Collections are used to store objects and not primitive types. In this task, the goal is to create a collection, and add an element or two to it.

You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.


C++ has a range of different collections optimized for different use cases. Note that in C++, objects of user-defined types are mostly treated just like objects of built-in types; especially there's no different treatment for copllections. Thus all collections can simply be demonstrated with the built-in type int. For user-defined types, just replace int with the user-defined type. Any type which goes into a collection must be copyable and assignable (which in general is automatically the case unless you explicitly disallow it).

Note however that C++ collections store copies of the objects given to them, so you'll lose any polymorphic behaviour. If you need polymorphism, use a collection of pointers (or smart pointers like boost::shared_ptr).


A vector is basically a resizeable array. It is optimized for adding/removing elements on the end, and fast access to elements anywhere. Inserting elements at the beginning or in the middle is possible, but in general inefficient.

#include <vector>

std::vector<int> v;       // empty vector
v.push_back(5);           // insert a 5 at the end
v.insert(v.begin(), 7);   // insert a 7 at the beginning


A deque is optimized for appending and removing elements on both ends ofd the array. Accessing random elements is still efficient, but slightly less than with vector.

#include <deque>

std::deque<int> d;        // empty deque
d.push_back(5);           // insert a 5 at the end
d.push_front(7);          // insert a 7 at the beginning
d.insert(v.begin()+1, 6); // insert a 6 in the middle


A list is optimized for insertion at an arbitrary place (provided you already have an iterator pointing to that place). Element access is efficient only in linear order.

#include <list>

std::list<int> l;         // empty list
l.push_back(5);           // insert a 5 at the end
l.push_front(7);          // insert a 7 at the beginning
std::list::iterator i = l.begin();
l.insert(i, 6);           // insert a 6 in the middle


A set keeps the inserted elements sorted, and also makes sure that each element occurs only once. Of course, if you want to put something into a set, it must be less-than-comparable, i.e. you must be able to compare which of two objects a and b is smaller using a<b (there's also a way to define sets with an user-defined order, in which case this restriction doesn't apply).

#include <set>

std::set<int> s;          // empty set
s.insert(5);              // insert a 5
s.insert(7);              // insert a 7 (automatically placed after the 5)
s.insert(5);              // try to insert another 5 (will not change the set)


A multiset is like a set, except the same element may occur multiple times.

#include <multiset>

std::multiset<int> m;     // empty multiset
m.insert(5);              // insert a 5
m.insert(7);              // insert a 7 (automatically placed after the 5)
m.insert(5);              // insert a second 5 (now m contains two 5s, followed by one 7)


E has both mutable and immutable builtin collections; the common types are list (array), map (hash table), and set (hash table). This interactive session shows mutable lists and immutable collections of all three types.

? def constList := [1,2,3,4,5]
# value: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

? constList.with(6)
# value: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

? def flexList := constList.diverge()
# value: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].diverge()

? flexList.push(6)
? flexList
# value: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6].diverge()

? constList
# value: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
? def constMap := [1 => 2, 3 => 4]
# value: [1 => 2, 3 => 4]

? constMap[1]
# value: 2
? def constSet := [1, 2, 3, 2].asSet()
# value: [1, 2, 3].asSet()

? constSet.contains(3)
# value: true


  ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
  arrayList.add(new Integer(0));
  /*other features of ArrayList*/
  //define the type in the arraylist, you can substitute a proprietary class in the "<>"
  private ArrayList<int> myarrlist; 
  int i;
  int sum;
  myarrlist = new ArrayList<int>();
  //add several values to the arraylist to be summed later
  for(i=0; i<10; i++)
  //loop through myarrlist to sum each entry
  for(i=0; i<myarrlist.size(); i++)
  //remove the last entry in the ArrayList
  //clear the ArrayList


var array = [];
array.push(new MyClass);
alert( array[2] );
var map = {};
map['foo'] = 'xyz'; //equivalent to: = 'xyz';
map['bar'] = new MyClass; //equivalent to: = new MyClass;
map['1x; ~~:-b'] = 'text'; //no equivalent
alert( map['1x; ~~:-b'] );


Compiler: gcc

The NSMutableArray class in Objective C provides a simple, editable array data structure.

NSMutableArray *array = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];

[array addObject:@"String1"];
[array addObject:@"String2"];
[array insertObject:@"String3" atIndex:1];

NSLog( @"%@, %@, %@", [array lastObject], [array objectAtIndex:0], [array objectAtIndex:1] );
// prints: String2, String1, String3


Interpreter: Perl

Collections are just lists. Thus, you can use list functions to manipulate them and store them in arrays.

my @c = (IO::File->new, IO::File->new);
# start collection with two objects

push @c, IO::File->new;
# add another object to the collection


  $students = array();
  array_push($students, array('name' => 'Joe Smith', 'age' => 21, height=> '72.5', gpa => 3.42 ));


Interpreter: Python 2.5

In Python practically everything is an object, so using any of the provided structures can function as a collection.

collection = [0, '1'] # Lists are mutable (editable) and can be sorted in place
collection = (0, 1) # Tuples are immutable (not editable)
collection = {0: "zero", 1: "one"} # Dictionaries (Hash)
collection = set([0, '1']) # sets (Hash)


Ruby is a 100% object oriented language, so you can use the default Array or Hash structures as collection objects.


val l = List(1,2,3,4,-1,-2,-4)
l.filter{0<} // get the positive values  List(1,2,3,4)
l.head // 1 -- first element
l.tail // List(2,3,4,-1,-2,-4) -- the rest of the list
l.take(3) // List(1,2,3) -- the first 3 elements in the list
l.drop(4) //  List(-1,-2,-4) -- get rid of the first 4 element in the list
88 :: l.tail //  List(88,2,3,4,-1,-2,-4)
l.take(2) ::: 18 :: l.takeRight(2) //  List(1,2,18,-2,-4)