Hello world/Web server: Difference between revisions

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m (→‎{{header|Sidef}}: changed the keyword "require" to function call)
m (→‎{{header|Sidef}}: Replaced "Socket::*" with "Socket.*")
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<lang ruby>var port = 8080;
var protocol = Socket.getprotobyname("tcp");
var sock = (Socket.open(Socket::.PF_INET, Socket::.SOCK_STREAM, protocol) || die "couldn't open a socket: #{$!}");
# PF_INET to indicate that this socket will connect to the internet domain
# SOCK_STREAM indicates a TCP stream, SOCK_DGRAM would indicate UDP communication
sock.setsockopt(Socket::.SOL_SOCKET, Socket::.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) || die "couldn't set socket options: #{$!}";
# SOL_SOCKET to indicate that we are setting an option on the socket instead of the protocol
# mark the socket reusable
sock.bind(Socket.sockaddr_in(port, Socket::.INADDR_ANY)) || die "couldn't bind socket to port #{port}: #{$!}";
# bind our socket to $port, allowing any IP to connect
sock.listen(Socket::.SOMAXCONN) || die "couldn't listen to port #{port}: #{$!}";
# start listening for incoming connections
while (var client = sock.accept) {
client.print ("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n" +