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<lang freebasic>#define FAIL -1

sub mtf( s() as string, i as uinteger )
'moves the symbol at index i to the front and shifts preceding ones back
dim as string*1 t = s(i)
for j as uinteger = i to 1 step -1
s(j) = s(j-1)
next j
end sub

sub make_symbols( s() as string )
'populates an array of strings with the lowercase alphabet
for i as uinteger = 97 to 122
s(i-97) = chr(i)
next i
end sub

function find( s() as string, l as string ) as integer
'returns the index of the first occurrence of the symbol l in s()
for i as uinteger = 0 to ubound(s)
if s(i) = l then return i
next i
return FAIL
end function

sub encode( s() as string, ind() as uinteger )
dim as integer n = ubound(s), i
redim as uinteger ind(0 to n)
dim as string a(0 to 25)
for z as uinteger = 0 to n
i = find( a(), s(z) )
if i = FAIL then
print "Uh oh! Couldn't find ";s(z);" in alphabet."
end if
mtf( a(), i )
ind(z) = i
next z
end sub

sub decode( s() as string, ind() as uinteger )
dim as integer n = ubound(ind), i
redim as string s(0 to n)
dim as string a(0 to 25)
for z as uinteger = 0 to n
s(z) = a(ind(z))
mtf(a(), ind(z))
next z
end sub

sub printarr( s() as string )
for i as uinteger = 0 to ubound(s)
print s(i);
next i
end sub

sub printind( ind() as integer )
for i as uinteger = 0 to ubound(ind)
print ind(i);" ";
next i
end sub

sub compose( s() as string, b as string )
'turns a string into a zero-indexed array of single letters
'The reason we use such arrays is to get them zero-indexed
'and to make the point that we could work with multi-char
'symbol tables if we wanted to
dim as integer n = len(b), i
redim as string s(0 to n-1)
for i = 0 to n-1
s(i) = mid(b, 1+i, 1)
next i
end sub

'-----------now the tests-------------
redim as string s(0)
redim as integer ind(0)

compose( s(), "broood" )
encode( s(), ind() )
printind( ind() )
decode( s(), ind() )
printarr( s() ) : print

compose( s(), "bananaaa" )
encode( s(), ind() )
printind( ind() )
decode( s(), ind() )
printarr( s() ) : print

compose( s(), "hiphophiphop" )
encode( s(), ind() )
printind( ind() )
decode( s(), ind() )
printarr( s() )</lang>
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