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5,339 bytes added ,  1 year ago
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End Sub</lang>
An Apple Mac application that, when compiled with FB, produces a packaged, stand-alone 64-bit application that will run on either Intel or the newer M-series Macs. It's GUI includes a slider control to adjust speed, as well as blinking indicator and a sound, to indicate tempo. The code has been tested on Catalina (10.15.x) to Monterey (12.4.x) with Ventura still in beta at the time of this post. Free compiler available at:
[ Free FutureBasic Compiler for Apple Macs]
<lang futurebasic>
Basic Tempo Markings from slowest to fastest:
• Larghissimo – very, very slow (24 bpm and under)
• Grave – very slow (25–45 bpm)
• Largo – broadly (40–60 bpm)
• Lento – slowly (45–60 bpm)
• Larghetto – rather broadly (60–66 bpm)
• Adagio – slow & (literally (66–76 bpm)
• Adagietto – slower than andante (72–76 bpm)
• Andante – walking pace (76–108 bpm)
• Andantino – slightly faster (80–108 bpm)
• Marcia moderato – moderately, a march (83–85 bpm)
• Andante moderato – between andante and moderato (92–112 bpm)
• Moderato – moderately (108–120 bpm)
• Allegretto – moderately fast (112–120 bpm)
• Allegro moderato – not quite allegro (116–120 bpm)
• Allegro – fast, quick, bright (120–168 bpm)
• Vivace – lively and fast (168–176 bpm)
• Vivacissimo – very fast and lively (172–176 bpm)
• Allegrissimo – very fast (172–176 bpm)
• Presto – very, very fast (168–200 bpm)
• Prestissimo – even faster (200 bpm and over)
output file "Metronome"
include "Tlbx AVFoundation.incl"
// Uncomment next line to use external sound file, and make necessary adjustments in fn RunMetronome
// include resources "toc.wav"
begin enum
end enum
begin enum 1
end enum
begin enum
end enum
_window = 1
begin enum 1
_slider = 30
end enum
_initialBPM = 100
void local fn BuildMenus
// application
menu _mApplication, _iSeparator
menu _mApplication, _iPreferences,, @"Preferences…", @","
// file
menu _mFile, -1,, @"File"
menu _mFile, _iClose,, @"Close", @"w"
MenuItemSetAction( _mFile, _iClose, @"performClose:" )
editmenu _mEdit
end fn
void local fn BuildWindow
NSUInteger i
CGRect r = fn CGRectMake( 0, 0, 200, 500 )
window _window, @"Metronome", r, NSWindowStyleMaskTitled + NSWindowStyleMaskClosable + NSWindowStyleMaskMiniaturizable
r = fn CGRectMake( 160, 20, 32, 465 )
slider _slider, YES, _initialBPM, r, 20, 190, _window
r = fn CGRectMake( 25, 458, 24, 24 )
colorwell _bpmIndicator, YES, fn ColorGreen, r, NO, _window
ColorWellSetBordered( _bpmIndicator, NO )
CFArrayRef tempo = @[¬
@"Prestissimo", @"Presto", @"Allegrissimo", @"Vivacissimo", @"Vivace",¬
@"Allegro", @"Allegro moderato", @"Allegretto", @"Moderato", @"Andante moderato",¬
@"Marcia moderato", @"Andantino", @"Andante", @"Adagietto", @"Adagio", @"Larghetto",¬
@"Lento", @"Largo", @"Grave", @"Larghissimo"]
r = fn CGRectMake( 10, 460, 140, 22 )
for i = 1 to 20
textlabel i, tempo[i-1], r, _window
ControlSetAlignment( i, NSTextAlignmentRight )
ControlSetFontWithName( i, @"Menlo", 11.5 )
r = fn CGRectOffset( r, 0, -23.2 )
end fn
local fn StopTimer
CFRunLoopTimerRef t = (CFRunLoopTimerRef)fn AppProperty( @"timer" )
if ( fn TimerIsValid( t ) )
TimerInvalidate( t )
ColorWellSetColor( _bpmIndicator, fn ColorGreen )
end if
end fn
local fn RunMetronome( bpm as CFTimeInterval )
// Uncomment these lines to use an external sound file name toc.wave
// CFURLRef soundURL = fn BundleURLForSoundResource( fn BundleMain, @"toc.wav" )
// SoundRef tocSound = fn SoundWithContentsOfURL( soundURL, NO )
// Comment this line out to use external sound file for tock sound
SoundRef tocSound = fn SoundNamed( @"Pop" )
CFTimeInterval interval = 60.0 / bpm
CFRunLoopTimerRef tocTimer = timerbegin 0.0, interval, YES
ColorRef color
if ( fn ObjectIsEqual( fn ColorWellColor( _bpmIndicator ), fn ColorGreen ) )
color = fn ColorGray
ColorWellSetColor( _bpmIndicator, color )
color = fn ColorGreen
ColorWellSetColor( _bpmIndicator, color )
end if
fn SoundStop( tocSound )
fn SoundPlay( tocSound )
AppSetProperty( @"timer", tocTimer )
end fn
void local fn DoAppEvent( ev as long )
select (ev)
case _appDidFinishLaunching
fn BuildMenus
fn BuildWindow
fn RunMetronome( _initialBPM )
case _appShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed
end select
end fn
void local fn DoMenu( menuID as long, itemID as long )
select (menuID)
case _mApplication
select (itemID)
case _iPreferences
end select
end select
end fn
void local fn DoDialog( ev as long, tag as long, wnd as long )
select ( ev )
case _btnClick
select ( tag )
case _slider : fn StopTimer : fn RunMetronome( fn ControlIntegerValue( tag ) )
end select
end select
end fn
on AppEvent fn DoAppEvent
on menu fn DoMenu
on dialog fn DoDialog
[Since this code generates a standalone 64-bit application with its own window and controls, it has to be compiled with FB to see the GUI and test the output.]
