Determine if a string has all unique characters: Difference between revisions

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(→‎{{header|Perl}}: works better with Unicode combining characters)
Line 168: Line 168:
binmode(STDOUT, ':utf8');
binmode(STDOUT, ':utf8');
use List::AllUtils qw(uniq);
use List::AllUtils qw(uniq);
use Unicode::Normalize qw(NFC);
use Unicode::UCD 'charinfo';
use Unicode::UCD 'charinfo';

Line 179: Line 178:
) {
) {
my @S;
printf qq{\n"$str" (length: %d) has }, my $len = length NFC $str;
if ($len != uniq my @S = split //, NFC $str) {
push @S, $1 while $str =~ /(\X)/g;
printf qq{\n"$str" (length: %d) has }, scalar @S;
if (@S != uniq @S ) {
say "duplicated characters:";
say "duplicated characters:";
my %P;
my %P;
Line 214: Line 216:
"Δ👍👨👍Δ" (length: 5) has duplicated characters:
"Δ👍👨👍Δ" (length: 5) has duplicated characters:
'Δ' GREEK CAPITAL LETTER DELTA (0x394) in positions: 1, 5
'Δ' GREEK CAPITAL LETTER DELTA (0x394) in positions: 1, 5
'👍' THUMBS UP SIGN (0x1f44d) in positions: 2, 4</pre>
'👍' THUMBS UP SIGN (0x1f44d) in positions: 2, 4

"ΔδΔ̂ΔΛ" (length: 5) has duplicated characters:
'Δ' GREEK CAPITAL LETTER DELTA (0x394) in positions: 1, 4</pre>

=={{header|Perl 6}}==
=={{header|Perl 6}}==

Revision as of 22:53, 7 November 2019

Determine if a string has all unique characters is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

Given a character string   (which may be empty, or have a length of zero characters):

  •   create a function/procedure/routine to:
  •   determine if all the characters in the string are unique
  •   indicate if or which character is duplicated and where
  •   display each string and it's length   (as the strings are being examined)
  •   a zero─length (empty) string shall be considered as unique
  •   process the strings from left─to─right
  •   if       unique,   display a message saying such
  •   if not unique,   then:
  •   display a message saying such
  •   display what character is duplicated
  •   only the 1st non─unique character need be displayed
  •   display where "both" duplicated characters are in the string
  •   the above messages can be part of a single message
  •   display the hexadecimal value of the duplicated character

Use (at least) these five test values   (strings):

  •   a string of length     0   (an empty string)
  •   a string of length     1   which is a single period   (.)
  •   a string of length     6   which contains:   abcABC
  •   a string of length     7   which contains a blank in the middle:   XYZ  ZYX
  •   a string of length   36   which   doesn't   contain the letter "oh":

Show all output here on this page.

Related tasks


<lang factor>USING: accessors formatting generalizations io kernel math.parser regexp sequences sets strings ;

>dup-char< ( str n -- char hex first-index second-index )
   1string tuck [ dup first >hex ] 2dip <regexp>
   all-matching-slices first2 [ from>> ] bi@ ;
duplicate-info. ( str -- )
   dup duplicates
   [ >dup-char< "'%s' (0x%s) at indices %d and %d.\n" printf ]
   with each nl ;
uniqueness-report. ( str -- )
   dup dup length "%u — length %d — contains " printf dup
   all-unique? [ drop "all unique characters." print nl ]
   [ "duplicate characters:" print duplicate-info. ] if ;

"" "." "abcABC" "XYZ ZYX" "1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMN0PQRSTUVWXYZ" [ uniqueness-report. ] 5 napply</lang>

"" — length 0 — contains all unique characters.

"." — length 1 — contains all unique characters.

"abcABC" — length 6 — contains all unique characters.

"XYZ ZYX" — length 7 — contains duplicate characters:
'Z' (0x5a) at indices 2 and 4.
'Y' (0x59) at indices 1 and 5.
'X' (0x58) at indices 0 and 6.

"1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMN0PQRSTUVWXYZ" — length 36 — contains duplicate characters:
'0' (0x30) at indices 9 and 24.


<lang go>package main

import "fmt"

func analyze(s string) {

   chars := []rune(s)
   le := len(chars)
   fmt.Printf("Analyzing %q which has a length of %d:\n", s, le)
   if le > 1 {
       for i := 0; i < le-1; i++ {
           for j := i + 1; j < le; j++ {
               if chars[j] == chars[i] {
                   fmt.Println("  Not all characters in the string are unique.")
                   fmt.Printf("  %q (%#[1]x) is duplicated at positions %d and %d.\n\n", chars[i], i+1, j+1)
   fmt.Println("  All characters in the string are unique.\n")


func main() {

   strings := []string{
       "XYZ ZYX",
   for _, s := range strings {


Analyzing "" which has a length of 0:
  All characters in the string are unique.

Analyzing "." which has a length of 1:
  All characters in the string are unique.

Analyzing "abcABC" which has a length of 6:
  All characters in the string are unique.

Analyzing "XYZ ZYX" which has a length of 7:
  Not all characters in the string are unique.
  'X' (0x58) is duplicated at positions 1 and 7.

Analyzing "1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMN0PQRSTUVWXYZ" which has a length of 36:
  Not all characters in the string are unique.
  '0' (0x30) is duplicated at positions 10 and 25.

Analyzing "01234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMN0PQRSTUVWXYZ0X" which has a length of 39:
  Not all characters in the string are unique.
  '0' (0x30) is duplicated at positions 1 and 11.

Analyzing "hétérogénéité" which has a length of 13:
  Not all characters in the string are unique.
  'é' (0xe9) is duplicated at positions 2 and 4.

Analyzing "🎆🎃🎇🎈" which has a length of 4:
  All characters in the string are unique.

Analyzing "😍😀🙌💃😍🙌" which has a length of 6:
  Not all characters in the string are unique.
  '😍' (0x1f60d) is duplicated at positions 1 and 5.

Analyzing "🐠🐟🐡🦈🐬🐳🐋🐡" which has a length of 8:
  Not all characters in the string are unique.
  '🐡' (0x1f421) is duplicated at positions 3 and 8.


<lang perl>use strict; use warnings; use feature 'say'; use utf8; binmode(STDOUT, ':utf8'); use List::AllUtils qw(uniq); use Unicode::UCD 'charinfo';

for my $str (

   'XYZ ZYX',

) {

   my @S;
   push @S, $1 while $str =~ /(\X)/g;
   printf qq{\n"$str" (length: %d) has }, scalar @S;
   if (@S != uniq @S ) {
       say "duplicated characters:";
       my %P;
       push @{ $P{$S[$_]} }, 1+$_ for 0..$#S;
       for my $k (sort keys %P) {
           next unless @{$P{$k}} > 1;
           printf "'%s' %s (0x%x) in positions: %s\n", $k, charinfo(ord $k)->{'name'}, ord($k), join ', ', @{$P{$k}};
   } else {
       say "no duplicated characters."


"" (length: 0) has no duplicated characters.

"." (length: 1) has no duplicated characters.

"abcABC" (length: 6) has no duplicated characters.

"XYZ ZYX" (length: 7) has duplicated characters:
'X' LATIN CAPITAL LETTER X (0x58) in positions: 1, 7
'Y' LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y (0x59) in positions: 2, 6
'Z' LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z (0x5a) in positions: 3, 5

"1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMN0PQRSTUVWXYZ" (length: 36) has duplicated characters:
'0' DIGIT ZERO (0x30) in positions: 10, 25

"01234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMN0PQRSTUVWXYZ0X" (length: 39) has duplicated characters:
'0' DIGIT ZERO (0x30) in positions: 1, 11, 26, 38
'X' LATIN CAPITAL LETTER X (0x58) in positions: 35, 39

"Δ👍👨👍Δ" (length: 5) has duplicated characters:
'Δ' GREEK CAPITAL LETTER DELTA (0x394) in positions: 1, 5
'👍' THUMBS UP SIGN (0x1f44d) in positions: 2, 4

"ΔδΔ̂ΔΛ" (length: 5) has duplicated characters:
'Δ' GREEK CAPITAL LETTER DELTA (0x394) in positions: 1, 4

Perl 6

Works with: Rakudo version 2019.07.1

Perl 6 works with unicode natively and handles combining characters and multi-byte emoji correctly. In the last string, notice the the length is correctly shown as 11 characters and that the delta with a combining circumflex in position 6 is not the same as the deltas without in positions 5 & 9.

<lang perl6> -> $str {

   my $i = 0;
   print "\n{$str.perl} (length: {$str.chars}), has ";
   my %m;
   %m{$_}.push: ++$i for $str.comb;
   if any(%m.values) > 1 {
       say "duplicated characters:";
       say "'{.key}' ({.key.uninames}; hex ordinal: {(.key.ords).fmt: "0x%X"})" ~
       " in positions: {.value.join: ', '}" for %m.grep( *.value > 1 ).sort( *.value[0] );
   } else {
       say "no duplicated characters."

} for

   'XYZ ZYX',
   '🦋🙂👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🙄ΔΔ̂ 🦋Δ👍👨‍👩‍👧‍👦'</lang>
"" (length: 0), has no duplicated characters.

"." (length: 1), has no duplicated characters.

"abcABC" (length: 6), has no duplicated characters.

"XYZ ZYX" (length: 7), has duplicated characters:
'X' (LATIN CAPITAL LETTER X; hex ordinal: 0x58) in positions: 1, 7
'Y' (LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Y; hex ordinal: 0x59) in positions: 2, 6
'Z' (LATIN CAPITAL LETTER Z; hex ordinal: 0x5A) in positions: 3, 5

"1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMN0PQRSTUVWXYZ" (length: 36), has duplicated characters:
'0' (DIGIT ZERO; hex ordinal: 0x30) in positions: 10, 25

"01234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMN0PQRSTUVWXYZ0X" (length: 39), has duplicated characters:
'0' (DIGIT ZERO; hex ordinal: 0x30) in positions: 1, 11, 26, 38
'X' (LATIN CAPITAL LETTER X; hex ordinal: 0x58) in positions: 35, 39

"🦋🙂👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🙄ΔΔ̂ 🦋Δ👍👨‍👩‍👧‍👦" (length: 11), has duplicated characters:
'🦋' (BUTTERFLY; hex ordinal: 0x1F98B) in positions: 1, 8
'👨‍👩‍👧‍👦' (MAN ZERO WIDTH JOINER WOMAN ZERO WIDTH JOINER GIRL ZERO WIDTH JOINER BOY; hex ordinal: 0x1F468 0x200D 0x1F469 0x200D 0x1F467 0x200D 0x1F466) in positions: 3, 11
'Δ' (GREEK CAPITAL LETTER DELTA; hex ordinal: 0x394) in positions: 5, 9


<lang rexx>/*REXX pgm determines if a string is comprised of all unique characters (no duplicates).*/ @.= /*assign a default for the @. array. */ parse arg @.1 /*obtain optional argument from the CL.*/ if @.1= then do; @.1= /*Not specified? Then assume defaults.*/

                     @.2= .
                     @.3= 'abcABC'
                     @.4= 'XYZ ZYX'
                     @.5= '1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMN0PQRSTUVWXYZ'
    do j=1;  if j\==1  &  @.j==  then leave   /*String is null & not j=1?  We're done*/
    say copies('─', 79)                         /*display a separator line  (a fence). */
    say 'Testing for the string (length' length(@.j)"): "   @.j
    dup= isUnique(@.j)
    say 'The characters in the string'   word("are aren't", 1 + (dup>0) )  'all unique.'
    if dup==0  then iterate
    ?= substr(@.j, dup, 1)
    say 'The character '  ?  " ('"c2x(?)"'x)  at position "  dup ,
                                ' is repeated at position '  pos(?, @.j, dup+1)
    end   /*j*/

exit /*stick a fork in it, we're all done. */ /*──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────*/ isUnique: procedure; parse arg x /*obtain the character string.*/

                      do k=1  to length(x) - 1           /*examine all but the last.   */
                      p= pos( substr(x, k, 1), x, k + 1) /*see if the Kth char is a dup*/
                      if p\==0  then return k            /*Find a dup? Return location.*/
                      end   /*k*/
         return 0                                        /*indicate all chars unique.  */</lang>
output   when using the internal defaults
Testing for the string (length 0):

The characters in the string are all unique.
Testing for the string (length 1):  .

The characters in the string are all unique.
Testing for the string (length 6):  abcABC

The characters in the string are all unique.
Testing for the string (length 7):  XYZ ZYX

The characters in the string aren't all unique.
The character  X  ('58'x)  at position  1  is repeated at position  7
Testing for the string (length 36):  1234567890ABCDEFGHIJKLMN0PQRSTUVWXYZ

The characters in the string aren't all unique.
The character  0  ('30'x)  at position  10  is repeated at position  25


<lang zkl>fcn stringUniqueness(str){ // Does not handle Unicode

  sz,unique,uz,counts := str.len(), str.unique(), unique.len(), str.counts();
  println("Length %d: \"%s\"".fmt(sz,str));
  if(sz==uz or uz==1) println("\tAll characters are unique");
  else  // counts is (char,count, char,count, ...)
     println("\tDuplicate: ",

is,z:=List(),-1; do(n){ is.append(z=str.find(c,z+1)) } "'%s' (0x%x)[%s]".fmt(c,c.toAsc(),is.concat(",")) } else Void.Skip }.fp(str)).concat(", ")); }</lang> <lang zkl>testStrings:=T("", ".", "abcABC", "XYZ ZYX",


foreach s in (testStrings){ stringUniqueness(s) }</lang>

Length 0: ""
	All characters are unique
Length 1: "."
	All characters are unique
Length 6: "abcABC"
	All characters are unique
Length 7: "XYZ ZYX"
	Duplicate: 'X' (0x58)[0,6], 'Y' (0x59)[1,5], 'Z' (0x5a)[2,4]
	Duplicate: '0' (0x30)[9,24]
	Duplicate: '0' (0x30)[0,10,25,37], 'X' (0x58)[34,38]