Check Machin-like formulas: Difference between revisions

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Testing: pi/4 = 88*atan(1/172) + 51*atan(1/239) + 32*atan(1/682) + 44*atan(1/5357) + 68*atan(1/12944)
Testing: pi/4 = 88*atan(1/172) + 51*atan(1/239) + 32*atan(1/682) + 44*atan(1/5357) + 68*atan(1/12944)
tan(RHS) is not one
tan(RHS) is not one

=={{header|Perl 6}}==
<lang Perl6>use Test;
plan *;

is tan(atan(1/2)+atan(1/3)), 1;
is tan(2*atan(1/3)+atan(1/7)), 1;
is tan(4*atan(1/5)-atan(1/239)), 1;
is tan(5*atan(1/7)+2*atan(3/79)), 1;
is tan(5*atan(29/278)+7*atan(3/79)), 1;
is tan(atan(1/2)+atan(1/5)+atan(1/8)), 1;
is tan(4*atan(1/5)-atan(1/70)+atan(1/99)), 1;
is tan(5*atan(1/7)+4*atan(1/53)+2*atan(1/4443)), 1;
is tan(6*atan(1/8)+2*atan(1/57)+atan(1/239)), 1;
is tan(8*atan(1/10)-atan(1/239)-4*atan(1/515)), 1;
is tan(12*atan(1/18)+8*atan(1/57)-5*atan(1/239)), 1;
is tan(16*atan(1/21)+3*atan(1/239)+4*atan(3/1042)), 1;
is tan(22*atan(1/28)+2*atan(1/443)-5*atan(1/1393)-10*atan(1/11018)), 1;
is tan(22*atan(1/38)+17*atan(7/601)+10*atan(7/8149)), 1;
is tan(44*atan(1/57)+7*atan(1/239)-12*atan(1/682)+24*atan(1/12943)), 1;
is tan(88*atan(1/172)+51*atan(1/239)+32*atan(1/682)+44*atan(1/5357)+68*atan(1/12943)), 1;
is tan(88*atan(1/172)+51*atan(1/239)+32*atan(1/682)+44*atan(1/5357)+68*atan(1/12944)), 1;
<pre>ok 1 -
ok 2 -
ok 3 -
ok 4 -
ok 5 -
ok 6 -
ok 7 -
ok 8 -
ok 9 -
ok 10 -
ok 11 -
ok 12 -
ok 13 -
ok 14 -
ok 15 -
ok 16 -
not ok 17 -
# got: '0.999999188225744'
# expected: '1'

Revision as of 18:58, 19 December 2012

Check Machin-like formulas
You are encouraged to solve this task according to the task description, using any language you may know.

Machin-like formulas are useful for efficiently computing numerical approximations to Pi. Verify the following Machin-like formulas are correct by calculating the value of tan(right hand side) for each equation using exact arithmetic and showing they equal 1:

and confirm that the following formula is incorrect by showing tan(right hand side) is not 1:

These identities are useful in calculating the values:

You can store the equations in any convenient data structure, but for extra credit parse them from human-readable text input.


Translation of: Python

<lang go>package main

import (



type mTerm struct {

   a, n, d int64


var testCases = [][]mTerm{

   {{1, 1, 2}, {1, 1, 3}},
   {{2, 1, 3}, {1, 1, 7}},
   {{4, 1, 5}, {-1, 1, 239}},
   {{5, 1, 7}, {2, 3, 79}},
   {{1, 1, 2}, {1, 1, 5}, {1, 1, 8}},
   {{4, 1, 5}, {-1, 1, 70}, {1, 1, 99}},
   {{5, 1, 7}, {4, 1, 53}, {2, 1, 4443}},
   {{6, 1, 8}, {2, 1, 57}, {1, 1, 239}},
   {{8, 1, 10}, {-1, 1, 239}, {-4, 1, 515}},
   {{12, 1, 18}, {8, 1, 57}, {-5, 1, 239}},
   {{16, 1, 21}, {3, 1, 239}, {4, 3, 1042}},
   {{22, 1, 28}, {2, 1, 443}, {-5, 1, 1393}, {-10, 1, 11018}},
   {{22, 1, 38}, {17, 7, 601}, {10, 7, 8149}},
   {{44, 1, 57}, {7, 1, 239}, {-12, 1, 682}, {24, 1, 12943}},
   {{88, 1, 172}, {51, 1, 239}, {32, 1, 682}, {44, 1, 5357}, {68, 1, 12943}},
   {{88, 1, 172}, {51, 1, 239}, {32, 1, 682}, {44, 1, 5357}, {68, 1, 12944}},


func main() {

   for _, m := range testCases {
       fmt.Printf("tan %v = %v\n", m, tans(m))


var one = big.NewRat(1, 1)

func tans(m []mTerm) *big.Rat {

   if len(m) == 1 {
       return tanEval(m[0].a, big.NewRat(m[0].n, m[0].d))
   half := len(m) / 2
   a := tans(m[:half])
   b := tans(m[half:])
   r := new(big.Rat)
   return r.Quo(new(big.Rat).Add(a, b), r.Sub(one, r.Mul(a, b)))


func tanEval(coef int64, f *big.Rat) *big.Rat {

   if coef == 1 {
       return f
   if coef < 0 {
       r := tanEval(-coef, f)
       return r.Neg(r)
   ca := coef / 2
   cb := coef - ca
   a := tanEval(ca, f)
   b := tanEval(cb, f)
   r := new(big.Rat)
   return r.Quo(new(big.Rat).Add(a, b), r.Sub(one, r.Mul(a, b)))



Last line edited to show only most significant digits of fraction which is near, but not exactly equal to 1.

tan [{1 1 2} {1 1 3}] = 1/1
tan [{2 1 3} {1 1 7}] = 1/1
tan [{4 1 5} {-1 1 239}] = 1/1
tan [{5 1 7} {2 3 79}] = 1/1
tan [{1 1 2} {1 1 5} {1 1 8}] = 1/1
tan [{4 1 5} {-1 1 70} {1 1 99}] = 1/1
tan [{5 1 7} {4 1 53} {2 1 4443}] = 1/1
tan [{6 1 8} {2 1 57} {1 1 239}] = 1/1
tan [{8 1 10} {-1 1 239} {-4 1 515}] = 1/1
tan [{12 1 18} {8 1 57} {-5 1 239}] = 1/1
tan [{16 1 21} {3 1 239} {4 3 1042}] = 1/1
tan [{22 1 28} {2 1 443} {-5 1 1393} {-10 1 11018}] = 1/1
tan [{22 1 38} {17 7 601} {10 7 8149}] = 1/1
tan [{44 1 57} {7 1 239} {-12 1 682} {24 1 12943}] = 1/1
tan [{88 1 172} {51 1 239} {32 1 682} {44 1 5357} {68 1 12943}] = 1/1
tan [{88 1 172} {51 1 239} {32 1 682} {44 1 5357} {68 1 12944}] =
100928801... /


<lang haskell>import Data.Ratio import Data.List (foldl')

tanPlus :: Fractional a => a -> a -> a tanPlus a b = (a + b) / (1 - a * b)

tanEval :: (Integral a, Fractional b) => (a, b) -> b tanEval (0,_) = 0 tanEval (coef,f) | coef < 0 = -tanEval (-coef, f) | odd coef = tanPlus f $ tanEval (coef - 1, f) | otherwise = tanPlus a a where a = tanEval (coef `div` 2, f)

tans :: (Integral a, Fractional b) => [(a, b)] -> b tans = foldl' tanPlus 0 . map tanEval

machins = [ [(1, 1%2), (1, 1%3)], [(2, 1%3), (1, 1%7)], [(12, 1%18), (8, 1%57), (-5, 1%239)], [(88, 1%172), (51, 1%239), (32 , 1%682), (44, 1%5357), (68, 1%12943)]]

not_machin = [(88, 1%172), (51, 1%239), (32 , 1%682), (44, 1%5357), (68, 1%12944)]

main = do putStrLn "Machins:" mapM_ (\x -> putStrLn $ show (tans x) ++ " <-- " ++ show x) machins

putStr "\nnot Machin: "; print not_machin print (tans not_machin)</lang>

A crazier way to do the above, exploiting the built-in exponentiation algorithms: <lang haskell>import Data.Ratio

-- Private type. Do not use outside of the tans function newtype Tan a = Tan a deriving (Eq, Show) instance Fractional a => Num (Tan a) where

 _ + _ = undefined
 Tan a * Tan b = Tan $ (a + b) / (1 - a * b)
 negate _ = undefined
 abs _ = undefined
 signum _ = undefined
 fromInteger 1 = Tan 0 -- identity for the (*) above
 fromInteger _ = undefined

instance Fractional a => Fractional (Tan a) where

 fromRational _ = undefined
 recip (Tan f) = Tan (-f) -- inverse for the (*) above

tans :: (Integral a, Fractional b) => [(a, b)] -> b tans xs = x where

 Tan x = product [Tan f ^^ coef | (coef,f) <- xs]

machins = [ [(1, 1%2), (1, 1%3)], [(2, 1%3), (1, 1%7)], [(12, 1%18), (8, 1%57), (-5, 1%239)], [(88, 1%172), (51, 1%239), (32 , 1%682), (44, 1%5357), (68, 1%12943)]]

not_machin = [(88, 1%172), (51, 1%239), (32 , 1%682), (44, 1%5357), (68, 1%12944)]

main = do putStrLn "Machins:" mapM_ (\x -> putStrLn $ show (tans x) ++ " <-- " ++ show x) machins

putStr "\nnot Machin: "; print not_machin print (tans not_machin)</lang>


Solution:<lang j> machin =: 1r4p1 = [: +/ ({. * _3 o. %/@:}.)"1@:x:</lang> Example (test cases from task description):<lang j> R =: <@:(0&".);._2 ];._2 noun define   1  1     2   1  1     3

  2  1     3   1  1     7

  4  1     5  _1  1   239

  5  1     7   2  3    79

  5 29   278   7  3    79

  1  1     2   1  1     5   1  1     8

  4  1     5  _1  1    70   1  1    99

  5  1     7   4  1    53   2  1  4443

  6  1     8   2  1    57   1  1   239

  8  1    10  _1  1   239  _4  1   515

 12  1    18   8  1    57  _5  1   239

 16  1    21   3  1   239   4  3  1042

 22  1    28   2  1   443  _5  1  1393 _10  1 11018

 22  1    38  17  7   601  10  7  8149

 44  1    57   7  1   239 _12  1   682  24  1 12943

 88  1   172  51  1   239  32  1   682  44  1  5357  68  1 12943


   machin&> R 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1</lang> Example (counterexample):<lang j>   counterExample=. 12944 (<_1;_1)} >{:R    counterExample  NB. Same as final test case with 12943 incremented to 12944 88 1   172 51 1   239 32 1   682 44 1  5357 68 1 12944    machin counterExample 0</lang> Notes: The function machin compares the results of each formula to π/4 (expressed as 1r4p1 in J's numeric notation). The first example above shows the results of these comparisons for each formula (with 1 for true and 0 for false). In J, arctan is expressed as _3 o. values and the function x: coerces values to extended precision; thereafter J will maintain extended precision throughout its calculations, as long as it can.


<lang>Tan[ArcTan[1/2] + ArcTan[1/3]] == 1 Tan[2 ArcTan[1/3] + ArcTan[1/7]] == 1 Tan[4 ArcTan[1/5] - ArcTan[1/239]] == 1 Tan[5 ArcTan[1/7] + 2 ArcTan[3/79]] == 1 Tan[5 ArcTan[29/278] + 7 ArcTan[3/79]] == 1 Tan[ArcTan[1/2] + ArcTan[1/5] + ArcTan[1/8]] == 1 Tan[4 ArcTan[1/5] - ArcTan[1/70] + ArcTan[1/99]] == 1 Tan[5 ArcTan[1/7] + 4 ArcTan[1/53] + 2 ArcTan[1/4443]] == 1 Tan[6 ArcTan[1/8] + 2 ArcTan[1/57] + ArcTan[1/239]] == 1 Tan[8 ArcTan[1/10] - ArcTan[1/239] - 4 ArcTan[1/515]] == 1 Tan[12 ArcTan[1/18] + 8 ArcTan[1/57] - 5 ArcTan[1/239]] == 1 Tan[16 ArcTan[1/21] + 3 ArcTan[1/239] + 4 ArcTan[3/1042]] == 1 Tan[22 ArcTan[1/28] + 2 ArcTan[1/443] - 5 ArcTan[1/1393] -

  10 ArcTan[1/11018]] == 1

Tan[22 ArcTan[1/38] + 17 ArcTan[7/601] + 10 ArcTan[7/8149]] == 1 Tan[44 ArcTan[1/57] + 7 ArcTan[1/239] - 12 ArcTan[1/682] +

  24 ArcTan[1/12943]] == 1

Tan[88 ArcTan[1/172] + 51 ArcTan[1/239] + 32 ArcTan[1/682] +

  44 ArcTan[1/5357] + 68 ArcTan[1/12943]] == 1

Tan[88 ArcTan[1/172] + 51 ArcTan[1/239] + 32 ArcTan[1/682] +

  44 ArcTan[1/5357] + 68 ArcTan[1/12944]] == 1</lang>


















<lang maxima>trigexpand:true$ is(tan(atan(1/2)+atan(1/3))=1); is(tan(2*atan(1/3)+atan(1/7))=1); is(tan(4*atan(1/5)-atan(1/239))=1); is(tan(5*atan(1/7)+2*atan(3/79))=1); is(tan(5*atan(29/278)+7*atan(3/79))=1); is(tan(atan(1/2)+atan(1/5)+atan(1/8))=1); is(tan(4*atan(1/5)-atan(1/70)+atan(1/99))=1); is(tan(5*atan(1/7)+4*atan(1/53)+2*atan(1/4443))=1); is(tan(6*atan(1/8)+2*atan(1/57)+atan(1/239))=1); is(tan(8*atan(1/10)-atan(1/239)-4*atan(1/515))=1); is(tan(12*atan(1/18)+8*atan(1/57)-5*atan(1/239))=1); is(tan(16*atan(1/21)+3*atan(1/239)+4*atan(3/1042))=1); is(tan(22*atan(1/28)+2*atan(1/443)-5*atan(1/1393)-10*atan(1/11018))=1); is(tan(22*atan(1/38)+17*atan(7/601)+10*atan(7/8149))=1); is(tan(44*atan(1/57)+7*atan(1/239)-12*atan(1/682)+24*atan(1/12943))=1); is(tan(88*atan(1/172)+51*atan(1/239)+32*atan(1/682)+44*atan(1/5357)+68*atan(1/12943))=1); is(tan(88*atan(1/172)+51*atan(1/239)+32*atan(1/682)+44*atan(1/5357)+68*atan(1/12944))=1);</lang>

(%o2)                                true
(%o3)                                true
(%o4)                                true
(%o5)                                true
(%o6)                                true
(%o7)                                true
(%o8)                                true
(%o9)                                true
(%o10)                               true
(%o11)                               true
(%o12)                               true
(%o13)                               true
(%o14)                               true
(%o15)                               true
(%o16)                               true
(%o17)                               true
(%o18)                               false


<lang ocaml>open Num;; (* use exact rationals for results *)

let tadd p q = (p +/ q) // ((Int 1) -/ (p */ q)) in

(* tan(n*arctan(a/b)) *) let rec tan_expr (n,a,b) =

 if n = 1 then (Int a)//(Int b) else
 if n = -1 then (Int (-a))//(Int b) else
   let m = n/2 in
   let tm = tan_expr (m,a,b) in
   let m2 = tadd tm tm and k = n-m-m in
   if k = 0 then m2 else tadd (tan_expr (k,a,b)) m2 in

let verify (k, tlist) =

 Printf.printf "Testing: pi/%d = " k;
 let t_str = (fun (x,y,z) -> Printf.sprintf "%d*atan(%d/%d)" x y z) tlist in
 print_endline (String.concat " + " t_str);
 let ans_terms = tan_expr tlist in
 let answer = List.fold_left tadd (Int 0) ans_terms in
 Printf.printf "  tan(RHS) is %s\n" (if answer = (Int 1) then "one" else "not one") in

(* example: prog 4 5 29 278 7 3 79 represents pi/4 = 5*atan(29/278) + 7*atan(3/79) *) let args = Sys.argv in let nargs = Array.length args in let v k = int_of_string args.(k) in let rec triples n =

 if n+2 > nargs-1 then []
 else (v n, v (n+1), v (n+2)) :: triples (n+3) in

if nargs > 4 then let dat = (v 1, triples 2) in verify dat else List.iter verify [



Compile with

ocamlopt -o verify_machin.opt nums.cmxa

or run with

ocaml nums.cma
Testing: pi/4 = 1*atan(1/2) + 1*atan(1/3)
  tan(RHS) is one
Testing: pi/4 = 2*atan(1/3) + 1*atan(1/7)
  tan(RHS) is one
Testing: pi/4 = 4*atan(1/5) + -1*atan(1/239)
  tan(RHS) is one
Testing: pi/4 = 5*atan(1/7) + 2*atan(3/79)
  tan(RHS) is one
Testing: pi/4 = 5*atan(29/278) + 7*atan(3/79)
  tan(RHS) is one
Testing: pi/4 = 1*atan(1/2) + 1*atan(1/5) + 1*atan(1/8)
  tan(RHS) is one
Testing: pi/4 = 4*atan(1/5) + -1*atan(1/70) + 1*atan(1/99)
  tan(RHS) is one
Testing: pi/4 = 5*atan(1/7) + 4*atan(1/53) + 2*atan(1/4443)
  tan(RHS) is one
Testing: pi/4 = 6*atan(1/8) + 2*atan(1/57) + 1*atan(1/239)
  tan(RHS) is one
Testing: pi/4 = 8*atan(1/10) + -1*atan(1/239) + -4*atan(1/515)
  tan(RHS) is one
Testing: pi/4 = 12*atan(1/18) + 8*atan(1/57) + -5*atan(1/239)
  tan(RHS) is one
Testing: pi/4 = 16*atan(1/21) + 3*atan(1/239) + 4*atan(3/1042)
  tan(RHS) is one
Testing: pi/4 = 22*atan(1/28) + 2*atan(1/443) + -5*atan(1/1393) + -10*atan(1/11018)
  tan(RHS) is one
Testing: pi/4 = 22*atan(1/38) + 17*atan(7/601) + 10*atan(7/8149)
  tan(RHS) is one
Testing: pi/4 = 44*atan(1/57) + 7*atan(1/239) + -12*atan(1/682) + 24*atan(1/12943)
  tan(RHS) is one
Testing: pi/4 = 88*atan(1/172) + 51*atan(1/239) + 32*atan(1/682) + 44*atan(1/5357) + 68*atan(1/12943)
  tan(RHS) is one
Testing: pi/4 = 88*atan(1/172) + 51*atan(1/239) + 32*atan(1/682) + 44*atan(1/5357) + 68*atan(1/12944)
  tan(RHS) is not one

Perl 6

Translation of: maxima

<lang Perl6>use Test; plan *;

is tan(atan(1/2)+atan(1/3)), 1; is tan(2*atan(1/3)+atan(1/7)), 1; is tan(4*atan(1/5)-atan(1/239)), 1; is tan(5*atan(1/7)+2*atan(3/79)), 1; is tan(5*atan(29/278)+7*atan(3/79)), 1; is tan(atan(1/2)+atan(1/5)+atan(1/8)), 1; is tan(4*atan(1/5)-atan(1/70)+atan(1/99)), 1; is tan(5*atan(1/7)+4*atan(1/53)+2*atan(1/4443)), 1; is tan(6*atan(1/8)+2*atan(1/57)+atan(1/239)), 1; is tan(8*atan(1/10)-atan(1/239)-4*atan(1/515)), 1; is tan(12*atan(1/18)+8*atan(1/57)-5*atan(1/239)), 1; is tan(16*atan(1/21)+3*atan(1/239)+4*atan(3/1042)), 1; is tan(22*atan(1/28)+2*atan(1/443)-5*atan(1/1393)-10*atan(1/11018)), 1; is tan(22*atan(1/38)+17*atan(7/601)+10*atan(7/8149)), 1; is tan(44*atan(1/57)+7*atan(1/239)-12*atan(1/682)+24*atan(1/12943)), 1; is tan(88*atan(1/172)+51*atan(1/239)+32*atan(1/682)+44*atan(1/5357)+68*atan(1/12943)), 1; is tan(88*atan(1/172)+51*atan(1/239)+32*atan(1/682)+44*atan(1/5357)+68*atan(1/12944)), 1; </lang>

ok 1 - 
ok 2 - 
ok 3 - 
ok 4 - 
ok 5 - 
ok 6 - 
ok 7 - 
ok 8 - 
ok 9 - 
ok 10 - 
ok 11 - 
ok 12 - 
ok 13 - 
ok 14 - 
ok 15 - 
ok 16 - 
not ok 17 - 
#      got: '0.999999188225744'
# expected: '1'


This example parses the original equations to form an intermediate representation then does the checks.
Function tans and tanEval are translations of the Haskel functions of the same names. <lang python>import re from fractions import Fraction from pprint import pprint as pp

equationtext = \

 pi/4 = arctan(1/2) + arctan(1/3) 
 pi/4 = 2*arctan(1/3) + arctan(1/7)
 pi/4 = 4*arctan(1/5) - arctan(1/239)
 pi/4 = 5*arctan(1/7) + 2*arctan(3/79)
 pi/4 = 5*arctan(29/278) + 7*arctan(3/79)
 pi/4 = arctan(1/2) + arctan(1/5) + arctan(1/8) 
 pi/4 = 4*arctan(1/5) - arctan(1/70) + arctan(1/99) 
 pi/4 = 5*arctan(1/7) + 4*arctan(1/53) + 2*arctan(1/4443)
 pi/4 = 6*arctan(1/8) + 2*arctan(1/57) + arctan(1/239)
 pi/4 = 8*arctan(1/10) - arctan(1/239) - 4*arctan(1/515)
 pi/4 = 12*arctan(1/18) + 8*arctan(1/57) - 5*arctan(1/239)
 pi/4 = 16*arctan(1/21) + 3*arctan(1/239) + 4*arctan(3/1042)
 pi/4 = 22*arctan(1/28) + 2*arctan(1/443) - 5*arctan(1/1393) - 10*arctan(1/11018)
 pi/4 = 22*arctan(1/38) + 17*arctan(7/601) + 10*arctan(7/8149)
 pi/4 = 44*arctan(1/57) + 7*arctan(1/239) - 12*arctan(1/682) + 24*arctan(1/12943)
 pi/4 = 88*arctan(1/172) + 51*arctan(1/239) + 32*arctan(1/682) + 44*arctan(1/5357) + 68*arctan(1/12943)
 pi/4 = 88*arctan(1/172) + 51*arctan(1/239) + 32*arctan(1/682) + 44*arctan(1/5357) + 68*arctan(1/12944)

def parse_eqn(equationtext=equationtext):

   eqn_re = re.compile(r"""(?mx)
   (?P<lhs> ^ \s* pi/4 \s* = \s*)?             # LHS of equation
   (?:                                         # RHS
       \s* (?P<sign> [+-])? \s* 
       (?: (?P<mult> \d+) \s* \*)? 
       \s* arctan\( (?P<numer> \d+) / (?P<denom> \d+)
   found = eqn_re.findall(equationtext)
   machins, part = [], []
   for lhs, sign, mult, numer, denom in eqn_re.findall(equationtext):
       if lhs and part:
           part = []
       part.append( ( (-1 if sign == '-' else 1) * ( int(mult) if mult else 1),
                      Fraction(int(numer), (int(denom) if denom else 1)) ) )
   return machins

def tans(xs):

   xslen = len(xs)
   if xslen == 1:
       return tanEval(*xs[0])
   aa, bb = xs[:xslen//2], xs[xslen//2:]
   a, b = tans(aa), tans(bb)
   return (a + b) / (1 - a * b)

def tanEval(coef, f):

   if coef == 1:
       return f
   if coef < 0:
       return -tanEval(-coef, f)
   ca = coef // 2
   cb = coef - ca
   a, b = tanEval(ca, f), tanEval(cb, f)
   return (a + b) / (1 - a * b)

if __name__ == '__main__':

   machins = parse_eqn()
   #pp(machins, width=160)
   for machin, eqn in zip(machins, equationtext.split('\n')):
       ans = tans(machin)
       print('%5s: %s' % ( ('OK' if ans == 1 else 'ERROR'), eqn))</lang>
   OK:   pi/4 = arctan(1/2) + arctan(1/3) 
   OK:   pi/4 = 2*arctan(1/3) + arctan(1/7)
   OK:   pi/4 = 4*arctan(1/5) - arctan(1/239)
   OK:   pi/4 = 5*arctan(1/7) + 2*arctan(3/79)
   OK:   pi/4 = 5*arctan(29/278) + 7*arctan(3/79)
   OK:   pi/4 = arctan(1/2) + arctan(1/5) + arctan(1/8) 
   OK:   pi/4 = 4*arctan(1/5) - arctan(1/70) + arctan(1/99) 
   OK:   pi/4 = 5*arctan(1/7) + 4*arctan(1/53) + 2*arctan(1/4443)
   OK:   pi/4 = 6*arctan(1/8) + 2*arctan(1/57) + arctan(1/239)
   OK:   pi/4 = 8*arctan(1/10) - arctan(1/239) - 4*arctan(1/515)
   OK:   pi/4 = 12*arctan(1/18) + 8*arctan(1/57) - 5*arctan(1/239)
   OK:   pi/4 = 16*arctan(1/21) + 3*arctan(1/239) + 4*arctan(3/1042)
   OK:   pi/4 = 22*arctan(1/28) + 2*arctan(1/443) - 5*arctan(1/1393) - 10*arctan(1/11018)
   OK:   pi/4 = 22*arctan(1/38) + 17*arctan(7/601) + 10*arctan(7/8149)
   OK:   pi/4 = 44*arctan(1/57) + 7*arctan(1/239) - 12*arctan(1/682) + 24*arctan(1/12943)
   OK:   pi/4 = 88*arctan(1/172) + 51*arctan(1/239) + 32*arctan(1/682) + 44*arctan(1/5357) + 68*arctan(1/12943)
ERROR:   pi/4 = 88*arctan(1/172) + 51*arctan(1/239) + 32*arctan(1/682) + 44*arctan(1/5357) + 68*arctan(1/12944)

Note: the Kodos tool was used in developing the regular expression.


<lang tcl>package require Tcl 8.5

  1. Compute tan(atan(p)+atan(q)) using rationals

proc tadd {p q} {

   lassign $p pp pq
   lassign $q qp qq
   set topp [expr {$pp*$qq + $qp*$pq}]
   set topq [expr {$pq*$qq}]
   set prodp [expr {$pp*$qp}]
   set prodq [expr {$pq*$qq}]
   set lowp [expr {$prodq - $prodp}]
   set resultp [set gcd1 [expr {$topp * $prodq}]]
   set resultq [set gcd2 [expr {$topq * $lowp}]]
   # Critical! Normalize using the GCD
   while {$gcd2 != 0} {

lassign [list $gcd2 [expr {$gcd1 % $gcd2}]] gcd1 gcd2

   list [expr {$resultp / abs($gcd1)}] [expr {$resultq / abs($gcd1)}]

} proc termTan {n a b} {

   if {$n < 0} {

set n [expr {-$n}] set a [expr {-$a}]

   if {$n == 1} {

return [list $a $b]

   set k [expr {$n - [set m [expr {$n / 2}]]*2}]
   set t2 [termTan $m $a $b]
   set m2 [tadd $t2 $t2]
   if {$k == 0} {

return $m2

   return [tadd [termTan $k $a $b] $m2]

} proc machinTan {terms} {

   set sum {0 1}
   foreach term $terms {

set sum [tadd $sum [termTan {*}$term]]

   return $sum


  1. Assumes that the formula is in the very specific form below!

proc parseFormula {formula} {

   set RE {(-?\s*\d*\s*\*?)\s*arctan\s*\(\s*(-?\s*\d+)\s*/\s*(-?\s*\d+)\s*\)}
   set nospace {" " "" "*" ""}
   foreach {all n a b} [regexp -inline -all $RE $formula] {

if {![regexp {\d} $n]} {append n 1} lappend result [list [string map $nospace $n] [string map $nospace $a] [string map $nospace $b]]

   return $result


foreach formula {

   "pi/4 = arctan(1/2) + arctan(1/3)"
   "pi/4 = 2*arctan(1/3) + arctan(1/7)"
   "pi/4 = 4*arctan(1/5) - arctan(1/239)"
   "pi/4 = 5*arctan(1/7) + 2*arctan(3/79)"
   "pi/4 = 5*arctan(29/278) + 7*arctan(3/79)"
   "pi/4 = arctan(1/2) + arctan(1/5) + arctan(1/8)"
   "pi/4 = 4*arctan(1/5) - arctan(1/70) + arctan(1/99)"
   "pi/4 = 5*arctan(1/7) + 4*arctan(1/53) + 2*arctan(1/4443)"
   "pi/4 = 6*arctan(1/8) + 2*arctan(1/57) + arctan(1/239)"
   "pi/4 = 8*arctan(1/10) - arctan(1/239) - 4*arctan(1/515)"
   "pi/4 = 12*arctan(1/18) + 8*arctan(1/57) - 5*arctan(1/239)"
   "pi/4 = 16*arctan(1/21) + 3*arctan(1/239) + 4*arctan(3/1042)"
   "pi/4 = 22*arctan(1/28) + 2*arctan(1/443) - 5*arctan(1/1393) - 10*arctan(1/11018)"
   "pi/4 = 22*arctan(1/38) + 17*arctan(7/601) + 10*arctan(7/8149)"
   "pi/4 = 44*arctan(1/57) + 7*arctan(1/239) - 12*arctan(1/682) + 24*arctan(1/12943)"
   "pi/4 = 88*arctan(1/172) + 51*arctan(1/239) + 32*arctan(1/682) + 44*arctan(1/5357) + 68*arctan(1/12943)"
   "pi/4 = 88*arctan(1/172) + 51*arctan(1/239) + 32*arctan(1/682) + 44*arctan(1/5357) + 68*arctan(1/12944)"

} {

   if {[tcl::mathop::== {*}[machinTan [parseFormula $formula]]]} {

puts "Yes! '$formula' is true"

   } else {

puts "No! '$formula' not true"



Yes! 'pi/4 = arctan(1/2) + arctan(1/3)' is true
Yes! 'pi/4 = 2*arctan(1/3) + arctan(1/7)' is true
Yes! 'pi/4 = 4*arctan(1/5) - arctan(1/239)' is true
Yes! 'pi/4 = 5*arctan(1/7) + 2*arctan(3/79)' is true
Yes! 'pi/4 = 5*arctan(29/278) + 7*arctan(3/79)' is true
Yes! 'pi/4 = arctan(1/2) + arctan(1/5) + arctan(1/8)' is true
Yes! 'pi/4 = 4*arctan(1/5) - arctan(1/70) + arctan(1/99)' is true
Yes! 'pi/4 = 5*arctan(1/7) + 4*arctan(1/53) + 2*arctan(1/4443)' is true
Yes! 'pi/4 = 6*arctan(1/8) + 2*arctan(1/57) + arctan(1/239)' is true
Yes! 'pi/4 = 8*arctan(1/10) - arctan(1/239) - 4*arctan(1/515)' is true
Yes! 'pi/4 = 12*arctan(1/18) + 8*arctan(1/57) - 5*arctan(1/239)' is true
Yes! 'pi/4 = 16*arctan(1/21) + 3*arctan(1/239) + 4*arctan(3/1042)' is true
Yes! 'pi/4 = 22*arctan(1/28) + 2*arctan(1/443) - 5*arctan(1/1393) - 10*arctan(1/11018)' is true
Yes! 'pi/4 = 22*arctan(1/38) + 17*arctan(7/601) + 10*arctan(7/8149)' is true
Yes! 'pi/4 = 44*arctan(1/57) + 7*arctan(1/239) - 12*arctan(1/682) + 24*arctan(1/12943)' is true
Yes! 'pi/4 = 88*arctan(1/172) + 51*arctan(1/239) + 32*arctan(1/682) + 44*arctan(1/5357) + 68*arctan(1/12943)' is true
No! 'pi/4 = 88*arctan(1/172) + 51*arctan(1/239) + 32*arctan(1/682) + 44*arctan(1/5357) + 68*arctan(1/12944)' not true


<lang XPL0>code ChOut=8, Text=12; \intrinsic routines int Number(18); \numbers from equations def LF=$0A; \ASCII line feed (end-of-line character)

func Parse(S); \Convert numbers in string S to binary in Number array char S; int I, Neg;

       proc GetNum;    \Get number from string S
       int  N;
       [while S(0)<^0 ! S(0)>^9 do S:= S+1;
       N:= S(0)-^0;  S:= S+1;
       while S(0)>=^0 & S(0)<=^9 do
               [N:= N*10 + S(0) - ^0;  S:= S+1];
       Number(I):= N;  I:= I+1;

[while S(0)#^= do S:= S+1; \skip to "=" I:= 0; loop [Neg:= false; \assume positive term

       loop    [S:= S+1;       \next char
               case S(0) of
                 LF:   [Number(I):= 0;  return S+1];   \mark end of array
                 ^-:   Neg:= true;                     \term is negative
                 ^a:   [Number(I):= 1;  I:= I+1; quit] \no coefficient so use 1
               other if S(0)>=^0 & S(0)<=^9 then       \if digit
                       [S:= S-1;  GetNum;  quit];      \backup and get number
       GetNum;                                         \numerator
       if Neg then Number(I-1):= -Number(I-1);         \tan(-a) = -tan(a)
       GetNum;                                         \denominator


func GCD(U, V); \Return the greatest common divisor of U and V int U, V; int T; [while V do \Euclid's method

   [T:= U;  U:= V;  V:= rem(T/V)];

return abs(U); ];

proc Verify; \Verify that tangent of equation = 1 (i.e: E = F) int E, F, I, J;

   proc Machin(A, B, C, D);
   int  A, B, C, D;
   int  Div;
   \tan(a+b) = (tan(a) + tan(b)) / (1 - tan(a)*tan(b))
   \tan(arctan(A/B) + arctan(C/D))
   \   = (tan(arctan(A/B)) + tan(arctan(C/D))) / (1 - tan(arctan(A/B))*tan(arctan(C/D)))
   \   = (A/B + C/D) / (1 - A/B*C/D)
   \   = (A*D/B*D + B*C/B*D) / (B*D/B*D - A*C/B*D)
   \   = (A*D + B*C) / (B*D - A*C)
   [E:= A*D + B*C;  F:= B*D - A*C;
   Div:= GCD(E, F);    \keep integers from getting too big
   E:= E/Div;  F:= F/Div;

[E:= 0; F:= 1; I:= 0; while Number(I) do

   [for J:= 1 to Number(I) do
       Machin(E, F, Number(I+1), Number(I+2));
   I:= I+3;

Text(0, if E=F then "Yes " else "No "); ];

char S, SS; int I; [S:= "pi/4 = arctan(1/2) + arctan(1/3) pi/4 = 2*arctan(1/3) + arctan(1/7) pi/4 = 4*arctan(1/5) - arctan(1/239) pi/4 = 5*arctan(1/7) + 2*arctan(3/79) pi/4 = 5*arctan(29/278) + 7*arctan(3/79) pi/4 = arctan(1/2) + arctan(1/5) + arctan(1/8) pi/4 = 4*arctan(1/5) - arctan(1/70) + arctan(1/99) pi/4 = 5*arctan(1/7) + 4*arctan(1/53) + 2*arctan(1/4443) pi/4 = 6*arctan(1/8) + 2*arctan(1/57) + arctan(1/239) pi/4 = 8*arctan(1/10) - arctan(1/239) - 4*arctan(1/515) pi/4 = 12*arctan(1/18) + 8*arctan(1/57) - 5*arctan(1/239) pi/4 = 16*arctan(1/21) + 3*arctan(1/239) + 4*arctan(3/1042) pi/4 = 22*arctan(1/28) + 2*arctan(1/443) - 5*arctan(1/1393) - 10*arctan(1/11018) pi/4 = 22*arctan(1/38) + 17*arctan(7/601) + 10*arctan(7/8149) pi/4 = 44*arctan(1/57) + 7*arctan(1/239) - 12*arctan(1/682) + 24*arctan(1/12943) pi/4 = 88*arctan(1/172) + 51*arctan(1/239) + 32*arctan(1/682) + 44*arctan(1/5357) + 68*arctan(1/12943) pi/4 = 88*arctan(1/172) + 51*arctan(1/239) + 32*arctan(1/682) + 44*arctan(1/5357) + 68*arctan(1/12944)

";                             \Python version of equations (thanks!)

for I:= 1 to 17 do

       [SS:= S;                \save start of string line
       S:= Parse(S);           \returns start of next line
       Verify;                 \correct Machin equation? Yes or No
       repeat ChOut(0, SS(0)); SS:= SS+1 until SS(0)=LF;  ChOut(0, LF); \show equation


Yes  pi/4 = arctan(1/2) + arctan(1/3) 
Yes  pi/4 = 2*arctan(1/3) + arctan(1/7)
Yes  pi/4 = 4*arctan(1/5) - arctan(1/239)
Yes  pi/4 = 5*arctan(1/7) + 2*arctan(3/79)
Yes  pi/4 = 5*arctan(29/278) + 7*arctan(3/79)
Yes  pi/4 = arctan(1/2) + arctan(1/5) + arctan(1/8) 
Yes  pi/4 = 4*arctan(1/5) - arctan(1/70) + arctan(1/99) 
Yes  pi/4 = 5*arctan(1/7) + 4*arctan(1/53) + 2*arctan(1/4443)
Yes  pi/4 = 6*arctan(1/8) + 2*arctan(1/57) + arctan(1/239)
Yes  pi/4 = 8*arctan(1/10) - arctan(1/239) - 4*arctan(1/515)
Yes  pi/4 = 12*arctan(1/18) + 8*arctan(1/57) - 5*arctan(1/239)
Yes  pi/4 = 16*arctan(1/21) + 3*arctan(1/239) + 4*arctan(3/1042)
Yes  pi/4 = 22*arctan(1/28) + 2*arctan(1/443) - 5*arctan(1/1393) - 10*arctan(1/11018)
Yes  pi/4 = 22*arctan(1/38) + 17*arctan(7/601) + 10*arctan(7/8149)
Yes  pi/4 = 44*arctan(1/57) + 7*arctan(1/239) - 12*arctan(1/682) + 24*arctan(1/12943)
Yes  pi/4 = 88*arctan(1/172) + 51*arctan(1/239) + 32*arctan(1/682) + 44*arctan(1/5357) + 68*arctan(1/12943)
No   pi/4 = 88*arctan(1/172) + 51*arctan(1/239) + 32*arctan(1/682) + 44*arctan(1/5357) + 68*arctan(1/12944)