
Revision as of 18:41, 10 February 2013 by rosettacode>Darrellp (Doh! Forgot to eliminate top and bottom blank lines in xaml also.)

The task is to produce a matrix of 20 hexagon shaped widgets in a honeycomb arrangement. The matrix should be arranged in such a manner that there are five columns of four hexagons. The hexagons in columns one, three and five are aligned horizontally, whereas the hexagons in columns two and four occupy a lower position within the arrangement. Each hexagon should be the same colour, and should display a unique randomly selected single capital letter on the front. The application should now wait for the user to select a hexagon, either by using a pointing device, or by pressing a key that carries a corresponding letter on a hexagon. For platforms that support pointing devices and keyboards, the application should support both methods of selection. A record of the chosen letters should be maintained and the code should be suitably commented, at the point where the the selected letter has been determined. The selected hexagon should now change colour on the display. The cycle repeats until the user has chosen all of the letters. Note that each letter can only be selected once and previously selected hexagons retain their colour after selection. The program terminates when all letters have been chosen.

You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Optionally: output the list of selected letters and show the last selected letter, cater for a different number of columns or a different number of hexagons in each column, cater for two players, (turns alternate and the hexagons change a different colour depending on whether they were selected by player one or player two and records of both players selections are maintained.)


<lang bbcbasic> ALTERNATE = 1

     VDU 23,22,252;252;8,16,16,128
     *FONT Arial,24,B
     Letters% = !^Letters$
     FOR i% = 0 TO 24
       SWAP Letters%?i%, Letters%?(i%+RND(26-i%)-1)
     DIM xpos%(20), ypos%(20), hrgn%(20)
     C% = 1
     FOR Y% = 36 TO 192 STEP 52
       FOR X% = 35 TO 215 STEP 90
         xpos%(C%) = X%
         ypos%(C%) = Y%
         C% += 1
       FOR X% = 80 TO 170 STEP 90
         xpos%(C%) = X%
         ypos%(C%) = Y%+26
         C% += 1
     REM Plot the hexagons:
     FOR C% = 1 TO 20
       hrgn%(C%) = FNplothexagon(xpos%(C%), ypos%(C%), &00FFFF, \
       \           MID$(Letters$,C%,1), &0000FF)
     SYS "InvalidateRect", @hwnd%, 0, 0
     REM Initialise word selected:
     Word$ = ""
     REM Monitor mouse clicks:
     ON MOUSE PROCmouse(@wparam%,@lparam%) : RETURN
     REM Monitor keypresses:
       key$ = INKEY$(1)
       IF key$ >= "a" key$ = CHR$(ASCkey$-32)
       C% = INSTR(Letters$, key$)
       IF C% IF C%<21 IF hrgn%(C%) PROCselect(C%)
     REM Select a hexagon with the keyboard or mouse:
     DEF PROCselect(C%)
     hrgn%(C%) = 0 * FNplothexagon(xpos%(C%), ypos%(C%), &FF00FF, \
     \               MID$(Letters$,C%,1), &000000)
     SYS "InvalidateRect", @hwnd%, 0, 0
     Word$ += MID$(Letters$, C%, 1)
     SYS "SetWindowText", @hwnd%, Word$
     DEF PROCmouse(W%, L%)
     LOCAL C%, R%
     IF W%<>1 ENDPROC
     FOR C% = 1 TO 20
       SYS "PtInRegion", hrgn%(C%), L% AND &FFFF, L% >>> 16 TO R%
       IF R% PROCselect(C%)
     DEF FNplothexagon(x%, y%, hcol%, text$, tcol%)
     LOCAL brush%, pen%, hrgn%, pt%(), size{}
     DIM pt%(5,1), size{dx%,dy%}
     pt%() = x%-30,y%,x%-15,y%+26,x%+15,y%+26,x%+30,y%,x%+15,y%-26,x%-15,y%-26
     SYS "CreatePen", 0, 3, 0 TO pen%
     SYS "CreateSolidBrush", hcol% TO brush%
     SYS "SelectObject", @memhdc%, pen% TO pen%
     SYS "SelectObject", @memhdc%, brush% TO brush%
     SYS "Polygon", @memhdc%, ^pt%(0,0), 6
     SYS "SelectObject", @memhdc%, pen% TO pen%
     SYS "SelectObject", @memhdc%, brush% TO brush%
     SYS "DeleteObject", pen%
     SYS "DeleteObject", brush%
     SYS "GetTextExtentPoint32", @memhdc%, text$, LEN(text$), size{}
     SYS "SetTextColor", @memhdc%, tcol%
     SYS "SetBkColor", @memhdc%, hcol%
     SYS "TextOut", @memhdc%, x%-size.dx%/2, y%-size.dy%/2, text$, LEN(text$)
     SYS "CreatePolygonRgn", ^pt%(0,0), 6, ALTERNATE TO hrgn%
     = hrgn%</lang>



<lang C>

/* Program for gtk3 */ /* discovery: essential to use consistent documentation */ /* compilation on linux: */ /* $ a=./hexagon && make -k "CFLAGS=$( pkg-config --cflags gtk+-3.0 )" "LOADLIBES=$( pkg-config --libs gtk+-3.0 )" $a && $a --gtk-debug=all */ /* search for to do */ /* The keyboard and mouse callbacks increment the "selected" status, */ /* of the matching hexagon, */ /* then invalidate the drawing window which triggers a draw event. */ /* The draw callback redraws the screen and tests for completion, */ /* upon which the program spits back the characters selected and exits */

  1. include<math.h>
  2. include<string.h>
  3. include<stdlib.h>
  4. include<gtk/gtk.h>

static GdkPixbuf*create_pixbuf(const gchar*filename) {

 GError*error = NULL;
 pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_file(filename, &error);
 if(!pixbuf) {
   fprintf(stderr,"\n%s\n", error->message);
 return pixbuf;


  1. define NGON struct ngon


 double Cx,Cy, r;
 int sides, selected;
 char c;


GRand*random_numbers = NULL;

  1. define R 20
  2. define TAU (2*M_PI) /* http://laughingsquid.com/pi-is-wrong/ */
  3. define OFFSET_X (1+sin(TAU/12))
  4. define OFFSET_Y (cos(TAU/12))
  5. define ODD(A) ((A)&1)

static void initialize_hexagons(NGON*hs,size_t n) {

 gint i,broken;
 GQueue*shuffler = g_queue_new();
 if (NULL == shuffler) {
   fputs("\ncannot allocate shuffling queue.  quitting!\n",stderr);
 /* randomize characters by stuffing them onto a double end queue
    and popping them off from random positions */
 if ((broken = (NULL == random_numbers)))
   random_numbers = g_rand_new();
 for (i = 'A'; i <= 'Z'; ++i)
 hs[n-1].sides = -1;		/* assign the sentinel */
 for (h = hs; !h->sides; ++h) {
   int div = (h-hs)/4, mod = (h-hs)%4;
   h->sides = 6;
   h->c = GPOINTER_TO_INT(

g_queue_pop_nth( shuffler, g_rand_int_range( random_numbers, (gint32)0, (gint32)g_queue_get_length(shuffler))));

   h->r = R;
   h->Cx = R*(2+div*OFFSET_X), h->Cy = R*(2*(1+mod*OFFSET_Y)+ODD(div)*OFFSET_Y);
 if (broken)


static void add_loop(cairo_t*cr,NGON*hs,int select) {

 double r,Cx,Cy,x,y;
 int i, sides;
 for (h = hs; 0 < (sides = h->sides); ++h)
   if ((select && h->selected) || (select == h->selected)) {
     r = h->r, Cx = h->Cx, Cy = h->Cy;
     i = 0;
     x = Cx+r*cos(TAU*i/sides), y = Cy+r*sin(TAU*i/sides), cairo_move_to(cr,x,y);
     for (i = 1; i < sides; ++i)
       x = Cx+r*cos(TAU*i/sides), y = Cy+r*sin(TAU*i/sides), cairo_line_to(cr,x,y);


static int make_labels(cairo_t*cr,NGON*hs,int select) {

 int i = 0;
 char text[2];
 text[1] = 0;
 for (h = hs; 0 < h->sides; ++h)
   if ((select && h->selected) || (select == h->selected))
     /* yuck, need to measure the font.  Better to use pango_cairo */
     *text = h->c, cairo_move_to(cr,h->Cx,h->Cy), cairo_show_text(cr,text), ++i;
 return i;


static int archive(int a) {

 static GQueue*q = NULL;
 if ((NULL == q) && (NULL == (q = g_queue_new()))) {
   fputs("\ncannot allocate archival queue.  quitting!\n",stderr);
 if (a < -1)			/* reset */
   return g_queue_free(q), q = NULL, 0;
 if (-1 == a)			/* pop off tail */
   return g_queue_is_empty(q) ? 0 : GPOINTER_TO_INT(g_queue_pop_tail(q));
 if (!a)			/* peek most recent entry */
   return g_queue_is_empty(q) ? 0 : GPOINTER_TO_INT(g_queue_peek_head(q));
 g_queue_push_head(q,GINT_TO_POINTER(a)); /* store */
 return a;


/* to do: use appropriate sizing, use the cairo transformation matrix */ static gboolean draw(GtkWidget*widget,cairo_t*cr,gpointer data) {

 /* unselected fill in yellow */
 /* selected fill, purple */
 /* all outlines gray, background shows through, fun fun! */
 cairo_set_line_width (cr, 3.0);
 /* select labels */
 /* unselected labels */
 /* to do: clean up this exit code */
 if (!make_labels(cr,(NGON*)data,0)) {
   int c;
   while ((c = archive(-1)))
 return TRUE;


/*the widget is a GtkDrawingArea*/ static gboolean button_press_event(GtkWidget*widget,const GdkEvent*event,gpointer data) {

 NGON*h,*hs = (NGON*)data;
 gdouble x_win, y_win;
 if (!gdk_event_get_coords(event,&x_win,&y_win))
   fputs("\nBUTTON, gdk_event_get_coords(event,&x_win,&y_win)) failed\n",stderr);
 else {
   fprintf(stderr,"x_win=%g y_win=%g\n",(double)x_win,(double)y_win);
   for (h = hs; 0 < h->sides; ++h) /* detection algorithm: */
     /* if mouse click within inner radius of hexagon */
     /* Much easier than all in-order cross products have same sign test! */
     if ((pow((x_win-h->Cx),2)+pow((y_win-h->Cy),2)) < pow((h->r*cos(TAU/(180/h->sides))),2)) {

++h->selected; archive(h->c); /* discovery: gdk_window_invalidate_region with NULL second argument does not work */ gdk_window_invalidate_rect(gtk_widget_get_window(widget),(const GdkRectangle*)NULL,TRUE); break;

 return TRUE;


static gboolean key_press_event(GtkWidget*widget,const GdkEvent*event,gpointer data) {

 NGON*h,*hs = (NGON*)data;
 guint keyval;
 int unicode;
 if (!gdk_event_get_keyval(event,&keyval))
   fputs("\nKEY!  gdk_event_get_keyval(event,&keyval)) failed.\n",stderr);
 else {
   unicode = (int)gdk_keyval_to_unicode(gdk_keyval_to_upper(keyval));
   fprintf(stderr,"key with unicode value: %d\n",unicode);
   for (h = hs; 0 < h->sides; ++h) /* look for a matching character associated with a hexagon */
     if (h->c == unicode) {

++(h->selected); archive(h->c); /* discovery: gdk_window_invalidate_region with NULL second argument does not work */ gdk_window_invalidate_rect(gtk_widget_get_window(widget),(const GdkRectangle*)NULL,TRUE); break;

 return TRUE;


int main(int argc,char*argv[]) {

 GtkWidget *window, *vbox, /* *label, */ *drawing_area;
 NGON ngons[21];	   /* sentinal has negative number of sides */
 /* discovery: gtk_init removes gtk debug flags, such as --gtk-debug=all */
 /*   also calls gdk_init which handles --display and --screen or other X11 communication issues */
 gtk_init(&argc, &argv);
 /* GTK VERSION 3.2.0 */
 window = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
 /* discovery: to make window transparent I have to use the alpha channel correctly */
 /* discovery: GTK_WINDOW(GtkWidget*) casts the widget to window */
 /* discovery: window in the function name?  use GTK_WINDOW.  g_ in function name?  use G_OBJECT */
 gtk_window_set_title(GTK_WINDOW(window), "Rosetta Code Honeycomb, C with GTK");
 gtk_window_set_default_size(GTK_WINDOW(window), 308, 308+12+8); /* XxY */
 /* discovery: making the window vanish does not stop the program */
 /* discovery: NULL is placeholder for extra data sent to the callback */
 /* I created /tmp/favicon.ico from http://rosettacode.org/favicon.ico */
 /* Your window manager could use the icon, if it exists, and you fix the file name */
 vbox = gtk_vbox_new(TRUE,1);
 /* to do: fix the label widget */
 /* I did not learn to control multiple box packing, and I was */
 /* too lazy to make the label widget accessible.  Plan was to */
 /* insert the most recent character using "peek" option of the archive */
  1. if 0
 label = gtk_label_new("None Selected");
  1. endif
 drawing_area = gtk_drawing_area_new();
 random_numbers = g_rand_new();
 /* Discovery: expose_event changed to draw signal.  We no longer need configure-event */
 gtk_widget_set_size_request(drawing_area, 308, 308); /* XxY */
 /* Discovery: must allow focus to receive keyboard events */
 /* Discovery: can set show for individual widgets or use show_all */

} </lang>


<lang csharp>using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Controls; using System.Windows.Input; using System.Windows.Media; using System.Windows.Shapes;

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // namespace: Honeycombs // // summary: WPF implementation of Rosetta Code Honeycombs task. Uses Polygon shapes as hexes. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

namespace Honeycombs {

   public partial class MainWindow
       private const int RowCount = 4;
       private const int ColCount = 5;
       private const int LabelSize = 20;
       private readonly char[] _permutedChars;
       public MainWindow()
           if (RowCount * ColCount > 26)
  1. pragma warning disable 162
               throw new ArgumentException("Too many cells");
  1. pragma warning restore 162
           _permutedChars = GetPermutedChars(RowCount * ColCount);
           // VS Generated code not included
       private static char[] GetPermutedChars(int characterCount)
           const string allChars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
           var rnd = new Random();
           var chars = new char[allChars.Length];
           for (int i = 0; i < allChars.Length; i++)
               chars[i] = allChars[i];
           for (int i = 0; i < characterCount; i++)
               int swapIndex = rnd.Next() % (allChars.Length - i);
               char tmp = chars[swapIndex + i];
               chars[swapIndex + i] = chars[i];
               chars[i] = tmp;
           return chars;
       private void SetHexProperties(UIElementCollection hexes, double cellSize)
           int charIndex = 0;
           List<Polygon> hexList = hexes.Cast<Polygon>().ToList();
           foreach (Polygon element in hexList)
               SetHexProperties(element, _permutedChars[charIndex++], cellSize);
       private void SetHexProperties(Polygon hex, char charToSet, double cellSize)
           var tag = (Tuple<int, int, double, double>) hex.Tag;
           double cellX = tag.Item3;
           double cellY = tag.Item4;
           // We place the text in a grid centered on the hex.
           // The grid will then center the text within itself.
           var centeringGrid = new Grid();
           centeringGrid.Width = centeringGrid.Height = 2 * cellSize;
           centeringGrid.SetValue(Canvas.LeftProperty, cellX - cellSize);
           centeringGrid.SetValue(Canvas.TopProperty, cellY - cellSize);
           centeringGrid.IsHitTestVisible = false;
           var label = new TextBlock
                   Text = new string(charToSet, 1),
                   FontFamily = new FontFamily("Segoe"),
                   FontSize = LabelSize
           label.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center;
           label.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
           label.IsHitTestVisible = false;
           // Reset the tag to keep track of the character in the hex
           hex.Tag = charToSet;
           hex.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Yellow);
           hex.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Black);
           hex.StrokeThickness = cellSize / 10;
           // Mouse down event handler for the hex
           hex.MouseDown += hex_MouseDown;
       private void hex_MouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
           var hex = sender as Shape;
           if (hex == null)
               throw new InvalidCastException("Non-shape in Honeycomb");
           // Get the letter for this hex
           var ch = (char) hex.Tag;
           // Add it to our Letters TextBlock
           Letters.Text = Letters.Text + ch;
           // Color the hex magenta
           hex.Fill = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Magenta);
           // Remove the mouse down event handler so we won't hit on this hex again
           hex.MouseDown -= hex_MouseDown;
       private static void GetCombSize(double actualHeight, double actualWidth, int columns, int rows,
                                       out double cellSize, out double combHeight, out double combWidth)
           double columnFactor = (3 * columns + 1) / 2.0;
           double rowFactor = (Math.Sqrt(3) * (2 * rows + 1)) / 2.0;
           double cellFromWidth = actualWidth / columnFactor;
           double cellFromHeight = actualHeight / rowFactor;
           cellSize = Math.Min(cellFromWidth, cellFromHeight);
           combWidth = cellSize * columnFactor;
           combHeight = cellSize * rowFactor;
       private static void AddCells(Canvas canvas, double cellSize, int columns, int rows)
           double rowHeight = cellSize * Math.Sqrt(3) / 2;
           for (int row = 0; row < rows; row++)
               AddRow(rowHeight, canvas, cellSize, columns, row);
               rowHeight += cellSize * Math.Sqrt(3);
       private static void AddRow(double rowHeight, Canvas canvas, double cellSize, int columnCount, int row)
           double cellX = cellSize;
           double cellHeight = cellSize * Math.Sqrt(3);
           for (int col = 0; col < columnCount; col++)
               double cellY = rowHeight + ((col & 1) == 1 ? cellHeight / 2 : 0);
               Polygon hex = GetCenteredHex(cellSize, cellX, cellY, cellHeight);
               hex.Tag = Tuple.Create(col, row, cellX, cellY);
               cellX += 3 * cellSize / 2;
       private static Polygon GetCenteredHex(double cellSize, double cellX, double cellY, double cellHeight)
           var hex = new Polygon();
           hex.Points.Add(new Point(cellX - cellSize, cellY));
           hex.Points.Add(new Point(cellX - cellSize / 2, cellY + cellHeight / 2));
           hex.Points.Add(new Point(cellX + cellSize / 2, cellY + cellHeight / 2));
           hex.Points.Add(new Point(cellX + cellSize, cellY));
           hex.Points.Add(new Point(cellX + cellSize / 2, cellY - cellHeight / 2));
           hex.Points.Add(new Point(cellX - cellSize / 2, cellY - cellHeight / 2));
           return hex;
       private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
           double combHeight, combWidth, cellSize;
           // Get sizes that will fit within our window
           GetCombSize(Main.ActualHeight, Main.ActualWidth, ColCount, RowCount, out cellSize, out combHeight,
                       out combWidth);
           // Set the canvas size appropriately
           HoneycombCanvas.Width = combWidth;
           HoneycombCanvas.Height = combHeight;
           // Add the cells to the canvas
           AddCells(HoneycombCanvas, cellSize, ColCount, RowCount);
           // Set the cells to look like we want them
           SetHexProperties(HoneycombCanvas.Children, cellSize);

}</lang> XAML: <lang xml><Window x:Class="Honeycombs.MainWindow"

       Title="Honeycomb" Height="400" Width="300" Loaded="Window_Loaded" ResizeMode="NoResize">
   <Grid x:Name="Main" Margin="5,5,5,0">
           <RowDefinition Height="69.6"/>
       <TextBlock x:Name="Letters" HorizontalAlignment="Center" TextWrapping="Wrap" Grid.Row="1" VerticalAlignment="Center" FontSize="20"/>
       <Canvas x:Name="HoneycombCanvas" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center"/>

</Window></lang> File:CSharpHoneycomb.jpg

Icon and Unicon

4x5 Honeycomb in progress

The configuration of the honeycomb can be changed from the command line (height and width in cells as well as the length of the side of one cell). Window dimensions are calculated. The character set used to label cells expands for larger grids. The completed grid is saved as a GIF.

There is no hexagonal widget in the Icon Graphics library so a custom widget was developed. No attempt was made to make this widget like the VIB or VIB2 widgets.

The HexWidgetData record carries around alot of data about each widget including drawing coordinates, label, a routine to know if it's been selected and helper data, and coordinates for drawing neighboring cells (down and upper/lower right).

Label selection is straight forward. Mouse selection first determines if x,y is within the widgets rectangular outer bounds. The x,y point is then reflected into the north west quadrant of the cell and the helper data is used to calculate an abbreviated cross-product (x and y will always be 0). The direction of the resultant z indicates if the point is inside or outside of the widgets inner bounds. <lang Icon>link printf

procedure main(A)

  h := (0 < integer(\A[1])) | 4             # cells high
  w := (0 < integer(\A[2])) | 5             # cells wide
  u := (10 < integer(\A[3])) | 30           # length of cell side


$define INACTIVE "light yellow" $define ACTIVE "light purple"

procedure HoneyComb(h,w,u) #: run HoneyComb demo

  wb := u/2                                 # window border
  wmsg := 10                                # . message space
  ww := 2*wb + u*(3*w+1)/2                  # . width 
  wh := 2*wb+wmsg+integer((h+1)*u*sqrt(3.)) # . height  
  chosen := sprintf("black,%d",wb)
  fine   := sprintf("black,%d",wmsg)
  wparms := [ title := sprintf("HoneyComb-%dx%d",h,w),
              sprintf("size=%d,%d",ww,wh) ]
  &window := open!wparms | stop("Unable to open window")
  alpha := &ucase                           # per original spec
  if h*w > *alpha then alpha ++:= &lcase    # more 
  if h*w > *alpha then alpha ++:= &digits   # more again
  if h*w > *alpha then 
     stop("More than ",*alpha," cells.")    # choke
  every put(letters := [],!string(alpha))
  every !letters :=: ?letters               # randomize
  Widgets := []                             # prepare widgets 
  every c := 1 to w do {                    # layout grid of cells
     if /top then                           # start at top left
        x := y := wb
     else {                                 # continue right from top
        x := top.rx
        y := if c % 2 = 0 then top.ry0 else top.ry1
     put(Widgets,W := top := HexWidget(x,y,u,get(letters)))
     every 2 to h do                        # fill in rest of column
        put(Widgets,W := HexWidget(x := W.dx,y := W.dy,u,get(letters)))      
  activated := ""
  until *activated = *Widgets do {          # process widgets
     e := Event()
     every W := !Widgets do                          # select widget by 
        if ((e == &lpress) & W.inside(W,&x,&y)) |    # mouse (left press) or
           (e == W.s) then                           # label character 
              if not find(W.s,activated) then        # activate if new 
                 break activated ||:= ( DrawCell(W,ACTIVE), W.s)     
     DrawString(wb,wh-wb-wmsg,"Chosen: "||activated) # update selected list
  WriteImage(sprintf("%s-%d.gif",title,&now))        # save file
  Font(fine)                                         # tell how to quit
  DrawString(wb,wh-wmsg,"Right click to exit")
  until Event() == &rpress            


record HexWidgetData(s,u,w,h,ax,ay,cx,cy,poly,xx,xy,dx,dy,rx,ry0,ry1,inside)

procedure HexWidget(ax,ay,u,s) #: create widget s @ x,y & side u /u := 20. # side x := integer(0 <= ax) | runerr(205,ax) # ensure whole numbers y := integer(0 <= ay) | runerr(205,ay) u := integer(1 <= u) | runerr(205,u) # 1 is minimal if ridiculous h := integer(sqrt(3./4) * (w := 2 * u)) # h,w W := HexWidgetData(s,u,w,h, # string, side, width and height

                 ax,ay,                     # absolute x,y
                 ax+w/2,ay+h/2,             # center x,y 
                 [ax+u/2,ay, ax+(3*u)/2,ay, ax+2*u,ay+h/2, 
                  ax+(3*u)/2,ay+h, ax+u/2,ay+h, ax,ay+h/2],  # to draw polygon
                  -u/2,h/2,                 # const for z of cross product
                  x,ay+h,                   # next cell down
                  ax+(3*u)/2,ay+h/2,ay-h/2, # next cells right up/down
                  InHexWidget)              # is it activated proc

return DrawCell(W,INACTIVE) end

procedure DrawCell(W,colour) #: Draw the (general) Widget

  FillPolygon!W.poly                        # can draw any polygon
  DrawString(W.cx - TextWidth(W.s)/2,
              W.cy + (WAttrib("ascent") - WAttrib("descent"))/2 + 1,W.s)
  return W


procedure InHexWidget(W,x,y) #: return W if x,y are inside W

  if W.w < 0 then W.ax -:= (W.w := -W.w)                       # fix if -w
  if W.h < 0 then W.ay -:= (W.h := -W.h)                       # fix if -h
  if (0 < x - W.ax < W.w) & (0 < y - W.ay < W.h) then {        # disallow edge
     if x > W.cx then x := W.cx - (x - W.cx)                   # reflect x->NW
     if y > W.cy then y := W.cy - (y - W.cy)                   # reflect y->NW
     if 0 > real(W.xx)*(y-W.poly[2]) - W.xy*(x-W.poly[1]) then # z from cross
        return W


printf.icn provides formatting


Works with SWI-Prolog and XPCE. <lang Prolog>honeycomb :- new(W, window('Honeycomb')), new(Counter, counter(20)),

       new(Ph, phrase(W, point(50,500))),

send(W, recogniser, new(KB, key_binding(@nil, argument))), numlist(0, 19, NL), create_letters(20, [], LL), maplist(build_list(150,100), NL, LP), new(ChCell, chain), maplist(create_cell(W, Counter, Ph, KB, ChCell), LP, LL), send(W, size, size(600, 600)), % we must free the resources send(W, done_message, and(message(ChCell, for_all, message(@arg1, free)), message(ChCell, free), message(Counter, free), message(Ph, free), message(W, destroy))), send(W, open).

% create the link between the keyboard and the cell init_key_binding(KB, Cell-UpperCase) :- downcase_atom(UpperCase, LowerCase), send(KB, function, UpperCase, message(Cell, click)), send(KB, function, LowerCase, message(Cell, click)).

create_letters(0, LL, LL) :- !.

create_letters(N, L1, LL) :- C is random(26) + 65, ( \+member(C, L1) -> N1 is N-1, create_letters(N1, [C|L1], LL) ; create_letters(N, L1, LL)).

% creation of the cells create_cell(W, Counter,Phrase, KB, ChCell, Point, Code) :- char_code(Letter, Code), new(H, cell(W, Counter, Phrase, Letter, Point)), send(H, my_draw), send(ChCell, append, H), % create the link between the keyboard and the cell init_key_binding(KB, H-Letter).

% build the list of the centers of the cells build_list(X0,Y0, N, point(X,Y)) :- C is N mod 5, L is N // 5, C0 is C mod 2, X is C * 75 + X0, Y is L * round(50 * sqrt(3)) + C0 * round(25 * sqrt(3)) + Y0.

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

- pce_begin_class(phrase, string, "spelled string").

variable(str, string, both, "displayed string"). variable(window, object, both, "the display" ). variable(pt, point, both, "where to display strings"). variable(lbl1, label, both, "label to display the letters"). variable(lbl2, label, both, "label to display the last letter").

initialise(P, Window : object, Point : point) :-> send(P, slot, window, Window), send(P, slot, str, new(_, string())), send(P, slot, pt, Point), new(Lbl1, label), send(Lbl1, font, @times_bold_24), send(P, slot, lbl1, Lbl1), new(Lbl2, label), send(Lbl2, font, @times_bold_24), send(P, slot, lbl2, Lbl2).

unlink(P) :-> get(P, slot, lbl1, Lbl1), send(Lbl1, free), get(P, slot, lbl2, Lbl2), send(Lbl2, free), send(P, send_super, unlink).

% display the list of the letters % and the last letter on the screen new_letter(P, Letter) :-> get(P, slot, str, Str), send(Str, append, Letter), send(P, slot, str, Str), new(S1, string('Chosen : %s', Str)), get(P, slot, lbl1, Lbl1), send(Lbl1, selection, S1), get(P, slot, window, W), get(P, slot, pt, Pt), send(W, display, Lbl1, Pt), new(S2, string('The user choose letter %c.', Letter)), get(P, slot, lbl2, Lbl2), send(Lbl2, selection, S2), get(Pt, x, X), get(Pt, y, Y), Y1 is Y + 30, send(W, display, Lbl2, point(X, Y1)).

- pce_end_class(phrase).

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

- pce_begin_class(counter, object, "count the unclicked cells").

variable(nb, number, both, "number of unclicked cells").

initialise(P, N : number) :-> send(P, slot, nb, N).

decrement(P) :-> get(P, slot, nb, N), send(N, minus, 1), send(P, slot, nb, N), ( send(N, equal, 0) -> send(@display, inform, 'The game is over !') ; true).

- pce_end_class(counter).

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

- pce_begin_class(cell, path, "The honneycomb cell").

variable(p, path, both, "the cell itself" ). variable(window, object, both, "the display" ). variable(letter, name, both, "Upcase letter displayed in the cell" ). variable(center, point, both, "coordinates of the center of the cell"). variable(color, colour, both, "colour of the cell"). variable(count, counter, both, "counter of unclicked cells"). variable(status, object, both, "clicked/unclicked"). variable(phr, phrase, both, "to display the new letter").

initialise(P, Window : object, Counter : counter, Phrase: phrase, Letter:name, Center:point) :-> send_super(P, initialise), send(P, slot, letter, Letter), send(P, slot, center, Center), send(P, slot, window, Window), send(P, slot, count, Counter), send(P, slot, status, unclicked), send(P, slot, phr, Phrase), new(Pa, path),


get(Center, x, X0), get(Center, y, Y0), X is X0 - 25, Y is Y0 - round(25 * sqrt(3)),

  	   send(Pa, append, point(X, Y)),

X1 is X + 50,

 	   send(Pa, append, point(X1, Y)),

X2 is X1 + 25, send(Pa, append, point(X2, Y0)),

	   Y3 is  Y0 + round(25 * sqrt(3)),

send(Pa, append, point(X1, Y3)), send(Pa, append, point(X, Y3)), X4 is X - 25, send(Pa, append, point(X4, Y0)), send(Pa, closed, @on) ), send(P, p, Pa), send(P, slot, color, colour(@default, 65535, 65535, 0)), % create the link between the mouse and the cell send(Pa, recogniser, click_gesture(left, , single, message(P, click))).

unlink(P) :-> get(P, slot, p, Pa), send(Pa, free), send(P, send_super, unlink).

% message processed when the cell is clicked % or when the letter is pressed on the keyboard click(P) :-> % test if the cell has already been clicked % succeed when the the status is 'unclicked' get(P, slot, status, unclicked), % change the status send(P, slot, status, clicked), % change the color send(P, slot, color, colour(@default, 65535, 0, 65535)), send(P, my_draw), get(P, slot, letter, Letter), % inform the object "phrase" that a new letter is clicked get(P, slot, phr, Phrase), send(Phrase, new_letter, Letter), % inform the object "counter" that a new letter is clicked get(P, count, Counter), send(Counter, decrement).

my_draw(P) :-> % display the path and fill it with the current colour get(P, slot, window, W), get(P, slot, p, Pa),

       send(W, display, Pa),
       get(P, slot, color, Col),

send(Pa, fill_pattern, Col),

% display the letter centered get(P, slot, letter, C),

  	new(Str, string(C)),

new(Tx, text(Str?value)), send(Tx, font, font(times, bold, 24)),

% compute the size of the message to center it get(P, slot, center, point(X0,Y0)), get(font(times, bold, 24), width(Str), M), XT is X0 - M/2, get(font(times, bold, 24), height, H), YT is Y0 - H/2, send(W, display, Tx, point(XT, YT)).

- pce_end_class(cell).



Requires PureBasic v4.60. Screen controls in PureBasic are referred to as 'gadgets'. <lang PureBasic>Structure hexGadget

 Status.i     ;nonselected = 0, selected = 1
 center.POINT ;location of hex's center
 List shape.POINT()


Structure honeycomb

 Array hexGadgets.hexGadget(0)


Prototype hexEvent_prt(*h.honeycomb, hexID)

Procedure inpoly(*p.POINT, List poly.POINT())

 ;returns 1 if point is inside the polygon defined by poly(), otherwise returns 0
 Protected new.POINT, old.POINT, lp.POINT, rp.POINT, i, inside, *poly
 If ListSize(poly()) < 3: ProcedureReturn 0: EndIf 
 LastElement(poly()): old = poly()
 ForEach poly()
   ;find leftmost endpoint 'lp' and the rightmost endpoint 'rp' based on x value
   If poly()\x > old\x 
     lp = old
     rp = poly()
     lp = poly()
     rp = old
   If lp\x < *p\x And *p\x <= rp\x And (*p\y - lp\y) * (rp\x - lp\x) < (rp\y - lp\y) * (*p\x - lp\x)
     inside = ~inside
   old = poly()
 ProcedureReturn inside & 1


draw a hex Gadget by number

Procedure drawhex(*h.honeycomb, hexID)

 With *h\hexGadgets(hexID)
   Protected p.POINT
   If LastElement(\shape())
     p = \shape()
   ForEach \shape()
     LineXY(p\x, p\y, \shape()\x, \shape()\y, RGB(0, 0, 0)) ;black
     p = \shape()
   If \Status
     FillArea(\center\x + 1, \center\y + 1, RGB(0, 0, 0), RGB($FF, 0, $FF))    ;magenta
     DrawText(\center\x - TextWidth(\text) / 2, \center\y - TextHeight(\text) / 2, \text, RGB(0, 0, 1)) ;black, almost
     FillArea(\center\x + 1, \center\y + 1, RGB(0, 0, 0), RGB($FF, $FF, 0)) ;yellow
     DrawText(\center\x - TextWidth(\text) / 2, \center\y - TextHeight(\text) / 2, \text, RGB($FF, 0, 0)) ;red


Procedure selectHex(*h.honeycomb, hexID)

 If Not *h\hexGadgets(hexID)\Status
   *h\chosen + *h\hexGadgets(hexID)\text
   *h\hexGadgets(hexID)\Status = 1
     drawhex(*h, hexID)
     DrawText(0, *h\textY, "Chosen: " + *h\chosen)
     DrawText(0, *h\textY + 20, "The user chose letter " + *h\hexGadgets(hexID)\text + ".  ")
   ProcedureReturn 1


Procedure hexKey(*h.honeycomb, hexID)

 If UCase(Chr(GetGadgetAttribute(*h\gadgetID, #PB_Canvas_Input))) = *h\hexGadgets(hexID)\text
   ProcedureReturn selectHex(*h, hexID)


Procedure hexMouse(*h.honeycomb, hexID)

 Protected mPos.POINT
 mPos\x = GetGadgetAttribute(*h\gadgetID, #PB_Canvas_MouseX)
 mPos\y = GetGadgetAttribute(*h\gadgetID, #PB_Canvas_MouseY)
 If inpoly(mPos,*h\hexGadgets(hexID)\shape())
   ProcedureReturn selectHex(*h, hexID)


Procedure honeycombEvents(*h.honeycomb)

 If Len(*h\chosen) >= *h\maxLength: ProcedureReturn: EndIf
 Protected event = EventType(), *eventFunction.hexEvent_prt
 Select event
   Case #PB_EventType_Input
     *eventFunction = @hexKey()
   Case #PB_EventType_LeftButtonUp
     *eventFunction = @hexMouse()
   Case #PB_EventType_LostFocus
 If *eventFunction
   For hexID = 0 To ArraySize(*h\hexGadgets())
     If *eventFunction(*h, hexID)
       Break ;event successfully handled


Procedure createHexGadget(*h.honeycomb, hexID, x, y, dx, dy)

 With *h\hexGadgets(hexID)
   If *h\unusedLetters
     Protected letterNum = Random(Len(*h\unusedLetters) - 1) + 1
     \text = Mid(*h\unusedLetters, letterNum, 1)
     *h\unusedLetters = ReplaceString(*h\unusedLetters, \text, "")
   \center\x = x: \center\y = y
   AddElement(\shape()): \shape()\x = x - dx:     \shape()\y = y
   AddElement(\shape()): \shape()\x = x - dx / 2: \shape()\y = y + dy
   AddElement(\shape()): \shape()\x = x + dx / 2: \shape()\y = y + dy
   AddElement(\shape()): \shape()\x = x + dx:     \shape()\y = y
   AddElement(\shape()): \shape()\x = x + dx / 2: \shape()\y = y - dy
   AddElement(\shape()): \shape()\x = x - dx / 2: \shape()\y = y - dy 


Procedure initHoneycomb(*h.honeycomb, posX, posY, dx = 30, dy = 25, marginX = 10, marginY = 5)

 Protected i, sx, sy, hCols = 5, hRows = 4, hexGadgetCount = hCols * hRows - 1
 If Not *h: ProcedureReturn 0: EndIf
 *h\unusedLetters.s = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"    
 *h\chosen = ""
 *h\maxLength = 20
 Dim *h\hexGadgets(hexGadgetCount)
 ;calculate size width, height and create honeycomb with margins
 sx = Round(dx * (0.5 + hCols * 1.5), #PB_Round_Nearest) + 1 + 2 * marginX
 sy = dy * (2 * hRows + 1) + 1 + 2 * marginY + 2 * 20 ;includes room for hex, margins, and text
 *h\textY = sy - 2 * 20
 ;create hexes
 Protected hexID, column, row, x, y, baseX, baseY, majorOffsetY = dy
 baseX = dx + marginX
 For column = 0 To hCols - 1
   baseY = dy + marginY
   majorOffsetY ! dy
   For row = 0 To hRows - 1
     x = baseX
     y = baseY + majorOffsetY
     createHexGadget(*h, hexID, x, y, dx, dy)
     baseY + dy * 2
     hexID + 1
   baseX + dx * 1.5
 ;draw honeycomb
 *h\gadgetID = CanvasGadget(#PB_Any, posX, posY, sx, sy, #PB_Canvas_Keyboard | #PB_Canvas_ClipMouse)
 If *h\gadgetID = 0: ProcedureReturn 0: EndIf ;failed to created honeycomb
 LoadFont(0, "Arial", 24, #PB_Font_Bold)
   For i = 0 To ArraySize(*h\hexGadgets())
     drawhex(*h, i)
   Box(0, *h\textY, sx, 40, RGB(0, 0, 0)) ;draw black text box
 ProcedureReturn 1


If OpenWindow(0, 0, 0, 400, 400, "PureBasic - Honeycombs", #PB_Window_SystemMenu)

 Define honeycomb.honeycomb, quit
 If Not initHoneycomb(honeycomb, 0, 0): End: EndIf
 ResizeWindow(0, #PB_Ignore, #PB_Ignore, GadgetWidth(honeycomb\gadgetID), GadgetHeight(honeycomb\gadgetID))
   event = WaitWindowEvent()
   Select event
     Case #PB_Event_Gadget
       If EventGadget() = honeycomb\gadgetID
         If Len(honeycomb\chosen) = honeycomb\maxLength
           MessageRequester("Exit", "You chose: " + honeycomb\chosen + ".")
           quit = 1
     Case #PB_Event_CloseWindow
       quit = 1
 Until quit = 1



Rambling python3 code with tkinter


Library: Shoes

<lang ruby>Shoes.app(:height => 700, :width => 800) do

 C = Math::cos(Math::PI/3)
 S = Math::sin(Math::PI/3)
 Radius = 60
 letters = [
   %w[L A R N D 1 2], 
   %w[G U I Y T 3 4], 
   %w[P C F E B 5 6], 
   %w[V S O M K 7 8],
   %w[Q X J Z H 9 0],
 def highlight(hexagon)
   hexagon.style(:fill => magenta)
 def unhighlight(hexagon)
   hexagon.style(:fill => yellow)
 def choose(hexagon)
   highlight hexagon
   chosen = @hexagons.find_all {|h| h.chosen?}.map {|h| h.letter}
   if chosen.size == @hexagons.size
     @chosen.text = 'Every hexagon has been chosen.'
     @chosen.text = "Chosen: #{chosen.sort.join(',')}" +
                    "\nLast Chosen: #{hexagon.letter}" 
 width = 20 + (Radius*(7*letters[0].size - 3)/4.0).ceil
 height = 60 + (Radius*(1 + 2*S*letters.size)).ceil
 @hexagons = []
 letter_to_hex = {}
 # create the GUI
 stack(:height => height, :width => width) do
   @chosen = para("Chosen:\nLast chosen:")
   # draw the hexagrams
   letters.size.times do |row|
     letters[0].size.times do |column|
       x = 60 + column * Radius * 0.75 + (1-S)*Radius
       y = 80 + row * Radius * S + (column.odd? ? S * Radius * 0.5 : 0)
       h = shape(x-Radius, y-S*Radius) do
         stroke red
         strokewidth 3
         move_to(x-C*Radius, y-S*Radius)
         line_to(x+C*Radius, y-S*Radius)
         line_to(x+Radius, y)
         line_to(x+C*Radius, y+S*Radius)
         line_to(x-C*Radius, y+S*Radius)
         line_to(x-Radius, y)
         line_to(x-C*Radius, y-S*Radius)
       # add some attributes and methods to the shape
       class << h
         attr_accessor :x, :y, :state, :letter
         def chosen?
           not @state.nil?
         def choose
           @state = :chosen
         def contains?(px,py)
           if @x-Radius < px and px <= @x-C*Radius
             ratio = (px - @x + Radius).to_f/(Radius*(1-C))
             return (@y - ratio*S*Radius < py and py <= @y + ratio*S*Radius)
           elsif @x-C*Radius < px and px <= @x+C*Radius
             return (@y - S*Radius < py and py < @y + S*Radius)
           elsif @x+C*Radius < px and px <= @x+Radius
             ratio = (@x + Radius - px).to_f/(Radius*(1-C))
             return (@y - ratio*S*Radius < py and py <= @y + ratio*S*Radius)
             return false
         def inspect
           '<%s,"%s",%s,%d@%d>' % [self.class, letter, chosen?, x, y]
       h.x = x + x-Radius
       h.y = y + y-S*Radius
       h.letter = letters[row][column]
       unhighlight h
       @hexagons << h
       letter_to_hex[h.letter.downcase] = h
       letter_to_hex[h.letter.upcase] = h
       # add the letter to the hexagon
       para(h.letter) \
         .style(:size => 56, :stroke => red) \
         .move(h.x - C*Radius, h.y - S*Radius)
   # highlight the hexagon under the mouse
   @hex_over = nil
   motion do |x, y|
     hex = @hexagons.find {|h| h.contains?(x,y)}
     unless hex.nil? or hex.chosen?
       highlight hex 
     unless @hex_over == hex or @hex_over.nil? or @hex_over.chosen?
       unhighlight @hex_over 
     @hex_over = hex
   # handle mouse clicks
   click do |button, x, y|
     info("button #{button} clicked at (#{x}, #{y})")
     hexagon = @hexagons.find {|h| h.contains?(x,y)}
     unless hexagon.nil?
       info("clicked hexagon #{hexagon}")
       choose hexagon
   # handle keystrokes
   keypress do |key| 
     if key == "\x11"  # control-Q
     elsif key == "?"
       info @hexagons.collect {|h| h.inspect}.join("\n")
     elsif letter_to_hex.has_key?(key)
       info("pressed key #{key} -> #{letter_to_hex[key]}")
       choose letter_to_hex[key]



Library: Tk

<lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.5 package require Tk

  1. How to make a honeycomb

proc honeycomb {w letterpattern} {

   canvas $w -width 500 -height 470
   set basey 10
   foreach row $letterpattern {

set basex 10 set majoroffsety 0 foreach letter $row { set x [expr {$basex + 60}] set y [expr {$basey + 50 + $majoroffsety}] drawhex $w $x $y $letter 30 50 set majoroffsety [expr {50 - $majoroffsety}] incr basex 90 } incr basey 100

   return $w


namespace import tcl::mathop::?  ;# For convenience

  1. How to draw a single hexagon, centered at a particular point.

proc drawhex {w x y ch dx dy} {

   if {$ch eq ""} return          ;# Allow elision of cells (not used here)
   $w create polygon \

[- $x $dx] [- $y $dy] [+ $x $dx] [- $y $dy] [+ $x $dx $dx] $y \ [+ $x $dx] [+ $y $dy] [- $x $dx] [+ $y $dy] [- $x $dx $dx] $y \ -fill yellow -outline black -tags [list hex$ch hull$ch] -width 3

   $w create text $x $y -text $ch -fill red -tags [list hex$ch txt$ch] \

-font {Arial 72 bold}

   # Install bindings on items
   $w bind hex$ch <Enter> [list enterhex $w $ch]
   $w bind hex$ch <Leave> [list leavehex $w $ch]
   $w bind hex$ch <Button-1> [list dohex $w $ch]
   # Handle keyboard activity through canvas-level bindings
   bind $w [string toupper $ch] [list dokey $w $ch]
   bind $w [string tolower $ch] [list dokey $w $ch]


  1. Callbacks for various bindings

proc enterhex {w ch} {

   global chosen
   if {$ch ni $chosen} {

$w itemconfigure hull$ch -fill magenta $w itemconfigure txt$ch -fill black


} proc leavehex {w ch} {

   global chosen
   if {$ch ni $chosen} {

$w itemconfigure hull$ch -fill yellow $w itemconfigure txt$ch -fill red


} proc dohex {w ch} {

   global chosen
   if {$ch ni $chosen} {

lappend chosen $ch puts "chosen $ch"

   if {[llength $chosen] >= 5} {

destroy $w


} proc dokey {w ch} {

   enterhex $w $ch
   dohex $w $ch


  1. Initial declarations of state variables

set chosen {} set letterpattern {

   {L A R N D}
   {G U I Y T}
   {P C F E B}
   {V S O M K}


  1. Build the GUI

pack [honeycomb .c $letterpattern] focus .c

  1. Usually don't use this, but it's ideal for this interaction pattern

tkwait window .c puts "overall list of characters: $chosen" exit</lang>



<lang XPL0>include c:\cxpl\stdlib; \(color definitions, etc.)

proc DrawHexagon(X0, Y0, Side, Color); \Draw a filled hexagon centered at X0,Y0 int X0, Y0, Side, Color; int X, Y; for Y:= -Side*19/22 to +Side*19/22 do \19/22 aprox = sqrt(3.0)/2.0

   for X:= -Side to +Side do
       if abs(X) + abs(Y)*23/38 <= Side then   \23/38 aprox = 1.0/sqrt(3.0)
           Point(X+X0, Y+Y0, Color);

def Cols=5, Rows=4, X0=23, Y0=20; \matrix shape, offset on screen int C, R, X, Y, Letter, Counter, SaveX(26), SaveY(26); [SetVid($101); \set video to 640x480x8 graphics for Letter:= 0 to 26-1 do SaveX(Letter):= 0; Attrib(LMagenta<<8); \light magenta letter background for R:= 0 to Rows-1 do

   for C:= 0 to Cols-1 do
       [X:= C*35 + X0;  Y:= R*40 + (C&1)*20 + Y0;
       DrawHexagon(X, Y, 22, LMagenta);
       repeat Letter:= Ran(26) until SaveX(Letter) = 0;
       Move(X-4, Y-7);  ChOut(6, Letter+^A);
       SaveX(Letter):= X;  SaveY(Letter):= Y;  \save coordinates for letter

Counter:= 0; repeat Letter:= ChIn(1); \get letter from keyboard

       if Letter>=^a & Letter<=^z then Letter:= Letter-$20;    \make uppercase
       if Letter>=^A & Letter<=^Z then
          if SaveX(Letter-^A) # 0 then         \letter is available
               [X:= SaveX(Letter-^A);  Y:= SaveY(Letter-^A);
               DrawHexagon(X, Y, 22, Yellow);  \change color
               Move(X-4, Y-7);
               Attrib(Yellow<<8);  ChOut(6, Letter);
               Move(Counter*8+8, Rows*40+30);  \show record of chosen letters
               Attrib(Yellow);  ChOut(6, Letter);
               Counter:= Counter+1;
               SaveX(Letter-^A):= 0;           \letter is no longer available
          else ChOut(0, Bel)                   \letter is not available
       else ChOut(0, Bel);                     \not a letter (A..Z)

until Counter >= Cols*Rows; SetVid($03); \restore normal text display ]</lang>