Hashtron inference: Difference between revisions

removed error message
(New post showing the output of both parts of the task. In addition to an existing program which only considered the first part of the task without showing its output.)
(removed error message)
(12 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
Line 233:
#include <vector>
uint32_t hash(const uint32_t& number, const uint32_t& salt, const uint32_t& max_value) {
const uint64_t MASK = 0xFFFFFFFF;
uint64_t hash(const uint64_t& number, const uint64_t& salt, const uint64_t& max_value) {
// Mixing stage 1, mix 'number' with 'salt' using subtraction
uint64_t m = ( number - salt ) & MASK0xFFFFFFFF;
// Hashing stage, use xor shift with prime coefficients
m ^= ( m << 2 ) & MASK0xFFFFFFFF;
m ^= ( m << 3 ) & MASK0xFFFFFFFF;
m ^= ( m >> 5 ) & MASK0xFFFFFFFF;
m ^= ( m >> 7 ) & MASK0xFFFFFFFF;
m ^= ( m << 11 ) & MASK0xFFFFFFFF;
m ^= ( m << 13 ) & MASK0xFFFFFFFF;
m ^= ( m >> 17 ) & MASK0xFFFFFFFF;
m ^= ( m << 19 ) & MASK0xFFFFFFFF;
// Mixing stage 2, mix 'number' with 'salt' using addition
m += salt;
// Modular stage using Lemire's fast alternative to modulo reduction
return ( ( m * max_value ) >> 32 ) & MASK0xFFFFFFFF;
uint64_t inference(const uint64_tuint32_t& command, const uint64_tuint32_t& bits, const std::vector<std::vector<uint64_tuint32_t>>& program) {
uint64_t result = 0;
Line 264 ⟶ 262:
for ( uint64_tuint32_t j = 0; j < bits; ++j ) {
uint64_t number = ( command & MASK ) | ( ( j & 0xFF ) << 16 );
const uint64_tuint32_t salt_1 = program[0][0];
uint64_tuint32_t max_value = program[0][1];
number = hash(number, salt_1, max_value);
for ( uint64_tuint32_t i = 1; i < program.size(); ++i ) {
const uint64_tuint32_t salt_2 = program[i][0];
const uint64_tuint32_t max = program[i][1];
max_value -= max;
number = hash(number, salt_2, max_value);
Line 279 ⟶ 277:
number &= 1;
if ( number != 0 ) {
result |= ( static_cast<uint64_t>(1) << j );
Line 286 ⟶ 284:
int main() {
uint64_tuint32_t command = 42;
uint64_tuint32_t bits = 64;
std::vector<std::vector<uint64_tuint32_t>> program = { { 0, 2 } };
std::cout << "Test demo: " << inference(command, bits, program) << std::endl << std::endl;
Line 333 ⟶ 331:
{{ out }}
Test demo: 1844674407370955161514106184687260844995
Square root demo for commands in 0..255:
Line 355 ⟶ 353:
<syntaxhighlight lang="vbnet">Function hashHashtron(n As Ulongint, s As Ulongint, max As Ulongint) As Ulongint
Dim As Ulongint kU32 = &hFFFFFFFF
' Mixing stage, mix input with salt using subtraction
Dim As Ulongint m = (n - s) And kU32
' Hashing stage, use xor shift with prime coefficients
m Xor= ((m Shl 2) And kU32)
m Xor= ((m Shl 3) And kU32)
m Xor= ((m Shr 5) And kU32)
m Xor= ((m Shr 7) And kU32)
m Xor= ((m Shl 11) And kU32)
m Xor= ((m Shl 13) And kU32)
m Xor= ((m Shr 17) And kU32)
m Xor= ((m Shl 19) And kU32)
' Mixing stage 2, mix input with salt using addition
m = (m + s) And kU32
' Modular stage using Lemire's fast alternative to modulo reduction
Return ((m * max) Shr 32) 'And kU32
End Function
Function inferenceInference(comandocmd As UlongintInteger, bits As Integer, program() As Ulong) As Ulongint
Dim As Ulongint salida = 0
' Check if the program is empty
If Ubound(program) = -1 Then Return salida
' Iterate over the bits
For j As Integer = 0 To bits - 1
Dim As UlongintInteger entradass = comando Or program(j Shl0, 160)
Dim As UlongintInteger ssmaxx = program(0, 1)
Dim As UlongintInteger maxxentrada = programcmd Or (1j Shl 16)
entrada = hashHashtron(entrada, ss, maxx)
For i As Integer = 1 To Ubound(program, 1)
Dim As Ulongint s maxx -= program(i+1)
Dim As Ulongint max entrada = Hashtron(entrada, program(i), + 1maxx)
maxxNext -= maxi
If entrada Mod 2 <> 0 Then salida Or= hash(entrada,1 s,Shl maxxj)
Next ij
End If
entrada And= 1
If entrada <> 0 Then salida Or= (1 Shl j)
Next j
Return salida
End Function
Line 398:
Dim As Ulong program(1) = {0, 2}
Print "Test demo:"
Print inferenceInference(42, 64, program())
Dim As Ulong program2(255, 1) = { _
{8776,79884}, {12638,1259}, {9953,1242}, {4658,1228}, {5197,1210}, {12043,1201}, _
{6892,1183}, {7096,1168}, {10924,1149}, {5551,1136}, {5580,1123}, {3735,1107}, _
{3652,1091}, {12191,1076}, {14214,1062}, {13056,1045}, {14816,1031}, {15205,1017}, _
{10736,1001}, {9804,989}, {13081,974}, {6706,960}, {13698,944}, {14369,928}, _
{16806,917}, {9599,906}, {9395,897}, {4885,883}, {10237,870}, {10676,858}, _
{18518,845}, {2619,833}, {13715,822}, {11065,810}, {9590,799}, {5747,785}, _
{2627,776}, {8962,764}, {5575,750}, {3448,738}, {5731,725}, {9434,714}, _
{3163,703}, {3307,690}, {3248,678}, {3259,667}, {3425,657}, {3506,648}, _
{3270,639}, {3634,627}, {3077,617}, {3511,606}, {27159,597}, {27770,589}, _
{28496,580}, {28481,571}, {29358,562}, {31027,552}, {30240,543}, {30643,534}, _
{31351,527}, {31993,519}, {32853,510}, {33078,502}, {33688,495}, {29732,487}, _
{29898,480}, {29878,474}, {26046,468}, {26549,461}, {28792,453}, {26101,446}, _
{32971,439}, {29704,432}, {23193,426}, {29509,421}, {27079,415}, {32453,409}, _
{24737,404}, {25725,400}, {23755,395}, {52538,393}, {53242,386}, {19609,380}, _
{26492,377}, {24566,358}, {31163,368}, {57174,363}, {26639,364}, {31365,357}, _
{60918,350}, {21235,338}, {28072,322}, {28811,314}, {27571,320}, {17635,309}, _
{51968,169}, {54367,323}, {60541,254}, {26732,270}, {52457,157}, {27181,276}, _
{19874,227}, {22797,320}, {59346,271}, {25496,260}, {54265,231}, {22281,250}, _
{42977,318}, {26008,240}, {87604,142}, {94647,314}, {52292,157}, {20999,216}, _
{89253,316}, {22746,29}, {68338,312}, {22557,317}, {110904,104}, {70975,285}, _
{51835,277}, {51871,313}, {132221,228}, {18522,290}, {68512,285}, {118816,302}, _
{150865,268}, {68871,273}, {68139,290}, {84984,285}, {150693,266}, {396047,272}, _
{84923,269}, {215562,258}, {68015,248}, {247689,235}, {214471,229}, {264395,221}, _
{263287,212}, {280193,201}, {108065,194}, {263616,187}, {148609,176}, {263143,173}, _
{378205,162}, {312547,154}, {50400,147}, {328927,140}, {279217,132}, {181111,127}, _
{672098,118}, {657196,113}, {459383,111}, {833281,105}, {520281,102}, {755397,95}, _
{787994,91}, {492444,82}, {1016592,77}, {656147,71}, {819893,66}, {165531,61}, _
{886503,57}, {1016551,54}, {3547827,49}, {14398170,43}, {395900,41}, {4950628,37}, _
{11481175,33}, {100014881,30}, {8955328,31}, {11313984,27}, {13640855,23}, _
{528553762,21}, {63483027,17}, {952477,8}, {950580,4}, {918378,2}, {918471,1} }
Print !"\nSquare root demo for commands in (0, 255):"
Dim As Ulong results(255)
For i As Uinteger = 0 To 255
results(i) = Inference(i, 4, program2())
Next i
For i As Uinteger = 0 To 255
Print Using "###"; Inference(i, 4, program2());
If (i+1) Mod 16 = 0 Then Print
Next i
<pre>Test demo:
Square root demo for commands in (0, 255):
0 0 10 15 7 0 5 10 2 9 5 10 7 10 4 14
14 13 13 13 10 9 5 4 14 3 5 15 10 5 4 4
12 13 1 12 8 0 8 15 5 10 4 9 11 10 15 2
14 7 7 13 8 11 4 14 2 10 10 9 9 6 4 13
13 7 13 8 6 9 15 15 5 11 7 13 11 3 15 5
1 0 6 3 12 14 13 9 10 11 14 13 8 4 5 3
13 10 8 14 14 3 8 4 9 12 8 3 6 6 1 10
15 6 10 6 9 6 3 10 5 7 10 6 13 6 3 1
7 11 1 9 13 15 7 15 12 1 7 7 4 13 15 9
15 8 2 5 7 10 3 11 0 9 10 11 9 10 14 15
4 10 3 13 3 11 9 10 7 14 11 15 7 9 10 5
8 15 3 5 15 8 5 10 12 15 15 7 13 14 10 14
1 1 9 14 10 6 5 14 1 15 15 9 14 9 2 10
11 13 7 12 15 1 7 3 15 15 4 9 2 5 7 1
15 14 14 10 15 1 13 10 6 9 5 0 11 14 9 1
13 6 6 6 8 13 13 8 13 10 14 14 15 1 7 10</pre>
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<syntaxhighlight lang="java" line>
public class Main {
public static long inference(long command, long bits, long[][] program) {
public static long inference(int command, int bits, int[][] program) {
long out = 0;
// Check if the program is empty
if ( program.length == 0 ) {
return out;
// Iterate over the bits
for (long int j = 0; j < bits; j++ ) {
longint input = (command & 0xFFFFFFFF) | (((long) j & 0xFF) << (long)16);
longint ss = program[0][0];
longint maxx = program[0][1];
input = hash(input, ss, maxx);
for (long int i = 1; i < program.length; i++ ) {
longint s = program[(int)i][0];
longint max = program[(int)i][1];
maxx -= max;
input = hash(input, s, maxx);
Line 482 ⟶ 808:
input &= 1;
if (input != 0) {
out |= (long)1 << (long) j;
return out;
public static long hash(long n, long s, long max_val) {
public static int hash(int n, int s, int max_val) {
// Mixing stage, mix input with salt using subtraction
long m = (n - s) & 0xFFFFFFFFL;
Line 506 ⟶ 833:
// Modular stage using Lemire's fast alternative to modulo reduction
return (int) ( ( ( m * max_val ) >>> 32 ) & 0xFFFFFFFFL );
public static void main(String[] args) {
int command = 42;
longint[][] commandprogram = 42{ { 0, 2 } }; // Example program
int bits = 64;
long[][] program = {{0,2}}; // Example program
long bits = 64;
long result = inference(command, bits, program);
===Both demosDemos===
<syntaxhighlight lang="java">
public final class HashtronInference {
public static void main(String[] args) {
longint command = 42;
longint bits = 64;
longint[][] program = { { 0, 2 } };
long result = inference(command, bits, program);
System.out.println("Test demo: " + Long.toUnsignedString(result));
Line 533 ⟶ 859:
bits = 4;
program = new longint[][] {
{ 8776, 79884 }, { 12638, 1259 }, { 9953, 1242 }, { 4658, 1228 }, { 5197, 1210 }, { 12043, 1201 },
{ 6892, 1183 }, { 7096, 1168 }, { 10924, 1149 }, { 5551, 1136 }, { 5580, 1123 }, { 3735, 1107 },
Line 573 ⟶ 899:
public static long inference(longint command, longint bits, longint[][] program) {
long result = 0;
Line 580 ⟶ 906:
for ( longint j = 0; j < bits; j++ ) {
long int number = ( command & MASK ) | ( ( j & 0xFF ) << 0x1016 );
final longint saltOne = program[0][0];
longint maxValue = program[0][1];
number = hash(number, saltOne, maxValue);
for ( int i = 1; i < program.length; i++ ) {
final longint saltTwo = program[i][0];
final longint max = program[i][1];
maxValue -= max;
number = hash(number, saltTwo, maxValue);
Line 595 ⟶ 920:
number &= 1;
if ( number != 0 ) {
result |= ( 11L << j );
Line 601 ⟶ 926:
public static longint hash(longint number, longint salt, longint maxValue) {
// Mixing stage 1, mix 'number' with 'salt' using subtraction
long m = ( number - salt ) & MASK0xFFFFFFFFL;
// Hashing stage, use xor shift with prime coefficients
m ^= ( m << 2 ) & MASK0xFFFFFFFFL;
m ^= ( m << 3 ) & MASK0xFFFFFFFFL;
m ^= ( m >> 5 ) & MASK0xFFFFFFFFL;
m ^= ( m >> 7 ) & MASK0xFFFFFFFFL;
m ^= ( m << 11 ) & MASK0xFFFFFFFFL;
m ^= ( m << 13 ) & MASK0xFFFFFFFFL;
m ^= ( m >> 17 ) & MASK0xFFFFFFFFL;
m ^= ( m << 19 ) & MASK0xFFFFFFFFL;
// Mixing stage 2, mix 'number' with 'salt' using addition
m += salt;
// Modular stage using Lemire's fast alternative to modulo reduction
return (int) ( ( ( m * maxValue ) >>> 32 ) & MASK0xFFFFFFFFL );
private static final long MASK = 0xFFFFFFFFL;
Line 629 ⟶ 952:
{{ out }}
Test demo: 1844674407370955161514106184687260844995
Square root demo for commands in 0..255:
Line 838 ⟶ 1,161:
{{incomplete|PHP|output missing}}
<syntaxhighlight lang="php" line>
// define hashtron hash
Line 946 ⟶ 1,270:
Line 1,030 ⟶ 1,358:
You may [https://ato.pxeger.com/run?1=hVfdbltFEL7PBc8wtBHYjRPt7O7sj-JGwAWiEuUFUCu5yXFriO3KPyVVmyfhphdwyQvxNHy7s3bsUwRRm3jO2fn75puZ9e9_rCa_bj99-nO7mZ6nv7_4a719Rc8W027VLa67wen1cj6fLG5GdPpqtlmP6Ju3q-Xr1WQ-pA8nRDR_T3S63G7oKZnLk_Jk1W22q4U-3C5uu_V6r3Px3XJ5q6emyxW9rCbp_IpOf6EP9JiebbrVZNPR8l23os2bjsr7clodnc4Wb6unXVB09pEG0D0bE4fhZTu5P_bDZP1ms1ouBvrkIfafzQv8G1Wb88ndHc4evuIXe1slzP0rvrh48qKEOzgFEEWzgfB_fnfH7-j8qert7N-3v7MpDXYGzr56SkxD-hKQApYK5NnH8gx5Ituqc9-D-vLk_uSklO7B-eLBcYvzMT2f3c0Wr2m9mbzukP_sjtTnb7PNG1pPblGydT2wfbVZTa43s-WiVfl0XoBf0DmMagkfV18H5rbrju4AGB5Om8m3q9m8o-tlN53OrmfdQstZUB2fWzp3dCZ0FumcGf8hcfmcryon3u7Brb4H-H32Uv-Ut8MhkCJz9337uSTF5fNEyf5XqpObm9kuzwdHyLJvf2d5ebO9nayaabXxYzefrbqv1zSdrDcE291qMdnM3nW0WdK8KCxRrJvtHtBWuUHx9aSVCFk5-5nTVtbn3z77adDKuJ68P-hQj-yCH9FgbMhejYbDhwYzFxcvrYSK5myPZlF_BPnR6LDPZyMqRh7oPE4xBoo5JX81ojHb4BKxlVyknMVB8LYIPkh5Y1MRhHOEwOZqdGCLrfFFwXA5E1K2xJxcEaLJAUKo2myy9ZB89SIiDMEFCAfGRJLBY1vVXXQCwcQqBIFhk1kj5gx1E0OVvGVYNsEeG2NngBAbL3oqcZGcWhBrYNxw1NiiK-80h5yMp5zyZ9YSU44VshBNoBxMVXYhJ8pesfSQKCtgyLwcqz4OLGXJOGJq7NlloZRrFD4lfFbo2FgXKUX1YALqlSQdA5-EEyXNzgbOlJzqusgwZGsFgV-AwNUQPBvUvZeZRB8ppmbH4rPimnKwFIPXekWhKNWK8z5RdKlvxTFFW61k7zxFrpqOg6NotKLORApZrVhYCbFnxYGFFIKW3FuhIPpZgGTwSTWjoeCy0gKeEHPPionww00TEygo2hbAZBKF28YIO1LrPLbJg6tg37EhPEbRJVZe2OzQDVJphrQMkBJRwVgPU16TNAENIc4fVcsxAiGxGhPnjCOsKdgkRTA7hODDqFkXUiKfpRdUjs6ST5oFiIozNfAiQNsrR20wPpDX7rNBfIbA_fwi-tWLaxwyTN4HjSpHCIoyPqMlvKtRWUTvyNvQj0oMPFiFKpoIgaVVGgl6o6Z8BLG90RAFhIHQR91FEXI177FYwXRyuYYosGXJJe17NGCGoKkHj0xc7DEBrkMgJ0ocLlx0igiKGj2Eljr4BKExFsMGOvGogPCFdnPaAhYjCkecYptMhGvtN5sS-OaU-zbCC9708uMYirYCAhYEzNigAsZHhEINKhjxTFZaNUvRbeyZEiSIoSyN0Qy22jYVwQVPVgmHPzm2QMaSHYhhY58LUlrA6lAT1FfI6rC0WAAlkPrGgwwwxY1WxiQC-Y9NpQjuEesOyT74uENErC0LosVrMiah5TZtUGgc69PKxhJs1uXiChVYgbaYSRBim3K5eFRaYe9gWtky0Q6hwlbC08qQIpTKcBuYyBAJtqmdECQ8GnUpbNXUUQU5lW3itE9ZTCpoKbHQs7FUQWuYGMRqxjBjkv8XY5ht6ChwsLIPrAZeNtqmYssr7R0WTB8UovkxGPPW9yYoGgxLGKXTec7el2gUQDRJ2Te2NWnA6IGnhifMlShMjxZsUtkgnBsNXShrVIcPdmppQVbG4R2Xq0Bs2zvVFdvfyiif-EJZ5YNB94MpsU3CjKHKXnsMowmXRtapA2bjB_eMXldGkCiVG0eFBO1Wrxw1Ag-iJ8TDNVtwp7CYTZsqRqVedBg8Dp2ioydiOmZcBao-CuG9x1rVjcxBQGQlU5DAZYX2kEtoQSCqZcV5wYIMGgvoYjDz495W2Q06fABOAgi-f_1A5RJjYbUlU1Y5hBYaGGTRGa0XsLM4lvHUryQuOLhkgPdKx4yQipreiBjdUPmpVjAMTZIyA467CPQVFwsN9cLnfHJlFWojZgwkjIekn025ztW0MDtBCOqhjaeFnXxFw_Z0qFd9OrnXb63ty-vuS-w_ Attempt This Online!]
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