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Cilk++ is an implementation of Cilk. Other implementations of Cilk.

Cilk++ is a commercial implementation of Cilk that was developed by Cilk Arts, Inc. Like MIT Cilk, it supports C; unlike MIT Cilk, it also supports C++. It is compatible with both GCC and Microsoft C++ compilers. In addition to the commercial verison, Academic and Open Source versions also exist, where the Open Source version is under an in-house license that falls somewhere between the updated BSD license and the LGPL.

In 2009, Intel acquired Cilk Arts, the Cilk++ technology and the Cilk trademark. In 2010, Intel released a commercial implementation in its compilers combined with some data parallel constructs with the name Intel Cilk Plus. Intel has also released a specification to enable other compatible implementations, and has said the trademark will be usable by compliant implementations.

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