Compiler/Verifying syntax
Verifying Syntax
A Syntax Analyzer that verifies a token stream,
outputs a string "true" if the token stream matches the grammar requirement,
outputs a string "false" if the token stream does not match the grammar.
The program reads input from a file of token stream,
reads it and outputs a string "true" if the token stream matches the grammar,
outputs a string "false" and error messages if the token stream does not match the grammar,
based on the grammar below. The grammar is written in Extended Backus-Naur Form (EBNF).
stmt = expr ; expr = expr_level_2; expr_level_2 = expr_level_3 {"or" expr_level_3} ; expr_level_3 = expr_level_4 {"and" expr_level_4} ; expr_level_4 = ["not"] expr_level_5 [('=' | '<') expr_level_5] ; expr_level_5 = expr_level_6 {('+' | '-') expr_level_6} ; expr_level_6 = primary {('*' | '/') primary} ; primary = Identifier | Integer | '(' expr ')' | "true" | "false" ; Integer = Digit {Digit}; Identifier = Letter {Letter | Digit | '_'}; Digit = "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9" ; Letter = "a" | "b" | "c" | "d" | "e" | "f" | "g" | "h" | "i" | "j" | "k" | "l" | "m" | "n" | "o" | "p" | "q" | "r" | "s" | "t" | "u" | "v" | "w" | "x" | "y" | "z" | "A" | "B" | "C" | "D" | "E" | "F" | "G" | "H" | "I" | "J" | "K" | "L" | "M" | "N" | "O" | "P" | "Q" | "R" | "S" | "T" | "U" | "V" | "W" | "X" | "Y" | "Z" ;
Includes the test cases from the Go sample. Note, strings are limited to 256 characters in Algol W.
% verify expressions match expected syntax %
procedure stmt ( string(256) value text ) ; begin
% the parsing procedures return true if the expression matches the %
% required element, false otherwise - a parse tree is not built %
logical haveInteger, haveIdentifier, haveEof, hadError;
integer currPos, maxPos, syPos;
string(1) currCh;
string(256) srcText;
string(256) sy;
logical procedure expr ; expr_level_2;
logical procedure expr_level_2 ; begin
logical ok;
ok := expr_level_3;
while ok and have( "or" ) do ok := next and expr_level_3;
end expr_level_2 ;
logical procedure expr_level_3 ; begin
logical ok;
ok := expr_level_4;
while have( "and" ) and ok do ok := next and expr_level_4;
end expr_level_3 ;
logical procedure expr_level_4 ; begin
logical ok;
ok := true;
if have( "not" ) then ok := next;
if ok then ok := expr_level_5;
if ok and ( have( "=" ) or have( "<" ) ) then ok := next and expr_level_5;
end expr_level_4 ;
logical procedure expr_level_5 ; begin
logical ok;
ok := expr_level_6;
while ok and ( have( "+" ) or have( "-" ) ) do ok := next and expr_level_6;
end expr_level_5 ;
logical procedure expr_level_6 ; begin
logical ok;
ok := primary;
while ok and ( have( "*" ) or have( "/" ) ) do ok := next and primary;
end expr_level_6 ;
logical procedure primary ;
if haveIdentifier or haveInteger or have( "true" ) or have( "false" ) then begin
void( next );
else if have( "(" ) then next and expr and mustBe( ")" )
else error( "Expecting identifier, literal or ""(""" ) ;
logical procedure addAndNextChar ; begin
if syPos = 255 then void( error( "Symbol too long" ) )
else if syPos < 255 then begin
sy( syPos // 1 ) := currCh;
syPos := syPos + 1
end if_syPos_eq_255__lt_255 ;
end addAndNextChar ;
logical procedure next ; begin
logical ok;
haveInteger := haveIdentifier := false;
ok := skipSpaces;
sy := "";
syPos := 0;
if not ok then sy := "<eof>"
else begin
if haveDigit then begin
haveInteger := true;
while addAndNextChar and haveDigit do begin end
else if haveLetter then begin
while addAndNextChar and ( haveLetter or haveDigit or currCh = "_" ) do begin end;
haveIdentifier := sy not = "and" and sy not = "or" and sy not = "not" and sy not = "true" and sy not = "false"
else void( addAndNextChar );
end if_not_ok__ ;
end next ;
logical procedure skipSpaces ; begin
logical ok;
ok := not haveEof;
while ok and currCh = " " do ok := nextChar;
end skipSpaces ;
logical procedure haveLetter ; not haveEof and ( ( currCh >= "a" and currCh <= "z" )
or ( currCh >= "A" and currCh <= "Z" ) );
logical procedure haveDigit ; not haveEof and ( currCh >= "0" and currCh <= "9" );
logical procedure have ( string(12) value text ) ; text = sy;
logical procedure mustBe ( string(12) value text ) ; begin
logical ok;
ok := have( text );
if ok then void( next )
else begin
string(256) msg;
msg := "Expected:";
msg( strlen( msg ) + 2 // 12 ) := text;
void( error( msg ) )
end if_ok;
end mustBe ;
logical procedure nextChar ; begin
haveEof := currPos > maxPos;
if not haveEof then begin
currCh := srcText( currPos // 1 );
currPos := currPos + 1
end if_not_haveEof ;
not haveEof
end nextChar ;
integer procedure strlen ( string(256) value text ) ; begin
integer length;
length := 255;
while length >= 0 and text( length // 1 ) = " " do length := length - 1;
end strlen ;
logical procedure error ( string(256) value msg ) ; begin
if not hadError then begin
% have the first error %
writeon( " error at: ", I_W := 1, currPos, "(" );
showText( sy, strlen( sy ) );
writeon( "): " );
showText( msg, strlen( msg ) );
hadError := true
end if_not_hadError ;
end ewrror ;
procedure showText ( string(256) value text; integer value length ) ; for c := 0 until length do writeon( text( c // 1 ) );
procedure void ( logical value b ) ; begin end void ;
% parse text and output messages indicating whether it is OK or not %
hadError := false;
sy := "<bof>";
srcText := text;
currPos := 0;
maxPos := strlen( srcText );
showText( srcText, maxPos );
writeon( ": " );
if not nextChar then void( error( "Blank source text" ) )
else if not ( next and expr ) then void( error( "Expression expected" ) )
else if not haveEof then void( error( "Expected EOF after expression" ) );
if hadError then writeon( " false" )
else writeon( " true" )
end stmt ;
% test cases %
stmt( "wombat" );
stmt( "wombat or monotreme" );
stmt( "( wombat and not )" );
stmt( "wombat or not" );
stmt( "a + 1" );
stmt( "a + b < c" );
stmt( "a + b - c * d / e < f and not ( g = h )" );
stmt( "a + b - c * d / e < f and not ( g = h" );
stmt( "a = b" );
stmt( "a or b = c" );
stmt( "$" );
% test cases from Go %
stmt( "true or false = not true" );
stmt( "not true = false" );
stmt( "3 + not 5" );
stmt( "3 + (not 5)" );
stmt( "(42 + 3" );
stmt( " not 3 < 4 or (true or 3 / 4 + 8 * 5 - 5 * 2 < 56) and 4 * 3 < 12 or not true" );
stmt( " and 3 < 2" );
stmt( "not 7 < 2" );
stmt( "2 < 3 < 4" );
stmt( "2 < foobar - 3 < 4" );
stmt( "2 < foobar and 3 < 4" );
stmt( "4 * (32 - 16) + 9 = 73" );
stmt( "235 76 + 1" );
stmt( "a + b = not c and false" );
stmt( "a + b = (not c) and false" );
stmt( "a + b = (not c and false)" );
stmt( "ab_c / bd2 or < e_f7" );
stmt( "g not = h" );
stmt( "été = false" );
stmt( "i++" );
stmt( "j & k" );
stmt( "l or _m" )
- Output:
wombat: true wombat or monotreme: true ( wombat and not ): error at: 18 ()): Expecting identifier, literal or "(" false wombat or not: error at: 13 (<eof>): Expression expected false a + 1: true a + b < c: true a + b - c * d / e < f and not ( g = h ): true a + b - c * d / e < f and not ( g = h: error at: 37 (<eof>): Expected: ) false a = b: true a or b = c: true $: error at: 1 ($): Expecting identifier, literal or "(" false true or false = not true: error at: 20 (not): Expecting identifier, literal or "(" false not true = false: true 3 + not 5: error at: 8 (not): Expecting identifier, literal or "(" false 3 + (not 5): true (42 + 3: error at: 7 (<eof>): Expected: ) false not 3 < 4 or (true or 3 / 4 + 8 * 5 - 5 * 2 < 56) and 4 * 3 < 12 or not true: true and 3 < 2: error at: 5 (and): Expecting identifier, literal or "(" false not 7 < 2: true 2 < 3 < 4: error at: 8 (<): Expected EOF after expression false 2 < foobar - 3 < 4: error at: 17 (<): Expected EOF after expression false 2 < foobar and 3 < 4: true 4 * (32 - 16) + 9 = 73: true 235 76 + 1: error at: 7 (76): Expected EOF after expression false a + b = not c and false: error at: 12 (not): Expecting identifier, literal or "(" false a + b = (not c) and false: true a + b = (not c and false): true ab_c / bd2 or < e_f7: error at: 16 (<): Expecting identifier, literal or "(" false g not = h: error at: 6 (not): Expected EOF after expression false été = false: error at: 2 (Ã): Expecting identifier, literal or "(" false i++: error at: 3 (+): Expecting identifier, literal or "(" false j & k: error at: 4 (&): Expected EOF after expression false l or _m: error at: 7 (_): Expecting identifier, literal or "(" false
// cverifyingsyntaxrosetta.c
# Makefile
CFLAGS = -O3 -Wall -Wfatal-errors
all: cverifyingsyntaxrosetta
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#define AT(CHAR) ( *pos == CHAR && ++pos )
#define TEST(STR) ( strncmp( pos, STR, strlen(STR) ) == 0 \
&& ! isalnum(pos[strlen(STR)]) && pos[strlen(STR)] != '_' )
#define IS(STR) ( TEST(STR) && (pos += strlen(STR)) )
static char *pos; // current position in source
static char *startpos; // start of source
static jmp_buf jmpenv;
static int
error(char *message)
printf("false %s\n%*s^ %s\n", startpos, pos - startpos + 7, "", message);
longjmp( jmpenv, 1 );
static int
expr(int level)
while( isspace(*pos) ) ++pos; // skip white space
if( AT('(') ) // find a primary (operand)
if( expr(0) && ! AT(')') ) error("missing close paren");
else if( level <= 4 && IS("not") && expr(6) ) { }
else if( TEST("or") || TEST("and") || TEST("not") )
error("expected a primary, found an operator");
else if( isdigit(*pos) ) pos += strspn( pos, "0123456789" );
else if( isalpha(*pos) ) pos += strspn( pos, "0123456789_"
"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" );
else error("expected a primary");
do // then look for zero or more valid following operators
while( isspace(*pos) ) ++pos;
level <= 2 && IS("or") ? expr(3) :
level <= 3 && IS("and") ? expr(4) :
level <= 4 && (AT('=') || AT('<')) ? expr(5) :
level == 5 && (*pos == '=' || *pos == '<') ? error("non-associative") :
level <= 6 && (AT('+') || AT('-')) ? expr(7) :
level <= 7 && (AT('*') || AT('/')) ? expr(8) :
0 );
return 1;
static void
parse(char *source)
startpos = pos = source;
if( setjmp(jmpenv) ) return; // for catching errors during recursion
if( *pos ) error("unexpected character following valid parse");
printf(" true %s\n", source);
static char *tests[] = {
"3 + not 5",
"3 + (not 5)",
"(42 + 3",
"(42 + 3 some_other_syntax_error",
"not 3 < 4 or (true or 3/4+8*5-5*2 < 56) and 4*3 < 12 or not true",
"and 3 < 2",
"not 7 < 2",
"2 < 3 < 4",
"2 < foobar - 3 < 4",
"2 < foobar and 3 < 4",
"4 * (32 - 16) + 9 = 73",
"235 76 + 1",
"a + b = not c and false",
"a + b = (not c) and false",
"a + b = (not c and false)",
"ab_c / bd2 or < e_f7",
"g not = h",
"j & k",
"l or _m",
"WOMBAT or monotreme",
"a + b - c * d / e < f and not ( g = h )",
main(int argc, char *argv[])
for( int i = 0; i < sizeof(tests)/sizeof(*tests); i++ ) parse(tests[i]);
- Output:
false 3 + not 5 ^ expected a primary, found an operator true 3 + (not 5) false (42 + 3 ^ missing close paren false (42 + 3 some_other_syntax_error ^ missing close paren true not 3 < 4 or (true or 3/4+8*5-5*2 < 56) and 4*3 < 12 or not true false and 3 < 2 ^ expected a primary, found an operator true not 7 < 2 false 2 < 3 < 4 ^ non-associative false 2 < foobar - 3 < 4 ^ non-associative true 2 < foobar and 3 < 4 true 4 * (32 - 16) + 9 = 73 false 235 76 + 1 ^ unexpected character following valid parse false a + b = not c and false ^ expected a primary, found an operator true a + b = (not c) and false true a + b = (not c and false) false ab_c / bd2 or < e_f7 ^ expected a primary false g not = h ^ unexpected character following valid parse false i++ ^ expected a primary false j & k ^ unexpected character following valid parse false l or _m ^ expected a primary true wombat true WOMBAT or monotreme true a + b - c * d / e < f and not ( g = h ) false $ ^ expected a primary
Dim Shared As String posic 'current position in source
Dim Shared As String startpos 'start of source
Dim Shared As Integer errorPos 'position for error marker
Sub errorMsg(message As String)
Print "false "; startpos
Print Space(errorPos + 7); "^ "; message
End Sub
Function isOperator(s As String) As Boolean
Dim ops(2) As String = {"or", "and", "not"}
For i As Integer = 0 To Ubound(ops)
If Left(posic, Len(ops(i))) = ops(i) Then Return True
Return False
End Function
Function expr(level As Integer) As Boolean
errorPos = Len(startpos) - Len(posic)
' Skip whitespace
While Len(posic) > 0 Andalso Instr(" " & Chr(9) & Chr(10) & Chr(13), Left(posic, 1)) > 0
posic = Mid(posic, 2)
errorPos = Len(startpos) - Len(posic)
If Left(posic, 1) = "(" Then
posic = Mid(posic, 2)
If expr(0) = 0 Orelse Left(posic, 1) <> ")" Then
errorMsg("missing close paren")
Return False
End If
posic = Mid(posic, 2)
Elseif level <= 4 Andalso Left(posic, 3) = "not" Andalso _
(Len(posic) = 3 Orelse Instr(" " & Chr(9) & Chr(10) & Chr(13) & "(=<+-*/)", Mid(posic, 4, 1)) > 0) Then
posic = Mid(posic, 4)
If expr(6) = 0 Then Return False
Elseif Left(posic, 2) = "or" Orelse Left(posic, 3) = "and" Orelse Left(posic, 3) = "not" Then
errorMsg("expected a primary, found an operator")
Return False
Elseif Instr("0123456789", Left(posic, 1)) > 0 Then
posic = Mid(posic, 2)
While Len(posic) > 0 Andalso Instr("0123456789", Left(posic, 1)) > 0
posic = Mid(posic, 2)
Elseif Instr("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", Left(posic, 1)) > 0 Then
posic = Mid(posic, 2)
While Len(posic) > 0 Andalso Instr("0123456789_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ", Left(posic, 1)) > 0
posic = Mid(posic, 2)
errorMsg("expected a primary")
Return False
End If
errorPos = Len(startpos) - Len(posic)
While Len(posic) > 0 Andalso Instr(" " & Chr(9) & Chr(10) & Chr(13), Left(posic, 1)) > 0
posic = Mid(posic, 2)
errorPos = Len(startpos) - Len(posic)
If level <= 2 Andalso Left(posic, 2) = "or" Andalso _
(Len(posic) = 2 Orelse Instr(" " & Chr(9) & Chr(10) & Chr(13), Mid(posic, 3, 1)) > 0) Then
posic = Mid(posic, 3)
If expr(3) = 0 Then Return False
Elseif level <= 3 Andalso Left(posic, 3) = "and" Andalso _
(Len(posic) = 3 Orelse Instr(" " & Chr(9) & Chr(10) & Chr(13), Mid(posic, 4, 1)) > 0) Then
posic = Mid(posic, 4)
If expr(4) = 0 Then Return False
Elseif level <= 4 Andalso (Left(posic, 1) = "=" Orelse Left(posic, 1) = "<") Then
posic = Mid(posic, 2)
If expr(5) = 0 Then Return False
Elseif level = 5 Andalso (Left(posic, 1) = "=" Orelse Left(posic, 1) = "<") Then
Return False
Elseif level <= 6 Andalso (Left(posic, 1) = "+" Orelse Left(posic, 1) = "-") Then
posic = Mid(posic, 2)
If expr(7) = 0 Then Return False
Elseif level <= 7 Andalso (Left(posic, 1) = "*" Orelse Left(posic, 1) = "/") Then
posic = Mid(posic, 2)
If expr(8) = 0 Then Return False
Exit Do
End If
Return True
End Function
Sub parse(source As String)
startpos = source
posic = source
If expr(0) = 0 Then Exit Sub
If Len(posic) > 0 Then
errorMsg("unexpected character following valid parse")
Exit Sub
End If
Color 2 : Print " true "; : Color 7 : Print source
End Sub
Dim tests(23) As String = { _
"3 + not 5", "3 + (not 5)", "(42 + 3", "(42 + 3 some_other_syntax_error", _
"not 3 < 4 or (true or 3/4+8*5-5*2 < 56) and 4*3 < 12 or not true", _
"and 3 < 2", "not 7 < 2", "2 < 3 < 4", "2 < foobar - 3 < 4", _
"2 < foobar and 3 < 4", "4 * (32 - 16) + 9 = 73", "235 76 + 1", _
"a + b = not c and false", "a + b = (not c) and false", _
"a + b = (not c and false)", "ab_c / bd2 or < e_f7", "g not = h", "i++", _
"j & k", "l or _m", "wombat", "WOMBAT or monotreme", _
"a + b - c * d / e < f and not ( g = h )", "$" }
For i As Integer = 0 To Ubound(tests)
- Output:
Same as C entry.
If "and", "or", "not" and "=" are replaced by the corresponding symbols: "&&", "||", "!" and "==", then the task grammar is a subset of Go's own grammar - operator precedence and identifier construction are the same.
After making the appropriate substitutions, we can therefore use the parser in Go's standard library to verify whether the statements are valid or not. As expressions cannot be statements in Go, we simply parse the latter as expressions.
However, before applying the parser, we first need to ensure that the expressions don't include any characters (including non-ASCII) or usages thereof which Go would otherwise permit. Note that it's not necessary to specifically check for "++" and "--" as these are statements in Go and can't appear in expressions anyway.
In particular, after substitutions, "= not", "+ not" etc. would be allowed by the Go parser so we need to exclude them. Curiously, the Go parser allows something like "2 < 3 < 4" even though it doesn't compile. We need therefore to exclude that also (see Talk page).
package main
import (
var (
re1 = regexp.MustCompile(`[^_a-zA-Z0-9\+\-\*/=<\(\)\s]`)
re2 = regexp.MustCompile(`\b_\w*\b`)
re3 = regexp.MustCompile(`[=<+*/-]\s*not`)
re4 = regexp.MustCompile(`(=|<)\s*[^(=< ]+\s*([=<+*/-])`)
var subs = [][2]string{
{"=", "=="}, {" not ", " ! "}, {"(not ", "(! "}, {" or ", " || "}, {" and ", " && "},
func possiblyValid(expr string) error {
matches := re1.FindStringSubmatch(expr)
if matches != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid character %q found", []rune(matches[0])[0])
if re2.MatchString(expr) {
return fmt.Errorf("identifier cannot begin with an underscore")
if re3.MatchString(expr) {
return fmt.Errorf("expected operand, found 'not'")
matches = re4.FindStringSubmatch(expr)
if matches != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("operator %q is non-associative", []rune(matches[1])[0])
return nil
func modify(err error) string {
e := err.Error()
for _, sub := range subs {
e = strings.ReplaceAll(e, strings.TrimSpace(sub[1]), strings.TrimSpace(sub[0]))
return strings.Split(e, ":")[2][1:] // remove location info as may be inaccurate
func main() {
exprs := []string{
"either or both",
"a + 1",
"a + b < c",
"a = b",
"a or b = c",
"3 + not 5",
"3 + (not 5)",
"(42 + 3",
"(42 + 3)",
" not 3 < 4 or (true or 3 / 4 + 8 * 5 - 5 * 2 < 56) and 4 * 3 < 12 or not true",
" and 3 < 2",
"not 7 < 2",
"2 < 3 < 4",
"2 < (3 < 4)",
"2 < foobar - 3 < 4",
"2 < foobar and 3 < 4",
"4 * (32 - 16) + 9 = 73",
"235 76 + 1",
"true or false = not true",
"true or false = (not true)",
"not true or false = false",
"not true = false",
"a + b = not c and false",
"a + b = (not c) and false",
"a + b = (not c and false)",
"ab_c / bd2 or < e_f7",
"g not = h",
"été = false",
"j & k",
"l or _m",
for _, expr := range exprs {
fmt.Printf("Statement to verify: %q\n", expr)
if err := possiblyValid(expr); err != nil {
fmt.Printf("\"false\" -> %s\n\n", err.Error())
expr = fmt.Sprintf(" %s ", expr) // make sure there are spaces at both ends
for _, sub := range subs {
expr = strings.ReplaceAll(expr, sub[0], sub[1])
_, err := parser.ParseExpr(expr)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println(`"false" ->`, modify(err))
} else {
- Output:
Statement to verify: "$" "false" -> invalid character '$' found Statement to verify: "one" "true" Statement to verify: "either or both" "true" Statement to verify: "a + 1" "true" Statement to verify: "a + b < c" "true" Statement to verify: "a = b" "true" Statement to verify: "a or b = c" "true" Statement to verify: "3 + not 5" "false" -> expected operand, found 'not' Statement to verify: "3 + (not 5)" "true" Statement to verify: "(42 + 3" "false" -> expected ')', found newline Statement to verify: "(42 + 3)" "true" Statement to verify: " not 3 < 4 or (true or 3 / 4 + 8 * 5 - 5 * 2 < 56) and 4 * 3 < 12 or not true" "true" Statement to verify: " and 3 < 2" "false" -> expected operand, found 'and' Statement to verify: "not 7 < 2" "true" Statement to verify: "2 < 3 < 4" "false" -> operator '<' is non-associative Statement to verify: "2 < (3 < 4)" "true" Statement to verify: "2 < foobar - 3 < 4" "false" -> operator '<' is non-associative Statement to verify: "2 < foobar and 3 < 4" "true" Statement to verify: "4 * (32 - 16) + 9 = 73" "true" Statement to verify: "235 76 + 1" "false" -> expected 'EOF', found 76 Statement to verify: "true or false = not true" "false" -> expected operand, found 'not' Statement to verify: "true or false = (not true)" "true" Statement to verify: "not true or false = false" "true" Statement to verify: "not true = false" "true" Statement to verify: "a + b = not c and false" "false" -> expected operand, found 'not' Statement to verify: "a + b = (not c) and false" "true" Statement to verify: "a + b = (not c and false)" "true" Statement to verify: "ab_c / bd2 or < e_f7" "false" -> expected operand, found '<' Statement to verify: "g not = h" "false" -> expected 'EOF', found 'not' Statement to verify: "été = false" "false" -> invalid character 'é' found Statement to verify: "i++" "false" -> expected 'EOF', found '++' Statement to verify: "j & k" "false" -> invalid character '&' found Statement to verify: "l or _m" "false" -> identifier cannot begin with an underscore
Also works with gojq, the Go implementation of jq
This entry uses the PEG (Parsing Expression Grammar) formalism to transform the given grammar to a jq verification program by a simple process that amounts to transcription.
For example, in the rule for `primary`, the alternation
Identifier | Integer
becomes the jq expression:
Identifer // Integer
The transcription process is not completely trivial as jq requires definitions be ordered and perhaps nested to satisfy a "define-before-use" rule. In the present case, since `primary` and `expr` are defined circularly, we define `primary` as an inner function of `expr`.
This PEG-to-jq transcription process is described in detail at [1].
The following presentation uses jq's support for regular expressions for the sake of simplicity, brevity and efficiency. For example, the grammar rule:
Digit = "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9" ;
becomes the jq program:
def Digit: parse("[0-9]");
where `parse` is a utility function defined in the library of PEG-oriented functions in the first subsection below.
The jq program presented here works on character strings and textual files, and hence the use of `ws` (for whitespace) in the program. Since `ws` is defined here to make whitespace optional, it might be desirable to modify the program to require whitespace (e.g. using the utility function `_`) in certain places instead. </syntaxhighlight>
Generic PEG Library
The jq module at Category:Jq/peg.jq can be included by copying it to a file, and adding an `include` statement to top of the main program, e.g. as follows:
include "peg" {search: "."};
The Grammar
def expr:
def Digit : parse("[0-9]");
def Letter : parse("[a-zA-Z]");
def Identifier : Letter | star(Letter // Digit // literal("_"));
def Integer : plus(Digit);
def primary : ws
| (Identifier
// Integer
// (literal("(") | expr | literal(")"))
// literal("true")
// literal("false"))
| ws;
def expr_level_6 : primary | star((literal("*") // literal("/")) | primary) ;
def expr_level_5 : expr_level_6 | star((literal("+") // literal("-")) | expr_level_6) ;
def expr_level_4 : ws | optional(literal("not")) | expr_level_5 | optional(parse("[=<]") | expr_level_5) ;
def expr_level_3 : expr_level_4 | star(literal("and") | expr_level_4) ;
def expr_level_2 : expr_level_3 | star(literal("or") | expr_level_3) ;
ws | expr_level_2 | ws;
def stmt:
{remainder: .} | expr | eos;
The Go examples
def go: [
"either or both",
"a + 1",
"a + b < c",
"a = b",
"a or b = c",
"3 + not 5",
"3 + (not 5)",
"(42 + 3",
"(42 + 3)",
" not 3 < 4 or (true or 3 / 4 + 8 * 5 - 5 * 2 < 56) and 4 * 3 < 12 or not true",
" and 3 < 2",
"not 7 < 2",
"2 < 3 < 4",
"2 < (3 < 4)",
"2 < foobar - 3 < 4",
"2 < foobar and 3 < 4",
"4 * (32 - 16) + 9 = 73",
"235 76 + 1",
"true or false = not true",
"true or false = (not true)",
"not true or false = false",
"not true = false",
"a + b = not c and false",
"a + b = (not c) and false",
"a + b = (not c and false)",
"ab_c / bd2 or < e_f7",
"g not = h",
"été = false",
"j & k",
"l or _m"
# For ease of comparison with the Go output, simply emit `true` or `false`
| (stmt | true) // false
Invocation: jq -nr -f compiler-verifying-syntax.jq
- Output:
The same sequence of `true` and `false` values as at Go.
function substituteinnerparentheses(s, subs)
((i = findlast('(', s)) == nothing) && return (s, false)
((j = findfirst(')', s[i:end])) == nothing) && return (s, false)
okparse(s[i+1:j+i-2]) || return (s, false)
return s[1:i-1] * " " * subs * " " * s[j+i:end], true
function okparse(s)
while findfirst('(', s) != nothing
s, okinparentheses = substituteinnerparentheses(s, "true")
okinparentheses || return false
s = strip(s)
# Julia allows expressions like 2 + + + 3, or like true = not false, but these are not allowed here
# = or < can be used only once within parentheses
if occursin(r"(and|or|[\=\<\+\-\*\/])\s*(and|or|[\=\<\+\-\*\/])", s) ||
occursin(r"(^(and|^or|^[\=\<\+\-\*\/]))|((and|or|[\=\<\+\-\*\/])$)", s) ||
occursin(r"(\=|\<)\s*not\s", s) || count(c -> c == '=' || c == '<', s) > 1
return false
# Julia allows ., ,, ; and operators like % but these are not allowed here
# permitted: -+*/ true false and or not, ascii identifiers, and integers
for item in split(s, r"\s+")
item) && return false
# change and, or, and not to the corresponding Julia operators
s = replace(replace(replace(s, "and" => "&&"), "or" => "||"), "not" => "!")
# Use Julia's parser, which will throw exception if it parses an error
return false
return true
teststatements = [
" not 3 < 4 or (true or 3 / 4 + 8 * 5 - 5 * 2 < 56) and 4 * 3 < 12 or not true",
" and 3 < 2",
"not 7 < 2",
"4 * (32 - 16) + 9 = 73",
"235 76 + 1",
"true or false = not true",
"not true = false",
"2 < 5 < 9"
for s in teststatements
println("The compiler parses the statement { $s } and outputs: ", okparse(s))
- Output:
The compiler parses the statement { not 3 < 4 or (true or 3 / 4 + 8 * 5 - 5 * 2 < 56) and 4 * 3 < 12 or not true } and outputs: true The compiler parses the statement { and 3 < 2 } and outputs: false The compiler parses the statement { not 7 < 2 } and outputs: true The compiler parses the statement { 4 * (32 - 16) + 9 = 73 } and outputs: true The compiler parses the statement { 235 76 + 1 } and outputs: false The compiler parses the statement { true or false = not true } and outputs: false The compiler parses the statement { not true = false } and outputs: true The compiler parses the statement { 2 < 5 < 9 } and outputs: false
import strutils, tables
# List of tokens with their textual representation.
Token = enum tkError = "invalid token", tkIdent = "identifier", tkInt = "integer",
tkLPar = "'('", tkRPar = "')'", tkFalse = "'false'", tkTrue = "'true'",
tkLt = "'<'", tkEq = "'='", tkAdd = "'+'", tkSub = "'-'", tkMul = "'*'",
tkDiv = "'/'", tkOr = "'or'", tkAnd = "'and'", tkNot = "'not'", tkEOF = "EOF"
Lexer = object
str: string # String to parse.
len: Natural # String length.
pos: int # Current lexer position.
token: Token # Current token.
error: string # Error message.
# Mapping of reserved identifiers to tokens.
IdentTokens = {"false": tkFalse, "true": tkTrue, "or": tkOr, "and": tkAnd, "not": tkNot}.toTable
# Mapping of characters to tokens.
CharTokens = {'(': tkLPar, ')': tkRPar, '<': tkLt, '=': tkEq,
'+': tkAdd, '-': tkSub, '*': tkMul, '/': tkDiv}.toTable
# Lexer.
# Forward reference.
func nextToken(lex: var Lexer)
func initLexer(str: string): Lexer =
## Initialize a lexer.
result = Lexer(str: str, len: str.len, pos: 0)
result.nextToken() # Always a token ahead.
func getIdToken(lex: var Lexer) =
## Get the token for an identifier.
var str: string
while lex.pos < lex.len and lex.str[lex.pos] in IdentChars:
str.add lex.str[lex.pos]
inc lex.pos
lex.token = IdentTokens.getOrDefault(str, tkIdent)
func getInt(lex: var Lexer) =
## Get an integer token.
while lex.pos < lex.len and lex.str[lex.pos] in Digits:
inc lex.pos
lex.token = tkInt
func nextToken(lex: var Lexer) =
## Find the next token.
# Skip spaces.
while lex.pos < lex.str.len and lex.str[lex.pos] == ' ':
inc lex.pos
if lex.pos == lex.str.len:
lex.token = tkEOF
let ch = lex.str[lex.pos]
case ch
of 'a'..'z':
of '0'..'9':
inc lex.pos
lex.token = CharTokens.getOrDefault(ch, tkError)
# Parser.
# Forward reference.
proc checkExpr(lex: var Lexer): bool
proc checkPrimary(lex: var Lexer): bool =
## Check validity of a primary.
if lex.token in {tkIdent, tkInt, tkFalse, tkTrue}:
return true
elif lex.token == tkLPar:
if not lex.checkExpr():
return false
if lex.token != tkRPar:
lex.error = "Encountered $#; expected ')'.".format(lex.token)
return false
return true
lex.error = "Encountered $#; expected identifier, litteral or '('.".format(lex.token)
return false
proc checkExpr6(lex: var Lexer): bool =
## Check validity of an expr6.
if not lex.checkPrimary(): return false
while lex.token in [tkMul, tkDiv]:
if not lex.checkPrimary(): return false
result = true
proc checkExpr5(lex: var Lexer): bool =
## Check validity of an expr5.
if not lex.checkExpr6(): return false
while lex.token in [tkAdd, tkSub]:
if not lex.checkExpr6(): return false
result = true
proc checkExpr4(lex: var Lexer): bool =
## Check validity of an expr4.
if lex.token == tkNot: lex.nextToken()
if not lex.checkExpr5(): return false
if lex.token in [tkLt, tkEq]:
if not lex.checkExpr5(): return false
result = true
proc checkExpr3(lex: var Lexer): bool =
## Check validity of an expr3.
if not lex.checkExpr4(): return false
while lex.token == tkAnd:
if not lex.checkExpr4(): return false
result = true
proc checkExpr2(lex: var Lexer): bool =
## Check validity of an expr2.
if not lex.checkExpr3(): return false
while lex.token == tkOr:
if not lex.checkExpr3(): return false
result = true
proc checkExpr(lex: var Lexer): bool =
## Check validity of an expr.
proc checkStmt(lex: var Lexer): bool =
## Check validity of a statement.
result = lex.checkExpr()
if result and lex.pos < lex.len:
lex.error = "Extra characters at end of statement."
result = false
# Using test set from Algol68 version.
const Tests = ["wombat",
"wombat or monotreme",
"( wombat and not )",
"wombat or not",
"a + 1",
"a + b < c",
"a + b - c * d / e < f and not ( g = h )",
"a + b - c * d / e < f and not ( g = h",
"a = b",
"a or b = c",
"true or false = not true",
"not true = false",
"3 + not 5",
"3 + (not 5)",
"(42 + 3",
" not 3 < 4 or (true or 3 / 4 + 8 * 5 - 5 * 2 < 56) and 4 * 3 < 12 or not true",
" and 3 < 2",
"not 7 < 2",
"2 < 3 < 4",
"2 < foobar - 3 < 4",
"2 < foobar and 3 < 4",
"4 * (32 - 16) + 9 = 73",
"235 76 + 1",
"a + b = not c and false",
"a + b = (not c) and false",
"a + b = (not c and false)",
"ab_c / bd2 or < e_f7",
"g not = h",
"été = false",
"j & k",
"l or _m"]
for test in Tests:
var lex = initLexer(test)
let ok = checkStmt(lex)
echo test, " → ", ok
if not ok: echo "*** Error at position $1. $2 ".format(lex.pos, lex.error)
- Output:
wombat → true wombat or monotreme → true ( wombat and not ) → false *** Error at position 18. Encountered ')'; expected identifier, litteral or '('. wombat or not → false *** Error at position 13. Encountered EOF; expected identifier, litteral or '('. a + 1 → true a + b < c → true a + b - c * d / e < f and not ( g = h ) → true a + b - c * d / e < f and not ( g = h → false *** Error at position 37. Encountered EOF; expected ')'. a = b → true a or b = c → true $ → false *** Error at position 1. Encountered invalid token; expected identifier, litteral or '('. true or false = not true → false *** Error at position 19. Encountered 'not'; expected identifier, litteral or '('. not true = false → true 3 + not 5 → false *** Error at position 7. Encountered 'not'; expected identifier, litteral or '('. 3 + (not 5) → true (42 + 3 → false *** Error at position 7. Encountered EOF; expected ')'. not 3 < 4 or (true or 3 / 4 + 8 * 5 - 5 * 2 < 56) and 4 * 3 < 12 or not true → true and 3 < 2 → false *** Error at position 4. Encountered 'and'; expected identifier, litteral or '('. not 7 < 2 → true 2 < 3 < 4 → false *** Error at position 7. Extra characters at end of statement. 2 < foobar - 3 < 4 → false *** Error at position 16. Extra characters at end of statement. 2 < foobar and 3 < 4 → true 4 * (32 - 16) + 9 = 73 → true 235 76 + 1 → false *** Error at position 6. Extra characters at end of statement. a + b = not c and false → false *** Error at position 11. Encountered 'not'; expected identifier, litteral or '('. a + b = (not c) and false → true a + b = (not c and false) → true ab_c / bd2 or < e_f7 → false *** Error at position 15. Encountered '<'; expected identifier, litteral or '('. g not = h → false *** Error at position 5. Extra characters at end of statement. été = false → false *** Error at position 1. Encountered invalid token; expected identifier, litteral or '('. i++ → false *** Error at position 3. Encountered '+'; expected identifier, litteral or '('. j & k → false *** Error at position 3. Extra characters at end of statement. l or _m → false *** Error at position 6. Encountered invalid token; expected identifier, litteral or '('.
Made fix for 'not' see Discussion. Added 'not' and non-assoc fixes. Cooler output.
use strict; #
use warnings;
sub error
my $pos = pos($_) // 0;
die $_, ' ' x ($pos + 7), "^ $_[0]\n";
sub want { /\G\Q$_[0]/gc or error $_[1] }
sub expr
my $level = shift;
/\G\(/gc && want ')', "expected a closing paren", expr(0) or
$level <= 4 && /\Gnot\b/gc && expr(5) or
/\G (?!(?:and|or|not)\b) (?:\d+|[a-zA-Z]\w*)/gcx or
error "expected a primary";
/\G\h+/gc ? 1 :
$level <= 2 && /\Gor\b/gc ? expr(3) :
$level <= 3 && /\Gand\b/gc ? expr(4) :
$level <= 4 && /\G[=<]/gc ? expr(4.5) :
$level == 4.5 && /\G(?=[=<])/gc ? error "non-associative operator" :
$level <= 5 && /\G[+-]/gc ? expr(6) :
$level <= 6 && /\G[*\/]/gc ? expr(7) :
return 1 while 1;
while( <DATA> )
print eval { want "\n", "expected end of input", expr(0) } ?
" true $_" : "false $@";
3 + not 5
3 + (not 5)
(42 + 3
(42 + 3 syntax_error
not 3 < 4 or (true or 3/4+8*5-5*2 < 56) and 4*3 < 12 or not true
and 3 < 2
not 7 < 2
2 < 3 < 4
2 < foobar - 3 < 4
2 < foobar and 3 < 4
4 * (32 - 16) + 9 = 73
235 76 + 1
a + b = not c and false
a + b = (not c) and false
a + b = (not c and false)
ab_c / bd2 or < e_f7
g not = h
j & k
l or _m
- Output:
false 3 + not 5 ^ expected a primary true 3 + (not 5) false (42 + 3 ^ expected a closing paren false (42 + 3 syntax_error ^ expected a closing paren true not 3 < 4 or (true or 3/4+8*5-5*2 < 56) and 4*3 < 12 or not true false and 3 < 2 ^ expected a primary true not 7 < 2 false 2 < 3 < 4 ^ non-associative operator false 2 < foobar - 3 < 4 ^ non-associative operator true 2 < foobar and 3 < 4 true 4 * (32 - 16) + 9 = 73 false 235 76 + 1 ^ expected end of input false a + b = not c and false ^ expected a primary true a + b = (not c) and false true a + b = (not c and false) false ab_c / bd2 or < e_f7 ^ expected a primary false g not = h ^ expected end of input false i++ ^ expected a primary false j & k ^ expected end of input false l or _m ^ expected a primary true UPPER_cAsE_aNd_letter_and_12345_test
-- demo\rosetta\Compiler\Verify_Syntax.exw with javascript_semantics string src integer ch, sdx procedure skip_spaces() while 1 do if sdx>length(src) then exit end if ch = src[sdx] if not find(ch,{' ','\t','\r','\n'}) then exit end if sdx += 1 end while end procedure enum SYMBOL, INTEGER, IDENT, ERROR, EOF constant toktypes = {"SYMBOL","INTEGER","IDENT","ERROR","EOF"} sequence tok function sprintok(string fmt) tok[1] = toktypes[tok[1]] return sprintf(fmt,{tok}) end function procedure next_token() -- yeilds one of: -- {SYMBOL,ch} where ch is one of "()+-/*=&<", or -- {INTEGER,n}, or -- {IDENT,string}, or -- {ERROR,msg}, or -- {EOF} skip_spaces() integer tokstart = sdx if tok[1]=ERROR then ?{"erm, tok is",tok} -- looping?? elsif sdx>length(src) then tok = {EOF} elsif find(ch,"()+-/*=&<") then sdx += 1 tok = {SYMBOL,ch&""} elsif (ch>='0' and ch<='9') then integer n = ch-'0' while true do sdx += 1 if sdx>length(src) then exit end if ch = src[sdx] if ch<'0' or ch>'9' then exit end if n = n*10 + ch-'0' end while tok = {INTEGER,n} elsif (ch>='a' and ch<='z') or (ch>='A' and ch<='Z') then while true do sdx += 1 if sdx>length(src) then exit end if ch = src[sdx] if ch!='_' and (ch<'a' or ch>'z') and (ch<'A' or ch>'Z') and (ch<'0' or ch>'9') then exit end if end while tok = {IDENT,src[tokstart..sdx-1]} elsif ch='_' then tok = {ERROR,"identifiers may not start with _"} sdx += 1 else tok = {ERROR,sprintf("illegal char (%c/%d)",ch)} sdx += 1 end if end procedure forward procedure or_expr() procedure primary() integer tt = tok[1] if tt=IDENT or tt=INTEGER then next_token() elsif tok={SYMBOL,"("} then next_token() or_expr() if tok!={SYMBOL,")"} then tok = {ERROR,") expected"} else next_token() end if else tok = {ERROR,sprintok("invalid [%v]")} end if end procedure procedure mul_expr() while true do primary() if not find(tok,{{SYMBOL,"*"},{SYMBOL,"/"}}) then exit end if next_token() end while end procedure procedure sum_expr() while true do mul_expr() if not find(tok,{{SYMBOL,"+"},{SYMBOL,"-"}}) then exit end if next_token() end while end procedure procedure cmp_expr() if tok=={IDENT,"not"} then next_token() end if -- while true do -- sum_expr() -- if not find(tok,{{SYMBOL,"="},{SYMBOL,"<"}}) then exit end if -- next_token() -- end while sum_expr() if find(tok,{{SYMBOL,"="},{SYMBOL,"<"}}) then next_token() sum_expr() end if end procedure procedure and_expr() while true do cmp_expr() if tok!={IDENT,"and"} then exit end if next_token() end while end procedure procedure or_expr() while true do and_expr() if tok!={IDENT,"or"} then exit end if next_token() end while end procedure procedure statement() or_expr() end procedure procedure verify_syntax(string source) src = source sdx = 1 tok = {0} -- ("not error"/invalid-ish) next_token() statement() printf(1,"%30s ==> %s\n",{source,iff(tok[1]=EOF?"true":sprintok("false [tok=%v]"))}) end procedure constant tests = { "$", "one", "either or both", "a + 1", "a + b < c", "a = b", "a or b = c", "3 + not 5", "3 + (not 5)", "(42 + 3", "(42 + 3)", " not 3 < 4 or (true or 3 / 4 + 8 * 5 - 5 * 2 < 56) and 4 * 3 < 12 or not true", " and 3 < 2", "not 7 < 2", "2 < 3 < 4", "2 < (3 < 4)", "2 < foobar - 3 < 4", "2 < foobar and 3 < 4", "4 * (32 - 16) + 9 = 73", "235 76 + 1", "true or false = not true", "true or false = (not true)", "not true or false = false", "not true = false", "a + b = not c and false", "a + b = (not c) and false", "a + b = (not c and false)", "ab_c / bd2 or < e_f7", "g not = h", "i++", "j & k", "l or _m"} printf(1,"Verify Syntax:\n") for i=1 to length(tests) do verify_syntax(tests[i]) end for ?"done" {} = wait_key()
- Output:
Note that "= not c" fails, whereas "= (not c)" passes, see talk page. (Arguably the task definition should be fixed.)
Verify Syntax: $ ==> false [tok={"ERROR",`invalid [{"ERROR","illegal char ($/36)"}]`}] one ==> true either or both ==> true a + 1 ==> true a + b < c ==> true a = b ==> true a or b = c ==> true 3 + not 5 ==> false [tok={"INTEGER",5}] 3 + (not 5) ==> true (42 + 3 ==> false [tok={"ERROR",") expected"}] (42 + 3) ==> true not 3 < 4 or (true or 3 / 4 + 8 * 5 - 5 * 2 < 56) and 4 * 3 < 12 or not true ==> true and 3 < 2 ==> false [tok={"INTEGER",3}] not 7 < 2 ==> true 2 < 3 < 4 ==> false [tok={"SYMBOL","<"}] 2 < (3 < 4) ==> true 2 < foobar - 3 < 4 ==> false [tok={"SYMBOL","<"}] 2 < foobar and 3 < 4 ==> true 4 * (32 - 16) + 9 = 73 ==> true 235 76 + 1 ==> false [tok={"INTEGER",76}] true or false = not true ==> false [tok={"IDENT","true"}] true or false = (not true) ==> true not true or false = false ==> true not true = false ==> true a + b = not c and false ==> false [tok={"IDENT","c"}] a + b = (not c) and false ==> true a + b = (not c and false) ==> true ab_c / bd2 or < e_f7 ==> false [tok={"ERROR",`invalid [{"SYMBOL","<"}]`}] g not = h ==> false [tok={"IDENT","not"}] i++ ==> false [tok={"ERROR",`invalid [{"SYMBOL","+"}]`}] j & k ==> false [tok={"SYMBOL","&"}] l or _m ==> false [tok={"ERROR",`invalid [{"ERROR","identifiers may not start with _"}]`}]
Format of task grammar is changed from EBNF to ABNF to cater for the Grammar::ABNF module and testing data is taken from the Perl entry.
# 20200511 Raku programming solution
use Grammar::ABNF;
grammar G is Grammar::ABNF { token CRLF { "\n" } };
my $g = G.generate(Q:to<RULES>
stmt = expr
expr = expr_level_2
expr_level_2 = expr_level_3 *( " or " expr_level_3 )
expr_level_3 = expr_level_4 *( " and " expr_level_4 )
expr_level_4 = ["not "] expr_level_5 [ [ " = " / " < " ] expr_level_5 ]
expr_level_5 = expr_level_6 *( [ " + " / " - " ] expr_level_6 )
expr_level_6 = primary *( [ " * " / " / " ] primary )
Integer = Digit *( Digit )
Identifier = Letter *( Letter / Digit / "_" )
primary = Identifier / Integer / "(" expr ")" / " true " / " false "
Digit = "0" / "1" / "2" / "3" / "4" / "5" / "6" / "7" / "8" / "9"
Letter = "a" / "b" / "c" / "d" / "e" / "f" / "g" / "h" / "i" / "j"
/ "k" / "l" / "m" / "n" / "o" / "p" / "q" / "r" / "s" / "t"
/ "u" / "v" / "w" / "x" / "y" / "z" / "A" / "B" / "C" / "D"
/ "E" / "F" / "G" / "H" / "I" / "J" / "K" / "L" / "M" / "N"
/ "O" / "P" / "Q" / "R" / "S" / "T" / "U" / "V" / "W" / "X"
/ "Y" / "Z"
my \DATA = Q:to<DATA>;
3 + not 5
3 + (not 5)
(42 + 3
(42 + 3 syntax_error
not 3 < 4 or (true or 3 / 4 + 8 * 5 - 5 * 2 < 56) and 4 * 3 < 12 or not true
and 3 < 2
not 7 < 2
2 < 3 < 4
2 < foobar - 3 < 4
2 < foobar and 3 < 4
4 * (32 - 16) + 9 = 73
235 76 + 1
a + b = not c and false
a + b = (not c) and false
a + b = (not c and false)
ab_c / bd2 or < e_f7
g not = h
j & k
l or _m
say $g.parse($_).Bool, "\t", $_ for DATA.lines
- Output:
False 3 + not 5 True 3 + (not 5) False (42 + 3 False (42 + 3 syntax_error True not 3 < 4 or (true or 3 / 4 + 8 * 5 - 5 * 2 < 56) and 4 * 3 < 12 or not true False and 3 < 2 True not 7 < 2 False 2 < 3 < 4 False 2 < foobar - 3 < 4 True 2 < foobar and 3 < 4 True 4 * (32 - 16) + 9 = 73 False 235 76 + 1 False a + b = not c and false True a + b = (not c) and false True a + b = (not c and false) False ab_c / bd2 or < e_f7 False g not = h False i++ False j & k False l or _m True UPPER_cAsE_aNd_letter_and_12345_test
import "./dynamic" for Enum
import "./str" for Char
var Token = Enum.create(
"Token", ["error", "ident", "int", "lpar", "rpar", "False", "True",
"lt", "eq", "add", "sub", "mul", "div", "or", "and", "not", "eof"]
var Token2Text = {
Token.error: "invalid token", Token.ident: "identifier", "integer",
Token.lpar: "'('", Token.rpar: "')'", Token.False: "'false'", Token.True: "'true'", "'<'", Token.eq: "'='", Token.add: "'+'", Token.sub: "'-'",
Token.mul: "'*'", Token.div: "'/'", Token.or: "'or'", Token.and: "'and'",
Token.not: "'not'", Token.eof: "EOF"
var IdentTokens = {
"false": Token.False, "true": Token.True, "or": Token.or,
"and": Token.and, "not": Token.not
var CharTokens = {
"(": Token.lpar, ")": Token.rpar, "<":, "=": Token.eq,
"+": Token.add, "-": Token.sub, "*": Token.mul, "/": Token.div
var IsIdentChar = { |c| Char.isAsciiAlphaNum(c) || c == "_" }
class Lexer {
static init(s) {
var lex =, s.count, 0, "", "")
return lex
construct new(str, len, pos, token, error) {
_str = str // string to parse
_len = len // string length
_pos = pos // current lexer position
_token = token // current token
_error = error // error message
// property getters required
pos { _pos }
error { _error }
// get the token for an identifier
getIdToken {
var s = ""
while (_pos < _len &&[_pos])) {
s = s + _str[_pos]
_pos = _pos + 1
_token = IdentTokens.containsKey(s) ? IdentTokens[s] : Token.ident
// get an integer token
getInt {
while (_pos < _len && Char.isDigit(_str[_pos])) _pos = _pos + 1
_token =
// find the next token
nextToken {
// skip spaces
while (_pos < _len && _str[_pos] == " ") _pos = _pos + 1
if (_pos == _len) {
_token = Token.eof
} else {
var ch = _str[_pos]
if (Char.isAsciiLower(ch)) {
} else if (Char.isDigit(ch)) {
} else {
_pos = _pos + 1
_token = CharTokens.containsKey(ch) ? CharTokens[ch] : Token.error
// check validity of a primary
checkPrimary {
if ([Token.ident,, Token.False, Token.True].contains(_token)) {
return true
} else if (_token == Token.lpar) {
if (!checkExpr) return false
if (_token != Token.rpar) {
_error = "Encountered %(Token2Text[_token]); expected ')'"
return false
} else {
return true
} else {
_error = "Encountered %(Token2Text[_token]); expected identifier, literal or '('"
return false
// check validity of an expr6
checkExpr6 {
if (!checkPrimary) return false
while ([Token.mul, Token.div].contains(_token)) {
if (!checkPrimary) return false
return true
// check validity of an expr5
checkExpr5 {
if (!checkExpr6) return false
while ([Token.add, Token.sub].contains(_token)) {
if (!checkExpr6) return false
return true
// check validity of an expr4
checkExpr4 {
if (_token == Token.not) nextToken
if (!checkExpr5) return false
if ([, Token.eq].contains(_token)) {
if (!checkExpr5) return false
return true
// check validity of an expr3
checkExpr3 {
if (!checkExpr4) return false
while (_token == Token.and) {
if (!checkExpr4) return false
return true
// check validity of an expr2
checkExpr2 {
if (!checkExpr3) return false
while (_token == Token.or) {
if (!checkExpr3) return false
return true
// check validity of an expr
checkExpr { checkExpr2 }
// check validity of a statement
checkStmt {
var result = checkExpr
if (result && _pos < _len) {
_error = "Extra characters at end of statement."
result = false
return result
// using test set from Algol68 version
var tests = [
"wombat or monotreme",
"( wombat and not )",
"wombat or not",
"a + 1",
"a + b < c",
"a + b - c * d / e < f and not ( g = h )",
"a + b - c * d / e < f and not ( g = h",
"a = b",
"a or b = c",
"true or false = not true",
"not true = false",
"3 + not 5",
"3 + (not 5)",
"(42 + 3",
" not 3 < 4 or (true or 3 / 4 + 8 * 5 - 5 * 2 < 56) and 4 * 3 < 12 or not true",
" and 3 < 2",
"not 7 < 2",
"2 < 3 < 4",
"2 < foobar - 3 < 4",
"2 < foobar and 3 < 4",
"4 * (32 - 16) + 9 = 73",
"235 76 + 1",
"a + b = not c and false",
"a + b = (not c) and false",
"a + b = (not c and false)",
"ab_c / bd2 or < e_f7",
"g not = h",
"été = false",
"j & k",
"l or _m"
for (test in tests) {
var lex = Lexer.init(test)
var ok = lex.checkStmt
System.print("%(test) -> %(ok)")
if (!ok) {
System.print("*** Error at position %(lex.pos). %(lex.error)\n")
- Output:
wombat -> true wombat or monotreme -> true ( wombat and not ) -> false *** Error at position 18. Encountered ')'; expected identifier, literal or '(' wombat or not -> false *** Error at position 13. Encountered EOF; expected identifier, literal or '(' a + 1 -> true a + b < c -> true a + b - c * d / e < f and not ( g = h ) -> true a + b - c * d / e < f and not ( g = h -> false *** Error at position 37. Encountered EOF; expected ')' a = b -> true a or b = c -> true $ -> false *** Error at position 1. Encountered invalid token; expected identifier, literal or '(' true or false = not true -> false *** Error at position 19. Encountered 'not'; expected identifier, literal or '(' not true = false -> true 3 + not 5 -> false *** Error at position 7. Encountered 'not'; expected identifier, literal or '(' 3 + (not 5) -> true (42 + 3 -> false *** Error at position 7. Encountered EOF; expected ')' not 3 < 4 or (true or 3 / 4 + 8 * 5 - 5 * 2 < 56) and 4 * 3 < 12 or not true -> true and 3 < 2 -> false *** Error at position 4. Encountered 'and'; expected identifier, literal or '(' not 7 < 2 -> true 2 < 3 < 4 -> false *** Error at position 7. Extra characters at end of statement. 2 < foobar - 3 < 4 -> false *** Error at position 16. Extra characters at end of statement. 2 < foobar and 3 < 4 -> true 4 * (32 - 16) + 9 = 73 -> true 235 76 + 1 -> false *** Error at position 6. Extra characters at end of statement. a + b = not c and false -> false *** Error at position 11. Encountered 'not'; expected identifier, literal or '(' a + b = (not c) and false -> true a + b = (not c and false) -> true ab_c / bd2 or < e_f7 -> false *** Error at position 15. Encountered '<'; expected identifier, literal or '(' g not = h -> false *** Error at position 5. Extra characters at end of statement. été = false -> false *** Error at position 1. Encountered invalid token; expected identifier, literal or '(' i++ -> false *** Error at position 3. Encountered '+'; expected identifier, literal or '(' j & k -> false *** Error at position 3. Extra characters at end of statement. l or _m -> false *** Error at position 6. Encountered invalid token; expected identifier, literal or '('