Game Maker

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Game Maker is an implementation of GML. Other implementations of GML.

Game Maker

Game Maker (often abbreviated to GM) is a Windows and Mac IDE originally developed by Mark Overmars. It is currently developed and published by YoYo Games, a software company in which Overmars is involved. Game Maker allows users to easily develop computer games without the requirement of prior computer programming experience, while allowing advanced users to create complex applications with its built-in scripting language, GML.

Although intended for programming games, it is also very capable of many other function for a variety of different types of programs.

Since its initial release in 1999, Game Maker gained many new features, notably 3D graphics support, as well as a significant user base, with YoYo Games providing free hosting for user-created games.

Game Maker Studio

Game Maker Studio is a significantly newer version of the program. Since Game Maker 8.1 many new features have been added such as Physics, Networking and export to platforms such as Android or iOS.

See also