Longest common prefix: Difference between revisions

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The string method prefix returns the number of common prefix characters.
<lang zkl>fcn lcp(s,strings){ s[0,s.prefix(vm.pasteArgs(1))] }</lang>
Or, without using prefix:
<lang zkl>fcn lcp(strings){
vm.arglist.reduce(fcn(prefix,s){ Utils.Helpers.zipW(prefix,s)
.pump(String,fcn([(a,b)]){ a==b and a or Void.Stop })
<lang zkl>tester:=TheVault.Test.UnitTester.UnitTester();
Line 46 ⟶ 52:
The fp (partial application) method is used to delay running lcp until thetUtils.Helpers.zipW("fooz","foobar").pump(String,fcn([(a,b)]){a==b and testera actuallyor testsVoid.Stop})
he tester actually tests.

Revision as of 20:13, 19 March 2015

Longest common prefix
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

It is often useful to find the common prefix of a set of strings, that is, the longest initial portion of all strings that are identical.

Given a set of strings, R, for a prefix S, it should hold that:

(help here: does not express that S is the longest common prefix of x)

An example use case for this: given a set of phone numbers, identify a common dialing code. This can be accomplished by first determining the common prefix (if any), and then matching it against know dialing codes (iteratively dropping characters from rhs until a match is found, as the lcp function may match more than the dialing code).

Test cases

For a function, lcp, accepting a list of strings, the following should hold true (the empty string, , is considered a prefix of all strings):

lcp("interspecies","interstelar","interstate") = "inters"
lcp("throne","throne") = "throne"
lcp("throne","dungeon") = 
lcp("cheese") = "cheese"
lcp() = 
lcp() = 
lcp("prefix","suffix") = 

Task inspired by this stackoverflow question: Find the longest common starting substring in a set of strings


<lang scala>class TestLCP extends FunSuite {

 test("shared start") {
   assert(lcp("interspecies","interstelar","interstate") === "inters")
   assert(lcp("throne","throne") === "throne")
   assert(lcp("cheese") === "cheese")
   assert(lcp(Nil :_*).isEmpty)
 def lcp(list: String*) = list.foldLeft("")((_,_) =>
   (list.min.view,list.max.view).zipped.takeWhile(v => v._1 == v._2).unzip._1.mkString)



The string method prefix returns the number of common prefix characters. <lang zkl>fcn lcp(s,strings){ s[0,s.prefix(vm.pasteArgs(1))] }</lang> Or, without using prefix: <lang zkl>fcn lcp(strings){

  vm.arglist.reduce(fcn(prefix,s){ Utils.Helpers.zipW(prefix,s)
     .pump(String,fcn([(a,b)]){ a==b and a or Void.Stop })

}</lang> <lang zkl>tester:=TheVault.Test.UnitTester.UnitTester(); tester.testRun(lcp.fp("interspecies","interstelar","interstate"),Void,"inters",__LINE__); tester.testRun(lcp.fp("throne","throne"),Void,"throne",__LINE__); tester.testRun(lcp.fp("throne","dungeon"),Void,"",__LINE__); tester.testRun(lcp.fp("cheese"),Void,"cheese",__LINE__); tester.testRun(lcp.fp(""),Void,"",__LINE__); tester.testRun(lcp.fp("prefix","suffix"),Void,"",__LINE__); tester.stats();</lang> The fp (partial application) method is used to delay running lcp until tUtils.Helpers.zipW("fooz","foobar").pump(String,fcn([(a,b)]){a==b and a or Void.Stop}) he tester actually tests.

===================== Unit Test 1 =====================
Test 1 passed!
===================== Unit Test 2 =====================
Test 2 passed!
===================== Unit Test 3 =====================
Test 3 passed!
===================== Unit Test 4 =====================
Test 4 passed!
===================== Unit Test 5 =====================
Test 5 passed!
===================== Unit Test 6 =====================
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