Category talk:Wren-sort

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Source code

<lang ecmascript>/* Module "sort.wren" */ import "./trait" for Comparable


  Cmp provides standard comparison methods for use with the Sort and Find classes.
  All comparison methods return a function, which take two parameters p1 & p2 say and
  returns -1, 0, or +1 depending on whether p1 < p2, p1 == p2 or p1 > p2 respectively.
  • /

class Cmp {

   static bool     { { |b1, b2| (b1 == b2) ? 0 : (b1) ? 1 : -1 } }  // false < true
   static boolDesc { { |b1, b2| (b1 == b2) ? 0 : (b1) ? -1 : 1 } }  // false > true
   static num      { { |n1, n2| (n1-n2).sign } } // numerical order
   static numDesc  { { |n1, n2| (n2-n1).sign } } // reverse numerical order
   // For other objects which define the comparison operators.
   static comparable     { { |c1, c2| (c1 == c2) ? 0 : (c1 < c2) ? -1 :  1 } }
   static comparableDesc { { |c1, c2| (c1 == c2) ? 0 : (c1 < c2) ?  1 : -1 } }
   // Lexicographical order of codepoints.
   static string {
       return { |s1, s2|
           if (s1 == s2) return 0
           var cp1 = s1.codePoints.toList
           var cp2 = s2.codePoints.toList
           var len = (cp1.count <= cp2.count) ? cp1.count : cp2.count
           for (i in 0...len) {
               if (cp1[i] < cp2[i]) return -1
               if (cp1[i] > cp2[i]) return 1
           return (cp1.count < cp2.count) ? -1 : 1
   // Reverse lexicographical order of codepoints.
   static stringDesc { { |s1, s2|, s2) } }
   // Private helper function to enable case insensitivity.
   static lower_(s) {
       if (s == "") return s
       var cps = s.codePoints.toList
       for (i in 0...cps.count) {
           var c = cps[i]
           if (c >= 65 && c <= 90) cps[i] = c + 32
       return cps.reduce("") { |acc, c| acc + String.fromCodePoint(c) }
   // As 'string' or 'stringDesc' but ignoring case.
   static insensitive     { { |s1, s2|, lower_(s2))     } }
   static insensitiveDesc { { |s1, s2|, lower_(s2)) } }
   // As 'string' or 'stringDesc' using the object's string representation.
   static general     { { |g1, g2|, g2.toString)       } }
   static generalDesc { { |g1, g2|, g2.toString)   } }
   // Provides a default comparison function depending on the type of 'v'.
   static default(v) {
       return (v is Num)        ? Cmp.num        :
              (v is String)     ? Cmp.string     :
              (v is Bool)       ? Cmp.bool       :
              (v is Comparable) ? Cmp.comparable : Cmp.general
   // Provides a default descending comparison function depending on the type of 'v'.
   static defaultDesc(v) {
       return (v is Num)        ? Cmp.numDesc        :
              (v is String)     ? Cmp.stringDesc     :
              (v is Bool)       ? Cmp.boolDesc       :
              (v is Comparable) ? Cmp.comparableDesc : Cmp.generalDesc



   Sort contains various sorting methods which may be useful in different scenarios.
   As it would be too expensive to check that all elements of a large list are of the
   same type or compatible types, errors are left to emerge naturally.
  • /

class Sort {

   // Private helper function to check that 'a' is a list and throw an error otherwise.
   static isList_(a) { (a is List) ? true : Fiber.abort("Argument must be a list.") }
   // In place quicksort. Unstable.
   static quick(a, s, e, cmp) {
       var c = a.count
       if (c < 2 || s < 0 || s >= c || e <= s || e >= c) return
       if (!e) e = c - 1
       if (cmp == true) cmp = Cmp.defaultDesc(a[0])
       if (!cmp) cmp = Cmp.default(a[0])
       quick_(a, s, e, cmp)
   // Private worker method for quicksort.
   static quick_(a, s, e, cmp) {
       if (e <= s) return
       var p = a[((s+e)/2).floor]
       var l = s
       var r = e
       while (l <= r) {
           while ([l], p) < 0) l = l + 1
           while ([r], p) > 0) r = r - 1
           if (l <= r) {
               var t = a[l]
               a[l] = a[r]
               a[r] = t
               l = l + 1
               r = r - 1
       quick_(a, s, r, cmp)
       quick_(a, l, e, cmp)
   // Out of place merge sort. Stable.
   static merge(m, cmp) {
       var len = m.count
       if (len < 2) return m
       if (cmp == true) cmp = Cmp.defaultDesc(m[0])
       if (!cmp) cmp = Cmp.default(m[0])
       return merge_(m, cmp)
   // Private worker function for merge sort.
   static merge_(m, cmp) {
       var len = m.count
       if (len < 2) return m
       var middle = (len/2).floor
       var left = m[0...middle]
       var right = m[middle..-1]
       left = merge_(left, cmp)
       right = merge_(right, cmp)
       if ([-1], right[0]) <= 0) {
           return left
       var result = []
       while (left.count > 0 && right.count > 0) {
           if ([0], right[0]) <= 0) {
               left = left[1..-1]
           } else {
               right = right[1..-1]
       if (left.count > 0) result.addAll(left)
       if (right.count > 0) result.addAll(right)
       return result
   // In place heap sort. Unstable.
   static heap(a, cmp) {
       var count = a.count
       if (count < 2) return
       if (cmp == true) cmp = Cmp.defaultDesc(a[0])
       if (!cmp) cmp = Cmp.default(a[0])
       var start = ((count - 2)/2).floor
       while (start >= 0) {
           siftDown_(a, start, count - 1, cmp)
           start = start - 1
       var end = count - 1
       while (end > 0) {
           var t = a[end]
           a[end] = a[0]
           a[0] = t
           end = end - 1
           siftDown_(a, 0, end, cmp)
   // Private helper function for heap sort.
   static siftDown_(a, start, end, cmp) {
       var root = start
       while (root*2 + 1 <= end) {
           var child = root*2 + 1
           if (child + 1 <= end &&[child], a[child+1]) < 0) child = child + 1
           if ([root], a[child]) < 0) {
               var t = a[root]
               a[root] = a[child]
               a[child] = t
               root = child
           } else {
   // In place insertion sort. Stable.
   static insertion(a, cmp) {
       var c = a.count
       if (c < 2) return
       if (cmp == true) cmp = Cmp.defaultDesc(a[0])
       if (!cmp) cmp = Cmp.default(a[0])
       for (i in 1..c-1) {
           var v = a[i]
           var j = i - 1
           while (j >= 0 &&[j], v) > 0) {
               a[j+1] = a[j]
               j = j - 1
           a[j+1] = v
   // In place selection sort. Unstable.
   static selection(a, cmp) {
       var c = a.count
       if (c < 2) return
       if (cmp == true) cmp = Cmp.defaultDesc(a[0])
       if (!cmp) cmp = Cmp.default(a[0])
       var last = c - 1
       for (i in 0...last) {
           var iMin = i
           for (j in i+1..last) {
               if ([j], a[iMin]) < 0) iMin = j
           if (iMin != i) {
               var t = a[i]
               a[i] = a[iMin]
               a[iMin] = t
   // In place shell sort. Unstable.
   static shell(a, cmp) {
       var n = a.count
       if (n < 2) return
       if (cmp == true) cmp = Cmp.defaultDesc(a[0])
       if (!cmp) cmp = Cmp.default(a[0])
       var gaps = [701, 301, 132, 57, 23, 10, 4, 1]
       for (gap in gaps) {
           if (gap < n) {
               for (i in gap...n) {
                   var t = a[i]
                   var j = i
                   while (j >= gap &&[j-gap], t) > 0) {
                       a[j] = a[j - gap]
                       j = j - gap
                   a[j] = t
   // Convenience methods which sort the whole of a list using a particular sorting
   // method with default parameters. 'false' indicates a default ascending sort.
   static quick(a)     { quick(a, 0, a.count-1, false) }
   static merge(a)     { merge(a, false)               }
   static heap(a)      { heap(a, false)                }
   static insertion(a) { insertion(a, false)           }
   static selection(a) { selection(a, false)           }
   static shell(a)     { shell(a, false)               }
   // As above but sort in descending order.
   static quickDesc(a)     { quick(a, 0, a.count-1, true) }
   static mergeDesc(a)     { merge(a, true)               }
   static heapDesc(a)      { heap(a, true)                }
   static insertionDesc(a) { insertion(a, true)           }
   static selectionDesc(a) { selection(a, true)           }
   static shellDesc(a)     { shell(a, true)               }
   // Convenience methods which sort the whole of a list of strings ignoring case
   // using quicksort with the appropriate comparison function.
   static insensitive(a)     { quick(a, 0, a.count-1, Cmp.insensitive)     }
   static insensitiveDesc(a) { quick(a, 0, a.count-1, Cmp.insensitiveDesc) }
   // Checks whether a list is already sorted.
   static isSorted(a, cmp) {
       var c = a.count
       if (c < 2) return true
       if (cmp == true) cmp = Cmp.defaultDesc(a[0])
       if (!cmp) cmp = Cmp.default(a[0])
       for (i in 1...c) {
           if ([i-1], a[i]) > 0) return false
       return true
   // Convenience versions of the above.
   static isSorted(a)     { isSorted(a, false) }
   static isSortedDesc(a) { isSorted(a, true)  }
   // Reverses a list in place.
   static reverse(a) {
       var c = a.count
       if (c < 2) return
       var i = 0
       var j = a.count - 1
       while (i < j) {
           var t = a[i]
           a[i] = a[j]
           a[j] = t
           i = i + 1
           j = j - 1



   Find contains methods to search for values in lists where a comparison function is needed.
   As it would be too expensive to check that all elements of a large list are of the same
   or compatible types and are already sorted, errors are left to emerge naturally.
  • /

class Find {

   // Searches a sorted list for all instances of a particular value
   // using the binary search algorithm and the comparison function
   // by which it was (hopefully) sorted in the first place.
   // Returns a list of three items:
   // The first item is a Bool indicating whether the value was found.
   // The second item is the number of times the value was found.
   // The third item is the range of indices at which the value was found or, if not found,
   // the index at which it would need to be inserted.
   static all(a, value, cmp) {
       var count = a.count
       if (count == 0) return [false, 0, 0..0]
       if (cmp == true) cmp = Cmp.defaultDesc(a[0])
       if (!cmp) cmp = Cmp.default(a[0])
       var low = 0
       var high = count - 1
       while (low <= high) {
           var mid = ((low + high)/2).floor
           if ([mid], value) >= 0) {
               high = mid - 1
           } else {
               low = mid + 1
       var found = (low < count && a[low] == value)
       if (!found) return [false, 0, low..low]
       if (low == a.count - 1) return [true, 1, low..low]
       var last = low + 1
       while (last < a.count) {
           if (a[last] != value) break
           last = last + 1
       return [true, last-low, low..last-1]
   // Works similarly to 'all' but only returns the index of the first match
   // or -1 if there were no matches at all.
   static first(a, value, cmp) {
       var t = all(a, value, cmp)
       return (t[1] > 0) ? t[2].from : -1
   // Works similarly to 'all' but only returns the index of the last match
   // or -1 if there were no matches at all.
   static last(a, value, cmp) {
       var t = all(a, value, cmp)
       return (t[1] > 0) ? t[2].to : -1
   // Finds the lowest value in an unsorted list according to 'cmp' but without sorting.
   // Returns a list of three items:
   // The first item is the lowest value.
   // The second item is the number of times the lowest value was found.
   // The third item is a list of indices at which the lowest value was found.
   static lowest(a, cmp) {
       var count = a.count
       if (count == 0) Fiber.abort("An empty list does not have a lowest element.")
       if (count == 1) return [a[0], 1, [0]]
       if (cmp == true) cmp = Cmp.defaultDesc(a[0])
       if (!cmp) cmp = Cmp.default(a[0])
       var min = a[0]
       var iMin = [0]
       for (i in 1...count) {
           var m =[i], min)
           if (m < 0) {
               min = a[i]
               iMin = [i]
           } else if (m == 0) {
       return [min, iMin.count, iMin]
   // As 'lowest' but finds the highest value of the list according to 'cmp'
   static highest(a, cmp) {
       var count = a.count
       if (count == 0) Fiber.abort("An empty list does not have a lowest element.")
       if (count == 1) return [a[0], 1, [0]]
       if (cmp == true) cmp = Cmp.defaultDesc(a[0])
       if (!cmp) cmp = Cmp.default(a[0])
       var max = a[0]
       var iMax = [0]
       for (i in 1...count) {
           var m =[i], max)
           if (m > 0) {
               max = a[i]
               iMax = [i]
           } else if (m == 0) {
       return [max, iMax.count, iMax]
   // Private helper function for 'quick' method.
   static partition_(a, left, right, pivotIndex, cmp) {
       var pivotValue = a[pivotIndex]
       a[pivotIndex] = a[right]
       a[right] = pivotValue
       var storeIndex = left
       var i = left
       while (i < right) {
           if ([i], pivotValue) < 0) {
               var t = a[storeIndex]
               a[storeIndex] = a[i]
               a[i] = t
               storeIndex = storeIndex + 1
           i = i + 1
       var temp = a[right]
       a[right] = a[storeIndex]
       a[storeIndex] = temp
       return storeIndex
   // Finds the 'k'th smallest element of an unsorted list according to 'cmp' 
   // using the 'quickselect' algorithm. 'k' is zero based.
   static quick(a, k, cmp) {
       if (k.type != Num || !k.isInteger || k < 0) {
           Fiber.abort("'k' must be a non-negative integer")
       var count = a.count
       if (count <= k) Fiber.abort("The list is too small.")
       if (count == 1) return a[0]
       if (cmp == true) cmp = Cmp.defaultDesc(a[0])
       if (!cmp) cmp = Cmp.default(a[0])
       var left = 0
       var right = count - 1
       while (true) {
           if (left == right) return a[left]
           var pivotIndex = ((left + right)/2).floor
           pivotIndex = partition_(a, left, right, pivotIndex, cmp)
           if (k == pivotIndex) {
               return a[k]
           } else if (k < pivotIndex) {
               right = pivotIndex - 1
           } else {
               left = pivotIndex + 1
   // Convenience versions of the above which use default values for the 'cmp' parameter.
   static all(a, value)   { all(a, value, false)   }
   static first(a, value) { first(a, value, false) }
   static last(a, value)  { last(a, value, false)  }
   static lowest(a)       { lowest(a, false)       }
   static highest(a)      { highest(a, false)      }
   static quick(a, k)     { quick(a, k, false)     }
   // Finds the median element(s) of a sorted list.
   // Returns a list of three items:
   // The first item is a list of the median element(s).
   // The second item is the number of median element(s).
   // The third item is the range of indices at which the median element(s) occur.
   static median(a) {
       var c = a.count
       if (c == 0) Fiber.abort("An empty list does not have a median element.")
       var hc = (c/2).floor
       return (c%2 == 1) ? [[a[hc]], 1, hc..hc] : [[a[hc-1], a[hc]], 2, hc-1..hc]
