Continued fraction/Arithmetic/G(matrix ng, continued fraction n1, continued fraction n2)

Revision as of 22:12, 26 August 2022 by Thundergnat (talk | contribs) (syntax highlighting fixup automation)

This task performs the basic mathematical functions on 2 continued fractions. This requires the full version of matrix NG:

Continued fraction/Arithmetic/G(matrix ng, continued fraction n1, continued fraction n2) is a draft programming task. It is not yet considered ready to be promoted as a complete task, for reasons that should be found in its talk page.

I may perform perform the following operations:

Input the next term of continued fraction N1
Input the next term of continued fraction N2
Output a term of the continued fraction resulting from the operation.

I output a term if the integer parts of and and and are equal. Otherwise I input a term from continued fraction N1 or continued fraction N2. If I need a term from N but N has no more terms I inject .

When I input a term t from continued fraction N1 I change my internal state:

is transposed thus

When I need a term from exhausted continued fraction N1 I change my internal state:

is transposed thus

When I input a term t from continued fraction N2 I change my internal state:

is transposed thus

When I need a term from exhausted continued fraction N2 I change my internal state:

is transposed thus

When I output a term t I change my internal state:

is transposed thus

When I need to choose to input from N1 or N2 I act:

if b and b2 are zero I choose N1
if b is zero I choose N2
if b2 is zero I choose N2
if abs( is greater than abs( I choose N1
otherwise I choose N2

When performing arithmetic operation on two potentially infinite continued fractions it is possible to generate a rational number. eg * should produce 2. This will require either that I determine that my internal state is approaching infinity, or limiting the number of terms I am willing to input without producing any output.


Uses matrixNG, NG_4 and NG from Continued_fraction/Arithmetic/G(matrix_NG,_Contined_Fraction_N)#C++, and r2cf from Continued_fraction/Arithmetic/Construct_from_rational_number#C++

/* Implement matrix NG
   Nigel Galloway, February 12., 2013
class NG_8 : public matrixNG {
  private: int a12, a1, a2, a, b12, b1, b2, b, t;
           double ab, a1b1, a2b2, a12b12;
  const int chooseCFN(){return fabs(a1b1-ab) > fabs(a2b2-ab)? 0 : 1;}
  const bool needTerm() {
    if (b1==0 and b==0 and b2==0 and b12==0) return false;
    if (b==0){cfn = b2==0? 0:1; return true;} else ab = ((double)a)/b;
    if (b2==0){cfn = 1; return true;} else a2b2 = ((double)a2)/b2;
    if (b1==0){cfn = 0; return true;} else a1b1 = ((double)a1)/b1;
    if (b12==0){cfn = chooseCFN(); return true;} else a12b12 = ((double)a12)/b12;
    thisTerm = (int)ab;
    if (thisTerm==(int)a1b1 and thisTerm==(int)a2b2 and thisTerm==(int)a12b12){
      t=a; a=b; b=t-b*thisTerm; t=a1; a1=b1; b1=t-b1*thisTerm; t=a2; a2=b2; b2=t-b2*thisTerm; t=a12; a12=b12; b12=t-b12*thisTerm;
      haveTerm = true; return false;
    cfn = chooseCFN();
    return true;
  void consumeTerm(){if(cfn==0){a=a1; a2=a12; b=b1; b2=b12;} else{a=a2; a1=a12; b=b2; b1=b12;}}
  void consumeTerm(int n){
    if(cfn==0){t=a; a=a1; a1=t+a1*n; t=a2; a2=a12; a12=t+a12*n; t=b; b=b1; b1=t+b1*n; t=b2; b2=b12; b12=t+b12*n;}
    else{t=a; a=a2; a2=t+a2*n; t=a1; a1=a12; a12=t+a12*n; t=b; b=b2; b2=t+b2*n; t=b1; b1=b12; b12=t+b12*n;}
  NG_8(int a12, int a1, int a2, int a, int b12, int b1, int b2, int b): a12(a12), a1(a1), a2(a2), a(a), b12(b12), b1(b1), b2(b2), b(b){


[3;7] + [0;2]

int main() {
  NG_8 a(0,1,1,0,0,0,0,1);
  r2cf n2(22,7);
  r2cf n1(1,2);
  for(NG n(&a, &n1, &n2); n.moreTerms(); std::cout << n.nextTerm() << " ");
  std::cout << std::endl;

  NG_4 a3(2,1,0,2);
  r2cf n3(22,7);
  for(NG n(&a3, &n3); n.moreTerms(); std::cout << n.nextTerm() << " ");
  std::cout << std::endl;
  return 0;
3 1 1 1 4
3 1 1 1 4

[1:5,2] * [3;7]

int main() {
  NG_8 b(1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1);
  r2cf b1(13,11);
  r2cf b2(22,7);
  for(NG n(&b, &b1, &b2); n.moreTerms(); std::cout << n.nextTerm() << " ");
  std::cout << std::endl;
  for(NG n(&a, &b2, &b1); n.moreTerms(); std::cout << n.nextTerm() << " ");
  std::cout << std::endl;
  for(r2cf cf(286,77); cf.moreTerms(); std::cout << cf.nextTerm() << " ");
  std::cout << std::endl;
  return 0;
3 1 2 2
3 1 2 2

[1:5,2] - [3;7]

int main() {
  NG_8 c(0,1,-1,0,0,0,0,1);
  r2cf c1(13,11);
  r2cf c2(22,7);
  for(NG n(&c, &c1, &c2); n.moreTerms(); std::cout << n.nextTerm() << " ");
  std::cout << std::endl;
  for(r2cf cf(-151,77); cf.moreTerms(); std::cout << cf.nextTerm() << " ");
  std::cout << std::endl;
  return 0;
-1 -1 -24 -1 -2
-1 -1 -24 -1 -2

Divide [] by [3;7]

int main() {
  NG_8 d(0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0);
  r2cf d1(22*22,7*7);
  r2cf d2(22,7);
  for(NG n(&d, &d1, &d2); n.moreTerms(); std::cout << n.nextTerm() << " ");
  std::cout << std::endl;
  return 0;
3 7

([0;3,2] + [1;5,2]) * ([0;3,2] - [1;5,2])

int main() {
  r2cf a1(2,7);
  r2cf a2(13,11);
  NG_8 na(0,1,1,0,0,0,0,1);
  NG A(&na, &a1, &a2); //[0;3,2] + [1;5,2]
  r2cf b1(2,7);
  r2cf b2(13,11);
  NG_8 nb(0,1,-1,0,0,0,0,1);
  NG B(&nb, &b1, &b2); //[0;3,2] - [1;5,2]
  NG_8 nc(1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1); //A*B
  for(NG n(&nc, &A, &B); n.moreTerms(); std::cout << n.nextTerm() << " ");
  std::cout << std::endl;
  for(r2cf cf(2,7); cf.moreTerms(); std::cout << cf.nextTerm() << " ");
  std::cout << std::endl;
  for(r2cf cf(13,11); cf.moreTerms(); std::cout << cf.nextTerm() << " ");
  std::cout << std::endl;
  for(r2cf cf(-7797,5929); cf.moreTerms(); std::cout << cf.nextTerm() << " ");
  std::cout << std::endl;
  return 0;


Adding to the existing package from the Continued_fraction/Arithmetic/Construct_from_rational_number#Go task, re-uses cf.go and rat.go as given in that task.

File ng8.go:

package cf

import "math"

// A 2×4 matix:
//     [ a₁₂   a₁   a₂   a ]
//     [ b₁₂   b₁   b₂   b ]
// which when "applied" to two continued fractions N1 and N2
// gives a new continued fraction z such that:
//         a₁₂ * N1 * N2  +  a₁ * N1  +  a₂ * N2  +  a
//     z = -------------------------------------------
//         b₁₂ * N1 * N2  +  b₁ * N1  +  b₂ * N2  +  b
// Examples:
//      NG8{0,1,1,0,  0,0,0,1} gives N1 + N2
//      NG8{0,1,-1,0, 0,0,0,1} gives N1 - N2
//      NG8{1,0,0,0,  0,0,0,1} gives N1 * N2
//      NG8{0,1,0,0,  0,0,1,0} gives N1 / N2
//      NG8{21,-15,28,-20, 0,0,0,1} gives 21*N1*N2 -15*N1 +28*N2 -20
//                               which is (3*N1 + 4) * (7*N2 - 5)
type NG8 struct {
	A12, A1, A2, A int64
	B12, B1, B2, B int64

// Basic identities as NG8 matrices.
var (
	NG8Add = NG8{0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}
	NG8Sub = NG8{0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}
	NG8Mul = NG8{1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}
	NG8Div = NG8{0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0}

func (ng *NG8) needsIngest() bool {
	if ng.B12 == 0 || ng.B1 == 0 || ng.B2 == 0 || ng.B == 0 {
		return true
	x := ng.A / ng.B
	return ng.A1/ng.B1 != x || ng.A2/ng.B2 != x && ng.A12/ng.B12 != x

func (ng *NG8) isDone() bool {
	return ng.B12 == 0 && ng.B1 == 0 && ng.B2 == 0 && ng.B == 0

func (ng *NG8) ingestWhich() bool { // true for N1, false for N2
	if ng.B == 0 && ng.B2 == 0 {
		return true
	if ng.B == 0 || ng.B2 == 0 {
		return false
	x1 := float64(ng.A1) / float64(ng.B1)
	x2 := float64(ng.A2) / float64(ng.B2)
	x := float64(ng.A) / float64(ng.B)
	return math.Abs(x1-x) > math.Abs(x2-x)

func (ng *NG8) ingest(isN1 bool, t int64) {
	if isN1 {
		// [ a₁₂   a₁   a₂   a ] becomes [ a₂+a₁₂*t  a+a₁*t  a₁₂  a₁]
		// [ b₁₂   b₁   b₂   b ]         [ b₂+b₁₂*t  b+b₁*t  b₁₂  b₁]
		ng.A12, ng.A1, ng.A2, ng.A,
			ng.B12, ng.B1, ng.B2, ng.B =
			ng.A2+ng.A12*t, ng.A+ng.A1*t, ng.A12, ng.A1,
			ng.B2+ng.B12*t, ng.B+ng.B1*t, ng.B12, ng.B1
	} else {
		// [ a₁₂   a₁   a₂   a ] becomes [ a₁+a₁₂*t  a₁₂  a+a₂*t  a₂]
		// [ b₁₂   b₁   b₂   b ]         [ b₁+b₁₂*t  b₁₂  b+b₂*t  b₂]
		ng.A12, ng.A1, ng.A2, ng.A,
			ng.B12, ng.B1, ng.B2, ng.B =
			ng.A1+ng.A12*t, ng.A12, ng.A+ng.A2*t, ng.A2,
			ng.B1+ng.B12*t, ng.B12, ng.B+ng.B2*t, ng.B2

func (ng *NG8) ingestInfinite(isN1 bool) {
	if isN1 {
		// [ a₁₂   a₁   a₂   a ] becomes [ a₁₂  a₁  a₁₂  a₁ ]
		// [ b₁₂   b₁   b₂   b ]         [ b₁₂  b₁  b₁₂  b₁ ]
		ng.A2, ng.A, ng.B2, ng.B =
			ng.A12, ng.A1,
			ng.B12, ng.B1
	} else {
		// [ a₁₂   a₁   a₂   a ] becomes [ a₁₂  a₁₂  a₂  a₂ ]
		// [ b₁₂   b₁   b₂   b ]         [ b₁₂  b₁₂  b₂  b₂ ]
		ng.A1, ng.A, ng.B1, ng.B =
			ng.A12, ng.A2,
			ng.B12, ng.B2

func (ng *NG8) egest(t int64) {
	// [ a₁₂   a₁   a₂   a ] becomes [     b₁₂       b₁       b₂      b   ]
	// [ b₁₂   b₁   b₂   b ]         [ a₁₂-b₁₂*t  a₁-b₁*t  a₂-b₂*t  a-b*t ]
	ng.A12, ng.A1, ng.A2, ng.A,
		ng.B12, ng.B1, ng.B2, ng.B =
		ng.B12, ng.B1, ng.B2, ng.B,
		ng.A12-ng.B12*t, ng.A1-ng.B1*t, ng.A2-ng.B2*t, ng.A-ng.B*t

// ApplyTo "applies" the matrix `ng` to the continued fractions
// `N1` and `N2`, returning the resulting continued fraction.
// After ingesting `limit` terms without any output terms the resulting
// continued fraction is terminated.
func (ng NG8) ApplyTo(N1, N2 ContinuedFraction, limit int) ContinuedFraction {
	return func() NextFn {
		next1, next2 := N1(), N2()
		done := false
		sinceEgest := 0
		return func() (int64, bool) {
			if done {
				return 0, false
			for ng.needsIngest() {
				if sinceEgest > limit {
					done = true
					return 0, false
				isN1 := ng.ingestWhich()
				next := next2
				if isN1 {
					next = next1
				if t, ok := next(); ok {
					ng.ingest(isN1, t)
				} else {
			sinceEgest = 0
			t := ng.A / ng.B
			done = ng.isDone()
			return t, true

File ng8_test.go:

package cf

import "fmt"

func ExampleNG8() {
	cases := [...]struct {
		op     string
		r1, r2 Rat
		ng     NG8
		{"+", Rat{22, 7}, Rat{1, 2}, NG8Add},
		{"*", Rat{13, 11}, Rat{22, 7}, NG8Mul},
		{"-", Rat{13, 11}, Rat{22, 7}, NG8Sub},
		{"/", Rat{22 * 22, 7 * 7}, Rat{22, 7}, NG8Div},
	for _, tc := range cases {
		n1 := tc.r1.AsContinuedFraction()
		n2 := tc.r2.AsContinuedFraction()
		z :=, n2, 1000)
		fmt.Printf("%v %s %v is %v %v %v gives %v\n",
			tc.r1, tc.op, tc.r2,, n1, n2, z,

	z := NG8Mul.ApplyTo(Sqrt2, Sqrt2, 1000)
	fmt.Println("√2 * √2 =", z)

	// Output:
	// 22/7 + 1/2 is {0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1} [3; 7] [0; 2] gives [3; 1, 1, 1, 4]
	// 13/11 * 22/7 is {1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1} [1; 5, 2] [3; 7] gives [3; 1, 2, 2]
	// 13/11 - 22/7 is {0 1 -1 0 0 0 0 1} [1; 5, 2] [3; 7] gives [-1; -1, -24, -1, -2]
	// 484/49 / 22/7 is {0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0} [9; 1, 7, 6] [3; 7] gives [3; 7]
	// √2 * √2 = [1; 0, 1]

(Note, [1; 0, 1] = 1 + 1 / (0 + 1/1 ) = 2, so the answer is correct, it should however be normalised to the more reasonable form of [2].)

22/7 + 1/2 is {0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1} [3; 7] [0; 2] gives [3; 1, 1, 1, 4]
13/11 * 22/7 is {1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1} [1; 5, 2] [3; 7] gives [3; 1, 2, 2]
13/11 - 22/7 is {0 1 -1 0 0 0 0 1} [1; 5, 2] [3; 7] gives [-1; -1, -24, -1, -2]
484/49 / 22/7 is {0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0} [9; 1, 7, 6] [3; 7] gives [3; 7]
√2 * √2 = [1; 0, 1]


Translation of: Kotlin
abstract type MatrixNG end

mutable struct NG4 <: MatrixNG
    NG4(a1, a, b1, b) = new(0, 0, false, a1, a, b1, b)

mutable struct NG8 <: MatrixNG
    NG8(a12, a1, a2, a, b12, b1, b2, b) = new(0, 0, false, a12, a1, a2, a, b12, b1, b2, b)

function needterm(m::NG4)::Bool
    m.b1 == m.b == 0 && return false
    (m.b1 == 0 || m.b == 0) && return true
    (m.thisterm = m.a ÷ m.b) != m.a1 ÷ m.b1 && return true
    m.a, m.b = m.b, m.a - m.b * m.thisterm
    m.a1, m.b1, m.haveterm = m.b1, m.a1 - m.b1 * m.thisterm, true
    return false

consumeterm(m::NG4) = (m.a = m.a1; m.b = m.b1)
function consumeterm(m::NG4, n)
    m.a, m.a1 = m.a1, m.a + m.a1 * n
    m.b, m.b1 = m.b1, m.b + m.b1 * n

function needterm(m::NG8)::Bool
    m.b1 == m.b == m.b2 == m.b12 == 0 && return false
    if m.b == 0
        m.cfn = m.b2 == 0 ? 0 : 1
        return true
    elseif m.b2 == 0
        m.cfn = 1
        return true
    elseif m.b1 == 0
        m.cfn = 0
        return true
    ab = m.a / m.b
    a1b1 = m.a1 / m.b1
    a2b2 = m.a2 / m.b2

    if m.b12 == 0
        m.cfn = abs(a1b1 - ab) > abs(a2b2 - ab) ? 0 : 1
        return true
    m.thisterm = m.a ÷ m.b
    if m.thisterm == m.a1 ÷ m.b1 == m.a2 ÷ m.b2 == m.a12 ÷ m.b12
        m.a, m.b = m.b, m.a - m.b * m.thisterm
        m.a1, m.b1 = m.b1, m.a1 - m.b1 * m.thisterm
        m.a2, m.b2 = m.b2, m.a2 - m.b2 * m.thisterm
        m.a12, m.b12, m.haveterm = m.b12, m.a12 - m.b12 * m.thisterm, true
        return false
    m.cfn = abs(a1b1 - ab) > abs(a2b2 - ab) ? 0 : 1
    return true

function consumeterm(m::NG8)
    if m.cfn == 0
        m.a, m.a2 = m.a1, m.a12
        m.b, m.b2 = m.b1, m.b12
        m.a, m.a1 = m.a2, m.a12
        m.b, m.b1 = m.b2, m.b12
function consumeterm(m::NG8, n)
    if m.cfn == 0
        m.a, m.a1 = m.a1, m.a + m.a1 * n
        m.a2, m.a12 = m.a12, m.a2 + m.a12 * n
        m.b, m.b1 = m.b1, m.b + m.b1 * n
        m.b2, m.b12 = m.b12, m.b2 + m.b12 * n
        m.a, m.a2 = m.a2, m.a + m.a2 * n
        m.a1, m.a12 = m.a12, m.a1 + m.a12 * n
        m.b, m.b2 = m.b2, m.b + m.b2 * n
        m.b1, m.b12 = m.b12, m.b1 + m.b12 * n

abstract type ContinuedFraction end

mutable struct R2cf <: ContinuedFraction

function nextterm(x::R2cf)
    term = x.n1 ÷ x.n2
    x.n1, x.n2 = x.n2, x.n1 - term * x.n2
    return term

moreterms(x::R2cf) = abs(x.n2) > 0

mutable struct NG <: ContinuedFraction
NG(ng, n1::ContinuedFraction) = NG(ng, [n1])
NG(ng, n1::ContinuedFraction, n2) = NG(ng, [n1, n2])
nextterm(x::NG) = ( = false;

function moreterms(x::NG)::Bool
    while needterm(
        if moreterms(x.n[ + 1])
            consumeterm(, nextterm(x.n[ + 1]))

function testcfs()
    function test(desc, cfs)
        println("TESTING -> $desc")
        for cf in cfs
            while moreterms(cf)
                print(nextterm(cf), " ")

    a  = NG8(0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
    n2 = R2cf(22, 7)
    n1 = R2cf(1, 2)
    a3 = NG4(2, 1, 0, 2)
    n3 = R2cf(22, 7)
    test("[3;7] + [0;2]", [NG(a, n1, n2), NG(a3, n3)])

    b  = NG8(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
    b1 = R2cf(13, 11)
    b2 = R2cf(22, 7)
    test("[1;5,2] * [3;7]", [NG(b, b1, b2), R2cf(286, 77)])

    c = NG8(0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
    c1 = R2cf(13, 11)
    c2 = R2cf(22, 7)
    test("[1;5,2] - [3;7]", [NG(c, c1, c2), R2cf(-151, 77)])

    d = NG8(0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0)
    d1 = R2cf(22 * 22, 7 * 7)
    d2 = R2cf(22, 7)
    test("Divide [] by [3;7]", [NG(d, d1, d2)])

    na = NG8(0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
    a1 = R2cf(2, 7)
    a2 = R2cf(13, 11)
    aa = NG(na, a1, a2)
    nb = NG8(0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
    b3 = R2cf(2, 7)
    b4 = R2cf(13, 11)
    bb = NG(nb, b3, b4)
    nc = NG8(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
    desc = "([0;3,2] + [1;5,2]) * ([0;3,2] - [1;5,2])"
    test(desc, [NG(nc, aa, bb), R2cf(-7797, 5929)])

TESTING -> [3;7] + [0;2]
3 1 1 1 4
3 1 1 1 4 

TESTING -> [1;5,2] * [3;7]
3 1 2 2
3 1 2 2

TESTING -> [1;5,2] - [3;7]
-1 -1 -24 -1 -2
-1 -1 -24 -1 -2

TESTING -> Divide [] by [3;7]
3 7

TESTING -> ([0;3,2] + [1;5,2]) * ([0;3,2] - [1;5,2])
-1 -3 -5 -1 -2 -1 -26 -3
-1 -3 -5 -1 -2 -1 -26 -3


Translation of: C++

The C++ entry uses a number of classes which have been coded in other "Continued Fraction" tasks. I've pulled all these into my Kotlin translation and unified the tests so that the whole thing can, hopefully, be understood and run as a single program.

// version 1.2.10

import kotlin.math.abs

abstract class MatrixNG {
    var cfn = 0
    var thisTerm = 0
    var haveTerm = false

    abstract fun consumeTerm()
    abstract fun consumeTerm(n: Int)
    abstract fun needTerm(): Boolean

class NG4(
    var a1: Int, var a: Int, var b1: Int,  var b: Int
) : MatrixNG() {

    private var t = 0

    override fun needTerm(): Boolean {
        if (b1 == 0 && b == 0) return false
        if (b1 == 0 || b == 0) return true
        thisTerm = a / b
        if (thisTerm ==  a1 / b1) {
            t = a;   a = b;   b = t - b  * thisTerm
            t = a1; a1 = b1; b1 = t - b1 * thisTerm      
            haveTerm = true
            return false
        return true

    override fun consumeTerm() {
        a = a1
        b = b1

    override fun consumeTerm(n: Int) {
        t = a; a = a1; a1 = t + a1 * n 
        t = b; b = b1; b1 = t + b1 * n

class NG8(
    var a12: Int, var a1: Int, var a2: Int, var a: Int,
    var b12: Int, var b1: Int, var b2: Int, var b: Int
) : MatrixNG() {

    private var t = 0
    private var ab = 0.0
    private var a1b1 = 0.0
    private var a2b2 = 0.0
    private var a12b12 = 0.0

    fun chooseCFN() = if (abs(a1b1 - ab) > abs(a2b2-ab)) 0 else 1

    override fun needTerm(): Boolean {
        if (b1 == 0 && b == 0 && b2 == 0 && b12 == 0) return false
        if (b == 0) {
            cfn = if (b2 == 0) 0 else 1
            return true
        else ab = a.toDouble() / b

        if (b2 == 0) {
            cfn = 1
            return true
        else a2b2 = a2.toDouble() / b2

        if (b1 == 0) {
            cfn = 0
            return true
        else a1b1 = a1.toDouble() / b1

        if (b12 == 0) {
            cfn = chooseCFN()
            return true
        else a12b12 = a12.toDouble() / b12

        thisTerm = ab.toInt()
        if (thisTerm == a1b1.toInt() && thisTerm == a2b2.toInt() &&
            thisTerm == a12b12.toInt()) {
            t = a;     a = b;     b = t -   b * thisTerm
            t = a1;   a1 = b1;   b1 = t -  b1 * thisTerm
            t = a2;   a2 = b2;   b2 = t -  b2 * thisTerm
            t = a12; a12 = b12; b12 = t - b12 * thisTerm
            haveTerm = true
            return false
        cfn = chooseCFN()
        return true

    override fun consumeTerm() {
        if (cfn == 0) {
            a = a1; a2 = a12
            b = b1; b2 = b12
        else {
            a = a2; a1 = a12
            b = b2; b1 = b12

    override fun consumeTerm(n: Int) {
        if (cfn == 0) {
            t = a;   a = a1;   a1 = t +  a1 * n
            t = a2; a2 = a12; a12 = t + a12 * n
            t = b;   b = b1;   b1 = t +  b1 * n
            t = b2; b2 = b12; b12 = t + b12 * n
        else {
            t = a;   a = a2;   a2 = t +  a2 * n
            t = a1; a1 = a12; a12 = t + a12 * n
            t = b;   b = b2;   b2 = t +  b2 * n
            t = b1; b1 = b12; b12 = t + b12 * n

interface ContinuedFraction {
    fun nextTerm(): Int
    fun moreTerms(): Boolean

class R2cf(var n1: Int, var n2: Int) : ContinuedFraction {

    override fun nextTerm(): Int {
        val thisTerm = n1 /n2
        val t2 = n2
        n2 = n1 - thisTerm * n2
        n1 = t2
        return thisTerm

    override fun moreTerms() = abs(n2) > 0

class NG : ContinuedFraction {
    val ng: MatrixNG
    val n: List<ContinuedFraction> 

    constructor(ng: NG4, n1: ContinuedFraction) { = ng
        n = listOf(n1)

    constructor(ng: NG8, n1: ContinuedFraction, n2: ContinuedFraction) { = ng
        n = listOf(n1, n2)

    override fun nextTerm(): Int {
        ng.haveTerm = false
        return ng.thisTerm

    override fun moreTerms(): Boolean {
        while (ng.needTerm()) {
            if (n[ng.cfn].moreTerms())
        return ng.haveTerm

fun test(desc: String, vararg cfs: ContinuedFraction) {
    println("TESTING -> $desc")
    for (cf in cfs) {
        while (cf.moreTerms()) print ("${cf.nextTerm()} ")

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val a  = NG8(0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
    val n2 = R2cf(22, 7)
    val n1 = R2cf(1, 2)
    val a3 = NG4(2, 1, 0, 2)
    val n3 = R2cf(22, 7)
    test("[3;7] + [0;2]", NG(a, n1, n2), NG(a3, n3))

    val b  = NG8(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
    val b1 = R2cf(13, 11)
    val b2 = R2cf(22, 7)
    test("[1;5,2] * [3;7]", NG(b, b1, b2), R2cf(286, 77))

    val c = NG8(0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
    val c1 = R2cf(13, 11)
    val c2 = R2cf(22, 7)
    test("[1;5,2] - [3;7]", NG(c, c1, c2), R2cf(-151, 77))

    val d = NG8(0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0)
    val d1 = R2cf(22 * 22, 7 * 7)
    val d2 = R2cf(22,7)
    test("Divide [] by [3;7]", NG(d, d1, d2))

    val na = NG8(0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
    val a1 = R2cf(2, 7)
    val a2 = R2cf(13, 11)
    val aa = NG(na, a1, a2)
    val nb = NG8(0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
    val b3 = R2cf(2, 7)
    val b4 = R2cf(13, 11)
    val bb = NG(nb, b3, b4)
    val nc = NG8(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
    val desc = "([0;3,2] + [1;5,2]) * ([0;3,2] - [1;5,2])"
    test(desc, NG(nc, aa, bb), R2cf(-7797, 5929))
TESTING -> [3;7] + [0;2]
3 1 1 1 4 
3 1 1 1 4 

TESTING -> [1;5,2] * [3;7]
3 1 2 2 
3 1 2 2 

TESTING -> [1;5,2] - [3;7]
-1 -1 -24 -1 -2 
-1 -1 -24 -1 -2 

TESTING -> Divide [] by [3;7]
3 7 

TESTING -> ([0;3,2] + [1;5,2]) * ([0;3,2] - [1;5,2])
-1 -3 -5 -1 -2 -1 -26 -3 
-1 -3 -5 -1 -2 -1 -26 -3 


Translation of: Kotlin
import strformat


type MatrixNG = ref object of RootObj
  cfn: int
  thisTerm: int
  haveTerm: bool

method consumeTerm(m: MatrixNG) {.base.} =
  raise newException(CatchableError, "Method without implementation override")

method consumeTerm(m: MatrixNG; n: int) {.base.} =
  raise newException(CatchableError, "Method without implementation override")

method needTerm(m: MatrixNG): bool {.base.} =
  raise newException(CatchableError, "Method without implementation override")


type NG4 = ref object of MatrixNG
  a1, a, b1, b: int

proc newNG4(a1, a, b1, b: int): NG4 =
  NG4(a1: a1, a: a, b1: b1, b: b)

method needTerm(ng: NG4): bool =
  if ng.b1 == 0 and ng.b == 0: return false
  if ng.b1 == 0 or ng.b == 0: return true
  ng.thisTerm = ng.a div ng.b
  if ng.thisTerm == ng.a1 div ng.b1:
    ng.a -= ng.b * ng.thisTerm; swap ng.a, ng.b
    ng.a1 -= ng.b1 * ng.thisTerm; swap ng.a1, ng.b1
    ng.haveTerm = true
    return false
  return true

method consumeTerm(ng: NG4) =
  ng.a = ng.a1
  ng.b = ng.b1

method consumeTerm(ng: NG4; n: int) =
  ng.a += ng.a1 * n; swap ng.a, ng.a1
  ng.b += ng.b1 * n; swap ng.b, ng.b1


type NG8 = ref object of MatrixNG
  a12, a1, a2, a: int
  b12, b1, b2, b: int

proc newNG8(a12, a1, a2, a, b12, b1, b2, b: int): NG8 =
  NG8(a12: a12, a1: a1, a2: a2, a: a, b12: b12, b1: b1, b2: b2, b: b)

method needTerm(ng: NG8): bool =
  if ng.b1 == 0 and ng.b == 0 and ng.b2 == 0 and ng.b12 == 0: return false
  if ng.b == 0:
    ng.cfn = ord(ng.b2 != 0)
    return true
  if ng.b2 == 0:
    ng. cfn = 1
    return true
  if ng.b1 == 0:
    ng.cfn = 0
    return true

    ab = ng.a / ng.b
    a1b1 = ng.a1 / ng.b1
    a2b2 = ng.a2 / ng.b2
  if ng.b12 == 0:
    ng.cfn = ord(abs(a1b1 - ab) <= abs(a2b2 - ab))
    return true

  ng.thisTerm = int(ab)
  if ng.thisTerm == int(a1b1) and ng.thisTerm == int(a2b2) and ng.thisTerm == ng.a12 div ng.b12:
    ng.a -= ng.b * ng.thisTerm; swap ng.a, ng.b
    ng.a1 -= ng.b1 * ng.thisTerm; swap ng.a1, ng.b1
    ng.a2 -= ng.b2 * ng.thisTerm; swap ng.a2, ng.b2
    ng.a12 -= ng.b12 * ng.thisTerm; swap ng.a12, ng.b12
    ng.haveTerm = true
    return false

  ng.cfn = ord(abs(a1b1 - ab) <= abs(a2b2 - ab))
  result = true

method consumeTerm(ng: NG8) =
  if ng.cfn == 0:
    ng.a = ng.a1
    ng.a2 = ng.a12
    ng.b = ng.b1
    ng.b2 = ng.b12
    ng.a = ng.a2
    ng.a1 = ng.a12
    ng.b = ng.b2
    ng.b1 = ng.b12

method consumeTerm(ng: NG8; n: int) =
  if ng.cfn == 0:
    ng.a += ng.a1 * n; swap ng.a, ng.a1
    ng.a2 += ng.a12 * n; swap ng.a2, ng.a12
    ng.b += ng.b1 * n; swap ng.b, ng.b1
    ng.b2 += ng.b12 * n; swap ng.b2, ng.b12
    ng.a += ng.a2 * n; swap ng.a, ng.a2
    ng.a1 += ng.a12 * n; swap ng.a1, ng.a12
    ng.b += ng.b2 * n; swap ng.b, ng.b2
    ng.b1 += ng.b12 * n; swap ng.b1, ng.b12


type ContinuedFraction = ref object of RootObj

method nextTerm(cf: ContinuedFraction): int {.base.} =
  raise newException(CatchableError, "Method without implementation override")

method moreTerms(cf: ContinuedFraction): bool {.base.} =
  raise newException(CatchableError, "Method without implementation override")


type R2Cf = ref object of ContinuedFraction
  n1, n2: int

proc newR2Cf(n1, n2: int): R2Cf =
  R2Cf(n1: n1, n2: n2)

method nextTerm(x: R2Cf): int =
  result = x.n1 div x.n2
  x.n1 -= result * x.n2
  swap x.n1, x.n2

method moreTerms(x: R2Cf): bool =
  abs(x.n2) > 0


type NG = ref object of ContinuedFraction
  ng: MatrixNG
  n: seq[ContinuedFraction]

proc newNG(ng: NG4; n1: ContinuedFraction): NG =
  NG(ng: ng, n: @[n1])

proc newNG(ng: NG8; n1, n2: ContinuedFraction): NG =
  NG(ng: ng, n: @[n1, n2])

method nextTerm(x: NG): int = = false
  result =

method moreTerms(x: NG): bool =
    if x.n[].moreTerms():[].nextTerm())
  result =


when isMainModule:

  proc test(desc: string; cfs: varargs[ContinuedFraction]) =
    echo &"TESTING → {desc}"
    for cf in cfs:
      while cf.moreTerms(): stdout.write &"{cf.nextTerm()} "

    a = newNG8(0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
    n2 = newR2Cf(22, 7)
    n1 = newR2Cf(1, 2)
    a3 = newNG4(2, 1, 0, 2)
    n3 = newR2cf(22, 7)
  test("[3;7] + [0;2]", newNG(a, n1, n2), newNG(a3, n3))

    b  = newNG8(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
    b1 = newR2cf(13, 11)
    b2 = newR2cf(22, 7)
  test("[1;5,2] * [3;7]", newNG(b, b1, b2), newR2cf(286, 77))

    c = newNG8(0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
    c1 = newR2cf(13, 11)
    c2 = newR2cf(22, 7)
  test("[1;5,2] - [3;7]", newNG(c, c1, c2), newR2cf(-151, 77))

    d = newNG8(0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0)
    d1 = newR2cf(22 * 22, 7 * 7)
    d2 = newR2cf(22,7)
  test("Divide [] by [3;7]", newNG(d, d1, d2))

    na = newNG8(0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
    a1 = newR2cf(2, 7)
    a2 = newR2cf(13, 11)
    aa = newNG(na, a1, a2)
    nb = newNG8(0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
    b3 = newR2cf(2, 7)
    b4 = newR2cf(13, 11)
    bb = newNG(nb, b3, b4)
    nc = newNG8(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
    desc = "([0;3,2] + [1;5,2]) * ([0;3,2] - [1;5,2])"
  test(desc, newNG(nc, aa, bb), newR2cf(-7797, 5929))
TESTING → [3;7] + [0;2]
3 1 1 1 4 
3 1 1 1 4 

TESTING → [1;5,2] * [3;7]
3 1 2 2 
3 1 2 2 

TESTING → [1;5,2] - [3;7]
-1 -1 -24 -1 -2 
-1 -1 -24 -1 -2 

TESTING → Divide [] by [3;7]
3 7 

TESTING → ([0;3,2] + [1;5,2]) * ([0;3,2] - [1;5,2])
-1 -3 -5 -1 -2 -1 -26 -3 
-1 -3 -5 -1 -2 -1 -26 -3 


Library: Phix/Class
Library: Phix/mpfr


class full_matrix
  -- Used by apply_full_matrix()
  -- Note that each instance of full_matrix should be discarded after use.
  integer a12, a1, a2, a,
          b12, b1, b2, b
  function need_term()
    if b12==0 or b1==0 or b2==0 or b==0 then
        return true
    end if
    atom ab = a/b
    return ab!=a1/b1 or ab!=a1/b2 or ab!=a12/b12
  end function
  function which_term()
    -- returns true for cf1, false for cf2
    if b==0 and b2==0 then return true end if
    if b==0 or b2==0 then return false end if
    if b1==0 then return true end if
    atom ab = a/b
    return abs(a1/b1-ab) > abs(a2/b2-ab)
  end function
  function next_term()
    integer t = floor(a/b)
    sequence newas = {b12,b1,b2,b},
             newbs = {a12-b12*t,a1-b1*t,a2-b2*t,a-b*t}
    {a12,a1,a2,a} = newas
    {b12,b1,b2,b} = newbs
    return t
  end function
  procedure in_term(bool is_cf1, object t={})
    if integer(t) then
        sequence newas = iff(is_cf1?{a2+a12*t, a+a1*t, a12, a1}
                                   :{a1+a12*t, a12, a+a2*t, a2}),
                 newbs = iff(is_cf1?{b2+b12*t, b+b1*t, b12, b1}
                                   :{b1+b12*t, b12, b+b2*t, b2})
        {a12, a1, a2, a} = newas
        {b12, b1, b2, b} = newbs
    elsif is_cf1 then
        {a2, a, b2, b} = {a12, a1, b12, b1}
        {a1, a, b1, b} = {a12, a2, b12, b2}
    end if
  end procedure
  function done()
    return b12==0 and b1==0 and b2==0 and b==0
  end function
end class
function apply_full_matrix(sequence ctrl, cf1, cf2)
  -- If ctrl is {a12, a1, a2, a,
  --             b12, b1, b2, b}
  -- Then the result of apply_full_matrix(ctrl,cf1,cf2) would be
  --        (a12*cf1*cf2 + a1*cf1 + a2*cf2 + a)
  --        -----------------------------------
  --        (b12*cf1*cf2 + b1*cf1 + b2*cf2 + b)
  -- For instance:
  --        { 0, 1, 1, 0,       calculates cf1 + cf2
  --          0, 0, 0, 1}         (divided by 1)
  --        { 0, 1,-1, 0,       calculates cf1 - cf2
  --          0, 0, 0, 1}         (divided by 1)
  --        { 1, 0, 0, 0,       calculates cf1 * cf2
  --          0, 0, 0, 1}         (divided by 1)
  --        { 0, 1, 0, 0,       calculates cf1
  --          0, 0, 1, 0}          divided by cf2
    full_matrix fm = new(ctrl)
    sequence res = {}
    integer l1 = length(cf1), dx1=1, 
            l2 = length(cf2), dx2=1
    while true do   
        if fm.need_term() then
            bool is_cf1 = fm.which_term()
            object t = {}
            if is_cf1 then
                if dx1<=l1 then
                    t = cf1[dx1]
                    dx1 += 1
                end if
                if dx2<=l2 then
                    t = cf2[dx2]
                    dx2 += 1
                end if
            end if
            res &= fm.next_term()
        end if
        if fm.done() then exit end if
    end while
    return res
end function
function r2cf(sequence rat, integer count=20)
    sequence s = {}
    atom {num,den} = rat
    while den!=0 and length(s)<count do
        s &= trunc(num/den)
        {num,den} = {den,num-s[$]*den}
    end while
    return s
end function
function cf2s(sequence cf)
    sequence s = join(apply(cf,sprint),",") -- eg "1,5,2"
    return "["&substitute(s,",",";",1)&"]"  -- => "[1;5,2]"
end function
include mpfr.e
function cf2r(sequence cf)
    mpq res = mpq_init(), -- 0/1
        cfn = mpq_init()
    for n=length(cf) to 1 by -1 do
        if n=1 then exit end if
    end for
    mpz num = mpz_init(),
        den = mpz_init()
    mpfr x = mpfr_init()
    string xs = mpfr_sprintf("%.15Rf",x),
           ns = mpz_get_str(num),
           ds = mpz_get_str(den),
            s = sprintf("%s (%s/%s)",{xs,ns,ds})
    return s
end function
constant fmAdd = { 0, 1, 1, 0,  0, 0, 0, 1},
         fmSub = { 0, 1,-1, 0,  0, 0, 0, 1},
         fmMul = { 1, 0, 0, 0,  0, 0, 0, 1},
         fmDiv = { 0, 1, 0, 0,  0, 0, 1, 0},
         tests = {{"+",{22, 7},{ 1,2},fmAdd,22/7+1/2},
for i=1 to length(tests) do
    {string op, sequence rat1, sequence rat2, sequence m, atom eres2} = tests[i]
    sequence cf1 = r2cf(rat1),
             cf2 = r2cf(rat2),
             cfr = apply_full_matrix(m,cf1,cf2)
    string bop = sprintf("%s %s %s",{cf2s(cf1),op,cf2s(cf2)})
    printf(1,"%s is %s -> %s (est %g)\n",{bop,cf2s(cfr),cf2r(cfr),eres2})
end for
[3;7] + [0;2] is [3;1,1,1,4] -> 3.642857142857143 (51/14) (est 3.64286)
[1;5,2] - [3;7] is [-2;25,1,2] -> -1.961038961038961 (-151/77) (est -1.96104)
[1;5,2] * [3;7] is [3;1,2,2] -> 3.714285714285714 (26/7) (est 3.71429)
[9;1,7,6] / [3;7] is [3;7] -> 3.142857142857143 (22/7) (est 3.14286)


(formerly Perl 6)

Works with: Rakudo version 2016.01

The NG2 object can work with infinitely long continued fractions, it does lazy evaluation. By default, it is limited to returning the first 30 terms. Pass in a limit value if you want something other than default.

class NG2 {
    has ( $!a12, $!a1, $!a2, $!a, $!b12, $!b1, $!b2, $!b );

    # Public methods
    method operator($!a12, $!a1, $!a2, $!a, $!b12, $!b1, $!b2, $!b ) { self }

    method apply(@cf1, @cf2, :$limit = 30) {
        my @cfs = [@cf1], [@cf2];
        gather {
            while @cfs[0] or @cfs[1] {
                my $term;
                (take $term if $term = self!extract) unless self!needterm;
                my $from = self!from;
                $from = @cfs[$from] ?? $from !! $from +^ 1;
                self!inject($from, @cfs[$from].shift);
            take self!drain while $!b;
        }[ ^$limit ].grep: *.defined;

    # Private methods
    method !inject ($n, $t) {
        multi sub xform(0, $t, $x12, $x1, $x2, $x) { $x2 + $x12 * $t, $x + $x1 * $t, $x12, $x1 }
        multi sub xform(1, $t, $x12, $x1, $x2, $x) { $x1 + $x12 * $t, $x12, $x + $x2 * $t, $x2 }
        ( $!a12, $!a1, $!a2, $!a ) = xform($n, $t, $!a12, $!a1, $!a2, $!a );
        ( $!b12, $!b1, $!b2, $!b ) = xform($n, $t, $!b12, $!b1, $!b2, $!b );
    method !extract {
        my $t = $!a div $!b;
        ( $!a12, $!a1, $!a2, $!a, $!b12, $!b1, $!b2, $!b ) =
          $!b12, $!b1, $!b2, $!b,
                                  $!a12 - $!b12 * $t,
                                         $!a1 - $!b1 * $t,
                                               $!a2 - $!b2 * $t,
                                                     $!a - $!b * $t;
    method !from {
        return $!b == $!b2 == 0 ?? 0 !!
           $!b == 0 || $!b2 == 0 ?? 1 !!
           abs($!a1*$!b*$!b2 - $!a*$!b1*$!b2) > abs($!a2*$!b*$!b1 - $!a*$!b1*$!b2) ?? 0 !! 1;
    method !needterm {
        so !([&&] $!b12, $!b1, $!b2, $!b) or $!a/$!b != $!a1/$!b1 != $!a2/$!b2 != $!a12/$!b1;
    method !noterms($which) {
        $which ?? (($!a1, $!a, $!b1, $!b ) = $!a12, $!a2, $!b12, $!b2)
               !! (($!a2, $!a, $!b2, $!b ) = $!a12, $!a1, $!b12, $!b1);
    method !drain {
    self!noterms(self!from) if self!needterm;

sub r2cf(Rat $x is copy) { # Rational to continued fraction
    gather loop {
    $x -= take $x.floor;
    last unless $x;
    $x = 1 / $x;

sub cf2r(@a) { # continued fraction to Rational
    my $x = @a[* - 1].FatRat; # Use FatRats for arbitrary precision
    $x = @a[$_- 1] + 1 / $x for reverse 1 ..^ @a;

# format continued fraction for pretty printing
sub ppcf(@cf) { "[{ @cf.join(',').subst(',',';') }]" }

# format Rational for pretty printing. Use FatRats for arbitrary precision
sub pprat($a) { $a.FatRat.denominator == 1 ?? $a !! $a.FatRat.nude.join('/') }

my %ops = ( # convenience hash of NG matrix operators
    '+' => (0,1,1,0,0,0,0,1),
    '-' => (0,1,-1,0,0,0,0,1),
    '*' => (1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1),
    '/' => (0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0)

sub test_NG2 ($rat1, $op, $rat2) {
    my @cf1 = $rat1.&r2cf;
    my @cf2 = $rat2.&r2cf;
    my @result =|%ops{$op}).apply( @cf1, @cf2 );
    say "{$rat1.&pprat} $op {$rat2.&pprat} => {@cf1.&ppcf} $op ",
        "{@cf2.&ppcf} = {@result.&ppcf} => {@result.&cf2r.&pprat}\n";

# Testing
test_NG2(|$_) for
   [   22/7, '+',  1/2 ],
   [  23/11, '*', 22/7 ],
   [  13/11, '-', 22/7 ],
   [ 484/49, '/', 22/7 ];

# Sometimes you may want to limit the terms in the continued fraction to something other than default.
# Here a lazy infinite continued fraction for  √2, then multiply it by itself. We'll limit the result
# to 6 terms for brevity’s' sake. We'll then convert that continued fraction back to an arbitrary precision
# FatRat Rational number. (Raku stores FatRats internally as a ratio of two arbitrarily long integers.
# We need to exercise a little caution because they can eat up all of your memory if allowed to grow unchecked,
# hence the limit of 6 terms in continued fraction.) We'll then convert that number to a normal precision
# Rat, which is accurate to the nearest 1 / 2^64, 

say "√2 expressed as a continued fraction, then squared: ";
my @root2 = lazy flat 1, 2 xx *;
my @result =|%ops{'*'}).apply( @root2, @root2, limit => 6 );
say @root2.&ppcf, "² = \n";
say @result.&ppcf;
say "\nConverted back to an arbitrary (ludicrous) precision Rational: ";
say @result.&cf2r.nude.join(" /\n");
say "\nCoerced to a standard precision Rational: ", @result.&cf2r.Num.Rat;
22/7 + 1/2 => [3;7] + [0;2] = [3;1,1,1,4] => 51/14

23/11 * 22/7 => [2;11] * [3;7] = [6;1,1,3] => 46/7

13/11 - 22/7 => [1;5,2] - [3;7] = [-2;25,1,2] => -151/77

484/49 / 22/7 => [9;1,7,6] / [3;7] = [3;7] => 22/7

√2 expressed as a continued fraction, then squared: 
[1;2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,...]² = 


Converted back to an arbitrary (ludicrous) precision Rational: 
32802382178012409621354320392819425499699206367450594986122623570838188983519955166754002 /

Coerced to a standard precision Rational: 2


This uses the Generator class, R2CF class and printcf procedure from the r2cf task.

Works with: Tcl version 8.6
oo::class create NG2 {
    variable a b a1 b1 a2 b2 a12 b12 cf1 cf2
    superclass Generator
    constructor {args} {
	lassign $args a12 a1 a2 a b12 b1 b2 b
    method operands {N1 N2} {
	set cf1 $N1
	set cf2 $N2
	return [self]

    method Ingress1 t {
	lassign [list [expr {$a2+$a12*$t}] [expr {$a+$a1*$t}] $a12 $a1 \
		      [expr {$b2+$b12*$t}] [expr {$b+$b1*$t}] $b12 $b1] \
	    a12 a1 a2 a b12 b1 b2 b
    method Exhaust1 {} {
	lassign [list $a12 $a1 $a12 $a1 $b12 $b1 $b12 $b1] \
	    a12 a1 a2 a b12 b1 b2 b
    method Ingress2 t {
	lassign [list [expr {$a1+$a12*$t}] $a12 [expr {$a+$a2*$t}] $a2 \
		      [expr {$b1+$b12*$t}] $b12 [expr {$b+$b2*$t}] $b2] \
	    a12 a1 a2 a b12 b1 b2 b
    method Exhaust2 {} {
	lassign [list $a12 $a12 $a2 $a2 $b12 $b12 $b2 $b2] \
	    a12 a1 a2 a b12 b1 b2 b
    method Egress {} {
	set t [expr {$a/$b}]
	lassign [list $b12 $b1 $b2 $b \
		    [expr {$a12 - $b12*$t}] [expr {$a1 - $b1*$t}] \
		    [expr {$a2 - $b2*$t}] [expr {$a - $b*$t}]] \
	    a12 a1 a2 a b12 b1 b2 b
	return $t

    method DoIngress1 {} {
	try {tailcall my Ingress1 [$cf1]} on break {} {}
	oo::objdefine [self] forward DoIngress1 my Exhaust1
	set cf1 ""
	tailcall my Exhaust1
    method DoIngress2 {} {
	try {tailcall my Ingress2 [$cf2]} on break {} {}
	oo::objdefine [self] forward DoIngress2 my Exhaust2
	set cf2 ""
	tailcall my Exhaust2
    method Ingress {} {
	if {$b==0} {
	    if {$b2 == 0} {
		tailcall my DoIngress1
	    } else {
		tailcall my DoIngress2
	if {!$b2} {
	    tailcall my DoIngress2
	if {!$b1} {
	    tailcall my DoIngress1
	if {[my FirstSource?]} {
	    tailcall my DoIngress1
	} else {
	    tailcall my DoIngress2

    method FirstSource? {} {
	expr {abs($a1*$b*$b2 - $a*$b1*$b2) > abs($a2*$b*$b1 - $a*$b1*$b2)}
    method NeedTerm? {} {
	expr {
	    ($b*$b1*$b2*$b12==0) ||
	    !($a/$b == $a1/$b1 && $a/$b == $a2/$b2 && $a/$b == $a12/$b12)
    method Done? {} {
	expr {$b==0 && $b1==0 && $b2==0 && $b12==0}

    method Produce {} {
	# Until we've drained both continued fractions...
	while {$cf1 ne "" || $cf2 ne ""} {
	    if {[my NeedTerm?]} {
		my Ingress
	    } else {
		yield [my Egress]
	# Drain our internal state
	while {![my Done?]} {
	    yield [my Egress]


set op [[NG2 new 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1] operands [R2CF new 1/2] [R2CF new 22/7]]
printcf "\[3;7\] + \[0;2\]" $op

set op [[NG2 new 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1] operands [R2CF new 13/11] [R2CF new 22/7]]
printcf "\[1:5,2\] * \[3;7\]" $op

set op [[NG2 new 0 1 -1 0 0 0 0 1] operands [R2CF new 13/11] [R2CF new 22/7]]
printcf "\[1:5,2\] - \[3;7\]" $op

set op [[NG2 new 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0] operands [R2CF new 484/49] [R2CF new 22/7]]
printcf "div test" $op

set op1 [[NG2 new 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1] operands [R2CF new 2/7] [R2CF new 13/11]]
set op2 [[NG2 new 0 1 -1 0 0 0 0 1] operands [R2CF new 2/7] [R2CF new 13/11]]
set op3 [[NG2 new 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1] operands $op1 $op2]
printcf "layered test" $op3
[3;7] + [0;2]  -> 3,1,1,1,4
[1:5,2] * [3;7]-> 3,1,2,2
[1:5,2] - [3;7]-> -2,25,1,2
div test       -> 3,7
layered test   -> -2,1,2,5,1,2,1,26,3


Translation of: Kotlin
class MatrixNG {
    construct new() {
       _cfn = 0
       _thisTerm = 0
       _haveTerm = false
    cfn     { _cfn }
    cfn=(v) { _cfn = v }

    thisTerm     { _thisTerm }
    thisTerm=(v) { _thisTerm = v }

    haveTerm     { _haveTerm }
    haveTerm=(v) { _haveTerm = v }

    consumeTerm() {}
    consumeTerm(n) {}
    needTerm() {}

class NG4 is MatrixNG {
    construct new(a1, a, b1, b) {
        _a1 = a1
        _a  = a
        _b1 = b1
        _b  = b
        _t  = 0

    needTerm() {
        if (_b1 == 0 && _b == 0) return false
        if (_b1 == 0 || _b == 0) return true
        thisTerm = (_a / _b).truncate
        if (thisTerm ==  (_a1 / _b1).truncate) {
            _t = _a
            _a = _b
            _b = _t - _b  * thisTerm
            _t = _a1
            _a1 = _b1
            _b1 = _t - _b1 * thisTerm
            haveTerm = true
            return false
        return true

    consumeTerm() {
        _a = _a1
        _b = _b1

    consumeTerm(n) {
        _t = _a
        _a = _a1
        _a1 = _t + _a1 * n
        _t = _b
        _b = _b1
        _b1 = _t + _b1 * n

class NG8 is MatrixNG {
    construct new(a12, a1, a2, a, b12, b1, b2, b) {
        _a12 = a12
        _a1  = a1
        _a2  = a2
        _a   = a
        _b12 = b12
        _b1  = b1
        _b2  = b2
        _b   = b
        _t   = 0
        _ab  = 0

        _a1b1 = 0
        _a2b2 = 0

        _a12b12 = 0

    chooseCFN() { ((_a1b1 - _ab).abs > (_a2b2 - _ab).abs) ? 0 : 1 }

    needTerm() {
        if (_b1 == 0 && _b == 0 && _b2 == 0 && _b12 == 0) return false
        if (_b == 0) {
            cfn = (_b2 == 0) ? 0 : 1
            return true
        } else _ab = _a/_b

        if (_b2 == 0) {
            cfn = 1
            return true
        } else _a2b2 = _a2/_b2

        if (_b1 == 0) {
            cfn = 0
            return true
        } else _a1b1 = _a1/_b1

        if (_b12 == 0) {
            cfn = chooseCFN()
            return true
        } else _a12b12 = _a12/_b12

        thisTerm = _ab.truncate
        if (thisTerm == _a1b1.truncate && thisTerm == _a2b2.truncate &&
            thisTerm == _a12b12.truncate) {
            _t = _a     
            _a = _b
            _b = _t - _b * thisTerm
            _t = _a1
            _a1 = _b1
            _b1 = _t - _b1 * thisTerm
            _t = _a2  
            _a2 = _b2
            _b2 = _t - _b2 * thisTerm
            _t = _a12
            _a12 = _b12
            _b12 = _t - _b12 * thisTerm
            haveTerm = true
            return false
        cfn = chooseCFN()
        return true

    consumeTerm() {
        if (cfn == 0) {
            _a  = _a1
            _a2 = _a12
            _b  = _b1
            _b2 = _b12
        } else {
            _a  = _a2
            _a1 = _a12
            _b  = _b2
            _b1 = _b12

    consumeTerm(n) {
        if (cfn == 0) {
            _t = _a      
            _a = _a1
            _a1 = _t + _a1 * n
            _t = _a2
            _a2 = _a12
            _a12 = _t + _a12 * n
            _t = _b
            _b = _b1
            _b1 = _t + _b1 * n
            _t = _b2
            _b2 = _b12
            _b12 = _t + _b12 * n
        } else {
            _t = _a      
            _a = _a2
            _a2 = _t + _a2 * n
            _t = _a1
            _a1 = _a12
            _a12 = _t + _a12 * n
            _t = _b
            _b = _b2
            _b2 = _t +  _b2 * n
            _t = _b1
            _b1 = _b12
            _b12 = _t + _b12 * n

class ContinuedFraction {
    nextTerm() {}
    moreTerms() {}

class R2cf is ContinuedFraction {
    construct new(n1, n2) {
        _n1 = n1
        _n2 = n2

    nextTerm() {
        var thisTerm = (_n1/_n2).truncate
        var t2 = _n2
        _n2 = _n1 - thisTerm * _n2
        _n1 = t2
        return thisTerm

    moreTerms() { _n2.abs > 0 }

class NG is ContinuedFraction {
    construct new(ng, n1) {
        _ng = ng
        _n = [n1]

    construct new(ng, n1, n2) {
        _ng = ng
        _n = [n1, n2]

    nextTerm() {
        _ng.haveTerm = false
        return _ng.thisTerm

    moreTerms() {
        while (_ng.needTerm()) {
            if (_n[_ng.cfn].moreTerms()) {
            } else {
        return _ng.haveTerm

var test = { |desc, cfs|
    System.print("TESTING -> %(desc)")
    for (cf in cfs) {
        while (cf.moreTerms()) System.write("%(cf.nextTerm()) ")

var a  =, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
var n2 =, 7)
var n1 =, 2)
var a3 =, 1, 0, 2)
var n3 =, 7)"[3;7] + [0;2]", [, n1, n2),, n3)])

var b  =, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
var b1 =, 11)
var b2 =, 7)"[1;5,2] * [3;7]", [, b1, b2),, 77)])

var c =, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
var c1 =, 11)
var c2 =, 7)"[1;5,2] - [3;7]", [, c1, c2),, 77)])

var d =, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0)
var d1 = * 22, 7 * 7)
var d2 =,7)"Divide [] by [3;7]", [, d1, d2)])

var na =, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
var a1 =, 7)
var a2 =, 11)
var aa =, a1, a2)
var nb =, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
var b3 =, 7)
var b4 =, 11)
var bb =, b3, b4)
var nc =, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1)
var desc = "([0;3,2] + [1;5,2]) * ([0;3,2] - [1;5,2])", [, aa, bb),, 5929)])
TESTING -> [3;7] + [0;2]
3 1 1 1 4 
3 1 1 1 4 

TESTING -> [1;5,2] * [3;7]
3 1 2 2 
3 1 2 2 

TESTING -> [1;5,2] - [3;7]
-1 -1 -24 -1 -2 
-1 -1 -24 -1 -2 

TESTING -> Divide [] by [3;7]
3 7 

TESTING -> ([0;3,2] + [1;5,2]) * ([0;3,2] - [1;5,2])
-1 -3 -5 -1 -2 -1 -26 -3 
-1 -3 -5 -1 -2 -1 -26 -3