I'm a software engineer, get me out of here

From Rosetta Code
Revision as of 19:02, 27 August 2022 by Rdm (talk | contribs) (→‎Part 1: restore lost definition of "adjacent")
I'm a software engineer, get me out of here is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

Your latest contract has hit a snag. You came to update the army payroll system, but awoke this morning to the sound of mortars landing not far away and panicked generals banging on you door. The President has loaded his gold on trucks and needs to find the shortest route to safety. You are given the following map. The top left hand corner is (0,0). You and The President are located at HQ in the centre of the country (11,11). Cells marked 0 indicate safety. Numbers other than 0 indicate the number of cells that his party will travel in a day in any direction up, down, left, right, or diagonally.


Part 1 Use Dijkstra's algorithm to find a list of the shortest routes from HQ to safety.
Part 2
Six days later and you are called to another briefing. The good news is The President and his gold are safe, so your invoice may be paid if you can get out of here. To do this a number of troop repositions will be required. It is concluded that you need to know the shortest route from each cell to every other cell. You decide to use Floyd's algorithm. Print the shortest route from (21,11) to (1,11) and from (1,11) to (21,11), and the longest shortest route between any two points.
Extra Credit

  1. Is there any cell in the country that can not be reached from HQ?
  2. Which cells will it take longest to send reinforcements to from HQ?

Related tasks:

  1. Dijkstra's algorithm
  2. Floyd-Warshall algorithm


This task uses Dijkstra's algorithm (F#)

This task uses readCSV (F#)

Part 1

let safety=readCSV '\t' "gmooh.dat"|>Seq.choose(fun n->if n.value="0" then Some (n.row,n.col) else None)
let board=readCSV '\t' "gmooh.dat"|>Seq.choose(fun n->match n.value with |"0"|"1"|"2"|"3"|"4"|"5"|"6"|"7"|"8"|"9" as g->Some((n.row,n.col),int g)|_->None)|>Map.ofSeq
let adjacent((n,g),v)=List.choose(fun y->if y=(n,g) then None else match Map.tryFind y board with |None->None|_->Some ((y),1)) [(n+v,g);(n-v,g);(n,g+v);(n,g-v);(n+v,g+v);(n+v,g-v);(n-v,g+v);(n-v,g-v);]
let adjacencyList=new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<(int*int),list<(int*int)*int>>()
let rec mkAdj start=
  let n=((start),Map.find start board)
  let g=adjacent n
  adjacencyList.Add((fst n),g)
  List.iter(fun ((n),_)->if (not (adjacencyList.ContainsKey n )) then mkAdj n) g
mkAdj (11,11)
let nodes=adjacencyList.Keys |> List.ofSeq
let G=nodes |>List.collect(fun n->List.map(fun (n',g)->(((n),(n')),g))(adjacencyList.Item n))|>Map.ofList
let paths=Dijkstra nodes G (11,11)
let _,res=safety|>Seq.choose(fun n->paths n) |> Seq.groupBy(fun n->List.length n)|>Seq.minBy fst
res |> Seq.iter (printfn "%A")
[(11, 11); (10, 11); (7, 11); (6, 12); (0, 12)]
[(11, 11); (10, 11); (7, 11); (7, 12); (1, 6)]
[(11, 11); (10, 10); (8, 8); (4, 8); (1, 8)]
[(11, 11); (11, 12); (8, 9); (2, 9); (1, 9)]
[(11, 11); (10, 10); (8, 10); (5, 13); (1, 13)]
[(11, 11); (10, 11); (7, 8); (4, 11); (1, 14)]
[(11, 11); (11, 12); (8, 9); (2, 15); (1, 15)]
[(11, 11); (11, 12); (8, 9); (2, 15); (1, 16)]
[(11, 11); (10, 10); (8, 10); (5, 7); (2, 4)]
[(11, 11); (10, 11); (7, 8); (7, 5); (2, 5)]
[(11, 11); (11, 12); (8, 15); (9, 16); (2, 16)]
[(11, 11); (12, 10); (11, 9); (9, 9); (3, 3)]
[(11, 11); (10, 11); (7, 8); (4, 5); (3, 4)]
[(11, 11); (12, 11); (12, 14); (8, 18); (3, 18)]
[(11, 11); (12, 11); (9, 14); (6, 17); (4, 19)]
[(11, 11); (11, 12); (8, 9); (8, 3); (6, 1)]
[(11, 11); (12, 11); (12, 8); (8, 4); (6, 2)]
[(11, 11); (11, 12); (11, 15); (11, 17); (7, 21)]
[(11, 11); (11, 12); (8, 9); (8, 3); (8, 1)]
[(11, 11); (12, 11); (12, 8); (12, 4); (9, 1)]
[(11, 11); (11, 12); (8, 9); (14, 3); (11, 0)]
[(11, 11); (10, 11); (7, 8); (7, 5); (12, 0)]
[(11, 11); (12, 10); (13, 10); (13, 5); (13, 0)]
[(11, 11); (12, 11); (12, 8); (16, 4); (13, 1)]
[(11, 11); (12, 11); (12, 14); (16, 18); (13, 21)]
[(11, 11); (12, 11); (12, 8); (12, 4); (15, 1)]
[(11, 11); (11, 12); (11, 15); (11, 17); (15, 21)]
[(11, 11); (12, 11); (12, 8); (16, 4); (16, 1)]
[(11, 11); (10, 11); (10, 14); (12, 16); (16, 20)]
[(11, 11); (12, 11); (12, 14); (16, 18); (16, 21)]
[(11, 11); (12, 11); (15, 8); (15, 5); (18, 2)]
[(11, 11); (10, 11); (13, 8); (14, 7); (18, 3)]
[(11, 11); (12, 11); (15, 8); (18, 5); (19, 4)]
[(11, 11); (11, 12); (14, 15); (16, 15); (19, 18)]
[(11, 11); (12, 11); (15, 11); (16, 12); (20, 16)]
[(11, 11); (10, 11); (13, 11); (17, 15); (20, 18)]
[(11, 11); (12, 10); (13, 10); (18, 15); (21, 15)]
[(11, 11); (11, 12); (14, 9); (18, 13); (22, 9)]
[(11, 11); (12, 11); (15, 8); (18, 11); (22, 11)]
[(11, 11); (11, 12); (14, 9); (18, 13); (22, 13)]

Part 2

This task uses Floyd-Warshall algorithm#F.23

let board=readCSV '\t' "gmooh.dat"|>Seq.choose(fun n->match n.value with |"0"|"1"|"2"|"3"|"4"|"5"|"6"|"7"|"8"|"9" as g->Some((n.row,n.col),int g)|_->None)|>Map.ofSeq
let nodes=board|>Seq.map(fun n->n.Key)|>Set.ofSeq
let adjacent (n,g) v=List.choose(fun y->if y=(n,g) then None else match Set.contains y nodes with |true->Some ((y),1)|_->None) [(n+v,g);(n-v,g);(n,g+v);(n,g-v);(n+v,g+v);(n+v,g-v);(n-v,g+v);(n-v,g-v);]
let adjacencyList=board |>Seq.collect (fun n->Seq.map(fun ((n'),g')->((n.Key,n'),g'))(adjacent n.Key n.Value))|> Map.ofSeq
let _,paths=Floyd (nodes|>Set.toArray) adjacencyList
paths (21,11) (1,11) |>Seq.iteri(fun n g->if n>0 then printf "->"; printf "%A" g else printf "%A" g) ; printfn ""
paths (1,11) (21,11) |>Seq.iteri(fun n g->if n>0 then printf "->"; printf "%A" g else printf "%A" g) ; printfn ""
(20, 10)->(19, 9)->(18, 9)->(13, 4)->(6, 11)->(4, 11)->(1, 11)
(2, 10)->(5, 13)->(9, 9)->(15, 3)->(20, 8)->(20, 10)->(21, 11)


Translation of: Phix

A more or less faithful translation though adjusted to Go's 0-based indices and the cell coordinates are therefore 1 less than the Phix results.

Initially, using a simple breadth-first search. Parts 1 and 2 and extra credit.

package main

import (

var gmooh = strings.Split(
.........00000.........`, "\n")

var width, height = len(gmooh[0]), len(gmooh)

type pyx [2]int // {y, x}

var d = []pyx{{-1, -1}, {0, -1}, {1, -1}, {-1, 0}, {1, 0}, {-1, 1}, {0, 1}, {1, 1}}

type route [3]int // {cost, fromy, fromx}

var zeroRoute = route{0, 0, 0}
var routes [][]route // route for each gmooh[][]

func (p pyx) destruct() (int, int) {
    return p[0], p[1]

func (r route) destruct() (int, int, int) {
    return r[0], r[1], r[2]

func search(y, x int) {
    // Simple breadth-first search, populates routes.
    // This isn't strictly Dijkstra because graph edges are not weighted.
    cost := 0
    routes = make([][]route, height)
    for i := 0; i < width; i++ {
        routes[i] = make([]route, width)
    routes[y][x] = route{0, y, x} // zero-cost, the starting point
    var next []route
    for {
        n := int(gmooh[y][x] - '0')
        for di := 0; di < len(d); di++ {
            dx, dy := d[di].destruct()
            rx, ry := x+n*dx, y+n*dy
            if rx >= 0 && rx < width && ry >= 0 && ry < height && gmooh[rx][ry] >= '0' {
                ryx := routes[ry][rx]
                if ryx == zeroRoute || ryx[0] > cost+1 {
                    routes[ry][rx] = route{cost + 1, y, x}
                    if gmooh[ry][rx] > '0' {
                        next = append(next, route{cost + 1, ry, rx})
                        // If the graph was weighted, at this point
                        // that would get shuffled up into place.
        if len(next) == 0 {
        cost, y, x = next[0].destruct()
        next = next[1:]

func getRoute(y, x int) []pyx {
    cost := 0
    res := []pyx{{y, x}}
    for {
        cost, y, x = routes[y][x].destruct()
        if cost == 0 {
        res = append(res, pyx{0, 0})
        copy(res[1:], res[0:])
        res[0] = pyx{y, x}
    return res

func showShortest() {
    shortest := 9999
    var res []pyx
    for x := 0; x < width; x++ {
        for y := 0; y < height; y++ {
            if gmooh[y][x] == '0' {
                ryx := routes[y][x]
                if ryx != zeroRoute {
                    cost := ryx[0]
                    if cost <= shortest {
                        if cost < shortest {
                            res = res[:0]
                            shortest = cost
                        res = append(res, pyx{y, x})
    areis, s := "is", ""
    if len(res) > 1 {
        areis = "are"
        s = "s"
    fmt.Printf("There %s %d shortest route%s of %d days to safety:\n", areis, len(res), s, shortest)
    for _, r := range res {
        fmt.Println(getRoute(r[0], r[1]))

func showUnreachable() {
    var res []pyx
    for x := 0; x < width; x++ {
        for y := 0; y < height; y++ {
            if gmooh[y][x] >= '0' && routes[y][x] == zeroRoute {
                res = append(res, pyx{y, x})
    fmt.Println("\nThe following cells are unreachable:")

func showLongest() {
    longest := 0
    var res []pyx
    for x := 0; x < width; x++ {
        for y := 0; y < height; y++ {
            if gmooh[y][x] >= '0' {
                ryx := routes[y][x]
                if ryx != zeroRoute {
                    rl := ryx[0]
                    if rl >= longest {
                        if rl > longest {
                            res = res[:0]
                            longest = rl
                        res = append(res, pyx{y, x})
    fmt.Printf("\nThere are %d cells that take %d days to send reinforcements to:\n", len(res), longest)
    for _, r := range res {
        fmt.Println(getRoute(r[0], r[1]))

func main() {
    search(11, 11)

    search(21, 11)
    fmt.Println("\nThe shortest route from {21,11} to {1,11}:")
    fmt.Println(getRoute(1, 11))

    search(1, 11)
    fmt.Println("\nThe shortest route from {1,11} to {21,11}:")
    fmt.Println(getRoute(21, 11))

    search(11, 11)
There are 40 shortest routes of 4 days to safety:
[[11 11] [11 12] [8 9] [14 3] [11 0]]
[[11 11] [10 11] [7 8] [7 5] [12 0]]
[[11 11] [12 10] [13 10] [13 5] [13 0]]
[[11 11] [11 12] [8 9] [8 3] [6 1]]
[[11 11] [11 12] [8 9] [8 3] [8 1]]
[[11 11] [10 10] [8 8] [12 4] [9 1]]
[[11 11] [10 10] [12 8] [16 4] [13 1]]
[[11 11] [10 10] [8 8] [12 4] [15 1]]
[[11 11] [10 10] [12 8] [16 4] [16 1]]
[[11 11] [10 10] [8 8] [8 4] [6 2]]
[[11 11] [12 11] [15 8] [15 5] [18 2]]
[[11 11] [11 10] [10 9] [9 9] [3 3]]
[[11 11] [10 11] [13 8] [14 7] [18 3]]
[[11 11] [10 10] [8 10] [5 7] [2 4]]
[[11 11] [10 11] [7 8] [4 5] [3 4]]
[[11 11] [10 10] [12 8] [16 4] [19 4]]
[[11 11] [10 11] [7 8] [7 5] [2 5]]
[[11 11] [10 11] [7 11] [7 12] [1 6]]
[[11 11] [10 10] [8 8] [4 8] [1 8]]
[[11 11] [10 10] [8 10] [5 13] [1 9]]
[[11 11] [11 12] [14 9] [18 13] [22 9]]
[[11 11] [12 11] [15 8] [18 11] [22 11]]
[[11 11] [10 10] [8 12] [6 12] [0 12]]
[[11 11] [10 10] [8 10] [5 13] [1 13]]
[[11 11] [11 12] [14 9] [18 13] [22 13]]
[[11 11] [10 11] [7 8] [4 11] [1 14]]
[[11 11] [11 12] [8 9] [2 15] [1 15]]
[[11 11] [12 10] [13 10] [18 15] [21 15]]
[[11 11] [11 12] [8 9] [2 15] [1 16]]
[[11 11] [11 12] [8 9] [2 15] [2 16]]
[[11 11] [10 10] [12 8] [16 12] [20 16]]
[[11 11] [12 11] [12 14] [8 18] [3 18]]
[[11 11] [11 12] [14 15] [16 15] [19 18]]
[[11 11] [10 11] [13 11] [17 15] [20 18]]
[[11 11] [12 11] [9 14] [6 17] [4 19]]
[[11 11] [10 11] [10 14] [12 16] [16 20]]
[[11 11] [11 12] [11 15] [11 17] [7 21]]
[[11 11] [12 11] [12 14] [16 18] [13 21]]
[[11 11] [11 12] [11 15] [11 17] [15 21]]
[[11 11] [12 11] [12 14] [16 18] [16 21]]

The shortest route from {21,11} to {1,11}:
[[21 11] [20 10] [19 9] [18 9] [13 4] [6 11] [4 11] [1 11]]

The shortest route from {1,11} to {21,11}:
[[1 11] [2 10] [5 13] [9 9] [15 3] [20 8] [20 10] [21 11]]

The following cells are unreachable:
[[4 3] [2 18] [18 20]]

There are 5 cells that take 6 days to send reinforcements to:
[[11 11] [10 10] [12 8] [16 12] [20 12] [21 11] [22 12]]
[[11 11] [11 12] [14 15] [16 17] [17 16] [18 16] [20 14]]
[[11 11] [12 11] [9 14] [6 17] [4 17] [3 17] [3 19]]
[[11 11] [10 11] [7 11] [7 12] [7 18] [7 20] [6 20]]
[[11 11] [10 11] [10 14] [12 16] [12 20] [15 20] [17 20]]

Alternative using Floyd-Warshall for Part 2, and finding the longest shortest path between any two points.

package main

import (

var gmooh = strings.Split(
.........00000.........`, "\n")

var width, height = len(gmooh[0]), len(gmooh)

type pyx [2]int // {y, x}

var d = []pyx{{-1, -1}, {0, -1}, {1, -1}, {-1, 0}, {1, 0}, {-1, 1}, {0, 1}, {1, 1}}

var dist, next [][]int
var pmap []pyx

const (
    max = math.MaxInt32
    min = -1

func (p pyx) destruct() (int, int) {
    return p[0], p[1]

func fwPath(u, v int) string {
    res := ""
    if next[u][v] != min {
        path := []string{fmt.Sprintf("%v", pmap[u])}
        for u != v {
            u = next[u][v]
            path = append(path, fmt.Sprintf("%v", pmap[u]))
        res = strings.Join(path, "->")
    return res

func showFwPath(u, v int) {
    fmt.Printf("%v->%v   %2d   %s\n", pmap[u], pmap[v], dist[u][v], fwPath(u, v))

func floydWarshall() {
    point := 0
    var weights []pyx
    points := make([][]int, height)
    for i := 0; i < width; i++ {
        points[i] = make([]int, width)
    // First number the points.
    for x := 0; x < width; x++ {
        for y := 0; y < height; y++ {
            if gmooh[y][x] >= '0' {
                points[y][x] = point
                pmap = append(pmap, pyx{y, x})
    // ...and then a set of edges (all of which have a "weight" of 1 day)
    for x := 0; x < width; x++ {
        for y := 0; y < height; y++ {
            if gmooh[y][x] > '0' {
                n := int(gmooh[y][x] - '0')
                for di := 0; di < len(d); di++ {
                    dx, dy := d[di].destruct()
                    rx, ry := x+n*dx, y+n*dy
                    if rx >= 0 && rx < width && ry >= 0 && ry < height && gmooh[rx][ry] >= '0' {
                        weights = append(weights, pyx{points[y][x], points[ry][rx]})
    // Before applying Floyd-Warshall.
    vv := len(pmap)
    dist = make([][]int, vv)
    next = make([][]int, vv)
    for i := 0; i < vv; i++ {
        dist[i] = make([]int, vv)
        next[i] = make([]int, vv)
        for j := 0; j < vv; j++ {
            dist[i][j] = max
            next[i][j] = min
    for k := 0; k < len(weights); k++ {
        u, v := weights[k].destruct()
        dist[u][v] = 1 // the weight of the edge (u,v)
        next[u][v] = v
    // Standard Floyd-Warshall implementation,
    // with the optimization of avoiding processing of self/infs,
    // which surprisingly makes quite a noticeable difference.
    for k := 0; k < vv; k++ {
        for i := 0; i < vv; i++ {
            if i != k && dist[i][k] != max {
                for j := 0; j < vv; j++ {
                    if j != i && j != k && dist[k][j] != max {
                        dd := dist[i][k] + dist[k][j]
                        if dd < dist[i][j] {
                            dist[i][j] = dd
                            next[i][j] = next[i][k]
    showFwPath(points[21][11], points[1][11])
    showFwPath(points[1][11], points[21][11])

    var maxd, mi, mj int
    for i := 0; i < vv; i++ {
        for j := 0; j < vv; j++ {
            if j != i {
                dd := dist[i][j]
                if dd != max && dd > maxd {
                    maxd, mi, mj = dd, i, j
    fmt.Println("\nMaximum shortest distance:")
    showFwPath(mi, mj)

func main() {
[21 11]->[1 11]    7   [21 11]->[20 10]->[19 10]->[14 10]->[10 10]->[8 8]->[4 8]->[1 11]
[1 11]->[21 11]    7   [1 11]->[2 10]->[5 13]->[9 9]->[15 3]->[20 8]->[20 10]->[21 11]

Maximum shortest distance:
[7 3]->[20 14]    9   [7 3]->[8 4]->[10 6]->[11 7]->[15 11]->[16 11]->[17 12]->[17 16]->[18 16]->[20 14]


Here, the task specification is "magic" (or "software engineer fantasy"):

One interpretation of this task would be that, for example, "4" means that it takes 6 hours to traverse that map position. Instead, it looks like "4" means we launch ourselves in one of eight directions and land four squares away -- this process takes one day. This concept adds some complexity to the task (we have to make sure we do not launch ourselves off the map, or outside the safe zones), but also reduces the size of intermediate results.

Part 1

Here's how we can find escape routes for el presidente:

map=: <:,"_1 {.@>:@".@>>cutLF{{)n

adjacent=: 0 0-.~>,{;~i:1

plan=: {{
  loc=. {:y
  range=. (<loc){map
  next=. (loc+"1/range*adjacent)-.y
  next=. next #~ */"1]0 <: next
  next=. next #~ */"1]($map) >"1 next
  next=. next #~ 0 <: (<"1 next) { map
  assert. 2={:$next
  y,"2 1 next

dijkpaths=: {{
  K=: 0
  adjacent=: 0 0-.~>,{;~i:1 NB. horizontal, diagonal, vertical
  plans=: ,:,:y NB. list of paths
  while. -.0 e. distances=: (<@{:"2 plans){map do.
    plans=: ; <@plan"_1 plans

fmtpaths=: {{ rplc&'j,'"1":j./"1 y }}

And here's what that gives us:

   fmtpaths dijkpaths 11 11
11,11 10,10   8,8   4,8   1,8
11,11 10,10   8,8   8,4   6,2
11,11 10,10   8,8  12,4   9,1
11,11 10,10   8,8  12,4  15,1
11,11 10,10  8,10   5,7   2,4
11,11 10,10  8,10  5,13   1,9
11,11 10,10  8,10  5,13  1,13
11,11 10,10  8,12  6,12  0,12
11,11 10,10  12,8   8,4   6,2
11,11 10,10  12,8  12,4   9,1
11,11 10,10  12,8  12,4  15,1
11,11 10,10  12,8  16,4  13,1
11,11 10,10  12,8  16,4  16,1
11,11 10,10  12,8  16,4  19,4
11,11 10,10  12,8 16,12 20,16
11,11 10,11   7,8   4,5   3,4
11,11 10,11   7,8   4,8   1,8
11,11 10,11   7,8  4,11   1,8
11,11 10,11   7,8  4,11  1,14
11,11 10,11   7,8   7,5   2,5
11,11 10,11   7,8   7,5    12
11,11 10,11  7,11  6,12  0,12
11,11 10,11  7,11  7,12   1,6
11,11 10,11 10,14 12,16 16,20
11,11 10,11  13,8  14,7  18,3
11,11 10,11 13,11 17,15 20,18
11,11 10,12  9,12  7,12   1,6
11,11 11,10  10,9   9,9   3,3
11,11 11,10  11,9   9,9   3,3
11,11 11,12   8,9   2,9   1,8
11,11 11,12   8,9   2,9   1,9
11,11 11,12   8,9  2,15  1,14
11,11 11,12   8,9  2,15  1,15
11,11 11,12   8,9  2,15  1,16
11,11 11,12   8,9  2,15  2,16
11,11 11,12   8,9   8,3   6,1
11,11 11,12   8,9   8,3   8,1
11,11 11,12   8,9  14,3    11
11,11 11,12  8,12  6,12  0,12
11,11 11,12  8,15  9,16  2,16
11,11 11,12  11,9   9,9   3,3
11,11 11,12 11,15 11,17  7,21
11,11 11,12 11,15 11,17 15,21
11,11 11,12  14,9  18,5  19,4
11,11 11,12  14,9 18,13  22,9
11,11 11,12  14,9 18,13 22,13
11,11 11,12 14,12 16,12 20,16
11,11 11,12 14,15 16,15 19,18
11,11 12,10  11,9   9,9   3,3
11,11 12,10 13,10  13,5    13
11,11 12,10 13,10  18,5  19,4
11,11 12,10 13,10 18,15 21,15
11,11 12,10 13,11 17,15 20,18
11,11 12,11  9,14  6,17  4,19
11,11 12,11  12,8   8,4   6,2
11,11 12,11  12,8  12,4   9,1
11,11 12,11  12,8  12,4  15,1
11,11 12,11  12,8  16,4  13,1
11,11 12,11  12,8  16,4  16,1
11,11 12,11  12,8  16,4  19,4
11,11 12,11  12,8 16,12 20,16
11,11 12,11 12,14  8,18  3,18
11,11 12,11 12,14 16,18 13,21
11,11 12,11 12,14 16,18 16,21
11,11 12,11 12,14 16,18 19,18
11,11 12,11  15,8  15,5  18,2
11,11 12,11  15,8  18,5  19,4
11,11 12,11  15,8 18,11 22,11
11,11 12,11 15,11 16,12 20,16
11,11 12,11 15,14 16,15 19,18
11,11 12,12 13,11 17,15 20,18

Part 2

For troop movements, we assume that our troops move in exactly the same way as our president's gold convoy. (Note that this means that no cells are reachable from the safe zone. Which might be why it is the safe zone...)

We need to form a distance graph, and some supporting code.

floyd=: {{for_j.i.#y do. y=. y<.j({"1+/{) y end.}}
cells=: I.,0<:,map
pairs=: cells i.;<@(($map) #. plan)"_1 ($map)#:,.I.0<,map
graph=: floyd 1 (<"1 pairs)} (,~#cells)$_

floydpaths=: {{
  start=: cells i. ($map)#.x
  end=: cells i. ($map)#.y
  distance=: (<start,end){graph
  if. _ = distance do. EMPTY end.
  paths=: ,:start
  targets=: end{"1 graph
  for_d. }:i.-distance do.
    viable=: I.d=targets 
    paths=.; <@{{
      p=. plan&.(($map)&#:)&.({&cells) y
      p#~ ({:"_1 p) e. viable
    }}"1 paths
  ($map)#:cells {~paths,.end

And the task examples:

   #21 11 floydpaths 1 11 
   #1 11 floydpaths 21 11 
   fmtpaths {. 21 11 floydpaths  1 11
21,11 20,10 19,9 18,9 13,4 6,11 4,11 1,11
   fmtpaths     1 11 floydpaths 21 11 
1,11 2,10 5,13 9,9 15,3 20,8 20,10 21,11
   NB. shortest path distances:
   \:~ ~.,graph
_ 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
   longestshortest=: ($map)#:cells{~($graph)#:I.9=,graph
   fmtpaths longestshortest NB. start,end for paths of length 9
 1,11 20,14
  2,9 20,14
 2,13 20,14
  7,3 20,14
10,21  14,2
11,21  14,2
12,21  14,2
   fmtpaths {.@floydpaths/"2 longestshortest NB. examples
 1,11  1,10 4,10 6,12 12,18 13,19 13,20 17,16 18,16 20,14
  2,9  1,10 4,10 6,12 12,18 13,19 13,20 17,16 18,16 20,14
 2,13  2,11  4,9  6,9   8,9 14,15 16,17 17,16 18,16 20,14
  7,3   6,3  3,6  6,9   8,9 14,15 16,17 17,16 18,16 20,14
10,21  9,20 7,18 9,16   9,9  15,3  15,8  15,5  15,2  14,2
11,21 10,20 9,19 9,16   9,9  15,3  15,8  15,5  15,2  14,2
12,21 10,19 9,18 8,18 13,13 13,11  17,7  15,5  15,2  14,2


Uses the LightGraphs package.

using LightGraphs

const grid = reshape(Vector{UInt8}(replace("""
         00000         """, "\n" => "")), 23, 23)

const board = map(c -> c == UInt8(' ') ? -1 : c - UInt8('0'), grid)
const startingpoints = [i for i in 1:529 if board[i] > 0]
const safety = [i for i in 1:529 if board[i] == 0]
const legalendpoints = [i for i in 1:529 if board[i] >= 0]

function adjacent(i)
    k, ret = board[i], Int[]
    row, col = divrem(i - 1, 23) .+ 1
    col > k && push!(ret, i - k)
    23 - col >= k && push!(ret, i + k)
    row > k && push!(ret, i - 23 * k)
    row + k <= 23 && push!(ret, i + 23 * k)
    row > k && col > k && push!(ret, i - 24 * k)
    row + k <= 23 && (23 - col >= k) && push!(ret, i + 24 * k)
    row > k && (23 - col >= k) && push!(ret, i - 22 * k)
    row + k <= 23 && col > k && push!(ret, i + 22 * k)

const graph = SimpleDiGraph(529)

for i in 1:529
    if board[i] > 0
        for p in adjacent(i)
            if board[p] >= 0
                add_edge!(graph, i, p)

    allnpaths(graph, a, b, vec, n)

Return a vector of int vectors, each of which is a path from a to a member of
vec and where n is the length of each path and the nodes in a path do not repeat.
function allnpaths(graph, a, vec, n)
    ret = [[a]]
    for j in 2:n
        nextret = Vector{Vector{Int}}()
        for path in ret, x in neighbors(graph, path[end])
            if !(x in path) && (j < n || x in vec)
                push!(nextret, [path; x])
        ret = nextret
    return (ret == [[a]] && a != b) ? [] : ret

function pathtostring(path)
    ret = ""
    for node in path
        c = CartesianIndices(board)[node]
        ret *= "($(c[2]-1), $(c[1]-1)) "

function pathlisting(paths)
    join([pathtostring(p) for p in paths], "\n")

println("Part 1:")
    start = 23 * 11 + 12
    pathsfromcenter = dijkstra_shortest_paths(graph, start)
    safepaths = filter(p -> length(p) > 1, enumerate_paths(pathsfromcenter, safety))
    safelen = mapreduce(length, min, safepaths)
    paths = unique(allnpaths(graph, start, safety, safelen))
    println("The $(length(paths)) shortest paths to safety are:\n",

println("\nPart 2:")
    p = enumerate_paths(bellman_ford_shortest_paths(graph, 21 * 23 + 12), 23 + 12)
    println("One shortest route from (21, 11) to (1, 11): ", pathtostring(p))

    p = enumerate_paths(bellman_ford_shortest_paths(graph, 23 + 12), 21 * 23 + 12)
    println("\nOne shortest route from (1, 11) to (21, 11): ", pathtostring(p))

    allshortpaths = [enumerate_paths(bellman_ford_shortest_paths(graph, 23 + 12), p) for p in startingpoints]
    maxlen, idx = findmax(map(length, allshortpaths))
    println("\nLongest Shortest Route (length $(maxlen - 1)) is: ", pathtostring(allshortpaths[idx]))

println("\nExtra Credit Questions:")
    println("\nIs there any cell in the country that can not be reached from HQ (11, 11)?")
    frombase = bellman_ford_shortest_paths(graph, 11 * 23 + 12)
    unreached = Int[]
    for pt in legalendpoints
        path = enumerate_paths(frombase, pt)
        if isempty(path) && pt != 11 * 23 + 12
            push!(unreached, pt)
    print("There are $(length(unreached)): ")

    println("\nWhich cells will it take longest to send reinforcements to from HQ (11, 11)?")
    p = [enumerate_paths(frombase, x) for x in legalendpoints]
    maxlen = mapreduce(length, max, p)
    allmax = [path for path in p if length(path) == maxlen]
    println("There are $(length(allmax)) of length $(maxlen - 1):")
Part 1:
The 71 shortest paths to safety are:
(11, 11) (10, 10) (8, 8) (4, 8) (1, 8)
(11, 11) (10, 10) (8, 8) (8, 4) (6, 2)
(11, 11) (10, 10) (8, 8) (12, 4) (9, 1)
(11, 11) (10, 10) (8, 8) (12, 4) (15, 1)
(11, 11) (10, 10) (8, 10) (5, 7) (2, 4)
(11, 11) (10, 10) (8, 10) (5, 13) (1, 9)
(11, 11) (10, 10) (8, 10) (5, 13) (1, 13)
(11, 11) (10, 10) (8, 12) (6, 12) (0, 12)
(11, 11) (10, 10) (12, 8) (8, 4) (6, 2)
(11, 11) (10, 10) (12, 8) (12, 4) (9, 1)
(11, 11) (10, 10) (12, 8) (12, 4) (15, 1)
(11, 11) (10, 10) (12, 8) (16, 4) (13, 1)
(11, 11) (10, 10) (12, 8) (16, 4) (16, 1)
(11, 11) (10, 10) (12, 8) (16, 4) (19, 4)
(11, 11) (10, 10) (12, 8) (16, 12) (20, 16)
(11, 11) (10, 11) (7, 8) (4, 5) (3, 4)
(11, 11) (10, 11) (7, 8) (4, 8) (1, 8)
(11, 11) (10, 11) (7, 8) (4, 11) (1, 8)
(11, 11) (10, 11) (7, 8) (4, 11) (1, 14)
(11, 11) (10, 11) (7, 8) (7, 5) (2, 5)
(11, 11) (10, 11) (7, 8) (7, 5) (12, 0)
(11, 11) (10, 11) (7, 11) (6, 12) (0, 12)
(11, 11) (10, 11) (7, 11) (7, 12) (1, 6)
(11, 11) (10, 11) (10, 14) (12, 16) (16, 20)
(11, 11) (10, 11) (13, 8) (14, 7) (18, 3)
(11, 11) (10, 11) (13, 11) (17, 15) (20, 18)
(11, 11) (10, 12) (9, 12) (7, 12) (1, 6)
(11, 11) (11, 10) (10, 9) (9, 9) (3, 3)
(11, 11) (11, 10) (11, 9) (9, 9) (3, 3)
(11, 11) (11, 12) (8, 9) (2, 9) (1, 8)
(11, 11) (11, 12) (8, 9) (2, 9) (1, 9)
(11, 11) (11, 12) (8, 9) (2, 15) (1, 14)
(11, 11) (11, 12) (8, 9) (2, 15) (1, 15)
(11, 11) (11, 12) (8, 9) (2, 15) (1, 16)
(11, 11) (11, 12) (8, 9) (2, 15) (2, 16)
(11, 11) (11, 12) (8, 9) (8, 3) (6, 1)
(11, 11) (11, 12) (8, 9) (8, 3) (8, 1)
(11, 11) (11, 12) (8, 9) (14, 3) (11, 0)
(11, 11) (11, 12) (8, 12) (6, 12) (0, 12)
(11, 11) (11, 12) (8, 15) (9, 16) (2, 16)
(11, 11) (11, 12) (11, 9) (9, 9) (3, 3)
(11, 11) (11, 12) (11, 15) (11, 17) (7, 21)
(11, 11) (11, 12) (11, 15) (11, 17) (15, 21)
(11, 11) (11, 12) (14, 9) (18, 5) (19, 4)
(11, 11) (11, 12) (14, 9) (18, 13) (22, 9)
(11, 11) (11, 12) (14, 9) (18, 13) (22, 13)
(11, 11) (11, 12) (14, 12) (16, 12) (20, 16)
(11, 11) (11, 12) (14, 15) (16, 15) (19, 18)
(11, 11) (12, 10) (11, 9) (9, 9) (3, 3)
(11, 11) (12, 10) (13, 10) (13, 5) (13, 0)
(11, 11) (12, 10) (13, 10) (18, 5) (19, 4)
(11, 11) (12, 10) (13, 10) (18, 15) (21, 15)
(11, 11) (12, 10) (13, 11) (17, 15) (20, 18)
(11, 11) (12, 11) (9, 14) (6, 17) (4, 19)
(11, 11) (12, 11) (12, 8) (8, 4) (6, 2)
(11, 11) (12, 11) (12, 8) (12, 4) (9, 1)
(11, 11) (12, 11) (12, 8) (12, 4) (15, 1)
(11, 11) (12, 11) (12, 8) (16, 4) (13, 1)
(11, 11) (12, 11) (12, 8) (16, 4) (16, 1)
(11, 11) (12, 11) (12, 8) (16, 4) (19, 4)
(11, 11) (12, 11) (12, 8) (16, 12) (20, 16)
(11, 11) (12, 11) (12, 14) (8, 18) (3, 18)
(11, 11) (12, 11) (12, 14) (16, 18) (13, 21)
(11, 11) (12, 11) (12, 14) (16, 18) (16, 21)
(11, 11) (12, 11) (12, 14) (16, 18) (19, 18)
(11, 11) (12, 11) (15, 8) (15, 5) (18, 2)
(11, 11) (12, 11) (15, 8) (18, 5) (19, 4)
(11, 11) (12, 11) (15, 8) (18, 11) (22, 11)
(11, 11) (12, 11) (15, 11) (16, 12) (20, 16)
(11, 11) (12, 11) (15, 14) (16, 15) (19, 18)
(11, 11) (12, 12) (13, 11) (17, 15) (20, 18)

Part 2:
One shortest route from (21, 11) to (1, 11): (21, 11) (21, 12) (19, 14) (14, 14) (12, 14) (8, 18) (3, 13) (1, 11)

One shortest route from (1, 11) to (21, 11): (1, 11) (2, 10) (5, 13) (9, 9) (15, 3) (20, 8) (20, 10) (21, 11)

Longest Shortest Route (length 9) is: (1, 11) (2, 10) (5, 13) (9, 9) (15, 15) (16, 14) (16, 17) (17, 16) (18, 16) (20, 14)

Extra Credit Questions:

Is there any cell in the country that can not be reached from HQ (11, 11)?
There are 3: (2, 18) (4, 3) (18, 20)

Which cells will it take longest to send reinforcements to from HQ (11, 11)?
There are 5 of length 6:
(11, 11) (12, 11) (9, 14) (6, 17) (4, 17) (4, 18) (3, 19)
(11, 11) (10, 11) (7, 11) (7, 12) (7, 18) (7, 20) (6, 20)
(11, 11) (11, 12) (11, 15) (13, 17) (15, 19) (15, 20) (17, 20)
(11, 11) (11, 12) (14, 15) (16, 17) (17, 16) (18, 16) (20, 14)
(11, 11) (12, 12) (13, 11) (17, 15) (20, 12) (21, 11) (22, 12)



use strict;
use warnings;
use List::Util 'first';

my $w = 0;
my $d = join '', <DATA>;
length > $w and $w = length for split "\n", $d;
$d =~ s/.+/ sprintf "%-${w}s", $& /ge; # padding for single number addressing

sub   to_xy { my($i) = shift; '(' . join(',', int ($i/$w), $i%$w) . ')' }
sub from_xy { my($x,$y) = @_; $x * $w + $y }

my @directions = ( 1, -1, -$w-1 .. -$w+1, $w-1 .. $w+1 );

my @nodes;
push @nodes, $-[0] while $d =~ /\d/g;
my %dist = map { $_ => all_destinations($_) } @nodes; # all shortest from-to paths

sub all_destinations
  my @queue = shift;
  my $dd = $d;
  my %to;
  while( my $path = shift @queue )
    my $from = (split ' ', $path)[-1];
    my $steps = substr $dd, $from, 1;
    ' ' eq $steps and next;
    $to{$from} //= $path;
    $steps or next;
    substr $dd, $from, 1, '0';
    for my $dir ( @directions )
      my $next = $from + $steps * $dir;
      next if $next < 0 or $next > length $dd;
      (substr $dd, $next, 1) =~ /\d/ and push @queue, "$path $next";
  return \%to;

my $startpos = from_xy 11, 11;

my @best;
$best[ tr/ // ] .= "\t$_\n" for grep $_, map $dist{$startpos}{$_},
  grep { '0' eq substr $d, $_, 1 } @nodes;
my $short = first { $best[$_] } 0 .. $#best;
my $n = $best[$short] =~ tr/\n//;
print "shortest escape routes ($n) of length $short:\n",
  $best[$short] =~ s/\d+/ to_xy $& /ger;

print "\nshortest from (21,11) to (1,11):\n\t",
  $dist{from_xy 21, 11}{from_xy 1, 11} =~ s/\d+/ to_xy $& /ger, "\n";
print "\nshortest from (1,11) to (21,11):\n\t",
  $dist{from_xy 1, 11}{from_xy 21, 11} =~ s/\d+/ to_xy $& /ger, "\n";

@best = ();
$best[tr/ //] .= "\t$_\n" for map { values %$_ } values %dist;
print "\nlongestshortest paths (length $#best) :\n",
  $best[-1] =~ s/\d+/ to_xy $& /ger;

my @notreach = grep !$dist{$startpos}{$_}, @nodes;
print "\nnot reached from HQ:\n\t@notreach\n" =~ s/\d+/ to_xy $& /ger;

@best = ();
$best[tr/ //] .= "\t$_\n" for values %{ $dist{$startpos} };
print "\nlongest reinforcement from HQ is $#best for:\n",
  $best[-1] =~ s/\d+/ to_xy $& /ger;

shortest escape routes (40) of length 4:
        (11,11) (11,12) (8,12) (6,12) (0,12)
        (11,11) (10,11) (7,11) (7,12) (1,6)
        (11,11) (11,12) (8,9) (2,9) (1,8)
        (11,11) (11,12) (8,9) (2,9) (1,9)
        (11,11) (10,10) (8,10) (5,13) (1,13)
        (11,11) (11,12) (8,9) (2,15) (1,14)
        (11,11) (11,12) (8,9) (2,15) (1,15)
        (11,11) (11,12) (8,9) (2,15) (1,16)
        (11,11) (10,10) (8,10) (5,7) (2,4)
        (11,11) (10,11) (7,8) (7,5) (2,5)
        (11,11) (11,12) (8,9) (2,15) (2,16)
        (11,11) (11,12) (11,9) (9,9) (3,3)
        (11,11) (10,11) (7,8) (4,5) (3,4)
        (11,11) (12,11) (12,14) (8,18) (3,18)
        (11,11) (12,11) (9,14) (6,17) (4,19)
        (11,11) (11,12) (8,9) (8,3) (6,1)
        (11,11) (10,10) (8,8) (8,4) (6,2)
        (11,11) (11,12) (11,15) (11,17) (7,21)
        (11,11) (11,12) (8,9) (8,3) (8,1)
        (11,11) (10,10) (8,8) (12,4) (9,1)
        (11,11) (11,12) (8,9) (14,3) (11,0)
        (11,11) (10,11) (7,8) (7,5) (12,0)
        (11,11) (12,10) (13,10) (13,5) (13,0)
        (11,11) (10,10) (12,8) (16,4) (13,1)
        (11,11) (12,11) (12,14) (16,18) (13,21)
        (11,11) (10,10) (8,8) (12,4) (15,1)
        (11,11) (11,12) (11,15) (11,17) (15,21)
        (11,11) (10,10) (12,8) (16,4) (16,1)
        (11,11) (10,11) (10,14) (12,16) (16,20)
        (11,11) (12,11) (12,14) (16,18) (16,21)
        (11,11) (12,11) (15,8) (15,5) (18,2)
        (11,11) (10,11) (13,8) (14,7) (18,3)
        (11,11) (11,12) (14,9) (18,5) (19,4)
        (11,11) (11,12) (14,15) (16,15) (19,18)
        (11,11) (11,12) (14,12) (16,12) (20,16)
        (11,11) (10,11) (13,11) (17,15) (20,18)
        (11,11) (12,10) (13,10) (18,15) (21,15)
        (11,11) (11,12) (14,9) (18,13) (22,9)
        (11,11) (12,11) (15,8) (18,11) (22,11)
        (11,11) (11,12) (14,9) (18,13) (22,13)

shortest from (21,11) to (1,11):
        (21,11) (21,12) (19,10) (14,10) (10,10) (8,8) (4,8) (1,11)

shortest from (1,11) to (21,11):
        (1,11) (2,10) (5,13) (9,9) (15,3) (20,8) (20,10) (21,11)

longestshortest paths (length 9) :
        (1,11) (1,12) (4,9) (6,9) (8,9) (14,15) (16,17) (17,16) (18,16) (20,14)
        (2,9) (2,10) (5,7) (8,7) (8,9) (14,15) (16,17) (17,16) (18,16) (20,14)
        (12,21) (12,19) (12,17) (12,16) (12,12) (12,11) (15,8) (15,5) (15,2) (14,2)
        (7,3) (7,4) (5,4) (8,7) (8,9) (14,15) (16,17) (17,16) (18,16) (20,14)
        (10,21) (10,20) (9,19) (9,16) (9,9) (15,3) (15,8) (15,5) (15,2) (14,2)
        (2,13) (2,15) (3,15) (6,12) (12,18) (13,19) (13,20) (17,16) (18,16) (20,14)
        (11,21) (11,20) (11,16) (11,17) (11,13) (13,11) (17,7) (15,5) (15,2) (14,2)

not reached from HQ:
        (2,18) (4,3) (18,20)

longest reinforcement from HQ is 6 for:
        (11,11) (11,12) (11,15) (13,17) (13,19) (13,20) (17,20)
        (11,11) (11,12) (11,15) (11,17) (7,17) (7,20) (6,20)
        (11,11) (12,11) (9,14) (6,17) (4,17) (4,18) (3,19)
        (11,11) (11,12) (14,12) (16,12) (20,12) (21,11) (22,12)
        (11,11) (11,12) (14,15) (16,17) (17,16) (18,16) (20,14)


Using a simple breadth-first search. Parts 1 and 2 and extra credit.

constant gmooh = split("""
constant width = length(gmooh[1]),
         height = length(gmooh),
         d = {{-1,-1},{0,-1},{+1,-1},
              {-1, 0},       {+1, 0},
sequence routes -- {cost,fromy,fromx} for each gmooh[][].
procedure search(integer y, x)
-- simple breadth-first search, populates routes
-- (this isn't strictly dijkstra, because graph edges are not weighted)
integer cost = 0
sequence route = {{y,x}},
         next = {}
    routes = repeat(repeat(0,width),height)
    routes[y,x] = {0,y,x} -- zero-cost the starting point
    while 1 do
        integer n = gmooh[y,x]-'0'
        for di=1 to length(d) do
            integer {dx,dy} = d[di]
            integer {rx,ry} = {x+n*dx,y+n*dy}
            if rx>=1 and rx<=width 
            and ry>=1 and ry<=height
            and gmooh[ry,rx]>='0' then
                object ryx = routes[ry,rx]
                if ryx=0
                or ryx[1]>cost+1 then
                    routes[ry,rx] = {cost+1,y,x}
                    if gmooh[ry,rx]>'0' then
                        next = append(next,{cost+1,ry,rx})
                        -- (if the graph was weighted, at this point
                        --   that would get shuffled up into place.)
                    end if
                end if
            end if
        end for
        if length(next)=0 then exit end if
        {cost,y,x} = next[1]
        next = next[2..$]
    end while
end procedure
function get_route(sequence yx)
integer {y,x} = yx
integer cost
sequence res = {{y,x}}
    while 1 do
        {cost,y,x} = routes[y,x]
        if cost=0 then exit end if
        res = prepend(res,{y,x})
    end while
    return res
end function
procedure show_shortest_routes_to_safety()
integer shortest = 9999
sequence res = {}
    for x=1 to width do
        for y=1 to height do
            if gmooh[y,x]='0' then
                object ryx = routes[y,x]
                if ryx!=0 then
                    integer cost = ryx[1]
                    if cost<=shortest then
                        if cost<shortest then
                            res = {}
                            shortest = cost
                        end if
                        res = append(res,{y,x})
                    end if
                end if
            end if
        end for
    end for
    string {areis,s} = iff(length(res)>1?{"are","s"}:{"is",""})
    printf(1,"There %s %d shortest route%s of %d days to safety:\n",{areis,length(res),s,shortest})
    for i=1 to length(res) do
    end for
end procedure
procedure show_unreachable()
sequence res = {}
    for x=1 to width do
        for y=1 to height do
            if gmooh[y,x]>='0'
            and routes[y,x]=0 then
                res = append(res,{y,x})
            end if
        end for
    end for
    puts(1,"The following cells are unreachable:\n")
end procedure
procedure show_longest()
integer longest = 0
sequence res = {}
    for x=1 to width do
        for y=1 to height do
            if gmooh[y,x]>='0' then
                object ryx = routes[y,x]
                if ryx!=0 then
                    integer rl = ryx[1]
                    if rl>=longest then
                        if rl>longest then
                            res = {}
                            longest = rl
                        end if
                        res  = append(res,{y,x})
                    end if
                end if
            end if
        end for
    end for
    printf(1,"There are %d cells that take %d days to send reinforcements to\n",{length(res),longest})
    for i=1 to length(res) do
    end for
end procedure
procedure main()
    -- see also below
    puts(1,"The shortest route from 22,12 to 2,12:\n")
    puts(1,"The shortest route from 2,12 to 22,12:\n")
    -- </see also below>
end procedure

Note: Phix indexes are 1-based and therefore so too are these results.

There are 40 shortest routes of 4 days to safety:
The shortest route from 22,12 to 2,12:
The shortest route from 2,12 to 22,12:
The following cells are unreachable:
There are 5 cells that take 6 days to send reinforcements to

Alternative using Floyd-Warshall for Part 2, and finding the longest shortest path between any two points.

--(same constants as above: gmooh, width, height, d)
constant inf = 1e300*1e300
sequence dist, next, pmap = {}
function fw_path(integer u, v)
sequence res = {}
    if next[u,v]!=null then
        sequence path = {sprintf("{%d,%d}",pmap[u])}
        while u!=v do
           u = next[u,v]
           path = append(path,sprintf("{%d,%d}",pmap[u]))
        end while
        res = join(path,"->")
    end if
    return res
end function
procedure show_fw_path(integer u, v)
    printf(1,"{%d,%d}->{%d,%d}   %2d   %s\n",pmap[u]&pmap[v]&{dist[u,v],fw_path(u,v)})
end procedure
procedure FloydWarshall()
integer point = 0
sequence weights = {},
         points = repeat(repeat(0,width),height)
    -- First number the points...
    for x=1 to width do
        for y=1 to height do
            if gmooh[y,x]>='0' then
                point += 1
                points[y,x] = point
                pmap = append(pmap,{y,x})
            end if
        end for
    end for
    -- ...and then a set of edges (all of which have a "weight" of 1 day)
    for x=1 to width do
        for y=1 to height do
            if gmooh[y,x]>'0' then
                integer n = gmooh[y,x]-'0'
                for di=1 to length(d) do
                    integer {dx,dy} = d[di]
                    integer {rx,ry} = {x+n*dx,y+n*dy}
                    if rx>=1 and rx<=width 
                    and ry>=1 and ry<=height
                    and gmooh[ry,rx]>='0' then
--                      weights = append(weights,{points[y,x],points[ry,rx],1})
                        weights = append(weights,{points[y,x],points[ry,rx]})
                    end if
                end for
            end if
        end for
    end for
    -- Before applying Floyd-Warshall
    integer V = length(pmap)
    dist = repeat(repeat(inf,V),V)
    next = repeat(repeat(null,V),V)
    for k=1 to length(weights) do
--      integer {u,v,w} = weights[k]
        integer {u,v} = weights[k]
--      dist[u,v] := w  -- the weight of the edge (u,v)
        dist[u,v] := 1  -- the weight of the edge (u,v)
        next[u,v] := v
    end for
    -- standard Floyd-Warshall implementation,
    -- with the optimisation of avoiding processing of self/infs,
    -- which surprisingly makes quite a noticeable difference.
    for k=1 to V do
        for i=1 to V do
            if i!=k and dist[i,k]!=inf then
                for j=1 to V do
                    if j!=i and j!=k and dist[k,j]!=inf then
                        atom d = dist[i,k] + dist[k,j]
                        if d<dist[i,j] then
                            dist[i,j] := d
                            next[i,j] := next[i,k]
                        end if
                    end if
                end for
            end if
        end for
    end for
    integer maxd = 0, mi, mj
    for i=1 to V do
        for j=1 to V do
            if j!=i then
                atom d = dist[i,j]
                if d!=inf and d>maxd then
                    {maxd,mi,mj} = {d,i,j}
                end if
            end if
        end for
    end for
    printf(1,"Maximum shortest distance:\n") 
end procedure   
{22,12}->{2,12}    7   {22,12}->{21,11}->{20,11}->{15,11}->{11,11}->{9,9}->{5,9}->{2,12}
{2,12}->{22,12}    7   {2,12}->{3,11}->{6,14}->{10,10}->{16,4}->{21,9}->{21,11}->{22,12}
Maximum shortest distance:
{8,4}->{21,15}   9   {8,4}->{9,5}->{11,7}->{12,8}->{16,12}->{17,12}->{18,13}->{18,17}->{19,17}->{21,15}


Translation of: Perl
my $d = qq:to/END/;

my $w = $d.split("\n")».chars.max;
$d = $d.split("\n")».fmt("%-{$w}s").join("\n"); # pad lines to same length

my @directions = ( 1, -1, -$w-1, -$w, -$w+1, $w-1, $w, $w+1);
my @nodes.push: .pos - 1 for $d ~~ m:g/\d/;
my %dist = @nodes.race.map: { $_ => all-destinations([$_]) };

sub all-destinations (@queue) {
    my %to;
    my $dd = $d;
    while shift @queue -> $path {
        my $from = ($path.split(' '))[*-1];
        my $steps = $dd.substr($from, 1);
        next if $steps eq ' ';
        %to{$from} //= $path;
        next if $steps eq '0';
        $dd.substr-rw($from, 1) = '0';
        for @directions -> $dir {
            my $next = $from + $steps × $dir;
            next if $next < 0 or $next > $dd.chars;
            @queue.push: "$path $next" if $dd.substr($next, 1) ~~ /\d/;

sub   to-xy ($nodes) { join ' ', $nodes.split(' ').map: { '(' ~ join(',', floor($_/$w), $_%$w) ~ ')' } }
sub from-xy ($x, $y) { $x × $w + $y }

my $startpos = from-xy 11, 11;

my %routes;
%routes{.split(' ').elems}.push: .&to-xy
    for grep { .so }, map { %dist{$startpos}{$_} }, grep { '0' eq $d.substr($_, 1) }, @nodes;
my $n = %routes{ my $short-route = %routes.keys.sort.first }.elems;
say "Shortest escape routes ($n) of length {$short-route - 1}:\n\t" ~

say "\nShortest from (21,11) to  (1,11):\n\t" ~ %dist{from-xy 21, 11}{from-xy  1, 11}.&to-xy;
say "\nShortest from  (1,11) to (21,11):\n\t" ~ %dist{from-xy  1, 11}{from-xy 21, 11}.&to-xy;

my @long-short = reverse sort { .split(' ').elems }, gather %dist.deepmap(*.take);
my $l = @long-short[0].split(' ').elems;
say "\nLongest 'shortest' paths (length {$l-1}):";
say "\t" ~ .&to-xy for grep { .split(' ').elems == $l }, @long-short;

say "\nNot reachable from HQ:\n\t" ~ @nodes.grep({not %dist{$startpos}{$_}}).&to-xy;

my @HQ;
@HQ[.split(' ').elems].push: .&to-xy for %dist{$startpos}.values;
say "\nLongest reinforcement from HQ is {@HQ - 2} for:\n\t" ~ @HQ[*-1].join("\n\t");
Shortest escape routes (40) of length 4:
    (11,11) (11,12) (8,12) (6,12) (0,12)
    (11,11) (10,11) (7,11) (7,12) (1,6)
    (11,11) (11,12) (8,9) (2,9) (1,8)
    (11,11) (11,12) (8,9) (2,9) (1,9)
    (11,11) (10,10) (8,10) (5,13) (1,13)
    (11,11) (11,12) (8,9) (2,15) (1,14)
    (11,11) (11,12) (8,9) (2,15) (1,15)
    (11,11) (11,12) (8,9) (2,15) (1,16)
    (11,11) (10,10) (8,10) (5,7) (2,4)
    (11,11) (10,11) (7,8) (7,5) (2,5)
    (11,11) (11,12) (8,9) (2,15) (2,16)
    (11,11) (11,12) (11,9) (9,9) (3,3)
    (11,11) (10,11) (7,8) (4,5) (3,4)
    (11,11) (12,11) (12,14) (8,18) (3,18)
    (11,11) (12,11) (9,14) (6,17) (4,19)
    (11,11) (11,12) (8,9) (8,3) (6,1)
    (11,11) (10,10) (8,8) (8,4) (6,2)
    (11,11) (11,12) (11,15) (11,17) (7,21)
    (11,11) (11,12) (8,9) (8,3) (8,1)
    (11,11) (10,10) (8,8) (12,4) (9,1)
    (11,11) (11,12) (8,9) (14,3) (11,0)
    (11,11) (10,11) (7,8) (7,5) (12,0)
    (11,11) (12,10) (13,10) (13,5) (13,0)
    (11,11) (10,10) (12,8) (16,4) (13,1)
    (11,11) (12,11) (12,14) (16,18) (13,21)
    (11,11) (10,10) (8,8) (12,4) (15,1)
    (11,11) (11,12) (11,15) (11,17) (15,21)
    (11,11) (10,10) (12,8) (16,4) (16,1)
    (11,11) (10,11) (10,14) (12,16) (16,20)
    (11,11) (12,11) (12,14) (16,18) (16,21)
    (11,11) (12,11) (15,8) (15,5) (18,2)
    (11,11) (10,11) (13,8) (14,7) (18,3)
    (11,11) (11,12) (14,9) (18,5) (19,4)
    (11,11) (11,12) (14,15) (16,15) (19,18)
    (11,11) (11,12) (14,12) (16,12) (20,16)
    (11,11) (10,11) (13,11) (17,15) (20,18)
    (11,11) (12,10) (13,10) (18,15) (21,15)
    (11,11) (11,12) (14,9) (18,13) (22,9)
    (11,11) (12,11) (15,8) (18,11) (22,11)
    (11,11) (11,12) (14,9) (18,13) (22,13)

Shortest from (21,11) to  (1,11):
    (21,11) (21,12) (19,10) (14,10) (10,10) (8,8) (4,8) (1,11)

Shortest from  (1,11) to (21,11):
    (1,11) (2,10) (5,13) (9,9) (15,3) (20,8) (20,10) (21,11)

Longest 'shortest' paths (length 9):
    (7,3) (7,4) (5,4) (8,7) (8,9) (14,15) (16,17) (17,16) (18,16) (20,14)
    (10,21) (10,20) (9,19) (9,16) (9,9) (15,3) (15,8) (15,5) (15,2) (14,2)
    (11,21) (11,20) (11,16) (11,17) (11,13) (13,11) (17,7) (15,5) (15,2) (14,2)
    (12,21) (12,19) (12,17) (12,16) (12,12) (12,11) (15,8) (15,5) (15,2) (14,2)
    (1,11) (1,12) (4,9) (6,9) (8,9) (14,15) (16,17) (17,16) (18,16) (20,14)
    (2,9) (2,10) (5,7) (8,7) (8,9) (14,15) (16,17) (17,16) (18,16) (20,14)
    (2,13) (2,15) (3,15) (6,12) (12,18) (13,19) (13,20) (17,16) (18,16) (20,14)

Not reachable from HQ:
    (2,18) (4,3) (18,20)

Longest reinforcement from HQ is 6 for:
    (11,11) (11,12) (11,15) (11,17) (7,17) (7,20) (6,20)
    (11,11) (11,12) (11,15) (13,17) (13,19) (13,20) (17,20)
    (11,11) (11,12) (14,12) (16,12) (20,12) (21,11) (22,12)
    (11,11) (11,12) (14,15) (16,17) (17,16) (18,16) (20,14)
    (11,11) (12,11) (9,14) (6,17) (4,17) (4,18) (3,19)


Translation of: Phix
Library: Wren-dynamic
Library: Wren-fmt

Translated via the Go entry which, like Wren, uses 0-based indices. The cell coordinates are therefore 1 less than Phix.

Initially, using a simple breadth-first search. Parts 1 and 2 and extra credit.

import "/dynamic" for Struct
import "/fmt" for Fmt

var gmooh = """

var width  = gmooh[0].count
var height = gmooh.count

var d = [[-1, -1], [0, -1], [1, -1], [-1, 0], [1, 0], [-1, 1], [0, 1], [1, 1]]

var Route = Struct.create("Route", ["cost", "fromy", "fromx"])
var zeroRoute = Route.new(0, 0, 0)
var routes = []  // route for each gmooh[][]

var equalRoutes = Fn.new { |r1, r2| r1.cost == r2.cost && r1.fromy == r2.fromy && r1.fromx == r2.fromx }

var search = Fn.new  { |y, x|
    // Simple breadth-first search, populates routes.
    // This isn't strictly Dijkstra because graph edges are not weighted.
    var cost = 0
    routes = List.filled(height, null)
    for (i in 0...height) {
        routes[i] = List.filled(width, null)
        for (j in 0...width) routes[i][j] = Route.new(0, 0, 0)
    routes[y][x] = Route.new(0, y, x)  // zero-cost, the starting point
    var next = []
    while (true) {
        var n = gmooh[y][x].bytes[0] - 48
        for (di in 0...d.count) {
            var dx = d[di][0]
            var dy = d[di][1]
            var rx = x + n * dx
            var ry = y + n * dy
            if (rx >= 0 && rx < width && ry >= 0 && ry < height && gmooh[rx][ry].bytes[0] >= 48) {
                var ryx = routes[ry][rx]
                if (equalRoutes.call(ryx, zeroRoute) || ryx.cost > cost+1) {
                    routes[ry][rx] = Route.new(cost + 1, y, x)
                    if (gmooh[ry][rx].bytes[0] > 48) {
                        next.add(Route.new(cost + 1, ry, rx))
                        // If the graph was weighted, at this point
                        // that would get shuffled up into place.
        if (next.count == 0) break
        cost = next[0].cost
        y    = next[0].fromy
        x    = next[0].fromx

var getRoute = Fn.new { |y, x|
    var cost = 0
    var res = [[y, x]]
    while(true) {
        cost = routes[y][x].cost
        var oldy = y
        y = routes[y][x].fromy
        x = routes[oldy][x].fromx
        if (cost == 0) break
        res.insert(0, [y, x])
    return res

var showShortest = Fn.new {
    var shortest = 9999
    var res = []
    for (x in 0...width) {
        for (y in 0...height) {
            if (gmooh[y][x] == "0") {
                var ryx = routes[y][x]
                if (!equalRoutes.call(ryx, zeroRoute)) {
                    var cost = ryx.cost
                    if (cost <= shortest) {
                        if (cost < shortest) {
                            shortest = cost
                        res.add([y, x])
    var areis = (res.count > 1) ? "are" :"is"
    var s     = (res.count > 1) ? "s" : ""
    Fmt.print("There $s $d shortest route$s of $d days to safety:", areis, res.count, s, shortest)
    for (r in res) System.print(getRoute.call(r[0], r[1]))

var showUnreachable = Fn.new {
    var res = []
    for (x in 0...width) {
        for (y in 0...height) {
            if (gmooh[y][x].bytes[0] >= 48 && equalRoutes.call(routes[y][x], zeroRoute)) {
                res.add([y, x])
    System.print("\nThe following cells are unreachable:")

var showLongest = Fn.new {
    var longest = 0
    var res = []
    for (x in 0...width) {
        for (y in 0...height) {
            if (gmooh[y][x].bytes[0] >= 48) {
                var ryx = routes[y][x]
                if (!equalRoutes.call(ryx, zeroRoute)) {
                    var rl = ryx.cost
                    if (rl >= longest) {
                        if (rl > longest) {
                            longest = rl
                        res.add([y, x])
    Fmt.print("\nThere are $d cells that take $d days to send reinforcements to:\n", res.count, longest)
    for (r in res) System.print(getRoute.call(r[0], r[1]))

search.call(11, 11)

search.call(21, 11)
System.print("\nThe shortest route from [21,11] to [1,11]:")
System.print(getRoute.call(1, 11))

search.call(1, 11)
System.print("\nThe shortest route from [1,11] to [21,11]:")
System.print(getRoute.call(21, 11))

search.call(11, 11)
There are 40 shortest routes of 4 days to safety:
[[11, 11], [11, 12], [8, 9], [14, 3], [11, 0]]
[[11, 11], [10, 11], [7, 8], [7, 5], [12, 0]]
[[11, 11], [12, 10], [13, 10], [13, 5], [13, 0]]
[[11, 11], [11, 12], [8, 9], [8, 3], [6, 1]]
[[11, 11], [11, 12], [8, 9], [8, 3], [8, 1]]
[[11, 11], [10, 10], [8, 8], [12, 4], [9, 1]]
[[11, 11], [10, 10], [12, 8], [16, 4], [13, 1]]
[[11, 11], [10, 10], [8, 8], [12, 4], [15, 1]]
[[11, 11], [10, 10], [12, 8], [16, 4], [16, 1]]
[[11, 11], [10, 10], [8, 8], [8, 4], [6, 2]]
[[11, 11], [12, 11], [15, 8], [15, 5], [18, 2]]
[[11, 11], [11, 10], [10, 9], [9, 9], [3, 3]]
[[11, 11], [10, 11], [13, 8], [14, 7], [18, 3]]
[[11, 11], [10, 10], [8, 10], [5, 7], [2, 4]]
[[11, 11], [10, 11], [7, 8], [4, 5], [3, 4]]
[[11, 11], [10, 10], [12, 8], [16, 4], [19, 4]]
[[11, 11], [10, 11], [7, 8], [7, 5], [2, 5]]
[[11, 11], [10, 11], [7, 11], [7, 12], [1, 6]]
[[11, 11], [10, 10], [8, 8], [4, 8], [1, 8]]
[[11, 11], [10, 10], [8, 10], [5, 13], [1, 9]]
[[11, 11], [11, 12], [14, 9], [18, 13], [22, 9]]
[[11, 11], [12, 11], [15, 8], [18, 11], [22, 11]]
[[11, 11], [10, 10], [8, 12], [6, 12], [0, 12]]
[[11, 11], [10, 10], [8, 10], [5, 13], [1, 13]]
[[11, 11], [11, 12], [14, 9], [18, 13], [22, 13]]
[[11, 11], [10, 11], [7, 8], [4, 11], [1, 14]]
[[11, 11], [11, 12], [8, 9], [2, 15], [1, 15]]
[[11, 11], [12, 10], [13, 10], [18, 15], [21, 15]]
[[11, 11], [11, 12], [8, 9], [2, 15], [1, 16]]
[[11, 11], [11, 12], [8, 9], [2, 15], [2, 16]]
[[11, 11], [10, 10], [12, 8], [16, 12], [20, 16]]
[[11, 11], [12, 11], [12, 14], [8, 18], [3, 18]]
[[11, 11], [11, 12], [14, 15], [16, 15], [19, 18]]
[[11, 11], [10, 11], [13, 11], [17, 15], [20, 18]]
[[11, 11], [12, 11], [9, 14], [6, 17], [4, 19]]
[[11, 11], [10, 11], [10, 14], [12, 16], [16, 20]]
[[11, 11], [11, 12], [11, 15], [11, 17], [7, 21]]
[[11, 11], [12, 11], [12, 14], [16, 18], [13, 21]]
[[11, 11], [11, 12], [11, 15], [11, 17], [15, 21]]
[[11, 11], [12, 11], [12, 14], [16, 18], [16, 21]]

The shortest route from [21,11] to [1,11]:
[[21, 11], [20, 10], [19, 9], [18, 9], [13, 4], [6, 11], [4, 11], [1, 11]]

The shortest route from [1,11] to [21,11]:
[[1, 11], [2, 10], [5, 13], [9, 9], [15, 3], [20, 8], [20, 10], [21, 11]]

The following cells are unreachable:
[[4, 3], [2, 18], [18, 20]]

There are 5 cells that take 6 days to send reinforcements to:

[[11, 11], [10, 10], [12, 8], [16, 12], [20, 12], [21, 11], [22, 12]]
[[11, 11], [11, 12], [14, 15], [16, 17], [17, 16], [18, 16], [20, 14]]
[[11, 11], [12, 11], [9, 14], [6, 17], [4, 17], [3, 17], [3, 19]]
[[11, 11], [10, 11], [7, 11], [7, 12], [7, 18], [7, 20], [6, 20]]
[[11, 11], [10, 11], [10, 14], [12, 16], [12, 20], [15, 20], [17, 20]]

Alternative using Floyd-Warshall for Part 2, and finding the longest shortest path between any two points.

import "/fmt" for Fmt

var gmooh = """

var width  = gmooh[0].count
var height = gmooh.count

var d = [[-1, -1], [0, -1], [1, -1], [-1, 0], [1, 0], [-1, 1], [0, 1], [1, 1]]

var dist = []
var next = []
var pmap = []

var max = 2147483647
var min = -1

var fwPath = Fn.new { |u, v|
    var res = ""
    if (next[u][v] != min) {
        var path = [pmap[u].toString]
        while (u != v) {
            u = next[u][v]
        res = path.join("->")
    return res

var showFwPath = Fn.new { |u, v|
    Fmt.print("$n->$n  $2d   $s", pmap[u], pmap[v], dist[u][v], fwPath.call(u, v))

var floydWarshall = Fn.new {
    var point = 0
    var weights = []
    var points = List.filled(height, null)
    for (i in 0...height) points[i] = List.filled(width, 0)
    // First number the points.
    for (x in 0...width) {
        for (y in 0...width) {
            if (gmooh[y][x].bytes[0] >= 48) {
                points[y][x] = point
                point = point + 1
                pmap.add([y, x])
    // ...and then a set of edges (all of which have a "weight" of 1 day)
    for (x in 0...width) {
        for (y in 0...height) {
            if (gmooh[y][x].bytes[0] > 48) {
                var n = gmooh[y][x].bytes[0] - 48
                for (di in 0...d.count) {
                    var dx = d[di][0]
                    var dy = d[di][1]
                    var rx = x + n * dx
                    var ry = y + n * dy
                    if (rx >= 0 && rx < width && ry >= 0 && ry < height && gmooh[rx][ry].bytes[0] >= 48) {
                        weights.add([points[y][x], points[ry][rx]])
    // Before applying Floyd-Warshall.
    var vv = pmap.count
    dist = List.filled(vv, null)
    next = List.filled(vv, null)
    for (i in 0...vv) {
        dist[i] = List.filled(vv, 0)
        next[i] = List.filled(vv, 0)
        for (j in 0...vv) {
            dist[i][j] = max
            next[i][j] = min
    for (k in 0...weights.count) {
        var u = weights[k][0]
        var v = weights[k][1]
        dist[u][v] = 1  // the weight of the edge (u,v)
        next[u][v] = v
    // Standard Floyd-Warshall implementation,
    // with the optimization of avoiding processing of self/infs,
    // which surprisingly makes quite a noticeable difference.
    for (k in 0...vv) {
        for (i in 0...vv) {
            if (i != k && dist[i][k] != max) {
                for (j in 0...vv) {
                    if (j != i && j != k && dist[k][j] != max) {
                        var dd  = dist[i][k] + dist[k][j]
                        if (dd < dist[i][j]) {
                            dist[i][j] = dd
                            next[i][j] = next[i][k]
    showFwPath.call(points[21][11], points[1][11])
    showFwPath.call(points[1][11], points[21][11])
    var maxd = 0
    var mi   = 0
    var mj   = 0
    for (i in 0...vv) {
        for (j in 0...vv) {
            if (j != i) {
                var dd = dist[i][j]
                if (dd != max && dd > maxd) {
                    maxd = dd
                    mi = i
                    mj = j
    System.print("\nMaximum shortest distance:")
    showFwPath.call(mi, mj)

[21, 11]->[1, 11]   7   [21, 11]->[20, 10]->[19, 10]->[14, 10]->[10, 10]->[8, 8]->[4, 8]->[1, 11]
[1, 11]->[21, 11]   7   [1, 11]->[2, 10]->[5, 13]->[9, 9]->[15, 3]->[20, 8]->[20, 10]->[21, 11]

Maximum shortest distance:
[7, 3]->[20, 14]   9   [7, 3]->[8, 4]->[10, 6]->[11, 7]->[15, 11]->[16, 11]->[17, 12]->[17, 16]->[18, 16]->[20, 14]