Find the intersection of two lines: Difference between revisions

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<pre>{5 5}</pre>
<lang groovy>class Intersection {
private static class Point {
double x, y
Point(double x, double y) {
this.x = x
this.y = y
String toString() {
return "($x, $y)"
private static class Line {
Point s, e
Line(Point s, Point e) {
this.s = s
this.e = e
private static Point findIntersection(Line l1, Line l2) {
double a1 = l1.e.y - l1.s.y
double b1 = l1.s.x - l1.e.x
double c1 = a1 * l1.s.x + b1 * l1.s.y
double a2 = l2.e.y - l2.s.y
double b2 = l2.s.x - l2.e.x
double c2 = a2 * l2.s.x + b2 * l2.s.y
double delta = a1 * b2 - a2 * b1
return new Point((b2 * c1 - b1 * c2) / delta, (a1 * c2 - a2 * c1) / delta)
static void main(String[] args) {
Line l1 = new Line(new Point(4, 0), new Point(6, 10))
Line l2 = new Line(new Point(0, 3), new Point(10, 7))
println(findIntersection(l1, l2))
l1 = new Line(new Point(0, 0), new Point(1, 1))
l2 = new Line(new Point(1, 2), new Point(4, 5))
println(findIntersection(l1, l2))
<pre>(5.0, 5.0)
(-Infinity, -Infinity)</pre>