The New York State Identification and Intelligence System phonetic code, commonly known as NYSIIS, is a phonetic algorithm for creating indices for words based on their pronunciation. The goal is for homophones to be encoded to the same representation so that they can be matched despite minor differences in spelling.

NYSIIS is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.
This page uses content from Wikipedia. The original article was at NYSIIS. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with Rosetta Code, the text of Wikipedia is available under the GNU FDL. (See links for details on variance)

The task here is to implement the original NYSIIS algorithm, shown in Wikipedia, rather than any other subsequent modification. Also, before the algorithm is applied the input string should be converted to upper case with all white space removed.

An optional step is to handle multiple names, including double-barrelled names or double surnames (e.g. 'Hoyle-Johnson' or 'Vaughan Williams') and unnecessary suffixes/honours that are not required for indexing purposes (e.g. 'Jnr', 'Sr', 'III', etc) - a small selection will suffice. The original implementation is also restricted to six characters, but this is not a requirement.

See also

Caché ObjectScript

Refactored code based on other examples to reduce footprint.

<lang cos> Class Utils.Phonetic [ Abstract ] {

ClassMethod EncodeName(pAlgorithm As %String = "", pName As %String = "", Output pCode As %String, pSuffixRem As %Boolean = 1, pTruncate As %Integer = 0) As %Status { // check algorithm and name Set pAlgorithm=$ZConvert(pAlgorithm, "l") If pAlgorithm="" Quit $$$ERROR($$$GeneralError, "No algorithm specified.") If $Case(pAlgorithm, "nysiis":1, :0)=0 Quit $$$ERROR($$$GeneralError, "Unknown algorithm specified.") If $Match(pName, ".*\d.*# no numbers") Quit $$$ERROR($$$GeneralError, "Name cannot contain numerics.")

// remove apostrophes, find punctuation and replace with spaces (exclude hyphens) Set pName=$Translate(pName, "'") Set pun=$ZStrip(pName, "*E'P", "-") Set pName=$Translate(pName, pun, $Justify(" ", $Length(pun)))

// convert name(s) to uppercase and remove all white space Set pName=$ZStrip($ZConvert(pName, "U"), "<=>W")

// remove suffixes (e.g. 'Jnr', 'OBE', 'DSC', etc), including roman numerals (e.g. 'II', 'VIII') // - If pSuffixRem { Set ords=$ListBuild("KG", "LG", "KT", "LT", "GCB", "KCB", "DCB", "CB", "GCMG", "KCMG", "DCMG", "CMG", "DSO", "GCVO", "KCVO", "DCVO", "CVO", "LVO", "MVO", "OM", "ISO", "GBE", "KBE", "DBE", "CBE", "OBE", "MBE", "CH") Set decs=$ListBuild("VC", "GC", "CGC", "RRC", "DSC", "MC", "DFC", "AFC", "ARRC", "OBI", "IOM") Set regexp="( )(SNR|SR|JNR|JR|ESQ|"_$ListToString(ords, "|")_"|"_$ListToString(decs, "|")_"|[IVX]+)" Set rem=##class(%Regex.Matcher).%New(regexp, pName) Set pName=rem.ReplaceAll("") }

// replace hyphen and white space, plus some final validation Set pName=$ZStrip($Translate(pName, "-", " "), "<=>W") If $Length($Piece(pName, " "))<2 Quit $$$ERROR($$$GeneralError, "Invalid name.")

// begin algorithm and truncate result, if necessary Set pCode="" For piece=1:1:$Length(pName, " ") { If pAlgorithm="nysiis" Set pCode=pCode_..ToNYSIIS($Piece(pName, " ", piece)) } If pTruncate { Set pName=pCode Set pCode=$Extract(pCode, 1, pTruncate) Set $Extract(pName, 1, pTruncate)="" If $Length(pName) Set pCode=pCode_"["_pName_"]" }

// finished Quit $$$OK }

ClassMethod ToNYSIIS(pName As %String) As %String { /* New York State Identification and Intelligence System (NYSIIS) Phonetic Encoder - - */

// create regexp matcher instance, remove punctuation and convert all to upper case Set rem=##class(%Regex.Matcher).%New(" ") Set rem.Text=$ZConvert($ZStrip(pName, "*P"), "U")

// translate first characters of name: // => MAC->MCC, KN->N, K->C, PH/PF->FF, SCH->SSS For rule="^MAC->MCC", "^KN->N", "^K->C", "^(PH|PF)->FF", "^SCH->SSS" { Set rem.Pattern=$Piece(rule, "->") If rem.Locate() Set rem.Text=rem.ReplaceFirst($Piece(rule, "->", 2)) Quit }

// translate last characters of name: // => EE/IE->Y, DT/RT/RD/NT/ND->D For rule="(EE|IE)$->Y", "(DT|RT|RD|NT|ND)$->D" { Set rem.Pattern=$Piece(rule, "->") If rem.Locate() Set rem.Text=rem.ReplaceFirst($Piece(rule, "->", 2)) Quit }

// first character of key = first character of name Set pName1=$Extract(rem.Text, 1), rem.Text=$Extract(rem.Text, 2, *)

// translate remaining characters by following rules, incrementing by one character each time: // => EV->AF else A,E,I,O,U->A // => Q->G, Z->S, M->N // => KN->N else K->C // => SCH->SSS, PH->FF // => H->if previous or next is non-vowel, previous // => W->if previous is vowel, A (A is the only vowel left) // => add current to key if current is not same as the last key character Set ptr=0, rules=$ListBuild("EV->AF", "(A|E|I|O|U)->A", "Q->G", "Z->S", "M->N", "KN->N", "K->C", "SCH->SSS", "PH->FF", "H[^A]", "[^A]H", "AW->A") While $ListNext(rules, ptr, rule) { Set rem.Pattern=$Piece(rule, "->") If $Piece(rule, "->", 2)="", rem.Locate() { Set $Piece(rule, "->", 2)=$Translate(rem.Group, "H") } Set rem.Text=rem.ReplaceAll($Piece(rule, "->", 2)) } Set pName=$ZStrip(rem.Text, "=U") // remove duplicates

// if last character is S, remove it If $Extract(pName, *)="S" Set pName=$Extract(pName, 1, *-1)

// if last characters are AY, replace with Y If $Extract(pName, *-1, *)="AY" Set pName=$Extract(pName, 1, *-2)_"Y"

// if last character is A, remove it If $Extract(pName, *)="A" Set pName=$Extract(pName, 1, *-1)

// append translated key to removed first character Quit pName1_pName }

} </lang>

USER>For  { Read !, name Quit:name=""  Set sc=##class(Utils.Phonetic).EncodeName("nysiis", name, .code,, 6) If sc Write " -> ", code }

knight -> NAGT
mitchell -> MATCAL
o'daniel -> ODANAL
brown sr -> BRAN
browne III -> BRAN
browne IV -> BRAN
O'Banion -> OBANAN
Mclaughlin -> MCLAGL[AN]
McCormack -> MCARNA[C]
Chapman -> CHAPNA[N]
Silva -> SALV
McDonald -> MCDANA[LD]
Lawson -> LASAN
Jacobs -> JACAB
Greene -> GRAN
O'Brien -> OBRAN
Morrison -> MARASA[N]
Larson -> LARSAN
Willis -> WAL
Mackenzie -> MCANSY
Carr -> CAR
Lawrence -> LARANC
Matthews -> MAT
Richards -> RACARD
Bishop -> BASAP
Franklin -> FRANCL[AN]
McDaniel -> MCDANA[L]
Harper -> HARPAR
Lynch -> LYNC
Watkins -> WATCAN
Carlson -> CARLSA[N]
Wheeler -> WHALAR
Louis XVI -> L
Hoyle-Johnson -> HAYLJA[NSAN]
Vaughan Williams -> VAGANW[ALAN]
D'Souza -> DSAS
de Sousa -> DSAS


Translation of: Python

<lang d>import std.stdio, std.regex, std.algorithm, std.range, std.string;

string replaceAt(in string text, in uint pos, in string[] fromList,

                in string[] toList) pure /*nothrow*/ {
   foreach (const f, const t; zip(fromList, toList))
       if (text[pos .. $].startsWith(f))
           return [text[0 .. pos], t, text[pos + f.length .. $]].join;
   return text;


string replaceEnd(in string text, in string[] fromList,

                 in string[] toList) pure /*nothrow*/ {
   foreach (const f, const t; zip(fromList, toList))
       if (text.endsWith(f))
           return text[0 .. $ - f.length] ~ t;
   return text;


string nysiis(string name) /*pure nothrow*/ {

   enum vowels = "AEIOU";
   name = name.replaceAll(r"\W".regex, "").toUpper;
   name = name.replaceAt(0, ["MAC", "KN", "K", "PH", "PF", "SCH"],
                            ["MCC", "N",  "C", "FF", "FF", "SSS"]);
   name = name.replaceEnd(["EE", "IE", "DT", "RT", "RD", "NT", "ND"],
                          ["Y",  "Y",  "D",  "D",  "D",  "D",  "D"]);
   string key = name[0 .. 1];
   string key1;
   foreach (immutable i; 1 .. name.length) {
       immutable n_1 = name[i - 1 .. i];
       immutable n = name[i];
       immutable n1b = (i + 1 < name.length) ? name[i+1 .. i+2] : "";
       name = name.replaceAt(i, ["EV"] ~ vowels.split(""), ["AF"] ~
       name = name.replaceAt(i, "QZM".split(""), "GSN".split(""));
       name = name.replaceAt(i, ["KN", "K"], ["N", "C"]);
       name = name.replaceAt(i, ["SCH", "PH"], ["SSS", "FF"]);
       if (n == 'H' && (!vowels.canFind(n_1) || !vowels.canFind(n1b)))
           name = [name[0 .. i], n_1, name[i + 1 .. $]].join;
       if (n == 'W' && vowels.canFind(n_1))
           name = [name[0 .. i], "A", name[i + 1 .. $]].join;
       if (!key.empty && key[$ - 1] != name[i])
           key ~= name[i];
   return key1 ~ replaceEnd(key, ["S", "AY", "A"], ["", "Y", ""]);


void main() {

   immutable names = ["Bishop", "Carlson", "Carr", "Chapman",
       "Franklin", "Greene", "Harper", "Jacobs", "Larson", "Lawrence",
       "Lawson", "Louis, XVI", "Lynch", "Mackenzie", "Matthews",
        "McCormack", "McDaniel", "McDonald", "Mclaughlin", "Morrison",
        "O'Banion", "O'Brien", "Richards", "Silva", "Watkins",
        "Wheeler", "Willis", "brown, sr", "browne, III", "browne, IV",
        "knight", "mitchell", "o'daniel"];
   foreach (immutable name; names)
       writefln("%11s: %s", name, name.nysiis);


     Bishop: BASAP
    Carlson: CARLSAN
       Carr: CAR
    Chapman: CAPNAN
   Franklin: FRANCLAN
     Greene: GRAN
     Harper: HARPAR
     Jacobs: JACAB
     Larson: LARSAN
   Lawrence: LARANC
     Lawson: LASAN
 Louis, XVI: LASXV
      Lynch: LYNC
  Mackenzie: MCANSY
   Matthews: MATA
  McCormack: MCARNAC
   McDaniel: MCDANAL
   McDonald: MCDANALD
 Mclaughlin: MCLAGLAN
   Morrison: MARASAN
   O'Banion: OBANAN
    O'Brien: OBRAN
   Richards: RACARD
      Silva: SALV
    Watkins: WATCAN
    Wheeler: WALAR
     Willis: WALA
  brown, sr: BRANSR
browne, III: BRAN
 browne, IV: BRANAV
     knight: NAGT
   mitchell: MATCAL
   o'daniel: ODANAL


Works with: Java version 8

<lang java>import static java.util.Arrays.*; import static java.lang.System.out;

public class NYSIIS {

   final static String[][] first = {{"MAC", "MCC"}, {"KN", "NN"}, {"K", "C"},
   {"PH", "FF"}, {"PF", "FF"}, {"SCH", "SSS"}};
   final static String[][] last = {{"EE", "Y"}, {"IE", "Y"}, {"DT", "D"},
   {"RT", "D"}, {"RD", "D"}, {"NT", "D"}, {"ND", "D"}};
   final static String Vowels = "AEIOU";
   public static void main(String[] args) {
   static String transcode(String s) {
       int len = s.length();
       StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(len);
       for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
           char c = s.charAt(i);
           if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')
               sb.append((char) (c - 32));
           else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
       replace(sb, 0, first);
       replace(sb, sb.length() - 2, last);
       len = sb.length();
       sb.append(" ");
       for (int i = 1; i < len; i++) {
           char prev = sb.charAt(i - 1);
           char curr = sb.charAt(i);
           char next = sb.charAt(i + 1);
           if (curr == 'E' && next == 'V')
               sb.replace(i, i + 2, "AF");
           else if (isVowel(curr))
               sb.setCharAt(i, 'A');
           else if (curr == 'Q')
               sb.setCharAt(i, 'G');
           else if (curr == 'Z')
               sb.setCharAt(i, 'S');
           else if (curr == 'M')
               sb.setCharAt(i, 'N');
           else if (curr == 'K' && next == 'N')
               sb.setCharAt(i, 'N');
           else if (curr == 'K')
               sb.setCharAt(i, 'C');
           else if (sb.indexOf("SCH", i) == i)
               sb.replace(i, i + 3, "SSS");
           else if (curr == 'P' && next == 'H')
               sb.replace(i, i + 2, "FF");
           else if (curr == 'H' && (!isVowel(prev) || !isVowel(next)))
               sb.setCharAt(i, prev);
           else if (curr == 'W' && isVowel(prev))
               sb.setCharAt(i, prev);
           if (sb.charAt(i) == prev) {
       sb.setLength(sb.length() - 1); // We've added a space
       int lastPos = sb.length() - 1;
       if (lastPos > 1) {
           if (sb.lastIndexOf("AY") == lastPos - 1)
               sb.delete(lastPos - 1, lastPos + 1).append("Y");
           else if (sb.lastIndexOf("AS") == lastPos - 1)
               sb.setLength(lastPos - 1);
           else if (sb.charAt(lastPos) == 'S')
           else if (sb.charAt(lastPos) == 'A')
       if (sb.length() > 6)
           sb.insert(6, '[').append(']');
       return String.format("%s -> %s", s, sb);
   private static void replace(StringBuilder sb, int start, String[][] maps) {
       if (start >= 0)
           for (String[] map : maps) {
               if (sb.indexOf(map[0]) == start) {
                   sb.replace(start, start + map[0].length(), map[1]);
   private static boolean isVowel(char c) {
       return Vowels.indexOf(c) != -1;


Matthews -> MAT
Carr -> CAR
Lawson -> LASAN
Chapman -> CAPNAN
O'Brien -> OBRAN
Carlson -> CARLSA[N]
Lawrence -> LARANC
Greene -> GRAN
Jacobs -> JACAB
Willis -> WAL
browneIV -> BRANAV
Harper -> HARPAR
browneIII -> BRAN
Mclaughlin -> MCLAGL[AN]
mitchell -> MATCAL
Morrison -> MARASA[N]
o'daniel -> ODANAL
Franklin -> FRANCL[AN]
McDonald -> MCDANA[LD]
knight -> NAGT
McDaniel -> MCDANA[L]
Larson -> LARSAN
Silva -> SALV
Wheeler -> WALAR
Richards -> RACARD
Bishop -> BASAP
O'Banion -> OBANAN
McCormack -> MCARNA[C]
Watkins -> WATCAN
Lynch -> LYNC
Mackenzie -> MCANSY
brownsr -> BRANSR

Perl 6

This implementation removes common name suffixes similar to the reference implementation, even though it is not specified in the task description or on the linked NYSIIS page. This algorithm isn't too friendly to certain French kings. :)

<lang perl6>sub no_suffix ($name) {

   $name.uc.subst: /\h (<[JS]>R) | (<[IVX]>+) $/, ;


sub nysiis ($name is copy) {

   given $name .= uc {
       s/<[IE]>E$  /Y/;
       s/<[DRN]>T$ /D/;
       s/<[RN]>D$  /D/;
       s/ AY$ /Y/;
       s/  S$ //;
       s/  A$ //;
       s:g/ (.)$0+ /$0/;


for «

   knight      mitchell        "o'daniel"      "brown  sr"     "browne III"
   "browne IV" "O'Banion"      Mclaughlin      McCormack       Chapman
   Silva       McDonald        Lawson          Jacobs          Greene
   "O'Brien"   Morrison        Larson          Willis          Mackenzie
   Carr        Lawrence        Matthews        Richards        Bishop
   Franklin    McDaniel        Harper          Lynch           Watkins
   Carlson     Wheeler         "Louis XVI"

» {

   my $nysiis = nysiis no_suffix $_;
   if $nysiis.chars > 6 {
       $nysiis .= subst: rx/ <after .**6> .+ /, -> $/ { "[$/]" };
   printf "%10s,  %s\n", $_, $nysiis;



    knight,  NAGT
  mitchell,  MATCAL
  o'daniel,  ODANAL
  brown sr,  BRAN
browne III,  BRAN
 browne IV,  BRAN
  O'Banion,  OBANAN
Mclaughlin,  MCLAGL[AN]
 McCormack,  MCARNA[C]
   Chapman,  CAPNAN
     Silva,  SALV
  McDonald,  MCDANA[LD]
    Lawson,  LASAN
    Jacobs,  JACAB
    Greene,  GRAN
   O'Brien,  OBRAN
  Morrison,  MARASA[N]
    Larson,  LARSAN
    Willis,  WAL
 Mackenzie,  MCANSY
      Carr,  CAR
  Lawrence,  LARANC
  Matthews,  MAT
  Richards,  RACARD
    Bishop,  BASAP
  Franklin,  FRANCL[AN]
  McDaniel,  MCDANA[L]
    Harper,  HARPAR
     Lynch,  LYNC
   Watkins,  WATCAN
   Carlson,  CARLSA[N]
   Wheeler,  WALAR
 Louis XVI,  L


A literal translation of the algorithm from the Wikipedia article. <lang python>import re

_vowels = 'AEIOU'

def replace_at(text, position, fromlist, tolist):

   for f, t in zip(fromlist, tolist):
       if text[position:].startswith(f):
           return .join([text[:position],
   return text

def replace_end(text, fromlist, tolist):

   for f, t in zip(fromlist, tolist):
       if text.endswith(f):
           return text[:-len(f)] + t
   return text

def nysiis(name):

   name = re.sub(r'\W', , name).upper()
   name = replace_at(name, 0, ['MAC', 'KN', 'K', 'PH', 'PF', 'SCH'],
                              ['MCC', 'N',  'C', 'FF', 'FF', 'SSS'])
   name = replace_end(name, ['EE', 'IE', 'DT', 'RT', 'RD', 'NT', 'ND'],
                            ['Y',  'Y',  'D',  'D',  'D',  'D',  'D'])
   key, key1 = name[0], 
   i = 1
   while i < len(name):
       #print(i, name, key1, key)
       n_1, n = name[i-1], name[i]
       n1_ = name[i+1] if i+1 < len(name) else 
       name = replace_at(name, i, ['EV'] + list(_vowels), ['AF'] + ['A']*5)
       name = replace_at(name, i, 'QZM', 'GSN')
       name = replace_at(name, i, ['KN', 'K'], ['N', 'C'])
       name = replace_at(name, i, ['SCH', 'PH'], ['SSS', 'FF'])
       if n == 'H' and (n_1 not in _vowels or n1_ not in _vowels):
           name = .join([name[:i], n_1, name[i+1:]])
       if n == 'W' and n_1 in _vowels:
           name = .join([name[:i], 'A', name[i+1:]])
       if key and key[-1] != name[i]:
           key += name[i]
       i += 1
   key = replace_end(key, ['S', 'AY', 'A'], [, 'Y', ])
   return key1 + key

if __name__ == '__main__':

   names = ['Bishop', 'Carlson', 'Carr', 'Chapman', 'Franklin',
            'Greene', 'Harper', 'Jacobs', 'Larson', 'Lawrence',
            'Lawson', 'Louis, XVI', 'Lynch', 'Mackenzie', 'Matthews',
            'McCormack', 'McDaniel', 'McDonald', 'Mclaughlin', 'Morrison',
            "O'Banion", "O'Brien", 'Richards', 'Silva', 'Watkins',
            'Wheeler', 'Willis', 'brown, sr', 'browne, III', 'browne, IV',
            'knight', 'mitchell', "o'daniel"]
   for name in names:
       print('%15s: %s' % (name, nysiis(name)))</lang>
         Bishop: BASAP
        Carlson: CARLSAN
           Carr: CAR
        Chapman: CAPNAN
       Franklin: FRANCLAN
         Greene: GRAN
         Harper: HARPAR
         Jacobs: JACAB
         Larson: LARSAN
       Lawrence: LARANC
         Lawson: LASAN
     Louis, XVI: LASXV
          Lynch: LYNC
      Mackenzie: MCANSY
       Matthews: MATA
      McCormack: MCARNAC
       McDaniel: MCDANAL
       McDonald: MCDANALD
     Mclaughlin: MCLAGLAN
       Morrison: MARASAN
       O'Banion: OBANAN
        O'Brien: OBRAN
       Richards: RACARD
          Silva: SALV
        Watkins: WATCAN
        Wheeler: WALAR
         Willis: WALA
      brown, sr: BRANSR
    browne, III: BRAN
     browne, IV: BRANAV
         knight: NAGT
       mitchell: MATCAL
       o'daniel: ODANAL


This REXX version allows a blank to be inserted into names by using an underscore   [_].
Code was added to the REXX program to allow various titles.
Any title ending in a period is ignored as well as some Roman numeral titles.
An "extra"   RETURN   statement (at the end of the NYSIIS subroutine) was included to show how to restrict the key to six characters. <lang rexx>/*REXX program implements the NYSIIS phonetic algorithm for names. */ names="Bishop brown_sr browne_III browne_IV Carlson Carr Chapman D'Souza de_Sousa Franklin",

     "Greene Harper Hoyle-Johnson Jacobs knight Larson Lawrence Lawson Louis_XVI Lynch",
     "Mackenzie Marshall,ESQ Matthews McCormack McDaniel McDonald Mclaughlin mitchell Morrison",
     "O'Banion O'Brien o'daniel Richards Silva Vaughan_Williams Watkins Wheeler Willis Xavier,MD."

arg z; if z= then z=names /*get optional list of names. */

       do i=1  for words(z)           /*process each name in the list. */
       xx=translate(word(z,i),,'_')   /*reconstitute any blanks.       */
       say right(xx,30) ' ──► ' nysiis(xx)      /*show and tell stuff. */
       end   /*i*/

exit /*stick a fork in it, we're done.*/ /*──────────────────────────────────NYSIIS subroutine───────────────────*/ nysiis: procedure; arg x; x=space(x); x=translate(x,,','); w=words(x) lw=word(x,words(x)) /*pick off the last word in name.*/ titles = 'ESQ JNR JR SNR SR' /* [↓] is the last word special?*/ if w\==1 then if pos('IL',lw)==0 then /*disallow IL as Roman#*/

              if right(lw,1)=='.' |,            /*Sr.  Jr.  Esq.  ... ?*/
                 datatype(left(lw,1),'W') |,    /*2nd  3rd  4th   ... ?*/
                 verify(lw,'IVXL')==0 |,        /*Roman numeral suffix?*/
                 wordpos(x,titles)\==0   then x=subword(x,1,w-1)

x=space(x,0) /*remove all whitespace from name*/ if left(x,3)=='MAC' then x='MCC'substr(x,4) if left(x,2)=='KN' then x= 'N'substr(x,3) if left(x,1)=='K' then x= 'C'substr(x,2) if left(x,2)=='PH' | left(x,2)=='PF' then x= 'FF'substr(x,3) if left(x,3)=='SCH' then x='SSS'substr(x,4) r2=right(x,2) if wordpos(r2,'EE IE') \==0 then x=left(x,length(x)-2)"Y" if wordpos(r2,'DT RT RD NT ND')\==0 then x=left(x,length(x)-2)"D" key=left(x,1)

  do j=2  to length(x);   c2=substr(x,j,2);   c=left(c2,1)
  if \datatype(c,'Upper')  then iterate  /*Not a Latin char?  Ignore it*/
  if c2=='EV'   then x=overlay("F",x,j+1)
                else x=overlay(translate(c,'AAAAGSN',"EIOUQZM"),x,j)
  if c2=='KN'   then x=left(x,j-1)"N"substr(x,j+1)
                else if c1=="K"  then x=overlay('C',x,j)
  if c3=='SCH'  then x=overlay("SSS",x,j)
  if c2=='PH'   then x=overlay("FF",x,j)
  c=substr(x,j,1);      p=substr(x,j-1,1);  n=substr(x,j+1,1)
  if c=='H'     then if \vowel(p) | \vowel(n)  then x=overlay(p,x,j)
  c=substr(x,j,1);      p=substr(x,j-1,1)
  if c=='W'     then if vowel(p)               then x=overlay("A",x,j)
  if c\==right(key,1)  then key=key||c
  end   /*j*/

if right(key,1)=='S' then key=left(key, max(1, length(key)-1)) if right(key,2)=='AY' then key=left(key, length(key)-2)"Y" if right(key,1)=='A' then key=left(key, max(1, length(key)-1))

return strip(key) /*return the whole key. */ return strip(left(key, 6)) /*return leftmost six chars. */ /*──────────────────────────────────VOWEL subroutine────────────────────*/ vowel: return pos(arg(1), 'AEIOU') \== 0</lang> output when using the default input(s):

                        Bishop  ──►  BASAP
                      brown sr  ──►  BRANSR
                    browne III  ──►  BRAN
                     browne IV  ──►  BRAN
                       Carlson  ──►  CARLSAN
                          Carr  ──►  CAR
                       Chapman  ──►  CAPNAN
                       D'Souza  ──►  DSAS
                      de Sousa  ──►  DASAS
                      Franklin  ──►  FRANKLAN
                        Greene  ──►  GRAN
                        Harper  ──►  HARPAR
                 Hoyle-Johnson  ──►  HAYLAJANSAN
                        Jacobs  ──►  JACAB
                        knight  ──►  NAGT
                        Larson  ──►  LARSAN
                      Lawrence  ──►  LARANC
                        Lawson  ──►  LASAN
                     Louis XVI  ──►  L
                         Lynch  ──►  LYNC
                     Mackenzie  ──►  MCKANSY
                  Marshall,ESQ  ──►  MARSALASG
                      Matthews  ──►  MAT
                     McCormack  ──►  MCARNACK
                      McDaniel  ──►  MCDANAL
                      McDonald  ──►  MCDANALD
                    Mclaughlin  ──►  MCLAGLAN
                      mitchell  ──►  MATCAL
                      Morrison  ──►  MARASAN
                      O'Banion  ──►  OBANAN
                       O'Brien  ──►  OBRAN
                      o'daniel  ──►  ODANAL
                      Richards  ──►  RACARD
                         Silva  ──►  SALV
              Vaughan Williams  ──►  VAGANWALAN
                       Watkins  ──►  WATKAN
                       Wheeler  ──►  WALAR
                        Willis  ──►  WAL
                    Xavier,MD.  ──►  XAVAR


<lang tcl>proc nysiis {name {truncate false}} {

   # Normalize to first word, uppercased, without non-letters
   set name [regsub -all {[^A-Z]+} [string toupper [regexp -inline {\S+} $name]] ""]
   # Prefix map
   foreach {from to} {MAC MCC KN N K C PH FF PF FF SCH SSS} {

if {[regsub ^$from $name $to name]} break

   # Suffix map
   foreach {from to} {EE Y IE Y DT D RT D NT D ND D} {

if {[regsub $from$ $name $to name]} break

   # Split
   regexp (.)(.*) $name -> name rest
   # Reduce suffix
   regsub -all {[AEIOU]} [regsub -all EV $rest AF] A rest
   set rest [string map {Q G Z S M N KN N K C SCH SSS PH FF} $rest]
   regsub -all {([^A])H|(.)H(?=[^A])} $rest {\1\2} rest
   regsub -all AW $rest A rest
   regsub -all {(.)\1+} $rest {\1} rest
   regsub {S$} $rest "" rest
   regsub {A(Y?)$} $rest {\1} rest
   append name $rest
   # Apply truncation if needed
   if {$truncate} {

set name [string range $name 0 5]

   return $name

}</lang> Demonstrating: <lang tcl>foreach name {

   knight      mitchell        "o'daniel"      "brown  sr"     "browne III"
   "browne IV" "O'Banion"      Mclaughlin      McCormack       Chapman
   Silva       McDonald        Lawson          Jacobs          Greene
   "O'Brien"   Morrison        Larson          Willis          Mackenzie
   Carr        Lawrence        Matthews        Richards        Bishop
   Franklin    McDaniel        Harper          Lynch           Watkins
   Carlson     Wheeler         "Louis XVI"

} {

   puts "$name -> [nysiis $name]"


knight -> NAGT
mitchell -> MATCAL
o'daniel -> ODANAL
brown  sr -> BRAN
browne III -> BRAN
browne IV -> BRAN
O'Banion -> OBANAN
Mclaughlin -> MCLAGLAN
McCormack -> MCARNAC
Chapman -> CHAPNAN
Silva -> SALV
McDonald -> MCDANALD
Lawson -> LASAN
Jacobs -> JACAB
Greene -> GRAN
O'Brien -> OBRAN
Morrison -> MARASAN
Larson -> LARSAN
Willis -> WAL
Mackenzie -> MCANSY
Carr -> CAR
Lawrence -> LARANC
Matthews -> MAT
Richards -> RACARD
Bishop -> BASAP
Franklin -> FRANCLAN
McDaniel -> MCDANAL
Harper -> HARPAR
Lynch -> LYNC
Watkins -> WATCAN
Carlson -> CARLSAN
Wheeler -> WHALAR
Louis XVI -> L