Hough transform/Racket
This example splits the original image into 4 channels, and passes each of them
to a Racket place
. The places are implemented in modules, which
are invoked by name; which allows for multiple implementations (and, to be
honest, multiple transforms -- but we'll stick with Hough for now).
There are two modules:
- "Hough-transform-basic.rkt", which is easy to read, but runs with Racket's type-safety on (slowing it down)
- "Hough-transform-fast.rkt", which uses "unsafe-..." functions. These have been tested before being unleashed upon an unsuspecting public
The module implementations come first, followed by the code to split, delegate and remerge the image channels.
#lang racket
;;; Note that types are not mentioned here at all in this package
(provide hough-transform-channel)
;; For these half-quadrants, it's better to iterate by 'y'
(define (iterate-quadrant θ)
[(< θ 45) 'y]
[(< 315 θ) 'y]
[(and (< 135 θ) (< θ 225)) 'y]
[else 'x]])
(define (sub-hough-transform-channel w h trg-pxls trg-h deg-start deg-end chnl-pxls)
;; these constants appear repeatedly in the arithmetic
(define w/2 (/ w 2))
(define h/2 (/ h 2))
(for ((deg (in-range deg-start deg-end)))
;; all these worth pre-computing...
(define θ (degrees->radians deg))
(define cθ (cos θ))
(define sθ (sin θ))
(define i-q (iterate-quadrant deg))
(define (chnl-byte-idx x y) (+ (* y w) x))
(for ((ρ (in-range 0 trg-h)))
;; Sum the colors of the line with equation x*cos(θ) + y*sin(θ) = ρ
(define-values (S P)
(match i-q
['y ; else x quadrant
(for*/fold ((S 0) (P 0))
((y (in-range 0 h))
(x (in-value (+ w/2 (/ (- ρ (* (- h/2 y) sθ)) cθ))))
#:unless (or (< x 0) (>= x w))
(x (in-value (exact-round x)))
#:unless (= x w))
(values (+ S (bytes-ref chnl-pxls (chnl-byte-idx x y))) (+ P 1)))]
['x ; else x quadrant
(for*/fold ((S 0) (P 0))
((x (in-range 0 w))
(y (in-value (- h/2 (/ (- ρ (* (- x w/2) cθ)) sθ))))
#:unless (or (< y 0) (>= y h))
(y (in-value (exact-round y)))
#:unless (= y h))
(values (+ S (bytes-ref chnl-pxls (chnl-byte-idx x y))) (+ P 1)))]))
(when (> P 0)
(define idx (+ (* ρ 360) deg))
(bytes-set! trg-pxls idx 255) ; make it opaque (α = 255)
(bytes-set! trg-pxls idx (quotient S P))))))
;; does exception handling, and talking back to master process, leaving sub-hough-transform-channel to
;; do the biz.
(define (hough-transform-channel ch)
;; Message from on high is...
;; (list name s-w s-h t-chan t-h 0 360 s-chan)
(match-define (list name w h trg-pxls trg-h deg-start deg-end chnl-pxls) (place-channel-get ch))
(place-channel-put ch (cons name 'started))
;; "style" says to not handle the most general exception: but we're not expecting to generate
;; any, so wouldn't know any better would we?
[(exn? (λ (x) (place-channel-put ch (cons name (exn-message x)))))]
(sub-hough-transform-channel w h trg-pxls trg-h deg-start deg-end chnl-pxls)
(place-channel-put ch (cons name #t))))
Note the block:
(require racket/require)
(require (filtered-in
(λ (name) (regexp-replace #rx"unsafe-" name ""))
#;(require racket/flonum racket/fixnum)
This uses unsafe, but fast, versions of fx...
and fl...
functions. If (especially during development and testing), one of these functions receives a non-{fix,flo}num value, then you could lose your interpreter... even DrRacket won't save you. 'Unsafe' means 'unsafe'! So until you are confident use:
(require racket/require)
#;(require (filtered-in
(λ (name) (regexp-replace #rx"unsafe-" name ""))
(require racket/flonum racket/fixnum)
Racket type checks and raises exceptions against fx...
and fl...
functions. Once these are purged, you can remove your safety harness!
#lang racket
;;; This module tries to be a little smarter about types. It *should* prove to be better performing
;;; than "Hough-transform-basic.rkt"; which spends a lot of time shuffling between the integer-based
;;; image coordinates and the floatier trignonmetric coordiantes. Here, we run two sets of coordinates
;;; (and variables). When a variable has two parallel values they are suffixed with '-x', for fixnum
;;; and suffixed with '-f' for float. As far as possible, they will be generated and manipulated as
;;; closely as possible to each other.
;;; At some point (after testing) we will require the unsafe versions of the fl... functions
(require racket/require)
(require (filtered-in
(λ (name) (regexp-replace #rx"unsafe-" name ""))
#;(require racket/flonum racket/fixnum)
(provide hough-transform-channel)
;; For these half-quadrants, it's better to iterate by 'y'
(define (iterate-quadrant deg) ; degrees are fixnum
[(fx< deg 45) 'y]
[(fx< 315 deg) 'y]
[(and (fx< 135 deg) (fx< deg 225)) 'y]
[else 'x]])
(define (sub-hough-transform-channel w h trg-pxls trg-h deg-start deg-end chnl-pxls)
;; these constants appear repeatedly in the arithmetic
(define w-f (fx->fl w))
(define h-f (fx->fl h))
(define w/2 (fl/ w-f 2.))
(define h/2 (fl/ h-f 2.))
(for ((deg (in-range deg-start deg-end)))
;; all these worth pre-computing...
(define i-q (iterate-quadrant deg))
;; the fx->fl below catches 0 (since degrees->radians can say, exactly, that pi*0/180 is 0)
(define θ (degrees->radians (fx->fl deg)))
(define cθ (flcos θ))
(define sθ (flsin θ))
(define (chnl-byte-idx x y) (fx+ (fx* y w) x))
(for* ((ρ-x (in-range 0 trg-h)))
(define ρ-f (fx->fl ρ-x))
;; Sum the colors of the line with equation x*cos(θ) + y*sin(θ) = ρ
(define-values (S P)
(match i-q
;; in Hough-transform-basic, these two loops were for*/fold, which the racket documentation
;; itself confesses can be a little slow. We'll run out own named let loop to do the work
;; for us here
(let inr ((S 0) (P 0) (y-f 0.))
[(fl>= y-f h-f) (values S P)]
(define x-f (+ w/2 (fl/ (fl- ρ-f (fl* (fl- h/2 y-f) sθ)) cθ)))
(define y+1 (fl+ y-f 1.))
(cond [(or (fl< x-f 0.) (fl>= x-f w-f)) (inr S P y+1)]
(define x-x (exact-round x-f))
(cond [(= x-x w) (inr S P y+1)]
(define y-x (exact-round y-f))
(define idx (chnl-byte-idx x-x y-x))
(inr (fx+ S (bytes-ref chnl-pxls idx)) (fx+ P 1) y+1)])])]))]
['x ; else x quadrant
(let inr ((S 0) (P 0) (x-f 0.))
[(fl>= x-f w-f) (values S P)]
(define y-f (fl- h/2 (fl/ (fl- ρ-f (fl* (fl- x-f w/2) cθ)) sθ)))
(define x+1 (fl+ x-f 1.))
(cond [(or (fl< y-f 0.) (fl>= y-f h-f)) (inr S P x+1)]
(define y-x (exact-round y-f))
(cond [(= y-x h) (inr S P x+1)]
(define x-x (exact-round x-f))
(define idx (chnl-byte-idx x-x y-x))
(inr (fx+ S (bytes-ref chnl-pxls idx)) (fx+ P 1) x+1)])])]))]))
(when (fx> P 0)
(define idx (fx+ (fx* ρ-x 360) deg))
(bytes-set! trg-pxls idx 255) ; make it opaque (α = 255)
(bytes-set! trg-pxls idx (fxquotient S P))))))
;; does exception handling, and talking back to master process, leaving sub-hough-transform-channel to
;; do the biz.
;; Message from on high is...
;; (list name s-w s-h t-chan t-h 0 360 s-chan)
(define (hough-transform-channel ch)
(match-define (list name w h trg-pxls trg-h deg-start deg-end chnl-pxls) (place-channel-get ch))
(place-channel-put ch (cons name 'started))
;; "style" says to not handle the most general exception: but we're not expecting to generate
;; any, so wouldn't know any better would we?
[(exn? (λ (x) (place-channel-put ch (cons name (exn-message x)))))]
(sub-hough-transform-channel w h trg-pxls trg-h deg-start deg-end chnl-pxls)
(place-channel-put ch (cons name #t))))
This is the main program, delegating to the module above. Ignoring all of the the image processing for now, you should be able to use the (let wait-places ...)
loop more generally.
Note that:
(place-channel-put plce (list c-name s-w s-h t-chan t-h 0 360 s-chan))
in this file, is reflected by:
(match-define (list name w h trg-pxls trg-h deg-start deg-end chnl-pxls) (place-channel-get ch))
in the submodules, which in turn is matched by:
(define (sub-hough-transform-channel w h trg-pxls trg-h deg-start deg-end chnl-pxls) ...)
#lang racket
;;; Derived from a port of TCL (hence the colouring of the output)
;;; This seems to be quite hard work for racket's number type pyramid, since we cast from coordinates
;;; (integers) to polar coordinates (floats) and back to coordinates.
;;; The three modules experiment with three implementations.
;;; basic - the first is a transcription of the TCL module. I could understand that better than most
;;; of the others!
;;; fast - does manual type-casting and unleashes the unsafe-fx and unsafe-fl functionality.
;;; But it's a bit seat of the pants!
;;; In all three cases, we separate the image into channels. This simplifies the transformation
;;; function to just one channel (and the alpha channel for aesthetics); but also allows for
;;; parallelisation, maybe even distributon with "place"s.
;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(define IMAGE-DEPTH 4) ; the image depth ARGB bytes in a byte array
;; the Python version works over only one channel; that's obviously three times faster than doing the
;; three colour channels... but works for the monochrome example in the task. Use this to transform
;; all channels independently.
(define USE-CHANNELS? (if #t #(#f #t #t #t) #(#f #t #f #f)))
(define CHANNEL-NAMES #(α red green blue))
(define BACKGROUND-COLOUR (shared-bytes 255 192 255 192)); A colour to show the unmodified background
;; Function to transform an original image file name to it's "houghed" name
(define (hough-output-file-name source-filename)
(path-replace-suffix (string->path source-filename) "-Hough.png"))
(define-logger hough-transform)
(current-logger hough-transform-logger)
;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;;; MAIN
;;; Whatever happens, we'll need to read a file, transform it and write a file...
;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;; This module contains the necessary for bitmap handling, file handling and place-farming. So the
;; transformation functions will be handling "bytes", shared byte vectors of (A R G B ...) bytes.
(require racket/draw)
;; split the bitmap (and its bytes) into channels. As we do this, we generate some interesting data
;; which we will pass back to our caller.
(define (bitmap->channel-bytes&c bmp use-chnls?)
(define w (send bmp get-width))
(define h (send bmp get-height))
(define sz (* w h IMAGE-DEPTH))
(define bmp-bytes (make-bytes sz))
(define (extract-channel offset)
(define chnl (make-shared-bytes (/ sz IMAGE-DEPTH)))
(for ((i (in-naturals)) (b (in-bytes bmp-bytes offset sz IMAGE-DEPTH))) (bytes-set! chnl i b))
(values offset chnl))
(send bmp get-argb-pixels 0 0 w h bmp-bytes #f #f)
(define-values (offsets channels)
(for/lists (offsts chnls) ((offset (in-naturals)) (wanted? use-chnls?) #:when wanted?)
(extract-channel offset)))
(values w h sz offsets channels))
;; Prepare our source and destination byte arrays and bitmaps. Farm them out to channel-transforming
;; places
(define (hough-transform-image source-bitmap place-module xform-function-name)
(define-values (s-w s-h s-sz channel-offsets s-channels)
(bitmap->channel-bytes&c source-bitmap USE-CHANNELS?))
(define t-h (round (/ (sqrt (+ (sqr s-w) (sqr s-h))) 2)))
(define t-w 360) ; degrees
(define t-sz (* t-h t-w))
; prepare the target channels...
(define t-channels (for/list ((init BACKGROUND-COLOUR)) (make-shared-bytes t-sz init)))
(define channel-xform-places-chs
((offset channel-offsets)
(s-chan s-channels))
(define c-name (vector-ref CHANNEL-NAMES offset))
(define t-chan (list-ref t-channels offset))
(define plce (dynamic-place place-module xform-function-name))
(place-channel-put plce (list c-name s-w s-h t-chan t-h 0 360 s-chan))
(log-info "wait place start... ")
(let ((go (place-channel-get plce))) (log-info "~a" go))
(let wait-places ((chs channel-xform-places-chs))
(unless (null? chs)
(log-info "Wait ~a places... " (length chs)) (flush-output)
(define evt-wraps
(for/list ((ch chs) (i (in-naturals)))
(λ (v)
(log-info "place #~a: ~a" i v)
(define-values (L R) (split-at chs i))
(wait-places (append L (cdr R)))))))
(apply sync evt-wraps)))
;; put Humpty together again
(define t-bytes (make-bytes (* t-sz IMAGE-DEPTH)))
(for ((offset (in-naturals))
(t-chan t-channels))
(for ((t-idx (in-range t-sz))
(b-idx (in-range offset (* t-sz IMAGE-DEPTH) IMAGE-DEPTH)))
(bytes-set! t-bytes b-idx (bytes-ref t-chan t-idx))))
(define target-bitmap (make-object bitmap% 360 t-h #f #t))
(send target-bitmap set-argb-pixels 0 0 360 t-h t-bytes)
(define (transform-image source-file-name place-module (xform-function-name 'hough-transform-channel))
(define source-image (make-object bitmap% source-file-name))
(define target-image (hough-transform-image source-image place-module xform-function-name))
(send target-image save-file (hough-output-file-name source-file-name) 'png)
;;; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
(module+ main
(transform-image "180px-Pentagon.png" "Hough-transform-basic.rkt")
(transform-image "180px-Pentagon.png" "Hough-transform-fast.rkt")