Numerical integration/Adaptive Simpson's method: Difference between revisions

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Simpson's rule integration of sin from 0 to 1 is: 0.4596976941573994
<syntaxhighlight lang="Fortran">
program adaptive_simpson_task
implicit none
integer, parameter :: dbl = kind (1.0d0)
function function_dbl_to_dbl (x) result (y)
import dbl
real(dbl), intent(in) :: x
real(dbl) :: y
end function function_dbl_to_dbl
end interface
write (*, 1000) quad_asr (sine, 0.0_dbl, 1.0_dbl, 1E-9_dbl, 1000)
1000 format ("estimated definite integral of sin(x) ", &
& "for x from 0 to 1: ", F15.13)
function sine (x) result (y)
real(dbl), intent(in) :: x
real(dbl) :: y
y = sin (x)
end function sine
function quad_asr (f, a, b, tol, depth) result (quadval)
procedure(function_dbl_to_dbl) :: f
real(dbl), intent(in) :: a, b, tol
integer, intent(in) :: depth
real(dbl) :: quadval
real(dbl) :: fa, fb, m, fm, whole
fa = f(a)
fb = f(b)
call quad_asr_simpsons_ (f, a, fa, b, fb, m, fm, whole)
quadval = quad_asr_ (f, a, fa, b, fb, tol, whole, m, fm, depth)
end function quad_asr
recursive function quad_asr_ (f, a, fa, b, fb, tol, whole, &
& m, fm, depth) result (quadval)
procedure(function_dbl_to_dbl) :: f
real(dbl), intent(in) :: a, fa, b, fb, tol, whole, m, fm
integer, intent(in) :: depth
real(dbl) :: quadval
real(dbl) :: lm, flm, left
real(dbl) :: rm, frm, right
real(dbl) :: delta, tol_
call quad_asr_simpsons_ (f, a, fa, m, fm, lm, flm, left)
call quad_asr_simpsons_ (f, m, fm, b, fb, rm, frm, right)
delta = left + right - whole
tol_ = tol / 2
if (depth <= 0 .or. tol_ == tol .or. abs (delta) <= 15 * tol) then
quadval = left + right + (delta / 15)
quadval = quad_asr_ (f, a, fa, m, fm, tol_, left, &
& lm, flm, depth - 1)
quadval = quadval + quad_asr_ (f, m, fm, b, fb, tol_, &
& right, rm, frm, depth - 1)
end if
end function quad_asr_
subroutine quad_asr_simpsons_ (f, a, fa, b, fb, m, fm, quadval)
procedure(function_dbl_to_dbl) :: f
real(dbl), intent(in) :: a, fa, b, fb
real(dbl), intent(out) :: m, fm, quadval
m = (a + b) / 2
fm = f(m)
quadval = ((b - a) / 6) * (fa + (4 * fm) + fb)
end subroutine quad_asr_simpsons_
end program adaptive_simpson_task
<pre>$ gfortran -O -std=f2018 -fbounds-check -g adaptive_simpson_task.f90 && ./a.out
estimated definite integral of sin(x) for x from 0 to 1: 0.4596976941318</pre>
On x86-64, if you leave out the optimizer you get a trampoline:
<pre>$ gfortran -std=f2018 -fbounds-check -g adaptive_simpson_task.f90 && ./a.out
20 | function sine (x) result (y)
| ^
Warning: trampoline generated for nested function ‘sine’ [-Wtrampolines]
/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/12/../../../../x86_64-pc-linux-gnu/bin/ld: warning: /tmp/cc2mQOD2.o: requires executable stack (because the .note.GNU-stack section is executable)
estimated definite integral of sin(x) for x from 0 to 1: 0.4596976941318</pre>
Such a bit of executable code on the stack often is not allowed on systems hardened against hackers. Otherwise you probably needn't be concerned, even though warnings are being generated both by the compiler ''and'' the linker. :)