Find the intersection of two lines: Difference between revisions

Content deleted Content added
PatGarrett (talk | contribs)
→‎{{header|TI-83 BASIC}}: Better special characters
→‎=={{header|Visual Basic}}==: added Visual Basic */
Line 1,803: Line 1,803:
{5 5}
{5 5}

=={{header|Visual Basic}}==
{{works with|Visual Basic|5}}
{{works with|Visual Basic|6}}
{{works with|VBA|6.5}}
{{works with|VBA|7.1}}
<lang vb>Option Explicit

Public Type Point
x As Double
y As Double
invalid As Boolean
End Type

Public Type Line
s As Point
e As Point
End Type
Public Function GetIntersectionPoint(L1 As Line, L2 As Line) As Point
Dim a1 As Double
Dim b1 As Double
Dim c1 As Double
Dim a2 As Double
Dim b2 As Double
Dim c2 As Double
Dim det As Double

a1 = L1.e.y - L1.s.y
b1 = L1.s.x - L1.e.x
c1 = a1 * L1.s.x + b1 * L1.s.y
a2 = L2.e.y - L2.s.y
b2 = L2.s.x - L2.e.x
c2 = a2 * L2.s.x + b2 * L2.s.y
det = a1 * b2 - a2 * b1
If det Then
With GetIntersectionPoint
.x = (b2 * c1 - b1 * c2) / det
.y = (a1 * c2 - a2 * c1) / det
End With
GetIntersectionPoint.invalid = True
End If
End Function

Sub Main()
Dim ln1 As Line
Dim ln2 As Line
Dim ip As Point
ln1.s.x = 4
ln1.s.y = 0
ln1.e.x = 6
ln1.e.y = 10
ln2.s.x = 0
ln2.s.y = 3
ln2.e.x = 10
ln2.e.y = 7
ip = GetIntersectionPoint(ln1, ln2)
Debug.Assert Not ip.invalid
Debug.Assert ip.x = 5 And ip.y = 5
LSet ln2.s = ln2.e
ip = GetIntersectionPoint(ln1, ln2)
Debug.Assert ip.invalid
LSet ln2 = ln1
ip = GetIntersectionPoint(ln1, ln2)
Debug.Assert ip.invalid
End Sub</lang>
