Modular arithmetic

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Revision as of 16:14, 3 December 2013 by rosettacode>Dkf (→‎Tcl: Added implementation)
Modular arithmetic is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

Modular arithmetic is a form of arithmetic (a calculation technique involving the concepts of addition and multiplication) which is done on numbers with a defined congruence. This means that two numbers and are considered congruent whenever there exists an integer such that:

is called the congruence modulus. The corresponding set of integers is called the ring, where each element is uniquely represented by the remainder of its euclidean division by . Addition and multiplication on this ring have the same algebraic structure, so that a function such as a polynomial expression could receive a ring element as argument and give a consistent result.

The purpose of this task is to show, if your programming language allows it, how to redefine operators so that they can be used transparently on modular integers. You can do it either by using a dedicated library, or by implementing your own class.

You will use the following function for demonstration:

You will use as the congruence modulus and you will compute .

It is important that the function is agnostic about whether or not its argument is modular; it should behave the same way with normal and modular integers. In other words, the function is an algebraic expression that could be used with any ring, not just integers.


This feature exists natively in GP: <lang parigp>Mod(3,7)+Mod(4,7)</lang>


There is a CPAN module called Math::ModInt which does the job. <lang Perl>use Math::ModInt qw(mod); sub f { my $x = shift; $x**100 + $x + 1 }; print f mod(10, 13);</lang>

mod(1, 13)

Perl 6

There is a Panda module called Modular which works basically as Perl 5's Math::ModInt. <lang Perl 6>use Modular; sub f(\x) { x**100 + x + 1}; say f( 10 Mod 13 )</lang>

1 「mod 13」


Works with SWI-Prolog versin 6.4.1 and module lambda (found there : ). <lang Prolog>:- use_module(library(lambda)).

congruence(Congruence, In, Fun, Out) :- maplist(Congruence +\X^Y^(Y is X mod Congruence), In, In1), call(Fun, In1, Out1), maplist(Congruence +\X^Y^(Y is X mod Congruence), Out1, Out).

fun_1([X], [Y]) :- Y is X^100 + X + 1.

fun_2(L, [R]) :- sum_list(L, R). </lang> Output :

 ?- congruence(13, [10], fun_1, R).
R = [1].

 ?- congruence(13, [10, 15, 13, 9, 22], fun_2, R).
R = [4].

 ?- congruence(13, [10, 15, 13, 9, 22], maplist(\X^Y^(Y is X * 13)), R).
R = [0,0,0,0,0].


<lang racket>#lang racket (require racket/require

        ;; grab all "mod*" names, but get them without the "mod", so
        ;; `+' and `expt' is actually `mod+' and `modexpt'
        (filtered-in (λ(n) (and (regexp-match? #rx"^mod" n)
                                (regexp-replace #rx"^mod" n "")))
        (only-in math with-modulus))

(define (f x) (+ (expt x 100) x 1)) (with-modulus 13 (f 10))

=> 1</lang>


Tcl does not permit overriding of operators, but does not force an expression to be evaluated as a standard expression.

Library: Tcllib (Package: pt::pgen)

<lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.6 package require pt::pgen

  1. Define the grammar of expressions that we want to handle

set grammar { PEG Calculator (Expression)

   Expression	<- Term (' '* AddOp ' '* Term)*			;
   Term	<- Factor (' '* MulOp ' '* Factor)*		;
   Fragment	<- '(' ' '* Expression ' '*  ')' / Number / Var	;
   Factor	<- Fragment (' '* PowOp ' '* Fragment)*		;
   Number	<- Sign? Digit+					;
   Var		<- '$' ( 'x'/'y'/'z' )				;
   Digit	<- '0'/'1'/'2'/'3'/'4'/'5'/'6'/'7'/'8'/'9'	;
   Sign	<- '-' / '+'					;
   MulOp	<- '*' / '/'					;
   AddOp	<- '+' / '-'					;
   PowOp	<- '**'						;

END; }

  1. Instantiate the parser class

catch [pt::pgen peg $grammar snit -class Calculator -name Grammar]

  1. An engine that compiles an expression into Tcl code

oo::class create CompileAST {

   variable sourcecode opns
   constructor {semantics} {

set opns $semantics

   method compile {script} {

# Instantiate the parser set c [Calculator] set sourcecode $script try { return [my {*}[$c parset $script]] } finally { $c destroy }

   method Expression-Empty args {}
   method Expression-Compound {from to args} {

foreach {o p} [list Expression-Empty {*}$args] { set o [my {*}$o]; set p [my {*}$p] set v [expr {$o ne "" ? "$o \[$v\] \[$p\]" : $p}] } return $v

   forward Expression	my Expression-Compound
   forward Term	my Expression-Compound
   forward Factor	my Expression-Compound
   forward Fragment	my Expression-Compound
   method Expression-Operator {from to args} {

return ${opns}::[string range $sourcecode $from $to]

   forward AddOp	my Expression-Operator
   forward MulOp	my Expression-Operator
   forward PowOp	my Expression-Operator
   method Number {from to args} {

list ${opns}::value [string range $sourcecode $from $to]

   method Var {from to args} {

list ${opns}::variable [string range $sourcecode [expr {$from+1}] $to]



  1. The semantic evaluation engine

namespace eval modeval {

   proc value {literal} {return [expr {$literal}]}
   proc variable {name} {return [expr {[set ::$name]}]}
   proc + {a b} {return [expr {($a + $b) % $::mod}]}
   proc - {a b} {return [expr {($a - $b) % $::mod}]}
   proc * {a b} {return [expr {($a * $b) % $::mod}]}
   proc / {a b} {return [expr {($a / $b) % $::mod}]}
   proc ** {a b} {

# Tcl supports bignums natively, so we use the naive version return [expr {($a ** $b) % $::mod}]



  1. Put all the pieces together

CompileAST create compiler ::modeval set x 10 set mod 13 set compiled [compiler compile {$x**100 + $x + 1}] puts "[eval $compiled] = $compiled"</lang>

1 = ::modeval::+ [::modeval::+ [::modeval::** [::modeval::variable x] [::modeval::value 100]] [::modeval::variable x]] [::modeval::value 1]