Dijkstra's algorithm, conceived by Dutch computer scientist Edsger Dijkstra in 1956 and published in 1959, is a graph search algorithm that solves the single-source shortest path problem for a graph with nonnegative edge path costs, producing a shortest path tree. This algorithm is often used in routing and as a subroutine in other graph algorithms.

Dijkstra's algorithm is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.
This page uses content from Wikipedia. The original article was at Dijkstra's algorithm. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with Rosetta Code, the text of Wikipedia is available under the GNU FDL. (See links for details on variance)

For a given source vertex (node) in the graph, the algorithm finds the path with lowest cost (i.e. the shortest path) between that vertex and every other vertex. It can also be used for finding costs of shortest paths from a single vertex to a single destination vertex by stopping the algorithm once the shortest path to the destination vertex has been determined. For example, if the vertices of the graph represent cities and edge path costs represent driving distances between pairs of cities connected by a direct road, Dijkstra's algorithm can be used to find the shortest route between one city and all other cities. As a result, the shortest path first is widely used in network routing protocols, most notably IS-IS and OSPF (Open Shortest Path First).


<lang go>package main

import (



// edge struct holds the bare data needed to define a graph type edge struct {

   vert1, vert2 string
   dist         int


func main() {

   // example data from Wikipedia article
   g := []edge{
       {"1", "2", 7},
       {"1", "3", 9},
       {"1", "6", 14},
       {"2", "3", 10},
       {"2", "4", 15},
       {"3", "4", 11},
       {"3", "6", 2},
       {"4", "5", 6},
       {"5", "6", 9},
   path, dist, n := shortestPath("1", "5", g)
   fmt.Printf("WP example with %d nodes, %d edges\n", n, len(g))
   fmt.Println("Shortest path: ", path)
   fmt.Println("Path distance: ", dist)
   g = extraCreditGraph()
   path, dist, n = shortestPath("rosetta", "code", g)
   fmt.Printf("\nEC example with %d nodes, %d edges\n", n, len(g))
   fmt.Println("Shortest path: ", path)
   fmt.Println("Path distance: ", dist)


// node and neighbor structs hold data useful for the heap-optimized // Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm type node struct {

   vert string     // vertex name
   tent int        // tentative distance
   prev *node      // previous node in shortest path back to start
   done bool       // true when tent and prev represent shortest path
   nbs  []neighbor // edges from this vertex
   rx   int        // heap.Remove index


type neighbor struct {

   nd   *node // node corresponding to vertex
   dist int   // distance to this node (from whatever node references this)


const maxInt = math.MaxInt32

// shortestPath runs Dijkstra's algorithm. // Inputs are names of start and end vertices, and a graph in the form // of a simple list of edges. // Output is the path found as a list of vertex names, and for convenience, // the the total path distance and number of nodes in the graph. // Output is an empty list if there is no path from start to end. func shortestPath(start, end string, graph []edge) (p []string, d, n int) {

   // Setup for the algorithm constructs a linked representation
   // of the input graph, with fields needed by the algorithm.
   // In the process we take care of WP steps 1 and 2.
   all := make(map[string]*node)
   // one pass over graph to collect nodes
   for _, e := range graph {
       // WP step 1: initialize tentative distance to maxInt
       if all[e.vert1] == nil {
           all[e.vert1] = &node{vert: e.vert1, tent: maxInt}
       if all[e.vert2] == nil {
           all[e.vert2] = &node{vert: e.vert2, tent: maxInt}
   current := all[start] // WP step 2
   last := all[end]
   if current == nil || last == nil {
       return // start or end vertex not in graph
   current.tent = 0 // WP step 1
   // second pass to link neighbors
   for _, e := range graph {
       n1 := all[e.vert1]
       n2 := all[e.vert2]
       n1.nbs = append(n1.nbs, neighbor{n2, e.dist})
       n2.nbs = append(n2.nbs, neighbor{n1, e.dist})
   // WP step 2
   var unvis ndList
   for {
       // WP step 5: check for end of path
       if current == last {
           for p = []string{end}; current.vert != start; {
               current = current.prev
               p = append(p, current.vert)
           for i := (len(p) + 1) / 2; i > 0; i-- {
               p[i-1], p[len(p)-i] = p[len(p)-i], p[i-1]
           return p, last.tent, len(all)
       // WP step 3: update tentative distances to neighbors
       for _, nb := range current.nbs {
           if nd := nb.nd; !nd.done { 
               if d := current.tent + nb.dist; d < nd.tent {
                   if nd.prev != nil {
                       heap.Remove(&unvis, nd.rx)
                   nd.tent = d
                   nd.prev = current
                   heap.Push(&unvis, nd)
       // WP step 4: mark current node visited
       current.done = true
       // WP step 6: new current is node with smallest tentative distance
       current = heap.Pop(&unvis).(*node)
       if current == nil { 
           break // no path exists


// ndList implements container/heap type ndList []*node

func (n ndList) Len() int { return len(n) } func (n ndList) Less(i, j int) bool { return n[i].tent < n[j].tent } func (n ndList) Swap(i, j int) {

   n[i], n[j] = n[j], n[i]
   n[i].rx = i
   n[j].rx = j

} func (n *ndList) Push(x interface{}) {

   nd := x.(*node)
   nd.rx = len(*n)
   *n = append(*n, nd)

} func (n *ndList) Pop() interface{} {

   s := *n
   if len(s) == 0 {
       return nil
   last := len(s) - 1
   r := s[last]
   *n = s[:last]
   return r


// Large graph for extra credit uses words for vertices and creates // edges where a prefix of one word matches a suffix of another. // With a an overlap of three, for example, The word "rosetta" shares // an edge with the word "eros" because the first three letters of // rosetta matches the last three letters of eros. The edge distance // is defined as the sum of the lengths of the two words. const overlap = 3

func extraCreditGraph() []edge {

   b, err := ioutil.ReadFile("unixdict.txt")
   if err != nil {
       return nil
   pMap := make(map[string][]string)
   var total int
   for _, w := range bytes.Split(b, []byte{'\n'}) {
       if len(w) > overlap {
           pre := string(w[:overlap])
           pMap[pre] = append(pMap[pre], string(w))
   var g []edge
   for _, list := range pMap {
       for _, word := range list {
           for _, link := range pMap[word[len(word)-overlap:]] {
               g = append(g, edge{word, link, len(word) + len(link)})
   return g

}</lang> Output:

WP example with 6 nodes, 9 edges
Shortest path:  [1 3 6 5]
Path distance:  20

EC example with 21409 nodes, 246498 edges
Shortest path:  [rosetta eros hero erode odessa code]
Path distance:  49


Notes for this solution:

  • The number of nodes is fixed to less than 50
  • At every iteration, the next minimum distance node found by linear traversal of all nodes, which is inefficient.

<lang java>import java.io.*; import java.util.*;

class Graph {

   private static final int MAXNODES = 50;
   private static final int INFINITY = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
   int n;
   int[][] weight = new int[MAXNODES][MAXNODES];
   int[] distance = new int[MAXNODES];
   int[] precede = new int[MAXNODES];
    * Find the shortest path across the graph using Dijkstra's algorithm.
   void buildSpanningTree(int source, int destination) {

boolean[] visit = new boolean[MAXNODES];

for (int i=0 ; i<n ; i++) { distance[i] = INFINITY; precede[i] = INFINITY; } distance[source] = 0;

int current = source; while (current != destination) { int distcurr = distance[current]; int smalldist = INFINITY; int k = -1; visit[current] = true;

for (int i=0; i<n; i++) { if (visit[i]) continue;

int newdist = distcurr + weight[current][i]; if (newdist < distance[i]) { distance[i] = newdist; precede[i] = current; } if (distance[i] < smalldist) { smalldist = distance[i]; k = i; } } current = k; }

    * Get the shortest path across a tree that has had its path weights
    * calculated.
   int[] getShortestPath(int source, int destination) {

int i = destination; int finall = 0; int[] path = new int[MAXNODES];

path[finall] = destination; finall++; while (precede[i] != source) { i = precede[i]; path[finall] = i; finall++; } path[finall] = source;

int[] result = new int[finall+1]; System.arraycopy(path, 0, result, 0, finall+1); return result;

    * Print the result.
   void displayResult(int[] path) {

System.out.println("\nThe shortest path followed is : \n"); for (int i = path.length-1 ; i>0 ; i--) System.out.println("\t\t( " + path[i] + " ->" + path[i-1] + " ) with cost = " + weight[path[i]][path[i-1]]); System.out.println("For the Total Cost = " + distance[path[path.length-1]]);

    * Prompt for a number.
   int getNumber(String msg) {

int ne = 0; BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));

try { System.out.print("\n" + msg + " : "); ne = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine()); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("I/O Error"); } return ne;

    * Prompt for a tree, build and display a path across it.
   void SPA() {

n = getNumber("Enter the number of nodes (Less than " + MAXNODES + ") in the matrix");

System.out.print("\nEnter the cost matrix : \n\n"); for (int i=0 ; i<n ; i++) for (int j=0 ; j<n ; j++) weight[i][j] = getNumber("Cost " + (i+1) + "--" + (j+1));

int s = getNumber("Enter the source node"); int d = getNumber("Enter the destination node");

buildSpanningTree(s, d); displayResult(getShortestPath(s, d));



public class Dijkstra {

   public static void main(String args[]) {

Graph g = new Graph(); g.SPA();




<lang Mathematica>bd = Graph[ { "a"\[UndirectedEdge] "b", "a"\[UndirectedEdge] "c", "b"\[UndirectedEdge] "c", "b"\[UndirectedEdge] "d", "c"\[UndirectedEdge] "d", "d"\[UndirectedEdge] "e", "a"\[UndirectedEdge] "f", "c"\[UndirectedEdge] "f", "e"\[UndirectedEdge] "f" } , EdgeWeight->{7,9,10,15,11,6,14,2,9},VertexLabels->"Name", VertexLabelStyle->Directive[Black,20],ImagePadding->20]

FindShortestPath[bd, "a", "e", Method -> "Dijkstra"] -> {"a", "c", "f", "e"}</lang>  


Basic, inefficient implementation. Takes an n×n matrix representing distance between nodes (a 0-1 matrix if you just want to count number of steps) and a number in 1..n representing the starting node, which defaults to 1 if not given. <lang parigp>shortestPath(G, startAt=1)={ my(n=#G[,1],dist=vector(n,i,9e99),prev=dist,Q=2^n-1); dist[startAt]=0; while(Q, my(t=vecmin(vecextract(dist,Q)),u); if(t==9e99, break); for(i=1,#v,if(dist[i]==t && bittest(Q,i-1), u=i; break)); Q-=1<<(u-1); for(i=1,n, if(!G[u,i],next); my(alt=dist[u]+G[u,i]); if (alt < dist[i], dist[i]=alt; prev[i]=u; ) ) ); dist };</lang>


Works with: Ruby version 1.9.2+


Notes for this solution:

  • At every iteration, the next minimum distance node found by linear traversal of all nodes, which is inefficient.

<lang ruby>class Graph

 Vertex = Struct.new(:name, :neighbours, :dist, :prev)
 Edge = Struct.new(:v1, :v2, :distance)
 class Edge
   def vertices; [v1, v2]; end
 def initialize(graph)
   @vertices = {}
   @edges = []
   graph.each do |(v1, v2, dist)|
     @vertices[v1] = Vertex.new(v1, []) unless @vertices.has_key?(v1) 
     vert1 = @vertices[v1]
     @vertices[v2] = Vertex.new(v2, []) unless @vertices.has_key?(v2) 
     vert2 = @vertices[v2]
     vert1.neighbours << vert2
     vert2.neighbours << vert1
     @edges << Edge.new(vert1, vert2, dist)
   @dijkstra_source = nil
 attr_reader :vertices, :edges
 def edge(u, v)
   @edges.find {|e| e.vertices == [u, v] or e.vertices == [v, u]}
 def dijkstra(source)
   q = vertices.values
   q.each {|v| v.dist = Float::INFINITY}
   source.dist = 0
   until q.empty?
     u = q.min_by {|vertex| vertex.dist}
     break if u == Float::INFINITY
     u.neighbours.each do |v|
       if q.include?(v)
         alt = u.dist + edge(u,v).distance
         if alt < v.dist
           v.dist = alt
           v.prev = u
   @dijkstra_source = source
 def shortest_path(source, target)
   dijkstra(source) unless @dijkstra_source == source
   path = []
   u = target
   until u.nil?
     u = u.prev
 def to_s
   "#<%s vertices=%s edges=%s>" % [self.class.name, vertices.values.inspect, edges.inspect] 


g = Graph.new([ [:a, :b, 7],

               [:a, :c, 9],
               [:b, :c, 10],
               [:b, :d, 15],
               [:c, :d, 11],
               [:d, :e, 6],
               [:a, :f, 14],
               [:c, :f, 2],
               [:e, :f, 9],

start = g.vertices[:a] stop = g.vertices[:e] path = g.shortest_path(start, stop) puts "shortest path from #{start.name} to #{stop.name} has cost #{stop.dist}:" puts path.map {|vertex| vertex.name}.join(" -> ")</lang>


shortest path from a to e has cost 20:
a -> c -> f -> e


Note that this code traverses the entire set of unrouted nodes at each step, as this is simpler than computing the subset that are reachable at each stage. <lang tcl>proc dijkstra {graph origin} {

   # Initialize
   dict for {vertex distmap} $graph {

dict set dist $vertex Inf dict set path $vertex {}

   dict set dist $origin 0
   dict set path $origin [list $origin]
   while {[dict size $graph]} {

# Find unhandled node with least weight set d Inf dict for {uu -} $graph { if {$d > [set dd [dict get $dist $uu]]} { set u $uu set d $dd } }

# No such node; graph must be disconnected if {$d == Inf} break

# Update the weights for nodes lead to by the node we've picked dict for {v dd} [dict get $graph $u] { if {[dict exists $graph $v]} { set alt [expr {$d + $dd}] if {$alt < [dict get $dist $v]} { dict set dist $v $alt dict set path $v [list {*}[dict get $path $u] $v] } } }

# Remove chosen node from graph still to be handled dict unset graph $u

   return [list $dist $path]

}</lang> Showing the code in use: <lang tcl>proc makeUndirectedGraph arcs {

   # Assume that all nodes are connected to something
   foreach arc $arcs {

lassign $arc v1 v2 cost dict set graph $v1 $v2 $cost dict set graph $v2 $v1 $cost

   return $graph

} set arcs {

   {a b 7} {a c 9} {b c 10} {b d 15} {c d 11}
   {d e 6} {a f 14} {c f 2} {e f 9}

} lassign [dijkstra [makeUndirectedGraph $arcs] "a"] costs path puts "path from a to e costs [dict get $costs e]" puts "route from a to e is: [join [dict get $path e] { -> }]"</lang> Output:

path from a to e costs 20
route from a to e is: a -> c -> f -> e