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This uses Factor's own user interface vocabularies. Use hjkl-bnyu (vi-keys) to move.
<lang factor>USING: accessors arrays colors combinators
combinators.short-circuit fry grouping io io.styles kernel lexer
literals make math math.matrices math.parser math.vectors random
sequences strings ui ui.commands ui.gadgets.panes
ui.gadgets.status-bar ui.gadgets.worlds ui.gestures
ui.pens.solid ;
IN: rosetta-code.greed

SYNTAX: RGB: scan-token 2 cut 2 cut [ hex> 255 /f ] tri@ 1
<rgba> suffix! ;

CONSTANT: cells-width 79
CONSTANT: cells-height 22
CONSTANT: size 24
CONSTANT: bg-color RGB: 000000

CONSTANT: player-format {
{ font-size $ size }
{ foreground RGB: 5990C8 }
{ background RGB: B96646 }

CONSTANT: normal-format { { font-size $ size } }

CONSTANT: colors {
RGB: 40B4A4
RGB: 40B3B7
RGB: 40A2B9
RGB: 4268C0
RGB: 4355C2
RGB: 4845C3
RGB: 5F46C4

CONSTANT: neighbors {
{ -1 -1 } { -1 0 } { -1 1 }
{ 0 -1 } { 0 1 }
{ 1 -1 } { 1 0 } { 1 1 }

TUPLE: greed < pane cells x y score ;

: set-player ( greed elt -- )
'[ y>> _ swap ] [ x>> 2array ] [ cells>> ] tri set-index ;

: place-player ( greed -- ) 0 set-player ;

: remove-player ( greed -- ) f set-player ;

: make-cells ( -- cells )
cells-width cells-height * [ 9 random 1 + ] replicate
cells-width group ;

: write-number ( n/f -- )
[ >digit 1string normal-format first foreground ]
[ 1 - colors nth 2array ] bi 2array format ;

: write-cell ( n/f -- )
{ f [ " " normal-format format ] }
{ 0 [ "@" player-format format ] }
[ write-number ]
} case ;

: write-cells ( cells -- ) [ [ write-cell ] each nl ] each ;

: update-cells ( greed -- )
dup cells>> [ write-cells ] curry with-pane ;

: init-greed ( greed -- greed' )
make-cells >>cells cells-width random >>x cells-height
random >>y 0 >>score dup place-player dup update-cells dup
"Score: 0" swap show-status ;

: <greed> ( -- greed )
f greed new-pane bg-color <solid> >>interior init-greed ;

: ?r,c ( r c matrix -- elt/f ) swapd ?nth ?nth ;
: ?r,cths ( seq matrix -- newseq )
[ [ first2 ] dip ?r,c ] curry map ;

: (ray) ( start-loc dir length -- seq )
1 + [ [ [ v+ ] keep over , ] times ] { } make 2nip ;

: ray ( start-loc dir length -- seq/f )
dup [ (ray) ] [ 2nip ] if ;

: ?r,c-dir ( r c dir matrix -- n )
[ 2array ] [ v+ first2 ] [ ?r,c ] tri* ;

: move-length ( greed dir -- n )
[ [ y>> ] [ x>> ] [ ] tri ] dip swap cells>> ?r,c-dir ;

: y,x>loc ( greed -- loc ) [ y>> ] [ x>> ] bi 2array ;

: ray-dir ( greed dir -- seq )
[ [ y,x>loc ] dip ] [ move-length ] 2bi ray ;

: in-bounds? ( dim loc -- ? )
{ [ nip [ 0 >= ] all? ] [ v- [ 0 > ] all? ] } 2&& ;

: endpoint-in-bounds? ( greed dir -- ? )
ray-dir dup [
last ${ cells-height cells-width } swap in-bounds?
] when ;

: gapless? ( greed dir -- ? )
[ ray-dir ] [ drop cells>> ?r,cths ] 2bi [ integer? ] all? ;

: can-move? ( greed dir -- ? )
{ [ endpoint-in-bounds? ] [ gapless? ] } 2&& ;

: can-move-any? ( greed -- ? )
neighbors [ can-move? ] with map [ t = ] any? ;

: setup-move ( greed dir -- seq ) over remove-player ray-dir ;

: update-score ( greed dir -- greed dir )
2dup move-length pick swap [ + ] curry change-score dup
score>> number>string "Score: " prepend swap show-status ;

: (move) ( greed dir -- )
update-score [ drop f ] [ setup-move dup last ]
[ drop cells>> swap [ set-indices ] dip ] 2tri first2
[ >>y ] dip >>x place-player ;

: game-over ( greed -- )
score>> number>string "Game over! Final score: "
prepend " Press <space> for new game." append
] [ show-status ] bi ;

: ?game-over ( greed -- )
dup can-move-any? [ drop ] [ game-over ] if ;

: move ( greed dir -- )
dupd 2dup can-move? [ (move) ] [ 2drop ] if
[ update-cells ] [ ?game-over ] bi ;

: ?new-game ( greed -- )
dup can-move-any? [ drop ] [ init-greed drop ] if ;

: e ( greed -- ) { 0 1 } move ;
: se ( greed -- ) { 1 1 } move ;
: s ( greed -- ) { 1 0 } move ;
: sw ( greed -- ) { 1 -1 } move ;
: w ( greed -- ) { 0 -1 } move ;
: nw ( greed -- ) { -1 -1 } move ;
: n ( greed -- ) { -1 0 } move ;
: ne ( greed -- ) { -1 1 } move ;

greed "gestures" f {
{ T{ key-down { sym "l" } } e }
{ T{ key-down { sym "n" } } se }
{ T{ key-down { sym "j" } } s }
{ T{ key-down { sym "b" } } sw }
{ T{ key-down { sym "h" } } w }
{ T{ key-down { sym "y" } } nw }
{ T{ key-down { sym "k" } } n }
{ T{ key-down { sym "u" } } ne }
{ T{ key-down { sym " " } } ?new-game }
} define-command-map

: greed-window ( -- )
<greed> <world-attributes> "Greed" >>title
] with-ui ;

MAIN: greed-window</lang>
[ Screenshot of the game after a loss]
