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=={{header|Common Lisp}}==
See [[RCHQ9Execute HQ9+/Common Lisp]].

Revision as of 16:07, 26 May 2011

Execute HQ9+
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Implement a HQ9+ interpreter or compiler for Rosetta Code.


see Execute HQ9+/Ada


<lang AutoHotkey>; http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=356268#356268

testCode := "hq9+HqQ+Qq"

MsgBox % RunHQ9Plus(testCode)


RunHQ9Plus(input) {

 Loop, Parse, input
   If ( A_LoopField = "+" )
   Else If ( A_LoopField = "H" )
     output .= "Hello, world!`n"
   Else If ( A_LoopField = "Q" )
     output .= input "`n"
   Else If ( A_LoopField = "9" )
     Loop, 99
       ; following 4 lines could be only 1 long line
       output .= (99+1-A_Index) " bottles of beer on the wall`n"
       output .= (99+1-A_Index) " bottles of beer`n"
       output .= "Take one down, pass it around`n"
       output .= (99-A_Index) " bottles of beer on the wall`n`n"
 Return output



<lang c>void runCode(char *code) {

   int c_len = strlen(code);
   int i, accumulator, bottles;
           case 'Q':
               printf("%s\n", code);
           case 'H':
               printf("Hello, world!\n");
           case '9':
               //Nice bottles song alg. from RC :)
               bottles = 99;
               do {
                   printf("%d bottles of beer on the wall\n", bottles);
                   printf("%d bottles of beer\n", bottles);
                   printf("Take one down, pass it around\n");
                   printf("%d bottles of beer on the wall\n\n", --bottles);
               } while( bottles > 0 );
           case '+':
               //Am I the only one finding this one weird? :o



Basically the same as the C example, although this has been C++'ified with strings and streams. <lang cpp>void runCode(string code) {

   int c_len = code.length();
   int accumulator, bottles;
   for(int i=0;i<c_len;i++)
           case 'Q':
               cout << code << endl;
           case 'H':
               cout << "Hello, world!" << endl;
           case '9':
               //Nice bottles song alg. from RC :)
               bottles = 99;
               do {
                   cout << bottles << " bottles of beer on the wall" << endl;
                   cout << bottles << " bottles of beer" << endl;
                   cout << "Take one down, pass it around" << endl;
                   cout << --bottles << " bottles of beer on the wall" << endl << endl;
               } while( bottles > 0 );
           case '+':
               //Am I the only one finding this one weird? :o



<lang csharp> using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq;

class Program {

   static void RunCode(string code)
       int accumulator = 0;
       var opcodes = new Dictionary<char, Action>
           {'H', () => Console.WriteLine("Hello, World!"))},
           {'Q', () => Console.WriteLine(code) },
           {'9', () => Console.WriteLine(Enumerable.Range(1,100).Reverse().Select(n => string.Format("{0} bottles of beer on the wall\n{0} bottles of beer\nTake one down, pass it around\n{1} bottles of beer on the wall\n", n, n-1)).Aggregate((a,b) => a + "\n" + b))},
           {'+', () => accumulator++ }
       foreach(var c in code)

} </lang>

Common Lisp

See Execute HQ9+/Common Lisp.


See Execute HQ9+/E.


Standard approach

<lang ela>open Con open Char

let eval src = eval' src

    where eval' [] = ()
          eval' (x::xs) | be 'H' = h! $ eval' xs
                        | be 'Q' = q! $ eval' xs
                        | be '9' = n! $ eval' xs
                        | be '+' = p! $ eval' xs
                        | else = fail ("Unrecognized " ++ show x)
                        where ref = {!val=0}
                           et be c = upper x == c
                           et h () = writen "Hello, world!"
                           et q () = writen src
                           et p () = ref.val <- ref.val + 1
                           et n () = bottles [99,98..1]
                                 where bottles [] = ()
                                       bottles (x::xs) = rec write 
                                         x " bottles of beer of the wall\r\n"
                                         x " bottles of beer\r\n"
                                         "Take one down, pass it around\r\n"
                                         $ bottles xs</lang>

Pure version

An interpreter itself has no side effects:

<lang ela>open Con open Core open Char

let eval src = eval' src 0

    where eval' [] a = []
          eval' (x::xs) a | be 'H' = h :: eval' xs a
                          | be 'Q' = q :: eval' xs a
                          | be '9' = force n :: eval' xs a
                          | be '+' = eval' xs (a+1)
                          where be c = upper x == c
                             et h = "Hello, world!"
                             et q  = src
                             et n = (& bottles [99,98..1])
                                    where bottles [] = ""
                                          bottles (x::xs) = 
                                           show x ++ " bottles of beer of the wall\r\n"
                                           ++ show x ++ " bottles of beer\r\n"
                                           ++ "Take one down, pass it around\r\n"
                                           ++ bottles xs</lang>

It slightly alters an original HQ9+ specification. HQ9+ is an impure language that does console output. However console output is the only interaction that a user can see when executing HQ9+ program. This interpreter doesn't output to console but instead generates a list with all outputs. An accumulator is moved to the interpter arguments and the need for a reference cell is eliminated. Once an interpreter completes a client code can output to console like so:

<lang ela>each writen <| eval "HQ9+"</lang>


<lang forth>variable accumulator

H cr ." Hello, world!" ;
Q cr 2dup type ;
9 99 verses ; \ http://rosettacode.org/wiki/99_Bottles_of_Beer#Forth
+ 1 accumulator +! ;
hq9+ ( "code" -- )
 parse-word 2dup bounds ?do
   i 1 [ get-current literal ] search-wordlist
   if execute else true abort" invalid HQ9+ instruction"
 then loop 2drop ;</lang>


See RCHQ9+/Go.


See RCHQ9+/Haskell.

Inform 7

<lang inform7>HQ9+ is a room.

After reading a command: interpret the player's command; reject the player's command.

To interpret (code - indexed text): let accumulator be 0; repeat with N running from 1 to the number of characters in code: let C be character number N in code in upper case; if C is "H": say "Hello, world!"; otherwise if C is "Q": say "[code][line break]"; otherwise if C is "9": repeat with iteration running from 1 to 99: let N be 100 - iteration; say "[N] bottle[s] of beer on the wall[line break]"; say "[N] bottle[s] of beer[line break]"; say "Take one down, pass it around[line break]"; say "[N - 1] bottle[s] of beer on the wall[paragraph break]"; otherwise if C is "+": increase accumulator by 1.</lang>

Icon and Unicon

Process HQ9+ from command line arguments and input until an error or end-of file. <lang Icon>procedure main(A) repeat writes("Enter HQ9+ code: ") & HQ9(get(A)|read()|break) end

procedure HQ9(code) static bnw,bcr initial { # number matching words and line feeds for the b-th bottle

  bnw   := table(" bottles"); bnw[1] := " bottle"; bnw[0] := "No more bottles"
  bcr   := table("\n"); bcr[0]:=""

every c := map(!code) do # ignore case

  case c of {                                   # interpret
  "h"  : write("Hello, World!")                 # . hello
  "q"  : write(code)                            # . quine
  "9"  : {                                      # . 99 bottles 
         every b := 99 to 1 by -1 do writes(
            bcr[b],b,bnw[b]," of beer on the wall\n",
            b,bnw[b]," of beer\nTake one down, pass it around\n",
            1~=b|"",bnw[b-1]," of beer on the wall",bcr[b-1])            
         write(", ",map(bnw[b-1])," of beer.\nGo to the store ",
               "and buy some more, 99 bottles of beer on the wall.")               
  "+"  : { /acc := 0 ; acc +:=1 }                # . yes it is weird
  default: stop("Syntax error in ",code)         # . error/exit

return end</lang>


From 99 Bottles of Beer <lang J>bob =: ": , ' bottle' , (1 = ]) }. 's of beer'"_ bobw=: bob , ' on the wall'"_ beer=: bobw , ', ' , bob , '; take one down and pass it around, ' , bobw@<:</lang>

The rest of the interpreter: <lang J>H=: smoutput bind 'Hello, world!' Q=: smoutput @ [ hq9=: smoutput @: (beer"0) bind (1+i.-99) hqp=: (A=:1)1 :'0 0$A=:A+m[y'@]

hq9p=: H`H`Q`Q`hq9`hqp@.('HhQq9+' i. ])"_ 0~</lang>

Example use:

<lang J> hq9p 'hqQQq' Hello, world! hqQQq hqQQq hqQQq hqQQq</lang>


See RCHQ9+/Java.


The function below executes a HQ9+ program and returns the program output as a string. <lang javascript>function hq9plus(code) {

 var out = ;
 var acc = 0;
 for (var i=0; i<code.length; i++) {
   switch (code.charAt(i)) {
     case 'H': out += "hello, world\n"; break;
     case 'Q': out += code + "\n"; break;
     case '9':
       for (var j=99; j>1; j--) {
         out += j + " bottles of beer on the wall, " + j + " bottles of beer.\n";
         out += "Take one down and pass it around, " + (j-1) + " bottles of beer.\n\n";
       out += "1 bottle of beer on the wall, 1 bottle of beer.\n" +
           "Take one down and pass it around, no more bottles of beer on the wall.\n\n" +
           "No more bottles of beer on the wall, no more bottles of beer.\n" +
           "Go to the store and buy some more, 99 bottles of beer on the wall.\n";
     case '+': acc++; break;
 return out;


Liberty BASIC

<lang lb>'Try this hq9+ program - "hq9+HqQ+Qq" Prompt "Please input your hq9+ program."; code$ Print hq9plus$(code$) End

Function hq9plus$(code$)

   For i = 1 to Len(code$)
       Select Case
           Case Upper$(Mid$(code$, i, 1)) = "H"
               hq9plus$ = hq9plus$ + "Hello, world!"
           Case Upper$(Mid$(code$, i, 1)) = "Q"
               hq9plus$ = hq9plus$ + code$
           Case Mid$(code$, i, 1) = "9"
               For bottles = 99 To 1 Step -1
                    hq9plus$ = hq9plus$ + str$(bottles) + " bottle"
                    If (bottles > 1) Then hq9plus$ = hq9plus$ + "s"
                    hq9plus$ = hq9plus$ + " of beer on the wall, " + str$(bottles) + " bottle"
                    If (bottles > 1) Then hq9plus$ = hq9plus$ + "s"
                    hq9plus$ = hq9plus$ + " of beer,"  + chr$(13) + chr$(10) + "Take one down, pass it around, " + str$(bottles - 1) + " bottle"
                    If (bottles > 2) Or (bottles = 1) Then hq9plus$ = hq9plus$ + "s"
                    hq9plus$ = hq9plus$ + " of beer on the wall." + chr$(13) + chr$(10)
               Next bottles
               hq9plus$ = hq9plus$ + "No more bottles of beer on the wall, no more bottles of beer." _
                                   + chr$(13) + chr$(10) + "Go to the store and buy some more, 99 bottles of beer on the wall."
           Case Mid$(code$, i, 1) = "+"
               accumulator = (accumulator + 1)
       End Select
       If Mid$(code$, i, 1) <> "+" Then
           hq9plus$ = hq9plus$ + chr$(13) + chr$(10)
       End If
   Next i
   hq9plus$ = Left$(hq9plus$, (Len(hq9plus$) - 2))

End Function</lang>


Modify contents of the program variable as you see fit.

<lang nimrod> var program = "9hHqQ+" var i = 0

proc bottle(n: int): string =

 case n
 of 0:
   result = "No more bottles"
 of 1:
   result = "1 bottle"
   result = $n & " bottles"

proc ninetyNineBottles =

 for n in countdown(99, 1):
   echo bottle(n), " bottle of beer on the wall"
   echo bottle(n), " bottle of beer"
   echo "Take one down, pass it around"
   echo bottle(n - 1), " of beer on the wall"

for token in items(program):

 case token
 of 'h', 'H':
   echo("Hello, world!")
 of 'q', 'Q':
 of '9':
 of '+':
   echo("Unknown command: ", token)



Unlike many other implementations, this version will not overflow when the accumulator hits 264 (or as low as 231 in some versions).

The lyrics are based on the reference implementation. The endline and case-insensitivity are from an example in the spec. <lang parigp>beer(n)={

 if(n == 1,
   print("1 bottle of beer on the wall");
   print("1 bottle of beer");
   print("Take one down and pass it around");
   print("No bottles of beer on the wall")
   print(n" bottles of beer on the wall");
   print(n" bottles of beer");
   print("Take one down and pass it around");
   print(n-1," bottles of beer on the wall\n");

}; HQ9p(s)={

   if(v[i] == "H" || v[i] == "h", print("Hello, world!"); next);
   if(v[i] == "Q" || v[i] == "q", print(s); next);
   if(v[i] == "9", beer(99); next);
   if(v[i] == "+", accum++, error("Nasal demons"))


Sample input/output:


Perl 6

The spec is kind of vague about how to do error handling... and whether white space is significant... and how the accumulator should be accessed... and pretty much everything else too.

<lang perl6>class HQ9Interpreter {

   has @!code;
   has $!accumulator;
   has $!pointer;

   method run ($code) {
       @!code = $code.comb;
       $!accumulator = 0;
       $!pointer = 0;
       while $!pointer < @!code {
           given @!code[$!pointer].lc {
               when 'h' { say 'Hello world!' }
               when 'q' { say @!code }
               when '9' { bob(99) }
               when '+' { $!accumulator++ }
               default  { note "Syntax error: Unknown command \"{@!code[$!pointer]}\"" }


   sub bob ($beer is copy) {
       sub what  { "{$beer??$beer!!'No more'} bottle{$beer-1??'s'!!} of beer" };
       sub where { 'on the wall' };
       sub drink { $beer--; "Take one down, pass it around," }
       while $beer {
           .say for "&what() &where(),", "&what()!",
                    "&drink()", "&what() &where()!", 


Feed it a command string: <lang perl6>my $hq9 = HQ9Interpreter.new; $hq9.run("hHq+++Qq"); say; $hq9.run("Jhq.k+hQ");</lang>


Hello world!
Hello world!

Syntax error: Unknown command "J"
Hello world!
Syntax error: Unknown command "."
Syntax error: Unknown command "k"
Hello world!

Or start a REPL (Read Execute Print Loop) and interact at the command line: <lang perl6>my $hq9 = HQ9Interpreter.new; while 1 {

   my $in = prompt('HQ9+>').chomp;
   last unless $in.chars;



<lang PicoLisp>(de hq9+ (Code)

  (let Accu 0
     (for C (chop Code)
        (case C
           ("H" (prinl "Hello, world"))
           ("Q" (prinl Code))
              (for (N 99 (gt0 N))
                 (prinl N " bottles of beer on the wall")
                 (prinl N " bottles of beer")
                 (prinl "Take one down, pass it around")
                 (prinl (dec 'N) " bottles of beer on the wall")
                 (prinl) ) )
           ("+" (inc 'Accu)) ) )
     Accu ) )</lang>


<lang PureBasic>Procedure hq9plus(code.s)

 Protected accumulator, i, bottles
 For i = 1 To Len(code)
   Select Mid(code, i, 1)
     Case "h", "H"
       PrintN("Hello, world!")
     Case "q", "Q"
     Case "9"
       bottles = 99
       While bottles
         PrintN(Str(bottles) + " bottles of beer on the wall, " + Str(bottles) + " bottles of beer,")
         bottles - 1
         PrintN("Take one down, pass it around, " + Str(bottles) + " bottles of beer on the wall.")
     Case "+"
       accumulator + 1
 Next i


If OpenConsole()

 Define testCode.s = "hq9+HqQ+Qq"
 Print(#CRLF$ + #CRLF$ + "Press ENTER to exit"): Input()



See RCHQ9+/Python.


See RCHQ9+/Ruby.


<lang Scala>def hq9plus(code: String) : String = {

   var out = ""
   var acc = 0
   def bottle(num: Int) : Unit = {
       if (num > 1) {
           out += num + " bottles of beer on the wall, " + num + " bottles of beer.\n"
           out += "Take one down and pass it around, " + (num - 1) + " bottle"
           if (num > 2) out += "s"
           out += " of beer.\n\n"
           bottle(num - 1)
       else {
           out += "1 bottle of beer on the wall, 1 bottle of beer.\n" +
               "Take one down and pass it around, no more bottles of beer on the wall.\n\n" +
               "No more bottles of beer on the wall, no more bottles of beer.\n" +
               "Go to the store and buy some more, 99 bottles of beer on the wall.\n"
   def handle(char: Char) = char match {
       case 'H' => out += "Hello world!\n"
       case 'Q' => out += code + "\n"
       case '+' => acc += 1
       case '9' => bottle(99)
   code.toList foreach handle


println(hq9plus("HQ9+")) </lang>


See RCHQ9+/Tcl.


See RCHQ9+/Ursala.