Create a two-dimensional array at runtime

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Create a two-dimensional array at runtime
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Get two integers from the user, then create a two-dimensional array where the two dimensions have the sizes given by those numbers, and which can be accessed in the most natural way possible. Write some element of that array, and then oputput that element. Finally destroy the array if not done by the language itself.


with Ada.Text_Io; use Ada.Text_Io;
with Ada.Float_Text_Io; use Ada.Float_Text_Io;
with Ada.Integer_Text_Io; use Ada.Integer_Text_Io;

procedure Two_Dimensional_Arrays is
   type Matrix_Type is array(Positive range <>, Positive range <>) of Float;
   Dim_1 : Positive;
   Dim_2 : Positive;
   Get(Item => Dim_1);
   Get(Item => Dim_2);
   -- Create an inner block with the correctly sized array
      Matrix : Matrix_Type(1..Dim_1, 1..Dim_2);
      Matrix(1, Dim_2) := 3.14159;
      Put(Item => Matrix(1, Dim_2), Fore => 1, Aft => 5, Exp => 0);
   -- The variable Matrix is popped off the stack automatically
end Two_Dimensional_Arrays;


With language built-in facilities:

#include <iostream>
#include <istream>
#include <ostream>

int main()
  // read values
  int dim1, dim2;
  std::cin >> dim1 >> dim2;

  // create array
  double* array_data = new double[dim1*dim2];
  double** array = new double*[dim1];
  for (int i = 0; i < dim1;   i)
    array[i] = array_data   dim2*i;

  // write element
  array[0][0] = 3.5;

  // output element
  std::cout << array[0][0] << std::endl;

  // get rid of array
  delete[] array;
  delete[] array_data;

Using std::vector from the standard library:

#include <iostream>
#include <istream>
#include <ostream>
#include <vector>

int main()
  // read values
  int dim1, dim2;
  std::cin >> dim1 >> dim2;

  // create array
  std::vector<std::vector<double> > array(dim1, std::vector<double>(dim2));

  // write element
  array[0][0] = 3.5;

  // output element
  std::cout << array[0][0] << std::endl;

  // the array is automatically freed at the end of main()


import StdEnv

Start :: *World -> { {Real} }
Start world
    # (console, world) = stdio world
      (_, dim1, console) = freadi console
      (_, dim2, console) = freadi console
    = createArray dim1 (createArray dim2 1.0)

Common Lisp

(let ((d1 (read))
      (d2 (read)))
  (assert (and (typep d1 '(integer 1)) 
               (typep d2 '(integer 1))) 
          (d1 d2))
  (let ((array (make-array (list d1 d2) :initial-element nil))
        (p1 0)
        (p2 (floor d2 2)))
    (setf (aref array p1 p2) t)
    (print (aref array p1 p2))))

The assert will allow the user to reenter the dimensions if they are not positive integers.


: cell-matrix
  create ( width height "name" ) over ,  * cells allot
  does> ( x y -- addr ) dup cell  >r  @ *   cells r>   ;

5 5 cell-matrix test

36 0 0 test !
0 0 test @ .  \ 36



public class twoDimArray {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
     try {
        BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
        int nbr1 = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());
        int nbr2 = Integer.parseInt(in.readLine());
        Double[][] array = new Double[nbr1][nbr2];
        array[0][0] = 42.0;
        System.out.println("The number at place [0 0] is "   array[0][0]);
     } catch(IOException e) { }


Interpreter: Perl 5.x

Predefining an array (or multi-dimension array) size is unnecessary, Perl dynamically resizes the array to meet the requirements. Of course I'm assuming that the user is entering array size 0 based.

sub make_array($ $){
  # get array sizes from provided params, but force numeric value
  my $x = ($_[0] =~ /^\d $/) ? shift : 0;
  my $y = ($_[0] =~ /^\d $/) ? shift : 0;
  # define array, then add multi-dimensional elements
  my @array;
  $array[0][0] = 'X '; # first by first element
  $array[5][7] = 'X ' if (5 <= $y and 7 <= $x); # sixth by eighth element, if the max size is big enough
  $array[12][15] = 'X ' if (12 <= $y and 15 <= $x); # thirteeth by sixteenth element, if the max size is big enough
  # loop through the elements expected to exist base on input, and display the elements contents in a grid
  foreach my $dy (0 .. $y){
    foreach my $dx (0 .. $x){
      (defined $array[$dy][$dx]) ? (print $array[$dy][$dx]) : (print '. ');
    print "\n";


vars itemrep;
incharitem(charin) -> itemrep;
;;; Read sizes
vars n1 = itemrep(), n2= itemrep();
;;; Create 0 based array
vars ar = newarray([0 ^(n1 - 1) 0 ^(n2 - 1)], 0);
;;; Set element value
15 -> ar(0, 0);
;;; Print element value
ar(0,0) =>
;;; Make sure array is unreferenced
0 -> ar;

Pop11 is garbage colleted so there is no need to destroy array. However, the array is live as long as variable ar references it. The last assignment makes sure that we loose all our references to the array turning it into garbage.

Pop11 arrays may have arbitrary lower bounds, since we are given only size we create 0 based array.


Interpreter: Python 2.5

 width = int(raw_input("Width of array: "))
 height = int(raw_input("Height of Array: "))
 array = [[0] * width for i in range(height)]
 array[0][0] = 3.5

Note: Some people may instinctively try to write array as [[0] * with] * height, but the * operator creates n references to [[0] * width]


The following is only for demonstration. No real program should just assume that the user input is valid, integer, large enough etc.

read, x, prompt='Enter x size:'
read, y, prompt='Enter y size:'
d = fltarr(x,y) 

d[3,4] = 5.6
;==> outputs  5.6

delvar, d


Toka has no direct support for 2D arrays, but they can be created and operated on in a manner similar to normal arrays using the following functions.

[ ( x y -- address )
  cells malloc >r
  dup cells >r
  [ r> r> r> 2dup >r >r swap malloc swap i swap array.put >r ] iterate
r> r> nip
] is 2D-array

[ ( a b address -- value )
  array.get array.get
] is 2D-get-element

[ ( value a b address -- )
  array.get array.put
] is 2D-put-element

And a short test:

5 5 2D-array >r             #! Create an array and save the pointer to it
10 2 3 r@ 2D-put-element    #! Set element 2,3 to 10
2 3 r@ 2D-get-element       #! Get the element at 2,3
r> drop                     #! Discard the pointer to the array