> pt po) `@(lisp-to-infix term)`)
        ((and (eq at ao) (eq left-or-right ao)) `@(lisp-to-infix term)`)
        (t `(@(lisp-to-infix term))`))))
    (defun lisp-to-infix (lisp)
      (if (atom lisp)
        (if (null lisp)
          (return-from error "*stack underflow*")
          (if (eq lisp '\) "/" `@lisp`))
        (let ((op (first lisp))
              (left (second lisp))
              (right (third lisp)))
          (let ((left-inf (inf-term op left :left))
                (right-inf (inf-term op right :right)))
            `@{left-inf} @(inf-op op) @{right-inf}`)))))

@(bind infix @(block error (lisp-to-infix (rpn-to-lisp rpn)))) @(output) infix: @infix @(end)</lang>

$ ./txr rosetta/rpn.txr '3 4 2 * 1 5 - 2 3 ^ ^ / +'
rpn tokens: [3 4 2 * 1 5 - 2 3 ^ ^ \ +]
trailing junk: []
rpn term: 3
stack: (3)
rpn term: 4
stack: (4 3)
rpn term: 2
stack: (2 4 3)
rpn term: *
stack: ((* 4 2) 3)
rpn term: 1
stack: (1 (* 4 2) 3)
rpn term: 5
stack: (5 1 (* 4 2) 3)
rpn term: -
stack: ((- 1 5) (* 4 2) 3)
rpn term: 2
stack: (2 (- 1 5) (* 4 2) 3)
rpn term: 3
stack: (3 2 (- 1 5) (* 4 2) 3)
rpn term: ^
stack: ((^ 2 3) (- 1 5) (* 4 2) 3)
rpn term: ^
stack: ((^ (- 1 5) (^ 2 3)) (* 4 2) 3)
rpn term: \
stack: ((\ (* 4 2) (^ (- 1 5) (^ 2 3))) 3)
rpn term: +
stack: ((+ 3 (\ (* 4 2) (^ (- 1 5) (^ 2 3)))))
infix: 3 + 4 * 2 / (1 - 5) ^ 2 ^ 3

$ ./txr rosetta/rpn.txr '1 2 + 3 4 + ^ 5 6 + ^'
rpn tokens: [1 2 + 3 4 + ^ 5 6 + ^]
trailing junk: []
rpn term: 1
stack: (1)
rpn term: 2
stack: (2 1)
rpn term: +
stack: ((+ 1 2))
rpn term: 3
stack: (3 (+ 1 2))
rpn term: 4
stack: (4 3 (+ 1 2))
rpn term: +
stack: ((+ 3 4) (+ 1 2))
rpn term: ^
stack: ((^ (+ 1 2) (+ 3 4)))
rpn term: 5
stack: (5 (^ (+ 1 2) (+ 3 4)))
rpn term: 6
stack: (6 5 (^ (+ 1 2) (+ 3 4)))
rpn term: +
stack: ((+ 5 6) (^ (+ 1 2) (+ 3 4)))
rpn term: ^
stack: ((^ (^ (+ 1 2) (+ 3 4)) (+ 5 6)))
infix: ((1 + 2) ^ (3 + 4)) ^ (5 + 6)

Associativity tests (abbreviated output):

$ ./txr rosetta/rpn.txr '1 2 3 + +'
[ ... ]
infix: 1 + (2 + 3)

$ ./txr rosetta/rpn.txr '1 2 + 3 +'
[ ... ]
infix: 1 + 2 + 3

$ ./txr rosetta/rpn.txr '1 2 3 ^ ^'
rpn tokens: [1 2 3 ^ ^]
[ ... ]
infix: 1 ^ 2 ^ 3

$ ./txr rosetta/rpn.txr '1 2 ^ 3 ^'
[ ... ]
infix: (1 ^ 2) ^ 3