Fibonacci word/fractal: Difference between revisions

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return p1
return p1

Creates file fword.png containing the Fibonacci Fractal.
<lang perl>use strict;
use warnings;
use GD;

my @fword = ( undef, 1, 0 );

sub fword {
my $n = shift;
return $fword[$n] if $n<3;
return $fword[$n] //= fword($n-1).fword($n-2);

my $size = 3000;
my $im = new GD::Image($size,$size);
my $white = $im->colorAllocate(255,255,255);
my $black = $im->colorAllocate(0,0,0);

my @pos = (0,0);
my @dir = (0,5);
my @steps = split //, fword 23;
my $i = 1;
for( @steps ) {
my @next = ( $pos[0]+$dir[0], $pos[1]+$dir[1] );
$im->line( @pos, @next, $black );
@dir = ( $dir[1], -$dir[0] ) if 0==$_ && 1==$i%2; # odd
@dir = ( -$dir[1], $dir[0] ) if 0==$_ && 0==$i%2; # even
@pos = @next;

open my $out, ">", "fword.png" or die "Cannot open output file.\n";
binmode $out;
print $out $im->png;
close $out;


Revision as of 08:30, 28 November 2013

Fibonacci word/fractal
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

The Fibonacci word may be represented as a fratal as described here:

For F_word37 start with F_wordCharn=1
Draw a segment forward
If current F_wordChar is 0
Turn left if n is even
Turn right if n is odd
next n and iterate until end of F_word

For this task create and display a fractal similar to Fig 1.


This uses the turtle module from the Dragon Curve Task, and the module from the Grayscale Image task.

Translation of: Python

<lang d>import std.range, grayscale_image, turtle;

void drawFibonacci(Color)(Image!Color img, ref Turtle t,

                         in string word, in real step) {
   foreach (immutable i, immutable c; word) {
       t.forward(img, step);
       if (c == '0') {
           if ((i + 1) % 2 == 0)


void main() {

   auto img = new Image!Gray(1050, 1050);
   auto t = Turtle(30, 1010, -90);
   const w = recurrence!q{a[n-1] ~ a[n-2]}("1", "0").drop(24).front;
   img.drawFibonacci(t, w, 1);

}</lang> It prints the level 25 word as the Python entry.

Icon and Unicon

This probably only works in Unicon. It also defaults to showing the factal for F_word25 as larger Fibonacci words quickly exceed the size of window I can display, even with a line segment length of a single pixel.

<lang unicon>global width, height

procedure main(A)

   n := integer(A[1]) | 25			    # F_word to use
   sl := integer(A[2]) | 1             # Segment length
   width := integer(A[3]) | 1050       # Width of plot area
   height := integer(A[4]) | 1050      # Height of plot area
   w := fword(n)


procedure fword(n)

   static fcache
   initial fcache := table()
   /fcache[n] := case n of {
                    1: "1"
                    2: "0"
                    default: fword(n-1)||fword(n-2)
   return fcache[n]


record loc(x,y)

procedure drawFractal(n,w,sl)

   static lTurn, rTurn
   initial {
       every (lTurn|rTurn) := table()
       lTurn["north"] := "west"; lTurn["west"] := "south"
       lTurn["south"] := "east"; lTurn["east"] := "north"
       rTurn["north"] := "east"; rTurn["east"] := "south"
       rTurn["south"] := "west"; rTurn["west"] := "north"
   wparms := ["FibFractal "||n,"g","bg=white","canvas=normal",
   &window := open!wparms | stop("Unable to open window")
   p := loc(10,10)
   d := "north"
   every i := 1 to *w do {
      p := draw(p,d,sl)
      if w[i] == "0" then d := if i%2 = 0 then lTurn[d] else rTurn[d]

   until Event() == &lpress


procedure draw(p,d,sl)

   if d == "north"      then p1 := loc(p.x,p.y+sl)
   else if d == "south" then p1 := loc(p.x,p.y-sl)
   else if d == "east"  then p1 := loc(p.x+sl,p.y)
   else                      p1 := loc(p.x-sl,p.y)
   DrawLine(p.x,p.y, p1.x,p1.y)
   return p1



Creates file fword.png containing the Fibonacci Fractal. <lang perl>use strict; use warnings; use GD;

my @fword = ( undef, 1, 0 );

sub fword { my $n = shift; return $fword[$n] if $n<3; return $fword[$n] //= fword($n-1).fword($n-2); }

my $size = 3000; my $im = new GD::Image($size,$size); my $white = $im->colorAllocate(255,255,255); my $black = $im->colorAllocate(0,0,0); $im->transparent($white); $im->interlaced('true');

my @pos = (0,0); my @dir = (0,5); my @steps = split //, fword 23; my $i = 1; for( @steps ) { my @next = ( $pos[0]+$dir[0], $pos[1]+$dir[1] ); $im->line( @pos, @next, $black ); @dir = ( $dir[1], -$dir[0] ) if 0==$_ && 1==$i%2; # odd @dir = ( -$dir[1], $dir[0] ) if 0==$_ && 0==$i%2; # even $i++; @pos = @next; }

open my $out, ">", "fword.png" or die "Cannot open output file.\n"; binmode $out; print $out $im->png; close $out; </lang>


Translation of: Unicon

Note that for Python 3, functools.lru_cache could be used instead of the memoize decorator below. <lang python>from functools import wraps from turtle import *

def memoize(obj):

   cache = obj.cache = {}
   def memoizer(*args, **kwargs):
       key = str(args) + str(kwargs)
       if key not in cache:
           cache[key] = obj(*args, **kwargs)
       return cache[key]
   return memoizer

@memoize def fibonacci_word(n):

   assert n > 0
   if n == 1:
       return "1"
   if n == 2:
       return "0"
   return fibonacci_word(n - 1) + fibonacci_word(n - 2)

def draw_fractal(word, step):

   for i, c in enumerate(word, 1):
       if c == "0":
           if i % 2 == 0:

def main():

   n = 25 # Fibonacci Word to use.
   step = 1 # Segment length.
   width = 1050 # Width of plot area.
   height = 1050 # Height of plot area.
   w = fibonacci_word(n)
   setup(width=width, height=height)
   draw_fractal(w, step)
   # Save Poscript image.

if __name__ == '__main__':


The output image is probably the same.


Prime candidate for Turtle Graphics. I've used a values-turtle, which means you don't get the joy of seeing the turltle bimble around the screen. But it allows the size of the image to be set (useful if you want to push the n much higher than 23 or so!

We use word-order 23, which gives a classic n shape (inverted horseshoe).

Save the (first) implementation of Fibonacci word to Fibonacci-word.rkt; since we do not generate the words here.

<lang racket>#lang racket (require "Fibonacci-word.rkt") (require graphics/value-turtles)

(define word-order 23) ; is a 3k+2 fractal, shaped like an n (define height 420) (define width 600)

(define the-word

 (parameterize ((f-word-max-length #f))
   (F-Word word-order)))

(for/fold ((T (turtles width height

                      0 height ; in BL corner
                      (/ pi -2)))) ; point north
 ((i (in-naturals))
  (j (in-string (f-word-str the-word))))
 (match* (i j)
   ((_ #\1) (draw 1 T))
   (((? even?) #\0) (turn -90 (draw 1 T)))
   ((_ #\0) (turn 90 (draw 1 T)))))</lang>


Library: Tk

<lang tcl>package require Tk

  1. OK, this stripped down version doesn't work for n<2…

proc fibword {n} {

   set fw {1 0}
   while {[llength $fw] < $n} {

lappend fw [lindex $fw end][lindex $fw end-1]

   return [lindex $fw end]

} proc drawFW {canv fw {w {[$canv cget -width]}} {h {[$canv cget -height]}}} {

   set w [subst $w]
   set h [subst $h]
   # Generate the coordinate list using line segments of unit length
   set d 3; # Match the orientation in the sample paper
   set eo [set x [set y 0]]
   set coords [list $x $y]
   foreach c [split $fw ""] {

switch $d { 0 {lappend coords [incr x] $y} 1 {lappend coords $x [incr y]} 2 {lappend coords [incr x -1] $y} 3 {lappend coords $x [incr y -1]} } if {$c == 0} { set d [expr {($d + ($eo ? -1 : 1)) % 4}] } set eo [expr {!$eo}]

   # Draw, and rescale to fit in canvas
   set id [$canv create line $coords]
   lassign [$canv bbox $id] x1 y1 x2 y2
   set sf [expr {min(($w-20.) / ($y2-$y1), ($h-20.) / ($x2-$x1))}]
   $canv move $id [expr {-$x1}] [expr {-$y1}]
   $canv scale $id 0 0 $sf $sf
   $canv move $id 10 10
   # Return the item ID to allow user reconfiguration
   return $id


pack [canvas .c -width 500 -height 500] drawFW .c [fibword 23]</lang>