Happy numbers

From Rosetta Code
Revision as of 21:25, 27 February 2010 by rosettacode>Waelder (added REXX)
Happy numbers
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:

A happy number is defined by the following process. Starting with any positive integer, replace the number by the sum of the squares of its digits, and repeat the process until the number equals 1 (where it will stay), or it loops endlessly in a cycle which does not include 1. Those numbers for which this process ends in 1 are happy numbers, while those that do not end in 1 are unhappy numbers.

Task: Find and print the first 8 happy numbers.


<lang Ada>with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO; with Ada.Containers.Ordered_Sets;

procedure Test_Happy_Digits is

  function Is_Happy (N : Positive) return Boolean is
     package Sets_Of_Positive is new Ada.Containers.Ordered_Sets (Positive);
     use Sets_Of_Positive;
     function Next (N : Positive) return Natural is
        Sum   : Natural := 0;
        Accum : Natural := N;
        while Accum > 0 loop
           Sum   := Sum + (Accum mod 10) ** 2;
           Accum := Accum / 10;
        end loop;
        return Sum;
     end Next;
     Current : Positive := N;
     Visited : Set;
        if Current = 1 then
           return True;
        elsif Visited.Contains (Current) then
           return False;
           Visited.Insert (Current);
           Current := Next (Current);
        end if;
     end loop;
  end Is_Happy;
  Found : Natural := 0;


  for N in Positive'Range loop
     if Is_Happy (N) then
        Put (Integer'Image (N));
        Found := Found + 1;
        exit when Found = 8;
     end if;
  end loop;

end Test_Happy_Digits;</lang> Sample output:

 1 7 10 13 19 23 28 31


Works with: ALGOL 68 version Standard - no extensions to language used
Works with: ALGOL 68G version Any - tested with release mk15-0.8b.fc9.i386
Works with: ELLA ALGOL 68 version Any (with appropriate job cards) - tested with release 1.8.8d.fc9.i386

<lang algol68>INT base10 = 10, num happy = 8;

PROC next = (INT in n)INT: (

 INT n := in n;
 INT out := 0;
   out +:= ( n MOD base10 ) ** 2;
   n := n OVER base10


PROC is happy = (INT in n)BOOL: (

 INT n := in n;
 FOR i WHILE n NE 1 AND n NE 4 DO n := next(n) OD;


INT count := 0; FOR i WHILE count NE num happy DO

 IF is happy(i) THEN
   count +:= 1;
   print((i, new line))

OD</lang> Output:



<lang AutoHotkey>Loop {

 If isHappy(A_Index) {
   out .= (out="" ? "" : ",") . A_Index
   i ++
   If (i = 8) {
     MsgBox, The first 8 happy numbers are: %out%


isHappy(num, list="") {

 list .= (list="" ? "" : ",") . num
 Loop, Parse, num
   sum += A_LoopField ** 2
 If (sum = 1)
   Return true
 Else If sum in %list%
   Return false
 Else Return isHappy(sum, list)



<lang awk>function is_happy(n) {

 if ( n in happy ) return 1;
 if ( n in unhappy ) return 0;
 cycle[""] = 0
 while( (n!=1) && !(n in cycle) ) {
   cycle[n] = n
   new_n = 0
   while(n>0) {
     d = n % 10
     new_n += d*d
     n = int(n/10)
   n = new_n
 if ( n == 1 ) {
   for (i_ in cycle) {
     happy[cycle[i_]] = 1
     delete cycle[i_]
   return 1
 } else {
   for (i_ in cycle) {
     unhappy[cycle[i_]] = 1
     delete cycle[i_]
   return 0



 cnt = 0
 happy[""] = 0
 unhappy[""] = 0
 for(j=1; (cnt < 8); j++) {
   if ( is_happy(j) == 1 ) {
     print j



<lang c>#include "stdio.h"

  1. include "stdlib.h"

int is_in(int item, int arr[], int arr_len) {

   int i;
   for (i = 0; i < arr_len; i++)
       if (arr[i] == item)
           return 1; // found
   return 0;


int is_happy(int n) {

   #define SEEN_LEN 100
   static int seen[SEEN_LEN];
   int n_seen = 0;
   while (!is_in(n, seen, n_seen)) {
       if (n_seen >= SEEN_LEN) {
           fprintf(stderr, "Error: out of seen[]\n");
       seen[n_seen] = n;
       int tot = 0;
       while (n) {
           int digit = n % 10;
           n /= 10;
           tot += digit * digit;
       n = tot;
   return n == 1;
   #undef SEEN_LEN


int main() {

   int to_show = 8;
   int n_shown = 0;
   int n = 1;
   while (n_shown < to_show) {
       if (is_happy(n)) {
           printf("%d ", n);
   return EXIT_SUCCESS;



Translation of: Python

<lang cpp>#include <map>

  1. include <set>

bool happy(int number) {

 static std::map<int, bool> cache;
 std::set<int> cycle;
 while (number != 1 && !cycle.count(number)) {
   if (cache.count(number)) {
     number = cache[number] ? 1 : 0;
   int newnumber = 0;
   while (number > 0) {
     int digit = number % 10;
     newnumber += digit * digit;
     number /= 10;
   number = newnumber;
 bool happiness = number == 1;
 for (std::set<int>::const_iterator it = cycle.begin();
      it != cycle.end(); it++)
   cache[*it] = happiness;
 return happiness;


  1. include <iostream>

int main() {

 for (int i = 1; i < 50; i++)
   if (happy(i))
     std::cout << i << std::endl;
 return 0;


Alternative version without caching:

<lang cpp>unsigned int happy_iteration(unsigned int n) {

 unsigned int result = 0;
 while (n > 0)
   unsigned int lastdig = n % 10;
   result += lastdig*lastdig;
   n /= 10;
 return result;


bool is_happy(unsigned int n) {

 unsigned int n2 = happy_iteration(n);
 while (n != n2)
   n = happy_iteration(n);
   n2 = happy_iteration(happy_iteration(n2));
 return n == 1;


  1. include <iostream>

int main() {

 unsigned int current_number = 1;
 unsigned int happy_count = 0;
 while (happy_count != 8)
   if (is_happy(current_number))
     std::cout << current_number << " ";
 std::cout << std::endl;


Cycle detection in is_happy() above is done using Floyd's cycle-finding algorithm.


<lang clojure>(defn- digit-to-num [d] (Character/digit d 10)) (defn- square [n] (* n n))

(defn happy? [n]

 (loop [n n, seen #{}]
   (cond (= n 1)  true
         (seen n) false
         (recur (reduce + (map (comp square digit-to-num) (str n)))
                (conj seen n)))))

(def happy-numbers (filter happy? (iterate inc 1)))

(println (take 8 happy-numbers))</lang>

Common Lisp

<lang lisp>(defun happyp (n &aux (seen ()))

   (when (= n 1) (return t))
   (when (find n seen) (return nil))
   (push n seen)
   (setf n (reduce #'+ (map 'list
     (lambda (c &aux (x (position c "0123456789"))) (* x x))
     (format nil "~d" n))))))


 with happy = 0
 for n from 0
 until (= 8 happy)
 when (happyp n)
   do (incf happy) and
   do (format t "~d~%" n))</lang>


This requires the F# power pack to be referenced and the 2010 beta of F# <lang fsharp>open System.Collections.Generic open Microsoft.FSharp.Collections

let answer =

   let sqr x = x*x                                                 // Classic square definition
   let rec AddDigitSquare n =
       match n with
       | 0 -> 0                                                    // Sum of squares for 0 is 0
       | _ -> sqr(n % 10) + (AddDigitSquare (n / 10))              // otherwise add square of bottom digit to recursive call
   let dict = new Dictionary<int, bool>()                          // Dictionary to memoize values
   let IsHappy n =
       if dict.ContainsKey(n) then                                 // If we've already discovered it
           dict.[n]                                                // Return previously discovered value
           let cycle = new HashSet<_>(HashIdentity.Structural)     // Set to keep cycle values in
           let rec isHappyLoop n =
               if cycle.Contains n then n = 1                      // If there's a loop, return true if it's 1
                   cycle.Add n |> ignore                           // else add this value to the cycle
                   isHappyLoop (AddDigitSquare n)                  // and check the next number in the cycle
           let f = isHappyLoop n                                   // Keep track of whether we're happy or not
           cycle |> Seq.iter (fun i -> dict.[i] <- f)              // and apply it to all the values in the cycle
           f                                                       // Return the boolean
   1                                                               // Starting with 1,
   |> Seq.unfold (fun i -> Some (i, i + 1))                        // make an infinite sequence of consecutive integers 
   |> Seq.filter IsHappy                                           // Keep only the happy ones
   |> Seq.truncate 8                                               // Stop when we've found 8</lang>


<lang e>def isHappyNumber(var x :int) {

 var seen := [].asSet()
 while (!seen.contains(x)) {
   seen with= x
   var sum := 0
   while (x > 0) {
     sum += (x % 10) ** 2
     x //= 10
   x := sum
   if (x == 1) { return true }
 return false


var count := 0 for x ? (isHappyNumber(x)) in (int >= 1) {

 if ((count += 1) >= 8) { break }



<lang forth>: next ( n -- n )

 0 swap begin 10 /mod >r  dup * +  r> ?dup 0= until ;
cycle? ( n -- ? )
 here dup @ cells +
 begin dup here >
 while 2dup @ = if 2drop true exit then
       1 cells -
 1 over +!  dup @ cells + !  false ;
happy? ( n -- ? )
 0 here !  begin next dup cycle? until  1 = ;
happy-numbers ( n -- )
 0 swap 0 do
   begin 1+ dup happy? until dup .
 loop drop ;

8 happy-numbers \ 1 7 10 13 19 23 28 31</lang>


<lang haskell>import Data.Char (digitToInt) import Data.Set (member, insert, empty)

isHappy :: Integer -> Bool isHappy = p empty

 where p _ 1 = True
       p s n | n `member` s = False
             | otherwise  = p (insert n s) (f n)
       f = sum . map ((^2) . toInteger . digitToInt) . show     

main = mapM_ print $ take 8 $ filter isHappy [1..]</lang>


<lang j> 8{. (#~1=+/@(*:@(,.&.":))^:(1&~:*.4&~:)^:_ "0) 1+i.100 1 7 10 13 19 23 28 31</lang>

This is a repeat while construction <lang j> f ^: cond ^: _ <input></lang> that produces an array of 1's and 4's, which is converted to 1's and 0's forming a binary array having a 1 for a happy number. Finally the happy numbers are extracted by a binary selector. <lang j> (binary array) # 1..100</lang>

So for easier reading the solution could be expressed as: <lang j> cond=: 1&~: *. 4&~: NB. not equal to 1 and not equal to 4

  sumSqrDigits=: +/@(*:@(,.&.":))
  sumSqrDigits 123        NB. test sum of squared digits


  8{. (#~ 1 = sumSqrDigits ^: cond ^:_ "0) 1 + i.100

1 7 10 13 19 23 28 31</lang>


Works with: Java version 1.5+
Translation of: JavaScript

<lang java5>import java.util.HashSet; public class Happy{

  public static boolean happy(long number){
      long m = 0;
      int digit = 0;
      HashSet<Long> cycle = new HashSet<Long>();
      while(number != 1 && cycle.add(number)){
          m = 0;
          while(number > 0){
              digit = (int)(number % 10);
              m += digit*digit;
              number /= 10;
          number = m;
      return number == 1;
  public static void main(String[] args){
      for(long num = 1,count = 0;count<8;num++){



<lang javascript>function happy(number) {

   var m, digit ;
   var cycle = new Array() ;
   while(number != 1 && cycle[number] != true) {
       cycle[number] = true ;
       m = 0 ;
       while (number > 0) {
           digit = number % 10 ;
           m += digit * digit ;
           number = (number  - digit) / 10 ;
       number = m ;
   return (number == 1) ;

} ;

var cnt = 8 ; var number = 1 ;

while(cnt-- > 0) {

       number++ ;
   document.write(number + " ") ;
   number++ ;



<lang lua>function digits(n)

 if n > 0 then return n % 10, digits(math.floor(n/10)) end

end function sumsq(a, ...)

 return a and a ^ 2 + sumsq(...) or 0

end local happy = setmetatable({true, false, false, false}, {

     __index = function(self, n)
        self[n] = self[sumsq(digits(n))]
        return self[n]
     end } )

i, j = 0, 1 repeat

  i, j = happy[j] and (print(j) or i+1) or i, j + 1

until i == 8</lang>


Custom function HappyQ: <lang Mathematica>AddSumSquare[input_]:=Append[input,Total[IntegerDigits[Last[input]]^2]] NestUntilRepeat[a_,f_]:=NestWhile[f,{a},!MemberQ[Most[Last[{##}]],Last[Last[{##}]]]&,All] HappyQ[a_]:=Last[NestUntilRepeat[a,AddSumSquare]]==1</lang> Examples for a specific number: <lang Mathematica>HappyQ[1337] HappyQ[137]</lang> gives back: <lang Mathematica>True False</lang> Example finding the first 8: <lang Mathematica>m = 8; n = 1; i = 0; happynumbers = {}; While[n <= m,

 AppendTo[happynumbers, i]

happynumbers</lang> gives back: <lang Mathematica>{1, 7, 10, 13, 19, 23, 28, 31}</lang>


<lang oz>declare

 fun {IsHappy N}
    {IsHappy2 N nil}

 fun {IsHappy2 N Seen}
    if     N == 1          then true
    elseif {Member N Seen} then false

Next = {Sum {Map {Digits N} Square}}


{IsHappy2 Next N|Seen}

 fun {Sum Xs}
    {FoldL Xs Number.'+' 0}
 fun {Digits N}
    {Map {Int.toString N} fun {$ D} D - &0 end}

 fun {Square N} N*N end
 fun lazy {Nat I}
    I|{Nat I+1}

 %% List.filter is eager. But we need a lazy Filter:
 fun lazy {LFilter Xs P}
    case Xs of X|Xr andthen {P X} then X|{LFilter Xr P}
    [] _|Xr then {LFilter Xr P}
    [] nil then nil
 HappyNumbers = {LFilter {Nat 1} IsHappy}


 {Show {List.take HappyNumbers 8}}</lang>


<lang perl>use List::Util qw(sum);

sub is_happy ($)

{for (my ($n, %seen) = shift ;; $n = sum map {$_**2} split //, $n)
    {$n == 1 and return 1;
     $seen{$n}++ and return 0;}}

for (my ($n, $happy) = (1, 0) ; $happy < 8 ; ++$n)

  {is_happy $n or next;
   print "$n\n";

Perl 6

<lang perl6>sub happy (Int $n is copy returns Bool) {

 my %seen;
 loop {
     ($n = [+] map * ** 2, $n.comb) == 1 and return True;
     %seen{$n}++ and return False;


my $happy = 0; for 1 .. 100 {

   happy $_ or next;
   ++$happy == 8 and last;



<lang PicoLisp>(de happy? (N)

  (let Seen NIL
        (T (= N 1) T)
        (T (member N Seen))
        (setq N
           (apply +
              (mapcar '((C) (** (format C) 2))
                 (chop (push 'Seen N)) ) ) ) ) ) )

(let H 0

  (do 8
     (until (happy? (inc 'H)))
     (printsp H) ) )</lang>


1 7 10 13 19 23 28 31


<lang PL/I> get list (n); put skip list ('The number is ', n); do i = 1 to 100;

  m = 0;
  do until (n = 0);
     m = m + mod(n, 10)**2;
     n = n/10;
  if m = 1 then
     do; put (' and is a happy number'); stop; end;

end; </lang>


<lang python>>>> def happy(n):

 past = set()			
 while True:
   total = sum(int(i)**2 for i in str(n))
   if total == 1 or total in past:
     return total not in past
   n = total

>>> [x for x in range(1,500) if happy(x)][:8]</lang>


<lang R>is.happy <- function(n) {

  stopifnot(is.numeric(n) && length(n)==1)
  getdigits <- function(n)
     as.integer(unlist(strsplit(as.character(n), "")))
  digits <- getdigits(n)
  previous <- c()
     sumsq <- sum(digits^2, na.rm=TRUE)
        happy <- TRUE
     } else if(sumsq %in% previous)
        happy <- FALSE
        attr(happy, "cycle") <- previous
     } else
        previous <- c(previous, sumsq)
        digits <- getdigits(sumsq)

}</lang> Example usage <lang R>is.happy(2)</lang>

[1]   4  16  37  58  89 145  42  20

<lang R>#Find happy numbers between 1 and 50 which(apply(rbind(1:50), 2, is.happy))</lang>

1  7 10 13 19 23 28 31 32 44 49

<lang R>#Find the first 8 happy numbers happies <- c() i <- 1L while(length(happies) < 8L) {

  if(is.happy(i)) happies <- c(happies, i)
  i <- i + 1L

} happies</lang>

1  7 10 13 19 23 28 31


<lang rexx>count = 0 do zahl = 1 by 1 until count = 8

 t = zahl
 all_sums = ""
 do forever
   sum = 0
   do i = 1 to length(t)
     z = substr(t,i,1)
     sum = sum + z*z
   if t = 1 | pos(sum,all_sums) > 0 then leave
   t = sum
   all_sums = all_sums sum
 if sum = 1 then do
   say zahl
   count = count + 1



Use of cache from Python <lang ruby>require 'set'

def happy?(n)

 seen = Set[]
 state = while n>1 and not seen.include?(n)
   if    $happy_cache[:happy].include?(n): break :happy
   elsif $happy_cache[:sad].include?(n):   break :sad
   seen << n
   n = sum_of_squares_of_digits(n)
 state.nil? and state = n == 1 ? :happy : :sad
 $happy_cache[state] += seen
 state == :happy 


def sum_of_squares_of_digits(n)

 n.to_s.each_char.inject(0) {|sum,c| sum += (c.to_i)**2} 


$happy_cache = Hash.new(Set[]) happy_numbers = [] i = 1 while happy_numbers.length < 8

 happy_numbers << i if happy? i
 i += 1

end p happy_numbers p $happy_cache</lang>

[1, 7, 10, 13, 19, 23, 28, 31]
{:happy=>[7, 49, 97, 130, 10, 13, 19, 82, 68, 100, 23, 28, 31],
 :sad=>[2, 4, 16, 37, 58, 89, 145, 42, 20, 3, 9, 81, 65, 61, 5, 25, 29, 85, 6, 36, 45, 41, 17, 50, 8, 64, 52, 11, 12, 14, 15, 26, 40, 18, 21, 22, 24, 27, 53, 34, 30]}


<lang scala>scala> def isHappy(n: Int) = {

    |   new Iterator[Int] {
    |   val seen = scala.collection.mutable.Set[Int]()
    |   var curr = n
    |   def next = {
    |     val res = curr
    |     curr = res.toString.map(_.asDigit).map(n => n * n).sum
    |     seen += res
    |     res
    |   }
    |   def hasNext = !seen.contains(curr)
    | }.toList.last == 1
    | }

isHappy: (n: Int)Boolean

scala> Iterator from 1 filter isHappy take 8 foreach println 1 7 10 13 19 23 28 31 </lang>


<lang scheme>(define (number->list num)

 (do ((num num (quotient num 10))
      (lst '() (cons (remainder num 10) lst)))
   ((zero? num) lst)))

(define (happy? num)

 (let loop ((num num) (seen '()))
   (cond ((= num 1) #t)
         ((memv num seen) #f)
         (else (loop (apply + (map (lambda (x) (* x x)) (number->list num)))
                     (cons num seen))))))

(display "happy numbers:") (let loop ((n 1) (more 8))

 (cond ((= more 0) (newline))
       ((happy? n) (display " ") (display n) (loop (+ n 1) (- more 1)))
       (else (loop (+ n 1) more))))</lang>

The output is:

happy numbers: 1 7 10 13 19 23 28 31


Works with: GNU Smalltalk
Translation of: Python

In addition to the "Python's cache mechanism", the use of a Bag assures that found e.g. the happy 190, we already have in cache also the happy 910 and 109, and so on. <lang smalltalk>Object subclass: HappyNumber [

 |cache negativeCache|
 HappyNumber class >> new [ |me|
   me := super new.
   ^ me init
 init [ cache := Set new. negativeCache := Set new. ]
 hasSad: aNum [
   ^ (negativeCache includes: (self recycle: aNum))
 hasHappy: aNum [
   ^ (cache includes: (self recycle: aNum))
 addHappy: aNum [
   cache add: (self recycle: aNum)
 addSad: aNum [
   negativeCache add: (self recycle: aNum)
 recycle: aNum [ |r n| r := Bag new.
   n := aNum.
   [ n > 0 ]
   whileTrue: [ |d|
     d := n rem: 10.
     r add: d.
     n := n // 10.
 isHappy: aNumber [ |cycle number newnumber|
   number := aNumber.
   cycle := Set new.
   [ (number ~= 1) & ( (cycle includes: number) not ) ]
   whileTrue: [
     (self hasHappy: number)
     ifTrue: [ ^true ]
     ifFalse: [
       (self hasSad: number) ifTrue: [ ^false ].
       cycle add: number.
       newnumber := 0.
       [ number > 0 ]
       whileTrue: [ |digit|
         digit := number rem: 10.
         newnumber := newnumber + (digit * digit).
	  number := (number - digit) // 10.
       number := newnumber.
   (number = 1)
   ifTrue: [
     cycle do: [ :e | self addHappy: e ].
   ifFalse: [ 
     cycle do: [ :e | self addSad: e ].


<lang smalltalk>|happy| happy := HappyNumber new.

1 to: 30 do: [ :i |

 (happy isHappy: i)
 ifTrue: [ i displayNl ]



using code from Sum of squares#Tcl <lang tcl>proc is_happy n {

   set seen [list]
   while {$n > 1 && [lsearch -exact $seen $n] == -1} {
       lappend seen $n
       set n [sum_of_squares [split $n ""]]
   return [expr {$n == 1}]


set happy [list] set n -1 while {[llength $happy] < 8} {

   if {[is_happy $n]} {lappend happy $n}
   incr n

} puts "the first 8 happy numbers are: [list $happy]"</lang>

the first 8 happy numbers are: {1 7 10 13 19 23 28 31}


The happy function is a predicate testing whether a given number is happy, and first(p) defines a function mapping a number n to the first n positive naturals having property p. <lang Ursala>#import std

  1. import nat

happy = ==1+ ^== sum:-0+ product*iip+ %np*hiNCNCS+ %nP

first "p" = ~&i&& iota; ~&lrtPX/&; leql@lrPrX->lrx ^|\~& ^/successor@l ^|T\~& "p"&& ~&iNC

  1. cast %nL

main = (first happy) 8</lang> output:
