Four bit adder

From Rosetta Code
Revision as of 19:47, 30 September 2011 by rosettacode>Champollion (C++ version of this example.)
Four bit adder
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

The aim of this task is to "simulate" a four-bit adder "chip". This "chip" can be realized using four 1-bit full adders. Each of these 1-bit full adders can be with two half adders and an or gate. Finally a half adder can be made using a xor gate and an and gate. The xor gate can be made using two nots, two ands and one or.

Not, or and and, the only allowed "gates" for the task, can be "imitated" by using the bitwise operators of your language. If there is not a bit type in your language, to be sure that the not does not "invert" all the other bits of the basic type (e.g. a byte) we are not interested in, you can use an extra nand (and then not) with the constant 1 on one input.

Instead of optimizing and reducing the number of gates used for the final 4-bit adder, build it in the most straightforward way, connecting the other "constructive blocks", in turn made of "simpler" and "smaller" ones.

Schematics of the "constructive blocks"
Xor gate done with ands, ors and nots A half adder A full adder A 4-bit adder
Xor gate done with ands, ors and nots A half adder A full adder A 4-bit adder

Solutions should try to be as descriptive as possible, making it as easy as possible to identify "connections" between higher-order "blocks". It is not mandatory to replicate the syntax of higher-order blocks in the atomic "gate" blocks, i.e. basic "gate" operations can be performed as usual bitwise operations, or they can be "wrapped" in a block in order to expose the same syntax of higher-order blocks, at implementers' choice.

To test the implementation, show the sum of two four-bit numbers (in binary).


<lang Ada> type Four_Bits is array (1..4) of Boolean;

procedure Half_Adder (Input_1, Input_2 : Boolean; Output, Carry : out Boolean) is begin

  Output := Input_1 xor Input_2;
  Carry  := Input_1 and Input_2;

end Half_Adder;

procedure Full_Adder (Input_1, Input_2 : Boolean; Output : out Boolean; Carry : in out Boolean) is

  T_1, T_2, T_3 : Boolean;


  Half_Adder (Input_1, Input_2, T_1, T_2);
  Half_Adder (Carry, T_1, Output, T_3);
  Carry := T_2 or T_3;

end Full_Adder;

procedure Four_Bits_Adder (A, B : Four_Bits; C : out Four_Bits; Carry : in out Boolean) is begin

  Full_Adder (A (4), B (4), C (4), Carry);
  Full_Adder (A (3), B (3), C (3), Carry);
  Full_Adder (A (2), B (2), C (2), Carry);
  Full_Adder (A (1), B (1), C (1), Carry);

end Four_Bits_Adder; </lang> A test program with the above definitions <lang Ada> with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;

procedure Test_4_Bit_Adder is

  -- The definitions from above
  function Image (Bit : Boolean) return Character is
     if Bit then
        return '1';
        return '0';
     end if;
  end Image;
  function Image (X : Four_Bits) return String is
     return Image (X (1)) & Image (X (2)) & Image (X (3)) & Image (X (4));
  end Image;
  A, B, C : Four_Bits; Carry : Boolean;


  for I_1 in Boolean'Range loop
     for I_2 in Boolean'Range loop
        for I_3 in Boolean'Range loop
           for I_4 in Boolean'Range loop
              for J_1 in Boolean'Range loop
                 for J_2 in Boolean'Range loop
                    for J_3 in Boolean'Range loop
                       for J_4 in Boolean'Range loop
                          A := (I_1, I_2, I_3, I_4);
                          B := (J_1, J_2, J_3, J_4);
                          Carry := False;
                          Four_Bits_Adder (A, B, C, Carry);
                          (  Image (A)
                          &  " + "
                          &  Image (B)
                          &  " = "
                          &  Image (C)
                          &  " "
                          &  Image (Carry)
                       end loop;
                    end loop;
                 end loop;
              end loop;
           end loop;
        end loop;
     end loop;
  end loop;

end Test_4_Bit_Adder; </lang> Sample output:

0000 + 0000 = 0000 0
0000 + 0001 = 0001 0
0000 + 0010 = 0010 0
0000 + 0011 = 0011 0
0000 + 0100 = 0100 0
0000 + 0101 = 0101 0
0000 + 0110 = 0110 0
0000 + 0111 = 0111 0
0000 + 1000 = 1000 0
0000 + 1001 = 1001 0
0000 + 1010 = 1010 0
0000 + 1011 = 1011 0
0000 + 1100 = 1100 0
0000 + 1101 = 1101 0
0000 + 1110 = 1110 0
0000 + 1111 = 1111 0
0001 + 0000 = 0001 0
0001 + 0001 = 0010 0
0001 + 0010 = 0011 0
0001 + 0011 = 0100 0
0001 + 0100 = 0101 0
0001 + 0101 = 0110 0
0001 + 0110 = 0111 0
0001 + 0111 = 1000 0
0001 + 1000 = 1001 0
0001 + 1001 = 1010 0
0001 + 1010 = 1011 0
0001 + 1011 = 1100 0
0001 + 1100 = 1101 0
0001 + 1101 = 1110 0
0001 + 1110 = 1111 0
0001 + 1111 = 0000 1
0010 + 0000 = 0010 0
0010 + 0001 = 0011 0
0010 + 0010 = 0100 0
0010 + 0011 = 0101 0
0010 + 0100 = 0110 0
0010 + 0101 = 0111 0
0010 + 0110 = 1000 0
0010 + 0111 = 1001 0
0010 + 1000 = 1010 0
0010 + 1001 = 1011 0
0010 + 1010 = 1100 0
0010 + 1011 = 1101 0
0010 + 1100 = 1110 0
0010 + 1101 = 1111 0
0010 + 1110 = 0000 1
0010 + 1111 = 0001 1
0011 + 0000 = 0011 0
0011 + 0001 = 0100 0
0011 + 0010 = 0101 0
0011 + 0011 = 0110 0
0011 + 0100 = 0111 0
0011 + 0101 = 1000 0
0011 + 0110 = 1001 0
0011 + 0111 = 1010 0
0011 + 1000 = 1011 0
0011 + 1001 = 1100 0
0011 + 1010 = 1101 0
0011 + 1011 = 1110 0
0011 + 1100 = 1111 0
0011 + 1101 = 0000 1
0011 + 1110 = 0001 1
0011 + 1111 = 0010 1
0100 + 0000 = 0100 0
0100 + 0001 = 0101 0
0100 + 0010 = 0110 0
0100 + 0011 = 0111 0
0100 + 0100 = 1000 0
0100 + 0101 = 1001 0
0100 + 0110 = 1010 0
0100 + 0111 = 1011 0
0100 + 1000 = 1100 0
0100 + 1001 = 1101 0
0100 + 1010 = 1110 0
0100 + 1011 = 1111 0
0100 + 1100 = 0000 1
0100 + 1101 = 0001 1
0100 + 1110 = 0010 1
0100 + 1111 = 0011 1
0101 + 0000 = 0101 0
0101 + 0001 = 0110 0
0101 + 0010 = 0111 0
0101 + 0011 = 1000 0
0101 + 0100 = 1001 0
0101 + 0101 = 1010 0
0101 + 0110 = 1011 0
0101 + 0111 = 1100 0
0101 + 1000 = 1101 0
0101 + 1001 = 1110 0
0101 + 1010 = 1111 0
0101 + 1011 = 0000 1
0101 + 1100 = 0001 1
0101 + 1101 = 0010 1
0101 + 1110 = 0011 1
0101 + 1111 = 0100 1
0110 + 0000 = 0110 0
0110 + 0001 = 0111 0
0110 + 0010 = 1000 0
0110 + 0011 = 1001 0
0110 + 0100 = 1010 0
0110 + 0101 = 1011 0
0110 + 0110 = 1100 0
0110 + 0111 = 1101 0
0110 + 1000 = 1110 0
0110 + 1001 = 1111 0
0110 + 1010 = 0000 1
0110 + 1011 = 0001 1
0110 + 1100 = 0010 1
0110 + 1101 = 0011 1
0110 + 1110 = 0100 1
0110 + 1111 = 0101 1
0111 + 0000 = 0111 0
0111 + 0001 = 1000 0
0111 + 0010 = 1001 0
0111 + 0011 = 1010 0
0111 + 0100 = 1011 0
0111 + 0101 = 1100 0
0111 + 0110 = 1101 0
0111 + 0111 = 1110 0
0111 + 1000 = 1111 0
0111 + 1001 = 0000 1
0111 + 1010 = 0001 1
0111 + 1011 = 0010 1
0111 + 1100 = 0011 1
0111 + 1101 = 0100 1
0111 + 1110 = 0101 1
0111 + 1111 = 0110 1
1000 + 0000 = 1000 0
1000 + 0001 = 1001 0
1000 + 0010 = 1010 0
1000 + 0011 = 1011 0
1000 + 0100 = 1100 0
1000 + 0101 = 1101 0
1000 + 0110 = 1110 0
1000 + 0111 = 1111 0
1000 + 1000 = 0000 1
1000 + 1001 = 0001 1
1000 + 1010 = 0010 1
1000 + 1011 = 0011 1
1000 + 1100 = 0100 1
1000 + 1101 = 0101 1
1000 + 1110 = 0110 1
1000 + 1111 = 0111 1
1001 + 0000 = 1001 0
1001 + 0001 = 1010 0
1001 + 0010 = 1011 0
1001 + 0011 = 1100 0
1001 + 0100 = 1101 0
1001 + 0101 = 1110 0
1001 + 0110 = 1111 0
1001 + 0111 = 0000 1
1001 + 1000 = 0001 1
1001 + 1001 = 0010 1
1001 + 1010 = 0011 1
1001 + 1011 = 0100 1
1001 + 1100 = 0101 1
1001 + 1101 = 0110 1
1001 + 1110 = 0111 1
1001 + 1111 = 1000 1
1010 + 0000 = 1010 0
1010 + 0001 = 1011 0
1010 + 0010 = 1100 0
1010 + 0011 = 1101 0
1010 + 0100 = 1110 0
1010 + 0101 = 1111 0
1010 + 0110 = 0000 1
1010 + 0111 = 0001 1
1010 + 1000 = 0010 1
1010 + 1001 = 0011 1
1010 + 1010 = 0100 1
1010 + 1011 = 0101 1
1010 + 1100 = 0110 1
1010 + 1101 = 0111 1
1010 + 1110 = 1000 1
1010 + 1111 = 1001 1
1011 + 0000 = 1011 0
1011 + 0001 = 1100 0
1011 + 0010 = 1101 0
1011 + 0011 = 1110 0
1011 + 0100 = 1111 0
1011 + 0101 = 0000 1
1011 + 0110 = 0001 1
1011 + 0111 = 0010 1
1011 + 1000 = 0011 1
1011 + 1001 = 0100 1
1011 + 1010 = 0101 1
1011 + 1011 = 0110 1
1011 + 1100 = 0111 1
1011 + 1101 = 1000 1
1011 + 1110 = 1001 1
1011 + 1111 = 1010 1
1100 + 0000 = 1100 0
1100 + 0001 = 1101 0
1100 + 0010 = 1110 0
1100 + 0011 = 1111 0
1100 + 0100 = 0000 1
1100 + 0101 = 0001 1
1100 + 0110 = 0010 1
1100 + 0111 = 0011 1
1100 + 1000 = 0100 1
1100 + 1001 = 0101 1
1100 + 1010 = 0110 1
1100 + 1011 = 0111 1
1100 + 1100 = 1000 1
1100 + 1101 = 1001 1
1100 + 1110 = 1010 1
1100 + 1111 = 1011 1
1101 + 0000 = 1101 0
1101 + 0001 = 1110 0
1101 + 0010 = 1111 0
1101 + 0011 = 0000 1
1101 + 0100 = 0001 1
1101 + 0101 = 0010 1
1101 + 0110 = 0011 1
1101 + 0111 = 0100 1
1101 + 1000 = 0101 1
1101 + 1001 = 0110 1
1101 + 1010 = 0111 1
1101 + 1011 = 1000 1
1101 + 1100 = 1001 1
1101 + 1101 = 1010 1
1101 + 1110 = 1011 1
1101 + 1111 = 1100 1
1110 + 0000 = 1110 0
1110 + 0001 = 1111 0
1110 + 0010 = 0000 1
1110 + 0011 = 0001 1
1110 + 0100 = 0010 1
1110 + 0101 = 0011 1
1110 + 0110 = 0100 1
1110 + 0111 = 0101 1
1110 + 1000 = 0110 1
1110 + 1001 = 0111 1
1110 + 1010 = 1000 1
1110 + 1011 = 1001 1
1110 + 1100 = 1010 1
1110 + 1101 = 1011 1
1110 + 1110 = 1100 1
1110 + 1111 = 1101 1
1111 + 0000 = 1111 0
1111 + 0001 = 0000 1
1111 + 0010 = 0001 1
1111 + 0011 = 0010 1
1111 + 0100 = 0011 1
1111 + 0101 = 0100 1
1111 + 0110 = 0101 1
1111 + 0111 = 0110 1
1111 + 1000 = 0111 1
1111 + 1001 = 1000 1
1111 + 1010 = 1001 1
1111 + 1011 = 1010 1
1111 + 1100 = 1011 1
1111 + 1101 = 1100 1
1111 + 1110 = 1101 1
1111 + 1111 = 1110 1


<lang c>#include <stdio.h>

typedef char pin_t;

  1. define IN const pin_t *
  2. define OUT pin_t *
  3. define PIN(X) pin_t _##X; pin_t *X = & _##X;
  4. define V(X) (*(X))

/* a NOT that does not soil the rest of the host of the single bit */

  1. define NOT(X) (~(X)&1)

/* a shortcut to "implement" a XOR using only NOT, AND and OR gates, as

  task requirements constrain */
  1. define XOR(X,Y) ((NOT(X)&(Y)) | ((X)&NOT(Y)))

void halfadder(IN a, IN b, OUT s, OUT c) {

 V(s) = XOR(V(a), V(b));
 V(c) = V(a) & V(b);


void fulladder(IN a, IN b, IN ic, OUT s, OUT oc) {

 PIN(ps); PIN(pc); PIN(tc);
 halfadder(/*INPUT*/a, b, /*OUTPUT*/ps, pc);
 halfadder(/*INPUT*/ps, ic, /*OUTPUT*/s, tc);
 V(oc) = V(tc) | V(pc);


void fourbitsadder(IN a0, IN a1, IN a2, IN a3, IN b0, IN b1, IN b2, IN b3, OUT o0, OUT o1, OUT o2, OUT o3, OUT overflow) {

 PIN(zero); V(zero) = 0;
 PIN(tc0); PIN(tc1); PIN(tc2);
 fulladder(/*INPUT*/a0, b0, zero, /*OUTPUT*/o0, tc0);
 fulladder(/*INPUT*/a1, b1, tc0,  /*OUTPUT*/o1, tc1);
 fulladder(/*INPUT*/a2, b2, tc1,  /*OUTPUT*/o2, tc2);
 fulladder(/*INPUT*/a3, b3, tc2,  /*OUTPUT*/o3, overflow);


int main() {

 PIN(a0); PIN(a1); PIN(a2); PIN(a3);
 PIN(b0); PIN(b1); PIN(b2); PIN(b3);
 PIN(s0); PIN(s1); PIN(s2); PIN(s3);
 V(a3) = 0; V(b3) = 1;
 V(a2) = 0; V(b2) = 1;
 V(a1) = 1; V(b1) = 1;
 V(a0) = 0; V(b0) = 0;
 fourbitsadder(a0, a1, a2, a3, /* INPUT */

b0, b1, b2, b3, s0, s1, s2, s3, /* OUTPUT */ overflow);

 printf("%d%d%d%d + %d%d%d%d = %d%d%d%d, overflow = %d\n",

V(a3), V(a2), V(a1), V(a0), V(b3), V(b2), V(b1), V(b0), V(s3), V(s2), V(s1), V(s0), V(overflow));

 return 0;



Remarks before we start:

  • '...aim of this task is to simulate a four-bit adder chip.' According to this,

the class design is laid out like this: starting with 'I/O pins' of our 'chip', we represent its 'inner circuit' by a 'logic block'. Logic blocks have a transfer function which creates signals for the output pins from the signals at the input pins (and the inner state of the block, if necessary). Logic blocks may be connected to form a more complex logic block; thereby we work our way up from the simple gates (AND, OR etc.) via more complex circuits (XOR, half adder, etc.) to the four bit adder. In order to avoid the tedious work of encoding numbers to bits and vice versa, we added conveniency blocks: a source (logic block without input pins) which sets its output pins according to a given decimal number, and a sink (logic block without output pins) which calculates a decimal number from the state of its input pins.

  • '... gates ... can be imitated by using the bitwise operators...' I decided to use a boolean for a bit - firstly because

the largest 'numbers' in this example are 5 bits wide and secondly because this is should become rather a prove of concept than highly efficient code.

  • As C++ provides nice operator overloading and sophisticated templates, we'll make heavy use of these features - just for fun and elegance of syntax!

A Pin just stores just its signal value; declared as follows (Pin.h)... <lang cpp>#if !defined __PIN_H__

  1. define __PIN_H__

namespace rosetta

 namespace fourBitAdder
   namespace detail
     class Pin
         Pin& Signal(bool value);
         bool Signal()const;
         bool signal;
     }   //namespace detail
   }     //namespace fourBitAdder
 }       //namespace rosetta
  1. endif //!defined __PIN_H__</lang>

... and defined like that (Pin.cpp): <lang cpp>#include "Pin.h" using rosetta::fourBitAdder::detail::Pin;



Pin& Pin::Signal(bool value)

 signal = value;
 return *this;

bool Pin::Signal()const

 return signal;

An input pin is a Pin which a value may be assigned to and can be got from; also, the input pin may be connected to a signal source which then determines the input pin's value. Obviously, in our simple world, such a signal source needs to be an output pin (PinIn.h): <lang cpp>#if !defined __PININ_H__

  1. define __PININ_H__
  1. include "Pin.h"

namespace rosetta

 namespace fourBitAdder
   class PinOut;
   class PinIn
     :public detail::Pin
     friend void operator>>(const PinOut&, PinIn&);
       PinIn& operator=(bool signal);
       operator bool()const;
       void Disconnect();
       void Connect(const PinOut& output);
       const PinOut* signalSource;
   } //namespace fourBitAdder
 }   //namespace rosetta
  1. endif //!defined __PININ_H__</lang>

The input pin's definition (PinIn.cpp): <lang cpp>#include <memory>

  1. include <cassert>
  1. include "PinIn.h"
  2. include "PinOut.h"

using rosetta::fourBitAdder::PinIn; using rosetta::fourBitAdder::PinOut;



PinIn& PinIn::operator=(bool signal)

 assert(signalSource == NULL); //otherwise, this will not have any effect
 return static_cast<PinIn&>(Signal(signal));

PinIn::operator bool()const

 if(signalSource == NULL)
   return Signal();
   return *signalSource;   

void PinIn::Disconnect()

 signalSource = NULL;

void PinIn::Connect(const PinOut& output)

 signalSource = &output;

An output pin is a Pin which a value may be assigned to and can be got from; also, the output pin may be get its signal from the transfer function of a (logic) block. For this to work out properly, it is necessary that an output pin knows to which block ('chip') it belongs to and what position it has there. Being the bridge between a chip's inner circuits (the logic block) and the outside world, an output pin may be connected to an input pin (PinOut.h): <lang cpp>#if !defined __PINOUT_H__

  1. define __PINOUT_H__
  1. include "Pin.h"

namespace rosetta

 namespace fourBitAdder
   namespace detail
     class Block;
     template<int, int> class LogicBlock;
   class PinIn;
   class PinOut
     :public detail::Pin
     friend void operator>>(const PinOut&, PinIn&);
     template<int, int> friend class detail::LogicBlock;
       operator bool()const;
       PinOut& operator=(bool signal);
       PinOut(detail::Block& container, int indexOfPinInContainer);
       detail::Block*const container;
       int indexOfPinInContainer;
     void operator>>(const PinOut& output, PinIn& input);
   } //namespace fourBitAdder
 }   //namespace rosetta
  1. endif //!defined __PINOUT_H__</lang>

The output pin's definition (PinOut.cpp): <lang cpp>#include "cassert"

  1. include "BaseLogic.h"

using rosetta::fourBitAdder::detail::Block;

  1. include "PinOut.h"

using rosetta::fourBitAdder::PinOut;



PinOut::PinOut(Block& container, int indexOfPinInContainer)


PinOut::operator bool()const

 if(container == NULL)
   return Signal();
   return container->TransferFunction(indexOfPinInContainer);

PinOut& PinOut::operator=(bool signal)

 assert(container == NULL); //otherwise, this will not have any effect
 return static_cast<PinOut&>(Signal(signal));

void rosetta::fourBitAdder::operator>>(const PinOut& output, PinIn& input)


Now, we define a block which has no more than a pure virtual transfer function. The block serves as a base for a logic block which adds a certain number of input and output pins to the transfer function. Note how the numbers of input and output pins come in as template parameters (BaseLogic.h): <lang cpp>#if !defined __BASELOGIC_H__

  1. define __BASELOGIC_H__
  1. include<memory>
  2. include<stdexcept>
  3. include<vector>
  1. include "PinIn.h"
  2. include "PinOut.h"

namespace rosetta

 namespace fourBitAdder
   namespace detail
     class Block
         virtual bool TransferFunction(unsigned indexOfOutput)=0;
     template<int NumIn, int NumOut>
     class LogicBlock
         PinIn& In(unsigned i = 0)const
           if(i >= NumIn)
             throw std::out_of_range("Index of input pin is out of range!");
           return *in[i];
         const PinOut& Out(unsigned i = 0)
         if(i >= NumOut)
           throw std::out_of_range("Index of output pin is out of range!");
         return *out[i];
           for(int i =0; i < NumIn; i++)
             in.push_back(std::auto_ptr<PinIn>(new PinIn()));
           for(int i =0; i < NumOut; i++)
             out.push_back(std::auto_ptr<PinOut>(new PinOut(*this, i)));            
           NumInputs = NumIn, 
           NumOutputs = NumOut
         std::vector<std::auto_ptr<PinIn> > in;
         std::vector<std::auto_ptr<PinOut> > out;
     }   //namespace detail
   }     //namespace fourBitAdder
 }       //namespace rosetta
  1. endif //!defined __BASELOGIC_H__</lang>

Defining a gate as a logic block with just one output, we declare such a base class. Then, definition of the basic AND, OR and NOT gates with an arbitrary number of input pins is as easy as writing down the appropriate transfer function. <lang cpp>#if !defined __GATES_H__

  1. define __GATES_H__
  1. include"PinIn.h"
  2. include"BaseLogic.h"

namespace rosetta

 namespace fourBitAdder
   namespace detail
     template<int NumIn>
     class Gate
       : public LogicBlock<NumIn, 1>
     }   //namespace detail
   template<int NumIn>
   class AndGate
     : public detail::Gate<NumIn>
       bool TransferFunction(unsigned indexOfOutput)
         bool result = true;
         for(unsigned i = 0; i < NumIn; i++)
           result = result && In(i);
         return result;
   template <int NumIn>
   class OrGate
     : public detail::Gate<NumIn>
       bool TransferFunction(unsigned indexOfOutput)
         bool result = false;
         for(unsigned i = 0; i < NumIn; i++)
           result = result || In(i);
         return result;
   class NotGate
     : public detail::Gate<1>
       bool TransferFunction(unsigned indexOfOutput)
         return !In(0);
   }     //namespace fourBitAdder
 }       //namespace rosetta
  1. endif //!defined __GATES_H__</lang>

Now we are ready for our first circuit build from several gates: the xor gate, following the schematic given with this task, consists of two AND, two NOT and one OR gates (XorGate.h). <lang cpp>#if !defined __XORGATE_H__

  1. define __XORGATE_H__
  1. include "Gates.h"

namespace rosetta

 namespace fourBitAdder
   class XorGate
     : public detail::Gate<2>
       bool TransferFunction(unsigned indexOfOutput);
       AndGate<2> andA, andB;
       NotGate notA, notB;
       OrGate<2> or;
   }     //namespace fourBitAdder
 }       //namespace rosetta
  1. endif //!defined __XORGATE_H__</lang>

The XOR gate's definition needs to set up the internal connections of the constituting gates and to write down the transfer function which infers the XOR's output signal from its input signals. <lang cpp>#include "XorGate.h" using namespace rosetta::fourBitAdder;



bool XorGate::TransferFunction(unsigned indexOfOutput)

 andA.In(0) = In(0);
 notA.In(0) = In(0);
 andB.In(0) = In(1);
 notB.In(0) = In(1);
 return or.Out();

A half adder has two inputs (Bit A and B) and two outputs (Sum and Carry); it consists of an AND and a XOR gate (HalfAdder.h): <lang cpp>#if !defined __HALFADDER_H__

  1. define __HALFADDER_H__
  1. include "XorGate.h"
  2. include "Gates.h"
  3. include "BaseLogic.h"

namespace rosetta

 namespace fourBitAdder
   class PinOut;
   class PinIn;
   template<int> class AndGate;
   class HalfAdder
     : public detail::LogicBlock<2,2>
       bool TransferFunction(unsigned indexOfOutput);
       PinIn& BitA();
       PinIn& BitB();
       const PinOut& Sum();
       const PinOut& Carry();
       AndGate<2> and;
       XorGate xor;
   }     //namespace fourBitAdder
 }       //namespace rosetta
  1. endif //!defined __HALFADDER_H__</lang>

Internal wiring is not required for the half adder; we just write down the transfer function which is able to provide the values for either of the two outputs (HalfAdder.cpp): <lang cpp>#include <stdexcept> using std::out_of_range;

  1. include "HalfAdder.h"

using namespace rosetta::fourBitAdder;

bool HalfAdder::TransferFunction(unsigned indexOfOutput)

   case 0: // sum
     xor.In(0) = BitA();
     xor.In(1) = BitB();
     return xor.Out();
   case 1: // carry
     and.In(0) = BitA();
     and.In(1) = BitB();
     return and.Out();
     throw new out_of_range("There are only two output pins.");

PinIn& HalfAdder::BitA() {return In(0);}

PinIn& HalfAdder::BitB() {return In(1);}

const PinOut& HalfAdder::Sum() {return Out(0);}

const PinOut& HalfAdder::Carry() {return Out(1);} </lang> A full adder has three inputs (bits A and B as well as carry) and two outputs (sum and carry); it consists of an OR gate and two half adders (FullAdder.h): <lang cpp>#if !defined __FULLADDER_H__

  1. define __FULLADDER_H__
  1. include "BaseLogic.h"
  2. include "Gates.h"
  3. include "HalfAdder.h"

namespace rosetta

 namespace fourBitAdder
   class PinOut;
   class PinIn;
   class FullAdder
     : public detail::LogicBlock<3,2>
       bool TransferFunction(unsigned indexOfOutput);
       PinIn& CarryInput();
       PinIn& BitA();
       PinIn& BitB();
       const PinOut& Sum();
       const PinOut& CarryResult();
       OrGate<2> or;
       HalfAdder bitAHalfAdder;
       HalfAdder bitBHalfAdder;
   }     //namespace fourBitAdder
 }       //namespace rosetta
  1. endif //!defined __FULLADDER_H__</lang>

The full adder's definition consists of setting up the internal connections of writing down the proper transfer function (FullAdder.cpp): <lang cpp>#include <stdexcept> using std::out_of_range;

  1. include "FullAdder.h"

using namespace rosetta::fourBitAdder;



bool FullAdder::TransferFunction(unsigned indexOfOutput)

 bitAHalfAdder.BitA() = CarryInput();
 bitAHalfAdder.BitB() = BitA();
 bitBHalfAdder.BitB() = BitB();
   case 0: //sum
     return bitBHalfAdder.Sum();     
   case 1: //carry bit
     return or.Out();                
     throw new out_of_range("There are only two output pins.");

const PinOut& FullAdder::Sum() {return Out(0);}

const PinOut& FullAdder::CarryResult() {return Out(1);}

PinIn& FullAdder::CarryInput(){return In(0);}

PinIn& FullAdder::BitA(){return In(1);}

PinIn& FullAdder::BitB(){return In(2);}</lang> Finally, we arrive at the four bit adder, a circuit boasting 8 inputs (2 four bit numbers) and five outputs (4 bit number plus carry, or just a five bit number) (FourBitAdder.h): <lang cpp>#if !defined __FOURBITADDER_H__

  1. define __FOURBITADDER_H__
  1. include "BaseLogic.h"
  1. include <memory>
  2. include <vector>
  1. include "FullAdder.h"

namespace rosetta

 namespace fourBitAdder
   class PinOut;
   class PinIn;
   class FourBitAdder
     : public detail::LogicBlock<8,5>
       bool TransferFunction(unsigned indexOfOutput);
       PinIn& BitA(unsigned index);
       PinIn& BitB(unsigned index);
       const PinOut& Sum(unsigned index);
       const PinOut& Carry();
       std::vector<std::auto_ptr<FullAdder> > fullAdder;
   }     //namespace fourBitAdder
 }       //namespace rosetta
  1. endif //!defined __FOURBITADDER_H__</lang>

The four bit adder consists of four full adders; the internal connections are simple: the LSB full adder's carry input is always false, and carry outputs are connected to carry inputs of the next full adder (the MSB full adder's carry output is the four bit adders carry output). The other input and output pins of our full adders are related to the four bit adders input and output by the transfer function (FourBitAdder.cpp): <lang cpp>#include <stdexcept> using std::out_of_range;

  1. include <memory>

using std::auto_ptr;

  1. include <cassert>
  1. include "FourBitAdder.h"

using namespace rosetta::fourBitAdder;


 assert(NumInputs == 8);
 for(int i =0; i < NumInputs/2; i++)
   fullAdder.push_back(auto_ptr<FullAdder>(new FullAdder()));
 fullAdder[0]->CarryInput() = false;
 for(int i = 1; i < NumInputs/2; i++)

bool FourBitAdder::TransferFunction(unsigned indexOfOutput)

 int numBits = NumInputs/2;
 for(int i = 0; i < numBits; i++)
   fullAdder[i]->BitA() = In(i);
   fullAdder[i]->BitB() = In(i+numBits);
 assert(NumOutputs == 5);
   case 0:
   case 1:
   case 2:
   case 3:
     return fullAdder[indexOfOutput]->Sum();             //bits of resulting sum
   case 4:
     return fullAdder[indexOfOutput - 1]->CarryResult(); //carry bit
     return false;

PinIn& FourBitAdder::BitA(unsigned index)

 if(index < NumInputs/2)
   return In(index);
   throw new out_of_range("Input A does not have  that much bits.");

PinIn& FourBitAdder::BitB(unsigned index)

 if(index < NumInputs/2)
   return In(index + NumInputs/2);
   throw new out_of_range("Input A does not have  that much bits.");

const PinOut& FourBitAdder::Sum(unsigned index)

 if(index < (NumOutputs - 1))
   return Out(index);
   throw new out_of_range("Sum output does not have that much bits.");

const PinOut& FourBitAdder::Carry()

 {return Out(4);}

</lang> Note how the complexity of the code for the XOR, half adder, full adder and four bit adder remained comparable and quite simple, despite the fact that the number of basic gates involved increased from 5 (XOR) to 6 (half adder) to 13 (full adder) and finally to 52 (four bit adder).

In order to avoid fiddling around with single bits, we provide two conveniency circuits. For input, there is the source, a logic block providing an an arbitrary number of outputs, but no inputs. Instead, it accepts a simple decimal number as input and sets the signal at its outputs accordingly. A source may be connected to (some of) the inputs of a logic block and thus allows easy control of the latter (Source.h): <lang cpp>#if !defined __SOURCE_H__

  1. define __SOURCE_H__
  1. include <stdexcept>
  2. include <string>
  3. include <sstream>
  4. include <ostream>
  1. include "BaseLogic.h"

namespace rosetta

 namespace fourBitAdder
   template<int NumSources>
   class Source 
     : protected detail::LogicBlock<0, NumSources>
         ,maxSourceStateDecimal((1<<NumSources) - 1)
       Source& operator=(unsigned sourceStateDecimal)
         if(sourceStateDecimal > maxSourceStateDecimal)
           this->sourceStateDecimal = maxSourceStateDecimal;
           this->sourceStateDecimal = sourceStateDecimal;
         return *this;
       operator unsigned()const
         return sourceStateDecimal;
       const PinOut& Bit(int i = 0)
         return detail::LogicBlock<0, NumSources>::Out(i);
       template<typename LogicBlock>
       LogicBlock& operator>>(LogicBlock& consumer)
         for(unsigned i = 0; i < NumSources; i++)
         return consumer;
       operator std::string()
         std::stringstream s;
         for(int i = (NumSources - 1); i >= 0; i--)
           s << Out(i);
         return s.str();
       bool TransferFunction(unsigned i)
         return (sourceStateDecimal & 1<<i) == 1<<i;
       const unsigned maxSourceStateDecimal;
       unsigned sourceStateDecimal;
   template <int NumSources>
   std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Source<NumSources>& src)
       return os;
   }     //namespace fourBitAdder
 }       //namespace rosetta
  1. endif //!defined __SOURCE_H__</lang>

In order to interpret output, there is the sink: a logic block providing an arbitrary number of inputs, but no outputs. Instead, from its input signals the sink calculates a decimal number. A sink may be connected to (some of) the outputs of a logic block and thus allows easy access to that state of the latter (Sink.h): <lang cpp>#if !defined __SINK_H__

  1. define __SINK_H__
  1. include <stdexcept>
  2. include <string>
  3. include <sstream>
  4. include <ostream>
  5. include <cassert>
  1. include "BaseLogic.h"

namespace rosetta

 namespace fourBitAdder
   template<int NumSinks>
   class Sink 
     : protected detail::LogicBlock<NumSinks, 0>
     template<typename LogicBlock, int NumSinks>
     friend void operator>>(const LogicBlock&, Sink<NumSinks>&);
        operator unsigned()const
         unsigned sinkStateDecimal = 0;
         for(unsigned i = 0; i < NumSinks;i++)
             sinkStateDecimal += 1<<i;
         return sinkStateDecimal;
       PinIn& In(int i = 0)const
         return detail::LogicBlock<NumSinks, 0>::In(i);
       operator std::string()const
         std::stringstream s;
         for(int i = (NumSinks - 1); i >= 0; i--)
           s << In(i);
         return s.str();
       bool TransferFunction(unsigned i)
         return false;
   template<typename LogicBlock, int NumSinks>
   void operator>>(LogicBlock& producer, Sink<NumSinks>& sink)
     for(unsigned i = 0; i < NumSinks; i++)
   template <int NumSinks>
   std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Sink<NumSinks>& src)
       return os;
   }     //namespace fourBitAdder
 }       //namespace rosetta
  1. endif //!defined __SINK_H__</lang>

Now, using the four bit adder with two sources of input and one sink for the result is quite simple: We create the four necessary objects and connect them properly. With these preparations, making the four bit adder do its calculation is just a matter of setting the sources to the desired numbers and reading their sum from the sink. There's main.cpp: <lang cpp>#include <iostream> using std::cout; using std::endl;

  1. include "FourBitAdder.h"
  2. include "Source.h"
  3. include "Sink.h"

using namespace rosetta::fourBitAdder;

int main(int argc, char** argv)

 //create four bit adder, 'input numbers' and 'output display'
 FourBitAdder fba;
 Sink<5> fourBitAdderResult;
 //connect inputs, four bit adder and output
 for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
 //do (and check) all possible additions of two four bit numbers and print the results
 for(unsigned a = 0; a < 16; a++)
   for(unsigned b = 0; b < 16; b++)
     fourBitAdderInputA = a;
     fourBitAdderInputB = b;
     cout<<fourBitAdderInputA<<" + "<<fourBitAdderInputB<<" = "<<fourBitAdderResult<<endl;
     assert(fourBitAdderInputA + fourBitAdderInputB == fourBitAdderResult);
 return 0;

Output (source code is compiled by MS Visual C++ 10.0 (WinXP 32 bit) compiler):

0000 + 0000 = 00000
0000 + 0001 = 00001
0000 + 0010 = 00010
0000 + 0011 = 00011
0000 + 0100 = 00100
0000 + 0101 = 00101
0000 + 0110 = 00110
0000 + 0111 = 00111
0000 + 1000 = 01000
0000 + 1001 = 01001
0000 + 1010 = 01010
0000 + 1011 = 01011
0000 + 1100 = 01100
0000 + 1101 = 01101
0000 + 1110 = 01110
0000 + 1111 = 01111
0001 + 0000 = 00001
0001 + 0001 = 00010
0001 + 0010 = 00011
0001 + 0011 = 00100
0001 + 0100 = 00101
0001 + 0101 = 00110
0001 + 0110 = 00111
0001 + 0111 = 01000
0001 + 1000 = 01001
0001 + 1001 = 01010
0001 + 1010 = 01011
0001 + 1011 = 01100
0001 + 1100 = 01101
0001 + 1101 = 01110
0001 + 1110 = 01111
0001 + 1111 = 10000
0010 + 0000 = 00010
0010 + 0001 = 00011
0010 + 0010 = 00100
0010 + 0011 = 00101
0010 + 0100 = 00110
0010 + 0101 = 00111
0010 + 0110 = 01000
0010 + 0111 = 01001
0010 + 1000 = 01010
0010 + 1001 = 01011
0010 + 1010 = 01100
0010 + 1011 = 01101
0010 + 1100 = 01110
0010 + 1101 = 01111
0010 + 1110 = 10000
0010 + 1111 = 10001
0011 + 0000 = 00011
0011 + 0001 = 00100
0011 + 0010 = 00101
0011 + 0011 = 00110
0011 + 0100 = 00111
0011 + 0101 = 01000
0011 + 0110 = 01001
0011 + 0111 = 01010
0011 + 1000 = 01011
0011 + 1001 = 01100
0011 + 1010 = 01101
0011 + 1011 = 01110
0011 + 1100 = 01111
0011 + 1101 = 10000
0011 + 1110 = 10001
0011 + 1111 = 10010
0100 + 0000 = 00100
0100 + 0001 = 00101
0100 + 0010 = 00110
0100 + 0011 = 00111
0100 + 0100 = 01000
0100 + 0101 = 01001
0100 + 0110 = 01010
0100 + 0111 = 01011
0100 + 1000 = 01100
0100 + 1001 = 01101
0100 + 1010 = 01110
0100 + 1011 = 01111
0100 + 1100 = 10000
0100 + 1101 = 10001
0100 + 1110 = 10010
0100 + 1111 = 10011
0101 + 0000 = 00101
0101 + 0001 = 00110
0101 + 0010 = 00111
0101 + 0011 = 01000
0101 + 0100 = 01001
0101 + 0101 = 01010
0101 + 0110 = 01011
0101 + 0111 = 01100
0101 + 1000 = 01101
0101 + 1001 = 01110
0101 + 1010 = 01111
0101 + 1011 = 10000
0101 + 1100 = 10001
0101 + 1101 = 10010
0101 + 1110 = 10011
0101 + 1111 = 10100
0110 + 0000 = 00110
0110 + 0001 = 00111
0110 + 0010 = 01000
0110 + 0011 = 01001
0110 + 0100 = 01010
0110 + 0101 = 01011
0110 + 0110 = 01100
0110 + 0111 = 01101
0110 + 1000 = 01110
0110 + 1001 = 01111
0110 + 1010 = 10000
0110 + 1011 = 10001
0110 + 1100 = 10010
0110 + 1101 = 10011
0110 + 1110 = 10100
0110 + 1111 = 10101
0111 + 0000 = 00111
0111 + 0001 = 01000
0111 + 0010 = 01001
0111 + 0011 = 01010
0111 + 0100 = 01011
0111 + 0101 = 01100
0111 + 0110 = 01101
0111 + 0111 = 01110
0111 + 1000 = 01111
0111 + 1001 = 10000
0111 + 1010 = 10001
0111 + 1011 = 10010
0111 + 1100 = 10011
0111 + 1101 = 10100
0111 + 1110 = 10101
0111 + 1111 = 10110
1000 + 0000 = 01000
1000 + 0001 = 01001
1000 + 0010 = 01010
1000 + 0011 = 01011
1000 + 0100 = 01100
1000 + 0101 = 01101
1000 + 0110 = 01110
1000 + 0111 = 01111
1000 + 1000 = 10000
1000 + 1001 = 10001
1000 + 1010 = 10010
1000 + 1011 = 10011
1000 + 1100 = 10100
1000 + 1101 = 10101
1000 + 1110 = 10110
1000 + 1111 = 10111
1001 + 0000 = 01001
1001 + 0001 = 01010
1001 + 0010 = 01011
1001 + 0011 = 01100
1001 + 0100 = 01101
1001 + 0101 = 01110
1001 + 0110 = 01111
1001 + 0111 = 10000
1001 + 1000 = 10001
1001 + 1001 = 10010
1001 + 1010 = 10011
1001 + 1011 = 10100
1001 + 1100 = 10101
1001 + 1101 = 10110
1001 + 1110 = 10111
1001 + 1111 = 11000
1010 + 0000 = 01010
1010 + 0001 = 01011
1010 + 0010 = 01100
1010 + 0011 = 01101
1010 + 0100 = 01110
1010 + 0101 = 01111
1010 + 0110 = 10000
1010 + 0111 = 10001
1010 + 1000 = 10010
1010 + 1001 = 10011
1010 + 1010 = 10100
1010 + 1011 = 10101
1010 + 1100 = 10110
1010 + 1101 = 10111
1010 + 1110 = 11000
1010 + 1111 = 11001
1011 + 0000 = 01011
1011 + 0001 = 01100
1011 + 0010 = 01101
1011 + 0011 = 01110
1011 + 0100 = 01111
1011 + 0101 = 10000
1011 + 0110 = 10001
1011 + 0111 = 10010
1011 + 1000 = 10011
1011 + 1001 = 10100
1011 + 1010 = 10101
1011 + 1011 = 10110
1011 + 1100 = 10111
1011 + 1101 = 11000
1011 + 1110 = 11001
1011 + 1111 = 11010
1100 + 0000 = 01100
1100 + 0001 = 01101
1100 + 0010 = 01110
1100 + 0011 = 01111
1100 + 0100 = 10000
1100 + 0101 = 10001
1100 + 0110 = 10010
1100 + 0111 = 10011
1100 + 1000 = 10100
1100 + 1001 = 10101
1100 + 1010 = 10110
1100 + 1011 = 10111
1100 + 1100 = 11000
1100 + 1101 = 11001
1100 + 1110 = 11010
1100 + 1111 = 11011
1101 + 0000 = 01101
1101 + 0001 = 01110
1101 + 0010 = 01111
1101 + 0011 = 10000
1101 + 0100 = 10001
1101 + 0101 = 10010
1101 + 0110 = 10011
1101 + 0111 = 10100
1101 + 1000 = 10101
1101 + 1001 = 10110
1101 + 1010 = 10111
1101 + 1011 = 11000
1101 + 1100 = 11001
1101 + 1101 = 11010
1101 + 1110 = 11011
1101 + 1111 = 11100
1110 + 0000 = 01110
1110 + 0001 = 01111
1110 + 0010 = 10000
1110 + 0011 = 10001
1110 + 0100 = 10010
1110 + 0101 = 10011
1110 + 0110 = 10100
1110 + 0111 = 10101
1110 + 1000 = 10110
1110 + 1001 = 10111
1110 + 1010 = 11000
1110 + 1011 = 11001
1110 + 1100 = 11010
1110 + 1101 = 11011
1110 + 1110 = 11100
1110 + 1111 = 11101
1111 + 0000 = 01111
1111 + 0001 = 10000
1111 + 0010 = 10001
1111 + 0011 = 10010
1111 + 0100 = 10011
1111 + 0101 = 10100
1111 + 0110 = 10101
1111 + 0111 = 10110
1111 + 1000 = 10111
1111 + 1001 = 11000
1111 + 1010 = 11001
1111 + 1011 = 11010
1111 + 1100 = 11011
1111 + 1101 = 11100
1111 + 1110 = 11101
1111 + 1111 = 11110


Works with: C# version 3+

<lang csharp> using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text;

namespace RosettaCodeTasks.FourBitAdder { public struct BitAdderOutput { public bool S { get; set; } public bool C { get; set; } public override string ToString ( ) { return "S" + ( S ? "1" : "0" ) + "C" + ( C ? "1" : "0" ); } } public struct Nibble { public bool _1 { get; set; } public bool _2 { get; set; } public bool _3 { get; set; } public bool _4 { get; set; } public override string ToString ( ) { return ( _4 ? "1" : "0" ) + ( _3 ? "1" : "0" ) + ( _2 ? "1" : "0" ) + ( _1 ? "1" : "0" ); } } public struct FourBitAdderOutput { public Nibble N { get; set; } public bool C { get; set; } public override string ToString ( ) { return N.ToString ( ) + "c" + ( C ? "1" : "0" ); } }

public static class LogicGates { // Basic Gates public static bool Not ( bool A ) { return !A; } public static bool And ( bool A, bool B ) { return A && B; } public static bool Or ( bool A, bool B ) { return A || B; }

// Composite Gates public static bool Xor ( bool A, bool B ) { return Or ( And ( A, Not ( B ) ), ( And ( Not ( A ), B ) ) ); } }

public static class ConstructiveBlocks { public static BitAdderOutput HalfAdder ( bool A, bool B ) { return new BitAdderOutput ( ) { S = LogicGates.Xor ( A, B ), C = LogicGates.And ( A, B ) }; }

public static BitAdderOutput FullAdder ( bool A, bool B, bool CI ) { BitAdderOutput HA1 = HalfAdder ( CI, A ); BitAdderOutput HA2 = HalfAdder ( HA1.S, B );

return new BitAdderOutput ( ) { S = HA2.S, C = LogicGates.Or ( HA1.C, HA2.C ) }; }

public static FourBitAdderOutput FourBitAdder ( Nibble A, Nibble B, bool CI ) {

BitAdderOutput FA1 = FullAdder ( A._1, B._1, CI ); BitAdderOutput FA2 = FullAdder ( A._2, B._2, FA1.C ); BitAdderOutput FA3 = FullAdder ( A._3, B._3, FA2.C ); BitAdderOutput FA4 = FullAdder ( A._4, B._4, FA3.C );

return new FourBitAdderOutput ( ) { N = new Nibble ( ) { _1 = FA1.S, _2 = FA2.S, _3 = FA3.S, _4 = FA4.S }, C = FA4.C }; }

public static void Test ( ) { Console.WriteLine ( "Four Bit Adder" );

for ( int i = 0; i < 256; i++ ) { Nibble A = new Nibble ( ) { _1 = false, _2 = false, _3 = false, _4 = false }; Nibble B = new Nibble ( ) { _1 = false, _2 = false, _3 = false, _4 = false }; if ( (i & 1) == 1) { A._1 = true; } if ( ( i & 2 ) == 2 ) { A._2 = true; } if ( ( i & 4 ) == 4 ) { A._3 = true; } if ( ( i & 8 ) == 8 ) { A._4 = true; } if ( ( i & 16 ) == 16 ) { B._1 = true; } if ( ( i & 32 ) == 32) { B._2 = true; } if ( ( i & 64 ) == 64 ) { B._3 = true; } if ( ( i & 128 ) == 128 ) { B._4 = true; }

Console.WriteLine ( "{0} + {1} = {2}", A.ToString ( ), B.ToString ( ), FourBitAdder( A, B, false ).ToString ( ) );


Console.WriteLine ( ); }

} }



<lang clojure> (ns rosettacode.adder

 (:use clojure.test))

(defn xor-gate [a b]

 (or (and a (not b)) (and b (not a))))

(defn half-adder [a b]

 "output: (S C)"
 (cons (xor-gate a b) (list (and a b))))

(defn full-adder [a b c]

 "output: (C S)"
 (let [HA-ca (half-adder c a)
       HA-ca->sb (half-adder (first HA-ca) b)]
   (cons (or (second HA-ca) (second HA-ca->sb))
         (list (first HA-ca->sb)))))

(defn n-bit-adder

 "first bits on the list are low order bits

1 = true 2 = false true 3 = true true 4 = false false true..."

 can add numbers of different bit-length
 ([a-bits b-bits] (n-bit-adder a-bits b-bits false))
 ([a-bits b-bits carry]
 (let [added (full-adder (first a-bits) (first b-bits) carry)]
   (if(and (nil? a-bits) (nil? b-bits))
     (if carry (list carry) '())
     (cons (second added) (n-bit-adder (next a-bits) (next b-bits) (first added)))))))

(n-bit-adder [true true true true true true] [true true true true true true]) => (false true true true true true true) </lang>


From the C version. An example of SWAR (SIMD Within A Register) code, that performs 32 or 64 4-bit adds in parallel. 128 adds in parallel are possible using XMM registers. <lang d>import std.stdio: writefln;

pure nothrow void fourBitsAdder(T)(in T a0, in T a1, in T a2, in T a3,

                                  in T b0, in T b1, in T b2, in T b3,
                                  out T o0, out T o1,
                                  out T o2, out T o3,
                                  out T overflow) {
   // A XOR using only NOT, AND and OR, as task requires
   static pure nothrow T xor(in T x, in T y) {
       return (~x & y) | (x & ~y);
   static pure nothrow void halfAdder(in T a, in T b,
                                      out T s, out T c) {
       s = xor(a, b);
       // s = a ^ b; // a natural XOR in D
       c = a & b;
   static pure nothrow void fullAdder(in T a, in T b, in T ic,
                                      out T s, out T oc) {
       T ps, pc, tc;
       halfAdder(/*input*/a, b,   /*output*/ps, pc);
       halfAdder(/*input*/ps, ic, /*output*/s, tc);
       oc = tc | pc;
   T zero, tc0, tc1, tc2;
   fullAdder(/*input*/a0, b0, zero, /*output*/o0, tc0);
   fullAdder(/*input*/a1, b1, tc0,  /*output*/o1, tc1);
   fullAdder(/*input*/a2, b2, tc1,  /*output*/o2, tc2);
   fullAdder(/*input*/a3, b3, tc2,  /*output*/o3, overflow);


void main() {

   alias size_t T;
   enum T one = T.max,
          zero = T.min,
          a0 = zero, a1 = one, a2 = zero, a3 = zero,
          b0 = zero, b1 = one, b2 = one,  b3 = one;
   T s0, s1, s2, s3, overflow;
   fourBitsAdder(/*input*/ a0, a1, a2, a3,
                 /*input*/ b0, b1, b2, b3,
                 /*output*/s0, s1, s2, s3, overflow);
   writefln("      a3 %032b", a3);
   writefln("      a2 %032b", a2);
   writefln("      a1 %032b", a1);
   writefln("      a0 %032b", a0);
   writefln("      +");
   writefln("      b3 %032b", b3);
   writefln("      b2 %032b", b2);
   writefln("      b1 %032b", b1);
   writefln("      b0 %032b", b0);
   writefln("      =");
   writefln("      s3 %032b", s3);
   writefln("      s2 %032b", s2);
   writefln("      s1 %032b", s1);
   writefln("      s0 %032b", s0);
   writefln("overflow %032b", overflow);

}</lang> Output:

      a3 00000000000000000000000000000000
      a2 00000000000000000000000000000000
      a1 11111111111111111111111111111111
      a0 00000000000000000000000000000000
      b3 11111111111111111111111111111111
      b2 11111111111111111111111111111111
      b1 11111111111111111111111111111111
      b0 00000000000000000000000000000000
      s3 00000000000000000000000000000000
      s2 00000000000000000000000000000000
      s1 00000000000000000000000000000000
      s0 00000000000000000000000000000000
overflow 11111111111111111111111111111111


Works with: Fortran version 90 and later

<lang fortran>module logic

 implicit none


function xor(a, b)

 logical :: xor
 logical, intent(in) :: a, b
 xor = (a .and. .not. b) .or. (b .and. .not. a)

end function xor

function halfadder(a, b, c)

 logical :: halfadder
 logical, intent(in)  :: a, b
 logical, intent(out) :: c
 halfadder = xor(a, b)
 c = a .and. b

end function halfadder

function fulladder(a, b, c0, c1)

 logical :: fulladder
 logical, intent(in)  :: a, b, c0
 logical, intent(out) :: c1
 logical :: c2, c3
 fulladder = halfadder(halfadder(c0, a, c2), b, c3)
 c1 = c2 .or. c3

end function fulladder

subroutine fourbitadder(a, b, s)

 logical, intent(in)  :: a(0:3), b(0:3)
 logical, intent(out) :: s(0:4)
 logical :: c0, c1, c2
 s(0) = fulladder(a(0), b(0), .false., c0)  
 s(1) = fulladder(a(1), b(1), c0, c1)
 s(2) = fulladder(a(2), b(2), c1, c2)
 s(3) = fulladder(a(3), b(3), c2, s(4))

end subroutine fourbitadder end module

program Four_bit_adder

 use logic
 implicit none
 logical, dimension(0:3) :: a, b
 logical, dimension(0:4) :: s
 integer, dimension(0:3) :: ai, bi
 integer, dimension(0:4) :: si
 integer :: i, j
 do i = 0, 15
   a(0) = btest(i, 0); a(1) = btest(i, 1); a(2) = btest(i, 2); a(3) = btest(i, 3)
     ai = 1
   else where
     ai = 0
   end where
   do j = 0, 15
     b(0) = btest(j, 0); b(1) = btest(j, 1); b(2) = btest(j, 2); b(3) = btest(j, 3)
       bi = 1
     else where
       bi = 0
     end where
     call fourbitadder(a, b, s)
     where (s)
       si = 1
       si = 0
     end where
     write(*, "(4i1,a,4i1,a,5i1)") ai(3:0:-1), " + ", bi(3:0:-1), " = ", si(4:0:-1)
   end do
 end do  

end program</lang> Selected output

1100 + 1100 = 11000
1100 + 1101 = 11001
1100 + 1110 = 11010
1100 + 1111 = 11011
1101 + 0000 = 01101
1101 + 0001 = 01110
1101 + 0010 = 01111
1101 + 0011 = 10000



Go does not have a bit type, so byte is used. This is the straightforward solution using bytes and functions. <lang go>package main

import "fmt"

func xor(a, b byte) byte {

   return a&(^b) | b&(^a)


func ha(a, b byte) (s, c byte) {

   return xor(a, b), a & b


func fa(a, b, c0 byte) (s, c1 byte) {

   sa, ca := ha(a, c0)
   s, cb := ha(sa, b)
   c1 = ca | cb


func add4(a3, a2, a1, a0, b3, b2, b1, b0 byte) (v, s3, s2, s1, s0 byte) {

   s0, c0 := fa(a0, b0, 0)
   s1, c1 := fa(a1, b1, c0)
   s2, c2 := fa(a2, b2, c1)
   s3, v = fa(a3, b3, c2)


func main() {

   // add 10+9  result should be 1 0 0 1 1
   fmt.Println(add4(1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1))

}</lang> Output

1 0 0 1 1


Alternative solution is a little more like a simulation. <lang go>package main

import "fmt"

// A wire is modeled as a channel of booleans. // You can feed it a single value without blocking. // Reading a value blocks until a value is available. type Wire chan bool func MakeWire() Wire {

  return make(Wire,1)


// A source for zero values. func Zero() Wire {

  r := MakeWire()
  go func() {
     for {
        r <- false
  return r


// And gate. func And(a,b Wire) Wire {

  r := MakeWire()
  go func() {
     for {
        x := <-a
        y := <-b
        r <- (x && y)
  return r


// Or gate. func Or(a,b Wire) Wire {

  r := MakeWire()
  go func() {
     for {
        x := <-a
        y := <-b
        r <- (x || y)
  return r


// Not gate. func Not(a Wire) Wire {

  r := MakeWire()
  go func() {
     for {
        x := <-a
        r <- !x
  return r


// Split a wire in two. func Split(a Wire) (Wire,Wire) {

  r1 := MakeWire()
  r2 := MakeWire()
  go func() {
     for {
        x := <-a
        r1 <- x
        r2 <- x
  return r1, r2


// Xor gate, composed of Or, And and Not gates. func Xor(a,b Wire) Wire {

  a1,a2 := Split(a)
  b1,b2 := Split(b)
  return Or(And(Not(a1),b1),And(a2,Not(b2)))


// A half adder, composed of two splits and an And and Xor gate. func HalfAdder(a,b Wire) (sum,carry Wire) {

  a1,a2 := Split(a)
  b1,b2 := Split(b)
  carry = And(a1,b1)
  sum = Xor(a2,b2)


// A full adder, composed of two half adders, and an Or gate. func FullAdder(a,b,carryIn Wire) (result,carryOut Wire) {

  s1,c1 := HalfAdder(carryIn,a)
  result,c2 := HalfAdder(b,s1)
  carryOut = Or(c1,c2)


// A four bit adder, composed of a zero source, and four full adders. func FourBitAdder(a1,a2,a3,a4 Wire, b1,b2,b3,b4 Wire) (r1,r2,r3,r4 Wire, carry Wire) {

  carry = Zero()
  r1,carry = FullAdder(a1,b1,carry)
  r2,carry = FullAdder(a2,b2,carry)
  r3,carry = FullAdder(a3,b3,carry)
  r4,carry = FullAdder(a4,b4,carry)


func main() {

  // Create wires
  a1 := MakeWire()
  a2 := MakeWire()
  a3 := MakeWire()
  a4 := MakeWire()
  b1 := MakeWire()
  b2 := MakeWire()
  b3 := MakeWire()
  b4 := MakeWire()
  // Construct circuit
  r1,r2,r3,r4, carry := FourBitAdder(a1,a2,a3,a4, b1,b2,b3,b4)
  // Feed it some values
  a4 <- false; a3 <- false; a2 <- true; a1 <- false // 0010
  b4 <- true;  b3 <- true;  b2 <- true; b1 <- false // 1110
  B := map[bool]int { false: 0, true: 1 }
  // Read the result
  fmt.Printf("0010 + 1110 = %d%d%d%d (carry = %d)\n",
     B[<-r4],B[<-r3],B[<-r2],B[<-r1], B[<-carry])


Mini reference:

  • "channel <- value" sends a value to a channel. Blocks if its buffer is full.
  • "<-channel" reads a value from a channel. Blocks if its buffer is empty.
  • "go function()" creates and runs a go-rountine. It will continue executing concurrently.


Basic gates: <lang haskell>import Control.Arrow

bor, band :: Int -> Int -> Int bor = max band = min bnot :: Int -> Int bnot = (1-)</lang> Gates built with basic ones: <lang haskell>nand, xor :: Int -> Int -> Int nand = (bnot.).band xor a b = uncurry nand. (nand a &&& nand b) $ nand a b</lang> Adder circuits: <lang haskell>halfAdder = uncurry band &&& uncurry xor fullAdder (c, a, b) = (\(cy,s) -> first (bor cy) $ halfAdder (b, s)) $ halfAdder (c, a)

adder4 as = foldr (\(f,a,b) (cy,bs) -> second(:bs) $ f (cy,a,b)) (0,[]). zip3 (replicate 4 fullAdder) as</lang>

Example using adder4 <lang haskell>*Main> adder4 [1,0,1,0] [1,1,1,1] (1,[1,0,0,1])</lang>



<lang j>and=: *. or=: +. not=: -. xor=: (and not) or (and not)~ hadd=: and ,"0 xor add=: ((({.,0:)@[ or {:@[ hadd {.@]), }.@])/@hadd</lang>

Example use

<lang j> 1 1 1 1 add 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0</lang>

To produce all results: <lang j> add"1/~#:i.16</lang>

This will produce a 16 by 16 by 5 array, the first axis being the left argument (representing values 0..15), the second axis the right argument and the final axis being the bit indices (carry, 8, 4, 2, 1). Alternatively, the fact that add was designed to operate on lists of bits could have been incorporated into its definition:

<lang j>add=: ((({.,0:)@[ or {:@[ hadd {.@]), }.@])/@hadd"1</lang>

Then to get all results you could use: <lang j> add/~#:i.16</lang>

Compare this to a regular addition table: <lang j> +/~i.10</lang> (this produces a 10 by 10 array -- the results have no further internal structure.)


  ~: xor
  {. first
  }. rest
  {: last
  [  left (result is left argument)
  ]  right (result is right argument)
  0: verb which always has the result 0
  ,  combine sequences


  u v w   these letters represent verbs such as and or or not
  x y     these letters represent nouns such as 1 or 0
  u@v     function composition
  x u~ y  reverse arguments for u (y u x)
  u/ y    reduction (u is verb between each item in y)
  u"0     u applies to the smallest elements of its argument


  x (u v) y

produces the same result as

  x u v y


  x (u v w) y

produces the same result as

  (x u y) v (x w y)


  x (u1 u2 u3 u4 u5) y

produces the the same result as

  x (u1 u2 (u3 u4 u5)) y

See also: "A Formal Description of System/360” by Adin Falkoff


Error Handling

In order to keep the binary-ness obvious, all operations will occur on 0s and 1s. To enforce this, we'll first create a couple of helper functions.

<lang JavaScript> function acceptedBinFormat(bin) {

   if (bin == 1 || bin === 0 || bin === '0')
       return true;
       return bin;


function arePseudoBin() {

   var args = [], len = args.length;
       if (acceptedBinFormat(args[len]) !== true)
           throw new Error('argument must be 0, \'0\', 1, or \'1\', argument ' + len + ' was ' + args[len]);
   return true;

} </lang>


Now we build up the gates, starting with 'not' and 'and' as building blocks. Those allow us to construct 'nand', 'or', and 'xor' then a half and full adders and, finally, the four bit adder.

<lang JavaScript> // basic building blocks allowed by the rules are ~, &, and |, we'll fake these // in a way that makes what they do (at least when you use them) more obvious // than the other available options do.

function not(a) {

   if (arePseudoBin(a))
       return a == 1 ? 0 : 1;


function and(a, b) {

   if (arePseudoBin(a, b))
       return a + b < 2 ? 0 : 1;


function nand(a, b) {

   if (arePseudoBin(a, b))
       return not(and(a, b));


function or(a, b) {

   if (arePseudoBin(a, b))
       return nand(nand(a,a), nand(b,b));


function xor(a, b) {

   if (arePseudoBin(a, b))
       return nand(nand(nand(a,b), a), nand(nand(a,b), b));


function halfAdder(a, b) {

   if (arePseudoBin(a, b))
       return { carry: and(a, b), sum: xor(a, b) };


function fullAdder(a, b, c) {

   if (arePseudoBin(a, b, c)) {
       var h0 = halfAdder(a, b), 
           h1 = halfAdder(h0.sum, c);
       return {carry: or(h0.carry, h1.carry), sum: h1.sum };


function fourBitAdder(a, b) {

   if (typeof a.length == 'undefined' || typeof b.length == 'undefined')
       throw new Error('bad values');
   // not sure if the rules allow this, but we need to pad the values 
   // if they're too short and trim them if they're too long
   var inA = Array(4), 
       inB = Array(4), 
       out = Array(4), 
       i = 4, 
   while (i--) {
       inA[i] = a[i] != 1 ? 0 : 1;
       inB[i] = b[i] != 1 ? 0 : 1;
   // now we can start adding... I'd prefer to do this in a loop, 
   // but that wouldn't be "connecting the other 'constructive blocks', 
   // in turn made of 'simpler' and 'smaller' ones"
   pass = halfAdder(inA[3], inB[3]);
   out[3] = pass.sum;
   pass = fullAdder(inA[2], inB[2], pass.carry);
   out[2] = pass.sum;
   pass = fullAdder(inA[1], inB[1], pass.carry);
   out[1] = pass.sum;
   pass = fullAdder(inA[0], inB[0], pass.carry);
   out[0] = pass.sum;
   return out.join();

} </lang>

Example Use

<lang JavaScript>fourBitAdder('1010', '0101'); // 1111 (15)</lang>

all results:

<lang JavaScript> // run this in your browsers console var outer = inner = 16, a, b;

while(outer--) {

   a = (8|outer).toString(2);
   while(inner--) {
       b = (8|inner).toString(2);
       console.log(a + ' + ' + b + ' = ' + fourBitAdder(a, b));
   inner = outer;

} </lang>


LabVIEW's G language is a kind of circuit diagram based programming. Thus, a circuit diagram is pseudo-code for a G block diagram, which makes coding a four bit adder trivial.

Works with: LabVIEW version 8.0 Full Development Suite

Half Adder


Full Adder


4bit Adder



The four bit adder presented can work on matricies of 1's and 0's, which are stored as characters, doubles, or booleans. MATLAB has functions to convert decimal numbers to binary, but these functions convert a decimal number not to binary but a string data type of 1's and 0's. So, this four bit adder is written to be compatible with MATLAB's representation of binary. Also, because this is MATLAB, and you might want to add arrays of 4-bit binary numbers together, this implementation will add two column vectors of 4-bit binary numbers together.

<lang MATLAB>function [S,v] = fourBitAdder(input1,input2)

   %Make sure that only 4-Bit numbers are being added. This assumes that
   %if input1 and input2 are a vector of multiple decimal numbers, then
   %the binary form of these vectors are an n by 4 matrix.
   assert((size(input1,2) == 4) && (size(input2,2) == 4),'This will only work on 4-Bit Numbers');
   %Converts MATLAB binary strings to matricies of 1 and 0
   function mat = binStr2Mat(binStr)
       mat = zeros(size(binStr));      
       for i = (1:numel(binStr))
           mat(i) = str2double(binStr(i));
   %XOR decleration
   function AxorB = xor(A,B)        
       AxorB = or(and(A,not(B)),and(B,not(A)));    
   %Half-Adder decleration
   function [S,C] = halfAdder(A,B)
       S = xor(A,B);
       C = and(A,B);
   %Full-Adder decleration
   function [S,Co] = fullAdder(A,B,Ci)
      [SAdder1,CAdder1] = halfAdder(Ci,A);
      [S,CAdder2] = halfAdder(SAdder1,B);
      Co = or(CAdder1,CAdder2);
   %The rest of this code is the 4-bit adder
   binStrFlag = false; %A flag to determine if the original input was a binary string
   %If either of the inputs was a binary string, convert it to a matrix of
   %1's and 0's.
   if ischar(input1)
      input1 = binStr2Mat(input1);
      binStrFlag = true;
   if ischar(input2)
      input2 = binStr2Mat(input2);
      binStrFlag = true;
   %This does the addition
   S = zeros(size(input1));
   [S(:,4),Co] = fullAdder(input1(:,4),input2(:,4),0);
   [S(:,3),Co] = fullAdder(input1(:,3),input2(:,3),Co);
   [S(:,2),Co] = fullAdder(input1(:,2),input2(:,2),Co);
   [S(:,1),v] = fullAdder(input1(:,1),input2(:,1),Co);
   %If the original inputs were binary strings, convert the output of the
   %4-bit adder to a binary string with the same formatting as the
   %original binary strings.
   if binStrFlag
       S = num2str(S);
       v = num2str(v);

end %fourBitAdder</lang>

Sample Usage: <lang MATLAB>>> [S,V] = fourBitAdder([0 0 0 1],[1 1 1 1])

S =

    0     0     0     0

V =


>> [S,V] = fourBitAdder([0 0 0 1;0 0 1 0],[0 0 0 1;0 0 0 1])

S =

    0     0     1     0
    0     0     1     1

V =


>> [S,V] = fourBitAdder(dec2bin(10,4),dec2bin(1,4))

S =

1 0 1 1

V =


>> [S,V] = fourBitAdder(dec2bin([10 11],4),dec2bin([1 1],4))

S =

1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0

V =

0 0

>> bin2dec(S)

ans =



<lang MUMPS>XOR(Y,Z) ;Uses logicals - i.e., 0 is false, anything else is true (1 is used if setting a value)

QUIT (Y&'Z)!('Y&Z)


QUIT $$XOR(W,X)_"^"_(W&X)


S F1=$$HALF(U,V)
S F2=$$HALF($P(F1,"^",1),CF)
QUIT $P(F2,"^",1)_"^"_($P(F1,"^",2)!($P(F2,"^",2)))


FOR I=4:-1:1 SET T=$$FULL($E(Y,I),$E(Z,I),C4),$E(S,I)=$P(T,"^",1),C4=$P(T,"^",2)
QUIT S_"^"_C4</lang>


USER>S N1="0110",N2="0010",C=0,T=$$FOUR^ADDER(N1,N2,C)
USER>W N1_" + "_N2_" + "_C_" = "_$P(T,"^")_" Carry "_$P(T,"^",2)
0110 + 0010 + 0 = 1000 Carry 0
USER>S N1="0110",N2="1110",C=0,T=$$FOUR^ADDER(N1,N2,C)
USER>W N1_" + "_N2_" + "_C_" = "_$P(T,"^")_" Carry "_$P(T,"^",2)
0110 + 1110 + 0 = 0100 Carry 1


To interpret and run this code you will need a recent copy of Python, and the MyHDL library from Both examples integrate test code, and export Verilog and VHDL for hardware synthesis.

Verbose Code - With integrated Test & Demo

<lang python>

  1. !/usr/bin/env python


       Demonstrate theoretical four bit adder simulation
       using And, Or & Invert primitives
       2011-05-10  jc


from myhdl import always_comb, ConcatSignal, delay, intbv, Signal, \

                 Simulation, toVerilog, toVHDL

from random import randrange

""" define set of primitives

     ------------------------   """

def inverter(z, a): # define component name & interface

  """ z <- not(a) """
  @always_comb   # define asynchronous logic
  def logic(): = not a
  return logic   # return defined logic, named 'inverter'

def and2(z, a, b):

  """ z <- a and b """
  def logic(): = a and b
  return logic

def or2(z, a, b):

  """ z <- a or b """   
  def logic(): = a or b
  return logic

""" build components using defined primitive set

     --------------------------------------------   """

def xor2 (z, a, b):

  """ z <- a xor b """   
  # define interconnect signals
  nota, notb, annotb, bnnota = [Signal(bool(0)) for i in range(4)]
  # name sub-components, and their interconnect 
  inv0 = inverter(nota,  a)
  inv1 = inverter(notb,  b)
  and2a = and2(annotb,  a, notb)
  and2b = and2(bnnota,  b, nota)
  or2a = or2(z,  annotb, bnnota)
  return inv0, inv1, and2a, and2b, or2a

def halfAdder(carry, summ, in_a, in_b):

  """ carry,sum is the sum of in_a, in_b """ 
  and2a = and2(carry,  in_a, in_b)
  xor2a  =  xor2(summ,   in_a, in_b)
  return and2a, xor2a

def fullAdder(fa_c1, fa_s, fa_c0, fa_a, fa_b):

  """ fa_c0,fa_s is the sum of fa_c0, fa_a, fa_b """
  ha1_s, ha1_c1, ha2_c1 = [Signal(bool(0)) for i in range(3)]
  halfAdder01 = halfAdder(ha1_c1, ha1_s, fa_c0, fa_a)
  halfAdder02 = halfAdder(ha2_c1, fa_s, ha1_s, fa_b)
  or2a = or2(fa_c1, ha1_c1, ha2_c1)
  return halfAdder01, halfAdder02, or2a

def Adder4b_ST(co,sum4, ina,inb):

   assemble 4 full adders  
  c = [Signal(bool()) for i in range(0,4)]
  sl = [Signal(bool()) for i in range(4)]  # sum list
  halfAdder_0 = halfAdder(c[1],sl[0],      ina(0),inb(0))
  fullAdder_1 = fullAdder(c[2],sl[1], c[1],ina(1),inb(1)) 
  fullAdder_2 = fullAdder(c[3],sl[2], c[2],ina(2),inb(2)) 
  fullAdder_3 = fullAdder(co,  sl[3], c[3],ina(3),inb(3)) 
  # create an internal bus for the output list
  sc = ConcatSignal(*reversed(sl))  # create internal bus for output list
  def list2intbv(): = sc  # assign internal bus to actual output
  return halfAdder_0, fullAdder_1, fullAdder_2, fullAdder_3, list2intbv

""" define signals and code for testing

     -----------------------------------   """

t_co, t_s, t_a, t_b, dbug = [Signal(bool(0)) for i in range(5)] ina4, inb4, sum4 = [Signal(intbv(0)[4:]) for i in range(3)]

def test():

  print "\n      b   a   |  c1    s   \n     -------------------"
  for i in range(15):, = randrange(2**4), randrange(2**4)
     yield delay(5)
     print "     %2d  %2d   |  %2d   %2d     " \
            % (ina4,inb4, t_co,sum4)
     assert t_co * 16 + sum4 == ina4 + inb4 

""" instantiate components and run test

     -----------------------------------   """

Adder4b_01 = Adder4b_ST(t_co,sum4, ina4,inb4) test_1 = test()

def main():

  sim = Simulation(Adder4b_01, test_1)    
  toVHDL(Adder4b_ST, t_co,sum4, ina4,inb4)
  toVerilog(Adder4b_ST, t_co,sum4, ina4,inb4)

if __name__ == '__main__':



Professional Code - with test bench

<lang python>

  1. !/usr/bin/env python

from myhdl import *

def Half_adder(a, b, s, c):

   def logic(): = a ^ b = a & b
   return logic

def Full_Adder(a, b, cin, s, c_out):

   s_ha1, c_ha1, c_ha2 = [Signal(bool()) for i in range(3)]
   ha1 = Half_adder(a=cin, b=a, s=s_ha1, c=c_ha1)
   ha2 = Half_adder(a=s_ha1, b=b, s=s, c=c_ha2)
   def logic(): = c_ha1 | c_ha2
   return ha1, ha2, logic

def Multibit_Adder(a, b, s):

   N = len(s)-1
   # convert input busses to lists
   al = [a(i) for i in range(N)]
   bl = [b(i) for i in range(N)]
   # set up lists for carry and output
   cl = [Signal(bool()) for i in range(N+1)]
   sl = [Signal(bool()) for i in range(N+1)]
   # boundaries for carry and output
   cl[0] = 0
   sl[N] = cl[N]
   # create an internal bus for the output list
   sc = ConcatSignal(*reversed(sl))
   # assign internal bus to actual output
   def assign(): = sc
   # create a list of adders
   add = [None] * N
   for i in range(N):
       add[i] = Full_Adder(a=al[i], b=bl[i], s=sl[i], cin=cl[i], c_out=cl[i+1])
   return add, assign

  1. declare I/O for a four-bit adder

N=4 a = Signal(intbv(0)[N:]) b = Signal(intbv(0)[N:]) s = Signal(intbv(0)[N+1:])

  1. convert to Verilog and VHDL

toVerilog(Multibit_Adder, a, b, s) toVHDL(Multibit_Adder, a, b, s)

  1. set up a test bench

from random import randrange def tb():

   dut = Multibit_Adder(a, b, s)
   def check():
       yield delay(10)
       for i in range(100):
           p, q = randrange(2**N), randrange(2**N)
  = p
  = q
           yield delay(10)
           assert s == p + q
   return dut, check
  1. the entry point for the py.test unit test framework

def test_Adder():

   sim = Simulation(tb())



<lang ocaml> (* File

A block is just a black box with nin input lines and nout output lines, numbered from 0 to nin-1 and 0 to nout-1 respectively. It will be stored in a caml record, with the operation stored as a function. A value on a line is represented by a boolean value. *)

type block = { nin:int; nout:int; apply:bool array -> bool array };;

(* First we need function for boolean conversion to and from integer values, mainly for pretty printing of results *)

let int_of_bits nbits v = if (Array.length v) <> nbits then failwith "bad args" else (let r = ref 0L in for i=nbits-1 downto 0 do r := Int64.add (Int64.shift_left !r 1) (if v.(i) then 1L else 0L) done; !r);;

let bits_of_int nbits n = let v = Array.make nbits false and r = ref n in for i=0 to nbits-1 do v.(i) <- (Int64.logand !r 1L) <>; r := Int64.shift_right_logical !r 1 done; v;;

let input nbits v = let n = Array.length v in let w = Array.make (n*nbits) false in for i=0 to n-1 do Array.blit (bits_of_int nbits v.(i)) 0 w (i*nbits) nbits done; w;;

let output nbits v = let nv = Array.length v in let r = nv mod nbits and n = nv/nbits in if r <> 0 then failwith "bad output size" else let w = Array.make n 0L in for i=0 to n-1 do w.(i) <- int_of_bits nbits (Array.sub v (i*nbits) nbits) done; w;;

(* We have a type for blocks, so we need operations on blocks.

assoc: make one block from two blocks, side by side (they are not connected) serial: connect input from one block to output of another block parallel: make two outputs from one input passing through two blocks block_array: an array of blocks linked by the same connector (assoc, serial, parallel) *)

let assoc a b = { nin=a.nin+b.nin; nout=a.nout+b.nout; apply=function bits -> Array.append (a.apply (Array.sub bits 0 a.nin)) (b.apply (Array.sub bits a.nin b.nin)) };;

let serial a b = if a.nout <> b.nin then failwith "[serial] bad block" else { nin=a.nin; nout=b.nout; apply=function bits -> b.apply (a.apply bits) };;

let parallel a b = if a.nin <> b.nin then failwith "[parallel] bad blocks" else { nin=a.nin; nout=a.nout+b.nout; apply=function bits -> Array.append (a.apply bits) (b.apply bits) };;

let block_array comb v = let n = Array.length v and r = ref v.(0) in for i=1 to n-1 do r := comb !r v.(i) done; !r;;

(* wires

map: map n input lines on length(v) output lines, using the links out(k)=v(in(k)) pass: n wires not connected (out(k) = in(k)) fork: a wire is developped into n wires having the same value perm: permutation of wires forget: n wires going nowhere sub: subset of wires, other ones going nowhere *)

let map n v = { nin=n; nout=Array.length v; apply=function bits -> (function k -> bits.(k)) v };;

let pass n = { nin=n; nout=n; apply=function bits -> bits };;

let fork n = { nin=1; nout=n; apply=function bits -> Array.make n bits.(0) };;

let perm v = let n = Array.length v in { nin=n; nout=n; apply=function bits -> Array.init n (function k -> bits.(v.(k))) };;

let forget n = { nin=n; nout=0; apply=function bits -> [| |] };;

let sub nin nout where = { nin=nin; nout=nout; apply=function bits -> Array.sub bits where nout };;

let transpose n p v = if n*p <> Array.length v then failwith "bad dim" else let w = Array.copy v in for i=0 to n-1 do for j=0 to p-1 do let r = i*p+j and s = j*n+i in w.(r) <- v.(s) done done; w;;

(* line mixing (a special permutation) mix 4 2 : 0,1,2,3, 4,5,6,7 -> 0,4, 1,5, 2,6, 3,7 unmix: inverse operation *)

let mix n p = perm (transpose n p (Array.init (n*p) (function x -> x)));;

let unmix n p = perm (transpose p n (Array.init (n*p) (function x -> x)));;

(* basic blocks

dummy: no input, no output, usually not useful const: n wires with constant value (true or false) encode: translates an Int64 into boolean values, keeping only n lower bits bnand: NAND gate, the basic building block for all the other basic gates (or, and, not...) *)

let dummy = { nin=0; nout=0; apply=function bits -> bits };;

let const b n = { nin=0; nout=n; apply=function bits -> Array.make n b };;

let encode nbits x = { nin=0; nout=nbits; apply=function bits -> bits_of_int nbits x };;

let bnand = { nin=2; nout=1; apply=function [| a; b |] -> [| not (a && b) |] | _ -> failwith "bad args" };;

(* block evaluation : returns the value of the output, given an input and a block. *)

let eval block nbits_in nbits_out v = output nbits_out (block.apply (input nbits_in v));;

(* building a 4-bit adder *)

(* first we build the usual gates *)

let bnot = serial (fork 2) bnand;;

let band = serial bnand bnot;;

(* a or b = !a nand !b *) let bor = serial (assoc bnot bnot) bnand;;

(* line "a" -> two lines, "a" and "not a" *) let a_not_a = parallel (pass 1) bnot;;

let bxor = block_array serial [| assoc a_not_a a_not_a; perm [| 0; 3; 1; 2 |]; assoc band band; bor |];;

let half_adder = parallel bxor band;;

(* bits C0,A,B -> S,C1 *) let full_adder = block_array serial [| assoc half_adder (pass 1); perm [| 1; 0; 2 |]; assoc (pass 1) half_adder; perm [| 1; 0; 2 |]; assoc (pass 1) bor |];;

(* 4-bit adder *) let add4 = block_array serial [| mix 4 2; assoc half_adder (pass 6); assoc (assoc (pass 1) full_adder) (pass 4); assoc (assoc (pass 2) full_adder) (pass 2); assoc (pass 3) full_adder |];;

(* 4-bit adder and three supplementary lines to make a multiple of 4 (to translate back to 4-bit integers) *) let add4_io = assoc add4 (const false 3);;

(* wrapping the 4-bit to input and output integers instead of booleans plus a b -> (sum,carry)

  • )

let plus a b = let v = Int64.to_int (eval add4_io 4 4 ( Int64.of_int [| a; b |])) in v.(0), v.(1);; </lang>


<lang ocaml>

  1. open Blocks;;
  1. plus 4 5;;

- : int * int = (9, 0)

  1. plus 15 1;;

- : int * int = (0, 1)

  1. plus 15 15;;

- : int * int = (14, 1)

  1. plus 0 0;;

- : int * int = (0, 0) </lang>

An extension : n-bit adder, for n <= 64 (n could be greater, but we use Int64 for I/O)

<lang ocaml> (* general adder (n bits with n <= 64) *) let gen_adder n = block_array serial [| mix n 2; assoc half_adder (pass (2*n-2)); block_array serial (Array.init (n-2) (function k -> assoc (assoc (pass (k+1)) full_adder) (pass (2*(n-k-2))))); assoc (pass (n-1)) full_adder |];;

let gadd_io n = assoc (gen_adder n) (const false (n-1));;

let gen_plus n a b = let v = Int64.to_int (eval (gadd_io n) n n ( Int64.of_int [| a; b |])) in v.(0), v.(1);; </lang>

And a test

<lang ocaml>

  1. gen_plus 7 100 100;;

- : int * int = (72, 1)

  1. gen_plus 8 100 100;;

- : int * int = (200, 0) </lang>


<lang parigp>xor(a,b)=(!a&b)|(a&!b); halfadd(a,b)=[a&b,xor(a,b)]; fulladd(a,b,c)=my(t=halfadd(a,c),s=halfadd(t[2],b));[t[1]|s[1],s[2]]; add4(a3,a2,a1,a0,b3,b2,b1,b0)={ my(s0,s1,s2,s3); s0=fulladd(a0,b0,0); s1=fulladd(a1,b1,s0[1]); s2=fulladd(a2,b2,s1[1]); s3=fulladd(a3,b3,s2[1]); [s3[1],s3[2],s2[2],s1[2],s0[2]] }; add4(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)</lang>

Perl 6

<lang perl6>sub xor ($a, $b) { ($a and not $b) or (not $a and $b) }

sub half-adder ($a, $b) {

   return xor($a, $b), ($a and $b);


sub full-adder ($a, $b, $c0) {

   my ($ha0_s, $ha0_c) = half-adder($c0, $a);
   my ($ha1_s, $ha1_c) = half-adder($ha0_s, $b);
   return $ha1_s, ($ha0_c or $ha1_c);


sub four-bit-adder ($a0, $a1, $a2, $a3, $b0, $b1, $b2, $b3) {

   my ($fa0_s, $fa0_c) = full-adder($a0, $b0, 0);
   my ($fa1_s, $fa1_c) = full-adder($a1, $b1, $fa0_c);
   my ($fa2_s, $fa2_c) = full-adder($a2, $b2, $fa1_c);
   my ($fa3_s, $fa3_c) = full-adder($a3, $b3, $fa2_c);
   return $fa0_s, $fa1_s, $fa2_s, $fa3_s, $fa3_c;



   use Test;
   is four-bit-adder(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0, 0, 0), '1 + 1 == 2';
   is four-bit-adder(1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0), (0, 1, 0, 1, 0), '5 + 5 == 10';
   is four-bit-adder(1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0)[4], 1, '7 + 9 == overflow';



ok 1 - 1 + 1 == 2
ok 2 - 5 + 5 == 10
ok 3 - 7 + 9 == overflow


<lang PicoLisp>(de halfAdder (A B) #> (Carry . Sum)

     (and A B)
     (xor A B) ) )

(de fullAdder (A B C) #> (Carry . Sum)

  (let (Ha1 (halfAdder C A)  Ha2 (halfAdder (cdr Ha1) B))
        (or (car Ha1) (car Ha2))
        (cdr Ha2) ) ) )

(de 4bitsAdder (A4 A3 A2 A1 B4 B3 B2 B1) #> (V S4 S3 S2 S1)

     (Fa1 (fullAdder A1 B1)
        Fa2 (fullAdder A2 B2 (car Fa1))
        Fa3 (fullAdder A3 B3 (car Fa2))
        Fa4 (fullAdder A4 B4 (car Fa3)) )
        (car Fa4)
        (cdr Fa4)
        (cdr Fa3)
        (cdr Fa2)
        (cdr Fa1) ) ) )</lang>


: (4bitsAdder NIL NIL NIL T  NIL NIL NIL T)

: (4bitsAdder NIL T NIL NIL  NIL NIL T T)
-> (NIL NIL T T T)

: (4bitsAdder NIL T T T  NIL T T T)
-> (NIL T T T NIL)

: (4bitsAdder T T T T  NIL NIL NIL T)


<lang PL/I> /* 4-BIT ADDER */


  declare (m, n, sum)(4) bit(1) aligned;
  declare i fixed binary;
  get edit (m, n) (b(1));
  put edit (m, ' + ', n, ' = ') (4 b, a);
  do i = 4 to 1 by -1;
     call full_adder ((carry_in), m(i), n(i), sum(i), carry_in);
  put edit (sum) (b);


  SUM = ( ^IN1 & IN2) | ( IN1 & ^IN2);
        /* Exclusive OR using only AND, NOT, OR. */
  CARRY = IN1 & IN2;



  SUM = SUM2;


END TEST; </lang>


Using Bytes as Inputs

<lang Powershell>function bxor2 ( [byte] $a, [byte] $b ) {

   $out1 = $a -band ( -bnot $b )
   $out2 = ( -bnot $a ) -band $b
   $out1 -bor $out2


function hadder ( [byte] $a, [byte] $b ) {

       "S"=bxor2 $a $b
       "C"=$a -band $b


function fadder ( [byte] $a, [byte] $b, [byte] $cd ) {

   $out1 = hadder $cd $a
   $out2 = hadder $out1["S"] $b
       "C"=$out1["C"] -bor $out2["C"]


function FourBitAdder ( [byte] $a, [byte] $b ) {

   $a0 = $a -band 1
   $a1 = ($a -band 2)/2
   $a2 = ($a -band 4)/4
   $a3 = ($a -band 8)/8
   $b0 = $b -band 1
   $b1 = ($b -band 2)/2
   $b2 = ($b -band 4)/4
   $b3 = ($b -band 8)/8
   $out1 = fadder $a0 $b0 0
   $out2 = fadder $a1 $b1 $out1["C"]
   $out3 = fadder $a2 $b2 $out2["C"]
   $out4 = fadder $a3 $b3 $out3["C"]
       "S"="{3}{2}{1}{0}" -f $out1["S"], $out2["S"], $out3["S"], $out4["S"]


FourBitAdder 3 5

FourBitAdder 0xA 5

FourBitAdder 0xC 0xB

[Convert]::ToByte((FourBitAdder 0xC 0xB)["S"],2)</lang>


<lang PureBasic>;Because no representation for a solitary bit is present, bits are stored as bytes.

Output values from the constructive building blocks is done using pointers (i.e. '*').

Procedure.b notGate(x)

 ProcedureReturn ~x


Procedure.b xorGate(x,y)

 ProcedureReturn  (x & notGate(y)) | (notGate(x) & y)


Procedure halfadder(a, b, *sum.Byte, *carry.Byte)

 *sum\b = xorGate(a, b)
 *carry\b = a & b


Procedure fulladder(a, b, c0, *sum.Byte, *c1.Byte)

 Protected sum_ac.b, carry_ac.b, carry_sb.b
 halfadder(c0, a, @sum_ac, @carry_ac)
 halfadder(sum_ac, b, *sum, @carry_sb)
 *c1\b = carry_ac | carry_sb


Procedure fourbitsadder(a0, a1, a2, a3, b0, b1, b2, b3 , *s0.Byte, *s1.Byte, *s2.Byte, *s3.Byte, *v.Byte)

 Protected.b c1, c2, c3
 fulladder(a0, b0, 0,   *s0, @c1)
 fulladder(a1, b1, c1,  *s1, @c2)
 fulladder(a2, b2, c2,  *s2, @c3)
 fulladder(a3, b3, c3,  *s3, *v)


// Test implementation, map two 4-character strings to the inputs of the fourbitsadder() and display results

Procedure.s test_4_bit_adder(a.s,b.s)

 Protected.b s0, s1, s2, s3,  v, i
 Dim a.b(3)
 Dim b.b(3)
 For i = 0 To 3
   a(i) = Val(Mid(a, 4 - i, 1))
   b(i) = Val(Mid(b, 4 - i, 1))
 fourbitsadder(a(0), a(1), a(2), a(3), b(0), b(1), b(2), b(3), @s0, @s1, @s2, @s3, @v)
 ProcedureReturn a + " + " + b + " = " + Str(s3) + Str(s2) + Str(s1) + Str(s0) + " overflow " + Str(v)


If OpenConsole()

 Print(#CRLF$ + #CRLF$ + "Press ENTER to exit")

EndIf</lang> Sample output:

0110 + 1110 = 0100 overflow 1


Individual boolean bits are represented by either 1, 0, True (interchangeable with 1), and False (same as zero). a bit of value None is sometimes used as a place-holder.

Python functions represent the building blocks of the circuit: a function parameter for each block intput and individual block outputs are either a return of a single value or a return of a tuple of values - one for each block output. A single element tuple is not returned for a block with one output.

Python lists are used to represent bus's of multiple bits, and in this circuit, bit zero - the least significant bit of bus's, is at index zero of the list, (which will be printed as the left-most member of a list).

The repetitive connections of the full adder block, fa4, are achieved by using a for loop which could easily be modified to generate adders of any width. fa4's arguments are interpreted as indexable, ordered collections of values - usually lists but tuples would work too. fa4's outputs are the sum, s, as a list and the single bit carry.

Functions are provided to convert between integers and bus's and back; and the test routine shows how they can be used to translate between the normal Python values and those of the simulation.

<lang python>def xor(a, b): return (a and not b) or (b and not a)

def ha(a, b): return xor(a, b), a and b # sum, carry

def fa(a, b, ci):

   s0, c0 = ha(ci, a)
   s1, c1 = ha(s0, b)
   return s1, c0 or c1     # sum, carry

def fa4(a, b):

   width = 4
   ci = [None] * width
   co = [None] * width
   s  = [None] * width
   for i in range(width):
       s[i], co[i] = fa(a[i], b[i], co[i-1] if i else 0)
   return s, co[-1]

def int2bus(n, width=4):

   return [int(c) for c in "{0:0{1}b}".format(n, width)[::-1]]

def bus2int(b):

   return sum(1 << i for i, bit in enumerate(b) if bit)

def test_fa4():

   width = 4
   tot = [None] * (width + 1)
   for a in range(2**width):
       for b in range(2**width):
           tot[:width], tot[width] = fa4(int2bus(a), int2bus(b))
           assert a + b == bus2int(tot), "totals don't match: %i + %i != %s" % (a, b, tot)

if __name__ == '__main__':



(A copy of the Fortran example)

Programming note: REXX subroutines/functions are call by value, not call by name,
so REXX has to EXPOSE a variable and set/define it with that mechanism.

REXX programming syntax:
the && symbol is the exclusive OR function (XOR).
the | symbol is a logical OR.
the & symbol is a logical AND. <lang rexx> /*REXX program shows (all) the sums of a full 4-bit adder (with carry).*/ call hdr1; call hdr2

  do j=0 for 16
               do m=0 for 4;  a.m=bit(j,m);  end
     do k=0 for 16
               do m=0 for 4;  b.m=bit(k,m);  end
     z=a.3 a.2 a.1 a.0 '_+_' b.3 b.2 b.1 b.0 '_=_' sc ',' s.3 s.2 s.1 s.0
     say translate(space(z,0),,'_')
     end   /*k*/
  end      /*j*/

call hdr2; call hdr1 exit

/*─────────────────────────────────────subroutines/functions────────────*/ hdr1: say 'aaaa + bbbb = c, sum [c=carry]'; return hdr2: say '==== ==== ======';return bit: procedure; arg x,y; return substr(reverse(x2b(d2x(x))),y+1,1) halfAdder: procedure expose c; parse arg x,y; c=x & y; return x && y

fullAdder: procedure expose c; parse arg x,y,fc _1=halfAdder(fc,x); c1=c _2=halfAdder(_1,y); c=c | c1; return _2

4bitAdder: procedure expose s. a. b.; carry.=0

   do j=0 for 4;  n=j-1
   s.j=fullAdder(a.j, b.j, carry.n);  carry.j=c

return c </lang> Output (most lines were elided):

aaaa + bbbb = c, sum     [c=carry]
====   ====   ======
0000 + 0000 = 0,0000
0000 + 0001 = 0,0001
0000 + 0010 = 0,0010
0000 + 0011 = 0,0011
0000 + 0100 = 0,0100
0000 + 0101 = 0,0101
0000 + 0110 = 0,0110
0000 + 0111 = 0,0111
0000 + 1000 = 0,1000
0000 + 1001 = 0,1001 
0101 + 0100 = 0,1001
0101 + 0101 = 0,1010
0101 + 0110 = 0,1011
0101 + 0111 = 0,1100
0101 + 1000 = 0,1101
0101 + 1001 = 0,1110
0101 + 1010 = 0,1111
0101 + 1011 = 1,0000
0101 + 1100 = 1,0001
0101 + 1101 = 1,0010
0101 + 1110 = 1,0011
0101 + 1111 = 1,0100
0110 + 0000 = 0,0110
0110 + 0001 = 0,0111
0110 + 0010 = 0,1000
0110 + 0011 = 0,1001
0110 + 0100 = 0,1010
0110 + 0101 = 0,1011
0110 + 0110 = 0,1100
0110 + 0111 = 0,1101
0110 + 1000 = 0,1110
0110 + 1001 = 0,1111
0110 + 1010 = 1,0000
0110 + 1011 = 1,0001
0110 + 1100 = 1,0010
0110 + 1101 = 1,0011
1110 + 1110 = 1,1100
1110 + 1111 = 1,1101
1111 + 0000 = 0,1111
1111 + 0001 = 1,0000
1111 + 0010 = 1,0001
1111 + 0011 = 1,0010
1111 + 0100 = 1,0011
1111 + 0101 = 1,0100
1111 + 0110 = 1,0101
1111 + 0111 = 1,0110
1111 + 1000 = 1,0111
1111 + 1001 = 1,1000
1111 + 1010 = 1,1001
1111 + 1011 = 1,1010
1111 + 1100 = 1,1011
1111 + 1101 = 1,1100
1111 + 1110 = 1,1101
1111 + 1111 = 1,1110
====   ====   ======
aaaa + bbbb = c, sum     [c=carry]


<lang sather>-- a "pin" can be connected only to one component -- that "sets" it to 0 or 1, while it can be "read" -- ad libitum. (Tristate logic is not taken into account) -- This class does the proper checking, assuring the "circuit" -- and the connections are described correctly. Currently can make -- hard the implementation of a latch class PIN is

 private attr v:INT;
 readonly attr name:STR;
 private attr connected:BOOL;
 create(n:STR):SAME is -- n = conventional name for this "pin"
   res ::= new; := n;
   res.connected := false;
   return res;
 val:INT is
   if self.connected.not then
      #ERR + "pin " + + " is undefined\n";
      return 0; -- could return a random bit to "simulate" undefined
                -- behaviour
      return self.v;
 -- connect ...
 val(v:INT) is
   if self.connected then
      #ERR + "pin " + + " is already 'assigned'\n";
      self.connected := true;
      self.v :=;
 -- connect to existing pin
 val(v:PIN) is


-- XOR "block" class XOR is

 readonly attr xor :PIN;
 create(a, b:PIN):SAME is
   res ::= new;
   res.xor := #PIN("xor output");
   l   ::=;
   r   ::=;
   res.xor.val := r.bor(l);
   return res;


-- HALF ADDER "block" class HALFADDER is

 readonly attr s, c:PIN;
 create(a, b:PIN):SAME is
   res ::= new;
   res.s := #PIN("halfadder sum output");
   res.c := #PIN("halfadder carry output");
   res.s.val := #XOR(a, b).xor.val;
   res.c.val :=;
   return res;


-- FULL ADDER "block" class FULLADDER is

 readonly attr s, c:PIN;
 create(a, b, ic:PIN):SAME is
   res ::= new;
   res.s := #PIN("fulladder sum output");
   res.c := #PIN("fulladder carry output");
   halfadder1 ::= #HALFADDER(a, b);
   halfadder2 ::= #HALFADDER(halfadder1.s, ic);
   res.s.val := halfadder2.s;
   res.c.val := halfadder2.c.val.bor(halfadder1.c.val);
   return res;



 readonly attr s0, s1, s2, s3, v :PIN;
 create(a0, a1, a2, a3, b0, b1, b2, b3:PIN):SAME is
   res ::= new;
   res.s0  := #PIN("4-bits-adder sum outbut line 0");
   res.s1  := #PIN("4-bits-adder sum outbut line 1");
   res.s2  := #PIN("4-bits-adder sum outbut line 2");
   res.s3  := #PIN("4-bits-adder sum outbut line 3");
   res.v   := #PIN("4-bits-adder overflow output");
   zero ::= #PIN("zero/mass pin");
   zero.val := 0;
   fa0 ::= #FULLADDER(a0, b0, zero);
   fa1 ::= #FULLADDER(a1, b1, fa0.c);
   fa2 ::= #FULLADDER(a2, b2, fa1.c);
   fa3 ::= #FULLADDER(a3, b3, fa2.c);
   res.v.val  := fa3.c;
   res.s0.val := fa0.s;
   res.s1.val := fa1.s;
   res.s2.val := fa2.s;
   res.s3.val := fa3.s;
   return res;


-- testing --

class MAIN is

 main is
   a0 ::= #PIN("a0 in"); b0 ::= #PIN("b0 in");
   a1 ::= #PIN("a1 in"); b1 ::= #PIN("b1 in");
   a2 ::= #PIN("a2 in"); b2 ::= #PIN("b2 in");
   a3 ::= #PIN("a3 in"); b3 ::= #PIN("b3 in");
   ov ::= #PIN("overflow");
   a0.val := 1; b0.val := 1;
   a1.val := 1; b1.val := 1;
   a2.val := 0; b2.val := 0;
   a3.val := 0; b3.val := 1;
   fba ::= #FOURBITSADDER(a0,a1,a2,a3,b0,b1,b2,b3);
   #OUT + #FMT("%d%d%d%d", a3.val, a2.val, a1.val, a0.val) +
   	   " + " + 
          #FMT("%d%d%d%d", b3.val, b2.val, b1.val, b0.val) +
          " = " +
          #FMT("%d%d%d%d", fba.s3.val, fba.s2.val, fba.s1.val, fba.s0.val) + 
          ", overflow = " + fba.v.val + "\n";



<lang scala>object FourBitAdder {

  type Nibble=(Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean)
  def xor(a:Boolean, b:Boolean)=(!a)&&b || a&&(!b)
  def halfAdder(a:Boolean, b:Boolean)={
     val s=xor(a,b)
     val c=a && b
     (s, c)
  def fullAdder(a:Boolean, b:Boolean, cIn:Boolean)={
     val (s1, c1)=halfAdder(a, cIn)
     val (s, c2)=halfAdder(s1, b)
     val cOut=c1 || c2
     (s, cOut)
  def fourBitAdder(a:Nibble, b:Nibble)={
     val (s0, c0)=fullAdder(a._4, b._4, false)
     val (s1, c1)=fullAdder(a._3, b._3, c0)
     val (s2, c2)=fullAdder(a._2, b._2, c1)
     val (s3, cOut)=fullAdder(a._1, b._1, c2)
     ((s3, s2, s1, s0), cOut)


A test program using the object above. <lang scala>object FourBitAdderTest {

  import FourBitAdder._
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
     println("%4s   %4s   %4s %2s".format("A","B","S","C"))
     for(a <- 0 to 15; b <- 0 to 15){
        val (s, cOut)=fourBitAdder(a,b)
        println("%4s + %4s = %4s %2d".format(nibbleToString(a),nibbleToString(b),nibbleToString(s),cOut.toInt))
  implicit def toInt(b:Boolean):Int=if (b) 1 else 0
  implicit def intToBool(i:Int):Boolean=if (i==0) false else true
  implicit def intToNibble(i:Int):Nibble=((i>>>3)&1, (i>>>2)&1, (i>>>1)&1, i&1)
  def nibbleToString(n:Nibble):String="%d%d%d%d".format(n._1.toInt, n._2.toInt, n._3.toInt, n._4.toInt)

}</lang> Output

   A      B      S  C
0000 + 0000 = 0000  0
0000 + 0001 = 0001  0
0000 + 0010 = 0010  0
0000 + 0011 = 0011  0
0000 + 0100 = 0100  0
1111 + 1011 = 1010  1
1111 + 1100 = 1011  1
1111 + 1101 = 1100  1
1111 + 1110 = 1101  1
1111 + 1111 = 1110  1


In SystemVerilog we can define a multibit adder as a parameterized module, that instantiates the components: <lang SystemVerilog> module Half_Adder( input a, b, output s, c );

 assign s = a ^ b;
 assign c = a & b;


module Full_Adder( input a, b, c_in, output s, c_out );

 wire s_ha1, c_ha1, c_ha2;
 Half_Adder ha1( .a(c_in), .b(a), .s(s_ha1), .c(c_ha1) );
 Half_Adder ha2( .a(s_ha1), .b(b), .s(s), .c(c_ha2) );
 assign c_out = c_ha1 | c_ha2;


module Multibit_Adder(a,b,s);

 parameter N = 8;
 input [N-1:0] a;
 input [N-1:0] b;
 output [N:0] s;
 wire [N:0] c;
 assign c[0] = 0;
 assign s[N] = c[N];
   genvar I;
   for (I=0; I<N; ++I) Full_Adder add( .a(a[I]), .b(b[I]), .s(s[I]), .c_in(c[I]), .c_out(c[I+1]) );

endmodule </lang>

And then a testbench to test it -- here I use random stimulus with an assertion (it's aften good to separate the stimulus generation from the results-checking):

<lang SystemVerilog> module simTop();

 bit [3:0] a;
 bit [3:0] b;
 bit [4:0] s;
 Multibit_Adder#(4) adder(.*);
 always_comb begin
   $display( "%d + %d = %d", a, b, s );
   assert( s == a+b );


program Main();

 class Test;
   rand bit [3:0] a;
   rand bit [3:0] b;
 Test t = new;
 initial repeat (20) begin
   #10 t.randomize;
   simTop.a = t.a;
   simTop.b = t.b;



The output looks something like this:

 0 +  0 =  0
 7 +  0 =  7
11 +  3 = 14
 9 + 15 = 24
 7 +  3 = 10
 1 +  4 =  5
 9 +  7 = 16
10 +  6 = 16
15 +  9 = 24
 9 +  3 = 12
 2 +  3 =  5
14 +  5 = 19
 1 +  8 =  9
 0 +  4 =  4
13 +  9 = 22
15 +  7 = 22
 3 + 15 = 18
 7 +  4 = 11
13 +  4 = 17
10 +  7 = 17
 1 +  2 =  3
$finish at simulation time                  200

A quick note on the use of random stimulus. You might think that, with an input space of only 2**8 (256) distinct inputs, that exhaustive testing (i.e. just loop through all the possible inputs) would be appropriate. In this case you might be right. But as a HW verification engineer I'm used to dealing with coverage spaces closer to 10**80 (every state element -- bit of memory) increases the space). It's not practical to verify such hardware exhaustively -- indeed, it's hard to know where the interesting cases are -- so we use constrained random verification. If you want to, to can work thought the statistics to figure out the probability that we missed a bug when sampling 20 cases from a space of 2**8 -- it's quite scary when you realize that every complex digital chip that you ever bought (cpu, gpu, networking, etc.) was 0% verified (zero to at least 50 decimal places).

For a problem this small, however, we'd probably just whip out a "formal" tool and statically prove that the assertion can never fire for all possible sets of inputs.


This example shows how you can make little languages in Tcl that describe the problem space. <lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.5

  1. Create our little language

proc pins args {

   # Just declaration...
   foreach p $args {upvar 1 $p v}

} proc gate {name pins body} {

   foreach p $pins {

lappend args _$p append v " \$_$p $p"

   proc $name $args "upvar 1 $v;$body"


  1. Fundamental gates; these are the only ones that use Tcl math ops

gate not {x out} {

   set out [expr {1 & ~$x}]

} gate and {x y out} {

   set out [expr {$x & $y}]

} gate or {x y out} {

   set out [expr {$x | $y}]

} gate GND pin {

   set pin 0


  1. Composite gates: XOR

gate xor {x y out} {

   pins nx ny x_ny nx_y
   not x          nx
   not y          ny
   and x ny       x_ny
   and nx y       nx_y
   or  x_ny nx_y  out


  1. Composite gates: half adder

gate halfadd {a b sum carry} {

   xor a b  sum
   and a b  carry


  1. Composite gates: full adder

gate fulladd {a b c0 sum c1} {

   pins sum_ac carry_ac carry_sb
   halfadd c0 a          sum_ac carry_ac
   halfadd sum_ac b      sum carry_sb
   or carry_ac carry_sb  c1


  1. Composite gates: 4-bit adder

gate 4add {a0 a1 a2 a3 b0 b1 b2 b3 s0 s1 s2 s3 v} {

   pins c0 c1 c2 c3
   GND c0
   fulladd a0 b0 c0  s0 c1
   fulladd a1 b1 c1  s1 c2
   fulladd a2 b2 c2  s2 c3
   fulladd a3 b3 c3  s3 v


<lang tcl># Simple driver for the circuit proc 4add_driver {a b} {

   lassign [split $a {}] a3 a2 a1 a0
   lassign [split $b {}] b3 b2 b1 b0
   lassign [split 00000 {}] s3 s2 s1 s0 v
   4add a0 a1 a2 a3  b0 b1 b2 b3  s0 s1 s2 s3  v
   return "$s3$s2$s1$s0 overflow=$v"

} set a 1011 set b 0110 puts $a+$b=[4add_driver $a $b]</lang>

Produces this output:

1011+0110=0001 overflow=1

One feature of the Tcl code is that if you change the definitions of and, or, not and GND (as well as of gate and pins, of course) you could have this Tcl code generate hardware for the adder. The bulk of the code would be identical.